The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 28, 1893, Image 1

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    eljc Hulks
NO. 89.
.Dalles Daily Chronicle.
,,1,1.1 H-llr.Huiirty R-itod.
II v
, wiu.lilnittnn Btreou. The
I ...ii... OrrL'Oll.
, of ,snlinrlitlni
....If, (K)
. . . . on
lUtCcf.t AtlKtlBt 0, lhU
urt iioiimi.
iiV,r Heparin 11:00 r. M
I mi it . DonnrlN a: u x. u
i, ---
Lotow.i.iji, A M.,nnd one lor the
lot Wf ."'
rJl Tin. Hulu Ovun, Iohvc dally
-.. uitcimil. Canyon City, leave
v, Mamie, W'Kptnltla, Warm
EfS IJIf vllL''' luBVO ll""' L'xt'u,,t
l?iu:,' , leave every day o( the
USflilHUH III ""- i
, cwnrH")'! ne "iiicii, untjim.
In. a MENKKKE - Attorkbyk at-rii-Kcni
li and , over l'ont
If.... ..... ii'... ..I. ..... Qtviu.t
PJUttluKi f.liinuil.i: i'" wimMhM
LinMnsctinmin bulIUliiK, ! talrn. The
.in . iiixtixoto.s. n. h. wuiioii.
5iivn-uw ymcen, r rtiicu uiocs oyer
itNitlcual lima Dullch. Oregon.
It U'fl.J'11. I rrnif II r V. I T.M W UlMimil
, French ii ( o n bank building, becoud
hi. Tfie Lifillen. Oregon.
tKHF.UlAN Hom.koi-atmc, 1'hymcia.v
mil bI'koeok t nlln mmwereu promptly,
ntjht, cltv or t'liuntry. UUlco M). isoiinu
A fl lift .1 V l" ituvfiirri M JMtl HTTtl.
HttOK, 0!!ne room & and f. Chapman
k hnldeure h K. corner Court uud
tt.1 itrct-tn, kw)iid door Irom the eonier.
k tmira j to vi A . i to n unu to b i: m.
iid;AU Iiknt.kt Ciio. Riven lor the
mIuiok vxtrni'tiiin ol teeth. Alo teeth
termed mum. nun- uliile. Itooink. BIeuoI
lMcti Tuot): becoud ritreot.
letters of Credit iasuod available in he
Eastern States.
Slodit P.v'.rm.Kr'i otwl TnlmMiinl.1.
auw 1:111 njuui;
Transfers Bold on Now York, Chicago, St.
i'hiih, anu rrancisco, j'oriianu Uret'on.
otiiiLnu ami., ana various points in Or
egon and Washington.
Oolli'ctioiiH made at all ;oints on fav
orahle terms.
J M. I'.mr.iiioN,
First Rational Bank.
A General Hanking HumneHH transacted
Deposits received, subject to Sight
Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceeds promptly
remitted on day of collection.
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
New York, San Francisco and Portland.
D. P. Thompson. S. Schenck.
En. M. Williams, Gko. A. Lieiik.
Rational Bank,
Q23r? 0' n nr. - ry-t 'vrr v,-t 'vrx
President - -
Cashier, - -
Z. F. Moodv
Chakles Hilton
M. A. Moouv
General Hanklni; Business Transacted.
Sight Exchanges Sold on
Collections made on favorable terms
at all accessible points.
BiaGksmitn & wagon shod
lii'd l.nll'il. So l.i. A V. it A. M. Meet
i bt mi'l tmrd Motidny ol et:h mouth at 7
1' it nr. the third WeUueMiny
li month ut " I
JlU'.llS WtlOUMK.S OK THK WOKl.l).-
n. iimm v.umti:io. w, Jicit '1 uexdtiy even
Iwich week In 1 rulvttilty Hull, at 7:110 j. in.
U'MHIA LOlKiK, VO,t, 1.0. O. K.-MooU
PVLTV rrWlllV i.tiimIiii. ... . ...!.. ..i- ... ,r
hull. riiniiT Hi., nti.t i. . ..
