The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 20, 1893, Image 3

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HI i
in1 i
pi 'i
i. it
Perhaps .
It's a Trifle
To Talk About,
We are Selling Goods Cheap.
Latest Styles
Corner Window.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
tutrel h tlm I'lmtorncu nt Tho Dallen, Oregon,
hh kccoiid-ulaM matter.
I nl Ailvrt!nliiK.
lOCi'MtH por tlnu for llrst limcrtlon, ntid 6 Centn
Kr line for each Hubicouoiit Itmertlou,
special nuon mr iuhk uiiiu iioiikui.
All lnca. notice ri-celvcd Inter than 3 o'clock
111 appear the following day.
SKIT. 20, 1893
The Ihtiltf and Weekly Chronicle may
bt found on rt at I. C. Nickehen's store.
City ami Uuuiity Nnwa Kottii of Minor
1 rou with Kruiit alacrity
To oiler her tny Kent,
'Tttim it question whether ohc or 1
Would Maud tijidii my feet,
Wheat iB arrivIiiK steadily.
KdUo'r, the bird warbler, Saturday
Mr. mid Mrs. Kelloeu furnish a splen
did specialty entertainment, nothing of
thu kind llku it on tint roud.
"Shylock," by Irving und Terry, took
awtty irotn Portland about $10,000.
Tickets were $5 each und thu Iiouho wuh
Mr. Clius. I. Keller's entertainment
18 highly spoken of in l'ortland, und we
uro assured on nil hundN it Ih one of tho
bout over given.
Tlie now hewer at tho went end oi Sec-
ond Htruot is nearly completed, und
promises to lie an improvement greatly
needed und desired by the residents in
the vicinity.
Georgo Thompson, a woodohonnnr.
living about one-half mile east of tho 7-
nnie post, near Portland, on the Base
i.itio roud, cut Iiih tliroat from ear to en
with a pocket knife, and will
Thu light rain of Monduv iiieht. ami
Tuesday, amounting In tho country to
wy aoout six-hundrodths of un inch,
toi not injure tho wheat. flH vi' 1 1 u f f n rm
tysoino, and lieaditiL' i
The subject of tho unrmnn nt. flu.
CliriHtiun church tonight ia "Tho Bap
tism of tho Holy Ghoat." What waa
mo deaign of tliia buptiam? Aro tiiero
nn.v subjects 0 this buptiam now? Come
nd let uu hco what tho Scriptures teucli
"poii tltia important subject.
A runaway to-m und spring wagon
rounded up at A. J. Anderaon'a place on
Ulionoweth yeaterduy morning, and an
yot thu owner of them has not put In an
nppeurunco. Tho tracks woro followed
back until a plain road wus roacliod
when it was Impossible to track theui
farther. It is apprehended that tho un
known drivor has met witli un uooldent,
I't'rhupB fatal.
The railroad boys amused themselves
"lis morning trying to harpoon a couple
of stray salmon which had got entangled
n tho shallow waters of Mill creek above
"o bridge. Continued practice and vocal
oncouragemont from tho crowd onablod
ne of the boys to transfix a salmon
a spear. After this amusement
Wfts over, tho crowd dispersed to gather
"Win at tho sound of tho Regulator's
The Union Pacific has an abundance
" ro,l,"K stock tlicBO days. This morn
B tliore wore sixteen engines In tho
found houso, u fow of which wore being
roPlrod, but tho most of them wore
awaiting tho return of busy times.
Some of tho engineers and firemen who
have been waiting all summer for work,
hope to obtain it noon with tho moving
of the wheat crop.
JuBt received a scow load of choice oak
wood. Maieu & Benton.
Htrunce Htirrnumlltic.
