1 1 Ill, 'i .'II Hang Corner And watch the pleasant countenances , i 1 1 . Ui inwsora oy, as xney gaze m our Corner Window, and see the display o nobby HATS that we have just received for sale. Don't You Need One ? All goods marked in plain figures. PEASE & MAYS. Tbe Dalles Daily Chronicle. Mml the l'ontoRlce at Tin- Dnllca, Oregon, Mcuud-cla matter. I. dial Ail vrrtlalnc. SCcnt jh.t llnu tor llmt Insertion, and & Cent arllac (nrenrh ubeo,tient Insertion. SpocUi rte f ir Ioiik tltnu notice. AU loc. notice received Inter than 2 o'clock Ul pc-ttr tbt.' following dny. TUESDAY, SEPT. 20. 1893 TU Daily and Vrckly Chronicle may U found on rale at I. ('. Xickehen'f ttore. City i SEPTEMBER SHORTS. mil County Xrwi Note of .Minor Importance A bonnet in inv !tni(cet chnlr. With piy lai tills thut women wear; A went i,t rof ev'rvwhere. A merry voice thnt nwiktu mi' drenm l 1 ml uud tl'wcr mul nutiltt trenra And new i i'iu u l.ny nml curdled criitru. .. oii'l -Ujipi-rn Uld iiMity: " prhiU ii'l'inud with ribbon guy; rill'truir t l .it r.,!,u- ,cU to tllV. k . tt( nnii ti-.iit tr..tf my hidr: " ' 1 "1 "li lreh mid fnlr. W'tl, t h In Itll'Lli'. lllTO Hlld there. 1 nur l . f !...ur- mid frolic Vidtl. r ' Mtt'ul.' "f I ri ten h 'hi' t. in t'ltvn HKulti. -Tuck. of Toll to S i Hub been secured Active tilii pnients will Dr. K. (J. Sunders him titnvixl frnm hit) hill residence down on to Fourth street, between Lincoln unit i u..i.. Tlie rock crusher bmm m.rllitnn yesterday at ; :3o o'clock ami l,v ft imd a goodly pile- ready fur hauling. ' Desirable residence property for rent is very scarce in the city. Jn-iulriea are InilUf! llltilv .......1.1 IH .v uuu uHuuuiys mat are ior rent. After S o'clock tomorrow ni..i.t i. city water will be shut oir ..11 ,,!). the bluff, to allow time to clean the reservoir. Kvans, Kelly. Colin .m.i km,., m... umann prie fighters, were sentenced H,WJ each, and h HVl. lllirw.,.!,..! In it... lu W1U lupreino court. The second trial of the ciiho l c .. - . camauina Vox for neBault I ressinir at it s nu- wuij: tins urternoon. I Tl ! ". i" quite a quantity of wheat u on u,e Jteuulator wharf which la wig Held till enoiiKl r ii hout loud, won commence. lue next annual meeting of the wluinbia Jver Conference will bo held "i The )ttiioa in fiejitemLer, 18U-J. The wnference la always presided over by a Wehop of the church. A stranger in the city who him trav eiltd over tl10 count conaiderably, euyu , 1 TlllJ 'Hea hits fewer vacunt houiiee JJn any clty wlilclt he has yet vitited. . tllB iH tr". Those houses which are "ant are generally undesirable. Tlio Regulator took a large load of '"Wit dowu the river this morning. ""e industries were well represented, veral tons of Diamond Mills flour jjcupled a good portion of the boat. , , A-Jionney shipped threo wagon .Til ?, hKH and er freight made up 'ill list. ,,fr;A'' Stanford, whose ranch is wt yield of wheat. From off fifty acres "obtained over 2,000 bushels, all of It tine quality. Crops along Junior tl f. ;J uniformly good and with any- "f 1 ko u flr Price our farmers would thlr iocktLKok fMttou. Mr, a. Wlnans has presehted Tiik '"o.mui.,: win, a bo of the finest peaches it has been our pleasure to see this year. They nre uniformly largo and of delicious flavor. While sampling them, the question nrises : Why is it not ns easy to ra'iBe nil peaches of good variety, instead of, as is often the case, to nourish trees bearing inferior fruit? There is a pool of water in front of Second street, on the bed of Mill creek which is liable to cause some annoyance. It receives the water from one of the sewers and as tho outlet is not very good the sewerage has accu mulated and made quite a lake. Stag nant water and especially sewerage iB u menace to health that cannot be over looked. Tho Methodist church was decorated Sunday in honor of the return of its pastor, Mr. Whisler. The pulpit was hid in floral profusion, while over the pulpit were the words "Welcome to Our Pastor" in large, gilt letters. Mr. Whis ler linf just been returned by the late conference anil this was his first Sunday in the new year of appointment. The congregation are to be