The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 18, 1893, Image 3

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    p e r h a p s
Its a Trifle
To Talk About,
We arc Selling Goods Cheap.
yT in Plain figures. 1 1
LntoHt Styles
Corner Window.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Iiwoln tlio t'ontolllcont Tlio DhIIvn, Oregon,
ih .itoniI-oIrbh mutter.
I itl Ail vnrtlitliie.
lOCettti pur lluu lor llrnt liMcrtlnn, nnil l Cunta
irllnc (or each ul)c(iieiit iuncrtlon.
SjiccIaI ratot lor lone tltnu notice.
All local noticcK received Inter than 3 o'clock
U1 picnr tho following ilnjr.
MONDAY, " - -
SKIT. 18, lHD.'l
The Daily untl Weekly Chronicle may
be found on ale ri( . C. Niakehen's store.
City mill County Now a Notin of Minor
Important! .
Tin a truth, 'tin n ttntli,
Unity Iiuth :
Vim vu a ulNtur;
Have yon kissed her,
Itnliy Uutli"
Arc you niiltr ie IkihmI tmliiy
'limiiivf Kuntly out tho way,
While your ulster halt it nay,
llaf Until '
'Tin a truth, 'tin a truth,
llaliv (tilth;
( env your pmttle-
Mil your Mttle,
Unity Until'
Hut illil this our hopes ilvHttoy,
I'm a bridle on vnur Joy"
llliln't ji.n 1.1 want a hoy
.lhy iluth '
- Atlaut Constitution.
Tito Kirst National bank of Ktist Port-
llllld OIIOllOll itH lllinru
'.. lllbUlllU.
Tito morning wiih decidedly ccol. ttttd
many fires woro started iti stovca.
Tlio King's Daughters will meet at tho
residence of Mrs. fi. 1.. Brooks at 15
o'clock ), in. tomorrow.
Tho sontonco of J. A. Wounds for at-
tempted blackmail was six months in
!..! i
i. in. inu iiMiirn mti .u....t.... . i
It. lir .
"III. UUlHOIl WIIH 111 town Kjitlinlitv
inin munim. i u ih tiiiirifi(( uitli !.
Im loi'ii iff...... ii .
I H . .. !...
.uusiur IU1U lull t ( own. Ilix trinl
Tl... , .
inu court house wiih crowded hiHt
Wf 4...
hii iijiiipurunce. ilia lecture wus of
w interest anil hoso who ntt.indi.d
"(fi) Will I riiMniil f.. fill...
tuimivi iwi lllhvilll' I'llllil. I III!
niroH will continue throughout tho
ami tho subject tonight will bo
Williams tllld Ton if 111, '(l trnnl- I
lively HjIn Saturday night, tho hoisoa
"oiiiiik irom Mil or & Benton's irorerv
"tore to Leslie
porch poHtH and breaking tho niotit
U1 "nun oil. Thoy wero cmight nt tho
toriiur bolow.
Cllllhy ,)0Ht( Q, Ai I( of Hood I,vor(
wothor with tho Woiiioii'h Koliof
wrjiH and Soiih of VotonuiB' oamp, will
wimp fire and borbecuo fdojtom-
., r -'"' ending with a grand banquet in
; vutiig. Tliol'oat and Koliof CorpH
Of tin. ...n.if ....
....juiuuijr iiiucub nave ueon in-
"Hsu to j)itrtlclputo.
Archio Ktncnld wuh hunting ueur Lu
" "'Hi iuh Hart
'lUOli. anil
britol. ..., . ; '
- .u.irv 1 1 . ii iiiih luunr at 1 1
1 niiui 111 inn loir llPAimt niwl nvm
L I . ---w H.W..MV ..V.
viiuiiiFiir tiniii. a! ..l.nt
u n,v vhiu part.
Tlirco i!1iI1(1b, i T....-.1. nfi
vayUiL' tt-lH. . l
. - u iiunuur iiHiir mm orniiir
Urlllrrn ..1 - "
n- ...wiit oon yeatorUav. and notirod
'liii.llLlLV ni ir. on Mm nwnn.
n 1 ... . - -r w. . . Kiuuill, IIUIII
. ". Alio oldoat of thorn ignited it
"ill It niii.fil. ...i.ii.. .i .
In,,, v,m wuiiu tuo ouior two wore
wobsorverB. Tho oxploalon burnod
mSlY ill tllO 0VO8. lir. irnlllfltnr
Dr. Jfolllutor wiih
calltid, who attended to their injuricH,
and it ih boliovod they will escape per
manent dififlgiirumunt or injury.
