The Dalles Daily Chronicle, OREGON NEWS. OFFICIAL I'.U'KK OK DALLES CITY. AND WASCO COUNTY. SUBSCRIPTION UATES. BY MAIL, Ft) STAGE TRKrAlD, IN ADVANCE. Weekly, 1 year. MM " 6 months. . . . 0 .5 3 " . .. . . flSO DIly,lycr " 6 months 3 CO per " 0S0 Address all communication to "THE CHRON ICLE." The Dalles, Oregon. Toit-0(BcPi omcE itocns General Delivery Window . a. m. to 7 p. m. Mocev Order " Sr. m. to i p. m. Buudav ii D " . . ..9 a. m. tolOn. m. CLOSING OT MAILS trains golug East es. Sweet potatoes nre selling In Eugene for 2K. cents per pound. Salem street-ears luivo gone back to the nlckel-in-the-fllot method of collect ing fares. , The conductors nre lnid of! indefinitely. Tlie Tilliu E. Stnrbuck hns arrived at Astoria, making the passage around the horn in 132 days, n week or two ahead of he time she was expected. Among the exhibits at the Koseburg fair was n silk display from Coos county, which showed everything from the egg of the worm to the finished silk product. Salem now has nn ordinance that et- .9 p. m. and u:45 n. m. fectually shuts out all peddlers. Those 9l. di. anil 5:3) p.m.' ... i i,i,t n eni;.iHn Stage lor Goldendale ..: T:SOa. m. " ""' " iTlneviiio. a-lo--1 orders for shirts nnd clothing will now " "DuhiraudarmSprlngs ..5:5a.m. i ,-, ,!,. " fLenTingiorLyle Hartiand..5:soa. m. , be compelled to pay a license of fo atla. lAnieiopc. . .. ..oiMiu.w. V t William Tell Your Father that we will SWEET, ORR St C0S RvMmf Similar. tTrl-weeklv. Tuesdav Thursday and Saturday. I ' Monday Wednesday and Friday. THURSDAY, - SFPT. 21, 1S93 TVL'ir OK DRUS'KEXXESS. The simplest things are not the most simple when studied. The good and sincere total-abstinence advocate has a high moral aim in view, and shows his loyalty by his sacrificial spirit, and thinks his case so clear and simple that he never doubts it. A circular of information compiled by Arthur McDonald, specialist in the The Dalles Daily Chronicle. . . . . t - . ;. i . i Jotin iirown, wnouseu to oe a resuium ( 7AWTT.Y OP of Perrydale, drew the body of a man (Qj grjOO BEADEKS. out of the water last fcumiay in uswego, , Thc chronlde t0 gcl lhe ,iltot nm, the man was drowned in a canal about ' most reInbtc t.ews. And they rend every line twelve feet wide while he was trying to that Is in the paper. That is what mnkw the rescue a little girl from a waterv grave. chronicle an invaluable advcrtl'lns medium. The newspaper that k?s to the family We have just learned of two farmers i AKiMos Is thB one (0) that the advertisers in Oregon who were on a trade. One 0f today patronize when they desire to had alfalfa hav and the other wool ! reach the people. When they want your trade ... .. i.j" , ' their announcements will be found In the paper. which they had agreed to trade ton for . our colnmM nmJ the ton even. W hen it came to the test, tne tton of tho ttuth ot thU nation. Kcmember, man with the hay lumbia Chronicle, backed down. Co-' Vest Jumpers, Pantaloon Overalls, Easy-fitting Pand Every garment guaranteed NEVER to rip! We are also Headquarters for Men's, Boys' and Youth s to n trade of a family of two thousand is worth asking for through these columns, espctally so at our very Olitiper A Hone's staires en route Cloud Cap Inn will locate campers at the (OKgaD AdUPrtfcirxS RiatOS ' best fishing point in Hood Kiver valley, I Var Pu VV , f.L " f h.,. f u,i..f; t j r,vpmnint , wnere one can reacn j. noou m a iew i , A. . ,, . : hours and get their mail and provision has the following "To insist on total abstinence from wine in France and beer in Germany is like objecting to the use of coffee and tea in England or America. The ques tion of total abstinence is manifestly a local one ; it is relative to the country, or even state, city, or town. To insist that drinking is either right or wrong in the absolute rense is an attempt to make ! the relative absolute, which is a contra-1 diction. There are two distinct ques-1 tions, the purely ethical and the purely scientific: and while they are separated for convenience, they are in reality to-' gether, for in the end the facts decide the "ought." The practical ethical question seems to turn on this point, , to what extent the use of a thing should j be prohibited when it is abused. Many j ethical difficulties are not between good and evil, but between two evils, as to which is the lesser. Yet it must be ad mitted that total abstinence is the safest course." daily. 