The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 27, 1893, Image 1

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    fOL. VL
NO. 88.
.Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Ibat lulIr.SmuHr Excepted.
(oj wnoliiiiK'on Streets. The
....... iifSuli.crll.tlon
18 00
Hfl ltoU.Mi.
llxt.nrtM 11 !00 r. M
rjn uuunh.
I Hi-iwtt a: a.
i, ,
iM.9Ht'!"11 l'rr I'"B leave
i. i-.r" - '
I ' T. t
Iftit, tIi. Hike Own, leave dally
L'itt. Jllichell. Canyon City, leave
li KiwTklcj. Waiulc, Waplnltla, Warm
Lrrf Ire11 v "' IcaT) aull' except
Rwi!'Viuh . leave every dsy of the
, (fcnstrwl, me uaui-a, uniuu.
Bif-Eoonii t: and , over i'ott
End fcuinncr on nuujwii bitch
l.ltlsectiinun.tiultdtiiK, up Ulri. The
triiU. I. I.HffTIXOTOK. H. . WltOH.
mi iT-uw . onuw, Frencn- mocs: over
Kliiitonal Banl. ' Dalle. Oresjon.
' H. WlIiiON Attohkit-at-law Koomi
, frcuib A Co. b a Ilk bUllOlIlK. becoud
. rkthtlln, Oregon.
LKHELXAN iloMJ:orATMtc; I'hysicuk
Kd tCRorojf, --Calls answered promptly,
r nlzbt. citr or country. Offlce So. SCnod
bi'Bin block, wtl
mk, Office, roomi 5 and 6 Chapman
tfi.Mf.i.... U ! (.rf...r fVilirt flflll
Hs streets, secmd door from the corner.
svun y iu a. .n , . uj d mm w o
IICJALL- Dektipt - (ia riven for the
(sinless extructiou of teeth. AUo teeth
iiwed aluminum ulate. Kootns: Bleu of
iltn Tooth, reomia Street.
Letters of Credit issued available in he
Eaetern States.
Sltfllt EmlianPH mil Tnlafn-nntn
Transfers soldon Now York, Chicago, St.
Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon,
Seattle Wash., and various points in Or
egon and Washington.
Collections nmde nt nil tviinto nn tav.
orable terms.
J. d. HrHKNCK,
J. JI. lATTr.n0K,
h called the "Father of Diseasea."
It is caused by a Torpid Liver,
and is generally accompanied with
To treat constipation successfully
First National Bank.
A General Blinking Business transacted
i jejK)8iie received, BUDject to biglit
Draft or Check.
Collections inado and proceeds promptly
remitted on day of collection.
Sight and Telegraphic Exchnnge sold on
ew torn, sun rrancieco and rort-land.
En. M. Williams, Gho. A. Lieuk.
H. M. Beall.
Rational Bank,
Cashier, -
Z. F. Moody
Chakles Hilton
v M. A. Moody
General Banking Business Transacted.
Sight Exchanges Sold on
Collections made on favoreble terms
at all accessible points.
"CO LODbK, SO l A K. A A. M.-Mwt
cru Ktm nurd Monday ol until uioutti ui 7
.l.V. ItliVll ti . ti . ltl-ti vt r.
wU lu Mhiuim(i II .til tt...ft.i..! u.ui.i.u1mv
h tnoulli at 7 1' M.
I... ii ;.,.. vr i nr. nutua'.'
11 K,1,!-'!lmr,t,'MMwUTuwliyovcii-
p ..v t. riBII'TIUIY 11.1 .'HI . .1
ttk t trv j,t JJlt
LUMlllA liltir.v wn i t
t.'. J .. 1 !"" r-.M0t'U
tiHll, comer bueoiid mid Court ktrwU.
.!. uiifbiierA nrv welcome.
uuoii, Mt-y. H. a. 111U.O-. 0.
KIS'Db'IJI I' LODGE, NO. 9., K. of l'.-!l.U
luob building corner of Court nud Kocond
uvjuuiuiii njcmucm nre corujnur hi
' VACer, K. of '.. and ' o. C.
K. .V sua lourtu Wodue.
pek at tliu redl!iK room. All ire invltod.
ion LskIph Vn rju i m .. .. am'.:.. . .V."1 0 r-
".ha, i . K. C. Klkck. Ko
'lr.ti-ri.lty JJall, oi-er Keller., Vn S
iiw..ncW. "-"Siw.
