The Dalles Daily Chronicle. OFFICIAL I'AI'EK OF DALLES CITY. ASt vxCO COOTT. srnscr.iPTioN kates. BV Kilt, POSTAGE rKKr.UIl.lN AJJVASCS. j WeeklT, 1 year. 5$ 6aoatlu. .... ' DUljr, 1 year. " :: is0- Swj Adiirw U connanalca'Joa to "THE MI RON- tCLE," The Dalles. Orvcon. I'oit.Offlfc orncs hocus Gmcrtu 10 livery Wladovr a. ic. Mocev Oiler " s Saniiav u " ? cuvitNo or mjlij-s trains going East- . .9 p. m. anil West 9 .. oi. aad Svire lor GoWeadale . . . I'rincrttlt " "Iulurau(! S ana spririsrs " tLearias for Lvle A Hartlaad j.atcioje Except Sunday. fTri-vrecilv. Tuesdar Thursday and I " "Monday WeilnesJay aad to T p. ns. to 4 p. ai. to 10 a. ru. 5:p- m. ' 7:70 a. in. I J:3Da. in. 1 5:20 a. E. , .5:30 a. m. .5.30a. U. , Saturday. 1 Friday. , SATURDAY, SFPT. 23, 1S931 An exchange says it's a vise stock that knows its own par just now. Before onr American editors abolish the English house of lords they should practice a while on the United States senate. A Quror l.tttlr Qunkrr Cuttnm. Near the city of Philadelphia there are a few quaint old villn;e whore Quakers and Quaker customs are to be found just sis they were in the days of rood old "William Penn. You have no idea Tlow odd some of these customs are. A few day a?o a New York lady was traveling throuch one of these little villages, and. beinp tired, she stopped at an old brick farm-house to rest. Im mediately there came out a little csri. dressed all in pray, who invited her to come in the house and have a cup of tea and some cakes. When the lady had partaken of her refreshment and turned to ro, she offered the old-fashioned maid in pray some candy out of a sweetmeat box which she carried at her belt. "No, 1 thank thee." said the little one bashfully. "I thank thee but no." 'Please take the candy,'" urced the lady, "I want to pve it to you because you have been so kind to me." For a minute the little one hesitated. She put out her hand, as if yielding to temptation, and then drew it back res olutely, as she said: "1 thank thee, no. I may not take the candy now, because when thee asked me" first, if I would have some, I told thee no, and now I may not take any until thee comes some other day." N. Y. Ledrer. ViaOR MEN EmIIj. Quickly. Psrmantntlj Restored. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, and all the train of evil' trwmeartr errors or later cicosses. th results of overwork, lcltnef, worTT.ele. Fullstrvuglh, de'elopiiH'tit and Ichr plen to very or-jan and portion of the Nxir. Simple, caturat melhtxt. Immediate Improvement en. Failure ImpostlM. S.EU.1 reference, ivvl, explanation and pnwft mailed (lealed) frrv. ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO. N. Y. William Tell Your Father that we sell Forest fires in Wisconsin are said to cover over 200 square miles, and nearly 15,000,000 worth oi standinc pine has been destroyed. Hundreds of homes have been destroyed and iamilies made ! destitute bv the fire. When the glamour of newness -wears itself out a little the Cherokee strip will be peopled by an industrious and intelli gent body oi men, the sharks, thieves and gamblers will be eliminated, and the country will rank alongside of the older parts of the commonwealth. HITS AND MISSES. IEorLE with false teeth should jrrin in private. There are some thinps a woman is more praceful at than ridinp a bi cycle. Tue man who tells you he is sorry he can't help you would not do so if he could. "Wiiex yon stop to arpme with a wom an time must hanp heavy on your hands. Mast men can forpive and pity a thief with more ease than they can a liar. Arkansaw Traveler. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. HAS A FAMILY OP 2000 HEADERS. They rem! The Chronicle to get the latest and mt reliable ews. And they rend every line that 1 in the poti'r. That Is what mnke-i the Chronicle an invaluable advertl lap medium. ' The newspaper that v trees to the family firesides is the otic fQ)) that the udvertier ' of today patroiilxe when they desire to ' reach the people. When they want your trade their announcement will be found in the paper. Iuvk over our columns nnd observe the verifica tion of the truth of this ascxtton. llemeruber, a trade of a fitmllv of two thousand I worth askinp for through thee C Q column, esicla!ly so at our very SWEET, ORR St CO.'S Vest Jumpers, Pantaloon Overalls, Easyfitting Pants Every garment guaranteed NEVER to rip! We are also Headquarters for Men's, Boys' and Youth s CLOTHING Pension Commissioner Lochren's an nual report shows that there are neariy a million pensioners on the rolls, the exact fienres beinc 36,012, and a net increase during the year of S9,W4. If all oi these are securing pensions wor-. thily, there can be few leit who deserve one. Among the incidents of childhood that stand out in bold relief, as our memory reverts to the days'when we were younv, none are more prominent than severe sickness. The young mother vividly re members that it was the Chamberlain's Coush Remedy cured her of croup, and in turn administer? it to her own off spring and always with the best results. For sale bv Eir.keley & Houghton. How softly and imperceptibly summer glides into autumn ! A single day car ries us over from the hot indolence of j August into the cool, tranquil repose of September; and then, though the heated days may return, the irrevocable Htephas been taken, and we are in the realm of early autumn, which Keats called so aptly, "season of mists and mellow iruitiulness." Fom a London letter the following is gleaned anent the English house of lords: "'It was to be expected that the feebleness ot age would be prominent in euch a house. It was not that. It was the senilty of youth, the wreck of mid dle life, the tottering imbecility of dis sipated age that stood out all over the picture. The presence of such intel lectual giants as Salisbury, Kosebery, and Playfair served but to furnish the contrast between hope and despair. The great majority of the puppets of in herited greatness would excite no emo tions beyond pity and disgust ii en countered anywhere save in such gro tesque masquerading as this. English and American readers are familiar with the current caricaturing of the average British peer as a repulsive creature, with a sloping forehead and retreating chin. No general opportunity was ever offered for putting the indictment to the test until this week. It must stand. It is abundantly proved that a composite photograph of those members of the house of lords who hold their seats bv inheritance, not by appointment, would , be the personification of weakness, men-, tal, moral and physical, self-indulgence, ; eelfishness, bigotry and intolerance.-' V-- Mexican Silver Stove Polish . j lvn Wanted. j Notice is hereby given that applica-1 tions ior labor will be received by tne . undersieneil until Saturday at noon. September 16th, 1S93. Said labor to be for the zettinc out and preparing of rock to be used in the rock crusher !;e!y purchased by Dalles City and Whi. countv. Thewatre to bt- paid f - labor is 1.50 per day. For :urrh-r ., -formation call at the office of !!'