The Dalles Daily Chronicle. The Fifth Annual FAIR ok Tin: Second Eastp.rn Oregon Distinct Entered Ht the I'ostofllcc Ht The Untie, Orcjrmi, .1 Kfcond-cliiKs mutter. H. C. NIELSEN, THK DAI.LKS OKKOOJi I COURAGE OF THE FOXHOUND. Tlio Anlnml's nmlumiirt' DpppniN Mncl Vpoit t'oinpntilniKlilp of Its Kltul. The foxhound's eonrntre is not shown -,vhen in isolation. "o hound nlone will attack a fox with the deter mination of a terrier, yet the passive courag-e of the foxhound is declared by the London Spectator to be immense. , To see lacpinp- hounds come up through a field of horsemen, to watch 1 the pace with which they charge the thickest fences, and the endurance they show during a loner run will con vince most of this. We heard once a curious instance of combination sup plying courage. A pack of English fox- j hounds were taken to France for wolf hunting. Hut when a wolf was roused each hound, as he caught the scent, dropped his tail between his lops and refused to follow. When, however, some French hounds used to the wolf Lad been added to the pack, the fox hounds hunted eagerly. Fut now they ran with their bristles up to kill, not to eat. The fox thev rerard as a dinner: not so the wolf. The large, straight fore legs, deep chest and level back of the foxhound show what he really is the highest development of united speed, strength and endurance. Ten miles to the meet, five hours' hunting at an average of ten miles an hour, during which two foxes are run down, and ten miles more before sup per, is but an ordinary day's work. We do not think we are exaggerating when we say that many a hound could cover one hundred miles in a day with out being greatly distressed. Hut for this he would need companionship. Alone he would probably tire sooner than a slim pointer or long-legged set ter, whose steady gallop over grass or heather is another marvel of animal endurance. But the courage of coop eration is less interesting, even if none the less creditable, than the dash of the greyhound. kiedtora Socieh a WI1.1. HE llKl.D AT THE DRIiliES, OREGON, October 10th, 1898, Continninc five da vs. A, S. MCALLISTER. President. J. O. MACK, Secretary. Clothier and Tailor. From TERIWIfiHL or INTERIOR Points . . . .Decidedly the Finest Line of Gents' Ruriiisliiiig Goo.ds, Trunks and Jaises, etc, etc. COK. SECOND AND WASHINGTON. THIS DALLKS, OK. THE EUROPEAN HOUSE Tin. UiirriiRKtod llulltlhif; next Itiinr to Umirt llinmo. Hleekly Ghr oniele, $1.12 a year, Tnese are Dull Times WE Handsomely Furnished Rooms to Rem by the Day, Week or Mouth. Meals Prepared by a First Class English Cook. TRANSIENT PATRONAGE SOLICITED. Good Snmple Rooms for Commercial Men. -THE- ! MRS. I3C. , Proprietor. Mm Fa i FEMININE FANCIES. The latest social novelty in the south are engraved announcements of the advent of infantile additions to fam ilies. J The fashion of wearing flowers at the corsage with afternoon and even ing toilets has been revived at the watering places. The wearing of necklaces in the 1 morning and on the street is in favor. ' Pearls seem to be most popular, and are certainly pretty, with a summer gown cut low at the throat. , Ahcheky is ho popular among Eng-! lish women that they have a Iloyal Toxophilite society. It is said that tne now women 01 a few years ago would not be even among the second elttfrs fchots of to-day. SrECiAL books are a fad this season, especially those for youthful brides. The richest cover for brides' prayer books, which contain only the mar riage service, are of moire or silk, suede kid, or of white satin, moire or : silk corduroy. j Among the incidents of childhood that 1 stand out in bold relief, as our memory 1 reverts to the days when we were young, none are more prominent than severe eickness. The youus mother vividly re members that it was the Chamberlain's Condi Kemedy cured her of croup, and in turn administers it to her own off epring and always with the best results. For sale bv Iilakeley & Houchton. A continuous line, coimectliic with all line affording direct and uninterrupted