. . ,i r. a., id uitt ix. OI r.
BiacKsmiin & wagon Slop
General Blacksmithing and Work done
promptly, and all work
It is n mild laxative and a tonic to
tho digestive organs. By taking
Simmons Liver Begulator you
promote digestion, bring ou a reg
ular habit of body and prevent
Biliousness and Indigestion.
"My wire vtt sorely dUtrsed with Constipa
tion and coughing, foil owed with Heeding rife.
After four months me of Simmons Liver Regulator
the is almost entirely relieved, gaining strength
and flesh." W. B. Leetek. Delaware, Ohio.
Baa oar Z Stamp In rrd on wrapper
J. U. ZEIUK & CO., l'lilhdelplila, P.
Dally Evcnlne Chronicle is recoirnized
j as t"lvontla!lV thl! home Tinier for thp
DnlU- City follca' Mrtur ThU is not a bad
reputation, wimcf i L. 2.0fO of our best
aiiizenn wnicn me co uinns ot tn
dully for the fplclest lornl news. It
Fucceeui in gleaning tne nciu, ana hence grows
In popularity ami imtortniicc. Take it awhile,
you woo uon i, try some oi us premium oners.
The Regulator Line"
The Dalles, Portland and Astoria
Navigation Co.
"Wing in u,u k. of v. Hull.
K oi S" WW0' No- 107-MeeUHi
Ch m;, , ll ll:r,Ul111 mta wedi
,uZK$ UUVKVU -Rer. rather IIkom
v in.? Mu1' every Hutiduy ut
, "ili Mhm, at 10:110 a. m. Vespers ut
HUi p.y'iV.W'" -Union Btroct, opposite
",a A. m, tveultifc rnyxt on Friday at
,Mffl8T Su-Hr. O. 1). TAY
M thu Mor"'K ervlco every Sab
'1 I nm.S "?t;,,,y ut Babbatll
rmiSth'S'V1 hUvt wornlug nervioes.
Ui! ,Kft,-rl(ia)r "veiling at Pouter's rosl
u,Uo" w vices iu the court liouio ui
JBTupTi,0NA11l UJIUKCII-Kov. W, 0.
and I'J "t0'j Bervl:es every Hutiday at 11
cordliilly lnvitwl. BeaU free!
4J U
tended by botb paator aud people
h each tM,f to Cotigregutloual
A. lion J ,LH THKBAN-HlntU .tree
Wcii IVJ?2Stor- Brvloes at 11:80a.m.
Horse Shoeing a Speciality
Third Street, opp. Liege's old Stand.
J. F. FORD, Evangelist,
Of Dei Moines Iown, write under date oi
March 23, 193:
S. U. Med. Mko. Co.,
Dufur, Oregon.
GtntUtnen :
On arriving homo last week, 1 found
all well and anxiously awii'iting. Our
little Rirl, eight and one-half years old,
who-had wasted away to 38 jounde, ie
now well, strong and vigorous, and well
fleahed up. S. U. Cough Cure has done
its work well. Both of the children like
it. Your S. R. Cough Cure has cured
and kent awav all hoarseness from me.
So give it to every one, with greetings
for all. Wishing you prosperity, we are
lours, iuit. x .iish. j, r . roitij.
If you wish to feel freu aud cheerful, and ready
for the Hprlng'sVork, cleatinc your system with
thelfeadAChe mid Uver Cure, by taking two or
three doses each week,
Hold uuder a po.lUve guarantee.
60 oeuU per bottle by all druggltti.
Andrew Velarde
IS prepared to do any and ail
kinds of work in his line nt
reationablu figures. Has tho
largest honso moving outfit
in Eastern Oregon.
Add ress P.O. Box 1 8 1 .The Dal lea
Annie Wrigftt seminary.
Tacoma, ash.
Boarding and Day School
for Girls.
Tenth Year Begins September 14, 1893.
Kor Catalogue mid Atlmlttunee, apply to
Mrs. Sarab K. White.
Frefartt ana PassengerLme
Through daily bervice Sundays ex
cepted) between The Dalles and Port
land. Steamer Regulator leaves Tho
Dalles at 7 a. m. connecting at Caseade
JjckB with steamer Dalles City.
Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland
(Yamhill street dock) at 0 a. m. con
necting with steamer Regulator for The
One way
Round trip.
... 3.00
Freight Rates Greatly Reduced.
