The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 23, 1893, Image 1

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Dalles Daily Chronicle.
fublWu-l lllr. umlr KKCt'tcil.
, 4 .lid WanhJllRtou Street, The
n .11... flntnntl
Trriif of Suh-crliitloii carrier
timu taiii.k-.
;n, lsW.
iit iinUMi,
4iArn,Jr I'f.uru U:Oor,
rtH lioL'fti,
.rtwtfi Jl ltejmrti. 3:11. M
- t. taxhti ttmi curry jini.i.etif;erti leave
Tw,0ll,?lwut i M x. m., And one for the
it lor
Lrf pxfilk, VIh Hale 0tm, leave dally
ly-jjjj, Mitchell, CKtiyon City, letivo
liui IlRli ftlley, leave ilully, except
Civ.i.inlilt.. Mnih , leave every day of the
c ritiiit'1 T. ATTnitrv iT-l.i vr Otllee
rt, fcurt street, The Dalle, Oregon.
Iiirrrx. tkixk kenkfce.
KKt, lli JlCr.ft.C. ATTUHT - T
fU-Ktnm tJ ana over run
hhlulne. Ktitruiice ou vt itMiinriou street
Skin, urvcon
,!ID Brtmnuti hulldliiR, lift i.Ulr. The
(iii, lU'NTINuTON A: WIliiON Attob-
siuat ljw -omcw, French' mock over
:tlotiai Hunt ''1 Italic. Uregou.
II WILpo.V- AnoR.sry.AT-l.AW Koomii
1 rend A 1 o ' bunk bullillUK, bwoua
, Ite IiKile, Orecon.
.EsiIKLMAS HOM.toiATlUC I'll ykicu.n
liLd m'ri.Kiis. full ulitiwcrrd promptly.
rnlrhl, city or country. Omee ho. 30 iinu
pnn block, wtl
Idio.v Oiluc. roomK 6 mid C cimumnu
Kwldeuce 1- h corner 'lourt una
itrvtt, ' md door from the corner.
fcoum to 12 A, M , J to S and 7 to 9 P. M.
rIDIM!! I'tfTtiiT dim civen for the
talhfh extriictiuu of teeth. Aluo teeth
ItoFc.! a .iiaiiium .inte. Koouit. falRti of
r-llflui Tjith. heennd rtreet.
Loiters of Credit issued available in he
Eastern States.
Sil'ht KtcIiiiiu'H ntwl Tiilu,!.
rranHferesoldon Ncm- York, Chicago, St.
IjiiIh, San Francieco, Portland Oregon,
Seattle Wash., and various pointa in Or
egon and 'NVaflhinKton.
Collectioiifl tnndH nt nil nnl
orable terma.
J. o. chx?!cx,
J. M. l'ATTF.I(OK,
First National Bank.
A General Hanking Kugineas traimacted
isepoHti" received, siittject to siplit
Draft or Cheek.
Collections made and proceeds jtromptly
remitted on any 01 collection.
Sidit and Telegraphic Exchange sold c
New York, San Francisco and Port
I). V. Thompson. Jno. S. SciiK.vce.
En. M. Williams, Geo. A. Liehe.
H. M. Beall.
Hational Bank.
Cashier, - -
Z. F. Moody
CiiAtiLEH Hilton
M. A. Moody
General liankint; Business Transacted.
Sight Exchangee Sold on
Collections made 011 favoreble terms
at all accessible pointB.
In Eating:
has been brought about by the
introduction of Cottolune, the
new vegetable shortening. The
discovery of this product, and the
demonstration of its remarkable
qualities, has attracted the widest
interest. Hitherto the common
shortening has been lard, or
indifferent butter. Every one has
probably suffered occasional dis
comfort from lard-cooked food ;
while it is well known that thous
ands are obliged to abstain entire
ly from everything of that kind.
To such people, Cottolene is of
peculiar value, widening as it
does, the range of what may be
eaten and enjoyed. Cottolene
is a cooking marvel. It combines
with the food imparts to it a
tempting color, a delicate flavor,
and an appetizing crispness.
