The Dalles Daily Chronicle. OFFICIAL PAPER OF DALLES CITY XSb WASCO COl'JtTY. Sl'BSCRIPTlON RATES BT HAIL, roSTACS rRKfAItl, IS ADVANCK. Weekly, 1 year. " 6 month? Daily, 1 year- " 6 months. 6 CO 3 CO JCJ " ... VAI Addreos all communication to ' THE CHRON ICLE." The Pallc. Orepon. Twice a WMk. I Hani times does not deter Tiie Chkos ici.r. from being enterprising. Behav ing that the readcrsof its weekly edition would be better served by sendinp ont the news printed in the early part of the ....I l so! weei;, it now issues the weekly in two ' o! parts, so that the people will pet them rost-omco. orncs hocks GsncriU mJlverr Window .S tn Jlocer Order Sunday it O to 7 . m. S a. m. to 4 t. m. P a. m. to 10a. in. CLOftSG Or MAIL! , trains going East . 9 p. m. and 11 5 a. tn. i " West . 9 p. m. and p. ni. j Stage for Goldendale . 7:30 a. m. . " " Prinevillo 5:35 a. tn. ' "'Dulnrand W am Sprints 5:30 a. m. " t Leaving lor Lvle & Hartland 5 .SO a. m. jAntclopc . J;30a. m. , Except Sunday. fTri-weeklr. Tucsdsr ThursHy and Saturday, j 1 " "Monday Wedncsdar and Friday. TUESDAY, - SFPT. 26, 1S93' Wednesdays and Saturdays. It is vir tually a semi-weekly, and is almost double the value of a weekly alone. That our efforts to please are appre ciated is shown by the already increased number of subscribers. Some of the features are: A low price tor the paper. A concise and full market report. Washington correspondence. Country correspondence. Itemized Oregon news. Itemized world's news. Full local news. Valuable hints to the producers. Home advertisements. The last named are valuable to any- com E ffl SEE OUR STOCK OF5 MOTHERS, and especially nursing mothers, need the strengthening support and help that comes with Dr. Pierce's Fa vorite Prescription. It lessens the pains and burdens of child-bearing, insures healthy, vigorous offspring, , and promotes an abundant secretion of nourishment on the part of the mother. It is an invigorating tonic made especiallv for Men's, Boys' and Youth s & CLOTHING 4 lrnmm tifr. I one who will make them so, and should fpf,t harmless in r rrniditinn i i 1 1 ; a A. i. nr . . oe reaa oy au wjuj wuuui wcuut nf the lema e RVRtem. n it lot of public land in this country-is j , a. tfae rnle o ,y aa de. I gt th and cures, ?VenT bJLclaT,mntff!nfive.t0 'flmand holds good, so long will adver-, chrome weaknesses at ZaWZ h ,hrflnr ft ' money i8 an obJect' A careItU weew-vilates and promotes all the natural -What arewe todohthe ov 0, tfae advertisements 5n The functicms and never conflicts with . Anglo-Saxon land greed, now that the CnaosICL1. wiU save manv time9 the them. Cherokee outlet about the last arable . . . ,. . ,., I an.- u t i uni vi jojti in inc iiui.-i, n4 i x ii v a ruM;r.iiLiuu uuuus up. r In all the ; on1 A cryc nr deep?" The Louisville Times in reply lwi Vft,naWp RnA thp shrewd tW nffliot u-omon. it. i mtnmntnA 1 ' 7 . . . Ty ,T , profit by reading them. to beneht or cure, or the money a.rttiL vuu -."- T Pnr.nviri.r. is onlr 1.50 a vear. a is refunded. ) bit a month, and no family in Wasco 1 county can afford to be without it. For every case of Catarrh which Subscribe now and get four months' sub-! they cannot cure, the proprietors of senpuon Iree. io not wait n you uo : ur. sage s uatarrn Kemedy agree not happen to have the money. Look: Over The man who Overlooks take possession of Symmes' Hole.' see The Philadelphia Times notes that train robbing as a bueiness pays best when carried on by small gangs. The twenty men who robbed the Lake Shore train at Kendallville had to share a $20, 000 prize, while the four men who cap tured the