The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 25, 1893, Image 2

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    Til e
I ft
Tiie Dalles Daily Ghronide.
srBscnirnox kates.
by mail, rortAGi: FRKPAtD, in advanck.
Weekly. 1 rear. . . ...JIM
6 month.
Dill?, 1 year.
" 6 months.
0 75
0 fO
6 CO
3 CO
0 JO
Address all communication to " THE CHKON-
1CLE." The Palle. Oregon.
omci HOCRS
General IVlivery Window . a. a. to T p. m.
iloccv Order . a. a. to 4 p. m.
Bandar j O 9 a. m. tolOa. m.
clomxo or MAIL
trains going East 9 p. m. and 11 :a a. m.
West 9 p. nJ. and 5:S)p.m.
Stace for Gcldendale ' :30 a.m.
iTtnevillt .5:31a.m.
" "Pnlaratid Warm Spring ..5:3) a. m.
" fLeaTing for Lrle Hartlaad .5:30 a. ni.
" " " JAntdope 5:30a. is.
Except Sunday.
tTri-wrectlv. Tuesdav Thursday and Saturday.
I ' Moadxj Wednesday and Friday.
A Tevp Into a rhloniblc Chop-llouc
at One O'clock In thr Morning.
If you feel any interest in the curi
ous phases- of mankind take a look in
one of our fashionable chop-houses
about one o'clock in the morninp If
it be Saturday nisrht all the better.
That peculiar class of men who rise
very late in the niorninir and jro to bed
only when everything" else is shut up,
says the l'ittsbunrh Dispatch, arc then
out in full force. It isn't because they
can"t come on some other nicht, but
because on other nitrhts there wonldu't
be so many of their kind to admire
them. Most of these modern chop
house crowds are younc men of from
twenty to thirty years of ape. They
are motly in evening dress and their
walk and conversation have a theatric
al flavor. The trrentest compliment
that can be paid one of these younp-
sters is when he is taken for a rounder.
for Consumption is
what "vou rtro offer
ing, if your Wood
is impure. Con
sumption is simply
Lung Scrofula. A
scrofulous comli
tion, with a slight
couch or cold, is
all "that it needs
to develop it.
But just as it
depends upon the j
blood for its origin, j
so it depends upon j
the blood for its'
core. The surest .
remedy for Scrof-!
ttla in" every form, i
the most effective'
b 1 o o d-c 1 e a n s e r . !
William Tell
Your Father that wv cell
equally devilish. As the world poes.
ther are rather a Sne-lookinc specimen
j of American manhood. They have stiff
SEPT. 25, 1S93; stomachs vet untouched by the insidi-
- 1 ous demon of late suppers they are in
... , i the act of coddlinp. They are neither
The mills all over the country are pet-; heavy drinkers nor loud and boisterous
ting down to actual work. Senatorial nf demeanor. Hut they can pet away
windmills should accept the pointer. with rarebits and fried scollop and
lobsters and steaks and chops and
A few narsimonious ones are crvinc I ?the" thia lUc .hi"? "en in thresh
. . ; . . . . i tnp time. A few indulce inexpensive
that to deport the Chinese will take a I wfaes bnt mogt of them preler ,
great amount of money. Suppose it conventional toby of ale from the
does. If they remain they will send out wood. About two in the morninp they (
triple the sum every year, never to re- ' will have disappeared. Then the wait
turn. A part of the $30 a head it takes will po around and rather up the
to export them stands a pood chance of fne.s a?d brellas that have been
. . , i. left in the corners dunnc the evenmp.
returning, and the entire mm it takes Thc5e averaee nm nvo to a dozen
for conviction finds its way readily into nhtlv. Men who leave canes around
a man about town, or somethinp fiesh-otiilder, and strength - restorer I
that's known to medical science, is :
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis-'
covery. For Consumption in all its
earlier staccs, and for Weak Lungs,
Asthma, Severe Coughs, and all
Bronchial, Throat and" Lung affec
tions, that is the only remedy so
unfailing that it can be guaranteed.
If it doesn't benefit or cure, you
have your money back.
