el)c Dalles djratride VOL. VI. Dalles Daily Chronicle. THE DALLES, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1893. NO. 83. Dully, Hunday Kxcopted. HY Lhroniolk PUBLISHING CO M itcond nd WMhliiRttm Btroou, Turin "f Hubcrlitloii Tho 60 lie w TIME TAIILKS. tullriiitil. IntBcrtAtlRUHtC, lf!. HIT HOUND. lC.55r.". Dopiirt 11:00 r.ti. VtbT HOttNII. , ftillSU mill curry piumuiiKcru iuiivu . taint b'OU At m,i aim one nir me 4TA.JKN. L partita, vlii. nuke oven, icuvo aimy I'1-',,., Mltphilll. CullVOll CItV. lCHVU !.'..' v'i I..,- U'.milr. Wnnttiltlii. Wnrm jijJ Tyft'i viilloy, leave dully, except IrJJairnjilc,' W'uih., leave every day of the ltlWPlPUI.li.J .- ,. t Of AH II Ul-n "I ",U .n.j. KKOKKSSIONAI.. 1! RIIIIlKI.I- ATTOKNEY-XT-l.AW OOlCU , CMtHtreut, The Dallcit, Oregon. IU.f KOOnik I- , VTUI JUM nRlullUKi Mliruiice on iiihuiiikuju dmuui ATTOltNKY-AT-LAW. iiuiri. Li, iMlnrioIiiiinio'x building, ti ,Utt(DU, Of- Thu It.r.xiYa. . n.iiUNTtnoTON. n.H.wiuuw. IAV3, HUNTINGTON & WILHON Attoh j jiYn-iT-LAW -(il!lcf, Frenrli'd block over ntNitlonal Hunk. ' ti Dulle. Oreffou. I WIWON ATTOHKBT-JlT-tAW Koom French it Co.'n buuit building, rteeouu Kt. lbc Dallc-t., OrcKolt. .EdllKUlAN MlaM.Kor-ATiucj 1'hyhicuk Itcd hURdKo.'i - (,'iillh miHWurcil promptly, lor nlitht, city or country. OUleo No. Ufcaiid jptnu uiock. v" IK. 0. I). 1)0 A N K - l-IIYMCIAN AND HUH- 'Jion. Olllro, rooiim & una 0 (Jhupmuii Itcalilviii'v ri. K, comer Court una hh iinei. secnid door Iroiii thu corner. ehoum 'J to U A. M., '.! to 5 and 7 to 8 1'. 31. :II1)AM- Iikntist On Riven for the Mliilt'i,s extrnetlon nt teeth. Alno teeth csnwvd aluminum iilate. Rooms; HIku of fiMvn Tooth, Kecnud Street. NOCIKTIUn. fifC') 1.01)1,1., Ml 1&, A s:v mill third Jloiulu) V. A A. M. .Meets if eiieh month ut 7 M.l.rh KoAl AltClI CH APTI'll NO.fi. littets In MiimiuU' Hull the third WcdhcMluy uu minim III. t V Al. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A OKNKHAl. RANKING HUHINKHH he Lottom of Credit issued available In Eastern StateH. Bight Exchango and Telegraphic IrarinforBBoldon Now York, Chicago, St. Louin, San Franclfleo, Portland Oregon, Seattle Wash., and various nointH in Or. ogon and WaNliington, CollectionH made at all points on fav orablu terma. M. bCIIKNCK, 1'renldciit, J. M. l'ATTi:tliON, CiiHtiler. First Rational Bank. VHE DALLES, - - OREGON A General Banking ButdneHH transacted JJopomtH received, subject to Sight Draft or Cheek. Collections made and proceeds promptly lUUIIUfU UII UilJ 1)1 lH)llt!UllUIl. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, San Francisco and Port land. DIRECTORS. I). P. Thompson. J no. S. Sciik.vck, Eij. M. Wiluawh, Gko. A. Likiik. H. M. Beau.. THE DALLES Rational Bank, Of DALLES CITY, OR. President - -Vice-President. Cashier, - Z. F. Moody CuAiti,KS Hilton M. A. Moody General Banking Business Transacted. Sight Exchanges Sold on NEW YORK, SAN FRANCISCO, CHICAGO and PORTLAND, OR. Collections made on favoreble terms ut all accessible points. 1KUN WOOliMVK iw Tin' imiiin tMt, llixxl CumvNo. t,j Mi-ethTuemlny e'vu'li euch wiek tn Irutumlty Hull, ut7::iu p. in. tUMHIA I.OlKii:. !M.8. i n n i- v, eyorv Krlitiiy evening m 7 :R0 o'clock. In K. hull, corner Hi-coml nml i'.,.,,t L,. ImlliK hrotheTH ure welcome. fcouon.Hcc'y. 11. A. Hu.i.h.N. 0. IKNDHHII' I.ODt.K. NO. 0 . k' .,f !..... Icvery .Moniliiy ovenliiR tit 7:: o'clock, in mo h i uiiiii iK, corner of Uonrt nnd Second n. nujiiiiriiiiiir inuniuerM urn nm v In. ftV Vauhk, K. of It, mill 8. 0. C. DI.Jllll.l W). iV'7. K. OK I. ti.tu li. L- lof I', hull tho kt'i.'iinil nml fmirfli W...I..... u. vituil JIIWIIMl Ul 1 mH) ). lit. T,fc?H . ''""'"AN TKMl'KltKNCK U.1IU11 YIII III.'l.l IIVtlFIT KPIIIm. nlli.. .v.v ..1 inu ii.