The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 22, 1893, Image 1

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    l)c Dallco
roL. vi.
NO. 81.
t Dalles Daily Chronicle.
IMllJ-.KHMllHy Kxcoptcd.
a-mdwia WashlnRton Btrcot. THo
llHIivni w.
....... of Hubdorlptloii
ir M
hOOUl.DJv- 6
jn effect WW1 r" 18'J:'-
,jlT BOlINti.
L Afn. : wnru 11:00 t-.n.
. u riAttapfa A.M.
iMnCKft1""!!. fn, Vl.n
tot the cw '
I .taw
Tin. Hake Oveu. leave daily
nW. Miwhell, Canyon City, leave
Ittlinmtey, Wnmlc, WaplultlB, Warm
Ki Tfl ,evo t,aU'1 cxct'',t
PrtttStini!5' t 7 A. M.
fBV.. ..." ... ,.. Umatilla llnllU'
flfClWlili": . .."
? tinnm,- ATTOK.SE y-at-Law Office
I, wt Street, The Dalles Oregon.
Linn. runuHm.
& Mr.rir.rr.r. imuMi-.-..
i' .mil u. over 1'o.t
LSilDK. Ktitmnce on Washington Btroet
, itn'i'TP i1"rril!VF.V.AT.LAW. Of-
l.irtlnrdmnuo's building, Up talr. Tlio
lf.UT. B.S.1IUHT1N0T0H. H. I. WIW0K.
jiti-at-Uw omcwi, ireucus oiocnuvur
t.itlonl Hunk. h Dalle. Oregon.
French a: Ca.'H bunk nuiiaing, occouu
. Ibe Iidllt., Oregon.
LEdHKUlAN (HoMj;orATltlc; riiYHtcuH
EJ bCBOKUN, cbiik answercu iiruuiiu
rninht.cltr or country. Ottlce Nu, 80 nun
Ipnin block. wtf
. 0. 1). DO A N K rilMICIAM AND SOR-
kia.t. Otllic; rooms b ana e unapmau
Residence K. K. corner tJourx una
itr!(a. ni' mil dour from the comer.
&onr 9 to U A. M., 'J to ft and 7 to 8 P. M,
llMUJ.l. Dkntist - Gu Riveu for the
Isslalea extraction ol teeth. Also loom
i)til aluminum plate. Kooma: Higu of
Mini 'loom, heconu street.
IXi l.OlH.K. SO. 16. A. 1". A A. St. Sleets
ffru mill third Moiuluy i( each moutU at 7
I.I.hh KdYAl. Alt! II I HAl'TKU NO. 0.
lent in Masonic Hull tliu tlilril WcUnehday
I IUII1UII ill 7 l. .n.
ft. HikkI Caini. No. M), MrotnTneiiilay uvuu
fcah week In Fraternity Hall, ut7::t0 j,. m.
JJ11SIA 1.01)(iK. NO. 6. 1.0. O. K.M,.t
ery l-rldiiy evunlni: ut 7:30 nVwt in ir
hall, .corner Second mid Court utreetn.
niiiK nrotnerd are neleome.
buoii. Hec'y. 11. a. 111M.H.K. fi
t-MWHU1 LOIJCiE.NO. 1).. K. of P.M.i.
Very .Moniluv uvuiilnir ut 7;:in m'cIim i
bio hIuiIWIiib, corner ol Court and Kwmil
nojauriuuK inemoerH are cordially In-
l CJ ..... ..
Vauhk, K. of It. and a C. C.
KMIlt.V xn j7 ir nit i , ... ,..
K:,.r .... ", .uww, iti li..
1 1. null ili Hi4mn!,1. ti'.w,..
f each month at 7:ao p. in.
btKN'H cirmuTiim TL-Mi,'.u.
"f-ION will meet every Krlduy afternoon
!"" " ivuuiiib riHim, Allure iiiviloa.
noi IxmIko No. 501. I. O. O. T.-Uegular
'Nkly meetliiKH Friday at h r. M., a
ally Hall. Al UrulnvltJd. '
Ikrihkan, C. T. K. C. Ki.kck, Bo
Iwumday evening nt 7:au.
fhtM, Klnnnclcr. il. V.
'MJMiTit pofrr. ii. a it
7buturday at 7:30 r. ji In tliu K. of I'.
vT L V. T..,., ...... ..,.u...... ,..
ike K. of l" Hull ' ""U"J w"wum
VKItKIN Vinli nvipir Hitniiai'
'"'InK (u the K. of J'. Hull.