.riiiii.i i ..i " "im v.uuri mil-urn.
UrnliiL' lirothem r.te wolcnm..
lotion, bee y li. a. Hills. o.
;H.M)rfini' i.oi)oi;,.vo. s.,i;.ot i-.-Mi.vti.
every .Monday evening at 1 .:u o'cliM k, In
nnohhulldliiK, corner ol Court and hmmd
t. boJouniiiiK memlierK ate eotdlully In
.. .. W. B. Ci;ak.
m. .VAt'fiK, k. of It. and H. c. ('.
Kli-V.,1.,,,'N1?- "-'7' K' 0K I'-MwtH In K.
i nun me BixoiiH itiiu lourth Weil lien
i viiun iwooin aiiljo i, in
trt.t.,1 ,tr"' cvc,y ly ulternooti
Clock at the rvtidliiK room, Allure Invited.
Irmoii UlKe No, wjj, I. o. 0. T.-Kecular
I weekly meet ing ivi.u.. ... i ll
mltyflnll. All are Invited ' "
Kfhi V-,i .i :., ,' ' vtr- ht'"i,f. u Second
K' ' "I viiiiiii. in ,
ir.nn, rinancier. M. W,
K-M,!?'V J'OHT. No. 3-J, 0. A. It,-Mcet
bHinly at 7;30 i-. n In thy K. of 1'.
' V'k!',i f, l,l'vurJ-Sunday aftcrnK.n In
General lllacksmithing and Work done
nromtitlv. nnd till work
Horse Shoeing a Speciality
Third Street, opp. Licuc:s olfl Staufl.
C,(! y K I Meet every
"wiIiir In the K. of 1'. Hull.
K h ": ,1,)IX,HI0''' No. lC7-Meet In
tV H'iH the llmt mid third Wed
L "Q'liui, ut 7:ft) r. m.
,XK!I8 lUUCH-Kev. Father Hkonb.
In u,w M""" L'v,ry Huuday at
" "'Kll Mill.), nt 10:80 A. M. VeMJWH ut
ii!iVn'?,c'll,'ut"t -""Ion Street, opjioiilto
H ih'.t Uuv' Hutolillo Ueelor. Burvlcc
"ill (lav t a A, Mi ltmI 7;!(0 , Hundiiy
A, m. KveultiK 1'riiyeron Friday at
or ,,A,TIHT UK01I-Kov. O. 1). TAY
"i liintor. .MomliiK norvloH every Kale
, ";iiuiny ut u A. M. Buhhath
r mi i ! wll!'.lV1 ",lur inornliiK (.urvleoB.
in! K ' 'I'hiy eveiilnu at I'loitor'H text
fitimi hetvkeH in thu court Iiouno nt
:S',!'")US'A1' (JIIUJtCH-Uev. W. 0.
Uil7 !. torJ Huf vice every Kunday at 11
e. sir,.',, ' hll"lyKi'hool niter inorulnt:
lj BiraiiK,.rHuoidliaiy invited. Heat free.
Surw!!,tJ"T.Uuv J- WniHtKu, PiiHtor.
y hoi .,? "Whundiiy morniiiKiit 11 . in.
at 1" Ja'a o'ofoolc I' M, Kpwortlt
'lyev.:;?''' ?i ,'f,,)'llr 'nootltiK "very
'ti U ! S , 7.!li0'loek. Acoi-dlal In
' oxUjiuIwJ l.y both pimtor and jieoplo
iwtor'VN."Illj,1torU,!V- J- W. JBNK1NH.
li wi('h i lu.lllV.K m tll,) CoiiKregatloual
y Invite! y nt B ' " A11 Mru
a'h,.'),!' WllKUAN -Nlntli utrwti
''1 one 2:80 ,,,m' A cordlul welcome
J. 1 FORD,
01 De Molneh, Iowa, wrlteh under date ol
March a, 1SJ3:
S. 13. Med. Mko. Co.,
Duftir, Oregon.
