Soles On artli ? Saturday, September 30, 1893, We will place on sale our IShoes for FaliiK CARKULLY SELECTED, HANDSOME, DURABLE. STVLISH, REASONABLE. CAN WE SERVE YOU? BARE FEET arc not Dressy. Some novel features will make this sale specially interesting. Qotne and See our New Goods. Perhaps we can Shoe you. ,Vt,l ALL GOODS MARKED . 7 IN PLAIN FIGURES. PEASE & MAYS. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. htwl a the 1'iwitiiltlrt! nt Tho Hullo, Oregon, in, biruiiU uliiiiN mutter. I.iiriit All vtIIIiik. lOfvut- jkt Hue tor (Imt liinurtliiti, iinrl h Cent i; Jltiv inri'iii l' Hil!wiinmt ltiM-rtlou. btliii ruteit fur lone time uotlruK, All Iik-ii, mitliTu received later than 3 o'clock 111 apin'.-ir the follow Iiik diiy. TiIl'IM)Y. - SFPT. !2S, ISSl.'l 77i )aii rind W'ttkhj Chronicle may k found on mle ut I. C. Nickfhen'n rtorr. SEPTEMBER SHORTS. i City mill dimity New Nnti'R of Minor IuiMirtmirr. "01' v ii id i were a bird" hhu mills, tid tmcli lii;uiiti'il oiii T i." t li nuiK thin wli'kiil thutlKlit: ' '' 'U. l 1 ITt' n nun!" Tlii' (itutil l.'itliru K. of I. moots ik-pi'ia-r .in tin- loth pros. Tiic use of .1.11, Mosier vh. Win. N i m ii'-tKii)e(l until 11 o'clock tomorrow . s N. Uurria 1ms juut received a large invoke, of new Kt,0(k, which make I.ih Mt.jrc more attractive tlmn ever. mammoth pear weighing liOA. ounces was brought in iiy lkv. 0. D Tiivlor this morning, raided on thu Mill creel: fruit farm. Hevival services acain cninmi'ii l .it .Mosier tliin week. Revs. Irehm.l Mark, of the JItiptiBt tlenoininiitioii, are conducting thorn. Thu Columbia h'iver Fruit Co. i l.i. ping a considerable (jtmutitv of grapes to Tueoma, Wash. Mr. Varney is to the Hiiine point. Arrangements arc bei III? IiiiiiIk In um. I'lv the pulpit of the Conirrctmtlorm church tin " "'-viii.u ut .nr. vjiirim. It m expected someone from abroad will preach every Sunday and tho work of be church go on uh usual. Miss I'eterH i-l VOU lit! fil.ltlillii Clin. vjrVJlllil ijttbMI - oay ut thv mlltinury Htore. A luro (junii- Of now Uiui fllHliimmhln r,wwlH trill U(j Hitmen (t i .1 - .t iyi Lllij I IIHTIIM'T Will III T till ft.i:. .. p x.i .... ea in ni0 DiiIIdh on thiM occiihIoii and nil are invited to call. Ii. McNeil of isomer haa built for hlin 'lf a ChriHinan fruit dryer. Ho Iiiih tiikeii much paint) with it and Hpared no Mpeiihe, and beini; a flue mechanic, tho "liw ilryor !h perhapH tho lincHt that hun vr been built of tho Clirimnau model. Tim muothiKit will continuo ut tho ChriHtian church until Sunday uvoiiiny. rlte Hiibjoct of tho flormou tonight Ih 'Tlie Sin AuainBt tho Holy Spirit Cun '"8 .Sin J!,, Conunittod Now? If So, How?" All nrn i-nrillallv Invltnrl. lit thu cao of thu Intoratuto Improve ;'ijt Compny V8. 0. D. Taylor et nl., ' Portland yoatorduy tho domurrer of 1. Taylor, S.K. Taylor and the Invent 't)iit Coiiipuny to complaint waH over filed ; and 30 dayo given in which to ntvr. Hfttiun cur londH of coal liuvo been ro eolved at tho company'u coal bunkerH "fire, it iH ovidont tho railroad doean't w'Hli to Imj caught iu tho name prudica "'t'lit aH it wua tho winter It ran out of and had to iiho greon wood and , ul"8 olghteen hours getting from 1,l,ro to l'ortlaud. Btrdny will bo the moat Intoreating ' of tho Hood Itiver fair. On that "ay the pretty mountain town will en- tertain over one hundred members of thu WaHtiins'ton and Oregon Press As Hociation, who will arrive in the morn ing or the evening before. A splendid program is arranged and tho usual cports will be indulged in. The exhii bits aie paid to be something grand. I'lrkt or tliv Srn.oii. The Mignonette dancing club held its first party of the season last night in Fraternity hall. The floor was in excel lent condition anil crowded with dancere. Tho music furnished by Uirgfeld's or chestra was very pleasing, many pieces bavinc to bo played agairif to great was their popularity. Twenty couples were on tho floor, and ae more young gentle men were in attendance than ladies, the latter never Buffered from lack