Shipments for Portland received at
anv time dav or night. Shipments for
way landings' must bo delivered before
ft n. m. Live stock shipments eolicteu.
Call on or address,
Oeneral Ageut.
aueral Matiagar.
at wliolosalo
Candies and Nuts
Flnoet Poanut Roaster In Thu Dulles
sdslreotj. FOLCO
At right side
The St. Charles Hotel,
ThiB old, ixjjiular and reliable house
has been entirely refuniislied, and every
1... i....... r..r..niurit(l and rcnalntet
and newly carpeted throughout. The
Douse contains ivu rooniB numuc
with every modern convenience, Rates
reasonable. A (rood restaurant attached
to tho house. Frer bus to and from all
trains. ...
C. W. KNOWi.ts, t-rop.
Train Robbers Wiii Be Givcu a Warm
Reception Hereafter.
Eastern Companies Will Provide Re'
volvcrs and Winchesters for all
Train Hands.
Chicago, Sept. 20. Armed men will
accompany every train hauling express
or mail cars from Chicago to any point
east, west or south in tho future. Two
roads have already determined to arm
their men, and in a few days orders will
bo issued by other roads running into
Chicago to supply Winchesters to all
trainmen connected with trains hauling
express cars. This has been found a
necessary provision, owing to the re
peated robberies and attacks on trains
supposed to bo carrying a large amount
ot money. Orders were issued by tho
president of the Michigan Central rail
road that every trainman should bo sup
plied with a couple of revolvers and a
Winchester repeating rifle. The re
volvers are only to be used in cases of
emergency, and these cases are consid
ered to be so rare that trainmen have
been warned not to draw them until the
last moment. The Winchesters are to
be used at any and all times when the
train is held up by bandits, and a more
merciful dose will be fired at the robbers
than the latter have used recently on
defenseless trainmen. The Winchesters
are to be loaded with duckshot, and
when the robbers appear with rifles or
revolvers they will bo treated to a
shower of shot which will not necessarily
kill, but only serve as a strong invitation
to depart. Every man on the Penn
sylvania lines will also be armed in a
similar manner. It is understood that
the Rock Island, Wabash, Illinois Cen
tral and other roads will take the same
precautions immediately.
A Mob Drivex the Celestial out of I. a
fi ramie.
La Gkakdk, Sept. 25. The anti-
Chinese agitation which has been going
on in this county for the past two weeks
culminated last night in an armed mob
of 200, who met outside the city limits
at midnight, marched to the 'Chinese
quarter and, after looting the houses,
marched the Chinamen to the edge of
tho city and ordered them to leave. The
immediate cause of the action of the
mob is said to be a meeting at Red
Pepper echoolhouge, on tho sand ridge,
12 miles north of this city, yesterday, at
which imUamuiatory speeches were
made by one Esteb, a dissolute attorney
and others. At this meeting the mob
was organized and moved toward La
Grande, ledljy II. C. Cotner, a rancher,
and Joseph Truesdale, a saloon keeper,
gaining recruits as it advanced, until,
when it reached the city, there were at
least 200 men in line. Marshals Mc-
Lachlan and Ardrey, Constable Walden
and Deputy Sheriff Lindgreen attempted
to quell tho riot, but as it was entirely
unexpected and no preparations had
been made, they were soon over
powered. Tho city authorities took
prompt action when apprised of the out
rage thin morning. Warrants have been
issued for tho arrest of tho ringleaders
nnd preparations have been mado to
prevent a recurrence of the attack.
The event which is causing the most
talk todav is tho heroism shown by Mrs.
Trumbull, wife of the Raptist Chinese
missionary, who was alone in tho House
with herdaughter. About 0 Chinamen
had sought refuge at her house. When
tho mob demanded their delivery she
appeared with a Winchester and an
nounced that the lirst man t enter her
houso would bo shot. The mob ills-pcrKcd.
Not Kulelilti, hut Murder.
FiiKBNO, CI., Sept. 'M. Tho morning
tho 10th Peter Williams supposedly
shot himself iu the head iu a lodging
lionso, dying hooh afterward. Ilia wife
liad just left tho room when tho deed
rt-as committed. The coroner's jury re
turned a verdict of suicide. Tho olll-
ials thought dllTerontly and this after-
. . . . i . .i
noon J. M. lliiinham, who occupied an
d joining room tho night of tho tragedy,
as arrested at . Malaga near hero,
charged with- tho murder. Williams'
Idow was also arrested and lodged in
jail as being an accomplice in tho crime.