service Pullmnu Sleeper reservations can be ftcureo in advance through any agent of the road. IHnUUun IllmtlO points In America. Kugiaiid and Europe can bo purchased at an? ticket otlice of the company Full information concerning rates, time oi trains, routes and other details furnished on application to W. C. ALLAWAY, Agent It, P. & A. Nav. Co., Regulator ottice. Tht Dalles, Or., or A. D. CHARLTON, Ass't. General Posfeager Agt., Portland, Jgn Wanted at once, furnished rooms for housekeeping. Walter Collins, Uma tilla house. Nutlet;: Notice ie hereby given that sealed bids will be received for the re-covering of the cistern at the intersection of Washing ton and Third streets. Said bids will be received until Saturday noon September 2nd, 1893, at the recorder's oflice, in Dalles Otty, Wasco County. Oregon, The right to reject any und all bids in hereby reserved. The city to furnish all material for the re-covering of said cist ern and said bids to be for the labor in re-covering the same. Paul Kunrr. Chairman of Committee on Streets and Public Property. Dated at Dalles City, Oregon, this 29th day of August, 1893. For Knt. Eooms to rent at Rev. A. Horn's resi dence on Ninth street. G-23daw. The Dalles Gigar : Factory FIHST STBEET. FACTORY NO. 105. rAT A DD of tlie Eest Brands VJlJxi.ltO manufactured, and orderu from all parts of the country filled on the shortest notice. The reputation of THE DALLES CI GAR has become firmly established, and the demand for the home manufactured article is increasing every day. A. ULRICH & SON. Wood Sawiii. 8-2.'xllm We have bought the J. C. Meins Steam Wood Saw, and will fill all orders for sawing wood for stove or furnace use at the old rate. Orders left at Maier & Ren ton's will be promptly at tended to, and will guaran tee entire satisfaction. Jacob AVetle. JoiixP.Krieu. C. P. STEPHENS, DEALER IN Dry Goods if (Clothing limit, Kllueit, llutft, Ktc. Fancy jood, (Jotion, Ktc, Etc., Ktc. Second St., The Dalles. S. L. YOUNG, : : vTZQWIEIUjIEIH, : : Watches und Jewelry repaired to order on khort notice, mid feutlnluctlon guaranteed AT TUB Sturo ot 1, C. Nickolieu, JSd Ht. The IUe The Snug. W. H. BUTTS, Prop. No. 90 Second Sreet, The Dalles Or, This well known stand, kept by the well known W. H. Butts, long a resi dent of Wasco county, has an extraordi nary lino stock of Sheep Herder's Delight and Irish Dist urbane In fact, all the lending brands of fin Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Give th old man a call and you will come again PHOTOGRAPHER First premium at the Wasco county air for bem portraits and viewe. CLtflA STOfY, Art Teacher Jtoom S, Bettiwjen Jiuildimj, Mill Srfvt3 l-e" Mondays and Ttiurtdayv of ucu week, or of tencr If dealitd. u J. O. MACK, RHILRORD Is the Hue to take TO ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH, j It is the Dlninc Car Route. It runs Through Vestibuled Trains every day In the yaar to j&. pauI and Chicago (NO CHANGE OF CAKS.) Composed of Itlnlnc Cars unsurpassed. Pull man Untwine Room Sleepers of latest equipment. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS Best that can be constructed, and in which accommodations are both Free and Furnished for holders of First and Second-class Tickets, and ELEGANT DAY COACHES FlfJE WlMEjS and Lip$ DON'T WANT YOUR JHOflEY, Just flora, DOMESTIC And KEY WEST CIGARS. THE C E LEBRATE D PADST BEER. FRENCH'S BLOCK. 171 SECOND STHEET, THE DALLES, OK. URHAM & ROBERTSON Proprlvtora. CityStables, Corner of Fourth and Federal Stn.. The Dalles, Oregon. These Stables have on hand the finest Livery in Eastern Oregon, and can accommodate patron? with either Singlo or Double Rigs, closed Hacks or Carriages day or night. MORE ROOM. Albo, can furnish First Class accommodations to tenniHtorH with freight or driving teams, havint: added to their stables largo feeding and wagon room. Commercial Patronage SpHeitefl. BUT WOULD . LIKE YOUR Attention! TheDhlles Wasco County, Oregon, The Gate City of the inland Empire is situated at tins head of navigation on the Middle Columbia, and