The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 19, 1893, Image 3

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    It's a 1 Trifle
To Talk About,
We are Selling Goocis Cheap.
Mtest . Styles
Corner Window.
Tbe Dalles Daily Chronicle.
UrsU tlii) l'OKtolllcu nt Tbo DnllcH, Oregon,
I.nrul AilviirtUltiE.
JOCcnti kt liuu (or MrHt Imicrtloii, und 6 Cent
Milne (or nu'h iuibxt'iuunt iimortlon.
Special rates (or long tlniu noticed,
.111 Iocs'. notlcoM received later than 3 o'clock
lll appvnr the (olhiwlng dnr..
KEPT. 11),189.'
The Daily and Weekly Chronicle may
ft found on mile ul J. C Ninkelxen't More.
City anil County New Note of Minor
HUn lilil tier lovely milium lienil
I i m liln inimly ljri;iist.
"I will ln yotitH," hIiu coyly siild,
"Tint tlliK Iiiih utood tliu tt'Ht."
i A light ruin foil at this place luut
opt und thiH morning.
The countrv roads lcndlm from Tlio
IftillL'H are in lino condition, thanks to
'aHt night's ruin.
SultmurHho it Co. shinned from thoir
Btock yurdH, four curs ol mnttoii sheep
lo Um Sound markets.
A number of MonluriteH urn in tmcii
today fur the puriMRu of iiitinwi; tiff Mm
trial of Win. WutHon, which was post-
The Tytrh Hill untile, that
ported badly damaged by tho recent
l-ioiki Durst, Iiiih boon rotmired nt. n.
Biimll expense, and !h in lino condition
If or truvol.
Uuv. Mr. AJoridgo's lecture last night
niH of niiUHiial intorost. Toniclit i
booked for a litiuioroiiH ollbrt. I In in
anient and ontortuinimr sneaker mill n
pipnai Htory teller.
Day llrothors are advertisim? fnr
.1 , . . "
sum ciuss rocic lortunon. It iH supposed
pram una mat their services are ro-
C aired for the direction of tho work in
)'ig up the rock walls in tho canal.
Tlio price of wheat IH iroini in lm Intl.
f"f shoitlv. Kvni'ir mitl
wadHtroot hhvh ho: Oraniro Judd Vnr.
Itter HHVB HO! thn N'nur Vnrlr ....,.,
be Htuo it will go up-thore in no
Place lower for it to go.
Tho II
ntioijut Guard was organized laBt Mon-
evening by Col. Mitchell. A. W.
Gnwim wan elected captain ; S. Ji. Joy,
"fat lieutenant, and II. 15. Thomson,
econd lloutonant. Harney TimoB.
MlHH ltootll. Um liill(.l.tnr nf tlin 1?.f
JJ,lUH Uooth of Newport, Oregon, a
trained kindergartner, oxpeeta to open a
kindergarten in this city, on or about
Ji") 25th inHt. Further particulars may
1,0 obtained of Rnv. R. n. Ritt.ilfr.
. . ....... ,
All editor out wont who iinnrlH liin I
i' per out to "time BiibacrlberB" Bonds a
WH each year. When a second bill is
jent and there Ib no response he takes it
w granted that the subscriber is doad,
an publishes an 'obituary notice" in
"a columns.
A nollmin .o..,.l mil. it.4
t i) mouiiik m nine uvor uigiu
wet from tip to Up, was killed on Mr.
0. Luce's ranch in the John Day
wunlry Saturday. The bird lit down in
alittlftt Hold near the house, and got-
in W,ng8 viy unable to rise
WMwii it Hnd tho womon wnd chlldron
m J 'L'',l,0b(lfty wornlng tho surrounding
'noiintaluB woro dressed in a cont of
',, ,,y ,rtUon flnw. wIu. however, has
" a,lPPwrod. In Fox valley it Is said
that the hiiow measured three inches at
the postoflico. Greenhorn is white, and
will remain so for the remainder of tho
year. Long Creek Eagle, Sept. 15th.
The revival continues at the Christifi
church with unabated interest. Tho
audiences are large and attentive.
Twenty accessions to tho church to dut
with probability of many others to fol
low. Subject tonight, "Adoption."
Baptism will be administered immedi
ately after the sermon.
A waterspout occurred at, or near, the
mouth of Antelope creek, a branch of
Crooked river above town, says the
I'rinevillo News, on Wednesday of last
week, and the water washed enough
rocks and debris down the canyon and
into the bed of th - river to completely
blockade or dam np the channel.
