The Dalles Daily Chronicle. OFFICIAL 1'AI'EK OK DALIJ58 CITY. AND WASCO COUNTY. SUBSCRIlTloh KATES. BY MAIL, rOSTAOF. rBKl'AID, IN ADVANCE. Weekly, 1 year 1 SO " 6 months 0 o 3 ' 0 60 Ily,lyenr C co " 6 mouths 3 CO per " 0.60 Address all communication to " THE CIIUON- ICLK," The Dalles, Orqton. VALUABLE SESSIONS. rt-onice. OTFICK 110DRS General Delivery Window S a. m. to 7 p. m Ilocsr Order Sunday G 0 .8 a. m. to 4 v. m .9 a. in. to 10 a. m CLOSING Or KAILS trains going East 9 p. m. and 11:45 a. m. ' " West 9 p. xfl. and 5:S0p.m. etaire for Goldendale 7:80 a.m. " " 1'rlnevillo. 5:80a. tn " '"Dufuraud WarmBprlngs ..6:80a. m. " fLeaTlug (or Lyle & Uartland..5:so a. m " " " J Antelope 5:S0a. m, "Krpent fiundar. tTrl-weekly. Tuesday Thursday and Saturday. I " uonaar n eanesaay ana Tiaay. WEDNESDAY, - - SFPT. 20, 1893 WAR IS IN THE AIR. Something is taking place in Europe, bat it is impossible to say whnt it is, because onlv the outward Biens are visible. An exchange Bay 8, to know ex actly what is going on it would be nec essary to know the thoughts of the three personages who are the masters of the situation. These three persons are the cear, the kaiser and the king oi Italy. What is visible, in the first place, is the speech, marked with displeasure and bad temper delivered by the czar on the occasion of the inauguration of the port of Libau, in which Alexander II de clared that the Baltic ought to be in spite of all opposition a Russian lake, the second sign of the times is the hold ing of the German army maneuvers on the French frontiers and the entrance of Emperor William into Metz on the an niversary of the capitulation of Sedan, accompanied by the Crown Prince of Italy. Thirdly, we have the significant iact that the Italian military maneuvers are also to be held on the Italian side of the French frontier, and that the hatred of Italians against the French is con stantly on the increase. Besides all these outward and visible signs we have the fact that England is again protesting more loudly than ever, against the policy of France in Siam, .and now seems inclined to refuse what Bhe was only a short time ago ready to accept. A recent expression by a noted diplomat that "it looks as if Europe was holding a dress rehearsal, in order to find out what she would be able to do against France in the event of a war" sums up in a few words what is now present in the thoughts of everybody. The part played by Italy caused much anxiety during the disorders following the Aigues Martes troubles. Immedi ately afterward the Italian government asked for the advice of Germany, Aus tria and England, all of which govern ments advised moderation and calmness. It seems incredible to everybody, how ever, that such a petty riot, without any real importance, and occurring at such an insignificant place, should have been made use of to bring on a war. Personally, King Humbert is very hostile to France, and it is in accordance with his wish, and in spite of the udvice of ministers, that the Italian crown prince went to Metz to witness the German army maneuvers a few days since, a fact which is today causing no little vexation in France. Most of the fine coral known to com- I merco is obtained by divers along the coast of Italy. Diamonds to the value of over five million dollars were sold in one lot re cently by the Dc Ueora company, of South Africa, to n syndicate. The topaz took its nnme from a Greek word meaning guess, Rince the ancients could only puoss at the local ity where this beautiful stone was ob tained. The finest specimen of nntlve gold ever found was in a Ural nugget, , which gave nearly ninety-nine per cent, of gold, the balance being silver and copper. TnE value of coral depends much up on its color, which varies from the most delicate flesh or pink to deep crimson. The pale shades arc the most ! rare and highly prized. 1 When IMzarro sacked Peru many gems were obtained, but a monstrous emerald, as large as an ostrich egg, i called the "Great Mother;1 was hidden j by the natives, and has never been , found. 