2tewd CLOTHING For Kent. Five rooms suitable for housekeeping with bath. Central location. 1 12dlw J. M. Hu.vtixgtox & Co. The city council in employing family men to work, are doing a righteous and patriotic act. Many other cities are do ing likewise. WLOH'S SH?L 3B In Louisiana the fagot and torture rack are prepared, waiting for the vic tim, and law, although forewarned, is powerless to prevent the outrage. Cleveland was hung in effigy in Cali fornia for his supposed indifference to the Geary act. Now if those zealous Methodists oi Oregon who want to keep thealmond-eyed heathen at home Aould do the same thing, what should Cleve land do? The insult is senseles-. JIn-e vou intaiTG? ThUromeiU" Is i-i. 'ni . teed co o:;re you. Price Ucu. Itilecior tr For aale by Snipe Jfc Kluer-I.. Sheriff's Sale. To oppose free coinage of silver one does not oppose the use of a reasonable amount of silver as money. .Silver as a metal has been upheld and petted long enough by the government. If any one needs any petting, now it is the farmer who raises at present 40 cent wheat. The capital of Brazil is about to be bombarded with its own guns, and the chances are favorable for a restoration of the monarchy. Great is war. Scarce ly two years ago Brazil was a monarchy and in arriving at the same condition again thousands of lives have been sac rificed, and millions of property de st roved. Eighty-six years ago liobert Fulton was ascending the Hudson river for the first time by stearn power. The "Cler mont" steamed from New York to Al bany in thirty-two hours. Two years ago the Empire State Express ran on the New York Central railroad from New York City to Buffalo, a distance of 43CJS miles in 420 minutes. These are two notable events which have trans pired through the inventions applying to steam power. They cover the entire period of locomotion by means of steam, less than one century. To traverse 140 miles on the Hudson in 1E07 it took Fulton thirty-two hours, or less than four and one-half miles an hour. The Empire Express in lfeOl traversed 43CJ.. miles at the average rate of more than a mile a minute. Notice. Timber Culture. I", a. I.amj Cmr.r., Tiik Daj.j.e. ':., '. Aujrntt iv. im i Complaint hnvlns been enteral at tnli otfiv by MarrlettJ M. Marshall anlint I'mum Iteil ' for failure to comply with law as .. llmbr. f'ulture Kntr- No. 3110, dated Jlarrh ji. . upon the N vs !4 of !-ectloii -in, Township J Nurtlj. lUxvm 11 Kast, W. M.. in Waco couutv. Otvi.. with a view to the cancellation of niid entr constant alleging that defendant ha. wholly fulled and neylecttd to plow or break or ciilti- , v.ite to crop or othenrhe, or plant with trvs. treo teerl", or cutlinira, during any of thf tir.i-1 since muklnj,' his said entry", any p.irt of ;ud tract, thoaid parties are hereby Hummonul to at this office on tho Hist day of 0;toU-r, 1 lo o'clock A. 31.. to respond and lurniih testimony concerning Mid allel failure. y-lwJt JOHN W. LEWIS, IteKiiter. i NOTICE. The truth is, the greater the genuine consequence of the man, the surer he is not to take offense because his views are asked for publication. He knows that be is not obliged to give the requested interview, and that to ask him is a com pliment. The request implies that his opinions are important, or his knowl edge unusual, or the reporter would not be eent to him. The application for an interview suggests distinguished consid eration. A representative of so power ful an engine of public opinion as a great newspaper, who comes bearing a request eo complimentary, is not treated as an interloper or a beggar by anybody expect a fool. It is the petty fellows, aot the abler men. who pretend to be offended by such a mark of distinction. New York Sun. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Wasco County, In the 3Iatter of tho Ksuteof i WlllUm Hamilton Wilton, Deceased, t Notice h hereby riven that the underlnel, by an order of the tounty Court of the Statu of Oreon, for Waico County, made and entered September 7, Ib'jJ, wat unpointed executor of the last will iiurt testMinent of the mid U'lm.,,, j Hamilton Wilson, deceased: all perKjns huvliiK . claims ajralnst wild estate are hereby notified to present the same with tho proir vouchers therefor to mo at t ie office ol 3Iay, Hiiiitlnifton & W llton. The Halle, Orexon, within six I months from thocatoof thin notice. iaten ine mnei, or., fcept. -,, jk. S. HUNTINGTON, hxecutor of Will of Win. H. Wilson, dee d. Use Mexican Silver Stove Polish AGENTS WANTED on Salary and Dranisiloa for THE ONLY AUTHORIZED Biocraphy of JAMES G. BLAINE. Iiy GAIL HAMILTON, hl literary executor, with the co-operation of hi family, and for 31 r. lilalno'a Complete Worku, TW JSNTV YKAItK OK ;ONGKKH." and hii later book, "I'd I.ITIUAL UIMCUHHIONH." One prospectus for thee 3 BKHT HKLL1NG bookn In the mar ket. A. K. I'. Jordan ot Me., took 112 order from II rtt 110 tail; Kcnt' profit 19fl,oo. 3Ir.i)al lard of 0.. took IS order, 13 Heal Itiutla, In I day, uroiit aacas. k.s. uicti of In '-' dayt, profit J, 1'artildKo of 31c. took v. onlerx from S5 call, profit mm. nr.. t.. A. J'almer of N. Uak. took S3 order In a day. profltaOH.SIS. KXCI.OHIVK TKItUITOIt V riven. If you with u make J,AltUK 3IONKV, write Immediately for term to ' The HENEY BILL PUB. 00 JfMTf JtS, C03J. h-lSH.'t Cu"- Couc!r-, no!iriene,bore Tiiroi-.t, Croup rrtiuipil-: -i t'VCS SVhoopluKCouph nnC A'.tlini.t. ' r C'onsuuiptlon it has no rival; hu cured tlinusandstv ie:eH other failed: will cvr.L v )r if uiitcn in time. Sold by Druirg' on r. Ff r Lame Rack cr Che-:, u smn'r I'ASTKU. j CVS. .CATARRH remedy: This Is the Season Of the Year Olhen Judieioas Advertising Pays. In every size, style and price. YOUR ATTENTION Tl Ily virtue of an execution IrMict! out of tue Circuit Court of the suite of Orwron for asct county, on the 16th day of Ausii't, JW5, inn suit therein p-;ndin;?, wherein J. 31. Iluntinstou, administrator ot the eUte of sllas I'r.xther. do ceased. Is plaintiff, and Ueo. T. 1'rather, I.. If I'ratberand Samuel CUrk are defendants, upoi. a decree renderel and entered therein ii. tne " ti. day of Jnne, Is;, to me directeii, commanding me to sell the property hereinafter deseri'xil as hereinafter set forth, to satisfy a judgment cl , r bv sid decree in favor of nid pialntil' ainl asa!n-t said defendants (mi. T. Prati.-.-r and I. H. Prather. for lU-V-'.O) and dccruiiiff lut'.-res' u tpn per rent ;r annum, and citts i f -m suit, and 4R.'.i attorney'!' fees, I will, on Saturday. September a:t, IH!i:i, at the hour of u (. clock p. m., at the t uurti" door in lalle City. Wasco eountv. Orepn. nl at public auction to the hiKheft bidder, lur cau in hand, all of the folluwln described r?a. pn-p erty, tu-wit Lots Hand 10, of lllock s:. of the town of IIoM I'.iver, in said eountv ai.d statt tovether with all the tenements, heredltaiueau and appurtenances thereunto be!ont,'ins. or in any wise apr-.Ttainini:. to sati"fy said judgm ;nt. co-U and attorney fee, aud If the prow-tn thereof are inilthcient u -atlsfy the s.idu , I will also, at said time mid place, anil upon said terms, tell, subject to a mortgage helu bv the said samuel Clark, defendant, all of the fidlotv int; described real property, to-wlf Iit I of the said town of Hood Kiver. T. A. WAitn, "-19w5t SherlfTof Yaco county, Uiwtti. Is called to the fact that Hagh Glenn, Da!er in Glass, Lirue, I'hiHter, Ckjment niul Building Material of all kinds. Currlf the Finest 1. 