The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 29, 1893, Image 1

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    . 7
el)c Dnllco
0h VI.
dalles Daily Chronicle.
kiintiM ny." '
-ad .ul W.Wi.Rton Htroou, The
NO. 00.
T.rin ofHubacrlptloli e"1"
It copT
lid hound.
AtW lH'irwu:oor.
I.,hMi. 9 J 1 A w
'"'I'""" -
H.'"- .. . - ...
i-env Him carry punnuimuri. iubvu
t its'"
. "
ji, vlii. Hake Ovou, leave dully
KLw, Mitchell. Canyon City, leave
Eft Klwt'lf'. Wamlo, Wnplnltla, Warm
(JJj TysU Valley, leave dully, except
Rinil.'w-aMi . !" every day of the
ImWltUtlilliy Kt . m.
H Of 411 lUlt'H III fcliu uiini,.
, GurlBtrcttl, IUK ""l"i ""
Ciri & MKNT.KKE AttoKTh - at-Uiii-Hoomi
it mid a, over I'cwt
LhlUlng, Kntrawc cm Wanlilinrton Street
, ice tn fvchniiuo h tjiilld t lift . up atalr. The
5ITI-AT-L1W - win, rreaiui iuug-i.tct
K.MUonnl lliuiW. ' 'i Dalle. Oregon,
H WIUWN Attohnbt-at-iaw Kooma
Erencu Co.'n imiik hunaing, riecona
, Tli Italle, OrvRim,
Ik J3lir.lUA IIUH -lH A I ,1,1. M.n.w-.',
mil hUHdeu.'i. CullH answered promptly.
irnlRht.clty or country. Offloe No. 36 awl
liloel:, wu
, 0. 1. DOANK-rtlTMCtAH AND CB-
Uio.i, Oflire, riKimk b mid C Chapman
Kcnldciice. H. K. curlier Court und
kl itrwu, den mil door Irom the corner.
i noun J to A. 51 , J to o ana 7 u r. m.
.1HDA1.L Descrm . - Gu bivou lor the
mIiiIcm extraction of teeth. AUo teeth
limed nlumliiiim Plate. Koornn: Blirnof
fciMen Tooth, Second Btreet,
B'CO l.ODCI., N'O Id. A. K. A A. M.-Mcoti
flint mid third Mouduy o( cucb muuth t 7
IM.I.S T.OYA1, A I'.l lt C HAl'TKU NO. I'..-
piw! in nnmi iinu iiie liuru uuui(iuiiy
Letters of Credit issued available in he
Eastern States.
Transfers sold on Now York, Chicago, St.
Louis, San Francisco, Tortland Oregon,
DiMHio waaii.. hiiu vanouH points in Or
egon and Washington.
uoiiccuons made at all points on fav
orable terms.
First Rational Bank.
A General Banking Business transacted
Deposits received, eubject to Sight
Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceeds promptly
remitted on day of collection.
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
New York, San Francisco and Port
Ib called the "Father of Diseases."
It is caused by n Torpid Liver,
and is generally accompanied with
To treat constipation successfully
D. P. TllOMI'flOK. JjfO. S. BCHENCK,
En. M. Williams, Gko. A. Lieije.
H. M. Be all.
Hational Bank,
President - -Vice-President.
Cashier, - -
- Z. F. Moody Hilton
M. A. Moody
General Banking Business Transacted.
Sight Exchanges Sold on
Collections made on favorable terms
at all accessible points.
OV Till'. WOItl.1).-
KML IliHid tljinn.Nii.W.MfeUTiu'Mliiyev
inch ww;lc in FmteruityHU,ut7::w J.
K.P'W; NO. 6. l.o. O. K,-Meot
hull, f'linw.r k I .., !v
nil.iK brothw re
uvaii, hec'y. II. a. Uiu.H.N. 0.
tM)HI II' LOIK.E, NO. K. ol I'.-JiwU
jvery Miimluy eveiilnp nt 7:M o'doek, In
uohhullilliiK, comer ol Court mid Kwotid
""i"""""!: luviuvKiH lire corulnliy lu
'Vau,K. of It. mid H. L
iKMIIl.Y N'fl aw ir iw i
- i i. i7..i, .r:. m jv.
nt Y....iT . "u """"i "euiie
iv. vi.i.. muuiu ni i ;u p. in
I - luifiii. Aiuire i n v ilea
r""""' it. C. Klkck, Bo
mLW.- . A. 0. U. W.-MeU
v v.v.iitiK. ai
i ... 11. 1IANHKN.
rsM, ritimider. M w
.'V.. J0' 8- 0- It.-MetU
"wiilig tu Uio K. of V. Hull.