congratulated in having so able a minister for their juts tor. George Oinstin brought into the Ore goninn sanctum Sunday a bunch of grapes and said they were the first to ripen in Oregon. The Oregonian printed the remark without comment. At The Dalles tho first ripe grapes were brought to town on the -'oth ol July, ami snip inenta have been made ever fdnce the 10th of August to Spokane, Montana and interior erne. Such a statement un- fhiilleiiL-ed in the Oreironian is capable of working great injury. The marine commerce of The Dalles was at its height last evening. Four hcowb heavily laden with cordwood sailed into nort and. with one that was un loaded at read v, made five along the beach Tho wind didn't rise till late and two of the scow came in about 10 o'clock To those who stood on the Umatilla Iioueo porch and watched their white eulls come around the point the sight was ii pretty one. A ship under full sail is a beautiful picture anil even a wood hcoW tinder a stretch of canvas is less beautiful only in degree. Let tint fSoixl Work tlo On. Some days ago wo published an item culling the attention of tho city oiliciuls to the spread of thistles. The next day tho thlstlea on the place mentioned weio promptly cut down, which fact we were glad to see. Jlut it does little good to re move the thistle from one portion when it is surrounded on all sides by a heavy growth. There are several more blocks along Second and Third streets which are covered with tho weed and should be removed. We hope prompt action will result and that Tim Ciikoxici.k will not again need to call attention to the matter. The Lucklcu'luluml NUr. The ill fated steamer Inland Star etill pursues her mad career of misfortune and disaster. She is now high aud dry on the beach west of Mill Greek with day light creeping through the seams. Sev eral suits are entered against tlio boat and site will probably have to be sold. The investment was an unfortunate one and was so conceded at the time it was made by those whose experience gave weight to their opinion. Wooclt Woodl Wood! Best quality fir, oak and slab wood, Leave orders at 133 Second street or corner Third aud Union, All orders promptly attended to, Maieii tfc Uknton, PERSONAL MENTION. Hon. Zera Snow, a lawyer of Portland, is in tho city today. Mr. J. T. Peters went to Stevenson on this morning's boat. Mr. Alex. MacLeod went to Grants on last night's passenger. Rev. Air. Whisler of the Methodist church left by boat for Portland this morning. Mr. W. E. Garretson took the Reg ulator for Cascade Locks this morning, where he goes on a business trip. The condition of Mr. W. S. Mvers is reported as much improved today and the gentleman will soon be able to at tend to business. A party consisting of the Misses Anne and tiess Lang and .Miss .baton, of i'ort land, left by the Regulator this morning tor a lew days stay at Ulouu Cap inn. ItOKN. September 21st, ISO.'!, to the wife of Mr. J. W. Pennington, a sou. In The Dalles, Sept. Gth, to the of James R. Steel, a daughter. wife 1IIKI). On Mill creek, near The Dalles, Sept. 2.1th, Andrew Clemens, infant son of M. J. and Alleusia Speichinger, aged one year and 10 months, funeral will take "place front the Catholic church at 10 o'clock Wednesday morning. A l'lrHMllit I'urt.v. A very pleasant party was given by Dr. aud Mrs. Hollister last evening in honor of Miss Mattie Hollister. A large crowd of The Dalles best young people filled the parlor of the hospitable residence and pasted a pleasant evening in playing whist, interspersed by music and conversation. A delicious lunch was served by the ho-te?s after which tho prizes were announced. The score cards were daintily gotten up und'wero novel in conception. They were mado from birch bark gathered by Miss Hollister while in Michigan this sum mer. The prizes of the evening were very tasty. The head young lady's prize was a pearl handle gold pen and the young gentleman'.; a copy of the " Hridgo of the Gods" from the pen of that bril liant and too early lamented young author, Rev. F. H. Rulch, who died a year or two ago at Hood River. MILITARY MEN AND MATTERS. Tiik mercantile and armed