- dersicned. Dougla:- S. PrriK. Recorder uf DaVi City. GiicmI .lull I'rintlut". It" yon have your job printing rton Tue Cheoxicle you will have the ad vantage oi having it done with the iu-t modern and approved type, with wiuc. we keep continually supplied. AH pl under the direct supervision of one .' the most successiul and arti-tic prir ters in the Northwest. This Is the Season Of the Year Olhen Judicious Advertising Pays. In every size, style and price. YOUR ATTEJiTIOU "There is a tide in the ajfairs of men which, taken at lis flo leads on to fortune." It called to the fact that Hugh Glenn, D-sier in Glass, Lime, Plaster, Cement r.rid liuildinp Material of all kinds. Crri" the Flneat I.lut- of Picture Monldinss The poet unquestionably had reference to the Closii-Oit Sale oi 4 Mr & C: lluoklfu'- Anin-H -alf. The best salve in the world ior u:-, bruise-, sores, ulcers, salt rhum, fe'.f sore-., tetter, chapped hands, chilblain?. eorn, and a!! skin eruptions, and tively enres piles, or no pay require. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price -5 cents per los. For -ale by Snipes cc Kir. ersiy Notice. All persons are warned no. ! purcua-e one check ior to ay favor tf.rougi. French & Co. -ti r. M.v !.." C27eits.snd Trade-Marks obtains i. ar. a!. Vii- J em bunnes: conducted for MootR-r Fnrs. oub Orncc is Opposite U. S. patent omcz and we can secure patent in less Ume uax. 'jje t remote irora Washington. tion. Vic aavise, ii patenuble or not. tree o!J csarje. Our iee not due till patent is secureu. t A Pamphlet, nowiowoiaiu i v,i.u rr nf nc in the L'. S. and Corsica countries I sent free. Address. C.A.SNOW&CO.: t OPP. PATENT OmcE. WASMINCTOH, D at CR AND ALL & BURGET'S, To De foand In the City. Who are selling these goods out at greatly-roduced 72 Ulashington Street. miciiklbach juuck. - - ryio.v t W. E. GARRETSON. Leafli Colli aucl ,Stlvr. The Etock of pold possessed by ttie principal countries is as follows ; United States loi.r....iu Grt-at IJsiuia u-.ti' y ranee xwii;,mi' (iennBiij- . . o o.t (.;,. The silver etock of these countries is given a? follows : United States '. MO.W tirertt IlriUln IMVMMfO France 'l,aw..ii tierrnuny ... Utwt l:usla OjfM.ft i ' Couldn't Look a Sheep in the I'auo. I iliiseman & Warders, Saloon iim! IViiit! Rooms The Dalles. - Oregon. fjtH Sorlhw nl rfirn-r oi rriii.l and C i'lrt Htreetc do - Jeweler. "I.K AUENT roit TMf All Watch Work arrantod. TITLE PERFECT Jf-w-elry Made to Order. WINHNSl II K NKW TOWN iiu Hi jilntt-l on ttirnld rnmi Rround, nt the Koric und KuIIji ci Hood river. ttti larKe, nlKhtlr lotn, tinxid Htrt-jUalid hIU-vh, nli mid .;i nhiulcin iiioltniluii, jrfivt driiltincf.dcliKlltiiil imiunMW Climate, the ccnliat nttrnctlmi h i iiimuiUiln mimmvr riwort ior hII orrp' teiiic the uvarest town to Ml. HikhI. It l uiiiiiruIli)kT nc u iimiiuturtonrt Umli:r,"lMrt':imliiK m.lllon of hon i'- in it dimliilig utri iinm n' lull, i-ioiny imriiii,i. n nurv ru . motive jiowi-r uxmin, im-n (uetorlvi will f-iit-r,iiurrimnd ,. Milliuid cltmiitu tlint cunuotMo ituywhuru ior Irult nd ur'- :atv, mid wltli triiiijirtotlon aw you will llnd tbie the u imtke n jxirltct home or ii jmjut' See me on the groafj address me at HooQ' Wasco Cotinty, Oregtj i:ix rr. ml Ht.. Ttiti lMllt,, Or. W. Ross Winans 3U FOP ! .ASE 'T VIi lie Anarrecbte Losative and NEKVE 'IO.' IC Sold by I)rui'irijor sent by mall IZc. ttic , ind Sl.W Ir mckase Serapica tree VA JIf The Favorite CfiCTS KTZtZ AU Hw fortbeTe:tn and Brtatti.ric For ale by hnlpet A' Itlnerly, m A w PfflinfflnB: u uimuiuuuu, JJULI Daily and Weekly Editions. to a farmer: "Can you give me something to do?" The farmer eaid he had