ek Dnllco Chronicle vol- VI. TUE DALLES, OREGON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1803. NO. 8 0. Dalles Daily Chronicle. 'iabUobe.1 Iailr.Huudr Excepts. BY ...nnvmi.K PUBLISHING CO. .4manJ Wellington StrecU, The v ..... nr.wrriTi 1 1 M l v " I v-. - r- T,ri, f Muicrltlon .... 16 00 SO 6 TIME TAIU.KM. Ilallroatl- intfitl Allgnt fit lWi lirt iioo.vn. ,...ar x. Depart 11 :M r. . i, Atr. ' I.1T UOC.Vt). .mIBa k. Depart 3:41 A. M. . itstiU ttiitt carry tcnKcr leave 't i f'W a nl otic for the TAOKS. jf B3tTlU, Uiike Oven, leave dally .jj...v,t - - .1- I- tt...l.ltf o 1V .... . C 1 V . -ixnl.(!nv ut T A. V. alarm iiui-" i mi.- - --" kkokesmonai.. I P.ltll.Kl.L- ATTOKMEY-AT-I.AW VJUCC nrm FKA.XK MXKCrXE. ... t,,M it 4V nri?r I'OUt BaIld!nr Entrunre on Washington Struct Bfi'i'fTT itwmici'V.iT.I.IW. Of. J m wK.t t.ii i tmllilliir. ut) italrt. The , enroll tlT. .lfXTINOTON. H. . WIWOS. IAVs, UT.NTISl.10N i WILSON ATTOS I jitihatlaw -OSiew, Frcuch'n block over i.Nitlocu llwiv. Dalle. Oregon. 1 H WiLSuS-ATTOiifiT-At'LAW lloomi , Frmcli it (o' bank building, second rijm.V AK llnn toriTiiiCi I'hymciam ...4 . .. r, ..,,l .,11m ankUiMl tirftltltttlr. u.u tiinuE-i -1. i 1 . .i..k.. nr ........,. OtYW. Vn. !lf. nnd turira.n WL. Wtl r n ti iinn.'F.tttTiiriiN iSD SUB. s0 OHice room 1U1Q t UBBpman KeMdeuce h E. corner txiuri uuu .......... i.M fliu. Imm fli. tvirtltrr. DOUr !l lO 1.' A. -V i llOU ilUU I lu D ' .MUl' I'tKTlKi On given tor the .... . . , .. . I .... 1 law. tiy.Ml . J ... . - . ... .r triult'L i'tmlli nw ri'l Street. FRENCH c& CO., BANKERS. TKANHACT A (1KNKKA1 BANKING B08INESH Ivettore of Credit iHsued available in ho Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francipco, Portland Oregon, Seattle Wash., and various points in Or egon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. J h. HdirNCK, l'rcniiH-ut J. M. TattkU'-on, Cat tiler. First National Bank. ;he dalles, - - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Dejwsitp received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dtij- of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, San Francisco ami Portland. DIRBCTOKS, I). P. Thompson. Jno. S. Sciiknck. Ed. M. Williams, Gko. A. Likbe. H. M. Beall. THE DALLES Rational Bank, Of DALLES CITY, OR. President - -Vice-President, Cashier, - - Z. F. Moody Charles Hilton M.A.Moody General Banking Business Transacted. Sight Exchanges Sold on NEW YORK, SAN FRANCISCO, CHICAGO and PORTLAND, OR. Collections made on favoreble trms at all accessible points. what a comfort it is to have ready at hand a remedy that never fails to relieve Constipation, and that, without pain or discomfort; and almost immediately cure3 head aches, and dispels every symptom of Dyspepsia. Such a remedy is found in Simmons Liver Regu lator not a sweetened compound to nauseate, or an intoxicating beverage to cultivate an alcoholic appetite, but a medicine pleasant to the tasto, and perfectly harmless when given to the smallest child. S. L. R. never . disappoints. It possesses the virtues and perfec tions of a reliable remedy of the kind endorsed by eminent physicians. " It afford ; nio pleasure to add my testi mony to those you receive annually In reference to your vnlunble medicine. 1 consider Simmon Liver Regulator the befct family medicine on the market. I ilave prescribed It with excellent results." W F l'AHK. M. D., TracfCltv, Tean. ' Dally Krcnins; Chronicle is recocnlzed . as essentially the home tarer for the Dalles city folks' UnU IT This is not a bad reputation. Somen VJJV1C 2.0(0 of our best oltlzcns watch the columns of this n H D LTD daily for the spiciest local news. It 1 Ml J-IA succeeds In gleaning the field, and nonce grows in jiojiularlty and :miortaiice. Take it awhile, you who don't: try some of its premium oilers. "The Regulator Line mkiktikv l .!'; A . A A. M.-MwU Hi u' 1 '. j ! . la) uf i-ueh mouth at 7 ai . K- i'. i a i ii'i it iiiAirvp Kt r. MUi' Miim..!1( Hr. t ttie third Weduisdajr M H xid ( .axnt) No W, Mtet.'l iifudHV even- ... ... ...... M( ,j. r .mwi every rrldHy eterii.c m7 :X)o'cliK'k,tu K. iiMijiiiu I riii t' i. .... . . erery Monrtav evenlnr ut 7::io n'r'li"k:. in W Vacnk, K of K and 8. ' i c. of 1' hall the second aud fourth M'edne' of each month at 7.30 p. m. UJI !..