Of Mr. Chas. D. Kellogg, who will
give a concert for the benefit of the Ep
worth league on Saturday, Sopt. 21!d, in
the M. E. church, the Jamestown Ncwb
suys: "mo grainiest ana dchi oi an
was tho bird warbling of Mr. Kellogg.
This was a greut surprise und delight to
the audience. It was surpassingly
beautiful and seemed incredible that
human vocal organs could produce such
an exact imitation of bird notes."
The Statu Insurance Company of
Salem and the Farmers and Merchants
Insurance Company of Albany have
withdrawn from the l'acilic Insurance
Union. The union's purpose was to
compel tho alliance of all companies and
make u trust of the whole thing. Tho
two Oregon companies deserve tho
hartiest congratulations for tho hide
pendent course adopted, and the alii
unco Hhould not be by Oregonians
whose molto ifl "down with trusts."
In his lecture last night Jtev. Mr.
Aloridio spoke of the heroism displayed
by Wulter French in refusing to take
brandy as a stimulant while lying so
low as la btt iu L'reiit dimeer without it.
Tlio boy patient thought so much of his
pledgo and his word that ho would not
violate It at whatever cost, lie was
tlnnllv nvitrimrHitiirlnd throiiL'h the ma
turer logloof tho doctor, who convinced
him it wub only medicinu.
According to tho returns of tho asses
sors tho total valuation of WuHluhgton
b $280,511,2(13. King county has the
'WfiliCBt va uat on. Ki-I.'jn.'JL'li; noxi ih
Pierce, with $15,841 ,'102; Spokane, $118,
090,007; Whitman, $10,757,030; What
com,$12,02414i Walla Walla, $10,030,
020. In Whitman the railroads uro as
sensed at $1(J,000 per mile, nearly double
tne rate lixed by tne Walla Walla board
of equaliration. Columbia county !h
valued at $4,002,180; Franklin, $083,
000; Garfield, $1,581 ,230; Asotin, $583,
420; Adams. $1.744.733. Walla Walla
The Fossil Journal savs: "Tho Gil-
man-Frenoh Land and Live Stock com
pany has sold 1,000 hoad of beef cuttlo
to tne American Dressed Beef Co. of
Portlauu and Troutdale. Tbo cattle nro
to bo delivered in three separate lots of
a train loaa eaoh at Heppner. The boys
started to Heppner Saturday with tho
first shipment of 840 head, which were
received at the Prairie ranch of the com
pany by Hank; Putnam. Mr. Putnam
will return oxt Monday to receive tho
second train lbad. The price paid was
2)46 for steers and 1 for cows, which
will avoruge $30 for the former and
about $18 for the latter.
Captain Sweoney, U. S. A., San
Diego, Gal,, says: "Shiloh's Catarrh
Remedy is tho first medicine I have
evor found that would do mo any good,"
Price 50 eta. Sold by Sulpos & Kinersly.
Can n Fence lit! Torn Down?
The case of the State va. Wm. Watson
for unlawfully tearing down a fence was
continued until Thursday, to enable de
fendant time enough to secure his wit
nesses and gather information relative
to the road involved. The facts are
that the fence in question has been re
peatedly torn down by some party or
parties, which has been the source o"
great annoyance to tho owner thereof,
Mr. J. II. Mosier, who has been com
pelled to hunt stock far into tho moun
tains which escaped from the field. An
interesting point to be decided is as to
whether such fence and road were
legally entitled to exist, and if eo or if
not whether anyone has the right to tear
it down. The case seems to partake
more of a neighborhood quarrel than
any actual criminal intent on the part
of defendant, whose good character
is above reproach.
T. A. Hudson will arrive from
fornia tonight.
A. C. Funford returned from Wapini
tia last evening.
Mr. Andrew Velarde left for the Cas
cade Locks this morning.
JlrB. .1. Champlin of Hood Kjveris tho
guest of Mrs. K. IS. Lytic. i
Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Cooley of Cen
terville are in the city today.
Mr. J. O. Mack left this morning by
tho Regulator lor Independence.
Messrs. Smith French and A. M. Kel
suy departed this afternoon for Antelope.
Mrs. Dora Nickle of Portland was in
the city yesterday, tho guest of Mrs.
Mr. Church of Portland has succeeded
Mr. H. Fisher as 11 rat olllcer on tho
Str. Regulator.