Gentlemen :
On arriving home lust week, I fourd
all well and anxiously awaiting. Oui
littlo girl, eight and one-half years old,
who hud wasted away to 88 iotinds, ie
now well, strong and vigorous, and well
fleshed up. S. J!. Cough Cure has done
its work well. Jioth of the children like
it. Your S. JJ. Cough Cure bus cured
and kept away all hoarseness from me.
So give it to every one, with greetings
for ull. Wishing you prosperity, we are
Yours, Mit. & Mas. J. F. Foitn.
If you wlMli to feel freih nnd cheerful, and ready
lor the HprluK'n work, cleanse your hjntem with
the Headache and Uver Cure, by taking two or
three done each week.
Bold under u oltlve guarantee.
60 couta nor bottle by nil drUKgUti..
Andrew Velarde
IS prepared to do any and all
kinds of work in his line at
reauonablo figures. Jlas tho
largest lionsu moviug outfit
in lfiastorn Oregon.
Address P.O.Box 181,Tho Dalles
Annie Wfiytii seminary,
Tacoma, ash.
Boarding and Day School
for Girls.
Tenth Year Begins September 14, 1893,
For Cataloijue nnd Admittance, apply to
Mrs, Sarah K, Wiiite,
BV.'lulm Principal,
is essential to
in postrj- you cantiot have
cither without n good sliort
cning. Lard has nl ways hnd
very objectionable features,
causing indigestion and
many other dietetic trou
bles. Science has come ( o
the assistance of the cook,
nnd of weak stomachs, with
the new shortening,
It is composed of the choic
est beef suet nnd highly
refined vegetable oil, in
many respects as good as
the finest imported olive
oil. Physicians endorse it,
cooking experts recom
mend it. nnd tlirui:nn,lt
are now using it in prefer-
ing. Refuse all substitutes, is
- Cc
Bend threo cents In 'Tn ti IZ.
1'alrliank A Co.. C'liiw. I md V
Borne Cottolctie Cool; lio i.intnln- k
lni? r.lx liundn-d riclK, iin'i.arl liy (r
lilmi eminent uutliorltliioncooklns. f
Cottolenc Id bold by ull groceru. C
Made only by
t ow cr i w cm o.t
"The Regulator Line"
Tie Dalles, Portland and Astoria
Navigation Co.
Frsigni ana Passenger Line
Through daily service il Sundays ex
cepted) net ween The Dalles and Port
land. Steamer Kegulator leaves The
Dalles at 7 a. m. connecting at Cascade
Jjocks with steamer Dalles City.
Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland
(Yamhill street dock) at G a. m. con
nectini: with steamer Kegulator for The
Oneway 3.00
Hound trip 3.00
Freight Rates Greatly Reduced.
Shipments for Portland received at
anv timo dav or night. Shipments for
wa'v landings must be delivered before
H ), in. Live stock fchipmentB solicted.
Call on or address,
(ieneritl Aeut.
;'iicrul MHtiuKer.
Candies and Nuts
Finest Poanut KonstorlnTho Dalles
2 3 8- I cnC0r'
2i StrotJt J. I ULUW KtuurHut
The St. Charles Hotel,
This old, iHjpular uml reliable houso
i...,. i rufni'iiisbed. and uverv
room lias been ropaperod am repaints
and newly carpeted throughout. Jho
house conUUiiB 170 rooms aim is supimeo
with every modern convenience, "atw
reasonable. A good restaurant nttachec
to the house. Frer bus to and from all
trains. ..
C. W. KNOWI.ES. Prop.
Cansed a Panic in the Niicago
Wheat Pit,
Col. Espina Will He Shot as a Traitor
for Giving Information to the
CiiiCAco, Sept. 'J7. A fusiladu of bul
lets was fired into a wheat pit on the
board of trade about noon. Traders
scattered in a hurry, biifcincss came to a
standstill and the wildest excitement
ensued. A.N. Dennett, a broker, re
ceived a frightful wound in the neck;
Chas. Roswell, a telegraph operator, was
shot in the leg, and a woman in the
spectator's gallery was also eaid to be
wounded. The fchooter was a red
headed man in the gallery. He was
quickly overpowered and taken to the
secretary's office. He is supposed to be
Both the wounded men will die. The
shooter gained access to the visitor's
gallery a few minutes before the tragedy.
