The Dalles Daily Chronicle. EntcrwJ at the rpto3icc t The Pile, Onvon, econJ-ciH-s master THE H.1.1.1 m;nr. UNDER THE WEATHER. A nriilUtlc I'lcturp or Her Majesty Qapcn Antic. Those outride of a palace raar feci Shakespeare's t-enthnen: There's such divinity doth hedire a kini::" ba: It is hardly" possible to thoe inside One of the reotch coraiai-ioaers to negotiate a union between Scotland and Encland. Sir John Clerk, eonid aot hare felt it durjnr aa oSicial interview with Queen Aline, of whom he cives this realistic picture: "Her majesty was laboring cader a fit of the gout, and ia extreaie pain and agony, and on this occasion everything about her was much ia the saaie disor der as about the meaaest of her sub jects. 11 er face, which wa red and spotted, was readered oa;ethiag frightful by her negligent dres. sad the foot affected wa? tied ap with a pultis and some nasty baadaires. "1 was much aiected at til? sight, nnd the more when ae had cccaiioa From TERWIUUi or IflTHBIOR Points THE H. C. NIELSEN, lira Facinc Clothier and Tailor. ; tic ;;r-e f isXt TO ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. . . Decidedly the Finest Line of Gents' Furnishing Goods, Tnese are Dull Tits1 1: i :ie Wtito: Cr Konte. I: raa Tarcucfc 'tabcc- iriias crecy r in tie juk. tc Trunks and J aiscs, etc., etc. COK. SECOND AND WASHINGTON. THK lULLKS, OK. t. Paul and Chicago the European house to mention her twoaie of Scotlaad. 1 (NO chaSuE or CARS.'. 2ti "Stlt-.t-z Sro tltt??! oi lat: tNjuipnscEt. TOUKirr sleeping cars 5i: tit: ciz !? costraetA!. ad la vrhlci: fc.wsawiUa.-r.f tre o;i Free and FttrMshwl or boiisr? oi Fir: tai wni-cU-v Tlcicte. aad 1L1GANT DAY COACHES a -octirao-? lire, cor.nectiiir vri'.t H liae tli-rir 4irst: tai uz.:r:le -.! errtce WE DOJl'T WANT Meals Prepared by a First Class English Cook. YOUR JflONEY, The CorriiRntril ltullilliic nrit Hour to Court tlitunr. Hanfisomely FnrnisM Rooms to Rent Iiy the Day, Weet or Month. And THE CHRONICLE pro poses to enliven them by i. troducing its newsy presence into every home in Wasco County. TRANSIENT PATRONAGE SOLICITED. Good Sample Rooms for Commercial Men MRS. I. ' t-t a i! t-t T Propi'iotor. which she did freqaatlr to tie cake. What are you. roar aeaa-like mortal, thought I. who talks ia tat str oi a sovereirat "Nature ssi to b iz:Trr.?i -sria a poor, inarm weeaa loocse-j ooe of the rciers of ta oc:i: a? Tacit! observe, it is aot ti ir?t tiat woraea bare rvraed ia 3ritaia aad iadeed tir hir sxatif ooos this to better perron thrtr. taj- aaa. Youth's Cocasti ,ijc l"sr.s tr. wcrrsaic cue be stourto -.z tiacc tiroaph try arert o! the road. THROUGH TIGKETS point ia America. r-i.iT-M ami titvii; caa be purdm-cd : saj dclt: oiAx ol ttc coa:pLr:T J. O. MACK, Just Jloiu, Circulation must be douhlpd "vu. "1 1 A ana to ao inis we propose to furnish the Weekly Editioi for the balance of this year and one year beyond for tie already low price of $1.50. i year and a third 16 months- makes a of coe haaiirsd. xair ,Ttj-zrri cskes is wora. -jc ioiaaxj oiK-Aiaaai Vt ' T.z: tlesa&kii i xhtt eowtcrs vrhio rectfatlr i:xc pir, in lis-? race trozz Ne'cciiia to '-rtaea-rw The hat toa sa his ii:at tr-i- r-aJe-awaated rst- W. Vi ii of aittrea chil- dre -r-bcir aaaitis xll tesria with the letter L i3i -zrz -sruh a vowrl. The FaH talorsaaoa coaceralnr raze, :1ms oi siins. rwEte aai other detail? urnisced oc : i&e&aea to W. C. ALLAWAY, Aran: I. P. & A. Xir. Co.. P.esntlntor oaicc, Ta Dalies 0:.. or A. I). CHAF.LTOK, i a Geatrtl Pisserper Act.. Poryaafl. Oss. FljlE WlNEg and LIQUOR GEflT chScre-a'i -.tth aaer. Li Laaao, Lp Leslie. ire Lrr-ea sa. L3rira. .aalao. Le-Leoaida, Lenida and oi Siraraoas Liver B-jal.:or cpoa the eynem. protriti by loac surTeriag with dyst-rpris.. aad ttnc.trd diseasei, i without a precrdeat. Iti toaic, and al terative efrct; are woadcrinl. Fresh oysters