-miiiiK room. Allure invited mm UHliru No. Mil. I n i: r 1l,y, ,'ll,;o,lllKs "i'"- "t b"l nlty Hull All iiro I nvltil IClimilMAN, C. T. U. 0. KI.KCK. So Urn i. i . pw.r. uuiiiib fio, 3. A. O. U. W. MiNitH ,ty ""i11, "V,T Ku"ri(, m Second r'"""""'i uvuiiiiiKn ill i ;m. lit..... mi . ui iiivnntiA, liUitKH, Flnnncler. i v Wrt.MlTH r- oiiiuruiiy iu , :;ju i u,t in thu K. of X W. H. YOUNG, Biacksmiin & wagon shod General Blacksmithing and Work done promptly, and all work Guaranteed. iopse Shoeing a Speciality Wrd Street, opp. Liebc's old Staufl. J. F. FORD, Evanplist, 0J what a comfort it is to havo ready at hand a remedy that never fails to relievo Constipation, and that, without pain or discomfort; and almost immediately cures head aches, and dispels every eymptom of Dyspepsia. Such a remedy is found in Simmons Liver Regu lator not a sweetened compound to nauseate, or an intoxicating beverage to cultivate an alcoholic aiipetite, hut a medicine pleasant to the taste, and perfectly harmless when given to tho smallest child. S. L. R. never disappoints. It possesses the virtues and perfec tions of a reliable remedy of the kind endorsed by eminent physicians. "It affords nie pleasure) to ndd my legti mony to thoso you receive annually In reference to your valuable medicine. I consider Hlmmons Uver Regulator the hem family medicine on the market. I novo tircKcrlbod It with excellent results." Vv F I'akje, 51. D., Tracy City, Tenn. A REIGN OF TERROR A Race War Imminent Near New Orleans, STATE TROOPS MAY BE CALLED OUT A San Francisco Doctor Thought Have Murdered .Addic Giluiour. Minor Mention. to TTJT7 Dully Evcnlnc Chronicle ia reeotmlzod I riLii" ewiciitliilly the home pnper for the reputation. Somen UiVl H S.OCfl of our best nuizeiiK wuicn me eoiuimm of this nnnrn dully for the Mildest lorul tu-H . It rH Kr.K BUceeedK In cleuulnir the field, mid hen mmv in ii)iuiiiriiy una liiijKiriuuce. lake It awhile. you wno uoirt; try noine of Its premium offers. "The Regulator Line" The Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co. Regular m u' thh- KT,;i,c,",tM.VVL,rJ'Hullll,iy "Ilernooii In .oo h. of r. Hull. WSd VHIlKf.VM..i. ........ l'liiK lii the K. of r. Hull. Sunday K nV ' ,lI"yiH,0N No- 167-MooU In fci ,. lllu nrm nnu iniru ntxinua. P't'ieh month, ut :imi v. . rur. uitimciiKH. Ll.'ffIK.,.w.(,IlUIUUI-Kuv. Kathor Hromb- --".. i iwior. Uiw Miifcii ovurv Sundav at HlKli Atiioh ut 10:30 A. M, Veierii at Li!'1'".0ll.l'l'II -Union Street, oppoHlto y H i lirt , m K,l,0i1"',! Heutor. ServlceH iln , v ii a, Hi iiiiii v.iiu r. i. niiimuy "U.ll A. M. Kvi.lllnu Ur...r .... Ifrl,l,.i. .., liZ ,IA1"fIHT "IIDIU1H-H.iv. 0. 1). TAY" "i ! 1 IHtor. .Mornlllir unri-ln.m ,ii-i.rv Huh. lliu iieuileinv ii i Uiihimtii ni. i "!'.u.!l ,l"ur tnoriiliiK HiirvlecH. ' UK Irlday uvoiiIiik at 1'iwlor'ii rent. kcrvluuH In tho court Iiouho lit I ., . LH!.' ,lNr. SDrvleeHovervKundiivat 11 k: h r..'., H'"ly Kuhool after mornluB r- wtriuiKurB cordially Invited, Heatn free. . (:ifiTiiiiiii.... , ii i Ktvi;.; o . u- " "ini.KH, puai.ir. fij ' Kol in f uV,f.Hul",''y mornlUKiit 11 ii. ill, Wia ut is "in . " 1 l'pWortll llyev :; ?,,' J'i J,,f,lt'ur I'leetliit: every li U . " 7:30 o'clock. A cordlul lii. m ' exteudwl by both liustor and ntHinle IW iV1",, " UI-H.:v, oil . , . '.'"" "iiiK in thu .it "iyiiivited'r"H Diiy .., ut iiinunninni tllO COIILfrCk'UtlOlllll at U p. m, All are J-icii'J.i r,.1,.1"",t"r' Hurvlcei h out 1,1 '!;S0 ,',m A t,(,r Ninth Htreet. cei. lit 11 :i)0 n.lil. t'onllul welcome Of