No trace of greasiness remains
to offend the taste, or disturb the
Cottolene is worthy of the
careful notice of all those who
value good food, of itself or for
its hygienic properties.
Sold by Leading Grooara.
Made only by
ST. LOUIS ana Chicago, new York.
"The Regulator Line"
BicKsmitu & wgo shop
General Ulacksmithing and Work done
promptly, and all work
The Dalles, Portlanfl ani Astoria
Navigation Co.
f K-ar
:" 7 1 Jlorse Shoeing a Speciality
1 - 1. m '.I l. 11 ( UAITKK NO. C
vtt. . Matin'.. Hull tne third WedneMliiV
1 ut 1 1' M
t U'Kid 1 im.No.M,MevtnluoMlHyevuli
nvY wiui; lh FrnlernityllhU. nt7::w p. in.
J.MIi'A i."!. ,K. NO. 6. I.o. (V vm.-.,.
ery Kridn evenititr utT iai ,.'..1..1. l-
Hill, ciirm-r my-uiiiI nnl f...... '
mitiir hrothern are uulrmm.
pl'OH.aecy II. A. llatt-.S. (i.
CNDalflP LODCK.NO. 9.. K.of I'.-MmiH.
very .Monduv eveninir tit i.'i.ifu'L-
ho bulldliiK, torner of Court und bm'iud
ujuuruiuK lueuibern uro cordially lu-
W f'u 1 w
'.Vai'hk, K. of It nnd 8. ' ' o. C.
M1II.Y NO. Il.T. K. OK L-.M. 1, k-
hull I ho ktl'ittlfi utwl f. .!. If ...I
tach month Ht 7. .(0 p. m.
IT V W I .,, . . . . " -
IT ' i . every J-riatiy ufteriKMiii
llwk at the reudlriK room. Allure luvlteJ.
ton IkIku No. Ml. in c. t ii..i...
I?1?, '""tl:.K I-rlday at i' ,.7 1'
KMMtAN, f. T. 1'.. C. I'MX'K. fu
IE I f)tif:v i:n 01.,. ...
""'"y ""'I. over Keller, mn Second
BBL hH, rinniicler. .M. W.
lM.!Ti I,0?'!;..N. !. 0. A. lt.Mw.-ta
I""'"1) t.-w r, M.,111 UiuK.of 1
V Li,. MentKI'VlTl-hlllirt.lV l.f!,.r,w.,.., I..
ocK.of 1- Hull. ' '
Third Street, opp. Liege's old Stand.
J. F. FORD, Evan
Of lies Molm-t., lovvn, wrlten under date ol
Mareh i!, U93-
Freirjm ana Passenger Line
Through daily service Sundays ex
cepted j between The Dalles and Port
hind. Steamer Regulator leaves The
Dalles at 7 a. m. connecting at Cascade
lucke with steamer Dalles City.
Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland
(Yamhill f-treet doek'j at 6 a. m. con
neeting with steamer Regulator for The
VHUKIVM... .........
"line In the K. of I'. Hull.
V h I .'."X''ON, No. lC7-MeeU In
V: 1 "'til the flritt und third Wodniai.
g" month, ut 7:ao r. m.
""'UK CllirjtCIIKN.
('lttTlfl, I, .... C. ......
f" . I tutor I,w Mum uviirv Huuduv 11 1
'"Kh Mum ut 10:30 A.M. Veni-em ut
n i.1 ".I - I'lil'tn Htret,oi.Kihlte
' , ,':uv, KU U. Hutolltti! It. etor. fil-r vKvh
'" '" ut 11 a m. und 7:30 1-. m. Kundny
a KvenltiK I'ruyer on Friday ut
TIUI-TIHT ( nuiHIH-Hev. O. U. Tay
i'"'tt,. r . -""'I'ltiK fun-lew every Huh-
litim.IV,'"'.10,11' ,lt 11
mi,.t,nll,i,,V1 ",lur inomltiB horvlcen.