at tionerj store. A. Eeiier'i coafee- La Grippe. "T)jrrsn? ihb preraleace of the ?rippe " the past seurOcs it wa; a noticeable iact that thorf who dej)eaded apon Dr. King's New Discovery, not only had a - speedy recovery, bat escaped all o: the Tftroubiesome aher ejects o: the malady. This remedy seems to have a peculiar power in effecting rapid ceres not only in caiiii of la pripjie, bat in all diseases of throat, chest and Innps, and has cared cases of asthma and hay fever of ion? etandih?. Try it and be convinced. It won't disappoint. Free trial at Saipes & Kinerily's drug store. The Fifth Annual FAIR- OF THE Ssgodq Eastern Oregon District Agricultural Society. WILL BE HELD AT T1E DflMiES, OREGON, October 10th, 1893, Continuing five davs. DOMESTIC Ahc KEY WEST CIGARS. THE CELEBRATED 4 ' ABST BEER. FRENCH'S BLOCK. 171 SECOND STREET, THE DALLEs, OR. CityStables BURHAM & ROBERTSON Corner of Fourth and Federal t? Proprietom The Dalles, Oreiron. BUT WOULD LIKE YOUR Attention! amount of the very best read ing matter, comprising besidg tut? wonu s newts, Die n especially lor tne stock-raise, the farmer and the orchardist, and is the best medinm for exposing our resources to the world. If this a. s. McAllister, President. J. O. MACK, Secretary. The Dalles GigaF : Factory FACTORY NO. 105. These Stables have on hand the rinest Livery in Eastern Oregon, and can accommodate patrons with either Single or Double Risrs, closed Hack? or Carriages dav or night. MORE ROOM. Also, can furnish First Class accuiuuiodatiuns to teamsters with freipbt or drivinc teams, liavinsr added to their stables .arpe feeding and wapou room. OFFEH CommerDial Palraap Solicited. Q TheDmlles o Wasco Count j Oregon. Is not enough, our plan to is sue the Weekly in instalments of twice a week, should make your decision favorable at once. Sunday's. Monday's. Tuesday! .3 TTrJ -K7 1.1 Tiro i a t. . i c-rn I d nTr tti tt i 'i tt i i , ir n T qn nereafter tne Weekly Chronic: Pnvr T will vanrVi vnn XKTo rlrc&. Saturday evening. Oiiner i Bone's stages en route to Cloud "Cap Inn will locate cam pars at the CJCl T? C oi the Bes: Brands hest fihin-.' wint in Hood River vallev, VVJ -TULAO nmaufactured, and where one can reach Ml. Hood in a few hours end Let tbeir mail and provisions dailv. " 2:ewd orderc irora all parts of the country filled ' on the shortest notice. Tjel Valley Keller Flour 31111. Is in complete repair; always in store flour equal to the bet. Also old style coarse and fine Graham flour, mill feed, etc. W. M. ilcCoEKLE, Propr. The reputation of THE DALLES CI GAK has become firmly established, and the demand for the home manufactured article is increasiag every day. A. ULR1CH &. SON. tn.u.8ic Xutice: Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received for the re-covering of the cictern at the intersection of Washing ton and Tuird streets, said bids will be received until Saturday noon September 2nd, l&STj, at the recorder's office, in Dalles City, Wasco County. Oregon, The right to reject any and all bids in hereby reserved. The city to furnish all material for the re-covering of said cist ern and said bids to be for the labor in re-covering the same. Pa ft Kkeft. Chairman of Committee on Streets and Public Property. Dated at Dalles City, Oregon, this 29th day of August, 1VJ3. Fur Item. Rooms to rent at P.ev. A. Horn's resi- Wood Sawing S-IEdlm We have bought the J. C. Meins Steam Wood Saw, and will fill all orders for sawing wood for stove or furnace use at the old rate. Orders left at Maier fc Ben ton's will 1e promptly at tended to, and will guaran tee entire satisfaction. Jacob Wetle. JOH.vP.3vP.IEIt. The Gate City of th- I i-.ii i tn.pir- is situated at the fctad of navigation on the liaii'. ' i.uii.'