( rilKIoTIAN TKMI'KHKNV'K umo.v win m...t ..r..r. i.'.iHUf. oclwk at the reudlng room. Allareluvitcd. wi-etly mevUngs Friday ut b r. h., a rHBHMAK, V T. II. U. KLECK. Ke ,. ,Y ' ' ' ".Jll-M uaiermiy nan. over Ke lem. an Kw.mrt . II. JIANKKN, I XrtKh. KluanciiT. i w , oatutday at 7.3U f. u., In the K. ol 1. 0thc'V cif ,Jjt.,1'mJrliu"lla' "itcruoou In Sundav lkl. t'iMi.-ti. vemtiK (a tlio K. of P. JUll. .f V DIVISION, No. lC7-Meet In i K fit I. lf..ii .1... t .... . ,i of ch month, at 7:au r. u. TIIK CIIUltCIIKH. ft'.THRH CIIIIPrMI k'..tl,..r llunWL. w""!, ''""'or Ijw Mas every Kunday ut Hiih Mbkk mt iri.wi t w Vi.Mi.rii ut 'i?(A' ' '"'KCII -Union Btreet.opirfislto rnuiiday nt 11 a. m. mid 7::to v. v. riuuduv wlJ ' A M Kveiilnit I'ruv.Tim Frlduv at "iVT'WT ''JIUHCII-Kev. O. D. Tay- li .t',1 " Jtornlnt; services every bub at tilt urndi-My ut 11 A. M. Kubbatli 'Jl Mlllrullut..!.. I.... . .....I.... i:' 1 Mou service iu the court house ut t'.&V',P!,A'' CUKCII-er. W. C. i hiili ? J astor. Kervlcea every Hundayut 11 In. V.. nunduy hchool ulter morning hiraiigerk (iorvtlully Juvlted. HeaUfroe. K. ciii'iiiMiii.... , ti. . Si.rui. nvt. , ,ijiini.r.n, iuibiiii. 1i , "H'fyWimday morniiiKat 11 u. in. mhS'l.ttX I'JiW o'clock r n. Kpworth 'Mhy . . . . J'rayer meotlng every oi?,i-0'l,i,nf i 7J o'clcKJk. A cordial in. 1 1, " attended by both jxutor aud jkwj.Ic I pif.T.,.AN..f ' 1 1 KCII K V. J. W. JltKKINS, M.li u.,.1, ''""jhliiK In the fjoiiKregatloual hi..'. U"I1 lltd. llrfV !l u u All ""nnvlted ' ' ' ' lr )., 1 1 f"' J'HtT. Hervlue at 11 :80 a. m, rt i.,1,1 ' P.m. A oordlal wlcom W. H. YOUNG, BUtH&Wgo Slop General Blacksmithing and Work done promptly, and all work Guaranteed. Horse Shoeing a Speciality Third Street, opp. Lieo's old Stand. J. F. FORD, Of De Mollies, Iowa, wrlto under date ol March 22, 1W3 S. IJ. Mkd. Mko. Co., Dufur, Oregon. UentUmen : On arriving home last week, I found all well and anxiously awaiting. Our little girl, eight and one-half years old, who had wasted away to 15 jiounds, if now well, strong and vigorous, and well fleshed up. S. U. Cough Cure has done itH work well. JJoth of the children like it. Your K. R. Cough Cure lias cured and kept away all hoarseness from me. So give it to every one, with greetings for all. Wishing you prosperity, wo are Yours, Mn. & Mum. J. F. Fohd. If you wish to feel fresh and cheerful, and ready for the HprlliK'a work, cleanse your system with the Headache uud IJver Cure, by Uliug two or three dosea euch week. Bold under a jioaltJre guarantee. Mi ceuU per bottle by all druggists. House Moving! Andrew Velarde IS prepared to do any and nil kinds of work in his line at reasonable figures. Has the largest horuu moving outlit in Eastern Oregon. Address P.O.Box 181,The Dalles Minie Wright Seminary, Tacoma, ash. Boarding and Day Sohool for G-irls. The Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co. j THROUGH Freignt ana Passenger Line Through dailv service HundayH ex cepted - between The Dalles and Port land. Steamer Regulator leaves The Dalles at 7 a. m. connecting at Cascade JiOekB with Eteamer Dalles City. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland (Yamhill street dock; at 0 a. in. con nectinu' with steamer Regulator for The Dalles. IMMSKNUKU ItATKH. One way Round trip .$2.00 . 3.00 Tickets on Ealo for Long Reach, Ocean Park, Tioga and Ilwaco. Baggage checked through. Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. Shipments for Portland received at anv time day or night. Shipments for way landings must be delivered before p. m. Live stock shipments eolicted. Call on or address, W. CALLAWAY, Oeneml Agent. B. F. LAUGHLIN, Ornrrul Muuager. THE DALLES, OREGON Tenth Year Begins September 14,1893, Vol C'utulnKUeiiiid Aduilttuute, apply to Mrs, Sarah K, White, b-'.'Idlm I I'rliiclpal. ARTIC FACTORY SODA WATER AND I0E 0EEAM. Candies and Nuts "uff' Specialties FlnoBt Poanut HoastorlnTho Dalles 238 I cm rn C'i' 2d Strotst J. I UUUW restaurant. The St. Charles Hotel, PORTLAND, OREGON. This old, iKjpulnr