" I K rltny evening at I'untor'n ronl-
L '""11 hVIVlce In tin. I, .,,
I kin. l-: T""1' 1 "I'KOll Ku-v. w, o.
il 7i. v ,u hVr uvcry Kundiiy ut 1 1
V.. '" bUlidiiv Kehool iifli.r iiiiiriilnir
ntiKrn conllnlly luvltwl. HenU frwi
tHl'iifii 1,.... . . . " '
km '" 7 ''""""Kt't II n. in.
hvi.!.L:. . ?l f'tyur meetlni? evury
H extLrwi. ' 'V'' A cordlul In
"letidtd by both ,iu,tor und khi1c
"0 1. 'K tCHrK,ev' J- W. JKHKIHU.
ch I iSL,l,ift 1,1 tht' KrcgitlouiI
l'i'io' '''TIIKltA N Ninth utreet,
oiie, iM l',m- A cordial weloouiu
S. 15. Mkii. Mfo. Co.,
Dufur, Oregon.
(entlemen :
On arriving home last week, I found
all well and anxiously awaiting. Our
little girl, eight and one-half years old,
who had wasted away to US jtounds, it
now well, strong ami 'vigorous, and well
fleshed up. S. 15. Cough Cure lias done
its work well. Roth of the children like
it. Your S. 15. Cough Cure has cured
and kept away all hoarseness from me.
So give it to every one, with greetings
for nil. Wiuliitii' vrm Timmierit v. we are
Yours, mi:& Mn-. j. f. kokd. i Raes Greatly Reduced. ....... ..ill nfiH r..nrit ! Vl
. J "I. III IIT 1 .1 BlimLVIIUI . t-..-. J
for tlio HprliiK'" ork, cleuutiv your ytern with
the Henditchu nnil Liver Cure, by Uklng two 01
three dOkeHeuch week.
Bold under u i-ohIUvc KUtirnutee.
60 ceutu iter bottle by all drUKi.'U.
I'AhrilS.NOKU ll.M'Kli.
Oneway f2.00
Round trip 3.00
Tickets on sale for Long Beach, Ocean
Park, Tioga and llwac'o. Raggage
checked through.
Andrew Velarde
IS prepared to do any and all
kinds of work in his line at
reasonable figures. Has the
largest lionso moving outlit
in Eastern Oregon.
Address P.O.Box 181,ThoDallos
Hie wrijftt Seminary.
Tacoma, Wash.
Boarding and Day School
for Girls.
Tenth Year Begiua September 14, 1893,
Tor Cittiilofc'lio mid Admittance, to
Mrs. Sarah K. White,
Shipments for Portland received at
anv time day or night. Shipments for
way landings' must be delivered before
0 j)'. m. Live stock shipments solicted.
Call on or address,
General Aiceiit.
(ieii.Tttl Manager.
Candies and Nuts
Finest Poanut Roaster In The Dulloa
2 rstroot J.FOLCO
At right hide
Mm. Oburr't
The St. Charles Hotel,
This old, popular und reliable house
has been entirely refurnished, and every
room has boon re pa pored and repaints
and newly carpeted throughout. Iho
hoiiHo contains 170 rooms and is Kuppliw
with every modern convenience. Rate;
rouaonuble. A good restaurant ttttachec
to the house. Frer bus to and from all
C. W. KNOWI.ES, Prop.
A Large Number Killed anil Fatally
Preparing to Hoinlmid the Brazilian
Capital-A Fatal Stabbing
A (Tray.
Chicago, Sept. 22. At King9burv,
Ind., on the Wab.ish road, Go miles east
of Chicago, the sc cond section of a west
bound passenger train from Detroit to
Chicago ran into an east-bound freight
on a siding early this morning, wreck
ing both engines, coaches and sleepers.
Engineer Green and Conductor Coulter
of the passenger train, were among the
killed. The engineer of the freight was
injured. The accident was caused by a
freight brakeman opening a switch to
let the freight out of the siding after
the first section of the passenger had
passed, and just before the arrival of
the second section. Twelve bodies have
already been taken from the wreck and
it is believed there are eighteen or twen
ty more.