Vest Jumpers,
Pantaloon Overalls,
Easy-fitting Pant
Every garment guaranteed NEVER to rip!
We are also Headquarters for
Men's, Boys' and Youth s
in this wav are not accustomed to car
rying canes. 9
It is unquestionably the intention of j
the ways and mean committee of the j Among the incidents of childhood that
present honse to reimpose the duties on i stand out in bold relief, as our memory ;
sugar, tea and coffee. The adoption of reverts to the days when we were young,
each a policy will furnish the national j none are more prominent than severe
government with nearly ?S,000,000 of (sickness. The young mother vividly re-j
revenue, but every dollar will be just j members that it was the Chamberlain's
that much added to the cost of living of 1 Cough Remedy cured her of croup, and
the people. Not a pound of tea or cof-! in turn administers it to her own off
fee, and very little sugar, is produced in i spring and always with the best results,
the United States, but all are necessi-1 For sale by Blakeley & Houghton.
ties and the reimposition of such a tax J ;
will come home to every fireside in the yivn " uulvd'
janj " Notice is hereby given that applica-
tious for labor will be received by the
In a short time, savs the Albanv N. undersicned until Saturday at noon.
Y.J Journal, another mammoth locomo- j September lGth, ISM. Said labor to be
. . .. , - I for the settinc: out and preparing of
tive, similar to the Empire state Ex-1 1 rocj to ui"j the rock crusher lately
press engine, will be turned out of the j purchased bv Dalles Citv and Vaci
shops at "West Albanv. The work of I county. The wages to be paid for Mid
constructing the new engine is under
For a perfect and permanent
cure of Catarrh, take Doctor
Sage's Catarrh Remedy. Its
proprietors offer $500 reward
for an incurable case of Ca-,
tarrh in the Head.
Costs only 50 cents, j
' Inlwr !tl -Ml tin
the supervision of General Foreman dersizned,
"Watson and Chief Draughtsman Buch
anan. A corps of twenty of the iet !
mechanics employed at the works are
rf ntinnol W tt n 1- r r rr li intna o r rl 1 Cioilll
it is expected it will be completed be
fore the winter. It is of the Buchanan
type, with water arch boiler of heavy
Bessemer steel. It will be equipped
with the latest improved apparatus, and
will be equal, if not superior, to the
Empire State Express engine No. &09,
now being exhibited at the world's fair.
dav. For further in- ;
call at the ofnee of the un-!
Douglas S. Drrri:,
Recorder of Dalles Citv.
lnl rriutlnc-
If yon have your job printinc l"iir
Tee Ckkomcle you will hv- t!ir i-
vantage of having it done with the mo-t
modern and approved type, wtn uliict.
we keep continually supplied. A!i ;'
under the direct ujerviioii of oie y
the most successful and artistic pniitt-rf
in the Northwest.
Is the
Of the Year
In every size, style and price.
Bismarck is said to be improving.
The Yesler will case has been settled
by discharging all the defendants.
Colonel Jack Haverly is paretic and
has been placed in a western insane
j Huckleu Arnlru sulw
; The best salve in the world for nitr,
bruises, sore?, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
j sores, tetter, chapped hand-., chillnainfe
J corns, und all skin eruptions, anu -,
lively cures piles, or no pay rei;u ri
ft is guamnteed to ;:ive jwrfect satiufae
tion, or money refunded. Price cents
ner mx.
Archbishop Kendrick will be retired , uriv
from the St. Louis diocese on account of I
Bge, and within sixty days Archbishop
Kain will be made administrator. !
For sale by snipes K.i.-
It is stated that Secretary Gresham .
who is now in Indiana, contemplates
making a trip to California about the
middle of October for the benefit of his
The Canadian Pacific will today open
what it calls the "Soo-Pacific Route,'
and through train service will be es
tablished from St. Paul and Minneapo
lis to British Columbia and ail other
points on the Pacific coast.
Dr. West, accused of the murder of
Addie Gilmour, says the girl was sent to
him by a woman doctor, who had per
formed a criminal operation on the girl
and then sent her to him out of revenge.