some sheep to ehear if he could find a man who knew how to do it. The man eaid he had learned the businese and considered ! himself an expert. He was told to go to the barn where he would find shears ; and to commence shearing. After a while the farmer went to the barn to see how the man was getting along, but to his surprise found the shearer shear , iag the sheep from the wrong end. The farmer said, "Thid will never do; you told me that you understood shearing beep?" "Veesir, I told you so; but, jtace Grover Cleveland's election and the fall in wool, I have been ashamed to . look a sheep in the face." Lima Re-corder. Bhllob'e cure, the Great Cough and Croup Cure, is for sale by fcnipes & Kin ly. Pocket size contains twenty-five doees, only 25c. Children love it. old by Snipes & Kinersly. Executors' Notice. Ji'otlct U hereby given, that the undersliiiwi have hwn duly appoints, by the Honorable the County Court oi Wasco county, Oregon, execu tors of the estate of John Uaxtur, deceased: al! pewiriJi ha vlnir claim agaiim Mid estate are hereby required to jirenent the ame, duly veri fied and with proper vouchem, to uji or either, t Antelope, Waco county, Oregon, within nix mouthi from the date of tbf notice, The Da I lea, Or., Aug. Z, ln'M. JAiIKH UAXTEH JAMKri WlllTTKN. i Kxecutors of the estate of John iJaxter.dec'd. I M.vrSt i AGENTS WASTED oa salary aai Coaatuioj j for THE ONLY AUTHORIZED ' BlipphyofJAIES G.BLAINE. Ily GAIL HAMILTON, hi literary executor, with the co-ouerution of hi family, and for Mr Ulaino Complete Works, 'TWKNTV VKAIth Of UONCKKHK." and his later book, "I'O. I.ITICAt. UIHCUBMIONii." One proii-ectun for tbeae 3 KKT booka in the mar ket. A. K. 1'. Jordan ot Me., took 113 orderx from lint 110 callx; aKent'uprontSmu.riO. lln.Kal lard of O.. took JAorden, 2ch1 liUMia.iii 1 day, Mftlt 20. SO, . K. Me of iia. took border in day, -niflt 47.6. J l'urtridf.'e of Me. Uiok 41 order from 26 call. iro,tt tt7A.'4S. K. A. Palmer of N Imk. took M ordvri in a darn, VwflfUH.iti. KXCXttfttVK TKKUITOItV Kiven. If you wUh tu wake LAlUE MO.VKV, write Immediately ior termn to The HENEY BILL PUB. 00., Li .Si, Kaa rt-Inn-.'t THE CHROMCLE was established for the ex press purpose of faithfully representing The Dalles and the surrounding country, and the satisfying effect of its mission is everywhere apparent. It now leads all other publications in Wasco, Sher man, Gilliam, a large part of Crook, Morrow and Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other re gions north of The Dalles, hence it is the best medium for advertisers in the Inland Empire. The Daily Chkonicle is published every eve ning in the week Sundays excepted at $0.00 per annum. The Weekly Cjikoxiclk on Fridays of each week at 81.50 per annum. For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., address THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO., This Popular House iMlVll Hum Intuit (n t hnrnm.hl t renovated I furiiiiihed throughout, und Ih now -Jl f I ever prepared to furnish the h. w I ( C I I fX K I l iiccoiiitnodutloiiK of any house in I N 1 -1 wi ,.tJ.f Jultl llt tiJL. vury 0W raw" otel city, ami at ine vury i $1 a day. First-Class Meals. THE DALLES, OREGON. Ofllce of tlie fuHt and coimnodiouH oppM' . WW)!!5 to uuiur, JvingHiey, lygn wt -Wuri.i KpringH nnd I'rinovillu is In two i nnd poraoiiH going to Iri:ievine w -M.00 bv going on this Stuge line- All trains stop here. D. BUNNELL, Pipe Wort, Tin Repairs and Bl MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE Shop on Third Street, next door west of YouW Blacksmith Shop. K2i