1 The gold mines of Peru were so rich , that Atahuallpa, to buy his ransom, filled a room 22x17 feet to a height of 0 ' feet with golden vessels. When j melted they produced S15.4S0.710 of gold. . ; TiiEnn is an unknown quantity of . silver in the bay of Rio de Janeiro, j Brazil, a silver mine, in fact, of com- i paratively speaking unlimited dimen- j sions, and every ship that drops anchor j VIGOR of HEN EmII), Quickly, Ptrmantntlr Restored. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, ami all the train of evil from early error or utcr cicomm, Uo tfUll of orerworfc. Blcktirm, worrr.etc FulUtrengtb, development and tonr RlYen to every organ and portion of the body, simple, natural method . Immediate Improvement seen. Failure lmpolb!e. 2.000 rarereace. fti. explanation and proofs mailed (sealed) free. ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO. N. Y. William Tell Your Father that wo soil SWEET. ORR St C0S The Dalles Daily Chronicle. HAS A FAMILY OF 2000 BEADEBB. They rend The Chronicle to get the latest and most tellable i.ews. And they rend every line that Is In the paper. That la wlmt miiLo- the Chronicle nn Invaluable advert! lnp medium. The newspniicr that goes to the family firesides Is the one fl that the advertiser of today pntronlie when they desire to reach the people. When they want your trade their announcements will be found In the paper. Ixk over our columns und observe the verifica tion of the truth of this assertion. Hcmember, a trade of n family of two thousand Is worth asking for through these columns, capclatly so at our very Vest Jumpers, Pantaloon Overalls, Basyfitting PantJ Every "garment guaranteed NEVER to rip! We are also Headquarters for there cuts into the bed of ore. fflhoan ClAiinrb'ic its Dutac Trans are four unique mountains in j Ny j.wuy w.ny lyao. Lower California, two of alum, one of alum and sulphur mixed and one of pure sulphur. It is estimated that in the four peaks named there are 100, 000,000 tons of pure alum and 1,000,000 of sulphur. dinger A Bone's stages en route to Cloud Cap Inn will locate campers at the best fishing point in Hood River valley, where one can reach Mt. Hood in a few hours and get their mail and provisions dailv. L'tewd Fur Kent. Five rooms suitable for housekeeping with bath. Central location. 12dlw .7. M. Huntington & Co. mm W50. TOR A CASE IT WILL NOT CURE. U Anujrreeable Laxative and NERVE TONIC. Sold by Druggists or sent by mall. 25c. 60c . and SI 00 per package. Samples free TA VA The Favorite TOOTH PCS AV H. W fr tie Teeth and Breath, liic Kr n)" hy Miljf .V Kliifr-I.i Sheriff's Sale. British Guiana wants our surplus Chinamen for her sugar plantations and gold mines and will pay a bounty of $75 a head for them. Let them slide. The white people of the south have since the war been taxing themselves to provide education not only for their own children, but for those of the negroes. Many of the negroes are, with increasing intelligence, becoming prop erty holders, and 6ome of them in Lou isiana have accumulated fortunes of from 50,000 to $300,000. IJy virtue of an execution i"iui! out "f tl': Circuit Court of the state of Oregon for Vui-o county, mi the lfith day of Augit, '.S, In a suit therein rending; wherein J. il. Huntington, administrator ot the estate of SIliis I'rather, de ceased, is plaintiff, and dec. T. I'rather, L. II. Pmther and Samuel (.'lark are defendants uon n decree rendered and entered therein on the 'ith day of June, lMW, ti me directed, commanding me to tell the property hereinafter described as hereinafter et forth, to sitlsly a judgment given by M-id deere' in favor of said plaintiff iritl, against mitl defendants (ico. T. I'rather and j II. I'rather, fot ?ll.'.00 t;d Hccruing interest at ten jer cent, per annum, anil (Si.e mats of said ult, and SIOO.ij attorney's fees, I will, on Siiturduy. Sf ptninlifr gll, 1HU:!, at the hour of 2 o'clock p m., at the Cr urtncnue door in fulle.i City, Wu.