I0.? I.. K. IlIVIBlnV. Kn. ir.TMM.tii lii
"( 1. Hall the 11 rut and third Woduwt
li mouth, m 7:U0 r. m.
L"T.r"tor. Low Mima evurv Hunduv at
"lUli Mux at 10::tOA.M. VoajHsrii at
MF1-? t'Hl'UUH -Union Htreot, oppoalto
k Li ltuv-K" Hlitislltle Kector. Hcrvlcea
, a. , ."7 1,1 a. m. and 7::w r. m. biinday
A, x. KvcnliiK I'rayor ou Friday ut
fl "Al'TIdT OHUUCH-Hov. O, 1). TaY
""R, luntor. MoriiliiK aervlcoa overy Bub-
if i; ".""'"y t 11 a. M. Bahlmth
11 till lltl! nil. W ..II... ......l,..w
ii?;' "K ' fl'I'iy evening utl'aBtor'8 reMl
u"Ul" kervlcen in the court houno at
S'ffAI' OHUJU'II-llov. W. C.
iui 7 !.' rt0f; f vIcch overy Sunday at It
2 oj Hiiuday Bohool after morning
BtrmiKerHcordUlly luvlted. BeuUlroe.
Lvi!.11' 1,011 rluy- J- Wiiibwb, JMiltor,
y i..t , f uv:fy HiiiiUay morulngat U n. in.
il ft r.!.1,,"1 "iW o'clock r m. Kpworth
Uv ,.v!'.'.i '' i1, I'rayor meutlnif ovory
X uJ lnti,,'7J!W o'olook. AcoriUnl In-
oxtemlcd by both uitor and lawple
'AN.."UK0H-Kiv. jTwTjbnkikT.
:h iL pv, ' .""'"I'ltiK In tho CoiiKregatlona
Sir a iV,Al I'UTHKBAN-NlutU Btreot,
riahiii ".''JS10'' "efVloM at U:80.m.
rj ' sf:8 "',n' A cordll welcome
LwtterB of Credit issued available in he
Eastern States.
Sight Exchange and Telegraphic
Transfers sold on low York, Chicago, St.
ixmis, nun jrancisco, rortianu Oregon,
oeauie wasn., ana various points In Or
egon and Washington.
Collections made at all points on fav
orable terms.
J. M. l'ATTF.Il0K,
First National Bank.
A General Banking Business transacted
ueposiis received, sunject to signt
Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceeds promptly
reiuiHuu on iinj oi collection.
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
new iorK, &an francisco ana fort-land.
D. I. Thompson. J no. 8. Schk.nck.
Ed. M. Williams, Geo. A. Likbe.
H. M. Beall.
Hational Sank,
Cashier, -
Z. F. Moody
Chablkh Hilton
M. A. Moody
General Banking Business Transacted.
Sight Exchanges Sold on
Collections made on favoreble terms
at all accessible points.
General Blacksmithing and Work done
promptly, ana all wort
Horse Shoeing a Speciality
Tiiird Street, op, Liebe's old Stand.
Of lies MolncH, Iowa, writes under date ol
Murch S3, ISM:
S. B. Med. Mk. Co.,
Dufur, Oregon.
Gentlemen :
On arriving home Inst week, 1 found
all well and anxiously awaiting. Our
little girl, eight and one-half years old,
who had waBted away to 3S pounds, if
now well, strong and vigorous, and well
fleshed up. S. B. Cough Cure has done
itB work well. Both of the children like
it. Your S. B. Cough Cure has cured
and kent nwov all hoarseness from me.
So give it to every one, with greetings
f 11 ..." . . . !!..
ior an. winning you prosperity, we urc
lours, MB. mbh. J. r. 011D.
If you wIhIi to (eel (rch and cheerful, and ready
(or the Hprlnir'a work, clcauie your nyntem with
the Headache and Liver Cure, by taking two or
throo dose each week.
Bold under a positive guarantee.
SO cent per bottle by all druggUte.
Andrew Velarde
IS proparod to do any and all
kinds of work in his lino ut
reasonable figures. Has tho
largest honso moving outfit
in Eastern Oregon.
Address P.O.Box 181.The Dalles
age Wright Seminary.
Tacoma, Wash.
Boarding and Day School
for Girls.
Tenth Yoar Bogins September 14, 1893,
For Catalogue and AilmlttaniT, apply to
Mrs, Sarah K, White,
what a comfort it is to
have ready at hand a
remedy that never fails
to relieve Constipation,
and that, without pain or
discomfort; and almost
immediately cure3 head
aches, and dispels every
symptom of Dyspepsia.
