pirst Arrival Fall Dress Goods ('I'M !oN SAL1: IF 1 1 That New Dress Saturday, 5eptynbr 23, 1893, There was a gruff fellow, once, who said that he never had to consult either the almanac or the weacher to know that FALL was approaching. The clamor of the females of his family for new raiment was sign enough In deference to their demand, we have brought on the first installment of the new season's fabrics, and invite the ladies to see them. We say i. owning about the men. They can have the floor for a few remarks when the bill is presented. Just now, silence with them, is like the opportunity we present golden. Trie Newest Creations. TtizA purchaser of a Dress Pattern, wc will present a Ticket to the Kellogg Concert at the Methodist church Saturday night All goods marked in plain figures. PEASE & MAYS. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. liKml m thf I'oktolllre itt Tlie Dulles, Oregon, tth econil-cliti'fi 111 utter. I. oral Ail vcrtlMlnc. toi'i'titi t Itiiu (or tlrit Insertion, nwl f Out r line for inch Hiiliivquunt iltHtrtton. pcclal rutes (or Ioiir tlinu notlcta. All local notlrt'H received later tliuli 3 o'clock 111 piivttr tbo fullow lni! day. niDAV, SFI'T. L'2, 1893 The Daily and Weekly Chronicle way found on ale at 7. C. Is'ickchen's alure. filling SEPTEMBER SHORTS. ly mill County Nimvh Noti-n of Minor 1 iiijiort Hiiee-. He sent Iht n lientitllul roxe A Jack ro--linl( h fKt through, "Wo II me"t HKin, he wrote I mpjioiy I'll ice thin l)loMim with you. IIi met her the KlorliiUB bellr Tlmt eve on the avenue wlilc, And the rime- twin nu the 1iijj1 01 the uvin who walked by hur fide. Atitelojte parties ure about to send for .lliouosrutih. Chinest) nheusuntfi am be Hold from wih October 15th to November loth of utir. Thy box factory isj busy today ti order of three thouHund fruit t tlio cannery. John C. Luce, mimnger of tliu .lohn ay Living Jsaue, lias been .bound over the Kntnd jury on a churo of libel. U o aro reliably informed that the two scardod pubHeiiKer trains will be re .u:ed October 1st and run in tho day ne aw formerly. t if i . i iitftu iroat lust night gave notice at winter was yoini; to follow closelv . . 1 1 . i . . lutein oi mi miner tills year. The ivea have fallen from the trees and ) season is unusually far udvnnced. i is stated mat circuit court ad- uieu uiursiiay evening. Judge lubiiaw nas a rojiutiition for rapidity -ettling legal. hsjmtes that excels that all other judges in the state. Arling JJeeord. i'ho members of this year'a dancing b should not forget tho meeting this iiing at I'M Second street. All the angementH for the season will be do and it Is desired that every one ld bo there to tako part. lr. Fred I'uttorson, who has been id waiter at tho Columbia liouso for a K time, made u misstep while coming v" the stairway this morning und ke both bones ot the leg just above ankle. The fracture was attended y Dr. Ilollistor. 'ho subject of the lecture at tho fiatian church tonight is: "What dl we do with our Boys and Girls? the way to train up a child in tho y ho should go." Tho house was last night to its utmost capacity. o tonight and brlnj your children. :ird sing beautiful songs, but no bird 1 train Its notes to resemble a mas y gallop or quickstep. Hence Mr. "oK produces something which is an olute creation. Fancy a nightingale King "Suwnnoe Hlver" with varla fjomethlng ot this nature may be kod for Saturday night. Iioso times aro fruitful In petitions, oral are being circulated among cltl . relative to congressional action on tout Issues. One respectfully pray th"t tho present turill' upon im t0l manufactured wools be con 'iod" was numerously signed by dem ocrats (who wanted a change) and re publicans who wanted no change but got one nevertheless. Another relative to an extension of tiino in payineuts for government land was alfeo extensively eigned by settlers on the land. Things looked lively around the Eaet end this morning. Quite a number of grain wagons were unloading at the mill and the warehouses- The farmers will soon be hauling wheat in large quantities. The free ferriage so gen erously provided by our citizens will be the