s 4 ;3 .4 ."Jr Tiie Dalles Daily Chronicle. OFFICIAL l'Al'ER OF DALLES CITY. AND WASCO COUNTY. The Wnllown Villi cy 4 SUBSCRIPTION KATES. BY MAtL, FOSTAOE .'REPAID, JS ADVANCK. Weekly, 1 year 110 6 mouths ... 0 75 3 0 60 Dally, 1 year 6 CO W lUUM.tlS. ... .... j - . per " o Jul go we rode ucross the valley through lug Adclrws all communication to"iiih ciiku.v- i fams ,uui orchards on n rough ro.tct nnil A private letter received from n Dulles lady who Is visiting in Wallowa valley gives this interesting extract from n des cription of a ride through Unit benutiful country. "We arrived at LnCirnnde about noon and were afraid the Elgin train hnd gone at the regular time, but it hud waited, 1CLE," The Dalles, Oretrou. rot-omce. orricE hours General Delivery Window ...Sa. in. lo T yi. m. Money Order " . . . .S a. in. to -1 p. m. Sunday vi y a. m. tolOn. m. CLOSING OF MAU- trains going East . .9 p. m. and 11 :45 a. m. " " West ..9p.nl. and 6:50 p.m. Stage lor Goldcndale T :30 a.m. ' " PrineYllle .5:ra. rn. " "Dufuraiid Warm Springs ..6:S0a.m. " fLcavlng for Lyle .fc Hartluud. .5:30 a. m. " " " J Antelope ..5:30 a.m. Except Sunday. iTri-weeklv. Tuesdav Thursday and Saturday. 1 " Monday Wednesday and Friday. only After FRIDAY, SEPT. 22, 1S93 The continually lessening supply of clothing and woolen goods will drive the nianuiacturer to resume work at full time Eoon, tariff or no tariff. The senate is still temporizing on the Sherman repeal bill. Public attention refuses to be distracted by the elections bill, the Everett bill, or even the tariff. The senate will have to ante or pass pretty soon. whit; and tteleap tl IS. ' a nest of white eggs , The daily reports of cholera in Hull, London, Hamburg and other old world points, have no terrors for us now. Last year they would have struck us with a nameless horror, but the demand of Americans is for something fresh, even in bugaboos. Grant's Pass, says the Courier, does not derive its horrid name from the fact that General Grant passed through n mountainous gap in that vicinity, nor because he "passed on four kings'' while encamped at any point in the beautiful Rogue river valley, but was simply named thus because a stage sta tion was located two miles north of here about the time that Ulysses Grant cap tured Yicfcsburg and his name was in everybody's mouth. In California tne beet sugar industry has proved a gratifying success. Under republican protection production has in creased within three years from S,000, 000 pounds of sugar in 1SS9 to nearly 22,000,000 pounds in 1S92. For 1S93 the estimate of the federal sugar inspector is 42,000,000 pouudi. The San Francisco Chronicle considers this too high, and puts the probable output at 33,600,000 pounds, on which the bounty will be $672,000. i in a rattling car. We were the I passengers, except one old man. j leaving Elgin we stopped ofter the de scent of an awful hill at Wallowa bridge, where the two mountain streams Wal lnwn nnd Minam unite. At 7 .30 next morning we started nnd at noon camped at Wallowa store where we ate dinner surrounded by a lot of Indians, mounted and driving a band of horses. They were a wild looking lot of people. All had guns and cartridge belts, line blank ets and many papooses. The ride that morning was the prettiest for nine miles up a canyon witti tne it ramie nonue river nt one side and the mountains high on either side of us. At 4 p. m. we came out of the dry canyons into the! most beautiful valley. Enterprise was ' near and seven miles across was Joseph. Behind Joseph wero the lovely l.liiej mountains covered with snow half way j down. Theold chief's headquarters were j in the mountains back of the town of j Joseuh. The sun was low and the , houses of Joseph were town looked like away off. Wallowa Lake, which I have heard described, lies two