Such a remedy is found
in Simmons Liver Regu
lator not a sweetened
compound to nauseate, or
an intoxicating beveraqo
to cultivate an alcoholic
appetite, but a medicine
pleasant to tho tasto, and
perfectly harmless when
given to the smallest
child. S. L. R. never
disappoints. It possesses
the virtues and perfec
tions of a reliable remedy
of the kind endorsed by
eminent physicians.
"It affords mo pleasure to add my testi
mony to those you receive annually In
refcrunco to your valuable medicine. I
consider Simmons Liver Regulator the
best family tnedlclno on tho market. I
nave prescribed It with excellent result!."
W. F I'aric, M. D., Tracy City, Teno.
Dally Evening Chronicle is recognized
as essentially the homo nntipr fnr thn
Dalles City folks' I J r X I r This is not a bad
reputation. Bomer umi- 2.000 of our best
oltlzcns watch the columns of this
daily lor the hpiclcst local new
kuccecds in cleaning the field.
in popularity and importance. Take It awhile,
you wno aotrt; try some ol its premium oflcrs.
, ..uiiu in uur ucst
1, and hence grows
"The Regulator Line"
The Dalles, Portlanfl and Astoria
Navigation Co.
Freignt ana Passenger Line
Through daily service (Sundays ex
cepted) between The Dalles and Port
land. Steamer Regulator leaves The
Dalles at 7 a. m. connecting at Cascade
I)ck6 with steamer Dalles City.
Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland
(Yamhill ftreet dock") at C a. xn. con
necting with steamer Regulator for The
Oneway 2.00
Round trip 3.00
Tickets on sale for Long Beach, Ocean
Park, Tioga and Ihvaco. Baggage
checked through.
Freight Rates Greatly Reduced.
Shipments for Portland received at
any time dav or night. Shipments for
way landings" must be delivered beforo
6 p. m. Live Btock shipments solicted.
Call on or address,
Ocneral Agent.
General Manager.
Candies and Nuts Suwiu"if."
mdii Specialties
Flnoat Peanut RoastorlnThe Dalles
3J6 I FflLCO ftF&ffi
Sd Street J. rUUUW rosuurant.
The St. Charles Hotel,
This old, iwpular and reliable house
lias been entirely refurnished, and every
room has been ropapered and repaintei
and newly carpeted throughout. The
house contain! J70 rooms and ia supplleo
with every modern convenience, Rat
reasonable. A good reatauraut attache
to the house. Frer bus to and from all
trains. . ...
C. W. KNOWi.ta, rrop.
The Blunder of a Smart Medical In
structor in New York.
Rio in a State of Siege The Gilmour
Murder Mystery Substitute for
the Exclusion Bill.
New Yohk, Sept. 21. Eleven new
cases of small.pox were reported to the
health officer from various parts of the
city yesterday. A blunder that amounts
almost to crime has been committed in
clinic, and by it tho seed has been sown
that may yet bear a disastrous crop.
The list of today's victims is headed by
two young doctors. It was their com
ing down with the disease in one day,
within a few hours of each other, that
exposed the blunder. The Vanderbilt
clinic, in West Fifty-ninth street, was
the scene of it. September 4th, James
McGowan, a laborer, went to the dis
pensary and asked to be examined.
Suspicious blotches colored the skin.
An expert in skin diseases, attached to
the clinic, saw him and concluded that
he had before him a fine case of chicken
pox. He did not make it bis business
to Und out that the house from which
McGowan came had been the scene of
persistent cases of small-pox, with
which the health officers are struggling
yet. He took the man in before the
clinic of young doctors and paraded him
as a typical case of chicken-pox. The
doctors were interested. They looked
at the blotches on the man's skin, and
felt of them, listened to the expert's ex
position of the difference between the
shot-like feeling of small-pox postules
under the skin, and the more solid touch
of the harmless chicken-pox. It was
very instructive, and altogether a rare
chance. There were 20 to 30 doctors,
and they all took their turn at the fine
exhibit. Among them were Drs. Rich
ards and Norris. Today those two are
lying ill with the small-pox. That is
what the exhibit turned out to be when
it got into the hands of the health
officers. How many more of the young
doctors jvill follow these, there is no tell
A Furious Vouibariliiieut Is Hourly Hi
ptctcd. London, Sept. 21. Private advices
om Rio Janeiro say a furiouB bom
bardment is expected hourly.
The only reason the bombardment
has not commenced ie that yesterday
negotiations between the rebels and the
go eminent were undertaken at the in
stance of foreign powers and foreign
warships who wished to i-ave the city
from destruction. It is not believed
they will amount to anything; in fact,
it is believed the government is merely
prolonging them to allow the non-combatants
to get away and the merchants
to Rave goods.
