'! v' ' "''rj! first Arrival Fall Dress Goods 0t SALE. acurday, eptmbr 23, 1893. 11 That New Dress There was a gruff fellow, once, who said that he never had to consult either the almanac or the weather to know that FALL was approaching. The clamor of the females of his family for new raiment was sign enough In deference to their demand, we have brought on the first installment of the new season's fabrics, and invite the i - ladies to see xnem. we say i owning aoout the men. They can have the floor for a fev remarks when the bill is presented. Just now, silence with them is lite tie opportunity we present golden. Trie Newest Creations. fi(d purchase?' of a Dress Pattern, we will present a Ticket to the Kellogg Concert at the Methodist church Saturday night. j TTgood!Tmarked ! ,i.t 7 in plain figures. Pv Tim tlcniity of Morning. Thoso who linger in bod these autumn mornliigp, lose nunc of tlio creator's bo3t work. The bracinc coolness of the nir, the stillncfH tliut is everywhere in tho early niurninc, are tiomcthinR that tho remainder of the day cannot reproduce. The sleepy-eyed soon becomo wide awake as they drink in the morning air and faze on tho tun as it rises over the gorge at the dalles and lights up the Klickitat hills. Tho sunshine and shadows on th..se beautiful mountains fade into one another in a way that na ture defies art to reproduce. Mt. Adams and Mt. Hood push their heads through the clinging clouds and all tho valley is filled with sunlight. No prettier pic ture is needed to charm the soul, and it must have been at Tho Dalles that Longfellow stood when he said, "I stood upon the hills when heaven's wide arch was glorious with the sun's returning march." The Coining Fair. PEASE & MAYS. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Ijstml r tin1 1'oitotllee nt Tho DiiIIch, Oregon, hk KTonil-ulunH mutter. I.neiil Ail vtirlliillit?. MCenti 1'vr iniu tor am nmurtioti, una ft cuntu Kr line (or twill subsequent tiinurtlon. special riiteit Inr Iuiir time notice. All loan notice" received Inter thun 3 o'cliKjk till pK.'jir the (iiIIowIiik iliij". THl'KSDAY, SKIT. Ill , 180:i Tut limit mid Weekly Chronicle may It found on sale at I, V. Nickehen't store. SEPTEMBER SHORTS. City mill County w Nutim of Minor Itiiiortaiiuti. "Wtieti imiv I hUt. iiRntn?" lit' cried, An the liiiby Ix-kii" tn Nitmll: Ami ii siniev ii'lin Mimuere'l Imck " At.er the bawl " The triul of Win. Watson is postponed Mtil the USth hint. Switch engine No. 1113 is in the yards today en route to Oinnhit from Alliina. Ho vou want n free ticket to tho Hol lo concert" Head the ad of I'eaHe it MllVP. "cc the program of the Kelloirt: con- mipcrh. J liero will be a meeting' of the thine nig eiub on Friday evening at UJfi Second street to perfect an organization. Mr. W. Uico drove into SaltmarHbe it Co.'o stock yards a line lot of beef cattle and calves to bo shipped tonight to the f-ound markets. An insane man font to Salem from Kuguno tho other day lnm a hallucina tion that his body contains precious metal and some one is after him for it. Ilarring the fear of getting hold up it imiHt b a pleasant sensation. Mr. Van Woodruff of Tygh who is mntiiiii. .... t.i... . l"K 'uivance thresher, states nit .. .. i i . ' ' v Ill V ill U MM II. Ml fill WnilHI 'wis Is not worth mentioning, and that ji three hours ho threshed out OL'5 Aoiii a 28-aere Held. ChiHses for acadiimli! 'wined by Miss Iloleomb. Terms, ten 1 ollars )ier (putrter. Weekly lessons in 'Irnwing or painting without extra "large. Those who wish to continue 'lr academic work, or to begin hucIi fk, please send word by mail to Miss "olcomb at once. It Ih hardly probublo that any trans "'"tlnuntal lino will start in und build a railroad a hundred miles long from Tho lilies along the sparsely settlod country t0 the interior. Tho Union Pacific would not bo suspected of doing such a thing any Wtty BOon, and any other riiiificontlnental would have to got here first. 