miles back of Joseph, a lake of crystal clear water in the deep timber. From boats, when the light is propitious, trees can be seen away down in the water, standing as they grew. We hope to take a ride there before going home. This is a most delighful place. Just a piece of the dark blue snow capped mountains show at the south end of the low ..strip of ground between the bare hills, and these hills are dotted with cattle, bands are driven past as this is cattle selling time. Coyotes howl at night on the near hills. The elevation here is 5,0011 feet and the air like that of Cloud Cap Inn. We have had ice every morn ing and the air is very cold at night." dinger & Hone's stages en route to Cloud Cap Inn will locate campers at the best fishing jwint in Hood River vallev, where one can reach Mt. Hood in a few hours and get their mail and provisions daily. 2tewd For Kent. Five rooms suitable for housekeeping with bath. Central location. 12dlw J. M. Hlwti.vc.ton ec O. William Tell Your Father that we mill The Dalles Daily Chronicle. HAS A FAMILY OF 2000 READERS. They rend The Chronicle to get the latest and most reliable i.ews. And they rend every line j that Is in the paper. That Is what makes the j Chronicle an luvaluable ndvertl lug medium. The newspaper that ..-. goes to the futility j firesides Is the one fJ that the advertiser of today patronlie when they desire to j reach the people. When they vrmit your triule j their announcement will lie found lit the paper. Look over our columns nnd observe the verltlea-1 tlon of the truth of this insertion. Itemember, I a trade of a family of two thousand Is worth asking for through then columns, espclally so nt our very SWEET, ORR St CO.'S Vest Jumpers, Pantaloon Overalls, y v my 1 . . h a r V Every garment guaranteed NEVER to rip! We are also Headquarters for Men's, Boys' and Youth s W CLOTHING The Eugene Register covertly says a word for the initiative and referendum in the following: "Why would it not be a good idea to abolish congress, and get relief from this everlastiug debate, which is being carried on only for political ef fect? If there is a man in the United States senate who is so densely thick headed or ignorant that he has not yet made up his mind how to cast his vote, he ought to be sent back to the state where he belongs and confined in an asylum for the insane. mm sbO Fen i ct5 VIL.V. hot cu This. Is the Season Of the Year ttlhen Judicious Advertising Pays. In every size, style and price. iklLPIUPMO. Villi M I I M M 11;. . - J . J .. ... J I. . - il - J-1. J -i- 1. I u LI 11 nil L.11 1 lull J Lc t. it Li lit in t10 iiiuu.t vi ini-n, iuriu.ri, iumti ui kj 11 leads on to fortune'' AaatrrveableLaiat've and NEKVE TOMC. Sold by Druirffists or En' by mall 25c. ICc , and 1X0 per package. Samples free MO Tha Favorite CC" We have received a copy of "The Swiss Initiative and Referendum," with the compliments of the Oregon runners' Alliance, Oregon Stale Grange, Oregon Knights of Labor and the Federated r for the Teeth end lireaih.Zoc. for sale by Snli & Ktnerly. Sheriff's Sale. I By virtue of an execution iued out o' the Circuit Court o( the state of Oregon jur Wnscc county, on the lfith day of Ausut, isy.;. ti. 11 snit therein pvndins, wherein J. M. Huntiiitoi. tidtnitiUtrator ot the estate of illns i'rnther. di- I eeocd is plaintiir. and Oeo. T. l'rather, I. H I'mth.'rnnfi Siirr.!!.! f!l:lr; Hri iIifpiif(jiTiTK. uruifh Trades Assemblv of Portland. We have ! n decree remlered mid entered therein on the "itli day of June, r briefly reviewed its contents in a previ ous number, and will do so again at no distant day. The fact that the initia tive and referendum has been success fully in -ogue in Switzerland for half a century deprives its opponents of the to me directed, cominnndini: me to sell the property hereinafter described is nereinaiier sei mrin. to smwiy a juugment given by si"ia decree in favor of aid plain:!!! and against said defendants (ieo. T. l'rather and I. H. l'rather, for $1150.00 and Hecrulii;; interest at ten per rent. -r annum, and (i.f ) eo.sts of said suit, ana tiuj.uo attorney . lees. 1 win. on Saturday, Sfiiteinlinr 23, lH'JIJ, nt the hour of J o'clock p. in., at the 1 ourthoutt J CaveaK.and Trade-Marks obtained, and al! J en: business conductsd for Moocratc Fees. 