They were very diffident and not all
self-euro when they walked the Regula
tor plunk tliia morning. They were
young and may have been brother and
slater, though their actions wero more
like thu bride und groom of a country
precinct. While he was thoughtful of
her comfort, ho waa more afraid of doing
something wrong and not acting just
right, under the battery of eyes ho felt
sure waa directed upon them. Not
winning to intrude, ho kept the lower
deck, and when u truck of freight,
wheeled by 11 deck hand, catno thunder
ing behind them ho convulsively drew
his companion aside, und both backed
up ngainat the aide of the boat ullowing
thu load to pass, botli blushing as red as
poppies. He wub naked why they didn't
go up on tho upper dock und this wus
tiio drat time it duwnud upon him that
ho hud any right up there. Seizing tho
girlisiiVreature by thi arm, lie hastily
made hia way up thu companion way
and, upoit reaching tho top, again stood
undecided what to do. A lady realizing
their difficulty advised tlium to go aft
und enter the cubin. He acted upon
tho advice, but tho prettily varnished
furnishings once moro intimidated him,
and seeing only ladies present, lie left
liia charge and went forward again. Just
na tho bout aturted lie followed u num
ber of men to tho cabin by the atom
wheel, und ub tho huge boat turned in
mid stream to go down tho river, u lust
look revealed him standing beside his
companion, and both faces wore such a
look of radiant rupture and contentment
ub is seldom vouchsafed tliia aide of
JCnul Kittate.
Alexander, Rogers and Matilda Rogers
to H. B. MoFurland. Smith French and
G. E. Williams, lot in Balles Military
Reserve; $310.60.
Chtta. L. und Phoebe Morso to J. W.
Jonos and F. II. Button, 100 acres in
section lt', township 1 north of range 1
east, W. M. ; 800.
Lewis E. Morso to J. W. Jones und 1'.
15. Button, 100 acres in section 32, town
ship 1 north of rungo 9 east, W. M.;
J. E. Rand and L. J. Rand, his wife,
to F, II. Button, b acres in section 31,
township 3 -north of rango Jl eaat, W.
M.i .
Htreugth ud Henltti.
If you ure not feeling strong und
healthy, try Electric Bitters. If "la
grippe" baa left you weak and woorv,
use Electric Bitters. This remedy acta
directly on liver, stomach and kldueys,
gently aiding those organs to perform
their f uuotions. If you are afflicted with
sick headache, you will find speedy und
permanent relief by takiug Electric
Bitters. One trial will convince you
that this is the remedy you need. Largo
bottles only 60c. at Snipes & Kinersly's
drug store.
Shilob's Vitamer i what you need for
dyspopsia, torpid liver, yellow skin or
kidney trouble, It is guaranteed to
give you satisfaction. Prie 74c. Sold
by Snipes & Klnersly, druggists.
Mexican Silver Stove Polish causes no
J. O. Lucky left for the Warm Springs
reservation today.
Rev. Mr. Aleridge proposes to settle
near Mosier and he and family left this
morning for that point. '
Mrs. F. H. LewiB, accompanied by
her friend, Miss Bessie Cram, left for
Portland this morning by Regulator.
Geo. Runyon and L. L. McCartney
left on tho bbat for a down river trip,
and have promised ua someb'ar meat.
Rev. J. A. Speer, wife and son and
Miss E. M. Block of Warm Springe,
catno up on the Regulator last night and
ure in the city today.
Mrs. Kate Howell is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. I). C. Herrin', while on
her way to her home in ABhland, after
visiting in Grant county.
Mr. F. J. Kinghorn, special agent of
the Massachusetts Mutual Life Insur
ance Co., ia in the city, and proposes to
take a trip into the country eoon with
Mr. Chas. Haight of thiB city.
Columbia J H Rorve, Roeeburg; W
T Jones, Portland; Win D Forbes, San
Francisco: E W Armstrong, Camden,
N .1; J W Welch, W B Mywatt, La
Urande; K K Harbison, 1100a Ktver; A
S Day, II Mullen, W Wiggtngton, J W
Linwell, Collins Lauding.
How thu llaltliuuro Oriole ISuiltU Ills
Cozy Su'lnRlng Kent.
The Baltimore oriole is a prince in a
house of princes, suys a writer in
Scrlhner's Magazine. The family to
which he belongs is composed of birds
remarkable either for plumule, note,
nest, eggs nr.habit. Each can claim some
thing curious and original; but tho
Baltimore shines in every one of these
particulars, for In plumage, song and
nest alike he is an especially remark
able bird. When tho earl of Baltimore
became the lord of Maryland his fol
lowers quickly noticed thu correspond
ence between his heraldic livery of
orange and black and the orange and
black of the splendid bird that so
abounded in the new estates, so that,
very naturally, tho numo "Baltimore
bird" was suggested and has been
borne ever since.