11,0 unusual early rains and cold weather havo caused young blood to tln ' with the thought of an early winter. o heard two young mon laying plans 10 '"did a bgb sled that would pass everything ou tho road. Itn a little ear'y to think of snow, but tho old Proverbs atKiut tho "early bird," "a In tliiio" etc., may juiiUfy their Tlio seedless apple discoterod by Mr. II. Holm, of Columbus may proven iimaT'"" nn 1,0 1,1,8 lroJy Iiuon offered J"JU for tho trou. The principal eharac r ntlcof tho apple Hro at tlio stem wliero "Hlwid of an indentation is a projection connect the stem and fruit. The in- Bide is as devoid of core or seeds as a potato or turnip. From whencethe tree came is a mystery. Pacific Farmer. Miss Ilooth will open her kindergar ten' on Monday, the L'otb inst., session to begin at !) o'clock. The school will be held temporarily in the vestry-room of the Episcopal church. The terms will be $1 per week, or in cubo two children enter from the same family, 1.00 for both. Miss Booth is a gradu ate from Mrs. Dunlap's training school, Portland, and has had four years' ex perience in teaching. There was a large attentive audience at the Christian church last evening to hear the discourse on the "Baptism of the Holy Spirit." One could almost have heard, at any time during the ser mon of one hour and five minutes, the historic "pin drops" at the close of the sermon. Three of our most substantial and respected citizens came forward and confessed their faith in ChriBt. The minister will give a lecture this evening on the subject, "Wanteda man." All cordially invited to attend. The young people of The Dalles are busily preparing for the winter's amuse ment. The young men have formed a dancing club of which tbeio are already twenty-four members and the list will still bo larger. It is expected tho first dance will be given next Wednesday evening and preparations are under way to make it a fit opening for the winter's social season. With good music, a good floor and good dancerc, the devotees of the iroddcfH Terpsichore will make merry the hours of the night. AlmoM a rntullty. A Cioldendale dispatch says: Henry P. Miehell, who resides on a farm near Goldendale and is one of the pioneers of Klickitat, was thrown from a wagon Sunday evening while his team was run ning away. Mr. Miehell was knocked senseless and thoiiL'lit to havo been killed when first picked up. It was dis covorod that ho had three ugly gashes cut in the scalp of his head. Tho at tending doctor says he will recover. A letter received by relatives in this city this morning, states that although Mr, Miehell was hurt badly, ho is now ablo to be around and improving fast. lteul Entiitti Algernon S. Disbrow and Mary M. Dlsbrow to .lames E. Hanna, west half of northeast quarter of southwest cjuar ter section 'J, township '2, north of range 10 east, containing 20 acres more or less ; 4,000. The I'roiier Olio. Johnny Mamma, can't you tell mo a new fairy story? Mrs. Brrggs I don't know any, Johnny. Maybe your father will tell me some when ho comes in tonight. Bulletin. Kor Kent. Houho for rent on tho southeast cor ner of Court and Fifth. Inquire of Mrs. Krauss. Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., San Dlogo, Cal., ays: "Bhiloh'a Catarrh Hemedy is the first medicine I havo ever found that would do wo auy good." Price 60 cts. Sold by Snipes & Klnorsly. Fresh oysters served in every stylo at Columbia Candy Factory. tf Wootll Woixll Wouill Beat quality fir, oak and slab wood, Leave orders at l'JU Second street or corner Third and Union. All orders promptly attended to, Maikk ct Bknton, Tho Kellocc I'rciRrnin. . Wagner ..Smith .V. Killer Gounod The following program has been ar ranged for the Kellogg entertainment Saturday evening: l'liino Milo Selection from Iihcnprln Mlhs I vn llrooks. Illrd wmtilliiK (inrotte .Mr. Clms. I). Kelloec. Pahs Milo "The KinciitKl the Miller".. Mr. Wm. Mugee. Contralto nrln "(Jueen of Slieba". Mm. Kmllc Stunrt Kelloncr. iU'cltiition-Miilcien Murtyr.iaKfmore Elocutionist Miss Jennie Kusell. Soprano dolo "Benutv't Eves" Tosli Mlfcs Muff Willlnms. Illrd ivnrblliiB Illtihtnitions Mr. KelloKK. Contnilto bolo-"Heurt' DellRht".. Gilchrist Mtk. KelloRR. rhino Kilo Polonulhe, C hhiirji, minor, Opus ... Chopin Miss Almee Newman. Iiuir-"Adieu". Xicolai Mr. nnd Mm. KellopK. Tickets now on sale at Snipes it Kin- ersly's. A I'mir Inee for tile Crusher. Three blasts were made yesterday on the clifr above the brewery to get rock for the crusher. A comparatively small amount of rock was loo&ened. A better location would be tomewhere on Fifth or Sixth, where a street may some time be opened. Jt cost the city several thousand dollars to open up Union street, which has paid for itself many times over. Another cut east of there would be of comparatively equal benefit, and the beauty of it is, it would cost nothing. Then, too, the hauling would be a shorter distance and a down-hill pull. PERSONAL MENTION. Mrs. J. It. Hensill of Lyle returned home this morning. W. P. Gray, the gentleman who kept his eye on Pasco is registered at the Umatilla house today. Mr. .Iphn Perry of Lyle was in the city last night and returned home this morning by steamer Kegulator. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Morgan arrived in town yesterday from the Cascade Locks and will return tomorrow. Mr. L. F. Burdoin of White Salmon is in the city, and subscribed for The Ciiito.Nici.i:for fifteen months. Herbert Condon, a son of Prof. Thos. Condon of the university of Oregon, and a former resident of The Dalles, passed through last night on his way to Ann Arbor, Michigan, where ho is attending tlie law school. Mr. Fred Fulton of Sherman county was in tho city last evening and gave tho Ciiuoxici.K a "pleasant call. He reports that while there has been more or less rain, tlio grain is not badly damaged in the stacks, and headers are busy on standing grain, which is being cut rap idlv. HOTi:i. AltlSIVALS. Columbia W Fakes, J Silton. Han ford, Cal ; George Asher, W H Sizer. J A Frakes, Portland; G Heed, Mrs Ce dorson, Kowona; Cony Mayhuo, Pat Mayhue, James Meneen, II Olson, Bluresvillo.Ponn ; J Wood. Tom Shields, James Murphy, Hood Kiver. Notice. All persons are warned not topurchaso one check for $85 to my favor through French it Co. Stkvb Majak. Ask your dealer for Mexican Silver Stovo Polish. WOOD'H iJIO8IHODIJVX0. rv.1.. rwa PtivIIsIi Rfnaflrlv. awuwiw . . iTompuy an permanently cures nil forma of Ktrvotu Wtakneu,EmiuUn$, Sperm' otorrhea, Jmpottncy aiul alt tffteUvAlitue or Exctuct, licen jirencrlbea over cs vnnrnlti thotuamlaof cogesi PtKPIb tlio only RtlUMc and lion tbfert ant Attr . tne(lolna jtnou,,. drogeUt for WooJ' IhopliodUie if ho oflora iOniewortUloaiiiodlcltiolaplttooof tuU, loavo UU dutioncJt toro, luolono jirloo la lettor, oim wowlllfewl hy return moiu men, ono inet.nKo, i4lx,$0. Oniti'llJ'Io,iw"',,ur' J'umiJU. lot in pluln bobUiI envelope, 11 ocutu lioatoge. Auarvw Tlio ivoou numinni u., VM Wooilivrrrtnvpuue.Dotrolt Jllott, Bold In The Diillu by blakeley v llougl.toa. Thingsare not being rushed at tho fair grounds, for there is little to be done by way of preparation for the coming fair. The track is in excellent condition and a few repairs to some of the stands and the fence, in places, along the track seems all that needs to be done. Sev eral horses are in active training, and more will arrive continually from now till fair time. We hope to chronicle a most successful meeting and that in epite of hard times, early rains and tho price of wheat Eastern Oregon was able to rally and have a surpassing exhibition. HOME HINTS. For the Fall Trade Wo nre now ready with a full lino of Ready-Iffade Clothing, 23ltol&. and Colored Dress Goods, and all other kinds of Dry Goods Qbmiwo are noteu tor tno goou values wo give B in Bleached and Unbleached Muslins. N Wt Sheetings, Prints, Ginghams, Boots and ( J Shoes. HoHierv. Gents' Furnishings, etc.. etc. - The Balance of our Summer Importations now Clearing Out AT COST. Rice. Fresh boiled rice, with the juice of roast beef or mutton, and served on a piece of toast is nice. Housekeeper. Raises Biscuit. One quart of light bread dough, two-thirds of a cup of butter; work thoroughly together, and let rise until light, mold into biscuit and place on well-buttered tins to rise; when light bake in a moderately quick oven. Farm, Field and Fireside. A I'hettv T)isn. Half fill a bowl with cold stewed and sweetened fruit; pour on a cold boiled ciistard from which you have saved the whites; make a meringue of the whiteswith one table spoonful of sugar to each egg and pour over the custard. Detroit Free Press. CuiutAJiT Snitvis. Mix a pound of sug'ar with every pint of currant juice. When the sugar is dissolved boil it a few minutes and skim it. When al most cold add a gill of brandy to every quartof