At the Itehel' Mercy.
London, Sept. 22. Advices early this
morning from Rio Janeiro are to the ef
fect that the city is still in the hands of
the governmental forces, but surrender
is momentarily expected. The rebel
admiral, tiring of dilatory negotiations
by the government, has ordered the
decks cleared for action, the drums beat
to quarters, and the guns shotted and
run out. All eyes are turned toward
the flagship, from whence the signal to
commence firing Is expected every mo
ment. Fatal CuttliiR .Mirny.
San FaANCifcCO, Sept. 22. A frightful
cutting scrape occurred this morning
between negroes in which one William
Dowes, a cook, was fatally cut by his
brother-in-law, William Harris, a bar
ber. The men were on Sutter street,
and called Mrs. Harris to them in order
to have a talk. Dowes, her brother, be
gan to abuse her, and finally slapped her
in the face. Harri-; pulled a razor from
his boot just as Dowes started to run.
Ho was caught by his assailam, who,
placing his arm around Dowes' head,
continued to slash him until Dowes'
hung limp on his arm, the blood flowing
in torrents from four gaping wounds.
At the receiving hospital a piece of the
razor was found sticking in Dowes'
cheek bone. The wounds are undoubt
edly fatal.
The Mlnl-iU r IVa Guilty.
GitAi'TON, V. Va., Sept. 22 rhe
trial of Rev. J. Chenoweth before the
Methodist conference, on charges of im
morality, closed suddenly today. Chen-
oweth's counsel announced in open con
ference that their client desired to
witiidraw all defense and be allowed to
withdraw from the ministry and mem
bership of the Methodist church. This
was granted. Chenoweth was formerly
a presiding elder of the church, and was
one of the most eloquent and distin
guished ministers in this part of the
country. Ho was charged with sustain
ing improper relations with a Miss Jen
nie Lloyd.
Third Blin'Ut Newt..
Hdqtrs. -'id Regt., Infty., 0. N.G.,
The Dalles, Or., Sept. 11). 1803.
Orders .Vo. 18.
I. The following ollicers have been
duly commissioned : ('apt. W. S. Row
ers, Major, commission to date from
Aug. 28, 189.') ; F. C. Rrosius, 1st Lieu
tenant and Assistant Surgeon, .'id Regt.,
0. IS G.. commission to date from Aug.
1, 189U. They will bo respected and
obeyed accordingly.
11. The following appointments Have
been made: Aaron to bo Ser
geant and Hospital Steward on the Xon-
Com. Stair, warrant to ilalo irom Aug.
2i), 1S'.).'5; S. A. Byrne to bo Commissary
of Substance Sergeant, warrant to date
from Sent. 1.1, ISM. They will bo re
spected and obeyed accordingly.
III. The following have licen minor-
ablv disi'liamed from the r-ervico of the
Oregon National Guuid : Corp. Herman
Alleuberg, F Co. ; Privates H. B.
gillo and L. Winans, I) Co.; Privates
A. Weii-ell. Jos. Kochlor, J. A. Ulrlcli,
B. l lrieh, II. J. Latter, A. Buschke,
A. I). Catheart, R. 0. Fleck, W. M.
Warner, 0. B. Ward, F. Heater, S. h.
Farris, Win. Aikiu, F. Batty, C. Me
Donald, T. J. Calvin, Jno. Horetel, Jos.
Klichkoll', Wm. Holl'man, J. Heater,
W. Me.Mullin, Joseph StudenickH, J.
Bankomlr, Chris. Meyer, A. Boesch,
fius. Bartell, J. Foleo, Milton Aikin,
R. Wiley. Jno. W. Staats, W. II. Smith,
J. II, Geugle, J. Wulton, N. CorniBh,
Thos. O'Connor, W. J. Cederson, K. S
Ilinman, Sherman Frank, J. D. Hock
man, M.Shoren, all of A Co.; Sergeants
C. B. Simpson, J. T. Rusk, A. F. Pres
cott, J. H. Pearo; Corporals Thomas
Hughcy, AV m . Grant, Edward Kinsey,
Geo. B. Leadsworth, F. A. Leavitt; Pri
vates B. F. Munn, W. A. Messner, J. G
Smith, D. S. King, J. W. Cox, Cha.