.f Li Y. DIVISION. No. 1B7-MouU1h
fi:. ' "J.1" tllu llrt thlnl WoUue-
m.t if8 ,c,lu0U -Kcv. Kuther JJRON.
i in . h.'.r- M" -evory Himday at
"iKh Mwih ut 10:80 A. M. Veapor at
'tliuH fJILJUfJU -Union Htreet, oppoKlto
s n u Hutolltle Hoetor. HurvlocM
itiiK I "l ll.A "sad ' x. Hundny
"a A, M. Kveulnir I'ruvur on Frlduv ut
or lVVHT Ul'WKOlI-Hev. 0. 1).Tay.
. i iimor Morulnx "ervloun every Bab
I "W'Jwny t 11 a. Mi BabliatU
r ,,",' ""Sl after moriiliijf Horviuoii.
I,,. K rlfy evening atl'imtor'a null
l "Orvlco lu the court bouhout
uaml'nPNA1'' UIIUKOH-Kov. V. C.
iid 7 p "rJ 8'vl(jeH every Huuday ut 11
e. Strait' Hul'yioUo)l after morning
j'fauueH cordially invited. HeaU Iret"
Borv0l!lV!.l.V'n,7,Kv,. J. Whihlkk, liaator.
"uiviceN evurvhiinriuv ..w.r.iii...... ii .. ...
'u IN
Mtendvd by both jMiator and puople
li wih, ,r!'"Sla,.,, ,u tll Opngregatloniii
''nuvltJd y ' a p' M' Bro
?A liLi' UTHKKAN-Nluth atreet,
rjr one 1 l P.m. A cordial weloome
BlacksmitU & wagon shod
General Blacksmithing and Work done
promptlv, anu all wore
Horse Shoeing a Speciality
Third StreeL opp. LiebB's old Stand.
Of Don Molnus, Iowa, writes under dute ol
March S3, lb33'
S. B. Med. Mk. Co.,
Dufur, Oregon.
Gentlemen :
On arriving home lust week, I found
nil well and anxiously awaiting. Our
little girl, eight and one-half years old,
who had wasted away to 38 jiounds, ie
now well, strong and vigorous, and well
fleshed up. S. B. Cough Curo Iiuh done
its work well. Both of the children like
it. Your S. B. Cough Cure has cured
and kept uway all hoarseness from me.
So civo it to every one, with greet inge
for all. Wishing you prosperity, we are
Yours, Mil. & Mas. J. F. Fokd.
If youwlab tolevl Ireoh nndcheerful.nndreadj
for the Bprlng'H work, clcaute your kyatein with
thelleudaehe and Uver Cure, by taking two or
three doto each week.
Bold under a poMUvo guarnutev.
60 ceuta per bottle by all druKgUlt.
It is a mild laxative and a tonic to
the digestivo 'rgans. By taking
Simmons Liver Begulator you
promoto digestion, bring oil a reg
ular habit of body and prevent
Biliousness and Indigestion.
"My wife wai sorely distreswl with CoiKtipa
ion and coughing, followed with RIeedins Piles.
After four months use of Simmons Liver Regulator
the li almost entirely relieved, paining strength
and flesh." W. 13. LcnraK, Delaware, Ohio.
Haa onr Z 8 tamp In rrd on irrispper
J. U. ZEIUN & CO., Philadelphia, Pa.
Dally Evcnlnc f'hrnnlele Is rfrotmlzi-d
. us e-if-CIltlnllv the hnmn imwr for thn
llMlhiy rM.Tfn1l'h I 1 1 r y. rrut I. H 1
reputation. Somen UiVl C 2.000 of ottr best
oltlznm watch the columiin of this n n nTTD
dully for the spiciest local newt. It I Mr UlA
succeed In cleaning the field, and hence grows
In popularity and importance. Take It awhile,
juu wuo uou i; iry home oi us premium oners.
"The Relator Line"
The Dales, Portlanfl ani Astoria
Navigation Co.
Freioitt ana Passenger Liae
Through duily service (Sundays ex
cepted) between The Dalles and Port
land. Steamer Regulator leaves The
Dalles at 7 a. in. connecting at Cascade
Ix)ckB with eteamer Dalles City.
Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland
(Yamhill street dock') at 0 a. in. con
necting with steamer Regulator for The
Ono way
Round trip.
. 3.00
Andrew Velarde
IS prepared to do any and all
kinds of work in his lino at
reasonable figures. Has the
largest lionso moving outfit
in Eastern Orogon.
Address P.O.Box 181, The Dalles
fluaie Wrigm Seminary.
Tacoma, ash.
Boarding and Day School
for Girls.
TeutbYear Begins September ,14, 1893.
l'or Untuloguuaiul Admittance, apply to
Mrs, Sarah K, Wtita
Freight Rates Greatly Reduced.
ui.i,.w.,iu for l'.Trtlniui received at
any time day or night. Shipments for
way landings must bo delivered before
5 p. m. hive stock shipments solicted.
Call on or auureiss,
Qenaral Agent.
General Mauager.
J ftla.M at wlioleiale
uanoies anu nuia iutati,
Finest Peanut Roaster In The Dalles
2d Street j.FOLCO
At right bide
Mrn. Oharr'
The St. Charles Hotel,
This old. popular and reliable house
has been entirely refurnished, and every,
room has beon ropapered and repalntpt
and newly carpeted throughout. Ihe
house contains 170 rooms and Is supplied
with every modern convenience. Ratej
,..i.i a nnnii ruatiuiraiit attacliec
X V.OvllHUlVI KUUVI . - -
to the house. Frer bus to and from all
trains. ...
C. W. KNOWI.coi rrvp,
Members of the Hons. Call Each Other
A Crazy Man Looking for Cleveland
Who Wanted the President's
Washington, Sept. 28. The lie passed
nt the opening of the session of the house
this morning between Moreo of Massa
chusetts and 1'ithian of Illinois. Morse
in a brief speech attempted to justify
his course in his filibustering yesterday
Ho charged Fithian with being solely
responsible for the refusal of the house
to permit him to print in the Record
newspaper extracts attacking Pension
Commissioner Lochren. Fithian, reply
ing, said that Morse had endeavored to
induce him (Fithian) to withdraw his
objection to printing by coining to him
and intimating that he (Morse) would,
ns a member of the committee on build
ings and grounds, help Fithian get
through nny public building bill in
which he might be interested.
"That is absolutely fake," shouted
Morse, striding menacingly toward
"If the gentleman from Massachusetts
denies the statement, I have proof that
will satisfy any member'oi the house,
My colleague Goldzier heard the conver
sation," retorted Fithian.
Morse backed against the rail and re
plied meekly : "What the gentleman
says has the color of truth" (laughter),
but the construction he places on it is
unqualifiedly false."
"If the gentleman denies my state
ment," yelled Fithian, shaking his fist
angrily at the Massachusetts man, "he
is wilfully lying himself."
The house was then in an uproar.
The speaker pounded vigorously for
order, declaring both out of order. .This
closed the incident.
A Crnzy Mun Looking fur l'rcslilcnt
Washington, Sept. 2S. Police oflieer
Heller had a violent struggle today with
an insane man who, in some mysterious
manner, got into the White House and
was looking for President Cleveland.
The appearance of the officer probably
saved the president from assault. How
the fellow got iiiEidc the building no one
knows. He was not seen to enter the
front or rear door. He appeared in a
hall on the lower floor as suddenly as
though he had come through the ceiling.
A colored cook, whom he met, he ques
tioned :
"I want to see father."
"Who is father".'" the cook asked him.
"Cleveland, of course," was the res
ponse, t
Just then Policeman Heller appeared
upon the scene and asked what he
wanted. He saw at a glance that the
man was not altogether right.
"Your father is out in the garden,"
ho told the mysterious visitor. "Come
with mo and we will find him." They
immediately started toward tho door,
the intruder thinking that lie was going
to meet the president, hut the oflieer
knew he would laud him at tho watch
box in a few minutes. They appeared
in the little watch box, where Police
man Hible was on duty. Reforo ho
knew what was going on, the prisoner
grabbed Hibl's black-jack from his
Docket, evidently thinking he was gett-
inca nistol. He tried to uso the black
jack on the ollicers, but they grabbed
him, aud tho struggle lasted only a tew
minutes before tho man was over
powered. At the station the man gave
the uamo of Joseph Washington. Ho
refused to tell where ho lived. No ono
at tho station remembers ever having
seen him before When asked what ho
wanted at the White house, ho replied :
"I wanted that chair."