The celebration of Yomkipper begins
tonight with the Jewish people, and
will continue until tomorrow night.
Mr. Roger Sinnott lef last night for
Notre Dame, Indiana, where he will re
sume his studies iu that institution.
Mrs. Geo. Phelps and little daughter
Eva came up from Portland last evening
to viHit her parents, Mr. andrs. Geo.
W. Johnston.
Mr. J. P. Smith, ono of Klickitat's
largo saw mill owners, left this morning
for Chicago and his old homo to visit
among relatives and friends.
"I TKi.i. my boy," said n father, "that
I don't ea re' what culling' ho takes up,
but that he does want to bo uble to do
whatover ho undertakes to do better,
if possible, than anybody else."
"Tin: profit of books," says a wiso
man, "is accordiug to tho sensibility
of the reader. Tho profouudest
thought or passion sleeps us iu a mine,
until unequal mind und heart finds and
publishes it."
Tiu: secret of keeping young Mr.
Jules Simon declares to bo intellectual
work, and in proof of this theory points
to the fact that the members of tho
French Institute are largely hearty and
healthy octogenarians.
It is said of "Sojer" Flynn that his
first appeurauce as u presiding officer
was at u meeting called to arrange for
a Fourth of .Inly celebration, and that
he put the question thus: "All youso
tliat'H exposed to the Fourth of July
plazo say aye, yes or no."
Vrnnli nVHturfl Served ill OVBI'V ftvld lit
Columbia Candy Factory. tf
Wooitl Womlt WotMlI
Boat quality fir, oak and slab wood.
Leave orders at 133 Second street or
corner Third and Union. All ordors
promptly attended to.
Maihu a ui;.stox.
Fresh ovHters at A. Keller's confec
tionery store.
Confidence lining ltmtorcl -- Country
I'roclncr, I'onltry nml Grnln.
TnoitHDAY, September 19th. Busi
ness in the past few days has remained
quiet and not so satisfactory as expected.
There Is, however, a feeling of confi
dence among business men of an early
improvement and activity in trade.
General merchandise quotations are un
changed save in cofTees and rice, which
have experienced an advance recently.
Country produce continues to arrive
freely and prices are steady, with a
downward tendency in eomo kinds.
Fruits, euch as will suffer exporting, are
in fair inquiry at last quotations, ex
cepting peaches, which have declined
and are now quoted at 60 to 75 cents per
The market supply of eggs is eome
what shorter and has an upward ten
dency, although present quotations are
Poultry is in fair demand for export,
and spring chickens are quoted at $2 to
$2.50 per dozen. Old fowls, $3 to $3.50
per dozen. Ducks and geese are out of
the market and no quotations are given.
Turkeys are in fair demand at 10 cents
per pound. Only a few have been
offered at that price.
The wheat market is quite unsettled,
and has a slight tendency to advance
above quotations of today, which are 47
to 48 cents per bushel.
In San Francisco a steady advance on
future deliveries continues, for Decem
ber delivery $1.19, and $1.30) per
cental. The Portland market is slug
gish and comparatively empty, although
some wheat is arriving daily from East
ern Oregon and Washington. The sur-.
plus of America, according to Brad
street, will become exhausted in seven
weeks, if the present export to the
United Kingdom continues unabated.
The great grain centers of the east, in
view of the present condition, are anti
cipating an advance in all cereals on
A Truly Pioneer Woman.
Mrs. Ezra Warren, accompanied by
her Bon and his wife, visited her sister,
Mrs. Wm. Wigle, and her daughter,
Mrs. Jos Crooks, this week. Mrs. War
ren came to Crook county with her hus
band, now deceased, in 1872, and re
sided here about three years. Her
present home is near Brownsville.
It was our good pleasure to meet and
converse with Mrs. Warren. The old
lady is remarkably intellectual, and an
excellent conversationalist. Her his
tory is no doubt familiar to nearly all
people in Oregon. She is now 57 years
of age. At the age of ten years she was
a member of the mission school at Walla
Walla, and was an eye witness to the
massacre that took place there on the
27th of November, 1847. In this Indian
butchery the great Dr. Whitman fell,
and his brave, heroic wife was also a
victim of the tomahawk. Mrs. Warren,
with 51 others, was taken prisoner, and
they were in captivity three weeks.