He fired five shots at random into the
pit. Bennett was secretary of the Board
of Trade Mutual Benefit Association and
a prominent member of the bof rd. The
report that a woman was wounded
proved unfounded. The man, after be
ing taken in charge by the police, gave
his name as Cassius Belden, of 365 La
Salle avenue, Chicago. He is undoubt
edly a maniac. The shooting caused the
wildest excitement on the floor. Panic
stricken brokers dashed for the exits,
creating a jam, which threatened to be
come serious for au instant. The sounds
of the shots and the rushing out of the
board habitues notiGed outsiders that
something unusual was transpiring, and
in a few minutes thousands gathered in
and around the big building, and the
utmost excitement prevailed for a time.
The pris-'iier, after reaching the jKilice
station, asked to Eee a reporter. He
said ho was a carriage painter by trade,
and told a long and rambling story about
having been hypnotized by a man named
Jones three years ago, and having been
under hypnotic influence ever since. He
at last reached the exalted stage. He
declared it bad been a bard struggle for
bread, but when they began to sell his
soul on the board of trade be resisted.
They had already sold his two children
in Philadelphia, where he says he has a
wife. He was dressed as a laboring
man. Itappears that a woman was
wounded after all. Mrs. W. V. Lwis,
of Titusville, Pa., one of the spectators
in the other gallery, started down the
stairs as soon as the shooting began.
The last bullet glanced and struck her
in the back, causing a flesh wound, from
which she fainted and was removed
from the building. It was at first sup
posed she had fainted from fright
Killtil In a Train Wreck.
Bu.lkvui:, Mich., Sept. '11. Henry A.
Newland and wife of Detroit were killed
and their daughter and son-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. Howard G. Meredith, badly
injured in a collieion on the Grand
Trunk road early this morning. New
land was a wholesale fur dealer. His
wife was a daughter of James F. Joy,
the well-known railroad official. Mere
dith is cashier of the Grand Trunk and
Detroit, Grand Haven and Milwaukee
roads. The party was traveliug in Mere
dith's private car going to the world's
fair. The train to which tho car was at
tached was behind time and was run
into by an express train following.
William Costless, a porter, was fatally
hurt. Williams Abeinatby, the cook,
and Jennison, fireman of the colliding
train, was badly injured.
Col. KhiIiih Will Ho Shot.
Bi'H.vos Avm:s, Sept. '-'7. It has been
learned that the officers and crews of
tho two torpedo-boats which attacked
tho government squadron oil' tho coast
yesterday, and which wore incited to
revolt by Colonel Kspina and thoollicers
and members of the crews, gave their
captors information which, when it was
laid before the government, led to
orders being issued for Colonel Kspina's
arrest. Ho was taken in custodv. and
the piobubilitios are ho will bo shot as
a traitor. The government bus asked
congress to authorize the prosecution of
General Alum on a charge of suborning
tho army to rebellion.
Itouishl ly tln rtut Northern.
Sioux Citv, la Sept. '2.1. News is re
colvod bote of the sale in Now York of a
controlling Interest in tho Sioux City &
Northern and Sioux City, O'Neill it
Western roads, which means Unit J.J.
Hill, ol the Great Northern, has bought
all the proportion of the collupsed rail
road syndicate, nnd, having completed
his lino to the Pacific coast, is ready to
extend it to the southwest.
A flcrliimi llnrk Wr,-c1fit
Mi-xIchii CiiitKt.
