The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 23, 1893, Image 3

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A -i x . iH1. " cli'drlo light ontrino was JL VJL LXXd JL CXjL.jL JL
I I I 1.--- -T , i'li 8tnrU! up thin nfturiioonon u lust. Tho
A I I I ITPCO I AAHn W' . '!!'!! W onahio h u Una & IUkIIcv Corliss and Is
i - ii
Saturday, 5eptmbr 23, 1893
There was a gruff fellow, once, who said that he
never had to consult either the almanac or the weather to
itnow mat jj'aliJL was approaching. The clamor of the
n pcQ j iemaies 01 nis lamily for new raiment was sign enough
xJ CoO I in deference to their demand, we have hrnniriit. rm t.h first.
installment of the new season's fabrics, and invite the
ladies to see them. We say 1 owning about the men. They can have the floor
for a few remarks when the bill is presented. Just now, silence with them is
lite thff opportunity we present golden.
Tlie Newest Creations.
purchaser of a Dress Pattern, rue will present a Ticket to the Kellogg Concert
ai uic Aicuioajst cnurcn Saturday mgit.
a bountiful piece of machinery, having
capacity 01 '.-,) iiorso power. Thu now
boiler is not snllicient to run it at th
highest capacity, and it is proposed to
reinforce it with the old one now in use
on the hill, and the other smokestack
will also be raised. The fly wheel i
enormous, with a diameter of about
eighteen feet nnd weighing eight tons. It
is surmounted by a belt costing $700
and is a very beautiful picco of work
being an Ireson's leather link belt
weighing 1,000 pounds. It is composed
of oblong pieces of solo leather rounded
at the corners, about half an inch wide
by an inch and a quarter long bolted to
gcther with steel rivets, and set so that
tho edges come in contact with the
wheel. The new belt prevents friction
and runs noiselessly. Tho smaller belts
will be of like workmanship.
The new plant will equal any in the
state outside of Portland, and will re-
suit in giving the town better lights
eince the old plant was overburdened.
A lllnckgunnl Sheet.
All Goods marked
in plain figures.
The Dalles Daily Chroniele.
'M I'oitoKlcc nt Tlio Duller, Orepon,
hi ! mil claim mutter.
l.iirul A (I erl loin c-
i. ...... ..... ..... I... tr... ...... k r. ......
re line Mr cm !i tutinviuvut limcrtloa.
ifcta TBtcK lar lone time notice.
Xl liou iriticfk received Inter timn 3 o'clock
111 pl:nr the (nilowlriK duy.
- SHIT. 23, 189:5
The Ito'li) and Weekly Chronicle may
bi found on mle at J. ('. Xickehen's xture.
t'ltj- and Cmuity .ri Nnte of Minor
Hlic threw untmie Into the iilr.
It lell tn.-itrth I knew not where:
Bus ! a mile, 1 knew full well,
TwtM-u where hhf aimed mill uiierult lell.
Kellojrg tonight.
l'be record of the police court was
'broken niH night by the arrest of three
vagrant?. Tonight would have made
just two week without un arrest.
VU who attend the great concert to
LniKht at the M. K. church will hear
hoiufthiiiK dwsldfdly novel. The bird
pwarbhni: W nimply marvelous Mr.
'Emily Meart-KfUoBK. contralto Holo
lfct, in also a great finger.
The Oregon Press Association will
meet In Portland September tiSth. On
the L'fnh they will receive and entertain
the visiting members of the Washington
I'res- Association. Saturday will 1h
press day at the exposition.
Three pugilists were convicted in Port
and of prize fighting and will bo fcen-
.enceu today. This is the Hrct
uon ot the kind in Ore
gon and creates
consternation unioni? th..
ij-orting fraternity of the metropolis.
The Juvenile Temple will unfurl their
tenner thin afternoon. Tho banner
khuii mem necauH) of their being
iiwKenneinpi0 in tho two states of
f "Ellington and Oregon, and is a trophy
u carries great honor in its possession
a representative of Tiu: Ciino.vici.i;
"wiu'l on .Mr. C. JJ. ChriBinan and saw
'' fruit dryer in operation. Mr. C. has
' ,mwi' crop of petite, silver aud Itah
an prunes, which he is now drying
"imiever may be said of other fruit
ajratorH, Mr. Chrisman'sis undoubt-
,Jl' success.
increase in business is noticeable on
no railroad and steamlioat this week.