His nest is one of the most wonder
ful examples of bird-weaving in exist
ence. His made of separate threads,
strings, horsehair or strips of bark,
closely interwoven into a sort of sack,
and so firmly knit together that it will
bear a weight of twenty or thirty
pounds. In the southern parts of this
bird's range the nest hi suspended from
two or three terminal twigs for pro
tection from numerous enemies, such
as snakes, opossums and tho like; it
is also made six or seven inches in
depth to prevent the eggs being thrown
out by the high winds. But in the
colder north, where tree-climbing foes
are rare, it is hung, not ut tho extrem
ity of tho brunches, but in a cluster of
twigs that affords shelter. It is much
shallower than when exposed to the
wind, but is very thickly woven und
lined with soft, warm materials. Tho
oriole's loud, ilfe-liko notes ringing
from the high tree-tops in tho morning
are an ample refutation of tho old
theory that melody and bright plum
age have never been bestowed on tho
same bird.
Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., San
Diego, Cal., says: "Shlloh's Catarrh
T?miwk' la the first medicine I have
over found thut would do me any good."
Price 60 cts. Sold by bnlpes& Klnersly,
Fresh oysters served in every style at
Columbia Candy l'uetory. tf
Wood I Wood! WooUl v
Boat nualitv fir, oak and slab wood.
Leave ordors at 133 Second street or
corner Third and Union, All orders
promptly attended to.
Maieu & bknto.v.
Ask vonrdealor for Mexican Silver
Stove Polish.
Six Men Getting Out Uock to lio Crunlieil
Next Wrek.
Six men aro now engaged in getting
out rock for the crusher, and tho ma
chine will be started un next week. It
was tho intention of the council to givo
employment to as manv men with
families as possible who are now out of
work, a commendablo action and a very
wise one, since the great utility of tho
work to be done dispenses with the
claim of chanty. Tho committeo on
Etrcets and public property, comprising
Messrs. Kreft, Lauer and Butts, are very
efficient and are directing work the
most important since our streets were
graded up to a level above high water
mark. It is the intention of the city to
supply crushed rock at all street cross
ings, the bad places in the road between
corners to bo filled by tho owners of the
lots adjoining. Tho crushed rock will
be supplied them and the only expense
will be the hauling.
After the city has used the crusher
for a time the county will run it, the
intention being to divide its time
equally between them. The county
commissioners were at great expense
last year in filling up holes in the coun
try roads with manure and straw,
which soon became as bad as ever.
Now when a hole is filled it is fixed for
ever, and the expense is ended.
Tho purchase of the rock crusher is
one of tho wisest investments ever made.
The money expended on roads yields a
higher return than it could in any other
way and the benefits are immediate. It
saves to the producer time, money and
horseflesh, and by reducing the cost of
transportation places him at once upon
a footing where prosperity is easily
within his reach, and when the country
people are prosperous, the cities are
bound to be. Given good country roads
and paved city streets no danger need be
apprehended of retrograding, but on the
contrary, progress will be marked and
Howlers for enterprise, note our rock
crusher, and stow your dismal croakings.
A Disheartened Evangelist.
Rev. Mr. Aleridge closed his meetings
last night. They were not meeting with
that degree of success for which the gen
tleman had hoped, and becoming dis
couraged he abandoned them. His
final lecture was forcible, eloquent and
entirely spontaneous, while an occa
sional passionate outburst showed that
the speaker was suffering keenly from
some cause. Whether it was because of
the indifference of the church people to
himself, which he claimed, the battle
with his own appetite for strong drink,
to which lie once alluded, or a private
disappointment cannot be known, but
it is palpable that he possesses an im
pressionable disposition, which for him
is unfortunate. Himself whole-souled,
earnest and enthusiastic, craving friend
ship and as ready to give it, he yields
easily to unpleasant circumstances, be
comes disheartened, and cannot conceal
it. If his story of himself is true, and
there is no occasion to doubt it, he de
serves that credit which cannot be over
estimated in the light of the proverb,
"He who conquers self is greater than
he who taketh a city." Mr. Aleredge
has drank the dregs of lowest degrada
tion, has been the lowest in the sociul
scale, and his risen again to worth and
respectability. If, as he says, lie has
successfully battled with his appetite
for twelve years, who among us can
compare with him in firmness of pur
pose and rigid adherence to a patli
marked out. The ephemeral existence
of the time-honored New Year resolu
tion, which all have tried, is a trivial
thing to what this man has done. He
deserves the hearty support, moral,
social and otherwise of any community
in which lie labors, and may .the grace of
God, upon which ho relies, preserve
him to the end in sobriety, usefulness
and honor.
