The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 27, 1893, Image 3

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    "m " """ j ' r I II III -HIM I II I I I I
on the
And watch the pleasant countenances
of passers by, as they gaze ill our
Corner Window, and see the display
of nobby HATS that we have just
received for sale.
Don't You Need One ?
all goods marked au
in plain figures. I rv
Tfe Dalles Daily Chronicle.
k ttie I'lMtofllre nt The Illc, Orrcon,
nk ccoinlcloM matter.
I.ikhI Advertising.
lOCenln I'-'r Uuu (or llrit lnnurtlon, and 5 Cciita
rlinrl'ir each KubcUciit lncertlcm.
sptflni rutin i"! louc time notlcca.
AU 1oc. notices received Inter than 3 o'clock
lllipH.iir tbc (ollowliiK diiy.
SKIT. 27, 1893
The Daily ami Weekly Chronialr may
lb found on tale at I. C. Xickfhen'i ttore.
ICIIr ami County Nuti Notra of Minor
"Mun wntitd tnit little here belim,"
V ! c lii the tale before;
N i .utter Mlmt he hn.. jou know,
II' :,! u i ule more.
fho t)ri'i;"n Vrvvs Atf-ociatiou goes to
fioini K.ut wittttrUav.
The uty water on the hluu" will be
liut ru alter h oV.oi k this evening dur-
" the niht.
Carpenters tut- at work tuittini? tin an
VI1U1 ill irotlt of tlm fit. Lmilu .hn.
p-rupny uu Mifotul btroet.
The Kexnlator will muki. u f.,. r.f r.n
:eiitH for the round trip to Hood P.ivcr
uu return j-riday and Saturday.
There will he a nocial elvei. l.v ti.
la-lies of the Congregational church next
"winehuay evening. The place of
Holding will ho announced later.
The largest, apple on exhibition i., T,.
iiiiovict.E window came fmm n.
hard of .Mr. Coatsworth. Ho inform.
'9 mat, no picked nine bushel of them
rom one tree.
Mr. H. G. Jordan brought in some
tore corn todav. ruim..! .t.... ...:i..
. . t'.v.iu IliJIUO
rath of S hiTni'u i,..;.i.. t. t.. ..,
uKv. J v In oi ino
f?ar variety and Iihh il
very thrifty-looking stocks.
Iwr wheat
( -whu AKtvi wuwy, iuey wero
'ttrll v loaded and
KHulutor wharf for 'shipment. The
'uer part belonged to .Mr. Jl. Jiice.
The 11 rut iliiiw.i. r ,i... fi ....
1D" ill bo trivt'll lit fi:XI) llitu .i-.i, In,,
P Fraternity hall. It it) desired that
SllOUld 1m' ..,!,. ... U .'in ....
I , .tv.uj.,i tv it .lv, ilO
iiiUKie haa boon ordered at thut
The Chinatneii'H worst enemy these
a)'H ia the bteatu wood saw. It ia busy
iawiiiKcord wood all over town, und as
itenin can work foster and cheaper than
mubcle the Chinaman has a poor show
" wni,etition.
il i i 0rt'S0"iH facetiously remarks
' ' t,lu "08t dlstlinfulshed citizen is its
,J miHherand bo it Is. If it fulfills all
nt eiputions its popularity will exceed
at of uy of the rHint.clli endidatoa at
"'eJuno election,
'flie jury i the case of State ot Ore-
vs. Sunmntha Fox brought in a ver
J of KuUty last evenlBK. The case
"occupied the attention of the court
ht!vtrul dyM and entailed an expense
the county, and it in to be hoiied it
' fi"lly nettled.
u' 1 u' Tuf,e' of the 08,1,0 ""yi
lib . l,WU tlli'' laotaft and reported
; Mcli of salmon as fairly good. The
, ' " the last few dayo is better than
feeding ones.aud Mr.Talle ex
18 it to continue better for the next
Mfck. As there were no flsh iu
the earlier part of the season it is net ca
nary that the deficit should be made up
j now in order to insure a profit.
The Portland Industrial Exposition
begins in Portland today. It promises
to be unusually attractive this year.
