r. Si 1 i- - w '".af ft The Dalles Daily Chronicle. OKFICIAl. I'Al'KI! OK lUlXKS CITY. .INI WA!CO COUNTY. SUIISCIUPTIOX KATES. by vail, rosnor. rr.Ei-Atn, in advanck. Weekly, 1 year JIM " C months 0 75 ' s " 0 SO Daily, 1 yeir C (V ' 6 months 3 00 " per " 0 50 Address all communication to "THE CHKOS (CLE," The Dalles. Oregon. 1'oHt-omcp. orncK HOURS General Delivery Window ... .Sa. ru. toT p. m. Money Order " a. m. to 4 p. m. tianday ii D " 9 a. m. tolOn. m. CLOSINO op mails trains going East 9 p. m. and 11 :4A a. m. " " West . . .9 p. a. and 5:W p. m. 8Uge for GoMemlale T:K0a. ni. " " I'rinevillo S:aia. m. " "Dufurand arm Snrinrs .3:3) a. in. " TLejvincforLvle.vlIartlflud ,i:S0a. m " " " tAutelope 5:S0a.ta. Except Sundav. tTrl-weekly. Tuesdav Thursday and Saturday, t " Monday Wednesday and Friday. WA n r THURSDAY, SEPT. 2S, 1S93 CAUSES OF IMMIGRATION. We are in receipt of the report of Her man J. Schtilteis on European immigra tion to the United States and the causes which incite the same. These causes chiefly appear to be : 1. The efforts of emigration aid socie ties, supplemented by associations, pub lic and private, for aiding criminals and paupers to emigrate. 2. The increased facilities, speed, and profits of alien steamship and transpor tation companies, who through their numerous agents advertise the marvel ous beauty of this country, the high Tate of wages that range here for labor, and the alleged quantities of land that can be had gratis from the government, and thus make an impression on people who do not own and cannot, in reason expect to secure the homes in which they live. 3. The contract-labor importers, who induce emigration for the sake of cheap labor. These causes will operate to increase emigration in the future in proportion as economic conditions grow worse on the other side. The centralization of land and money in the hands of a non producing aristocracy will gradually force whole populations to emigrate; and countries more favorably situated are now taking steps to protect them selves against pauper invasion. The A LONG LEASE. Thirty Acre In Ilrhrnn l'rovldrd Tor for h Term of !UM Yrar. A lease for nine thousand nine hun dred and ninety-nine years in this country, at least. Is rather a rarity, al though the term of ninety-nine, or oven nine hundred and ninety-nine, is not uncommon. John Peters, the father of Uev. Samuel Peters, the tory parson, says the Xor.vieh (Conn ' Pnl letin. pave in 1T:!: to "The Venerable Society for the Propagation of the (Jos pel In Foreign Parts." for a jrlobe for the Church of England society in Hebron, about thirty acres of land, which afterward came into the pos-es- 1 sion of the parish of St. Peter's church in that town, ns the successor of the Church of England there. On May Kl).". the parish leased this land to S. V. , Case for and during the full term of nine thousand nine hundred and nine- I fnllv In 1.. mmlit..il t tCINttt It. and ended, yielding' and paying there- i The only medicine of its kind so for yearly during the said term unto j remarkable in its effects that it can us. the said John Sutton and John T. ! "be sold on this plan is Dr. Pierce's Peters, church wardens of said society, Golden Medical Discoverv. As a and to our successors in said olllee, the annual rent of one grain of pure silver or other silver or gold equivalent (if demanded upon the festival of St. John the ltaptist in each year ensuing the date of the presents during the term alwve said."' So says Hebron land records, vol. ix., p. '.104. The pres- com OI TJUAI,. Thnt's a pood way to buy a medi cine, but it's a pretty hard condition under which to sell it. Pet-Imps you've noticed that the ordinary hit or miss medicine doesn't at- E AND SEE OUR STOCK OF Men's, Boys' and Youth s CLOTHING blood-cleanser, strength-restorer, and