,ato last night another man named
Charles Maurice was arrested. A sensa
tion is expected.
A Hud IHscovury for tho Old Man.
Vammhaiho, Ind Sept. 20. Dr. J.
M. Robinson of Versailles arrived hero
yesterday. He viewed tho remains of
Frank K. Robinson, tho dead rouuer,
Identifying him as his son. Tho old
gentleman was overcome with grief
Ho was afterward taken to the jail nnd
Moody brought into tho room. The
mooting was very cool, neither showing
they were more than mere acquaintan
ces. The father refused to acknowledge
he was his son, but after considering
the matter the young man confessed
tho dead man was his brother. Dr
Robinson stated ho did not know what
induced the boys to commit tho act.
An Unexpected and Kensatlonnl Devel
opment In the Case.
San Fiiancisco. Sent. 20. The eensa
tional Gilmour murder case took a new
turn today when a marriaue contract
between Dr. K. F. West and Annie
Staley, who the police say was West's
accomplice in the murder of Miss Gil
mour, was recorded. This marriage, it
is evident, was contracted so that Annie
Staley, who acted as nurse for Dr.
West's patients, could not bo compelled
to testify against her employer and
lover. As West is now in jail, the regu
lar marriago ceremony could no't be per
formed, so tho contract was resorted to
West's preliminary examination was
postponed until tomorrow at the request
of the prosecution.
Lotfal talent of Baker City will wrestle
with Pinafore October 6th.
The state encampment of the G. A. R
will be held at Roseburg next year.
The state school for deaf mutes in.
eludes the name on the rolls of George
Southwell, The Dalles.
It is expected that a new school for
the blind will be erected next year on
the site at present occupied by the
school for the deaf at Salem.
George Grills, who was 6truck by a
stray bullet Friday evening near Rose
burg, died from the wound at 10 o'clock
Mondav night. Ora Burtis, who did
the shooting, is only 12 years old.
Jennie Purcell and Fred Mossman
were arrested at Oregon City while try
ing to elope. They were going to Salem,
where they intended to bo married.
She was taken back to Portland by her
father and Mossman was lodged in jail.
Andrew Driscoll escaped from the
insane asylum, and walking into the
sheriff's office at Portland, said ho was
discharged and on his way to his ranch
on the Sandy. lie wanted to borrow $10
from the sheriff, which was given, and
he went out. A few minutes later the
sheriff received word that ho had es
caped and to look out for him. Ho
started on the search, but failing to find
him, returned to the office, when after a
few minutes Driscoll again walked in.
and was promptly secured.
Last Saturday Clel, Nez and Sam, the
three grown sons of Benjamin Hayden,
got helplessly intoxicated, and while in
that condition were hauled in an ex
press wagon to the afternoon train and
sent to the Keeley institute at iorest
Grove for treatment. When they took
Nez off the train at Forest Grove he was
still unconscious and died Sunday after
noon at 4 o'clock from tho effects of the
liquor. Their father, who is also a
heavy drinker, was intending to take
tho treatment nt once. Several years
ago Benjamin Hayden ranked as ono of
the brightest criminal lawyers in Oregon.
"A Talented Editor."
Durlni! the roniliiK immthx, or tlio heated
oeriod. thoho who uro trnve Iniror cnuteiniilHtinir
a trip iiwuy from homo (should reiui the following
letter iroiu n ihhiiiuhmimi nun hihmvii i-iiimr aim
nrov (lu thenibulrt'H titraintit uttackK of headache
and dlzhifsh;
CIknti.kmf.n-I had ncciudou to tiM) several
boxes of Krausu'a Headache Capsules while
truvelluu to CIiIoiiko to attend theKutloiiiil Dem
ocratic Convention, They acted like a charm In
preventing lunduchcs and dlzluc!s, Have had
very lime iieuuuenu i nuu my luiiiru, wuien i
remarkalJle. Yours reiceiiuiiy,
' .lOIIN U. SlIAKFKll.
. Kil. Kcuovo, l'a., Itt'cord,
Kor nilu hv lllakeloy A; llimuhtim, l'reorlillim
Druggists, 17ft .Second .St., The Dalles, Or.
Shiloh's cure, tho Great Cough and
Croup Cure, is for salo by Snipes & Kin-
ersly. Pocket size contains twenty-llvo
loser), only Children love it. fcold
by Snipes & Kinersly.