Subject of the Hennon at tho Chriatian
church th'iH ovoning is: '"How God
Served the Worm Man and tho Host
Man Alike," or "The Analogy Between
the Convention of Saul of Tarmis and
CorneliuH, the Centurion." The worm
and thcbcHt uion in tho community arc
t'HjHicially invited to he present.
Some of our horses that will take, part
in thu fair beginning Oct. 10th will ho
Serrotta, Itockland 15oy and Nehalein,
owned by J. 0. Mack, Little Joe, owned
by Mr. linnnett of Hoppner, and Jllucl:
Prince, owned by I'hil ISrogan. All of
thuiu have good records and will make
it at least interesting for all competit
A communication to tho Oregoninu
from S. IJ. Greene givoB the niimu to
tho peculiar fish caught here. He bays
the species is known to the Russians ah
the "gorbuscha," whence it gels its
scientific name, "Oncorhynehus Oor-
buscha." Knglish-Hpeakiug people call
it generally the "hump-back salmon,"
and often the "dog salmon." The lat
ter appellation is, however, incorrect,
for the dog salmon is a diU'eient and
distinct species. Ho fears also that the
learned ichthyologists of the Smithson
ian institution, when ttiey receive the
photograph sent will manifest a little
surprise that the sportsmen of Thu
Dalles do not readily recognize the tish.
A C'lily Kmiutmt.
Thu following comprehensive request
from a Nebraska gentleman was re
ceived by tho land otlico today :
"U. S. Land Ollice Will you kindly
send mi) list of lands (uovernmont) tim
ber, mineral and agricultural, remain
ing unsold in your district; also price
per acre, and oblige."
As there are about 800 township-1,
comprising 10,000 square miles, ir i
nearly 7,000,000 acres of lands in tb'
district, and as each township map
would cost about fl, the magnitude of
the request is plainly apparent, and as
the letter did not unclose a check for
if 1,000, tho spirit of the loiter could not
bo complied with, which Mr. Lowia
very much regrets.
Fresh oysters served in every
Columbia Candy Factory.
stvlu at
' tf
Ovku 8100,000 was netted by tho re
cent buIo in Paris of tho collection of
pictures belonging to M. Coquolln
Miss Skmna IIahhih, of Frankfort,
Ky hiiN been naked by .the author of
"Jien-Hur" to Bit for a picture of
In the spring of 188'J a Hungarian
.Tow sent to a Vienna paper a grain of
wheat on yholl ho had writtou 300
words taken from Sissofs book of
Thk Stonohonge monument con
sisted, when entire, of two eirolos and
two ovals, tho outer circle being com
posed of 00 stqnes, eacli from 1U to !20
feet in height.
A I'liiHONKit in tho Montana peniten
tiary at Door Lodge is quite an artist
in wood. Ho carved upon a slntrle
stick the heads of all the presidents of
tho United Mates, and tho likenesses
are said to bo excellent,
Olinuor & JJono's stages on route to
Cloud Cap Iun will locate cumpora at tho
host Halting point in Hood River valley,
where ono can roach Mt. Hood in a fow
hours and got their mall and provisions
dally. Utowd
A imlr of sold nose uluases, with black
cord attached, Reward if left at this
James Brown of Mosier is in town to
day. Mr. Ed McArthur of Antelope is in
tho city today.
Mrs. Grace Taylor of Wallula is visit
iiiK her sister, Mrs. Jos. Peters.
Messrs. M. Jameson and A. Clark
went to Portland this morning.
Mr. Frank Reynolds of Lyle returned
homo by Bteamer Regulator this morn
ing. Mr. C. L. Phillips has accepted the
poeition as purser on the steamer Regu
lator. Mr. Frank French left this morning
to resume his studies at the Portland
Mr. Frank Newcome of Antelope left
this morning for the British Isle tojvieit
relatives and friends.
Mr. Edward Judy of Genterviile,
Wash., made a pleapant call on The
CitiioKici.i: office today.
Mrs. A. M. Baer and son of Walla
Walla, are visiting at the residence of
her cousin, Mrs. S. L. Young.
Will A. Cro9en, son of Mr. J. B.
Crossen, county elerk at this place, left
this morning to attend the Portland
Mr. Win Curtis took a leave of his
parents this mornini; to resume his
studies at the Pacific university in For
est Grove.
Mr. John Bonn left this morning for
Portland, liiivini' been called to tho bed
side of his brother-in-law, who is dan
gerously ill.
Mrs. Mary Wingato and Mr. Ed.