Brady, Win. Koenig, W. II. Wenour,
J. II. Stevens, Thos. Stevenson, H. L.
Whitehead, W. II. Wonham, A. Myers,
E. R. Reed, C. G. Stacy, sr., L. R.
Scott, L. A. Ansell, H. V. Kinsey, J.
R. Munn, C. A. McCrary, .1. Mummy,
J. Silk, Lloyd Baker, W. 15. Bray, E
W. Bartlett, C. R. Conger, J. E. De-
vine, W. T. Kinsey, Chas. Kinsey, M.
Smith, J. C. Rail, W. T. Osborne, Jno
Maddon, F. J. Dawson, all of K Co.
IV. All commissioned ollicers of this
regiment will procure suitable uniforms
conforming to the new regulations.
Ry order of Liixt.-Coi,. G. T. Thomp
son, Commanding.
II. II. Rmiim.L, Adjutant.
Baker City's new postmaster is Geo.
H. Foster, late of the railway mail ser
Fort Klamath folks will have 2,500
toii3 of hay put up, with uncut grass
enough to make as much more.
The state Normal scliool at Monmouth
opened Wednesday with an attendance
of ISO, exclusive of the model school.
Captain Goodwin, for"so many years
police captain in Portland, died at Mar
blehead, Mass., Sept. 21st, aged about
Two potatoes are being shown at Pen
dleton, which together weigh six and a
half pounds. One is fourteen inches
Samuel Adolph, one of Salem's oldest
residents, fell from his road cart Sunday
and sustained injuries from which he'
died shortly afterwards.
The number of school children in the
stale of Oregon is 120,045; in the state
of Washington 112,300. These are the
icsults of the school census this year in
both states.
Mrs. Governor Pennoyer is at the
world's fair, having accompanied her
son Horace as far as Chicago on his way
to attend' the Lawrenceville preparatory
school in New Jersey.
W. W. Martin, the jeweler, sold a
couple of the old pale yellow pure gold
beaver live dollar pieces for .25. They
were coined at Oregon City in 1S19 and
mo now only rarely met with. Salem
A little fcon of W. M. Pierce of Goose
berry was brought to Heppner Sunday,
sufi'ering from a badly broken arm. The
pccidcnt occurred some time ago, the
right arm being broken near the elbow.
The bones were badly set and conse
quently the fracture failed to mend.
Jt is feared the arm cannot now be
saved, as proper medical assistance has
been too long delayed.
Governor Pennoyer lecoived from J.
W. Mullen of Roseburg two goblets of
turned wood, one of oak and one of
myrtle, and a mutch holder. These
represent a now industry started in
Roseburg and are the first articles
turned out. Mr. Mullen said: "Tho
oak represents tho strength of the stato
and tho myrtle the friendship that ex
ists between the governor and the
William Graham, a worthless and
brutal character, severely boat tho par
ents of his wife in Portland, and thou
robbed the house, securing $80 in money,
a gold watch and a rilio. The McDon
ald.) aro about 70 years old, and it is a
wonder that they survived tho treat
ment to which thoy were subjected.
Mrs. Graham was married to tho lint to
in Nebraska several years ago, but sepa
rated from him thoro, coming to Oregon
with her parents, whither Graham soon
followed, making much trouble for them
after their at rival here. Ho was arrest
ed by the authorities. Dispatch.
I'ur itmii.
House for rent on the southeast cor
nor of Court anil Fifth. Inquire of .Mis.
Best grades of oak, llr, ami slab cord
wood, at lowest market rates at Jos. T.
Peters A Co. (Ollico Second and J oiler
son streets.)
Owing to the concert at tho Method
ist church this evening there will bo no
services at the Christian church. Sun
day school Sunday morning at 9:30 a.
m. Preaching nt 11; subject, "Divine
Typo Sotting." Preaching in the even
ing at 8 p. ni; subject, "Sin Hunting
Sinners." Special musical programme.