We have not heard what kind of an ex
hibit Watco county products will make
but they have an acknowledged super
iority in every place they are shown.
Mr. J. W. Winters, who met with the
misfortune of a loss of fconio fine horses
on the train wreck this side of Blalock
a short time ago, has succeeded in
effecting a satisfactory settlement with
the lT. I'. IJ. It. company and will re
turn to his home in I'rineville in a few
The Regulator took away 38o sacks of
wheat this morning and COO boxes of
fruit and vegetables. There yet re
mains quite a quantity of wheat on the
dock ready for shipment and more will
come in from now on. The business of
the boat line has increased materially in
value the last few days.
Large audience's continue to attend
the revival at the Christian church.
Ouo made confession at the close of the
ferinon last night. The subject of unu
sual interest this evening is "Heart-felt
Religion What Is It, and How Ob
tained?'' Come and hear what this
church teaches upon this important
The adjutant general has apppointed
a committee consisting of Lieut. -Col
Geo. T. Thompson, .Major W. S. Rowers
and First Lieut. II. H. Riddell to meet
at Raker City Oct. Mh and examine the
qualifications of Isador Kuchs, captain
elect K companv, and W. II. Rliis,
hcooud lieutenant F company, Third
regiment, 0. N. O., stationed at Raker
Kxtrrinliiatiiii; a Mutltriit Colony.
On Kight .Mile, near Ktidersby, there
is a colony of iiniskratH swimming up
and down that stream. These little fur
bearing animals seldom take up their
abode in Eastern Oregon. The trapper
finds them verv smart. Ho set three
steel traps and toon after going to look
after them found all three sprung with a
muskrat foot in each one. Ho is a heroic
little fellow and when ho finds ho is
caught goes right to work and gnaws oil"
his foot ami Is free. This wouldn't do
for the hunter, bo ho weights his traps
and now when caught at once pulls tho
trap out in deep water and is drowned.
Nearly all of this little colony has been
captured. A St'.
Nearly Comnletfil.
J. II. Thatcher, secretary of tho Ore-
eon (livlwlnn wrlluu tn n It llnnUillH
of tho Washington end of tho Kpokane
anu rortianu telephone line, that on the
night of the 25th construction gangs had
about four miles of holes to dig, six and
a half miles of poles to set, and eight
. f l . -f . .
nines oi wire 10 string to reach Port
land. It is believed that in four or five
days through telephonic connection will
bo had between Portland and Spokane
over the new line.
Uuokleu'a A rule lv.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded, Price 25 cents
per box. For sale by Snipes k Kin
ersly Mexican Silver Stove- Polish causes no
W. If. Moore of Biggs is in the city,
Mr. J. L. Thompson has gone to Cas
cade lxcks.
Aler. Fargher is registered nt the
Umatilla from l'ortlanu.
Hugh Glenn returned from Portland
last evening on the Regulator.
Mrs. A. C. Phelps went home to Col
lins handing by lxat tins morning.
Miss Emma Fisher, who ha9 been
visiting friends here, returned Home to
Miss Helen Teal from Portland came
up on the Regulator yesterday and re
turned this morning.
Misses Clara and Etta Story returned
last evening from a pummer vacation
spent at the coast and in the Willamette
Miss Lange, who has been visiting the
family of Mr. Geo. Liebe. returned on
the Regulator this morning to her homo
m Portland.
Mts. Peter Ppnuette of Oregon City
came up on tho passenger train last
night and is visiting her neice, .Mrs.
E. Garreteon.
Mr. J. O'Leary, a prominent sheep
man of WaEco county, has left with his
familv for Montana, where he will en
gage in business.
Mr. A. J. Anderson was a passenger
on the Regulator for Portland and the
Sound. He has shipped a carload of
t . - i. i in .1! ... ..r . 'P..
irilll, WHICH lie win uisjiusu oi in ia-
Mr. .IofodIi Storv. a merchant of Bos
ton, Mass., and a nephew of the great
jurist of the Fame name, came up on the
Regulator last evening. Ho is making
a tour of tho west, and expresses him
self charmed with tho lieautiful scenery
along the Columbia river and elsewhere.