flesh-builder, there's nothincr like it known to medical science. "In every disease where the fault is in the liver or the blood, as Dyspepsia, In digestion, Biliousness, and the most stubborn Skin, Scalp, nnd Scrofulous ent occupants would be somewhat sur- affections, it is yuaranteed in every prised at a demand for the grain of case to benefit or cure, or you Lave pure silver, but the old contract still vour mom.v back remains on the record. cat on Kecuiar Duty. To every sufferer from Catarrh, A railway company in Australia has no matter how bad the case or of eight eats upon its staff and their how lone standing, the proprietors maintenance is regularly entered in the company's books. Their duty is to look after three or four hundred thousand empty corn sacks which are much preyed upon by rats. That the rodents do tremendous damape is evi dent from the fact that the holes in the sacks have to be attended to by twelve women, who are kept constant ly employed. ot m: sage's Catarrh Kemedy say this : " If we can't cure it, perfectly and permanently, we'll pay you 500 in cash." Sold by all druggists. Look: Over The man who Overlooks see Cur Stock of CLOTHING, and if he hasn't bought a Suit that is poorer, and paid Men Wnutetl. Notice is hereby given that applica tions for labor will be received by the undersigned until Saturday at noon, September 10th, ISOu. Said labor to be for the getting out and preparing of rock to be used in the rock crusher lately purchased by Dalles City and AVasc'o county. The" wages to be paid for said labor is $1.50 per day. For further in formation eall at the otlice of the un dersigned. ! Dot'OLA" S. DlTfK, Recorder of Dalles Citv. (ini.il .liih l'l-inting. If you have your job printing done at alarm of the Enclish peopleat the influx, T"'; Chroniclk you will have the ad- of foreigners has been increased by the vantage of having it done with the most protective measures of Australia and the modern and approved type, with which United States until parliament has in-! we kt'P continually supplied. All job Btitnted thorough investigations into the um,er Uie direct supervision of . congested districts, which have resulted hti m0!!' iucwssiu! and artistic nr.i tt-r-in revelations of facts well calculated to 1,1 tiie 'ortl.w-5t. atartle those who have given attention to the subject on either side of the water. Olympian Tribune: Get money. Honestly if you can, krug it if you must. This is the lesson we draw from recent occurrences in Seattle, Spokane, New "Whatcom and Anacortes. Instances of the faithfulness and affec tion of dogs frequently come to light. The latest is from Seattle. Adolph Krug, the absconding Seattle treasurer, has a large black Newfoundland dog which he frequently took to the office , with him. On Friday afternoon it broke loose from the house and started , down town for the city hall. There it instituted a search for its master, visit-' ing every room in the building, and seeking all around the treasurer's office and private room. It finally took up its ! post at Krug's desk and refused to move until it had to be driven from the build-, ing at the time of closing. v. m.. ma o-l i L f '. t ? . i 1 f Sir-"- This Is the Season Of the Year Ulhen Judicious s Advertising Pays. More Than monev YOU . . . who purchased your Suit of . . . What is Your Idea of a Full and Winter Suit for your own wear? YOl certainly huvo an idea of about what you want. Who kuows, perhapH we have the saniu Suit on one of our tables that you have in your mind's eye. x luwevfi ti will be well worth your time to inspect our .stock. we point tlie moral?" 9 'IT YOUR ATTENTION Is called to the fact that 'There is a tide in the affairs oj men which, taken at its leads on to fortune" The poet unquestionably had reference to the flagh Glenn, c,lsii.nltSiip D-aler in Gla9H, Lime, Plaster, Cement and Iluilding Material of all kind. CrrlK the J'iunut I. Inn of Picture Moulding Mr & Ci iilf. Concln, Hour .!"'