of dancing. The purty broke up at twelve o'clock and everyono expressed them selves well pleased with tho evening's aimiHMiient. The time for holding the next dance has not yet been announced The K iiinriitir lit Work. A CmtoNiri.i: leprcscntative called at Will. C. Dawson's Mountain View fruit farm on Mill creel: vesterday to see the Carson fruit evaporator at work. Scv oral persons were found very busy handl ing an extra iiiality of dried fruit. Mr Dawson is well pleased with his evap orator which has been for over a weel converting over two and a half tons of green fruit into a choice quality of tho dried article. Several tons of gicen fruit were piled near the evaporator awaiting its turn. A mil fiHiu y Ccl fli in t Inn. On October Ut the Singing Society Harmonic will celebrate their fouit'n anniversary at Fraternity hall. I'o cattso of the large membership, fifty three, admission will be by ticket, and extends only to inenibcrB and their families. Iiy order of the society. I. C. Nici;i.ti:., Sec. Ilo fur tin- Tiilr ! Hood Hivcr horticultuial fair Sept. JOth and ."0th. Fair for round trip &0 cents. I). 1'. & A. N. Co. A I'm ullur IW'lluf. It is an old belief of native Hawaiiaus that the spirits of their wnrrior chiefs inhabit after death the bodies of their fuvorito horses. There is even now a lino whlto stallion in Honolulu in which, It Is popularly believed, lives the spirit of Hold, who led a rebellion in Tahiti bomo years ago. At various times this horse, splendidly capari soned, is led riderless in stato through tho principal streets of Honolulu. Lost, a cent's scarf nin. between lTma- tllla houso and Fourth street. Keturn to V. U. operator and receive reward. ICarl'a Clovor Koot, tho new blood purifier, gives freshness and clearness to the complexion and cures constipation. 25c, 60c. and 1.00. Sold by Snipes A Kinorflly, druggieta. Tygh Vnlluy Uuller Flour Mill. Ia iu complete repair; always in atoro flour equal to the beet. Also old stylo coarse and fine Gra'iaui flour, mill feed, etc. W, M. McCoitKi.K, Propr. I. out or Htolen. Two promissory notea given by V. G. ObrlHt and II . 0, McKamey, 150 and 11.07, payable to W. J. Means. All parties are warned not to negotiate for said notea. Please return to Ciuto.sici.K ofllce. ', ltdaw Kor Koiit. Fivo rooniH auitablo for housekeeping with bath. Central location. 1'Jdlw J. M. UirNTiNtiTON A Co. PERSONAL MENTION. Smith French returned from Antelope today. Mrs. A. S. Bennett has returned from Dayton. Mr. T. II. JohnBton of Dufur was in the city yesterday. Hon. C. M. Cartwright is in Tho Dalles from Hay Creek. H. C. Crockett ot Troutdale, formerly of Des Chutes ridge, is in the city. Mr. .1. W. French was a passenger from Portland by the boat yesterday. Mr. J. It. Warner of White Salmon came up on the Regulator last evening. Miss Maud Henderson of Goldendale is in the city, the guest of Miss Nellie Sylvester. Mr. Frank Cole of Leland Stanford University is in the city visiting Mr. Hobt. Mays, jr. Mr. Helsler of Dufur drove into the city tmite early this morning in com pany with Itev. Jns. Parker, who wished to catch tho Regulator. Mrs. John W. Lewis and daughter left for Portland anil Astoria this morn ing by the Regulator. The trip was made 'for the benefit of Miss Lewis' health, which lias not been very good. Messrs. .1. H. Mosier, Win. Watson, Jell' Mosier, It. A. Power, Uph. Hand Ion and wife, Andv Prat her, Guy Pike, Thos. McClure. Steve Meeke, Newell Harlan, James Drown, Frank Weidner and Chas. Dugan, all of Mosier, are in town today. makimku. On Mill creek, near Tho Dalles, Sep tember L'Uth, Miss Olivo Smith and Mr. Lemuel Durgess, by Hew Win. Michel!. Tho happy pair took the train this morning for Portland. jmi:i. In Weld, Maine, September 10th, Mrs. Nathan Puicifer, aged SS years and one month, mother of Mrs. E. K. Rus sell, of this city. 