ThiH morning ho took the boat for Hood
River, where he will spend a day and
then leturn east over the Canadian
Pacific. He made Tin: Ciuio.mci.k a
Selmol for Deaf MiiU-n.
Salem mki.
We have thirty-seven pupils now and
know of four more who will soon bo
here. In numbers wo will break tho
record this year again. But wo aro End
because others aro not hero who should
be here. Wo nave no ambition to bo
recoid breakers, but wo do want every
deaf child to he educated so that ho may
become an intelligent responsible citi
zen. This is tho Oregon school fpr deaf
mutes and we wish all parents of deaf
children to know of it. The state oilers
an education to all deaf boys and girls
who are capable of receiving it, provided
their parents will lot them have tho
opportunity. Parents aro not to blame
because their children are bereft of hear
ing, but if those children are doomed to
live dark, ignorant, blighted lives be
cause they were not allowed to go to
school, thou wo have no hesitation in
saying that a great sin lies at the parents'
door, it is a misfortune to be deaf, hut
it is a terrible allliction to have a
parent who is blind to his child'H best
interests, deaf to the mute appeals of an
imprisoned intellect, ard dumb when
called upon to explain his cruel negli
genco. A tiuod Tliluif t Koj at llaud.
From the Troy (Kau.) Chief,
Some years ago wo were very much
subject to severe spells of cholera mor
bus; and now when wo feel any of the
symptoms that usually precede that ail
ment, such as sickness at tho stomach,
diarrhoea, etc., wo become scary. We
have found Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Dlurrhcca Remedy the very thing to
strabzhten one out in such cases, We
are not writing this for a pay testimonial
but to let our readers know what is good
to xeep handy in the house. For sale by
Ulakeley & Houghton, druggists.
KiiRRtin T.nttcr.
EroiiNi:, Or., Sept. '2o, 180.1.
To Tun ritnoNir m:.
Tho heavy rains of tho past few weeks
have done soino damage to the grain in
this county, hut reports pay it is not
serious. Tliu Fame financial stringency
exists here as elsewhere. There is
plenty of money here but it is hold on to
with it firmness that will not ho relaxed
till general confidence gives place to
political uncertainty.
Fruit of all kinds is higher hero than
cast of the mountains. Watermelons
aro shipped hero from Jackson county.
What a pity the orchardists of Tho
Dalles cannot realize fair prices on their
excellent fruits. Is it duo to lack of
proper distribution?
Largo loads of haled hops are coming
Into town ready for shipment. Though
an important factor here, tho hop in
dustry does not even approximate tho
commercial importance in Eugene that
tho woolen industry does at The Dalles.
In Bpitc of the rambling incoherences
of the senate, business circles of this
place have been brightening up con
Biderably the past ten days. Probably
thia is largely due, yet not generally so
conceded, to tho arrival of the scores of
students who come, in some cases,
accompanied by their parents, from all
parts of the state to attend the state
university. This school opened its doors
on the ISth inst., free to all young Ore
gonians who can fulfill its requirements.
At the inauguration of the new president,
Charles II. Chapman, Ph. D., the
friendly touch of other schools was man
ifested by the presence of President
Bloss of the Corvallis Agricultural col
lege and President Campbell of Mon
mouth college, besides other prominent
educational men. There was a brief
feeling of sadness among the university
friends, when the chair was vacated by
Prof. J. W. Johnson to whose adminis
tration the success of this school for the
past seventeen years has been largely
due. But this feeling immediately gave
place to hope when President Chapman
gave his address. He is a young man
of superior executive ability, and is in
troducing some valuable features that
are needed to put the 0. S. U. apace
with eastern universities. Its possibil
ities are many ; its future promising.
Wanted at once, furnished rooms for
housekeeping. Walter Collins, Uma
tilla house.
Lost or Stolen.
Two promissory notes given by W. G.
Obrist and II . C. McKamev, &50 and
$11.67, payable to W. J. Means. All
parties are warned not to negotiate lor
said notes. Please return to Chronicle
office. ltdaw
For the Fall Trade
Wo nro now ready with it full lino of
Blaolc k,xi5L
Dress Goods,
Strength anil Health.