They were ransomed by Hudson Bay
Company officers, prominent among
whom wub Cajit. Ogden. After their
rescue they were taken down the Col
umbia river in small open boats in mid
winter, and their sufferings were neces
sarily terrible.
At that time the subject of these re
marks was Mies Spaulding. Her
mother and Mrs. Whitman were the
first white womon to tread upon the soil
of Oregon. These truly pioneer woman
crossed the plains in 1830. Mrs. War
ren is master of the native tongue of the
Nez Perces tribo of Indians. She was
born at Lapwai, Idaho, not far from the
present towti of Lewiston, and she is
now the oldest living white child born
on this side of the Rocky mountains.
Princville News.
A Good Word.
Mr. J. J. Kkil, Sliarburu, I'll.,
DeurHir:--I um Kl"'l 1 s,l' n (rood wont for
Kruuhc'd Hendni'lie CupMili. After bullerlUB
for over three vi'itrs with iiciitouenrulRtrt turn its
coiihi'ciuent luhoinnla, (which teemed to baflle
thuellorts of Mimeof our best iihyMcImis) you
MtL'gesteil thin remedy which gnvo mo almost ui
(.tmit relief. Word full to expteis tho undue I
should like to be.-tow on kruiibc's Ilcudacho
CmiimiIcs, (irntefully Yours,
1 .Mrs. K. K, Holmes,
MoutrobC, l'u.
Ask vour dealer for Mexican Silver
Stove Polielu
Tygh Vulley ltoller Flour Mill.
Is in complete repair; always in store
Hour equal to the best. Also old style
coarse and line Graham flour, mill feed,
etc. W. M., Propr.
tll.n.3m .
jfucklen'H Ariuea Halve.
The best ealve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sorea, tetter, chapped bauds, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per Ikjx. For sale by Snipes & Kinersly
The Great BailUa Remedy.
iTompuy ua permanently
euro all form of AVrvou
WcakMU,KmU$Un$, fimrm-
atorrhca, Jmpotency ami all
effect oAbute or Exctuts,
Horn prescribed over 85
oarslu thousands of cases i
i . n ... n . . 1. 1 t f r .
JftfereamtJfitr. (tt mtiMni knoun,
aruBBlst for Wood' Photvhodlnei if ho offers
wi6 worthless modlclno Iu plttoo of thU, leave his
dishonest store, inoloao prlco lu lettor, aud
wo will send by roturu mail, l'rloo, ouo package,
SI l six, CS. One wtUpleaie,io will eure, l'aiupu.
let lu plaiu koolcd euvolope, a eeuts pottage.
Addroag Tho Wood Chemical Co.,
JSl Woodward avenue, Detroit, JllcU.
Bold In Tho Dulles by DliiKcley iV UoUKlitou.
For the Fall Trade
We nro now ready with a full lino of
Ready-IHade Clothing,
BIaoSaS&dDpess Goods,
and all othor kinds of Dry Goods
Wo are noted lor tho good values we give
in Bleached and Unbleached Muslins, "A
Sheetings. Prints. Ginuhams. Boots and ( I
Shoes. Hosiery. Gents' Furnishings, etc.. etc.
The Balance of our Summer Importations now
Clearing Out AT COST.
Car. court ati second sts.
TH6 Dalles, Oregon.
I'll nml Sner Dry Us,
Fancy G-oods and Notions,
Qepts' fun?i5i7ip5 (ooA
Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes, etc.
now complete in every department.
All goods will be sold at greatly reduced prices.
H. Herbring.
Terms Cash.
Familiar Faces in a New Place
Late Special Agent General Land Office.
J)e leal Instate, loap, Iurapee,
Parties having Property they wisli to Soli or Trade, Houses to. llont, or
Abstract of Title furnished, will find it to their ndvantago to cull on us.
Wo shall make a specialty of tho prosecution of Claims and Contests
before tho Unitop States Land Olfice.
85 Washington St.
Have You. Seen
Fine Millinery Goods
112 Second Street.
At tho Old Stand,
Cor. Second and Union Sts.
flay, Graip, peed ar?d plour,
Groceries, Fruits and Seeds.
Oasli paid for lEIssrs and Poultry.
All goods delivered Free and Promptly.
The California Winehoase
Is now opon, and its proprietor will soil his homo- &
X produced Wino at prices in tho reach of everybody. vL
Also, best Peanuts to bo found. Goods guaranteed
4 to bo Pure and First-Class in every respect.
Thompson's Addition.