" wheat erop from the interior is
'loving to tho seaboard and heavier
fflns and more of them are passim:
'ff Kh The Dalles every day. Paseen-
"i" traflic'ia very good, and tho Regula-
Jf has a large quota of travellers every
The corrugated rooting is being put on
'iu new electric light station and the
"IWIhb will eoon bo ready for occu
ant7. The engines und boiler are in
'tlon and the adjustment of the
lr--s and connections will givo The
alias a splendid electric light system,
"o new station will be another addl
" to the noise of machinery in tho
Ml Knd.
Tho Uoldondiito base ball club comes
' this week with a flaming declura
of war. After u long preamble, re
how cruelly they were treated,
' document goes on to state that the
fWondulo elub will consent to play
uiieuntlannuly (?; rivals for the
"""'WO. The wording of tho dial-
lenge is similar to some manifestoes
of tho anarchists. Our boys will deter
mine today what action shall be taken
on the matter.
Cards in the windows of many stores
announce that those who do not hear
Chas. Kellogg tonight will surely re
gret it. All reports agree that he fur
nishes an exceptional entertainment.
Sam Hurling and E. D. McArthur,
two of Antelope's young men, have re
ceived at this point a phonograph, with
which they will travel throughout this
and adjoining states. The express
charges on the instrument were !30. It
is the latest improved and is a veritable
mine of music and drollery. Their first
work with it will be in the Prineville
and John Day country.
The Regulator carried a large excur
sion to the Cascade Ixjcka this morning.
The docks were well crowded with peo
ple and the scene resembled the ante
railroad days. The party consisted
mainly of school teachers, who were off"
for a holiday after a week of work. A
ride down the river on one of these
beautiful days is as pleasurable an en
joyment as an ordinary mortal can de
sire. The members of this year's dancing
club met last evening and laid plans for
tho w inter season. The first dance will
be given next Wednesday evening in
Fraternity hall and others will follow at
frequent intervals. The name chosen
is the same as that of last year Mignon
ette. The officers elected were: Presi
dent, (leu. C. Ulakeley ; Secretary, .Mal
colm Jameson ; executive committee,
Robert Mays, jr., JI. C. French and
Fred W. Wilson. The club will also
give whist parties during the winter to
alternate with the dances.
Kxtend the Time.
Mr. Thomas A. Hudson, agent for tho
Eastern Iand company, returned from
San Francisco last Tuesday. He informs
us that ho has succeeded in having very
liberal concessions made by tho coin
puny, both in prices and terms of pay
ment. Hereafter they wilj sell laud on
the following term" : -0 per cent, cash
and tho balance in four equal yearly
payments, with S per cent, interest on
deferred payments, thus allowing the
purchaser four years time. Heretofore
tho time allowed for making full pay
ment has been two years, H5 per cent,
cash, 30 at the end of the first year, and
tho remaining 30 per ce'Jt. at tho close
of the second year. Tho lato decision of
the secretary of tho interior does not af
fect any of their lands south of Hake
Oven in this county.
Tlio J-'lli llrjrrx-e.
Tho corner of Second and Washington
streets is now tho place of amusement
for the town. The different expressmen,
who are a jolly sot, whileaway the hour
between trips by initiating unsophisti
cated Individuals into tho mvsterv of
..... r
tho "Hip" degree. Much practice Iiub
enabled them to perforin tho skillful
feat gracefully, and those who are de
sirous of maintaining their equilibrium
would do well to take the other side of
the street. A new wrinkle came out to
day iu the shape of an instrument of
torture made by tho combination of u
box and a needle. Several unsuspecting
seekers iu search of a seat furnished
great fun for tho crowd by tho lelsurly
way In which thoy sat down on the box
und the rupid way they jumped up.
Fur Kent.
Kivo rooms suitable for housekeeping
with bath. Central location.
The Dalle an a Sanitary Point.
Some day, when the advantages of
this inland country are fully understood,
there will be a large sanitarium at The
Dalles. The healthfulness of the place
is ahead of all its sister cities in the
Northwest. In Walla Walla, in a re
cent week, there were Eeven funerals in
seven days, while in The Dalles a
funeral is a rarity. All persous troubled
in any way by asthma or kindred ail
ments find speedy relief as soon ns they
come east of the Cascade mountains and
the high winds that so graciously blow
I in summer drive away all disease germs
that lurk in hidden places. Our winds
are our greatest blessing, and with our
new and improved sewerage The Dalles
will be a synonym for healthy hygienic
The Jury IIunj;.
The case of the state of Oregon vs.
