"Hie Dalles Daily Chronicle. OFFICIAL I'Al'KR OK DALLES CITY AMI WASCO COUNTY. SCIISCHII'TIO.V KATES. BY MAIL, lWTAGK rRSPAID, IN ADVANCE. Weekly. 1 year JIM 6 months " 3 " Sallr, 1 year " C months. per 0 75 0 SO 6 00 3 tV 0 oO Address nil communlcntion to "THE CHRON ICLE," The Dalles, Oregon. I'ont-Offlrt'. orncK Jiori.s General Delivery Window S a. m. to Mocev Order Sunday U I) p. m. a. ni. to 4MB. . .9 a. rc. to 10 a. m. CLOSING OF XAILJ trains going East .9 p. m. and 11:45 a. . " " West 9 iv ta. and S Wy.a. Stage for Goldendole .7:3? a. ra. " ITinevilk- 5:30 a. ra. " "'Dufurand Warm Springs . &:.sl " t Leaving for Lyle A HarU&ni S.30a.n. " " " JAntelope . J'.SO a. ra. Except Sunday. tTrl-weckly. Tuesday Thursday anS Sararday. 1 Monday Wednesday and Friday. MAKING A NAME. Something Attont TUIr of Honor Among the ttarcpran. In the old world distinguished men are often honored, or supposably honored, by bcinjr piren titles of nobility; but it sometimes happens that the recipient of the honor does not value it hijrh'r liecently the famous Italian musical eomjvaser. Giuseppe Venli. whose name in English would be plain Joseph Green, read in the papers that he had been 4,created' marquis of Kusscto. The composer literally leaped for his pen, and wrote the followinc note to t the minister of public instruction; I "1 road in the Persevcransa that 1 hare Wen appointed a marquis. 1 bop j you to do everyihinc in yonr power to prevent this appointment from takinc I effect. 1 mar be remembered here after; but 1 shall be remembered much more if I am no: made a marquis." Verdi is said to have expressed the opinion that, after havinp spent sixty years in makinc the name of "Green" ilinstrioas, it would be rather haul m com WEDNESDAY, SFPT. 27 """" lack to lose it for the unknown desip lS9Sj nation of the marquis of P.usseto. . . ot loTip apo Fnnee Bssmarek, wlio mirht easilv have passed for the most Senator Stewart represents s state j faso-s asa ia Eurone. was dismissed whose entire white population is less from power by the younp Emperor than half of the city of Portland, the figures being 37,051. One hundred j cities in New York stste alone exceeds i Nevada's population. Senator Stewart . represents a very small clique in com parison to any of our territories, sad ye: he is howling a tnne to sttit his b&adfclj of constituents, to the detriment of the balance of the onntry whJch tre as 2,000 to 1. He aims high too. Li be cannot have his wy h? wants to im peach the president. In the last week the skin of the lice Las rsped consid erably, and his ears are aow plainly risible. "William. At the same time he was cre sted enke of Lanenburg. n - 1 fl. - li . 1. ; honor, but accepted it with the sarcas- UU1 "IvmcJ 15 'Ciunrcu. tic remark that the title given him by 1 M the emperor would be "a handy thing ' for him to have when he wanted to ! travel incornito." One great European statesman. Mr. Gladstone, might have been an earl or a marquis long ago if he hod not pre , ferred to remain a '"Mr." Ilis fame, : the world acknowledges, would be less HIGH LIVING, , if you keep at it, is apt to tell upon the liver. The things to prevent this arc Dr. Pierce's Pleas ant Pellets. Take one of these little Pellets for a correc tive or gentle laxa tive three for a cathartic. They're the smallest, easiest to take, pleasant est and most natural in the wav thev act. They do permanent good. Constipation, Indigestion, Bitious Attacks, Sick or Bilious Head ache, and all derangements of , the liver, stomach, and bowels, ' are prevented, relieved, and j q q C3"y"Q IT They're guaranteed to give satisfaction in every case, or E HMD SEE OUR STOCK OF Men's, Boys' and Youth s CLOTHING The man who Overlooks The worst cases of Chronic Catarrh in the Head, yield to Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. So certain is it that its mak- f he had exchanged his name, as his ers offer S5OO reward for an jrreat rival Disraeli did. for a title 01 Cur Stock of CLOTHING, and see if he hasn't bought a Suit that is poorer, and paid j nobility. I Really to have a great name, one J must have made it himself. To inherit It has bec iaccacrerablv bown, snRn a name 18 a Sood thing, but to says the .?oolk 25, that wages j aake il is much better. here are fr?m 75 310 r-er cent, hicher ! than the wages ruid in Enrope. and the , Men TVimteii. notion has si?? teen demolished that ! Notice is hereby given that appjica the American woridngman performs a ' jjons for labor will lie received by the great deal mere labcr in a dav than is ' undersigned until Saturday at noon, performed bv his ioreim competitor. September 16th, 1S93. ?aid labor to be f -1 ' - 1 'or the cettim; out and prepnrinc of The European operative worss loneer rock t0 b- H(sed-,n the rock lusher la'telv hours, and is tinder the constant super-, purchased by Dalles City and Wase'o vision of the hardest kind of task-. county. The" wages to be' paid for said masters. Now that the excitement and i !abor ?l-o0 per "day. For further in , v r . , . , . loruiation call at the ofliee 01 the r.n- buncombe of a presidential campaign 1 jgrcij-ne, have subsided, the American people are 1 Doi'gla S. Drrrn, taking a practical view of this question. Uecorder of DaHes City. , In the presence of innumerable silent 1 factories they comprehend the cold 1 trnth that prices cannot be further lowered unless wages shall be reduced to the European level. man now unaersianas wnai ne ougnt 10 ; we keep contimiaiiv supplied. Al'. job- have known last November that the nmler lhe ,Urect aupervi!.iOII tii , : American market can not be surrendered the U106t sncceiisfni !U1,i artistic t.,. to the European manufacturer and at jn tie x 3rtliwet. the same time be preserved for the American workingman. The silent factories cannot be set humming with industry by throwing open the gates to N foreign competition. And the American agriculturist can not find a profitable home market among several million un employed workingmen, nor even among workingmen whose wages have been Ecaled down to the Europpan level. incurable case. Gi.i.d .Tub Printing. Il you have your job printing done at The Chho.vicle you will have the ad vantage of haviiiL- it done with the most The working-J T,lf.iarn n,.nrnrui iirt u-t.tMi The Welcome exposes the fact cerning the iailure of Astoria to s railroad connection to Portland pears that the money for the propo line has been twice available, through the influence of Col. Pat Donan in in troducing Astoria representatives to Mr. A. L. Ulackman of New York, president and chief engineer of the original Nicar agua Canal Company. Blackmnn has a etrong pull with Mr. John Hudson, a London broker of world-wide acquaint ance and influence, who commands! al most unlimited capital and influence. In the first instance the Astoria trustees allowed themselves to he persuaded that P. P. Dickinson and J. H. Ham mond were the backers of Black man, railroad men of position, but without credit financially. Eut they did not know the latter fact and be lieved themselves smart in dropping Blackmail and treating with Dickinson and Hammond directly ; thenBIackman dropped them. The second failure woe much the same. Last September W. H. Remington got an ontioii in the Iranubise and land subsidies of the old Astoria and Portland concern. He hap pened to meet Donan in New York, and singularly enough both Blackman and , Hudson were also in the city. Intro ductions took place and the project was revived again, resulting in the pledge ot 1 Mr. Hudson to furnish