train in Xortbern Michigan had $70,000 to divide. But there is an advantage in large gangs that the Times overlooks. A large gang is less likely to get caught. A few of the eastern mills and manu factories that have started up during the last ten days are the Bridgeport iConn. corset factory, Amsterdam N. Y. broom manufactory, Bristol Pa. wall paper mills, West Superior Wis. ', wagon and carriage works, Lowell .Mass, woolen mills, Richmond Ind., nail works, Oscoda Mich. saw mills, Mead ville i'Col. i miners and the New Phila delphia .0.) wireTand nail works. Alto gether this gives renewed employment to, 10,000 men. Cur Stock of CLOTHING, and if he hasn't bought a Suit that is joorer, and paid The St. Louis Post-Dispatch calls at tention to the fact that a large wall paper concern in that city is about to go ont of business in order to deliver its trade to the National Wall Paper com pany of New York, a newly organized trust. While it is admitted that these deals are in restraint of trade and con trary to public policy, they are becoming a rule under the present administration. The attorney general has a tender side for all trusts, and has held in the past that laws against them are unconstitu tional. With such a man occupying each a post the iniquitous trade com bine may be expected to flourish like a gresn bay tr;e. Uucklen' Arnica Sal re. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Snipes & Kin ersly Men Wanted. Notice is hereby given that applica tions for labor will be received by the undersigned nntil Saturday at noon, September 16ih, 1S93. Said labor to be for the getting out and preparing of rock to bt- used in the rock crusher lately purchased by Dalles City and Wascb county. The wngts to be' paid for said labor "is $1.50 per" day. For further in formation call at the office of the un dersigned. Dougla S. Dcite, Hecorder of Dalles Citv. do ' Dr. Sace's Catarrh to pay $500 in cash. You're cured by its mild, soothing, cleansing, and healing properties, or you're paid. More Than money vou Gixnl Job rrintinc- If yon have your job printing dm!- ri Tue Chkomcle you will have U- ad vantage of having it done with the ino-t modern and approved type, with which we keep continually supplied. All job under the direct supervision of one f the most successful and artistic printer in the Northwest. Notice. All persons are warned not to purchase one check for ?S5 to my favor through French & Co. Ste e M.u.ut. This Is the Season Of the Year Olhen Judicious Advertising Pays. who purchased your Suit of What is Your Idea of a Fall and Winter Suit for your own wear ? YOU certainly have an idea of about what you want. Who knows, perhaps we have the same Suit on one of our tables that you have in your mind's eye. Howe veil tt will Ik; well worth your time to inspect our Stock. 1aW w vmimm w I UUK M 1 1 hjl 1 lUJl u There is a tide in the affairs oj men which, taken at its jk leads on to fortune." The Telegram says : Orecon woolgrowers should remember that Oregon wool never brought a better price than in 1S70, when there was no protection on wool, but when there was unlimited Eilver coinage. After stiver was demonetized in 1S73 wool betran to go down, and now a protective duty of 100 cents on the pound would not bring it tip again until silver is fully restored to its place as money. Tariff duties avail nothing when there is no money with which to buy the product. This would be a beautiful argument if it were true, but alas, the Telegram man is full of prunes. The highest price wool ever reached in The Dalles was in 1S76, when it brought 55 cents a