is a thriving, pros perous citv. ITS TERRITORY. It is the supply city for an extensive and rich agricultural and grazing country, its trade reaching us far south as Summer Lake, a distance of over two hundred miles. The Largest Wool Market. The rich grazing country along the eastern slope of the Can cades furnishes pasture for thousands of sheep, the wool from which finds market here. The Dalles is the largest original wool shipping point in America, about 5,000,000 pounds being shipped last year. ITS PRODUCTS. The salmon fisheries are the finest on the Columbia, yielding this year a revenue of thousands of dollars, which will lu more than doubled in the near future. The products of the beuutiful Klickitat valley find market here,'and the country south and east lias this year filled the warehouses, and all available storage places to overflowing with their products. ITS WEALTH. It is the richest city of its size on the coast and its money is scattered overjand is leing used to develop more farming country tliun is tributary to any other city in Eastern Oregon. Its situation is unsurpassed. Jt climate delightful. Its pos sibilities incalculable. Its resources unlimited. And on these eorner stones she stands. SHOE FACTORY For Sale at a Bargain. The ujiidorwgfJayinHocurcd the machhiery and fixtures of what was intended for a nrstclasr7 shoo "factory, will sell the saino at a bargain. Hero Is aiTenginc i and boifer of 40-oddhorsoj)owor, and a large dmolmi' of shoe machinery, lastsno haf'ting, pulleys, bolting' and li iul ings almost a comploto shoe factory. j-lero is alsojono of the besijsites for successfully opor- iUiTJjJiE," 1)0 found iii 'this country. Write JbrnirticmUu-s at once, to O (2) (2) ()( OUR GREAT OFFER I FOR 1894. A .,,4 fflUr riTIDAVTriT "m poses, to enliven them by i. troducing its newsy presence into every home in "Wasco County. Circulation must be doubled Ullfl III 1111 i.iii A -. -n." . furnish the Weekly Edition for the balance of this yeaj and one year beyond for the already low price of $1.50. i year and a third 16 months- makes a GlEflT amount of the very best read ing matter, comprising besides formation on all subjects, especially for the Btock-rai the farmer and the orchardisi ana is tne nest medium for exnosine: our resources tn ths VMM world. If this Is not enough, our plan to is sue the Weekly in instalments of twice a week, should make your decision favorable at once. f-i T TiJT-T r I 1 T tbunaay s, monaay s, ruesaay and Wednesdays Jnisws ges stale bv Saturday nieht. si hereafter the Weekly Chromck Part I. will reach vou Wedne? Saturda3r evening. FOH Tne extra trouble and expai nonneritflfl with this effort to clease. which is considerable we look to an appreciative rmhlic for the annroval we are jro, sure it will give us. "While we wnnlrl "he triad ( subscriution monev in advaiW A it is not necessarily enforaf l l ini . i i i in ivijw i-j 1894 Arifl iret. the 'henefit. of tfl CD w special rate, which is practifr ally for the Oleeklv GhFODiele, $1.12i a Yea? PAUL KREFT & CO., DUALKItS IN PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS And tho Moat Comploto und the LntoHt J'ntteriiH mid Deit;tiH In 'uiiitors nnd J'aiier JInniierH. None but tho bout l'"""'' nd J. W. MuHiiry'H J'ulnta umid In nil .mr work, iu;d now ...i , "i . . . .. . i i ii Pillule. " J'ruetieiil 1 Klierwiti.WilliiiniH unil ..... ........... ...... w , ... ii i.iiiin ,,n.v. ,., ' w ' . g the moHt Hkilled workmen oinj)loyod. AnontH for AluHury Liquid I iie' . choinicul eoinhlimtion or houji inixturo. A llrnt oIuhh urtfolo In nil :lor8, orderH protnplly attended to. Paint Shoo corner Thirdund Wanhinetou Ste., The Dullos. 0r' Tlao Dallo, Or. THE CELEBRATED COLUMBIA BREWERY. AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. 'J'hlH woll-known Jlrowjjry in now turning out tho boHt Boor wd J1,, euhtof tho CudcudoH. Tho ln(oet apiiUnncuH for tho inunufnoturo of K00" tf , t .. . . ... . .. , til n'ttOW w mi iieor nuvo boon introaucou, ua ou.y tne urnt-cHMiB tirnoio wh r ho wurkot.