and reliable house lias ixien entirely imuni 7 ; room has been ropaj)orod and repaint and newly carjieted throughout. Jhe house contaliiH 170 rooms and is Huppliex) with every modern convenience. Rat reasonable. A good restaurant Httachw! to the house. Frer bus to and from all triUt,,C. W. KNOWI.ES, Prop, IMPEACHING GROVER Senator Stewart, of Nevada, Is After the President Today, WARM IX THE SENATE CHAMBER Arraigns Him for Obstructing Legisla tion and Trying to Coerce Congress. Washington', .Sept. '':!. The presi dent of the United States will be ar raigned in the United States senate Monday for violating the spirit of the constitution in endeavoring to destroy the independence of the lawmaking branch of the government by seeking to coerce congress into the passage of the, repeal bill. Notice to t'is effect is clearly indicated in the resolution pre sented this morning by Stewart of Ne vada, upon which he announced he would address the senate Monday. The resolution declares the independence of the co-ordinate departments of the gov ernment must be maintained, and the use of power and influence by one de partment to control the action of an other is in violation of the constitution and destructive to our form of govern ment. The introduction of the resolu tion created a sensation, and discussion of the matter Monday will attract great attention, as it indicated the silver sen ators will divert the discussion in the senate to the alleged attempt of the president to control congress. THE liOMU THROWN. Washington. Sept. 25. Special to The CiutoNici.E. Never in the history of the senate since the famous impeach ment trial of Andrew Johnson, has the senate been in such a turmoil as it is to day. Said Renj. F. Butler in reference to the former: "For a tithe of these acts of usurpation, lawlessness and tyr anny, King James lost his throne and King Charles his head, while we, the representatives of the people, adjudge only that if convicted by that higher court to which we shall send him, he shall be removed from oflice, the ambi tion to be again nominated to which has been the moving spring of all these crimes." On that occasion the tumult of applause was deafening, but today Senator Stewart has created a Babel of excitement. In his vituperation of a man for whom he has conceived so vio lent a hatred ho knows no bounds, and accuses Grover Cleveland of the openest and most shameless effrontery ever offered to anv assemblage of intelligent people. He said that Mr. Cleveland claimed the prerogative of dictating what congress should do on the silver question, holding threats in reserve if such should not be done. Such is a usurpation of power unwarranted in nny country, democratic or quasi-democratic, and that Mr. Cleveland cannot yet as sume the role of dictator. The senate is in a most turbulent state and all at tempts to maintain order are futile. NEWS OF THE STATE. Threshing is progressing very slowly in Morrow county, owing to extreme wet weather. The Prineville flouring mills are run ning on full time grinding the new crop of wheat. Parties who recently crossed the Cas cades say there Is considerable snow on the summit. Sheriff Noble, of Morrow county, has commenced to force collection!) of ISiil! delinquent taxes which amount to .fl ,800. The National bank of lleppner has oreclosed a innitgago mi -i.'-'OO head of sheop belonging to Kminct Cochtan, a very prominent stockman oi unim county. JI. Ilallou's hophotnii), situated two miles west of Middleton, wu.8 destroyed bv fire. lie los-os his entire crop of hops, about $8,000. There is no limur- mice. Mr. Ballon had the best crop of hops in this vicinity. "A Tnliuilu'1 Killlor." DurliiK the eoinIiiK immthi., or the heateil iwrlo-l, lliow who are iriivi lliiKilreiMileiiiplHi iiK a trliMiwuy fiom hoinefhoiiM iiwl the followjnu' letter front 11 bllllhuit ami well known editor mitt provide themu'lve ugitliut iittut kh of he.iilnehu "'ukmmkn 1 hiid.