pound. In 1870, "when there waE no protection on wool, but when there was unlimited silver coinage," wool was down to IS cents. Even that notorious free trade cham pion, the New York Evening Post, real izes where the shoe pinches, and it is candid enough to say ; "Fewer men are earning wages, and the wages earned are smaller. Profits, too, are diminishing, and what is saved is more cautious!' guarded. But when the depression is caused, not by actual loses in the past, but merely by apprehension as to the future, there is no reason why the re moval of apprehension should not restore business to a normal basis." The Poet appreciates the situation to a nicety. Let the present administration give notice that the protective tariff is not to be disturbed and the existing apprehen sion will at once be removed and busi ness restored to the normal basis it has enjoyed for so many years under repub lican rule. A Good Tbias to Keep at Hand. From the Troy (Kan.j C'bief. Some years ago we were very much abject to severe spells of cholera mor bus; and now when we feel any of the eymptoms that usually precede that ail ment, such as sickness at the stomach, diarrhaa, etc., we become scary. We bare found Chaulwrlafe's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Bejoedy the very thing to straighten one out in such cases. We are not writing this for a pay testimonial bat to let pur readers know what Is good to keep haady in the house. For sale by Blakelayit Houghton, druggists. Mexican Silver Stove Polish causes no dust. W3u-fQP case it will hot curc. U Anarreeable Laxative and NERVE IONIC. Sold by DrugfrintRor Bent by mall 2oc. 60c . and 1.00 per package. Samples free Wf VA The Favorito KT7IZS A. W H. V fortbc-Tectti and Breath. 23c. For ale by Bnlpe & Klnertly. VIGOR of MEN Easily. Quickly. Permanently Restored. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, nnd all the train of rrs from early error or laUjr exotaet, the reuli gr overwork, sicklied, worry.etc PullMrengtt. development and tono Riven to every organ and portion of the body, filmjih". natnrnltnethodi. Immedlaielroprovernou; on. Failure fmpOMlljlc. 'iiiu reference. explanation and proofa mailed (acaled) fret, ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO. H. Y. Executors' Notice. Notice In herebr irlvifn. thnt tin. m.rt..rwi,,.i i , huve been duly Hjijxiiuted, by the Honoruhle tue I . Comity Court of W unco county, Oregon, execu- i iuuui luceiuueui junu jiuxier, UKcuned, s I tiemonii having claim afcnliit unld etiito urn hereby required to prtbent the mine, duly veri fied and with proper voucher, to us or either, ' t Antelope, Wukco county, Oregon, within nix I rooutha (nun the date of thin notice, The Dalle, Or., Auk. U. JAMES I1AXTER and I JAMKB WHiTTEN. , Executor of the entute of John Uuxter.dec'd. ' W.Wit I r ITmJ. Af..l..nli.:n.rl instil Pi 0 en: business conducted for Moderate fees. OUR Orncc IS OfPOBiTC U. S. Patemt OrviiE J J and we can secure patent in less tmc Lam nose J remote from U'ashmirton. Send model, drawinc or photo., vrith descrip- Jtioc Ve advise, if patentable or not, free of! fcnargc. Ourfc not due till patent is secured. J A PauPHlCT. "How to Obtain Patents." with J Jcost of same iu the U.S. and foreign countries J seal tree. Address, :C.A.SNOWfcCO.: OPP. PATCHT OrriCC, WMINCTON, D. C, Is called to the fact that Hagh Glenn, Dealer in Glas9, lime, Plaster, Cement and Building Material of all lands. -Carrlti the fluent I.lnr of- Picture Mouldinets To De found in the City. 72 tilashington Street. W. E. GARRETSON, The poet unquestionably had reference to the Closimr-Ont Sale d i i at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, Who are soiling these goods out at greatly-reduced MICHELBACH 15UICK, UNION T. WM. MiVliliKlix. ffliseman & Marders, ii auii Wine Kooms Lifij Jeweler. MOI.K AGENT l-Olt TH K MINHNSi UK NKW TOWN bn, U-en plutti-d on the old cmnpKround, nt the Korka rnd i n I'liiuiite, the ccutrul uttructlim a n mountain Miinincr mort for nil Ortiroa, Follii of Hood river, Hlnl pure wutor.vmh rhndc In ith larir.