Ijch Alolnek, Iowa, writes under date ol Murch 'a, lfcua: S. B. Mu. Mi'ti. Co., Dufur, Oregon. Cfniffiiifji : On arriving home lust week, I found all well and anxiously awaiting. Our little girl, eight and one-half years old, who had wasted uwav to H8 ixumde, is now we II. stronir and vitroroua. aim well fleshed up. S. B. Cough Cure lias done its work well. Both of the children like it. Your S. 11. Cough Cure bus cured and kept away all hoarseness from me. So give R to every one, with greetinge lor all. Wishing you prosperity, we are lours, iilu. & iUltH, J, 1'. f or.u. If you wish to feel frcNh and cheerful, and ready for tho Spring'!, work, cleutihe your ny8tem with the lleiidache and I.lvcr Cure, by tukltiK twooi three .Iohch euuli week. Sold under a positive guarantee. 60 couta per bottlu by ull drugging. House Moving! Andrew Velarde IS prepared to do uny nnd nil kinda of work in his line at roasonablo liguroa. Has tho largest honso moving outfit in Eastern Oregon. Address P.O.Box 181,TheDalles flmiie Wiigfii seminary, Tacoma, Wash. Boarding and Day School for G-irls. Tenth Year Bogius Soptombor 14, 1803, I'or CtituloKUoiiml Vliulttiuu'e, apply to Mrs, Sarah K, White, B-'JUllm I l'rliiclpul, THROUGH Freigni ana Passenperline Through daily service (Sundays ex cepted) between The Dalles and Tort land. Steamer Regulator leaves The Dalles at 7 a. in. connecting at Cascade Locks with steamer Dalles City.i steamer Dalies uny leaves rortiana (Yamhill street dock) at 0 a. in. con neeting with steamer Regulator for The Dalles. I'AH.HKNUKlt HATKH. One way Round trip. .$2.00 . 3.00 Tickets on sale for Long Beach, Ocean Park, Tioga and Ihvaco. Baggage checked through. Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. Shipments for Portland received at anv time day or night. Shipments for way landings must be delivered before 5 p. in. Live stock shipments aolicted. Call on or address, W. CALLAWAY, General Ageut. B. F. LAUGHLIN, Ueueral Mftuager. THE DALLES, OREGON ARTICa SODA WATER AND IOE OEEAM, at whuloimlt quotutloii. At rlKbt vide Mrs, Obnrr'n rontauruut Candies and Nuts SHi Specialties Finest Poanut Roaster In The Dalles 2d Street j.FOLCO The St. diaries' Hotel, PORTLAND, ORCGON. Thin nlrl rmmilar and reliable house lins iwum mitirnlv refurnished, and every room litis boen re papered and repaint, i and newly carpeted throughout. The Iiouho containB 170 rooms and IB aupplied with every modern convenience. Rati reasonable. A good restaurant attached to tho house. Frer bus to and from all trains, C. W. KNOWI.bS, lrop. New Oklkans, Sept. 20. Leading col ored men at a secret meeting appointed a committee to usk the governor for troops for protection against the reign of terror in Jefferson parieh, in tho out skirts of tho city. A mass meeting of colored citizens of the state is called for Monday. There are indications of seri ouh trouble. Jefferson parish has been declared under martial law by tho resi dents. The sheriff, judges, senators and representatives are the leaders of the regulators. It is impossible to learn wnetner ttie murderer ol Julian was captured or burned at the stake. It is believed the state troops will be called out today. Many white women and children have come to the city for refuge Bloodhounds from the penitentiary were let loose this morning in the swamp to track the murderer. On the exact spot where Judge Estopinal fell an iron stake has been driven into the ground, to which the murderer will be tied when caught. Resinous pine fagots surround it, and branding irons are ready with which he will be tortured while bus penueu from the gallows