The statement? of yesterday are con
firmed from several sources. An at
tempt of the Brazilian minister to be
little the rebellion is not accepted with
any credence in London. The people of
Rio admit tho rebellion has progressed
to such an extent that it is better to let
the city fall into the hands of the insur
gents than to bo shelled. Tho rebels at
Rio are in communication with tho in
surgents in tho south, and all are acting
in unison. After success at Santos they
propose to attack Porte Allegre and Rio
Grande do Sul. In fact, tho insurgent
veesels, it is said, have already started
on that errand. There is no doubt the
rebels are meeting with success. In
fact, a report that they have occupied
Rio is In circulation hero this morning.
Tliu New Kxcluslon Itlll.
Washington. Sept. 21. Tho commit
tee on foreign affairs today considered
the McCrearv substitute for the J'.verott
bill, extending tho time of registration
for the Chinese. Discussion developed
the fact that every member favored tho
extension of time six months, with the
nosHlblo exception ot Geary. 'Hie latter
gave notice ho would oiler an amend
ment providing for identification by
means of n holographs. J lie comintii o
ndiourned without action, but thoro is
doubt at tho next meeting tho bill will
be favorably reported.
Tho (illiuour Munlur Myatery.
San Fkancisco, Kept. 21. The police
authorities claim to have evidence
enough to insure tho conviction of Dr.
West for tho murder of Addle Gilmour.
One of the strong features will bo the
admission Unit he made to her father.
Tho deceased girl's parents reside in
Portland, Or. Tho first Intimation tliey
had was received on the overland train
in their recenl trip from there to this
city. All attempts to interview Dr
West this morning failed.
Annie Staley, Dr. West's mistress,
was arrested today, charged with bt-ing
an accessory to tho murder of Addie
Gilmour. Tho police say tho Staley
woman saw West perform an operation
on Miss Gilmour, and, after the girl's
death, assisted in cutting up the body.
Tho funeral of Miss Gilmour will not
take place today as was proposed, tho
coroner's jury not being satisfied with
the identification of the head. It will
probably not take placo till Saturday.
Her dentiBt goes to San Francisco from
Chico today to examine her teeth and
see it it is his work.
Trade Gradually Getting; Itrck to Its
Normal Condition.
Friday, September 22. The general
tone to the business situation shows
an improvement during the past few
days and has an encouraging appear
ance of a pick up. Trade is not really
brisk in any one line of goods, but is of
a healthy character, with more money
in circulation, and is steadily getting
back into its normal condition. Prices
continue steady in all lines of general
merchandise and groceries.
The market for country produce is de
void of much interest, as it is well
stocked with a general assortment, un
less it may be said in eggs ; the market is
bare, and an advance to 18 to 20 cents'
per dozen is made within the past few
The green fruit market is sluggish and
is in large supply at nominal prices.
In 'dried fruits there is a declining ten
dency, owing to the large surplus of tho
product. Dried plums and prunes are
reported to have declined from 12 to 9
cents in Portland.
The poultry market continues without
change, although the deliveries are
limited to small, occasional lots.
The meat market from block does not
vary from the usual price. Beef on foot
2K to 2 per lb. Mutton $1.75 to .$2.50
per head. Pork on foot $5 to $5.50 per
100 lbs. Pork dressed for the block is
quoted G:i to 7 cents per lb.
The wheat market which had a buoy
ant aspect a week ago, has met with a
reverse on account of a declining tend
ency in eastern markets, which have
chopped rapidly in the last few days.
In San Francisco a decline of 5 cents per
cental for Mav deliveries has taken
place, which was in sympathy with
other markets. European markets re
port u firmer tone after a short softening
on spot deliveries. Buyers for futures
show a disposition to be very consider
ate and are waiting for a more favorablo
Our own market is under tho influ
ence of the Portland and San Francisco
markets, which are reported dull and off.
Valley wheat is quoted at 90 cents to $1
per cental, and Eastern Oregon and
Walla Walla at 85 to 87!j percental.
In The Dalles tho quotations today
range from 45 to 47 cents per bushel.
The wool market is just as lifeless as
formerly with no appearance of an im
provement to take placo in tho near
future. The Boston and other eastern
markets are still dull,as indicated by tho
following, from tho Boston Advortiser of
tho 15th inst., which of Australian
wools says :
Australian wool is unchanged in tone
and prices. Business is dull and the
market is depressed, as tho low price of
domestic fleeces still keeps foreign wool
out of competition to a large extent.