1 lie iif ere :s a tide in tne affairs of wen which, taken at its floa leads on to fortune" The poet unquestionably had reference to the nw-Oit Sale i J Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and ill l'it- J ent business conducted for moocratc Fees, 'Our Ornec is Opposite U. S. patent orncE J and we an secure patent m 13 112c tiun uose J remote from WishicRton. t Seed model, drawing or photo., with ds:erin- Jtion. We advise, If patentable or not, free of J charge. Our fee not due till patent is seemed. A Pauphlct, "HowtoObUin 1'atents," with Jcos: ot same in the U.S. and foreign countries; ser:t free. Address, mm tt m m OOP. PATENT Off ICE, WASHINGTON, D. C. Picture Mouldingsi Frail! & Ca To he found in the City. 72 Washington Street. W. E. GARRETSON, III at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, Who are solllnc these coocis out at croatiy-rocuicoa ra MICHKLUACH I5KICK, TXION ST. C.A.SNOW&CO. V, K. U'lKiilN. W.M. MA KUKIth. Uliseman & Warders, and IVine Booms mm - jeweler. UI.K AOIINT K4IK Til K MINHNS HK NKW TOWN haf len platted on thr old rmnp itrouud, at the Kork mid Kails of Hixxt river 1th Inrite, nightly Iota, broad nlreJt!itud iilleyii, i?ikI oll and purewiiter.v i!. thadehi profUMon, perfect draluaKCdullk'htful inoillitiiln climate, the cent. id ittlrnctlim an u liioiilitalu Miiniuer report for all OrcKQO, IoiIiib the nearest town to Mt. IIikkI. It In iliipiirullulec im a iniinuUclorlst center, belliK the liatur-il center for 160 upline mllea of the beat cedar MC tlnll.r. , u..kttiti' ,ti illlntiy fif hitrh...,u,i ..r (it I tu iliiuhl m. Ht ri.illilH find Vk falls, cailly Jiaruened. Wliere eli'- .uiitlve power exUtH, there thj iHcuirieN win ( enier,fiurriiuiiii-- ou anil oiiiuaiu inaieaiium" anywhere for fitilt mid ni;ri' mre, mid with triiiiK)rtatlon lf'! you win nun lino tne pi. . io nuuee n perleut Home or it The Dalles, Norttitii'rtt Court Htreetfc. OroRon. corner ot ;i,nin I mill All Watch Work arrantod. Jewelry Made to Order, IMH ml Ht.. Tim DulU., Or. TITLE PERFECT See me on the groi address me at Hoodi Wasco County, Oref. W. RossWinansj HPTTF - llJj DA no Si Daily JUUJJ and Weekly Editions. j 1.N..C.J.J.L . w, . Hotel. THE CHRONICLE was established for tho ex press purpose of faithfully representing The Dalles and the surrounding country, and the satisfying effect of its mission is everywhere apparent. It now leads all othor publications in Wasco, Shop man, Gilliam, a largo part of Crook, Morrow and Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and othor re gions north of The Dalles, hence it is tho best medium for advertisers in tho Inland Empire. The Daily Chuonicle is published every eve ning in the week Sundays excepted at $0.00 per annum. Tho Weekly Chronicle on Fridays of each week at $1.50 per annum. For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., address THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO., Tlx Xtlle, THE DALLES, OREGON. This Popular House Una lately heon tliorouuhlv roiiovntcd f tint iutic-tl tlirmii'limit . nnd Is now Utt"' uvor iiri'imri-d In fnrtiinh till) Iwftt ' iiccoiniiKulntioiiB of tiny liouao in city, und ut the very low rate $1 a day. Pirst-Class Meals, Olllco of tho fitHt und commodious oppoaWf ji to Dufur, KiiiKBlev, Tygh Volley, WFJ1 Wiirm Siirlnirn and Prlnovllle 1h in theM0 and porHoiiH golnKto Prinuville can' .00 by going on this Stage line- All trains stop here. D. BUNNELL, Pipe Work. Tin Repairs sutf Bool MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE- Shop on Third Street, next door west of Young Blacksmith Shop.