If you are not feeling strong and
healthy, try Electric Bitters. II "la
grippe" lias left you weak and wear?,
use Electric Bitters. Thia remedy acts
directly on liver, stomach and kidneys,
gently aiding those organs to perform
their functions. If you areafllictedwith
sick headache, you will find speedy and
permanent relief by taking Electric
Bitters. One trial will convince you
that this is the remedy you need. Large
bottles only 50c. at Snipes & Kinersly's
drug store.
Among the incidents of childhood that
stand out in bold relief, as our memory
reverts to the days when we were young,
none arc more prominent than severe
sickness. The young mother vividly re
members that it was tiio Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy cured her of croup, and
in turn administers it to her own oil-
spring and always with tho best results.
For sale by Blakeley & Houghton.
HiMiiluuhi-, Torpid I.lvnr, Cotlveni!H.
Simmons Liver Regulator, by its mild
cathartic properties, relieves tho bowels
from obstructions and cures headache,
indigestion and liver complaint.
Karl's Clover Root, i'no new blood
purifier, gives freshness and clearness to
tho complexion and cures constipation.
!5c.,f0c. and $1.00. Sold by hmpes A
Kinersly, druggists.
I'or Kent.
Five rooms suitable for housekeeping
with bath. Central location.
12dlw J. M. Jli'.vmii'roN iv i;o.
Wood! Wood! Wood!
Best quality fir, oak and slab wood.
Jjcixvo orders at 1311 Second street or
corner Third and Union. All orders
promptly attended to.
ituot nrmiuii nf rmU- fir. and slab cord
wood, at lowest market rates at Jos. T.
'eters & Co. (Uliico ncconu aim jenor-
son streets.)
Use Mexican Silver Stove Polish
UOTinXla ' " . '
- . . i.. tlili Ante tnr
oacr mrenor iiwHtiu ... ,. .. . .
Cook' Cotton Hoot Compound, take no uti.
tutt, or JncUwo 81 au'l 0 "m ' lstago in letter
una wo will keud, woloj, by return mall. Kullwolixl
particulars H plain envelope, to ladles only, a
Vtauiju. Addrwi I'oud I.lly "o m pan V.
tit), u 1 1ucr UlOV, iwruu, iiv.u.
fold 111 The Dalle by Jllukcley it Houghton,
A recent discovery by un oli
physician, succeiijuuy ur
.monthly by thoutamlt of
Uuli.t. U tho only pcircctly
cifil it lit I wll.tliln lnedtclliu (lis-
Cowaro of unprincipled UrucuisU who
and all other kinds of Dry Goods
gy .iWo are noted for tiie good values wo give
in isieached and Unbleached Muslins. f
Sheetincs. Prints. Ginirhams. Bootn ami ( I
Shoes. Hosiery. Gents' Furnishing?, etc.. etc.
The Balance of our Summer Importations now
Clearing Out AT COST.
cor. conn and second sts.
Tbe Dalles, Oreson.
Winter Dry
Taney G-oods and Notions,
(Jests' ixv)V)i) (Jood5,
Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes, etc.
now complete in every department.
All goods will be sold at greatly reduced prices.
Terms Cash. JJ. Hearing.
.Familial' Faces in a Neiv Place.
Late bpecial Agent General Land UJJice.
Jf?e Ieal Instate, Ioap, Iiurapee,
Parties having Property they wish to Sell or Trade, Houses to Kent, or
Abstract ot I ltlo furnished, will find it to their advantage to call on us.
Wo shall niako a specialty of tho prosecution of Claims and Contests
lxitoro tho Unite) States Land Ofhee.
85 Washington St.
Have You Seen
Fine Millinery Goods
112 Second Street.
At tho Old Stand,
Cor. Second and Union Sts.
ay, Graip, peed ai? plou r,
G-roceries, Fruits and Seeds.
Oasli ipfvlci for JElss& ctxxc. Poultry.
All goods delivered Free and Promptly.
A. T '.
The California Winehouse,
Is now opon, und its propnotor will soil his homo
X produced Wino at prices in tho roach of ovovybody.
Also, host Peanuts to bo found. (Joods guaranteed
f to bo l'uro and First-Class in ovory respect.
Thompson's Addition. . C BECHT,