Wingate denarted for Portland this
mottling. Tnoy intend to visit the coast
befoto returning home.
Mr. D. M. Froit'ih returned from Port
land last night where he has been in at
tendance at tlio Deitsine of ins son
Walter, who has been in a critical con
dition for tho past two months. It is
pleasing to know that he is in a fair way
tor permanent recovery'.
Columbia hot"! Otto Broth, E Jours,
W Trotter, Denver, Col ; F R Reynold
and family, J Van Camp, La Camus; F
A Movers, Salem; Walter Press, Alfred
Press.' M Swarte, B Sceoggins, Portland;
lv S Wells, Gold Hill; Mat Gilmore,
Koseburg; Charles Hook, Win Troflin
burg and wife, V Jorge, C E Clark, W
V Trotter, New York; Samuel P Has
lett, Pennsylvania; 11 C McKtimey, N
A Henry,' Pocatella; Mrs Davidson,
Hood River; C A Breeding, Chenoweth.
Wood! Wooili Wootlt
Rest quality fir, oak and slab wood.
Leave orders at Rill Second street or
corner Third and Union. All orders
promptly attendud to.
Maikk & Bknto.v.
All persons are warned not to purchase
one check for $83 to my favor through
French & Co. Btkvu M.uaii.
Stll'Olttll MUll llVUltll.
If you tiro not feeling strong and
healthy, try Electric Bitters. I "la
grippo" has'loft you weak and wea'7,
use Electric Bitters. This remedy acta
directly on liver, stomach and kidneys,
gently aiding those organs to perform
thoir functions. If you are attliotod with
sick headache, you will find speedy and
permanent relief by taking Electric
Bittore. One trial will convince you
that this Is tho remedy you need. Large
bottles only 50c. at Snipos & Kinersly's
drug atoro. ,
Xyjrli Vttlluy Uollor Flour Mill.
Ia in complete repair; always in store
flour equal to the best. Also old stylo
coarse and flue Graham flour, mill feed,
etc. W. M. MoCouKMt, Propr.
For lttiuti
Fivo rooms suitablo for housekeeping
with bath. Central location.
RJdlW J, M, Ihl.NTlNO.TON & Co,
Tim HcRlnnliiK of llio Mnrrleil T.l of
Mr. mid Mr. Orn. Snipe.
Today marks the 40th milestone in
the teamed lives of Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Snipcf. For seven years moro than a
generation they have traveled life's path
way as one, sharing together tho pleas
ures and disappointments, tho joys and
sorrows, the fortune and adversity, in
cidental to human existence. While
they have outlived the ago of romance
their lives have been full of it, and if
properly written would put to bluelt tho
modern novel. Though few would sup
pose It now, their wooing was accom
panied with much the same difficulties
that nowadays are often placed in the
way of true lovers. The father of pretty
Martha Imbler was. not so taken with
the handsome appearance of tho youth
as was the inaid herself, and had for
bidden further social intercourse be
tween them. But then as now "love
laughs at locksmiths," and at 2 o'clock
in the morning, just forty years ago to
day, the determined young man stole
away the no less determined young lady
from the prairie schooner in which she
was supposed to be sleeping, and both
came quickly to The Dalles and were
married. They were fdrgiven, as all
children are under similar circum
stances, and when they settled on a farm
about two miles west of the town, the
"old folks" were among the most fre
quent of visitors. Here Mr. Snipes has
every year since 1854 plowed the soil,
cultivated the crops and gathered the
harvests; here fourteen children were
born ; here three of the number were
borne to the silent grave; and here they
are living today, as devoted after forty
years of a life changful as the kaleido
scope, as when hand in hand they began
life's journey with vows of eternal con
stancy fresh upon their lips. In tho
light of so rare an experience who can
deal in frivolities upon so sacred a sub
ject as matrimony, or gibe with careless
nonchalence upon the marital tie. Mr.
and Mrs. Snipes are now the "old
folks." Fortune has rewarded them for
their lives of privation, danger and toil,
they live to see their children in the
vigor of manhood and womanhood, and
now in the lengthening shadows of the
afternoon of life, yet strong in health
and spirits, honored and eminently re
spectable, they may review their life in
retrospect with few regrets for the past
and a hope for the future grounded upon
honesty, forbearance, charity and every
Christian virtue.
For the Fall Trade
We arc now ready with a full line of
Ready-IKEade Clothing,
Dress Goods,
and all other kinds of Dry Goods
Struct VcndiTH (Jo About with Charcoal
Stoves on Which Children ISake Cukes.