'OUR OFFICC IB OPPOSITCU. S. Patent ornctj J and we can secure patent in Icis tmo ta Uosc J remote from Washington. Send model, drawinsr or photo., with deicrip- Jtioc We advise, if patentable or not, free of J tccarfrc. Our fee not due till paten: is secnretl. A Pmphlct, "How to Obtain 1'atents," with JeoK of same in the U.S. and foreign countries J sea: free. Address, 0 sc.a.snow&co.; Opp. Patcnt Orrice, Washington, D. C. tHl N. Is called to the fact that Hugh Glenn, Dealer in Glass, Lime, PlaBter, Cement r.nd Uuilding Material of all kinds. Cn.rri the Filient I.tiir of Picture Moulding To Ma found in the City. 72 CUashington Street. W. E. GflRRETSON. Leedlng Tho poot unquestionably had reference to the HI mi Mill! k 1 at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, Who are soiling thoso goods out at greatly-reduced miciiiclhach munc I'NION ST. WM ,-.! A ISDKI claim that it is not leasible, and it 1 d-r in isuUe city. vb.co counts. ort.m.eii Bbould command a generous ehRof!?MK? Wiseman & Marders, s? Saloon Mb' Wine The Dalles. Jeweler. K AOliN'J Km: TM r. mm UK NEW TOWN Inn h-en platted on th' old rmnp ground, ut the Korlh nntf Kail of HixhI river itli large, nightly loin, broad ittreet and iilleyn, kokI noil and ptm-water.wr.r hadelu iirofunioii, jierfintdralnnge.dellghtful ";1u,lti, climate, thu central attraetlim an a uiouutnlii mimnier renort for all Ix'lng the nearest town to Mt. Hood. It I uupiirallelit; n n maiiufuctarw center, Ixjlng the iuturitl center for IU) viuniu iiiIIcm of the let ow( tlinUir, iKmsesHlng uullloin of liotw ! r in it diiKhliig utreann aiwj" (1,11. n i.i,iii'..i'ii u in-ri. fin- .niitlvtt i.iiuit rilhtji. there fi.ti.rli. tvlll I'l.rilj.r. HttrMillllO.N 1.1 l I nlll! IMItllllllt llllll CHIllIU m you win iiiiu (hip vile ii i- . nuifce 11 jwrieui iwu.i: m Oregon. Court Htreete. Tesnect with the neonle at larL-e through. : tv- to-wit. Imu It and 13, of Ulock zs, of the ' . . . , town o: Jloofl Kier, in i-ld eounf. and state. ; out Oregon, fcinue it IS SUJiported bv the : together with all the tenements, hereditament, . roni,ai;c ,.u.,l -i.5v, ! d appurtciinucw thereunto belonging, or in j CJST .N'ortlivi em i-uriier "' -ei-..i uibuniiiiiktviie 11 1. 1 11 1. . i. 11 11. 11 . . ....ij.i t 1 nnv ..'.. .HTJi.T'iininrt ... . n .1 j I ... ... ....... 1 . . .1... . . I fruat. iirirl mfn.nr v itni niifl If thi. iivjuml 1 v Iherpnf nr. inttiill nfTi? If. u.'itfwfi' Ihn -ini I will alio, at said time nnd place, and upon sa.d lernw, sen, nuuieci 10 a mongge neiu ov tne said Samuel Clark, defendant, all of the follow ing described real property, to-wlt. U)t h of the said town of Hood Itlver. T. A. WARD. &-13w5t Sheriff of Wasco county, Otegon. All Watch Work Jewelry Made arrantod. to Order. TITIiE PERFECT vnn im a T n u or I and l:t -..i!i.M(l St.,Tli- I)kI!. (r. An alliance between France and Russia sounds strangely. The one is a liberty-loving republic and the other the most despotic of monarchies. Both are powers not to be despised in J single combat with any one nation, and together they make an alliance against the triple combination formed against France. They may well call for hesita-, tlon before hostilities are inaugurated , and the arbitrament of war resorted to. j All the European powers are strongly j fortified with arms, munitions and men, and to