.ia. and is n thriving, pros perous citv. ITS TERRITORY. It is the supply city for un -xt-nsiv- and rich agricultural and grazing country, iti trud- r-acLinx as far south as Summer Lake, a distance of over two hundred iniles. The Largest Wool Market. The rich grazing country ulontr the eastern slotw of the Cas cades furnishes pasture for thousands of sheep, the wool from which finds market here. The Dalles is the largest original wool shipping point in America, about 5,000,000 pounds Ifing shipped last year. ITS PRODUCTS. The salmon fisheries are the finest on the Columbia, yielding this year a revenue of thousands of dollars, which will be more than 'doubled in the near future. The products of the U-autiful Klickitat valley find market here, and the country south and east has this year filled the warehouses, and all available storage places to overflowing witL their products. ITS WEALTH. It is the richest city of its size on the coast and its money is scattered over and is being used to develop more fanning country than is tributary to any other city in Eastern Oregon. Its situation is unsurpassed. Its climate delightful. Its pos sibilities incalculable. Its resources unlimited. And on thewi corner stones Bhe stands. dence on 3"inth street. 6-23daw. C. F. STEPHENS, OEALBK IN Dry Goods Clothing to The Snug. W. H. BUTTS, Prop. No, 90 Second Breet. The Dalles Or. Tnis well known stand, kept bv the l-H A I ITP well known W. II . Butts, long a'reei- I A Vv 1 V 7l I dent of Wasco county, has an eztraordi nary fine stock of SHOE T The extra trouble and esprsse connected with this effort to please, which is considerable, we look to an appreciative public for the approval we are sure it will give us. While we would be glad t oTi'rcrT'intinn m rn qtt in s rl VftTUS ' IT 1 w: Tl 111 TiantlKcaT'l V MT II1LB1 1894 And get the benefit of tin special rate, which is practfr ally for the Oleekly ChFonlele,$1.12UYeaf. OUR GREAT OFFER I FOR 1894: PAUL KREFT & CO., DEALEP.S IN PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS And the Most Complete nnd the LateHt Patterns and DeelgnH in liuuii, HIiijttK, flat, Klc. Sheep Herder's Delight and Irhh Disturbanc In fact, all the leading brands of fin Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Give th i old man a call and you will come again . JStc, Etc., Etc. N Second St., The Dalles. S. L. YOUNG, : : JEWELER : : WBtcbt anil Jewelry repaired to order oti 1 abort notice, uud 4tia(actiou guaranteed XX THB Btute olI.C KlckeUen, 2d St. The Dalle PHOTOGRAPHER First premium at the Wasco count ' air for bHt jiortraits and views. j CLtAffl STORY, Art Teacher Jioom S, Jiettinyen Building, Witt give uon Mondayi and Thurwlayi ot ! , , 4CM week.orottencrtt dealred. i l-12 For Sale at a Bargain. Tlio unclersined, liaviujr secured the machinery and fixture.-: of what was intended for a f i r.-t-elass shoo factory, will sell the same at a jjargain. J J ere is an engine and boifer of 40-odd horse power, and a laiVe' alnoTnof shoe machinery, lasts, line shafting, pulleys, helliTrg'aiTd' find ings almost a complete shoe faciory. J-Iere is also one of the hostsites for successfully oper ating a factory of this kind to he found in this country. Write for particulars at once, to WALL PAPER. tr'TWl:: I'llillhTW Hllll Piiru.r Kill 111.. lit-Mt urwin-WiiliuniH and .1. W. Miimui-v.'m i'lniM in....! in nil nir work, and none1'.. most fikilled workmen employu'd. AgentH for Maiiury Liquid. Piiinte. mixture. A firwt clanH article in all Ola.o Dctllow, Ox. the t cneinicai coinbination or boaj) iipriinnlli. .1 . Paint Shop corper Thirdand Waghington 8t8.. The DallesiOr THE CELEBRATED COLUMBIA BREWERY. AUGUST BUCHLER, PropV. ThlB well-known Brewery 1h now turninir out the heat Beer and Fort .oU l n ni i . . if . .f I'flOd .oi. ui mo vjunuuuei), j no inieiii apiuianceB lor wie iniiumi:i.ui -fill n.-., I i ... .! i ' i . .1 .ti u-tll boi) W uix ucr.u luiruuuceu, aiiu vu.y ino nrui-cinno mnu ho market.