Samantha Fox which was on trial before
Justice Schut'.went to the jury at a lale
hour yesterday afternoon. At 8 p. m.
the jury was unable to agree and were
discharged. They stood five to one in
favor of acquittal but the one juror was
obdurate and refused to swing in line.
Prosecuting Attorney Wilson appeared
for the state while the defendant was
represented by Mr. J. M. Walton. The
whole matter stemed to some to be
nothing but a family row, but the case
was reset for Tuesday morning when a
new trial will be had.
Keul Ktute.
F. II. Dietzel, E. W. Diet.el and M.
B. Dietzel to Madelia Wakefield, lot 10,
block S, Uigelowe'B bluff addition to
Dalles City; $1.
State of Oregon to L. E. Pratt, bw.
of sw1.: section ", township 1 north of
range 15 east ; ijfSO.
Mr. hem Uurgess from HakoOven is in
the city.
Ex.-Gov. Z. F. Moody came up from
Salem yesterday.
School Sup't Troy Shelley came up on
the Regulator last evening.'
Judge W. Ji. JJradshnw returned yes
terday from holding court session at
Mr. 15alfe Johnson returned on the
Regulator yesterday from a two weeks'
vacation in the valley.
Messrs. Fletcher Faulkner, Ed M.
Williams and W. K. Corson left on a
hmitiiiL' trin this afternoon. They will
be back tomorrow evening, provided
they can pack tho game.
Mrs. C. T. Donnell, who has lived iu
The Dalles for thirty years and more,
leaves next week for Ooldendale, Wash.,
to join her son, who is in business there.
. . I.. ...Ill .! . .. . t
Jler many menus win mnucruiy rcgiui
her departure, and aro glad thut the
distance will permit of muny revisitings.
Mr. W. S. Myers was taken suddenly
ill on the street this afternoon aud
taken homo in a nrostrato condition.
The attack came without warning of any
kind, and was of the nature of a faint
ing spell. It is to be hoped that noth
ing serious will result and that the gen
tlemun will speedily recover.
A (looil Word.
Mr. J. J. Kkii. Miiirj'MjurK. l'n.,
DeurHIr - I ' K'"1' " KkkJ wonl for
Kruiifo'ti Jhwl.ii'ho cipsnlex. Alter nullurltiK
r.. ... ... . .r- wlili nun to lieu ra eu nnd Kh
(loUHeoUuntilikomlilii, (wliieli beeiued to hulllo
theellorUnt Mimuot our hest iihyMcliin) you
MlKgented IIiIm reim-lv which K'lVO mo lmo n
htmit relief W ord full to ex vrwn the priilfci. I
should llku to heidiiw a KniuwH ileucUclie,
cuu, ,rfu,jrJtTii,noi..Ks, :
.Moiltrou', I'u,
A contemptible little fly leaf known as
the Goldendale Courier is striving to
create bad blood between the two towns
of The Dalles and Goldendale. The fol
lowing item convicts it:
A ancouver paper savs that rival
teams were endeavoring to spike their
nose oeiore me run at the hremen's
tournament, m The Dalles, Sept. 4th.
The Goldendale visitors say that they
were treated shamefully at that Dlace on
that occasion, and the only words of
praise, for hospitality and favors in
tended to visitors by The Dalles Citv
that has been spoken or written, has
been written by The Dalles nress. Thev
think, perhaps, that self-praise is better
tnau none.
A very superficial reading of the above
shows that the Vancouver paper does
not say The Dalles team is guilty of the
charge, while the Courier pronounces it
confirmation. It is no wonder that such
an abomination as the Courier was
forced to come out on the half shell, and
then try and bolster up its circulation
by trading it to unsuspecting farmers for
wheat. To ascertain if the Courier
man i?) knows anything about the
tournament we will ask him what team
it was whose hose burst each time they
China Wedding.
L,ast evening a surprise party was
tendered Mr. and Mrs. Buchler in honor
of the twentieth anniversary of their
wedding. They were presented with a
handsome china tea set by the members
of the Gepang Veiein.
The evening was pleasantly spent,
several pieces being rendered on the
piano. Later in the evening a splendid
repast was served, of which everyone
partook with pleasure. About 11
o'clock the floor was cleared for dancing,
in which many indulged until a late
hour, when all dispersed for their
homes, after having expressed their
congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. August
Buchler, and wishing them twenty
years more of their happy married life.