Itucklen'i Arnica tiulvtt.
The best salvo in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per box. For sale by Snipes & Kin
ersly Notice.
All persons aro warned not to purchase
one check for $85 to my favor through
French & Co. Stkvb Majaii.
A Uood Word.
Mr. J. J. Keii., SlmrpsburBi
DeurHlr:-! inn i?ld to my u (rood word for
Kruiwe's Headache Cikul"!i. After buflVrliiK
for over three year with acute neuraliflti 't ltn
emuequont Insomnia, (which teemed to hutlle
theellortgof wimeof our bent iihynicluns) you
MiKSOktud thin remedy vhlehKvo me ulinott iu
btant relief. Word fall to exprewi the !rul!.o 1
should like to bestow on Kruiue s Jlcadache
CikUlen (iratefully Youw,
Montroko, l'a.
i rk l
- V
A recent dlioovorjr by an old
.uLfttifJJu fju ihoxuandM of
Ladle: U tho only pcrfoctly
safoaud reliable medic! uo din-
nnwnrn nf untirlnclDlod druintlsU Who
tU'Vt Vi . " " " .
otter Inferior iiiodlclue lu place of thU. Auk tor
. . . . . L. . ,..
COOK Cotton llOOl vumpuuBSt w i4v-
inisn mi mwl 11 contfl in osta-f In lottOT
t M V V WVtw"v W - w - " ' "
and wo wuHoud, waled, byroturnmall. Futlsealoa
oartleulttW in pium euveiujw, w numj uu.,
vtaiuiM. Addxiwit luud Lll y Ooinpsiiv,
ko, u rwner ihqck. uoiroii. ucu.
Bold la Thu Dalits by Blukelcy & Houghton.
For the Fall Trade
Wo aro now ready with a full lino of
Ready-IKEade Clothing,
BlftoSSS?edDress Goods,
and all other kinds of Dry Goods
Wn fim nnt.Pfl fnr thn irruA vnliina un trtvn
in Bleached and Unbleached Muslins.
Sheetines, Prints. Ginirhams. Boots and ( I
Shoes. Hosiery. Gents' Furnishing!', etc.. etc.
The Balance of our Summer Importations now
Clearing Out AT COST.
cor. Court ani secoiJ sts.
Trie Dalles, Oreioi.
Spin i Sner Dry Ms,
Fancy Goods and Notions,
Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes, etc.
now complete in every department.
All goods will be sold at greatly reduced prices.
i. Herbring.
Terms Cash.
.Familiar Faces in a Neiu Place.
Late Special Agent General Land Office.
Parties having Property they wish to Sell or Trade, Houses to Kent, or
Abstract of Title furnished, will find it to their advantage to call on us.
Wo shall mnko n specialty of tho prosecution of Claims and Contests
beforo tho Unitep States Land Oilice.
85 Washington St.
Have You Seen
- THE"
Fine Millinery Goods
112 Second Street.
At tho Old Stand,
Cor. Second and Union Sts.
J-lay, Grail?, peed ar? plou r.
Groceries, Fruits and Seeds.
Gixmx pxld Jox Eggs ex-cX IEqtxI txy
All goods delivered and Promptly.
a. x ;
The California Winehoase,
4 Is now open, and its proprietor will soil his homo- 4
X produced Wine at prices in tho reach of ovoryhody, vL
m Also, best Peanuts to bo found. Goods guaranteed T
4 to be Pure and First-Class in ovory respect.
Thompson's Addition,