means of attracting much wheat from the Klickitat valley. Prof. Chas. II. Chapman the new president of the State University haB arrived at Eugene and taken charge, lie is a graduate of John Hopkins uni versity and comes highly recommended. Our state university lias a recognized standing and its graduates compare equally with college men from any in stitution. Where is the city official whose duty it is to cut down the thistles? He is de plorably deficient in performing his duty in this respect. In many parts of town the thistle has free licence to do what it will and the result is that the seeds are scattered everywhere. One block on Second street and haughlin is simpiy covered with thistles, and every wind scatters them far and near. The city ordinance is very plain on this point. Tho city marshal is empowered to see that the law is enforced and thete can bo no possible excuse for the num ber of thistle weeds that form such a pest to the town. The services at tho Christian church were largely attended last evening and much interest "as manifested. The subject of the sermon was "Wanted, a Man." The minister spoke of three things that were needed to make up the life of man, body, soul and spirit. Upon the proper development of these essen tials depended the perfect- life. He made comparisons between the old and the new testament us portraying the religion of tho Jews and tho Christian belief. At the close envelopes were cir culated in which contributions could be made and thothtipport of the people was asked. At tiii r.oi'it.i. Mr. Geo. P. Morgan, who was in town yesterday, say that there is a force, all told, of 100 men working at the locks. A largo share of these are working in tho canal laying the rock walls, and above this point, a force is engaged in removing tho solid rock and clearing out tho way preparatory for the hauging of tho immense gates, The steam com press drills aro now in operation, and work is being furthered with great dis-patch. Villi. It. Kollogir. The audleuco sat silent and spell bound for a moment and broko into a perfect storm of applause, the same thing happened at every anpoaranco, and were it not for tho fact that he war bles as with little effort and as much genuine delight as the birds themselves he must have been thoroughly fatigued by his exertions in satisfying tho do mauds of his uudtonce.--Port Jervls, (N. Y.) Union. ISuaril of KcjUMllKutlun. Tho county board of equalization will meet at the court house on October 23d, 1803, for tho purpose of equalizing the county assessment roll for this year's as sessment. The hoard will continue In session one week. Jom, Koontz, County Assessor. IrvlriR-Terry. The special train carrying the mem bers of the Irving-Terry troupe arrived at one o'clock today. The train was made up of four passenger coaches and two baggage cars, in charge of Conduc tor Coman and Engineer Curtis. Quite a crowd was on hand to witness the noted players one gentleman remark ing that it cost five dollard'to hear them but he could see them for nothing. The party, which is strikingly English in appearance, has its next play night billed in St. Paul and goes directly there. The members amused them selves during the half hour they were here by strolling around the streets and looking at Indian curios displayed in stores on Front street. An Old I. ml y ofSli A Ku tilted. Susanna Fox is on trial today before Justice Schutz for a?eaulting her mother-in-law, Telito Fox. The Fox family live on Upper Mill creek, about 14 miles distant from The Dalles, and consists of Mr. and Mrs. Fox, Sylvester Fox, a grown son, and Mrs. Telito Fox, mother of the husband. At the time of the al leged assault, all were away from home but Susanna Fox, who ib 5S years old, and tho old lady, who'i S3, Testimony was to the effect that they had some words over a domestic matter, when the younger of tho two assaulted and beat the mother. The old lady has a bruise on her head and one on her ear, which it is ulleged she sustained in the scuflle. Tho sentiment of those acquainted with the facts Is adverse to the defendant. PERSONAL MENTION. Mrs. Ella Sheran returned from Uma tilla ychteiday. Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Morgan returned to the Cascade Locks this morning. Judge A. S. Bennett, who has been at tending circuit court at Condon, ioturncd today. Mrs. Mary Wingato and Mr. Ed Win gate returned last evening from a short stay in Portland. Miss Hello Hood returned last evening from an extended visit among friends in the valley towns. Hon. 11. S. Wilson returned this morning from Condon where ho has been attending to legal matters. Mr. Win. Floyd and wife goes east to night to visit tho world's fair. While absent they will visit friends and rela tives. Mr. Daniel H. Roberts who graduated last June from tho University of Oregon, will stud v law this winter in thoodico of Mays, Huntii gton and Wilson. Miss Inez Hunt, who has been visit ing with Misu Frazier and friends in thTs citv, returned by steamer Regula tor to her home in Hood River this morning. Mrs. E. (i. Dodge and Mrs. E. P. El liot of Oakland, Calif., arrived on the steamer Regulator last evening and do parted for Colfax, Wash., to visit rela tives and friends. Mr. Ed, Martin returned yesterday morning from a trip to tho world's fair, Washington city, San Francisco and in termediate points. He was accompanied on his journey by Charley JJIark. IIOKN. On Upper Mill Creek Sept. 21st, 1803 to tho wife of W. O. Clark, twin girls, weight seven and eight lbs. Mother and babies doing niiely, and It is hoped that with tender care tho old man will pull through. Vvu Nosi:. Shlloh's cure, tho Great Cough and Croup Cure, is for sale by Snipes & Kin ersly. Pocket flzo contains twonty-llvo doses, only 25c. Children love it. told by Suipes & Kinersly. Umi Mexican Silver Stove Polish I OUR PUBLIC SCHOOLS. A Wide Hiiiikc itf StiiillcR-TIm TrnnhrrK mid Their I.iirntliin. The public schools arc full to over flowing this year, and application has been made for more school room for tho accommodation of the largo number de siring ndmlssion. Tho residents of tho eastern portion of the bluff, embracing Thompson's addition, aro desirous of having a school house similar to tho ono at the head of Union street. Tho management of tho schools has licen very efficient, both tho directors and the teachers co-operating heartily to tho desired end. Tho schools comprise eight grades and the range of studies is a wide ono, extending from the primary charts to tho senior year, which in cludes Barnes' Fifth Reader, Swinton's Spelling Blank, Xo. 5, Kpencerian Copy Book, No. 7, Fish's Written Arithmetic, No. 2, Sell's Lcssonson English, Barnes' Language, History, with studv of tho United States and Oregon constitutions, and Steele's Physiology. Each grade represents ono year's work, and iwhen practicable is divided into two classes. Certificates are given at tho completion of tho full course. Visitors are cordially welcomed at all times and their inspection is desired. Visit the ecliools often ; encourage tho children by your presence and tho teacher by your sympathy and apprecia tion. We give the list of teachers at present employed in the four buildings : John Gavin, principal; Miss Minnie Michell, assistant principal, Court street school, 8th and Tth A; Miss Tcna Rintoul, Court street, 7th B and 6th A ; Miss Nan trooper, Court street, flth B and oth A ; Miss Mary Frazier, Miss Louise Rintoul, Miss Maggie Flynn, Union street school ; Miss Francis E. Rowe, Union street annex; Miss Jessie Welch, Hill school, 2d A and B; Miss Salina Phirman, Hill school, 1st A, Band C; Miss Matilda Hollister, Union street, 1st A, B and C. WHY NOT? A Plnn Snggefcted to Have a Fruit Com pany of Our Own. The experience of our fruit growers with the Earl Fruit company this year war far from satisfactory. They tealized less for their products than without their aid. The reason appears to be be cause of excessive charges incidental to loading and shipping. If a fruit growers' association is such a beneficial organization why would it not be a good plan to have one of our own, and save these foreign profits for our selves? A building could easily be found on First street at almost a nominal rent, which would answer all the purposes