"What chair?"
"The president's chair."
"Don't you think tho president fills it
i T don't." was the reply. "I in
tend to get it by fair moans or foul, give
mo a pistol and I'll show you who will
Ket it quick." Ho will bo held
for examination.
Marrietl HI" Housekeeper.
MiNNKAPOMH, Minn., Sept. 28. Henry
U. Fray, tho millionaire lumberman,
finished a palatial residence a few days
alio, and social circles have been on the
qui vivo of expectancy, owing to a re-
nort that Fray was anout to nrwg nero
as a wife a wealthy Massachusetts girl.
It was truo that Mr. Fray was bent on
matrimony, but tho bride never lived In
New Knglaud. Mr. Fray was quieuy
married yesterday afternoon at tho home
of a friend to Lina Mario Strand, a re
markably pretty Norwegian girl, who
for the past three years has acted as his
housekeeper. It is said Mrs. Fray is a
woman of no ordinary ability and will
make the millionaire connoisseur of pine
nnd hemlock an excellent wife. She
formerly resided nt Kakoato, Minn.,
nnd was born of humble parents in Nor
way 23 years ago.
Another Attempted Hold-Up.
Connei,i.svim.k, Pa.., Sept. 28. It is
reported an attempt was made last night
to hold up an east-bound midnight ex
press on tho Baltimore & Ohio road,
near McKeesport. Tho train carried
over $00,000 in cash. The officials deny
it, but the passengers were greatly ex
cited when it arrived here. They said
the train was suddenly stopped and tho
passengers kept back, while the train
men rushed to the front. It is under
stood the officials got wind of the pro
posed hold-up and sent a heavily armed
train ahead of the express.
The police have discovered an an
nrchist plot to blow up the Austrian
Gladstone's speech was a bitter disap
pointment to the liberals, who expected
the outline of a plan of campaign against
the house of lords.
The work of the British Mexican rail
road has been temporarily suspended.
This road is to run from Jimenez to the
rich mining camp of Sierra Mojada.
A Paris paper announces the discovery
of a second Pompeii. It is said to bean
entire town, consisting of a number of
streets, houses, etc., unearthed in the
promontory of Laurium, in southwest
Attica, Greece.
Wlntecaps are terrorizing the farmers
of southwest Arkansas. Letters posted
in Miller and Lafayette counties warn
the farmers not to gin and sell their
cotton at present prices, else their ma
chinery will be destroyed. Tho farmers
are preparing for any emergency.
A private cable from Rio Janeiro,
from an American source, says that the
forts' ammunition was so reduced they
were compelled to reserve what little
munitions they have to repel the attack
on the forts themselves. The only hope
for Rio is in the intervention of the for
eign warships.
Some scientist lias figured out that
wheat from the time it is threshed will
shrink two quarts to the bushel or 0 per
cent, in six months, even under the
most favorable circumstances. Hence it
follows that 04 cents per bushel when it
is first threshed in August is as good as
tithe following February. Corn shrinks
much more from tho timo it is husked,
100 bushels of ears from the field in Nov
ember being reduced to about 80. So 40
cents per bushel for corn as it comes
from the field is as good as SO cents tho
next March. Potatoes shrink so much
that between October and tho next
spring tlio loss to tno owner wno nouis
them is nearly 20 per cent.
Among the incidents of childhood that
stand out in bold relief, ns our memory
reverts to tlio days when wo were young,
none are more prominent than severo
sickness. Tho young mother vividly re
members that it was tho Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy cured her of croup, and
in turn administers it to her own off
spring and always with tho best results.
For sale by Blakeloy & Houghton.
Strength und Health.
If vou are not feeling strong nnd
healthv, try Electric Bitters. IJ "la
grippe" has loft you weak and wetv"7,
uso Electric Bitters. This remedy acts
directly on liver, stomach and kidneys,
gently aiding tlioso organs to perform
, . t e .9 ni! .i 1 ...!l.
tlieir iunctions. u you aroauucieii wiui
sick headache, you will find speedy nnd
permanent rolief by taking Electric
Bitters. One trial will convince you
that this is tho remedy you need. Largo
bottles only 50c. at Snipes & Kinorsly's
Irug store.
For a lame back or for a pain in thu
side or chest, try saturating a pieco of
of flannel with Ohttinhorlain's Pain Balm
and binding it on to tlio affected parts.