'J'llll Clltlllllil Tlllktlf. Amongst tho laws passed by the last legislature is one for this extermination of tho Canadian thistle. This weed is getting to be a ctirso to the country and advantage should be taken of this law. So far there have been but two cases in which it has been recognized. Tho law provides that where any road supervisor finds Canada thistles growing anywhere in his district lie shall so inform tho county court. The court will then ap point a commissioner who shall servo for ono year and receive !f2 a day for such time actually employed. It is tho duty of the commissioner to then inform the man to whom tho property belongs that ho must within a leasonable time extirpate the thistle. If tho owner re fuses to do this tho commissioner is then to do it himself, and lile a bill of expense with tho county court. Such bill of expense shall bo a lien against the property to bo collected tho eame as taxes. Salem Independent. A llooil TliliiK to Keep at lluiid. Kiom thu Troy (Kan.) fillet. Some years ago wo wero very much subject to (jevero spells of cholera mor bus; and now when we feel any of tho Bymptoms that usually precede that ail ment, such as sickness at the stomach, dUrrhuui, etc., wo becomo ecary. Wo have found Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrluca Remedy tho very thing to straighten one out in such caaea. We um nnt wrltint? this for a pay testimonial but to let our readers know what ia good to keep handy in the houso. For eala by Hlakoloy & Houghton, druggists. Mexican Silver Stovo Polish causes no duet. farnnrll ltrrcjitliiti. Tho Indies of the Congregational Aid Society gave another of their pleasant entertainments nt the home of Dr. Rlne hnttin especial honor of Mrs. Dotinell, one of their earliest, members, who is pooh to move to Goldendale. None of tho many pleasant things in our beauti ful town nro ploasanter than tho social advantages of this society, eotnpohcd as it is of those who are welcomed by com mon interests and long acquaintance and aro ready to give a kind welcome to the new comers, as well as tighten tho bonds of friendship already existing. Of course, nt this season, tho floral dis play was exquisite. A gracious and graceful remark was mado by a busy member that she looked with pleasure to coming old age, wheil with rested hands she would have nothing to do but go to the Ladies Aid Society. Among those present were: Mes dames Donnell, the guest of honor, Con don, Brooks, Rinehart, Davis, from Union, formerly Miss Ada Wood, Lucky, from Warm Springs, Heera, Kelsay, Wood, Wilson, Curtis,',Cooper, Bailey, Nellie Cooper, Thompson, Gibons, Mar den, Blakeley, Emnia Thompson, from Colfax, Sylvester, Taylor, Hobson, Brad shaw, Glenn, Filloon, Urquhart, Dun natn, Cushing, W II Wilson, Hunting ton, S C Wilson, Crandall. Awardetl Full Damage. Florence Bathe was awarded $23,000 damages at Portland yesterday for se duction under promise of marriage by Thomas Welch, a druggist. The story is to the effect that young Welch has paid assiduous attention to Miss Bathe. He proposed, telling her he loved her most dearly, kissed her and caressed her with great show of affection. She accepted. They were then together much of the time. Finally, under the promise of marringe, and claiming that they would soon be united, he succeeded in seducing her. In time she found she was in trouble. She told him. He sent her to a doctor and put ofT the date of marriage. The medicine failed to have an effect and the child was born. Welch refused to marry her and left the coun try. That was in l&So. Miss Bathe has not seen him since until in the court room. In the meantime, however, she has endeavored to reach him, had written letters, and placed detec tives on his track, but all without avail. Since the alleged seduction and birth of her child, she has lived closely at home with her parents, not going out at all. in society or even to call. This great shame and wrong has hung heayily upon her, but she has borne it as cheer fully as possible and brought up the boy as well as she could. The twelve men were out only ten minutes. They returned a verdict for the full amount of $23,000 damages. The