.-, sure Tniuitt. Crimp-T'iffi; .; r.' T'.i. '-Vi i..pi:c Lonli and A-itliiuii. r t'oiisnr.ii tioa iz bnsa ri7;il: n-j1? cnreil ;'ioninNT .. rcnll other., J.tlle-1: r. illcT.-nr; v.-i: t i::er ;i: z:r..': SoiJ by Utuesi.-u n, n im-r.vi . : -r l.rtae IJacli or Cnest, u: b hii.mi'i t i.A:r.it. :si era. C HJ LQ G ATA R R Vi Have you i asarri? Thureri.e'lv UKunrer. teed to nure v.iu. J-rc Socio. Iiti-iuiorfrm For -all' liy Knli i: Klni-r-l v. J Caveats.and Trade-Marks obtained, ar.dall l'at-! ent business conducted far moocratc Fees. our Orricc is Opposite U. S. patent orricr ' J and we can secure patent in less tunc tiun tcoic remote from WashinRton. J Send model, drawing or photo., with desenn.' 'lion. Wc advise, if patentable or not, free o.'J cuargc. uuriccuui uul-uii puicut isacciircu. A Pamphict, "How to Obtain I'atents, ' with 'cost of same in the U.S. and foreign countries sent free. Address, :C.A.SNOW&CO.: opp. Patent OrncE, Washington, d, To bt found in the City. 72 GClashington Street. W. E. GARRETSON. The Spokane Keview notes that Mrs. Houghton and fiome of her Pacific coast associates at Chicago have been cele brating the anniversary of Balboa's dis covery of this western sea. Balboa as a ruined Spanish nobleman who fled to the new world to escape from his credit ors. He heard of the new sea and de termined to discover it and atone for hie faults in the eyes of Ji is sovereign. He left Antigua the 1st of September, 3513, and after a journey of great hard ship obtained a view of the ocean on the morning of the 25th from the summit of a high mountain. He named it Mar del Sur, and three days later arrived at the shore. The king of Spain, hearing of the discovery, gave him a commission to explore the southern coast, and made him governor of Panama land Coyba. He was seized, however, by the gover-. nor of Antigua, charged with treason in , planning to found for himself a govern-1 ment on the shores of the Pacific, and with four of his companions was exe cuted. To the last he protested hie in nocence and loyalty. VISOR f MEN VM MA III) Kit Easily Quickly. Permanently R-jtored. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, nnd all the train rf Mil from early rrrori or later excesses, tbe retulu or overwork, lc):us. wom-.ctc. FulUtrenifil , development anil tun-' Klven to e cry organ .vl portion of the Uxl-. hlmplisnaturalrnethiAia. Immediate Imrjriiremerr fci-en. Kllurofmixjll,le. Ji") referent-el, lVx,lc, explanation ami pr;fu mailed (nealed) free. ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO. H. Y. CUiseman & Wanders. Saloon ami IVine Rooms Oregon. I -rfi ; RHmnn , rwr e SlII.K AdENT KIIK TMI' i at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, Who are soiling those goods out at Rroatly-roducod ti MlCHKLIiAC'il IllilCK. - - I'XION ST. WINHNSi 1m(I1 lilnttll (ill fhrrkti! imtnri rtrmitnl L'L. rmihiu iioixi rivtu, uwi liirKL',dli;litlyint. inmil utrwUiiui u cv. itikx mi l inn iiiirt-wiiti.-r.wltn Hlimlulii iiriifui-loii, -r(e!tilrnliiiu:'-.ilfllBlitfiil immnUla UK NKW TOWN tin lurt cumuli-, triiM.i-Mlriil iittniL'tliiii u n innuiiliiiii Mtiuiiii-r rwort lor nil Ort(M Iwint; tin- in-iiri-Nt town to .Mt. lloud. It Is uiiiniriillili-i n n TiiniiiilnrturtsJ center, IjoIiik tin- imtunl uuiiti-r Inr lie aru inllin tit tlui Im-oI niliiriolfc tirniMr, l(Me.inliiK iiuIIIihin of hor-. .-r In its diihliliiK Bttinminmli lUllH. CllflllV lllirlll-n.i-ll. lnri I- ,. inM v.. I ul . I li.irr li.tt lactorlcH will ci.