All persons are warned not to puTl a'-e
one check fir to ruy favor tbrougi.
French & Co. zl eMi u;.
Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtiined.asfiai' Pat-J
en: business conducted for Moscr-c Fees.
Our ornce is Opposite O. S. P.Tzr O'Ti-t
and we can secure paten: in less lic iim :tiui:
icmcteiroa Waabmgtos. t
Sead model, drawiaj or photo., vri'.b detcrip- r
tion. Wc advise, if patenuble or nou free of J I f
coarse. Our fee not due till palen: is secured. I U
A Pmpmlct, "HowtoObtam Patents, with I if
cok of tasic in the V. . aad foreign counajesj ""w
sent free. Address,
Ie called to the fact that
Hugh Glenn,
D-ler in Glass, Lime, Plaster, Cement
atid Building Material of all kinds.
Cttrrlto the Florkt Llnr of
Picture Mouldi ncrs
J To De fo&Dd iu the City.
; 72 LUashington Street.
''There is a tide tit the affairs of men which, taken at ilsf,
leads on to fortune."
The poet unquestionably Nad reference to the
Clov-Oiit Sale o!
Frill k C.i
1.K AOK.NT fftil rilf
Opp. patcmt omcc, Waomimctom, d. C.
S . V U' I KM AN.
VM MM. UK I.-.
Ciliseman & JVIarders.
ir it
10011 ullfl IV IOC IIOUIIK
The Dalles. - Oregon.
CUOper IJctUe,
T"orih ei-t ixirnsr of
Court HtreetJ1.
ei-oiid and
All Watch Work arranted.
Jewelry Made to Order.
lax itohiiI Ht., The Jiullf, Or.
Who aro selling those goods out at greatly-reduced ratM
HK NKW TOWN" hn -n tilnttitl on thr old emnp Kriituid. Bt ttu- l'orlt Kiid
ta'i if Hid rive 1 1 it lnrtru, nlfthtiy lulu. btoIl itrirt nml lUloyii, rok1 wi
and iurfVHter,. k . nhndt'in liruluxfuu, (K-rfirt driilnucr.dcllclitlul mnuiiUln
r iimntc, tlit- cciurnl uttnu'tldii h n inuuiiUlii kuiumrr rt'nort lormM'rtt"- jl
O'ltiC ttic iifurrit town Ui .Mt. HixhI It M liiiliutullt'ltr im u inliu!rwa yi
n.. 1...4.. .1... ...... . , . irj 1.. it .1... 1 .u.4.,l! i
'.jmbvr, viil!)(: m.llloii" nf hutv l r In iu (InilitliK htrvnir
fnllx, viiKtiv linriit'iuu-d. WIhtc rl . inntlvv lxiwcr exlut Ihm'fZtM
iMCJorHn win oMitL-r. kurruiinii' 4 Mil hii1 i llnmti.' Hint cumicw-i
naj-vrbiTi- for fruit und mt' .tur-, und with trull Hrta v
you will llnd thU tin- i., v X-t mnkv h irfwt homo r vl
See me on the grot
address me at Hood
Wasco County, Oreg
Curf CourlM. Haarienm. hori- 'Hir.,
CrtlllW nrfi?-.,r V rr K.rMlVhfirnlnrnli..l.
West atill asserts that he irave Misfe Gil-1 Btd At:mi.u "1 r cummniptiun it h s u
mnnr's .n fr. .,1;I .j.,c rtTOl: has curetl thousand. w itrccK other-
W. Ross Winans
but refuses to name them
Representative Breckinridge has filed '
a reply to the charges in the suit for l
breach of promise of marriage by Made-
line Pollard. He denies that he seduced j
her or promised to marry her, or is the ;
father of any of her four children. He '
declares the first time they met she re- j
quested his advice as a lawyer in the j
matter of a man named Khodes, who
nati bet raved tier.
ianirc: tniicrne v ir it t.nton in
br Uriiggiits on a tma-nntw. Tor l!aaV Unci:
or Cheat, ma HHiLQU'S i'LAHTKa. Sets.
fiflTe vou (.uLurrn? Thla N.mulp iu
tel to cure you. J'rleeSOcU. ltxiwu,t tnZ
For mleliy Knlpes & Klnemlr,
Exec-ators1 Notice.