First Congregational church, comer
Court and Fifth streets, Rev. W. C.
Curtis, pastor. Services as follows on
Sunday: At 11 a. m. and at 7 :30 p.
in. worship and a sermon. Sunday
scliool immediately after the morning
service. Young People's Society of
Christian Endeavor at 0 p. m. Topic,
(Testimony meeting,) "How Christ Has
Helped Mo," (1 Peter iii:15, 10; Psalm
::civ :17, 19.) All not worshipping else
wnere are cordially invited.
Methodist Episcopal church, corner of
Washington and Fifth streets, Rev. J.
Whisler, pastor. Sermon by the pastor
nt 11 p. m. and 7 :30 p. m. ; Sunday school .
after morning service; Junior League at
5 p. m.; Epworth League at 0:30 p. m.;
c'ass meeting Sunday at 10 a. in. and
Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. ; prayer meeting
Thursday at 7 :30 p. m. Seats free. A
cordial welcome to all.
"Peter Piper Picked a Peck of Pickled
Peppers," was a line of alliterative non
sense, that the chilaren used to say.
X - 1 . 1 . . I T
iuYiiuiiya iiiey c.ui prucuce on me er
fect, Painless, Powerful Properties of
Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets. It
will impress a fact which will be useful
to know. These pellets cure sick head
ache, bilious attacks, indigestion, consti
pation and all stomach, liver and bowel
troubles. They are tiny, sugar-coated
pills, easy to take, and, as a laxative.
one is sufficient for a dose. No more
groans and gripes from the old drastic
remedies! Pierce's Purgative Pellets
are as painless as they are perfect in
tneir euects.
In Naples there have been 70 cases
and 39 deaths from cholera during the
past week.
A Good Thing to Keep at Hand.
From the Troy (Kun.j Chief.
Some years ago we were very much.
subject to severe spells of cholera mor-
busj and now when wo feel any of the
.symptoms. that usually precede that ail
ment, such as sickness at the stomach,
diarrluea, etc., we becomo scary. We
have found Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and 'Diarrhuja Remedy the very thing to
straighten one out in such cases. We
are not writing this for a pay testimonial
but to let our readers know what is good
to keep handy in the house. For sale by
Blakeley & Houghton, druggists.
Advi'i'liM'd Letters.
Following is tho ljst of letters remain
ing in tho postol'ico at Tho Dalles un
called for, Saturday, Sept. 23d, 1893.
Persons calling for same will givo date
on which thoy were advertised :
Arcendioll E G N Aggeson Peter
P.utler Miss Bettio P.abcock Mrs J (3)
Clark II W Campbell Adam (2)
Dean W B Glasgow F C M
Guler Anton Hart Evangeline
Homer F W (2) r-ehanbaehar F 15
Rothery Chas Sickel E
Vanderbilt 0 J Thompson Frank 15
Willis Andres Willard Geo
Sampson R S
M. T. Nolan, P. M.
Strength nnd Health.
If you aro not feeling strong and
healthy, try Electric Bitters. If "la
grippo" has loft you weak and weiv'7,
use Electric Bitters. This remedy acta
directly on liver, htomtich and kidneys,
gently aiding those organs to perforin
their functions. If you aro atllicted with
sick headache, you will find speedy and
permanent lelief by taking Fllectric
Bitters. Ono trial will convince you
that this is tho remedy you need. Large
bottles only f0o. at Snipes it Kinersly'H
drug store.
Wood) Woodl Wnodl
Best quality tir, oak and slab wood.
Leave orders at 133 Second street or
corner Third and Union, All orders
promptly attended to.
M.uuit Bunion.
For a hunt) back or for a pain in thu
side or cheat, try saturating a piece of
of flannel with Chamberlain's Pain Balm
ami binding It on to tho allbt'ted parts.
ThiH treatment will euro any ordinary
case in one or two days. Pain Balm
also eiirt'ri rheumatism. TiO cent bottles
for sulo by Blukoloy& Houghton. 1
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.