by his arms above the fire. It Looks Like Murder. San Fkancisco, Sept. 20. The police are looking for Dr. Eugene F. West, who they think is responsible for the death of Miss Addie Gilmour, the young woman whose head was found floating in the bay. The police have a theory that Dr. West performed a criminal operation on the young woman which resulted in her death, and that in order to conceal the evidence of his crime he cut the body up and threw it into the bay. Until yeeterday West had an office on Turk Etreet in this city, but he disappeared yeEterday afternoon when the fact was published that the head had been identified. AWAKDS TO OKEOOX. I'rlr.es Taken at the Fair for Native Woods, Ktc. Woiu.d's Faik Gitouxns, Chicago, Sept. 19. Oregon has received tho high est award for a comprehensive collective and commercial exhibit of native woods at the world's fair; also an award for spruce wood pulp of mechanical manu facture by the Young's River Mills of Astoria. The state also received the highest award for the best collective ex hibit of fish, clams in alcohol, mounted aalmou trout, mounted seal, fish in al cohol, painting of Astoria harbor, Col umbia river fishing boat and equipment, model ol Columbia river fishing net and wheels, photographs of tho salmon in dustry, fresh frozen salmon by J. G. Megler & Co., Brookfield, Oregon; canned salmon, M. J. Kinney, Astoria; canned salmon, J. 0. Hanthom, Astoria; canned salmon, Samuel Elmore, Astoria, and canned salmon bellies, Cutting & Co., Astoria. The International Nickel Mining Company, of Riddles, Or., re ceived the highest award for silicate of nickel magnesia. KIO MUST SIFUKKNIJKK. Elai) the ltebel Warnlilim Will lloiu- bar.l It. Lonuon, Sept. 20. Admiral de Mello has sent his ultimatum to tho authori ties at Rio do Janeiro, announcing his intention immediately to thoroughly bombard the city with all his ships un less it is promptly surrendered. This information comes from the agent of a leading banking-house of this city with largo Brazilian interests, and is believed to bo thoroughly reiiublo. Tho dispatch adds that Rio is in the ut most consternation and dismay. Citi zens are fleeing to tho country with such of their belongings as they can carry. Merchants are packing goods in cellars preparatory to following them. Con sulate representatives of the powers are using their utmost ell'orts todissuado the rebel commander from carrying out his threat, but so far without avail. Heavy pressure is being brought to bear on the local authorities to induce them to sur render, as it is considered folly to resist, the forts being unable to do anything against the rebel gunboats, and the land urtillery is unable to reach them from their shelter bohind the islands in tjio bay from which they throw Bholls into tho city. It ia recognized that to hold out means simply tho destruction of tho city without auy compensation or ad vantage to Pcixoto. In tho meantimo three rebel vessels reached Santos, and after a sharp fight succeeding in landing a strong force of marines, and at the time the dispatch waa sent were endear oringto take the city bv assault, witl probabilities of success. The Indian anil the Fhonogrnph. Wind-in-the-Face, chief of a body o Flathead Indiana, along with a number of liis subjects, aaw his first phonograph a few days ago at Missoula. After con siderable persuasion ho was induced to sing into the receiver the war chant of his tribe. Ho began with a low, monot onous "Hi-ya, he-ya, ho," but warmed to his work as he proceeded. After he had concluded connections were made so that Wmd-in-the-tace nnd hia at