This treatment will curo any ordinary
case in ono or two days. Pain Balm
also uures rheumutisui. 50 cent bottles
for eulo by Blakeloy & Houghton.
Sueio Hyde had her thumb pulled off
while riding in a buggy leading a horse
near Albany.
A mountain lion, measuring 10 feet
7 inches from tip to tip, was recently
captured in the Greenhorn country by
Jack Caviness and Wm. Turner, two
John Brown of Arlington broke hlsr
leg Wednesday by his team running
away while returning with his wheat
wagons, tho wheels of tho trail wagon
running over him.
Geo. E. Bloomer, the defaulting
Jackson county treasurer, has been in
dicted. However, it is thought ho is
safe in a foreign land. A reward of
$500 is offered for his capture.
Dr. McDonald, a leading physician of
La Grande, was taken to Portland on
Monday night's west-bound train, and
will be placed in a hospital there. He
is troubled with softening of the brain.
S. R. Reeves and Dr. Steincamp accom
panied them.
Carl Perham, a br:dge repairer at
work on the bridge of the East Side
Railway Company across the Clackamas
river, was killed Wednesday by getting
in contact with live electric wires. He
was a resident of East Portland, where
his people are.
There came near being a serious fire
in Arlington Monday from spontaneous
combustion. There being a peculiar
odor pervading the wareroom adjoining
the store room of J. W. Smith, investi
gation was made to ascertain the cause.
It was found that a package containing
lampblack was on fire.
The Fifth Industrial exposition opened
in Portland Wednesday. Harold De-
kum Giil, the little grandson of Presi
dent Dekum, pressed an electric button
attached to a temporary post on the
stage, started all the -machinery in the
building whirling, and thus the exposi
tion was "opened." It is estimated
that the attendance for the opening
nlht was between 3,500 and 4,000.
One day last week near Grass Valley,
as a little daughter ot u. b. Williams
went out to the barnyard to turn out
some sheep enclosed in a pen, she found
largo coyote lying down among the
sheep and some chickens that were there.
She immediately ran to the house and
told her mother who came out with an.
axo and forthwith put an end to the
covote's existence. Moro Observer.
Henry Jacquerson, a North Yakima
hotel keeper, has been in Portland sev
eral days with his 7-months-old daugh
ter, looking for his errant wife, who ran
awav with a voting man named Fair
banks. Wednesday tho unfaithful wife
went to the Grand Central hotel, where
her husband was a guest, penitent and
begging to bo taken back. Jacquerson
was only too happy to take back to his
heart tho erring, contrite wife, and they
aro now enjoying their second Honey
moon in tlieir old home, which had been
invaded by a human viper.
Had Taken Ilia Degree.
Demonstrator in Natural Science
"Gontlemon, I hold in my hand three
Voices from Amphitheater "It isn't
under anv of them." Detroit Tribune.
.V Talented Killtor."
DnrliiL- tho romlne months, or tho heated
period, thoo who iiro traveling or eontcmplatlntr
a trip iiwny Irom homo ihoiihl rend tho followliiK
letter from a hrllllant mid well known editor and
provide theum'lvex Kilnst attacks of heiulncho
tlKKTI.KMKN I lllld (X'Ctlston to USD bOVertll
boxes of KniiiHi's llemliioho Ciipsules whllu
traveltiiK to Chlcntio to attend the National Dem
ocratic Convention, They acted like a charm in
preventing hutulauliO!) and dizziness, nave nuu
very little heiulncho i luce my return, which is
remarkaule. Yours respectfully,
Kd. Ueuovo, Pa., Record,
l'or snlo hv lllakolcv it'lloUL'htoii. i'reserliitloii
OriiRulbts, 175 Second St., Tho Dalles. Or.
A (lood Thins tu Keep at Hand.
From tho Troy (Kim.) Chief.
Some years ago wo were vory much
subject to severo spells of cholera mor
bus ; and now.whon wo feol any of the
symptoms that usually precede that ail
ment, such as sickueBs at the stomach,
diarrhuitt, etc., wo becomo scary. We
have found Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy tho very thing to
straighten one out in such cases, Wo
aro not writing this for a pay testimonial
but to lot our readors know what is good
to keep handy in tho houso. For salo by
Bltikoloy & Houghton, druggists.
Highest of all in Leavening Power.- Latest U. S. Gov't Report,