the $l',500,000 1 necessary to build and equip the road, j Remington tried to speculate on Black- j man's resources again, and becoming disgusted the capitalists forsook the scheme again, leaving Remington in the soup. Mr. Hudson, writing to Mr Blackman, under date of May 27th, aaye: "It seems to me that Aetoriane will never get a capitalist to put a dol lar in this line till all the present gener atlon of Aetoriane and Oregoniane gen erally have died off, as all hold the legal right to control the building of the road, subsidies and all," C- .V. This Is the Season Of the Year Ulhen Judicious Advertising Pays. More Triaii money voia . . . What is Your Idea of a Fall and Winter Suit for your own wear ? YOU certainly have an idea of about what you want. Who knows, perhaps we have the same Suit on one of our tables that you have in your mind's eye. HoweveJ ti will Ins well worth your time to inspoct our Stock. ! I . who purchased your Suit of unuvM j we point tlie moral?" , 1 A? rmtfffri4ftTAl4 VII IU M I I L. hi I II IN U'ri. - ' T. . J T. t. j-I. , n I UUrv nil CI1 I I LI II , J nut- 11 u i-mti 171 iic ujaiji uj men iviicn, lanen 01 lis n leads on to fortune" Is called to the fact that Hugh Glenn, Dealer in Glass, Lime, Plaster, Cement and Building Material of all kinds. Crrl the Flnrt l.lnr of The poet unquestionably had reference to the 0 II s con- mmiPii' : ecure 3 A w sr' 5 It an- - Wj er' r -J 3 l .... S - . Z - BHHlllllllllH 5ed -KperE9.Vg4,W 'Caveats. Picture Mouldinsts Cii-Oil Si 11 1 y MUM II II & 1 I 1 ! C:if Cor;i, Eoar joi',, nor.' X:. Crt.uj .r. -fj;,. : r-. ' v tV,. h piisC:,n;;i end A-.!;na . ! r 'ir.-:nii.t.i;rs It brs r rvrl n.ii ri'-i'fl .rH..r.- ir jit1!.,. faln-l; v. .11 ' tc f." 11 1; -a "i ''ni? -o. 1 i Sc3tJ nodel, drawmc or photo., with dctip- by Druffgir" ft - "'r m..':. J ntlj V Jt'on- advise, U jatentable or not. Uec ol J or tees:, uc u 1 i-i- z cta and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat- ' 0 ent businers conducted for moocratc Fee:. ' AMD nrrirp te noBnerrr II BATrti-r nm-r 0 and wc can secure patent in less time tiian ttioic t remote from Washington. t To Dfc found in the City. 72 Ulashington Street. W. E. GARRETSON. CH J LO H'SlCATA m Our fee not due till patent is secured, A Pamphlet, "How to Obtain I'atcnts, ' with cok of same in the V. S. sad foreign countries! - r . .1 j C.A.SNOW&CO. trunnir i:i!(.cUir tjv teed to c:.re vou. I'rtct j.ct For alc by Kntia A- Klii-r-lv. VIGOR F MEN w r. M IKHA. WW. W KliKO. For a lame back or for a pain in the side or chest, try saturating a piece of of flannel with Chamberlain's Pain Calm ud binding it on to the affected parts. This treatment will cure any ordinary eaM In one or two daye. Pain Balm also cures rheumatism. CO cent bottles for sale by Blakeley & Houghton. XoUtm. All persons are warned not to purchaHe one check for 85 to my favor through French & Co. Steve AIajau. Easllj, Qulekli, Permanent! Restored. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, and all the train of iti lrom early error or law czceMr. tle rciult of overwork, Klekriii. worr.etc. FulUtreiiKlb. dcTelopment ontl tone Blven to e ery organ ar.d irtrtlon of the lxlj. him pic. natural method i. Immediate Improvement ;rn. Ka!lurelm:xrtlUe. Wuj reference. Umlc, cxr'lauatlon and prixjfi mailed (tealed) free. ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO. H. V. Ezecntors' Notice. Notice In hereby Kivt-n, that the uiidemlened have been duly niiHjluted, by the Honorable the County Court of aeo county, Oresoii, extcu. tore of the entate of John Jiaxter, deceased; all iierwiim having claims asniimt mid e-tnte are hereby reoulrwl to prevent the name, duly veri fied und with proper voucheri, tu u or either, t Antelopt;, Wbuc-ci county, Oreon, within tlx moutbs from the date of thl nutice, The Uallei., Or., Aub. 8, lh's.1. JAM KS ItAXTKfl and JAM KB WHITTK.V, Lxtcutore of the eatate of John Ilaxter. dee'd. W.wSt fl Uliseman & Warders, d iiiid Iv me fax The Dalles. Ratlin il .iRWRlRr J SilLK AOKNT KOIt Tit ti Oregon. jaV"Nort!iweHi corner of Second and Court Htruets. All Watch Work arranted. Jewelry Made to Order, I UK heomiri Nt.. Tim lall. Or, at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, M1CHKU5ACH BHICK, - - UNION ST. WINHNS UK .SUW TOWN lin uvn platted on the old camp ground, nt the Korku and Kail of Hood river, ulth liireciciitly lota, broad Ktrtftn aucl alloy, k1 oH Htid purtMviaer.withhhiiileln piofunlon, i-iTfct'tdraiunt.'r.dellchtful inountnin cllinnte, the central attraction n a tnouutiilii timiiirr rcitort for all oniron, beliiK the tiearent town to Mt. Howl. It ! 'uiparullelif a u luunufnctBriil center, UiIiik the natural center for l.Vi - , .ate tulkn of the bent cedar suit" tlrnlorr. ihwukrIiic i;i .111 tin k of horw . ..i-r lti ll ilinMm-!,riim and l? lucwirieB in i.cnicr. nurroun.. i iv miii nun fiutiHK, linn catinm ixw nti, wjiuir iiir imiil mill iilttii iiiiiiri. 111111 ririi r rn 11 1 vrfirifiiiiiit Bun:' you wiii nun nil trie place to inawe a jHirleet luiuie or u mym tjvi mo bATv vp- address me at Hood TITIiE PERFECT W. Ross Wi nans. W, DALLES CH 11 L Daily and Weekly Editions. AGENTS WAHTED cn Salary attd Cosnmisiion 1 for THE ONLY AUTHORIZED ' BiDeraphy of JAMES G. BLAINE. , li'.9tilii "AMU.TOK, hl literary executor, i with the co-operation of hU family, mid for Mr. Ulaine (.omj)lete Works, "HVJSNTV VEAKN ' OF v.osuitKHH." und hlh later book, "lo- LITICAL UIHCIIHHKINK." Ilnr.i.,,;.,..,,. forthCM.- 3 MKHT HELLING lxHikk in the mar ket. A.K.I. Jordan ot Me., took 112orderii from liraiiuiuiiia; OKeui fc proui twu.Dii, ilri. Jlal lard of O., Wxik J5 ordeni, 13 Heal ltuln, In j day. jirolltnau.SB. E..V. Itlcoof Mann, took 'JTord era In V day, prodt 7.li5. J. I'artrldifo of Me. toot -l.i order frum 3fi call, nroni K75.-.T.. day, proat mtl.va. J. I'artrldKo of Me. K.A. I'almer of K. Dak. took 6.1 ordeni In !t dayii, prof tHUH.l'B. KXOI.I1MIVK TKklllTlll v given. If you wlh to make l.AIUK MONKY. write immediately for lernu to The HEKEY BILL PUB. 00., CCDD, THE CHRONICLE was established for the ex press purpose of faithfully representing The Dalles and the surrounding country, and the satisfying effect of its mission is everywhere apparent. It now leads all other publications in Wasco, Sher man, Gilliam, a large part of Crook, Morrow and Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other re gions north of The Dalles, hence it is the best medium for advertisers in the Inland Empire. The Daily Chuonicle is published every eve ning in the week Sundays excepted at $G.OO per annum. The "Weekly Chkoxicle on FridnvK nf each week at $1.50 per annum. For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., address THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO., Tlx DaIIom, flew Columbia THE DALLES, OREGON. This Popular House tlRB lately boen thoroughly rimovnteu m fur, .it),,.,) ii.,,, ,.i,.. i u nu-lietter t iui iiiuiivu iiii uul:iiuiil. uiiu id . uver jircimred to furniBh the iKfflt Ho nccotnmodutioiiH of uny housu in city, unci t the very low rate oi f x a uav, jc li. eiViaoD j.w i Ulllct) OI tlin fimt rihI friiiiiiuiilioillj OP wh-. , ... ..... irnl!H to LMItir. Kint'Hlfiv. Tvirli VllllCJi "r-, Warm KnrintrH and Prlnevlllo ia in tbeJ and tiemoiiH going to Priuevllle can M.00 bv going on thiH Stue Hn- All train atop here. D. BUNNELL, t inn isinrii in iiHiMim nnn uni viiik iihiiib iii Kuiiuni: sjiiii mai H H Hfl MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE- Shop on Third Street, next door west of Young Blacksmith hop.