-co county. Oregon. cll at public auetiiin to the highest bidder, lor cash in hand, all of tin; following described real prop erty, to-wif Lsita 11 nml 10. of liluok ij, of the town of IIovi hiver, in aid cotintv and state, together with all the tenements hereditaments and uppurteiinncen thereuntil tjelongiug, or in any wheajijKirtaining, to satisfy nld judgment, costs and attorney s feev, and if the prcewis thereof are insuliicient to satisfy the same, I will alto, ot said timu and place, mid upon said terms, sell, subject to a mortg.ige held bv the said Samuel Clark, defendant, all of the follow ing described real prfe;ty, to-wit: U)t 1) of the said town of Hood I'.iver. T.,.. WARD, S-10w3t Sherllf of Wusco county, Oiegon. This Is the Season Of the Year ttlhen Judicious Advertising Pays. Men's, Boys' and Youth s CLOTHING In every size, style and price. HJJILLIflTOO. i J Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all I'at- J ent business conducted for moocrate Fees. Oon Orncc is Opposite ,U. S. Patent oticc' i and we can secure patent in less tiaic Hun those i r . i - if - i. ! ..... r Send model, drawing or photo., with desetip- Jtion. We advise. If patentable or not, free of; charge. Our fee not due till patent 13 secured. i A Pamphlet. "HowtoObuin Patents," with; Jcost of same in the U.S. and foreign countries; ssent free. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO.; 0 Opp. patent Orncc, Washington, d. c. 5 YOUR ATTEHTI05 Is called to the faot that flagh Glenn, Dealer in Glass, Lime, Plaster, Cument and Building Material of nil kindo. 1 Cttrrle th Finest Line of Picture Mouldings To De found in the City. 72 CCiashington Street. W. E. GARRETSON. II " There is a tide in the affairs jof men wkich taken at its flol leads on to fortune" The poet unquestionably had reforonce to the at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, Who are soiling these goods out at greatly-reducod MICIIKMJACH 1JHICK UNION ST. Leaaing Jeweler llll.K A (IK NT I'llll TIU. V. r. H'KKIIAN, WM. .MA KKKKH. Notice. Timber Culture. About 20 yeurs ao threo young men were publishing the Daily Herald in Portland. These young men were Eu gene Semple, A. Y. Ames and Sylvester , I'ennoyer. mere seeme to nave ueen a gubernatorial bee buzzing around the Herald Banctum, for all of thorn have tunce been nominated for governor and two of them elected Semple in Wash ington, Pennoyer in Oregon and Ames in Minnesota. Astoria Budget. V. Office, Thf. Dalmss. AiiLMisr. lo. isr.:'. i Complaint hnvluir been entered at thin (jllitc by ilurrii'ttii JI. iiarshnll I'lctrm Iteiil for failure to comply with law it to limber Cnlturu Kntr;. No. .'ilio, dab-d March 'JO, vj:j, the NW 4 of .Section i, TownWilii i Kurth, I'Mtxo 11 Halt, W. JI ill Viin-o coillltv. Utvxon, with n view to the cancellation of Mid entrv. comet tan t allesinB that defemlaiit has wholly fallui and neslclt to plow or foresiJc or culti vate to crop or otherwise, or plant with trees tree seeds or cutting, during any of the time Miieo uiMKiiii; mi ani entry, any juirt of wild tract, the said juirties are hereby ummoned to api-ear at thin Oilice on the 'Jht ilay of Mctolx-r. 1.(r t. 1. ... .....1.. i . iow,iHivui:fc .. ji,. in reaiHiiiii anil turniin Immunol)- concerniin; ai(i iiiieKeii taiiiire. U-lwit JOHN V. I.KWIS, Iteghter. (iliseman & Warders, (job and Wm Rooms Tho Dalles, Oregon. All Watch Work Jewelry Made arranted. to Order. sF.Sortlm tut Court mrveu. I'oriifr nf wnd und IKK NtfC.l.ll Ht..Th lllllle. Or. Way down in Georgia even the "change" is not what it was cracked up to be. A letter received by a citizen from friendfl in that benighted land saye they are living on persimmons, which pucker up their stomachs, producing fullness by contraction. How long it will be before the stomach discovers the mean trick cannot be guessed, but when it does the simple explanation of a de ire for change will not work. With that organ there ia a good deal of differ ence in the otherwise relative terms change and variety. For a lame back or for a pain in the aide or cheat, try saturating a piece of of flannel with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and binding it on to the affected parts. This treatment will cure any ordinary case in one or two days. Pain Balm also cures rheumatism. 