natives of the world have 1,W3,000 heamen. Of the seven full generals who were in the confederate army none are now living. Tin: Pennsylvania national guard will not visit the world's fair, but will hold the usual state encampment. Tin: olllcers of the Swedish navy are considered as military ollleers, and in full dress are obliged to wear spurs. Dll. DKI.AVAK llLOODOOOI), U. S. N., who became widely known on account of his striking resemblance to tho lato James (J. Jllaiiio, is to be retired in August. Tiik big cruiser Philadelphia is off for a three years' cruise. When she reaches tho western coast of South America she will receive ordora send ing her to Honolulu or Samoa. Wiikn the new minister to Germany,, Mr, Theodore Runyon, presented him self to the court of Herllu with Ills cre dentials, he dazzled beholders by ap pearing arrayed in tho uniform of major general of the Now Jersey np tloual guurds; Use Mexican Silver Stove Polish. lloudutilif. THE MARKET8. Condition (Ic ni-tnlly liiiprm Iiir Tim Win-ill Supply oMIin Worlil. TtinsDAv, September 2(1 There is it marked improvement in business; in jobbing lines there Is a better Inquiry. The grocery and provision trade liiis assumed its usual activity with enlarged orders from tho Interior, and denlers aro wearing a smile instead of the blanched countenance of tho past few months. Prices continue steady in merchandise, and also in groceries and provisions. Ihero is no change to nolo in country produce. Eggs aro scarce still and tho market is firm at 18 to 20 cents per dozen, the market is stocked up witl; ii i. , i ... nu Kinos oi vegetables ana prlcea are nominal with the exception of cabbage, which were sold yestordav at one cent per pound. Tho fruit market is steady and dc liveries are largo for shipment to Sound and mountain marketH. The Earl con eignments wero unsatisfactory to ship prs and they arc resorting to other means for disposal which is meeting with more favor. Tho grain market has undergone no change that has given any encourage ment to the producer. The published reports which has been accorded to agricultural bureaus that the world's product was the shortest known for years, now seems to be all a great mis take and really the harvest for 1893 is large, and the reported deficiency to be made up is not well founded. Those who seem to know of the true situation of the world's supply and demand, say there is no reason for builded hopes for an advance above nominal quotations on the present product of breadstuff's. Just as soon as a firm tone is cabled from Europe a slight advance is experienced in American markets and in every case buyers have subsided to some shady nook, there to lie in wait for a decline, which follows in quick succession. This has been the result and is expected to continue so in a measure, during the season. For the Fall Trade We are now ready with a full line of Cleveland')) Arraignment. Washington-, Sept.25. Senator Stew art began by referring to tho recent centennial anniversary of the laying of the corner-stune of the canitol. when. he Baid, tho president, with more than 100,000 high-paid government offices to bestow,with a veto power designed only for extraordinary occasions, backed by concentrated capital and a "venal press," turning to the senate wing, de clared in menacing tones that if the representatives there assembled legis lated in passion or prejudice or in be half of sectional or selfish interests, the time when the comer-stone was laid or the circumstances surrounding it were not worth commemorating. This senti ment was cheered by a thoughtless multitude, and construed by a venal press as a rebuke from the president to tho guilty venal senate. Stewart then quoted from the history of England as to the parliamentary struggle with the Stuarts. Coming to tiie present time, he charged that the president, in disre gard of liis oath of office, allow ed the secretary of the treasury to violate tho act which made tho purchase of 4,500, 000 ounces of silver per month manda tory, by exercising an unlawful discre tion in purchasing a smaller amount. Stewart declared that at no time since Charles