tendant braves could hear tho reproduc tion of the song. Gravely nnd some what suspiciously they inserted the tubes in their cars nnd waited the result As the sounds of the chant that for ages had incited their forefathers to battle reached their ears1 they were at first alarmed and muttered something about bad machine," but as the emphatic tones of their chief coming from the little wax cylinder rang out the tocsin, they became enthused and kept lime to the alleged music with feet and bodies until it seemed as if a war dance was to be executed then and there. But they didn't leave the machine until the chaut was ended, and then they almost hugged each other in their delight, and even at tempted to embrace Mr. Hartley, to bis terror. They wanted more, and a cylin der was inserted that gave them "Drill. Ye Terriers." This pleased them im mensely, and they laughed as heartily as an Indian ever laughs, though they probably didn't understand a word of the song. They now regard Mr. Hart ley as a great medicine man and want to adopt him into their tribe. Spokane Review. Senator Dolph'g New 11111. Washington, Sept. 19. Senator Dolph today introduced a bill to extend the time for purchasers of lands within the limits of the forfeited Northern Pa cific land grants until January 1, 1S97, and a bill to authorize the state of Ore gon to import machinery for a jute mill free of duty. The time having been once extended for the payment of lands and such exemption from duty beinu unueual, the chances for either bill are poor. When you're languid and dull In the j-priug of the year, When fctoinuch nnd liver nro ull out of Rear, When vou're stupid ut mora and feverish at nitrht. And nothing gives icllnh nnd nothing goes right, Don't try any nostrum, elixir, or pill, Golden Medical Discovery" Jut lilK tho bill. The surest and best of all remedies for all disorders of the liver, stomach and blood, is Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. A Good Thine to Keep ut Hand. From the Troy (Kan.) Chief. Some years ago wo were very much subject to severe spells of cholera mor bus ; and now when we feel any of the symptoms that usually precede that ail ment, such as sickness at the stomach, diarrhwa, etc., we become scary. Wo have found Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy the very thing to traighten one out in sucli cases. We are not writing this for a pay testimonial but to let our readers know what is good to keep handy in the house. For salo by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. Strength ami Health. If you are not feeling strong and healthy, try Electric Bitters. If "la grippe" haa left you weak and wear;, UBe Electric Bitters. T hia remedy acts directly on liver, stomach and kidneys, gently aiding thoso organs to perform their functions. If you areafllicted witli sick headache, you will find speedy and permanent reliof by taking Electric Bitters. One trial will convince you that thia is the remedy you need. Large bottles only 60c. at Snipes & Kineraly's rug store. A Good Word. Mr, J. J. Kicn,, HlmrpMmrg, l'u., Dour .Sir; I urn glml to my a mioit word for Kruut.u'8 llendiicho Ciiiisulo". After MiH'erlliK for over three yenid with iiruto neuralgia ami Its eoiiheiiuent insomnia, (which sceini'd to b.illlo tlieellorta of wimeof our best ph)ieiuui) you Miggestiit this remedy whii'hgiiNO mo almost in. stunt relief. Word lull to cxiilt'ss the pialso I should like to bestow on Kruuso's llcmluuho Capsules (irutefully Youis, uis, in ii, iiui..nr..', .Moutiose, l'n, NEWS NOTES. Five more dead bodies were found on tho strip, nil having perished