-nti-r.iiiirrouii' l Mill iumI (llmiitc- tluit citiiiiotua' niiyv.iieri- mr inm mm ai:n- uiturc, nun witu triiiijMitlon mrwr inn nui nun wn mi' imrto imiki-ii tNTIi-et liomi'oru jmyia The Dalles. JC""orttiYtesit eiirnur of Second and Court etreets. All Watch Work Jewelry Made arrantod. to Order. i:H bm.'i.ml HI., TIim Dulli... tr. See me on the address me at Hood! Wasco County, Oregtl TITiiE PERFECT W. Ross Winans. fTTTT llllj M "nn DO Execntors' Notice. Notice Is hereby Klven, thiit the .imlernliiiiei have Iaii duly iippolntul, by the llonomble the It iJJJJU Daily and Weekly Editions. Vilinti r-,iiir, thl uu,... , t. .i : : ... '" wicKuii, execu tor)! of the eatiite of John llHXter. fl-i-i.,iu.fl - nil pernmii huvliij; clulmn Hjritlnst mill eitnle nro .lercby required to jiretent the ciiinc, duly veri fied und with proper vouchers, to us or either, t Anteim.', Uiiw-o county, Oreifon, within Mx months from the date of this notice, The Dalles, Or., Auk. , lota. JAMH8 HAXTKK AND JAMKfi WHIT'I KN, bxtcutors of the estate of John Iliixter.dtf; d. b-l,w5t CHRONICLE,!, . jVuiuiDia Hotel. For a lame back or for a pain in the aide or cheat, try saturating a piece of of flannel with Chamberlain 'h Pain Balm and binding it on to the affected parte. ThiH treatment will cure any ordinary I AGENTS WANTED Cn Salary and COfflfllSliOll cae in one or two days. Pain Balm J for THE ONLY AUTHORIZED aleo curea rheumatiam. 60 cent bottles "Dinirnnnlitt P T 1 If HO fl TIT 1 Tim My OAII. HAMILTON, his literary uwutor. with the co operutlou of his family, ittid for .Mr Illaltie'H Complete Works, "TVVKNTV VEAItS OK DONOKKHH." und his later book, HM. LITICAL. UINOUHHIONH." Ono protCtlls for thew.- 'J itKMT NULLING books in the mar ket. A. K. 1. Jordan ot lie., took 112 orders from inm iiu cans; ageum proiu iuu.ou, jus, Hal for Bale by B!akeleyi Houghton. WOOII, WOOU, WOOIi. Beat grades of oak, fir, and alab cord wood, at loweat market rates at Jok. T. Petera & Co. (Office Second and JeHer on atreeta.) JuBt received a ecow load of choice oak wood. Maikk & Bknto.v. Notice. All persona are warned not topurchune one check for fS5 to my favor through Trench & Co. Stkvb Majak. lard of 0., took ifi ordere, 13 Seal Itusila, in j day. profit HiiU.ua. K. X. Hleo of JIuss. took borders In i! days, j.roflt 47.!-Ti. J. 1'nrtridKi' of Me. took 13 orders from 30 t-alls, piotlt W7r.iir. h, A. i'almerof X. liak. took A3 orders In .1 days, profit MUH.iiS. EXOI.UKIVK -I'Klt lf I'rmr v Klven jf you wish to miiko I.AItiii; MO.SKV, write immediately for terms to ' The HENEY BILL PUB. 00., WlM, COflD MSU.it THE CHliONJCLE was ostablishod for the e )resB purpose of faithfully i'o)rosonting The Dalles and the surrounding country, and the satisfying effect of its mission is everywhere apparent. It now leads all other publications in Wasco, Sher man, Gilliam, a large part of Crook, Morrow and Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and othor re gions north of The Dalles, honco it is the best medium for advertisers in the Inland Empire. The Daily Cjikoniclk is published every ove ning in the week Sundays excepted at $6.00 per annum. The Weekly Chuoniclk on Fridays of each week at SI. 50 per annum. For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., address THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO., Tlao DalleH, Oregon. THE DALLES, OREGON. This Popular House Huh lately butm thoroiiL'hlv renovated""1' fttrniHluwl tlirfiiii,li.iif .....I tu .ton liettfft ........... wis VIII WIIIIUllLf ttitll U I ever pieimred to ftirninh the lst nc(;oninioilutioii8 of any hotiho In "i" city, and ut the very low rato oi $1 a day. First-Class Meals. Olllee of the futtt and coinmodioua opoai"" to JJtifur. KliiLrHhiv. Tvt.li Valley. W1. Warm Snrinira und Prinoville 1h in the1 nnd peraona KoirtK to rrlnevlllec"" H.00 by icoiiiK 0n thiH Ktnu Hw All trains stop here. D. BUNNELL, Pipe Wort, Tin Repairs and loon Shop on MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSUBE- Third Street, next door went of Young Blacksmith Shop.