Ollnirer & Bono's (stages en routo to
"Inii.l ('mi 1.1.1 ll'ill lniMlfll I'llllllWirH 111. till.
UlUUH Vrf.ftJ. ..... ..... ....
best fishing point iu Hood River valley,
wmuo ono can reacu .u. iiuuu hi iuw
lours and trot their mail and provisions
hilly. atowd
Fresh oysters at A. Keller's confec
tionery store.
Tho United States flagship Newark
has sailed for Rio.
Thomas Wynno was thrown out of a
Sacramento restaurant, striking on hisr
head, and has since died. He was a
brother-in-law of Andrew Carnegie, the
Pittsburg millionaire.
Tne conditldn of Bernard and Curtin,
tho two surviving victims of Saturday
night's dynnmite explosion in San Fran
cisco, is slightly improved. Curtin will
recover, but thero is hardly a chance for
Mrs. Lcland Stanford's family allow
ance from the estate of the late Senator
Stanford was increased from $5,000 to
$10,000 per month, on her -representation
that $5,000 per month was inade
quate. The Pall Mall Gazette says a cipher
letter has been received from Rio Jan
eiro showing that the restoration of the
monarchy is undoubtedly tho intention
of tho revolt, and adding that the army
and navy will soon co-operate to this
Tho battleship Oregon, which is being
constructed at the Union iron works,
will be launched October 26th. Gover
nor Pennoyer has selected to christen
the vessel Miss Daisy Ainsworth, of
Oakland, a native of Oregon and a
daughter of Captain J. C. Ainsworth.
The organized waiters' and barten
ders' societies of New York met and
after considerable discussion adopted a
strong anti-Chinese resolution. The
preamble charges the Chinese with
treating the laws of the country con
temptuously in their failure to comply
with the Geary law.
Nelson Kuney, returning from church,
in Adrian, Mich., threatened Maud
Brainard, his fiancee, who was riding
with him in the buggy. He sent one
ball after her and then shot himself in
the temple. In the night Miss Brain
ard was taken suddenly ill and died.
Some allege that Kuney gave her a dose
of poison, and others think she took
poison nfter reaching home.
Fighting at ltlo.
London, Sept. 26. A cable from Rio
dated at 10 this morning says : "The
rebel squadron resumed bombardment
of the capital of Brazil this morning.
The forts replied to tho fire. The ships
ceased firing nnd retired out of range.
The damage to Rio do Janeiro is said to
be heavy. The warships are also re
ported to havo suffered from tho firo of
tho forts, and on several of the rebel
ships the shells of the forts arc said to
have caused death among the crews.
In Rio also thero was a loss of life and
destruction of property, but full par
ticulars are unobtainable."
A Long l'l'iicessloJi
of diseases start from a torpid liver and
impure blood. Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery cures every one of
them. It prevents them, too. ' Take it,
as you ought, when you feel the first
symptoms (languor, loss of apetite, dull
ness, depression) and you'll save your
self from something Ferious.
In buildlnc up needed liesn ana
strength, and to purify and enrich the
blood, nothingean equal tho"Discovery."
It invigorates the liver and kidneys, pro
motes all tho bodilv functions, and
brings back health aud vigor. For Dys
pepsia. "Liver complaint, uiuousness,
r.nd nil Scrofulous, Skin and Scalp Dis
eases, it is tho only remedy that's guar
anteed to benefit or cure, in every case,
or the inonev is refunded.
About Catarrh. No mattor what
you've tried aud found wanting, you can
be cured with Dr. Sato's Catarrh Rem
edy. Tho proprietors of this medicine
agree to cure vou, or they'll pay you
$500 iu cash.
Ask your dealer for Mexican Silver
Stove Polish.
Uso Mexican Silver Stovo Polish.
Lit Orlppu.
During tlio provalouco of tho grippe
tho past seasons it was a noticeable fact
that thoso who deponded upon Dr.
King's Now Discovery, not only had a
speedy recovery, but escaped nil of tho
troublesome after ellects of tho malady.
This romodv seems to have a peculiar
power in effecting rapid cures not only
u cases of la grippe, but in all diseases
of throat, chest and lungs, and has cured
cases of asthma and hay fovor of long
Htandihg. Try It aud bo convinced. It
won't disappoint. Freo trial bottles at
SnipcM & Kinersly's drug store.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.