from prairie fires, nnd two more nro reported to have killed eacli other in a quarrel over a claim near Crosa. In a fight with two stragglera at Helena, Mont., Major Wyman, agent for tho Crow Indians, received n bullet wound in tho breast. Tho major's es cort of Indian police killed tho two as sassins. Ono of the dead men waB Ted Hamilton, of Dillon, Mont. Tho cable attached to tho cage in Wighton'a coal shaft, near Morrisdale, Pa., broke today, when the cage waa near the top. Seven miners who wero in it fell 133 feet to the bottom. They were all terribly wounded, but so far only one death lias resulted. The Peoria opera house burned, caused by an explosion of fireworks dur ing the play of "Michael Strogoff." Twenty-five persons were burned, some seriously and one fatally. The stocks of Schadzki & Sklarek, clothiers, and Woods & Wonderly, dry goods, were destroyed. The total loss is $100,000. Sunday afternoon a very sad case of drowning occurred in Lewis river, about four miles from yEtna nostoffice. in Washington. Tho victim waa Laura, the 10-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Honnes, who live there. Laura, in company with several other children, was playing on tho bank of the river, when she ventured too near the brink and fell into the stream. She was seen by her playmates, who immediately gave the alarm. Heroic efforts were made to save the little girl, but they proved unavailing. She sank, but the body was recovered in about ten min utes; too late, however, for reau8cita-t'tou. LITERARY PEOPLE. Harriett Beecher Stowe, although eighty-one years old, goes calling every day when the weather is fair. Jules Verne is an officer of the Le gion of Honor. The decree conferring the decoration on him was signed just two hours before the fall of the empire. Thomas Nelson Paoi: and bride will make their winter home in Washing ton, but will choose a place equally convenient to Washington and Rich mond for their permanent abiding place. The elder Mr. Kipling designed the queer ornament which is to be seen on the cover of his son's new book, "Many Inventions." The curious little forms which are combined to make the fan tastic figure are prayers. M. Zola has taken to bicycling, and finds that it benefits him by drawing the blood from his brain. One of its chief advantages to him consists in the fact that liis wheel requires such close attention that he cannot give consecu tive thought to study or composition. llucklen'8 Arnica Halve. The best salvo In tho world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For salo by Snipes & Kin- erslv For a lame back or for a pain In tho sido or cheat, try saturating a piece of of flannel with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and binding it on to thu afl'ected parts. This treatment will cure any ordinary caso in ono or two days. 1'ain Uulrn Ueo cures rheumatism. 50 cent bottles for sale by Blakeley & Houghton. The Salutary Effect of Simmons Liver Regulator upon tho system, prostrated by long suffering with dyspepsia, and kindred diseases, is without a precedent. Ita tonic, ind al terative effects are wonderful. Shlloh'a Vitalizer is what you need for dyspepsia, torpid liver, yellow skin or kidney trouble. It ia guaranteed to give you satisfaction. Prieo 7-lc Sold by Snipes & Kinorsly, druggists. WOOD, WOOD, WOOD. Best Kiades of oak, lir, and slab cord wood, at lowest market rates at Jos. T. Peters & Co. (Ollico Second and Jeffer son streets.) Fresh oysters tionery store. ut A. Keller's confoc- Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. Baking Powder ABSOLUTEIY PURE Ii i! mm I Ml