. nil
Daily and Weekly Editions.
Notice fft hfeHfhV Hvctl that thr. Hn.l,...!
have U'en duly ai.jinttd, by the Honorable the
1 Coumr Court of V aco countr. Orwon. iwn.
A Good Thine to Keen at 11 und. J ton oi the estate of John ilaxter, rtwnd
.. .u . ... , . imonn havliift claim BRatruit naid tnlalts are
I rom the Troy Kan.( Chief. hereby required to jirwnt the lame, diilj-lerl-
Some years ago we were very much , .irw"h,e'r'r vou91't' either. .
.. ... '"J "".! t Antelojx;, aco county, Orevfm, within nii
subject to severe spells of cholera rnor- m"tbi from tbedat of tt!. notice,
bae; and now when we feel any of the! TU' u-,ta"'" Au' aj BAXTrR ASB ,
.ymptoms that usually precede that all- Eiecut0 of tbe Jtflftu haiKd
ment, such as eiccness at the stomach, H,wSt
diArrhtL'a. etc.. we become trarv " "
iiave found 6hamberlain'8 Colic, Cholera J AGENTS WASTED OS Salary Iti GSUtlUO.
snd Diarrhu-a Remedy the very thing to
traigbten one bat in such cases. We
are'not writing this for a pay testimonial
but to let our readers know what is good
to keep handy in the house. For sale by
Blakeley & Houghton, druggists.
for Kent.
House for rent on the southeast cor
ner of Court and Fifth. Inquire of Mrs.
radw of oak, fir, and slab cord I
Birap.! if JAIM BLAINE,
2r.PM' HAM,,,'TO,Jl..wi ry,cjcecutor, j
Jfilh the cooperation's i'famlly, and for ilr.
lalue'CompletWoflui;Iri!NTV VJCAKK
Of vmiGMtnu." and hU later book, "fO.
bJ.VJSSSSS!KXUK . One Mwpwtu. !
kct. A. K.1-. Jordan ot Me., link 112 order from
firat lit) callx. mrniit'ii nmHt aiuil r.n m
lard of O., took 15 order, Wheal Jtunila, In I rlny,
protlt 30.B0. E. N. ltlce ol ilwui. to.,k 27 order
!" td,V' P'"flt7-5. J I'artrldKu of ile.
U 70.0,
THE CHROMCLE was established for tho ex
press purpose of faithfully representing The Dalles
and the surrounding country, and the satisfying
effect of its mission is everywhere apparent. Jt
now leads all other publications in Wasco, Sher
man, Gilliam, a large part of Crook, Morrow and
Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other le
gions north of The Dalles, hence it is the best
medium for advertisers in the Inland Empire.
The Daily Chronicle is published every eve
ning in the week Sundays excepted at $0.00 per
annum. The Weekly Chkoncle on Fridays of
each week at 1.50 per annum.
For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., address
I Hotel.
This Popular House
Has lately heen thoroughly renovated v&
furnished throughout, und is uuv
ever prepared to furnish the Wi
accommodations of any house in
city, and at the very low rote8'
$1 a day. First-Class Mek
Office of the fant and commodious opl1'?.
to Dufur, Klngsloy, Tygh Valley. '
u'r... tt. in,ra n-: In is iu tt
., ' ,..!....lll(4D',l
anu penioiis going w j rnic
.00 by going on thiB Stage H-
All trains stop here.
Pipe Wort, Tin lepaiis anfl
Uxik 42 order from SC call, uroti
'i aliner of .S. Uak. took .13 order In 3 day, . . . . .
prontaUH.'.-s. exuLiiHiri'TKiiiiiTiii i' T LJ C AUBAa I" nism
jflven. If you wlh to muke LAI'.OK MONEY. . 1 l WririVlllvLL rUDL-ISrlllMfv 1.(1
oru-rm to -w -w
Shop on Third Street, next door went of Young
Til 1 .l fit i2