an uninterested observer it might appear that a great warwas pending. Such is likely to occur. The great bur den of supporting such a standing army, if it will not breed war between nations, will cause the people themselves to be bo restless under the burden of taxation as to rebel from the useless expenditures. War is a luxury, and so are the condi tions attendant upon war. m NOTICE. In the County Court of the .State of Oregon, for Waico County, In the Matter of the Estate of William Hamilton Wilson, Deceased, i Notice it hereby given that the underslgnei ' by an order of the County Court of the Htuto of I uregon, ior wnco county, made and entereil beptemoer 7, It'M, i appointed executor of the lax wilt uud testament of the said William Hamilton Wilson, deceased: all persons having claims against said estate arc hereby noilded to present tr.e same with the proijr voucher therefor to me at the office r,l Mays, Huntington & Wilson, The Dalles, Oregon, within six month from the cate of this notice. Dated The Dallo, Or., Kept. 7, IMt-J. It. H, HUNTINGTON, l.iecutor of Will of Wm. H. Wilson, dee'd. 0h5t H I11U ALUS Ml Daily and Weekly Editions. H UJJU A Good Word. Mr. J. J. Kkil, flharpaburg, I'a., Dear Hlr: I am eld to say a (rood word for Krauie'a Headache Capsule. After suffering ior over three years with acute neuralgia and lu consequent iusomnla, (which seemed to battle the effort of soino of our best physicians) you nufgested thin remedy which gave me almost -n atatit relief. Words fail to express tho praise I should like to bestow on kruusc'a Headache Ctipnulen Uratefully Vours. Mka. f. it, Holmes, Montrow, I'a. Notice. AGENT8 WANTED on Salary and counuilofl for THE ONLY AUTHORIZED I Bioppl? of JAMES 6. BLAINE. liy OAIl, HAMILTON, his literun-executor, with the co-operation of his family, and for Mr. Iilaiiie's Complete Works. TtVJSNTV VJCAItK or ;ONOKKHH." and his later book, "I'O- I.ITICAL VIMUUSHIUNH." One pr04rectux for these 3 1IKHT HKLMNU boolm in the mar. ket. A. K. 1'. Jordan ot Me., took 112 odern from tlrat no calls; agent' profit 11100.00. Mrs, iiul lard of U, took 1A order, 13fenl Itusila, in 1 day, frulit -O.ao. K. N. I'.lce of Mass. took l!7 orilcis in '- day, profit 7.!i5. J. 1'artridgn of Me, t took 4.1 orders from M calls, iirorit unr-ir.. I j'liiiner oi rv lrotltUH.S.B. E given. If you wish THE CHRONICLE was established for the ex press purpose of faithfully representing The Dalles and the surrounding country, and the satisfying effect of its mission is everywhere apparent. It now leads all other publications in Wasco, Sher man, Gilliam, a large part of Crook, Morrow and Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other re gions north of The Dalles, hence it is the best medium for advertisers in the Inland Empire. The Daily Chuonici.h is published every eve ning in the week Sundays excepted at $6.00 per annum. Tho Wekkly Cjihoxiclk on Fridays of eacli week at SI. 50 per annum. For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., address teJJ Qolumbia fiotel. THE DALLES, OREGON. This Popular House Him lntnlv iimui LlirirniiL'hlv renovated id furnished throughout, uud is ever prepared to furnish thu liotlffC city, nnd ut tho very low' rfttc $1 a day. First-Class Meals. Ofllco of the hint uud commodious o; to Diifur, KiiiKHley, Tygh Vnlloy imvillH is in nnd pornoiiH roIiik to I'rinovllle cn 4.00 br Koinic on thin Ktufje m All trains stop here - Li bestir in Dupooii'08. All persons are warned not to purchase write immiiiataiv r,r .r.n n. N. Uak. took M orders in :t days, , . . KSSffiSTHE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO., T23lo Zcillofii, Oregon. D. BUNNELL, t uinp wnrr Tin Rpna re ann h MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE Shop on Third Street, next door west of Young Blacksmith Shop. k