of a cold storage warehouse, besides sup plying an office room and packing rooms. A side track could easily be laid. Correspondence should be opened with Chicago, New York, Denver, St. Louis, Helena, Spokane Falls, Tacoma, Seattle, etc., and all business could be transacted with as good results as are enjoyed by any other fruitcotnpanv. It would save delay, save money and save annoyance. Then there is something in not being subject to the dictation of a foreign agent, sonio pleasure in handling our own fruit to the best advantage, and some pride in transacting our own bus iness. The tendency of the a$;e is for or ganization and those classes who do not are apt to be left behind in the race. The CmtoNici.K will be pleased to hear from our fruit growers on this important subject and will give space to any one who would like to see such an organiza tion. .Men W suited. Notice is hereby given that applica tions for labor will be received by tho undersigned until Saturday at noon, September Kith, 1S93. Said labor to bo for the getting out and preparing of rock to bo used in tho rock crusher lately purchased by Dalles City and Wasco countv. The' wages to bo paid for said labor 'is if 1.50 per day. For further in formation call at tho oilico of tho un dersigned. Doum.As S. Diri;it, Recorder of Dalles City. Ask your dealer Stovo Polish. for Mexican Silver (iiind .lob J'rllltlnK. If you have your job printing done at Tin: CiitoNiei.K you will have tho ad vantage of having it done with the most modern and approved typo, with which wo keep continually supplied. All jobs under the direct supervision of ono of tho most successful and artistic printers in tho Northwest. Fresh oysters at A. Keller's confec tionery store. Just received a scow load of choico oak wood. M.mkk it Bknto.v. Moxican Silver Stove Polish causes no dust. ook'sCottonRoo t COMPOUND. A recent discovery by aa old tilO'lk'lau. HuccctifuMy u( fnouthlu ly (houtar.dt of LivlUt, U tho only perfectly Fafonnd rellr.blo medleluu dis covered. Koworo of unprincipled uruggisu vuo offer Inferior jnodldncs In place of this. Aide for Cook' Cotton Hoot Compound, lake no mbstl tutt, or luctoto ft ond 0 couu In postogo In letter end wo wllUund, goalod, by return mull. 1'ulUealod pnrll ulara la plu'.n envelope, to ladles only, '4 utainpu. Addu i loiid fitly Company, No. a l'hticr Jltock, Detroit. Wltfh. Bold III Tho J)ullv by Jilukcley A: Houghton, For the Fall Trade Wo aro now ready with n full lino of Ready-Made Clothing, oSbSSSod. Dress Goods, and all other kinds of Dry Goods Qv29?M'Y0 nre notca lor tno goou values wo givo SMK? in Bleached and Unbleached Muslins. Wm Sheetings, Prints, Ginghams, Boots and ( ) Shoes. Hosiery. Gents' Furnishings, etc.. etc. The Balance of our Summer Importations now Clearing Out AT COST. Cor. court and second sts. The Dalles, Oregon. S. & N. HARRIS. ill i mm Dry H, Fancy Goods and Notions, Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes, etc. now complete in every department. All goods will be sold at greatly reduced prices. Terms 'Cash. H. Herbring. .Familiar Faces in a Nczv Place. C. E:. BAYARD, Late Special Agent General Land Office. J. E. BARN ETT Jf?e Ieal Instate, Ioai, Iurapee, COLLECTION ACENCY. 3XT O T JZl. DEL Y f' EX BLIC. Parties having Property they wish to Sell or Trade, Houses to Rent, or Abstract of Title furnished, will find it to thoi'1 advantage to cull on us. "We shall make n specialty of tho prosecution of Claims and Contests befoi'o the Unitop States Land Office. 85 Washington St. THE DALLES, OR. Have You Seen THEr Fine Millinery Goods AT 112 Second Street. ANNA. PETER St CO. J. H. CROSS. At iho Old Stand, Cor. Socond ami Union Sts. j-iay, Grair?, peed ai? ;plou r, Groceries, Fruits and Seeds. Oetlx ipxlcl for Ease V3ac3L Ioiart3try All goods delivered Free and Promptly. THE WORLD'S BEST LITERATURE IN- BOOKS. A. T I. O. NICKELSEN'S. The California Winehouse, i Is now open, and its proprietor will soli his homo produced Wine at pricos in tho reach of ovoryhody. Also, best Peanuts to ho found. Goods guaranteed to bo Pure and First-Glass in every respect. Thompson's Addition. c- BECH