Sa.v Fiiancisco, Sept. 27. Tho story
of the loss on the Mexican coast of the
German bark Carl Burcbard is given by
two seamen who arrived here. She
sailed from Liverpool in January last,
coal laden for Peru. A few weeks out
she experienced a gale which threatened
to capsize her. The sailors were unable
to handle the sails, which with tho ropes
were encrusted with ice. About half the
crew were laid up. Rounding tho Horn
terrific scaB were encountered. April
16th, in a dense fog, the bark had a
narrow escape from collision with an
iron ship. They were close enough to
tangle the rigging. The Burcbard
finally arrived nt Port Angeles, where,
owing to a defect in her papers, she was
taken for a smuggler. While anchored
in the roadstead, three miles from shore,
in a fierce storm, with both anchors out,
she began drifting. The bark struck on
the rocks four times; the foremast split,
tnking the rigging overboard with it. A
great wave lifted and carried her within
a mile of shore. The inizzenmast fell,
injuring two of the crew. A Eecond
wave drove her upon the rocks, and she
split. She was abandoned by the crew,
all of whom were rescued but one. The
crew, with the exception of the two men
who reached here, were sent to Germany,
via Panama, by the consul at Port
Citizens of La Grande have freely
offered (heir services in opposition to the
anti-Chinese mob and as a consequence
the town is quiet.
The 12-year-old daughter of M.
Haines, Medford, was dangerously kicked
by a vicious horse, which resulted in a
very bad fracture of the skull.
The trial of John Hansen for murder
ing his wife is in progress at Astoria
today. It is being held in Liberty hall,
as the large crowd in attendance renders
the court room unsafe.
The heavy rain the first of the month
occasioned a serious loss to Jackson
county fruitgrowers. Peaches, prunes,
plums and pears were ripe, and gather
ing and shipping bad just begun when
the rain commenced and continued a
week, and at that time the fruit had
ripened so that it was impossible to han
dle it and a large quantity was lost.
Mrs. Carl Swayne, residing,von Big
Applepate. Jackson county, committed
suicide by taking a dose of strychnine.
She was addicted to the use of morphine,
and had become reckless and partially
demented. She made an attempt at
suicide about two weeks ago, but her life
was saved by the prompt arrival of a
physician. She was oo years of ago, and
leaves a husband.
Oregon's fishery exhibits at tho world's
fair, under the supervision of Mrs. M.
B. Lewis, have captured more medals
and diplomas than have been awarded
any other state. Prizes have been wou
by Oregon's Chinook salmon, trout,
razor-clams preserved in alcohol, frozen
salmon, mounted specimens of Chinook
salmon, rainbow trout and other tish.
Governor Pennoyer commuted the
term of imprisonment of William Blox
am, sentenced from Multnomah county
March 10, ISSi, for life on conviction of
murder in the second degree, and made
the term expire today on recommenda
tion of the district attorney, who secured
the conviction.
I. a (iilppn.
During tho prevalence of tho grippu
tho past seasons it was a noticeable fact
that those who depended upon Dr.
King's New Discovery, not only had a
speedy recovery, but escaped all of tho
troublesome after ellects of tho malady.
This remedy seems to have a peculiar
power in effecting rapid cures not only
in cases of la grippe, but in all diseases
of thro.U, chest and lungs, and Iiiih cured
cases of asthma and hay fever of long
standihg. Try it and bo convinced. It
won't disappoint, Free trial bottles at
Snipes it Klnersly's drug store.
Ask your dealer for Mexican Silver
SUivo Polish.
Use Mexican Silver Stove Polish.
Five Chinese have been ordered de
ported from Los Angeles by Judge Koss.
It is highly probable tho committee
on territories will report a bill for the
ndmission of Utah to statehood within a
few days.
Tho president has appointed G. A.
Draper postmaster at Cheyenne, "Wyo. ;
A. B. Hawkins, Watsonville, Cal. ; W.
Slaughter, Eddy, N. M.
John K. Russell for governor and
James B. Carroll for lieutenant governor
were nominated by Massachusetts dem
ocrats at their convention.
Tho August hurricane was very des
tructive to vessels. An investigation
shows -15 vessels lost, 5 missing, 18 aban
doned, 100 damaged, 40 ashore and 19
The San Francisco police believe they
have found the outfit of the man who
caused the explosion Saturday night.