-. fltrlitl v loln.broiid mni-U uud allcv. cimk! will ruiumuu, p.-riwi (irnitince.'li'.llKUllui imiumaiu belriK the iienrewt ton to Mt. HcmkI. It J tipuriilli'lw nn u mnnutncturlsj I center, IwiiiK the natural center lur l.Vi uiire tnllen of the Ut cdaraM i i timlH-r, jKiffeimlnr; m.Iliouii of hor- .n-r In ltn (liihhliii; htrettmi" 'ia, tail, canny narnem-wi. Where up motive power exlxtx, lliercuK" fuctorl: will renter. iirrnuiii by null nnd climate that ciinwtt" Kuywhcre for fruit and iisrn ulture, anil with tralifixirtutloii alrm you win iiiki till tne pmci) to make a perleet home or a puyic' The Dalles, Oregon. All Watch Work Jewelry Made arranted. to Order. See me address Wasco on the groJ me at Hooqi County, Oreg;l "NorthM em Court etreeu. corner of ffcoml anil 1 3 Hooiid Ht.. Tilt) lall... Or. TITLE PERFECT W. RossWinans. Tl DALIES ILL !T IVOiumDia j Hotel. This Popular House i i Han lately been thoroughly renovated " ,lio furnished throughout, and id now PlKri AGENTS WANTED os Salary and CcmnlJilon I for THE ONLY AUTHORIZED I Bioerapiy ef JAMES G. BLAINE. ! uyuAii.tiAaiii.Tti, tilt, literary executor, with the co-irperatiou of bin fumlly, und for 4Ir. lllaliit'n Complete Wurk,"TWt:NTa' 1'KAKK or :iNuftKai." and htH Inter book, -VO. LITICA L IIHCi;ilI0Na." One pronpe-ctu for these 3 IMT KKIXINO bouka In the mar ket. A.K.J. Jordan ot Me., took 112 order Jroui tire 1 110 cll ; ejKiit'a jirofltaiuo.60. Mr. Hal. lard of O.. took ISordem, i2Keiil Jtuaoia, iu 1 day, protit E. S. lUce of Maw.-took Ti ordera iu 'I daya, profit S47.K5. J. r'artridtro of Me. UMik -tl order from 3fi call, profit M75.XC. V.. A. 1'ulmcr of N. Dak. took M orderi In il dnvi. nrolltaU8.2i. KKC'I.IIHI VK Tttltl'l'l uiri- t'iven. If vim wish to make LAlUili MO.VKV. I write Immediately for leruu lo The HENEYBILL PUB, 00., JfcmeL, CODE, Daily and Weekly Editions. THE CHRONICLE was established for the ex press purpose of faithfully representing The Dalles and the surrounding country, and the satisfying effect of its mission is everywhere apparent. It now leads all other publications in Wasco, Sher man, Gilliam, a large part of Crook, Morrow and Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other le gions north of The Dalles, hence it is the best medium for advertisers in the Inland Empire. The Daily Chronicle is published every eve ning in the week Sundays excepted at $0.00 per annum. The Weekly Chronicle on Fridays of each week at $1.50 per annum. For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., address THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO., F2xo Ztllow, THE DALLES, OREGON. !V(;r Iiri'liHri'd In InrniMli till) Uek HceoinmoilutioiiB of any house in e city, nnd nt the very low rate of $1 a day. First-Class Meato OfnV nf rlit. fuMf uwl ,.,, mndlnllH OPIXXit!0" T.-t , ,n,... 1 Warm Kiirlnva rhi! Prlnnvllle Ib ill tbeBw I c, -. and pereonii Holog to J'rineville can li.OO by goinK on this Stage UK- All train stop here. D. BUNNELL, Pipe Wort, Tit Bepalis anil fli MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE- Sliop on Third Street, next door went of Young Blacksmith Shop.