The outlook is not promising and im
porters nro still shipping wool back to
London for u market. Some was
shipped this week to bo entered for tho
sales the last of tho mouth. Carpet
wools arc dull, but the foreign markets
are firm. Importers are not forcing
business on the present market, but pre
fer to keep their wools in lwnd.
Tlio Hulutitry Kll'ecU
of Simmons Liver Regulator upon tho
system, prostrated by long suffering
with dyspepsia, and kindred diseases, is
without a precedent. Its tonic, and al
terative effects aro wonderful.
For a lame back or for a pain in tho
side or chest, try saturating a picco of
of flannel witli Oliamberluin's Pain Balm
and binding it ou to the afl'ected parts.
This treatment will euro any ordinary
case in ono or two days. Pain Balm
also cures rheumatism, 50 cunt bottles
for salo by Blukeley& Houghton.
Two East I'ortlaiKtnm Have an
pleasant Kxporlence.
Charles E. Fields, tho East Portland
real estate man, and Dan Jackson, the
popular liveryman of the other side ot
the river, had an experience, a day or
two ago, which neither of them is anx
ious to have repeated.
They wero coming from Albany by
team, and were in tho hills south of
Salem Tuesday afternoon during the
heavy rain storm. Tho conversation
had turned on storms in the East.
Jackson had been telling about a man
and a horso being struck by lightning;
and instantly killed, somewhere in
Pennsylvania several years ago. Charlie
had recounted several stories hinging on
tho freaks of lightning in Wisconsin,
and Jackson had just remarked that it
was seldom lightning was seen in tbia
country, when suddenly both were
blinded by a flash ; the horses dropped
on their knees, and Jackson's hat fall
ing off caught on his eyes, which pro
truded far enough to catch it.
The stroke had evidently fallen in
close proximity to them, and, while
blinded by tho lightning, neither men
nor horses were severely shocked. Both,
men admit they were just a little fright
ened at their narrow escape, and they
had driven a mile and a half before
either spoke a word after the narrow
escape. This was the first and only
lightning flash they saw during the
storm, and neither of them told any
more stories of terrible storms on the
trip home. Telegram.
Karl's Clover Root, the new blood
purifier, gives freshness and clearness to
the com plexion and cures constipation.
25c, 50c. and $1.00. Sold by Snipes A
Kinersly, druggists.
Got the Wrong Man.
Officer Quinton, of tho Third-street
squad, saw a man acting in a most
peculiar manner this morning near Mor
rison street. The fellow was dancing a
sort of wierd jig, and gesticulating in a
violent manner. His toiigue seemed to
work at the wrong end as the officer
collared him. "It's a dom foine jag yer
hev on yea; kom wid me," said Captain
Quinton. Tho prisonpr acted as though
h,c was a contortionist and came near
wriggling away from tho officer, when a
barber near by stepped up and informed
tho officer that the fellow had the St.
Vitus' dance, and tho latter was released.
The officer, in a puzzled manner, asked
the barber "fwhero the divil did that
mon get his whosky?" Dispatch.
A Good Thing to Keep at Ilnnd.
From thi. Troy (Kim.) Chief.
Some years ago wo wero very much
subject to severe spells of cholera mor
bus ; and now when we feel any of tho
symptoms that usually precede that ail
ment, Bitch as sickness at tho stomach,
diarrhoea, etc., we become scary. We
have found Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy tho very thing to
straighten ono out in such cases. We
are not writing this for a pay testimonial
but to let our readers know what is good
to keep handy in the house. For sale by
Blakoloy & Houghton, druggists.
Strength nud Ileultli.
If you aro not feeling strong and
hcalthv, try Electric Bitters. If "la
grippo" has loft you weak -and wea."7,
use Electric Bitters. This remedy acta
directly on liver, stomach and kidneys,
gently aiding those organs to perform
their functions. If you are afllicted with
sick headache, you will find speedy and
permanent lelief by taking Electric
Bitters. One trial will convince yon
that this is tho remedy you need. Large
bottles only 50c. at Snipes & Kinorsly's
drug store.
AVoo.l! AVooilI Wood!
Best quality fir, oak and slab wood.
L,eavo orders at 13!1 Second street or
corner Third and Union. All orders
promptly attended to.
' M.mki! ik Benton.
for Kent.
HotiEo for rout on tho southeast eor
ner of Court and Fifth. Inquire of Mrs.
Krausa, .
wood, woon, woon.
Best grades of oak, fir, and slab cord
wood, ut lowest market rates ut Jos. T.
Peters & Co, (Office Second and Jeffer
son streets.)
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.