-eaMon to uko kever.il boxen of KriiUM)' Heihliifht) Ciiimiili's while ,V"n. ,. ,.,. m. m intend the National Dun- oeiiitlti C(neiitlm. Thes iietetj like 11 i liiiiin Hi prevention headache, mm illlnetH. iii;u linn u-ry Hill" headache lime my letilin, which I. lemmkuble. Vour. K-luI),. JM. Itenovo, I'n , Kel oid 1'or sale by lllukeley A lli.UKhtoii, 1'iei.ctlptloii DrugKUtk, 17.1 Second M., The Dullw, Or Juvenile Temple. The unveiling of the juvenile banner on Saturday afternoon was quttu largely attended and the exercises wero a credit to the children of the temple. The fol lowing short programme preceded the display of the banner: I'niycr Hev. .lenklim Oult'ir solo, "l'llt My MUIo Shoot Awiiy" Myrtle mid Itctii Stone Itecitiitloli, "Open the Door for theChllilrcn" lleiilnh tilluunl I'liino olo, "Miililen'o I'rnycr". . . Kdlth Hiindnll Hecltntlon, "KIhk Cnstoni" ...Hiiclmul Morgan Mnndolln mid guitar tliict, "Oeenn Wnvca" . Myrtle mid Itctn Htonc Iiecltntion, "A Volcefrom the I'oor IIoiims" Mny Harnett March and unveiling ol banner ... . Temple A short and pleasing address was given by Rev. Jenkins of the Christian church, followed by the closing ode by the temple and the benediction by Father Barnett. The banner was purchased by the temple, through the efforts of the Miper intendent, aided by the willing and hearty support of the children, instead of being a present to the temple, as stated in Saturday's Chkonicle. Crushing ICock. The rock crusher was to be started up this afternoon with Mr. M. M.Sayre, for merly of )ie Union Pacific shops, as engineer. The machine is a very power ful one, and the process of crushing is quite interesting to observe. As it will continue working uninterruptedly for a long time to come, curiosity seekers may gratify themselves by taking a walk to where it is located, on the hill above the brewery. Crushing is done by means of two powerful cast steel jaws which are forced together twice at each rerolution of the wheel, or 320 times a minute. As it will masticate half a cubic foot each time, it will readily appear that it will not take long to pave a mile of road. There is now a force of sis men en gaged in getting out rock and there is a pile of it on hand about six feet wide, three feet deep and 200 feet long, amount ing to perhaps 1,000 tons. If the crusher were removed it would not take long to open up some of our streets for travel and this should be done. Tramp or Incenillnrlet ? Mr. James Johnson reports that while coming in town this morning he passed the smoking ruins of Mr. Kuykendall's house and barn, burned at an earlier hour. The Kuvkendalls are absent from home and it is presumed it is the work of tramps. A fence about midway between the dwelling and a smaller building, about I'O feet distant from either, was not consumed, which gives rise to a theory that incendiaries started the lire in each building at the same time. The loss to the buildings is total and will be in the neighborhood of f 1,000. A mile nearer town our informant ob served that the windows in the Floyd schoolhouse wero broken, the stove de molished, and the contents of the build ing, consisting of a Webster's una bridged dictionary and various books, scatteretl in the roadside. As yet there is no clue to the outrages mentioned, but if the culprit is discovered it should he made tropical for him. Hood Itlver Fair. The citizens of Hood River are going to hold a horticultural fair Friday, Sept. 'JiHh. From indications the fair prom ises to be a great success, aud great efforts have been madu in that direction. Hood River can raise plenty of nice things to have a successful fair all by itself, and The Dalles sends its best wisheH for the success of the uudortak ihg. Many of our citizens will doubt less attend and wo shiill expect the citi zens of Hood River to reciprocate when our fair is hold. Remomber tho date, Oct. 10th, and wo also hopo that tho Hood River fair will send its exhibits hero, so that those of us who can't seo them in Hood Hiver may still have a chance of beholding the wonderful fruit of Hood River valley. It is expected that the Regulator will reduce rates for tho occasion. littlCS. In this city. September LMth, to tho wife of Frank'Dt'aii, a daughter. leiitliielini Torpid I.Unr, iio.ll whuihh. Simmons l.iver Regulator, by its mild cathartic