defendant is said to have some property, and at one time had an exten sive drug business. The father of the plaintiff is a well-to-do farmer near Piedmont. Telegram. Thu Truiio Industry anil Orchard Work. This is a pamphlet of 100 pages, writ ten by S. A. Clarke, and handsomely printed with numerous illustrations by Posson & Son, Portland, Oregon, that contains the substance of many valuable articles Mr. Claike has published for two years past in the Oregonian on hor ticulture in the Pacific Northwest. The value of these articles is generally ap preciated. Mr. Clarke has endeavored to combine iu this handsome pamphlet all that is known of the prune industry the world over; its history on the Pa cific coast, reliable facts us to tho differ ent varieties of prunes and methods of gathering, curing and packing same for market. The book also contains full instructions for orchard work of all kinds, spraying for all insect pests and fungus and is pronounced invaluable by all fruit growers. Its cost is 50 cents and we can supply any who wish it with a copy at club rates. Ilcailiiclii). Torplil l.ivi'r, Onstlvoni'xs. Simmons Liver Regulator, by its mild cathartic propertios-, relieves the bowels from obstructions and cures headache, indigestion and liver complaint. Stit'iiKili uiui lifiiltli. If you are not feeling strong and healthy, try Klcctric Hitters. 11 "la grippe'' has left you weak and weivv, uso Klectrlu Bitters. This remedy acts directly on liver, stomach and kidneys, gently aiding those organs to perform their functions. If you aroaillicted with sick headache, you will find speedy and permanent iclief by taking lClectric Bitters. Ono trial will convince you that this is tho remedy you need. Largo bottles only 50c. at Snipes & Kinersly'a drug store. Umi Mexican Silver Stovo Polish 2 1TV oflk'sCottooItoo t COMPOUND. A recent discovery by na old jilijulcmu. suceesrulty iikii lAidtrt. U tho only icr.'rctl7 fafonuil rdlablo lumlk'lno dis covered. Boworo of uuiirliicliili'd drusuUM who otter Inferior medicines In 1'laco of thU. Ask for r.,n. fr.,t. It. nit Coinuoillld. ruJte u tulsll- tutt, or luclitoo 1 nnd 0 ceuts la poktago ln letter and wo willrcua, bouuxi, pyrciurumou. iiw particulars In 1'Ialu cuvelo;e, to ladles only, II ftuunis, I'oud Mly Horn pony, j.u. y i .tuer woe, jjciruii. mku. Byld 111 Tho Dalles by Ulnkcley & llouuhton, For the Fall Trade We aro now ready with a full lino of Ready-Made Clothing, B1oSroca Dress Goods, and all other kinds of Dry Goods Q Wn nri nntnrl fnr flin wrr1 vnlnnu ten ttivn in Bleached and Unbleached Muslins, Sheetings, Prints, Ginghams, Boots ami J ierv. Gents' Furnishings, etc.. etc. y Shoes. Hosicrv The Balance ot our Summer Importations now Clearing Out AT COST. Cor. court aid second sts. Toe Dalles, Oregon. S. & N. HARRIS. Fa I Winter Dry Ms, Fancy Goods and Notions, Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes, etc. now complete in every department. All goods will be sold at greatly reduced prices. Terms Cask. JJ. Herbrillg. c ALL OPENING Novelties in Millinery. Pattern Hats, Bonnets, Etc. SflTUSDttV, SEPTEJVIBE 30. Remember, you are expected. Very respectfully yours, ANNA PETER SCO. 112 Second Street. ..Familiar Faces iu a ATeto Place. .. C. IS. BAYARD, Late Special Agent General Land Ofiwe. J. 15. BARN ETT Bayard dte Barnetty Jtye leal -state, loai?, Irurapee, COLLECTION AGENCY. NOTAHY PUBLIO. -- Piutics having Property tlioy wish to Sell or Trade, Houses to Rent, or Abstract of Title furnished, will find it to their urtvnntago to call on us. Wo shall niako a specialty of tho prosecution of Claims ami Contests beforo tint Lhiitcp States Land Ollico. 85 Washington St. THE DALLES, OR. THE WORLD'S BEST LITERATURE IN- BO-O-KS. A T I. C. NICKELSEN'S. The California Winehouse, Is now open, and its proprietor will soil his homo- 4 X produced Wino at prices in tho roach of evoryhody. vL Also, best Peanuts to bo found, (ioods guaranteed T f to bo Pure and First-Class in ovory respect. f Thompson's Addition. C- BECHT.