sirup. Bottle it, cork it well and keep in a cool place. Boston Budpct. Stkawberuv S.vow. Hull and wash a quart of nice ripe strawberries, press them through a sieve, add the beaten whites of two eggs and a coffeecupful of sugar. With an egg-beater beat these together until light and foamy. Set in a cool place and serve cold. Orange Judd Farmer. WESTERN WISDOM. It makes no difference how innocent a man may be, if he is suspected, every thing1 he does is a sign of guilt. Instead of pitying the babies, they should be envied. They not only get a nice bath every day, but get powdered after it. There is a great deal of difference between keeping a horse on its feet, and raising one up by the tail after it is down. Most of the girls who wear shirt waists seem to have a look on their face that means: "I wonder if 1113' j waist and skirt are keeping together behind?'' Atchison (Kan.) Globe. Just received a scow load of choice oak wood. Maier i: Benton. Mexican Silver Stove Polish eau&es no dust. Spilnj; Medicine. Dr. Gtinn's Improved Liver Pills on account of their mild action are especi ally adapted for correcting spring disor ders, such as impure blood, tired brain and aching and worn out body. They act promptlv on the Liver and Kidneys; drive out all' impurities from tho blood, and malaria from the system. Only one pill for a dose. Try them this spring. Sold at 23 cts. a box by Blakely & Houghton, Druggists, The Dalles, Or., wt(M Suveit I'Voni Dentil Hy Onion. There has no doubt been more lives of children saved from death in croup or whooping cough by tho use of onions than bv anv other known remedy, our mothers used to make poultices of them, or a syrup, which was always effectual in breaking up a cough or cold. Dr. Gunn's Onion Syrup is made by com bining a few simple remedies with it which make it more effective as a med icine and destrovs the taste and odor of Die onions. f)0c. Sold by Blakoley & Houghton. A Hurt) Cure for 1'ileti. Itching piles ate known by moisture like perspiration, causingintensoitehing when warm. This form, as well as blind, bleeding or protruding, yield at once to Dr. Bosanko's Pile Remedy, which acts directly on parts affected, absorbs tumors, always itching and ef fects a permanent cure. 50 cents. Druggists or mail. Circulars free. Dr. Bosunko, 329 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton. wly A Word to I.Hillex. Ladies who desire a beautiful clear skin, free from pimples, boilB, blotches and other eruptions, should coinmenco at once to use Dr. Gunn's Improved Pills. They will also remove that heavy look about your eyes and make them Inii-lit. and 'will cure headache from whatever cause it arises. liomouibor you are onlv required to tuko one onmll mil at bed' time, which is coated with pure sugar and will not gripe or produce anv unpleasant sensation. Sale at 25 cents bv Blakeley & Houghton. Urn Cor. Court anfl secoid sis. Tie Dalles, Oregon. S. & N. HARRIS. Sin ii Siir fin talis, Fancy Goods and Notions, Qepts' piirr;i5r;ir;5 (Jooc, Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes, etc. now complete in every department. All goods will be sold at greatly reduced prices. H. Herbring. Terms Cash. .Familiar Faces in a Nexv Place. C. E. BAYARD, Late Special Agent General Land Office. J. E. BARN ETT Jf?e Ieal Instate, Ioap, Iurapee, COLLECTION AGENCY. JST ore JK. RY UBLIC. Parties having Property they wish to Sell or Trade, Houses to Kent, oi Abstract of Title furnished, will find it to their advantage to call on us. We shall make a specialty of the prosecution of Claims and Contests before the Unitep States Land Ollicc. 85 Washington St. THE DALLES, OR. Have You Seen THE Fine Millinery Goods AT 112 Second Street. ANNA PETER X CO. J. H. CROSS. At tlio Old Stand, Cor. Second and Union Sts. ay, Graii?, peed ai? Jplou r, Groceries, Fruits and Seeds. Oasb. i?tioL for iHUres axxcL Poultry. fill goods delivered Free and Promptly. THE WORLD'S BEST LITERATURE BOOKS. . A. T I. C. NICKELSEN'S. The California Winehoase, Is now ope vL produced m Also, best ' to bo Pure Thompson's Addition. Is now open, and its proprietor will sell his homo- Wine at prices in tho reach ol evoryhouv. Peanuts to bo iound. uoods tniarantoeu ' and First-Class in every respect. C. BECHT.