Those present were: Mr and Mrs
Prinz, Mr and Mrs E Schanno, Mr and
Mrs G Keller, .Mr and Mrs J II Phir
man, Mr and Mrs C Schmidt, Mr and
Mrs F I.emke, Mr and Mrs II Maier
Mr and Mrs C Stubling, Mr and Mrs J
Nitschke, Mr and Mrs F Seufert, Mr and
Mrs J Stadelman. Mr and Mrs J lilaser
Mr and Mrs Weigel, Mr and Mrs A Ci
nch, Mr and Mrs N Harris, Mr and
Mrs A Saudrock.
Mrs Gosser, Mrs M Blank, Mis L
Misses Grace l.auer, Caroline Buchler,
A Schanno, E Schmidt, B Buchler, M
Gosser, L Luuer, C Phirman, S I'lnr
man, L Seufert, R Buchler, M Buchler,
Messrs F Weigle, R Korden, X Seu
fert, J Hertz, F Vogt, A Tilzer, O Gott
fried, H Hansen, A Everding, G I Seal, J
Arndt, E Schutz, W Fredden, G Bonn,
J Bonn, h Schanno, C Fritz, C Frank, J
Woodko and B Woll.
Another In Mr IteutM ill ISIII.
A man has been doing some water
color work on photographs in Tho Dalles
for several days past, ami while hero
ran a livery bill of $10 with Biirham A
f Robertson. This morning ho took tho
train for Portland, leaving tho inn un
settled, except f worth of work done
for Mr. Robertson, and retaining posses
sion of another photograph which ho
was to have colored. Ho presented a
card liearing tho name of Win. A. Trof
fenberg, Portland, Or., and C. E. Clark,
Mexican Silver Stove Polish causes no
Ask your dealer for Mexican Silver
Stove Polish.
Just received a scow load of choice oak
wood. Maiuhv
The Great KuglUh Iternedy.
l'r'iiuptiy ana permanently
cure all form! of Nirvou
Weakntu.EmUtUnu, Bptrmr
atorrlua, JmjxiUnoy and alt
tffectMti Abuse or txctutt.
llcon prescribed over S3
yearn In thousands of caesi
Jitore anJJfUr. mtJto(M kll0Wn, Aic
i drut'gUt fur Wood' I'Jioiphodloei If ho offers
j tome worthless liicdlcluoluplaco of this, leuvo his
dishonest etore, Jncloto prlco In letter, oud
wowllUcnd hy return mull. Trlco, ouo puckago,
iWlkl!. Oiieiclllt'Utt(,$Uo tiilU ouir. I'unjpti.
i le lu pblu MfchU envelope, cents poetaae,
i Addriwl Tho Wood t! he in leu I Co,,
J1U Wocdwurd uientw, lAJtroit, Jllch,
' feold In The 1 ull hy Uhikeley i lloui?htou
Wo aro now ready with a full line of
Ready-IKKade Clothing,
sixjgdod Dress Groods,
nnd all other kinds of Dry Goods
i Wo are noted for the good values wo givo
i Tl 1 1 I TT.Tl.1 . .!?..
nt -ijiuuuuuo uiiu uiiuieucueu jtiUHims.
Sheetings. Prints. Ginchnms. Boots and
hoes. Hosiery. Gents' Furnishings, etc.. etc..
The Balance of our Summer Inroortations now
Clearing Out AT COST.
Cor. Court and Second sis.
me Dalies, Oregon.
Sural ill Mu On Mi
Fancy G-oods and Notions,
Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes, etc.
now complete in every department.
All goods will be sold at greatly reduced prices.
H. Herbring.
Terms Cash.
.Familiar Faces in a New Place.
Late Special Agent General Land Office.
Jfye leal Estate, pat), Ii75urai7Ge,
'allies having Property thoy wish to Sell or Trade, Houses to Kent,
Abstract of Title furnished, will find it to their advantage to call on us.
Wo shall make
a specialty of tho
before tho Unitep
prosecution of Claims
States Land Olliee.
and Contests
85 Washington St.
Have You. Seen
12 Socond Street.
Millinery Goods
At the Old Stand,
Cor. Second and Union Sts.
flay, Graii?, peed ai? plo ur,
Groceries, Fruits and Seeds.
Oetialx TDCiicl for ZZJ&k&s xxxel Ponlti'v.
All goods delivered Free and Promptly.
A. T
The California Winehouse,
Is now open, and its proprietor will sell his home- 4
produced Wine at prices in tho reach of everybody. X
Also, host Peanuts to ho found. CJoods guaranteed
to ho Pure and First-Class in every respect. f
Thompson's Addition.