I, in either England or the United States, had any king or president openly and defiantly disobeyed a statute which lie himself had declared inandutory, or allowed his subordinates to do the samo thing. Was it not time to sound an alarm? If con stitutional liberty was of any valuo, all should stand up and say to the president : "You havo overstepped tho mark ; wo cannot afford to havo tho laws of con gress disregaided." "A Tiili'iitcil lMltor." DurhiK tin- I'omliiK months, or the hen ted period, those whiuire InivelliiKor eoiiteinplHtiiiK a trip iiwiiy from homei-hoiiM read theollowIiiK letter from u brilliant and well known editor and provide theim-ehe iiKiilnst attaukh of headache, and dl.iine. ir.NTi.Kii:.N I had occasion to tim heveral boxe of Knmi-u' Headache ('aimiiles whilu trufellliK to I'hiciitfo to attend tho .National Hem. ociatlo Convention, They acted llko n charm in prevenliiitf litiiilnclies and dlzlllCMi, Have had very little headache i line my return, w hicli K reniarkaljle. Your rc-pcctfully, John U. tiiun'Kit, Kd, ltcnovo, l'ii llecord, Tor tale lv lllakeley it Houghton, I'lesetlpllon HrufKil, iVi Second f-t., The pulled. Or. For a lamo back or for a pain in tho side or chest, try saturating a piece of of flannel with Chamberlain's Painllalin and binding it on to tho affected parts. This treatment will euro any ordinary case in ono or two days. Pain Halm also cures rheumatism. SO cent bottles for salo by Blukoley & Houghton. WOOl), WOOD, WOOII. Rest grades of oak, fir, and sah cord wood, at lowest market rates at Jos. T. Peters A Co. (Olllce Second and Jeffer son streets.) Ask your dealer for Mexican Silver Stove Polish. Ready-Made Clothing, oiSgodL xteess Goods, and all other kinds of Dry Goods Q Wo are noted for tho irood values wo vivo in Bleached and Unbleached Muslins, Sheetings. Printe. Ginehnrns. Rootn ami Shoes. Hosiery. Gents' Furnishings, etc.. etc. o WOOO'H XniOSPHODINJSi Tlio Great BnslUb Remedy, iTomptiy aiia permanently our all forma Ol AVreOu WtakneU.EmMont, Sixrwt' Otorrhea, JmpcUnoy an4alt tfftcfofAbut or Ctt-MMa, ix-cu inscribed oier a cumIu tliouumtUof raeei I.I l.l.t,.. flMftllvMiitfftu. .. I.. fm Wn.ul'a IliikanllOllillB I If hO OffOrS IruUUCIII'i w, imii "-' - ' I uiumi w - - " -. . ., . , . ,. ,),. i... i,u .Mi wjiutworthlcMinodlclnompUvcoof ttiU, leavo bU Simmons Liver Regulator, by Its mild uton. ,0 prtce in letter, ond cathartic properties, relieves tho bowels wowlllaenil by roturn mall. Trice, oiw jiackago, from obstructions i.n.l euros hen.hiche, 1 ?f indigestion and liver complaint. Addrwa Tlio Wood Chemical Co., - jai wo'AJivoru uviuue, utiiwi, wivu. Ute Mexican Silver Sluvu Poll eh ' Sold in The Dallex by UluUley A Houghton. The Balance of our Summer Importations now Clearing Out AT COST. Cor. Coin and second sis. Tie Dalles, Qrezon. S. & N. HARRIS. 3STEW Siring M Siir In Goods, Fancy Goods and Notions, Qepts' purrir Qood5, Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes, etc. now complete in every department. All goods will be sold at greatly reduced prices. H. Herbring. Terms Cash. C Faihiliar Faces in a New Place J. E. BARNETT EX BAYARD, Late Special Agent General Land Office Jt?e leal Instate, loap, Ipjurapee, COLLECTION" ACENCY. NOTARY UBLIC. - Parties having Property they wish to Sell or Trade, Houses to Kent, or t W Abstract of Title furnished, will find it to their advantage to call on us. shall make a specialty of tho prosecution of Claims and Contests , before tho Unitep States Land Office. 85 Washington St. THE DALLES, OR. Have You Seen :KTHE " Fine 112 Becoud Street. Millinery Goods AT ANNA PETER & CO. J. H. CROSS. At tho Old Stand, Cor. Second and Union Sts. flay, -Grair;, peed ai? plo ii r , Groceries, Fruits and Seeds. Gtxmlcx pil5L for tt&g;& iiacl oviltDfy-. All goods delivered Free and Promptly. THE WORLD'S BEST LITERATURE IN- BOOKS. A. T I. C. NICKELSEN'.S. The California Winehouse, Is now open, and its proprietor will soil his homo producod Wine at pricos in tho roach of uvorybody. Also, best Poanuts to bo found. Goods guaranteed to bo Pnro and First-Class in ovory respect. Thompson's Addition. c. BECHT.