Bernard and Curtin, the injured men,
are still alive.
Chief Swenie, of the Chicago fire de
partment, received serious injuries while
fighting a fire. A heavy timber fell on
him, breaking his leg and otherwise
bruising his body.
Bismarck's condition is discouraging.
The most formidable of his maladies ia
acute pneumonia, which was not discov
ered by his physicians until his condi
tion became critical.
Benjamin Tennis, a farmhand, con
fessed today he outraged and murdered
little Agnes Wright near Hummelstown,
Pa., one week ago. Tennis was arrested
this morning while cutting corn. He
broke down immediately. Tennis is 42
years old, a widower and the father of
seven children. Excitement is high and
crowds surround the jail, but there ia
not likely to be a lynching.
A solid projectile fired through 17"
inches of steel armor plate at the gov
ernment proving station at Indian Head
came out unharmed. It is considered
by the officials of the naval ordinance
bureau tho most satisfactory test yet
made. The projectile, impelled with a
velocity ot l,S0O feet, with a striking
energy of over 12,000 tons, not only
passed through tho heavy steel plate,
but two inches of wrought-iron backing.
A Lone rrocesslnn
of diseases start from a torpid liver and
impure blood. Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery cures every one of
them. It prevents them, too. Take it,
as you ought, when you feel the first
symptoms (languor, lo'ss of apetite, dull
ness, depression) and you'll save your
self from something serious.
In building up needed flesh and
strength, and to purify and enrich the
blood, nothingcan equal the"Discovery."
It invigorates the Uver and kidneys, pro
motes all the bodily functions, and
brings back health and vigor. For Dys
pepsia, "Liver Complaint," Biliousness,
and all Scrofulous, Skin and Scalp Dis
eases, it is the only remedy that's guar
(uiteed to boncfit or cure, in every case,
or the money is refunded.
About Catarrh. No matter what
you've tried and found wanting, you can
bo cured with Dr. Sago's Catarrh Kern
edy. Tho proprietors of this medicino
agree to euro you, or they'll pay you
$500 in cash.
"A Titlt'litril KUItor."
nurliiK tho ooinlnj; mouths, or the heated
period, tlio.ii) who nro trnvelliiKor coiiteinolatlnic
u trip iiwny Irom home, Miould rend thu followlnu
letter from u brilliant and well known editor and
provide themselves iiKiituit attnek of headache
and lkzlnes:
liKNTI.KMK.v -1 hud oiTiisloii to us-o hcvernl
boxen ot Kniiue'.s Ileadnehe l'njisule whilu
traveling tol'hieao toatteud tho .National Deni
oerntio Convention. 'I'hey noted llko a elinim in
preventing hindaehe.'. nnd dUlues. Have hail
very little liendaeho linen my leturn, which In
remarkable. Yom ie.Meetfuily,
John U. Siiakfku,
Kil. Uenovo, l'a., lieeoril.
Tor Mile bv lllakeley A: HouKhton, l'reorlption
Dnuwlst.i, 17.r Second St., The llalles, Or.
Shiloh's cure, tho Great Cough nnd
Croup Cure, is for salo by Snipes it Kin
ersly. Pocket size contains twenty-five
doses, only 25c. Children lovo it. Sold
by Snipes it Kinersly.
AViiodt Wood! Wood!
Best quality fir, oak and slab wood.
Leave orders at UW Second street or
corner Third and Union. All orders
promptly attended to.
M.umt it Uknton.
uiingor iV aiono a stages en route to
Cloud Cap Inn will locate campers at tho
best fishing point in Hood River valley,
wheru ono can reach Mt. Hood in a few
l,r.,ii. .1.1,1 III. ill. 11 1 11 1 1 iiml iiriivlslmia
,11111, Q llllll IViW I. IV,. ....... .... j .. .
daily. -'towd
Fresh oysters at A. Keller's confoc
tiouory storo.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
a. 'v