Japan has been frequently referred
to as the "Children's Paradise," and
with considerable justice, for in no
other country is childhood made so
much of, and are children surrounded
by so raan3- devices for their amuse
ment. In every town, according to Dr.
W. D. Eastlake in the Popular Science
Monthly, there are numbers of street
venders and hawkers whose sole cus
tomers are children.
One class of these venders carry two
charcoal stoves, or furnaces, swung in
the conventional manner of the country
from the ends of a pole which rests
across the shoulder. Arriving atn con
venient corner, the load is put down,
and a group of eager children quickly
gather. For the moderate sum of one
or two rin tho children are supplied
with a tiny cup of sweetened batter
and a spoon. Titus equipped, they
proceed to bake their own cookies on
the smooth iron top of the stoves, fash
ioning the dainties into whatever
shape they please, and, when they are
crisp uud'browu, devouring them. The
ante vender also devotes his skill to
children. His "stock in trade" consists
of dried reeds and it quantity of midzu
ante, n sort of malt paste. Some of the
ameisput on the end of n reed and is
molded or blown into some fantastic
shape by the vender. Tho young cus
tomer dictates its to the Jigure, and
butterllies, flowers, gourds, or what
not are shaped from tho sweet paste.
The children, after having satisfied
their taste for artistic design, eat tho
finished work, tlio reed handle prevent
ing their lingers from becoming sticky.
There is another of the child nmusers
that can lie seen in the streets of Tokio
or any other Japanese city. This arti
san mollis fruits, llowers ana vege
tables from colored rice-ilower dough,
and does his work so deftly that it is
really difficult to distinguish the artifi
cial front the real fruit.
This universal love nnd regard for
children is also displayed at every
temple festival, where numerous
booths, trav with toys, Hags and games,
form ulways a prominent feature.
Huold.'ii'H Arniiin Halve.
The best salvo in tho world for cute,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or monoy refunded. Price 25 cents
per Ik)x. For sale by Snipes & Kin-
A rccout discovery bf on old
pliyeiclnu. suoccujuu umu
,uioulWv hu thoutav.dt of
Tsiiltti. Ta tho onlv t)crfootl7
Knf.i and rcllablo ntodlcluo dis
covered. Bowwo of imprlnclploil drureUta wrio
...mitM,.fa In tilnnAnf this. Ask for
uuit .uiwr.u ....-'- . . -w , -
Cook's Cotton Koot Compound, faw no ut(-
Mt, or lucloso 81 anil 0 oouti lu postage In lottor
nwl wo will wad, teaUl, by rutum mail. FulUenlod
uurtlJUlara In !atn cuvolopo, to lailtos only, S
Otatopd, AUdvotd l'ouil Lily Company,
i No. tl l'Ulivr lllocl:, Dotrolt. Mlvu.
Btrltt in Tho PiUIch by Ulnkcloy .V Moutditon.
Wo are noted for tho good values wo trlvo
In Bleached nnd Unbleached Muslins, f
Sheetings. Prints, Ginghams. Boots and ( )
Shoes. Hosiery. Gents' Furnishings, etc.. etc. y
The Balance of our Summer Importations now
Clearing Out AT COST.
cor. court ana secoid sts.
Tie Dalles, Orezon.
SnriM i SniiiiiiHi" Dry Ms,
Fancy Goods and Notions,
Qei?ts' uxxjvjT) (Jood5,
Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes, etc.
now complete in every department.
All goods will be sold at greatly reduced prices.
Trm, ak. H. Herbring.
.Familiar Faces in a Nexu Place.
Late Special Agent General Land Office.
Jtye Ieal Instate, 0ap, Jiurapee,
Parties having Property they wish to Sell or Tr.icle, Houses to Rent, or
Abstract of Title furnished, will find it to their advantage to call on us.
We shall make a specialty of tho prosecution of Claims and Contests
before tlio TJnitop States Land Oilice.
85 Washington St.
Have You Seen
"KT H E:
Fine Millinery Goods
112 Second Street.
At tho Old Stand,
Cor. Second and Union Sts.
J-lay, Grail?, peed apd plojr,
Groceries, Fruits and Seeds.
Oasli 3ELcL for ZED&'' etxxcL 3PoTTltxy.
All goods delivered Free and Promptly.
: . a t : - -
The California Winehouse,
Is now open, and its proprietor will soil his homo
produced Wine at prices in tho roach 01 evorylxxh
Also, best Peanuts to bo found. Goods guarantee!
to be Pure and First-Class in every respect.
Thompson's Addition.