properties, relieves the bowels from obstructions and cures headache, indigestion ami liver complaint. MITCHELL. NEWS. A Soldo Sliotv lti:iy Cnrroji'H Accident--Other Ntittin" Mr. Misner's baby is quite sick again. Weather cloudy and cool ; some rain fall. , S. F. Allen started to Tho Dalles Sun day morning. Several families havo moved to town with the intention of sending their children to school. Mrs. Dr. Honk has been quite sick tho past week, but is much better the last few days. Kugeno Luny's baby suffered a seri ous illness tho past two weeks, but at present is rapidly recovering. The school at Mitchell is full to over flowing. About thirty-five scholars en rolled this week. Sinco the completion of Mr. Misner's residenco it seems almost palatial com pared to the other buildings in town. It is much the best residence in Mitch ell. Justice was well meted out to some would-be men for showing their bravery by firing their pistols during church services. A fine of .$10 and costs may be a good lesson to them. West Branch camp meeting was a de cided success. Eleven new members were baptized into the Baptist faith undr the influence of the Rev. Mr. Baily of Ellensburg, Wash. The 8th of the month snow fell to the depth of six inches on the mountains, and within two miles and a half of Mitchell there was enough of the "beau tiful snow" to entirely cover the ground. Yesterday Uncle Bob Carron met with an accident that resulted in the dislocation of his wrist and a serious break of his arm between his wrist and elbow. He had mounted his riding animal, which was noted for his quiet disposition, intending to ride to Mitch ell. He had gone but a few steps when the horse began to jump so wickedly it soon threw Carron to the ground, re sulting as above stated. The inhabitants of this place were as tonished, almost astounded, by the grand display exhibited of the arts of a well-regulated show. The posters gave it out as one of the best that had ever visited Mitchell. Certainly it was one of the grandest (sells) that ever ex hibited in any place. There were two nights entertainments. The First night a little dog rolled a bnrrel across the floor and a halter was tied on a horso with some mysterious knot unknown to any one except that one particular person. The second night was a repeti tion of the first , with the addition of a woman being pinned to tho wall with daggers thrown bv one of the troupe. E. V. E. Mitchell, Sept. 10, 189H. "Divine Typo Setting" was the subject of the sermon at tho Christian church yesterday morning. Mr. McGutley likened parts of tho old testament to type plates set up, from which impres sions might bo taken at any time. St. Paul ho considered tho editor and proof reader, tho idea being that tho manner of worship in tho ancient Jewish taber nacle and tho method of consecration by baptism was exactly similar to tho direc tion of St. Paul in tho now testament. A Long l'roc edition of diseases start from a torpid liver and 1 1 l-v 1 . . t 1 1 impure moon. ur. 1'ierco h uoiueu AIoilii.nl II senverv euros overv one of them. It prevent them, too. Take it, , J. . 1 f 1 A. ..... ' as you ought, wnen you leoi tno nrai ByniptomH languor, loss of apetite, dull ness, depression) and you'll save your self from something serious. In building up needed flesh and strength, and to purify and enrich the blood, nothingcan equal tho" Discovery." It invigorates tho liver and kidneys, pro motes all tho bodily functions, and brings back health ami vigor. For Dys pepsia, "l.iver Complaint," Biliousness, and all Scrofulous, Skin and Scalp Dis eases, it is tho only remedy that's tjuar mtteeil to benefit or cure, in every case, or tho money iH refunded. Ask your dealer for Mexican Silver Stove Polish. For a lamo back or tor a pain in tho side or chest, try saturating a piece of of limine! with Chamberlain's Pain Halm ami binding it on to tho aflected parts. This treatment will euro any ordinary case in one or two days. Pain Balm also tturi'H rheumatism, fit) cent bottlea for sale by lllukuloyit- Houghton. Highest of all in Leavening Power, Luteal U. S. Gov't Report. Baking Powder ABSOLUTE! PURE