60 cent bottles for sale by Blakeley& Houghton. Use Mexican Silvor Stove Polish NOTICE. iH DALLES In the County Court of the State of Orison, lor Watco County, In the Matter of the Ktatj of f William Hamilton W I hull, UecruKil. Notion U hereby eiveu that tho underfiune, by hii order of the County Court of the H tit to of Oregon, for Wanoo County, made and entered Heptember 7, lfcW, vim appointed executor of the but will and testament of the tuld William Hamilton Wllnon, defeated; all pernoris huvliijr claims against wild indite are hereby noiitied to present the amo with the proper voucher therefor to ment tlieoflicc ol May, Huntington & Wilson, Ihc Dulles, Oretron, within ix month from thoouto of UiU notice. Dated The Dullet, Or., K;pt. 7, iwi. II. H. HUNriNOTON, Kxecutor of Will of Win. II. Wilson, deo'd, 0-hnftt WINHNS HK NKW TOWN him Wn platted on thr old cnnip Rrniind, nt the Forks and i Fnlls of HoikI river, v. itli larL'e, idKbtly loin, broad Ntreetitiiiid Hlloys, rchhI noil ' and pure waters it;. mIhkIc hi 1110(11x1011, jierfectdriiliiiiRc.dellKlitliil iiio'.inlaln climate, tin; centnil attractloii as 11 mountain Miiutncr resort for nil Urw, Im.-1iik the nearext town to Mt. linoil. It ia uupiunllelei! ns n niHiiuliictanil eniiter. iMdnir thn ltiitnnit rimter tnr l.'Jl Nimiiri inlleN f if tin, lHHt t?illsrlQQM timlier, msvssIiik millloim of horxe-iMiuor In Uh iIiihIiIiik hta-iuintsiiJtiW.J inns, eii.iuy niiruenteu. vt nero cni-m niouvo power cxihik, uivie inciories win cemer, Hiirroiiiiiu- nou anil cuiniiio iniuciiiini';" iinywhero for fruit mid iiurl"' 'luri', mid with trnuMiortntloil slnsj you will Und this the : In initko 11 er(ect home or 11 pn;lU gron See me on the address me at Wasco County, On Hoodi TITLE PERFECT W. Ross Wi nan CHRONICLE,' - Hotel. AGENTS WANTED on Salary ail Commtsiion for THE ONLY AUTHORIZED Bitppky of JAMES (i. BLAINE. IlyGAII. UAMIi.TON.Oiis literary executor, with tho co-operation of his family, und for Mr. Dial ue'M Complete Works, ' 'T WIS NT V YKAItH OV OONOItlSHH." and his Uter book, "I'O. LITICAL, UIHOUHMIUNH." One,.. for these 3 BKHT HKLL1NU books in tlw, mr. ket A. K. V. Jordan ot lie., took 112 orders from first 110 calls; agent's profit BlOO, 00. Mrs. Hal lard of O., took IS orders, 13 Seal Hustia. In 1 dav. rofltSSie.iiS. K. N. Itlcu of Mass. took 27 orders n '.' (lavs. Iirorlt 47.St5. J. i'urlrlilm, nt tok -Li orders from 'M calls, protlt W75.SS5, K, A. 1'tilmcr of N. Dak. took orders In :i (Ihvh, tirolltffUH.SSS. KXUI.UHtVK TKKltlTIII t' Klven, Jf you wish to make I-AIKiK MONKV. write immediately for terms to The HENB7 BILL PUB. 00., Jftrwlfl, COJD. Daily and Weekly Editions. THE CHRONICLE was established for tho ex press purpose of faithfully representing The Dallos and the surrounding country, and the satisfying effect of its mission is everywhere apparent. It now leads all other publications in Wasco, Sher man, Gilliam, a large part of Crook, Morrow and Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other re gions north of The Dalles, hence it is the best medium for advertisers in the Inland Empire. The Daily Chronicle is published every eve ning in the week Sundays excepted at $6.00 per annum. The Weekly Chronicle on Fridays of each week at $1,50 per annum. For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., address THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO., Tla Xm11gm, THE DALLES, OREGON. This Popular Home llati lutoly beon thorouifhlv ronovntetl v& furnirihtnl throughout, nud 1h now Wjj' MVur nri'iiiiri'd In fiiriilHii the belt W , t -- - i ihi ncconiinodutioiiH of any liouue In w". city, und nt' tlio very low rate $1 a day. First-Class Meal Offlcu of the fimt und coinmotliotiH oppoelUf to Dufur, Klngflloy, Tygh Volluy, Warm StirintrH un.l Pritinvlllo ifl in tW and porsonH Rolng to rrlnovillo can M.00 by going on this KtHge v All trains stop here. D. BUNNELL, Pipe Wort THi Repairs and W MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE- Shop on Third Street, next door west of Young Blacksmith bhop. il