The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 18, 1893, Image 2

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Weekly, 1 year II 60
" 6 months 0 75
' 3 " ON)
DUly, 1 year 6 00
" 6 months 3 00
" per " 0 60
Address all commuulcatlon to " THK OHRON
CCLK." The Dalles, Oregon.
orncK hours
Oencral Delivery Window ...... .S a. m. to 7 j. m.
Money Order
Bjuday i. I)
.$ n. lu. to 4 ti. in.
.J a. in. to 10 a. in.
trains going East 9 p. m. and 11:45 a. in.
' " West op. iii. and 5:S)p. m.
atugo for Goldendale 7:30 a.m.
" " l'rlncvlllo 5:.Wa. m
" "Dufurand Warm Springs
" t Leaving for I.ylo.t liar timid.. 5:30 n. m.
jAuteiopc s:uua. m
Kxcent Sunday.
f Tri-weekly. Tuesday Thursday and Saturday.
I atonaay w eanetuay anu many
vrns followed by
whoso voice lie
continue his re-
SFPT. IS, 1893
Uncle Sam puts the Indian off into
Bome corner and when white settlements
approach his confines, concludes that
the corner is too good for him and litis
ties him off to narrower and more dis
tnnt quarters. There is no hope for poor
Lo onlv to become civilized.
Great Britain will require at least 2S,
000 quarters ot wheat from abroad.
France must import more than twice as
much as she usually does. Germany
already has begun to draw on American
markets for supplies. When nations
thus bid against each other there is a
fair chance for prices to advance.
The following are the nations, accord
ing to the Chicago Tribune, which have
Htopped free coinage since Germany did
in 1S71 to avoid a slump from bimetal
ism to silver monometalism: France,
Italy, Belgium, Greece, Komania, Kus
sia, Austria-Hungary, Holland, Sweden
and Norway, Denmark and Spain.
For the first time in the recent his
tory of this country there is more emi
gration than immigration at the port of
New York. The reputed hard times are
driving many foreigners home. Euro
peans who would be frightened away
from these shores at this time are just
the sort of Europeans the United States
does not want.
Never in the history of the United
States has there been such a rush as oc
curred Saturday on the Cherokee strip.
The mad haste of the settlers is scarcely
to be wondered at when the land is
worth from $25 to $100 an acre without
improvements. There were several
tragedies, as might have been expected,
and for several months there will be
fierce legal fights, besides these personal
Pescatitf.s says he
an invisible person,
hoard uririnp him to
search after truth.
Now they toll us that Nero was not
n monster of cruelty, and that the dis
paraginp accounts which we read wero
written by his bitter enemies.
It is said that the attire of the king
of Siam is worth over one million dol
lars. He has three hundred wives and
eighty-seven children, lie is forty
years of age.
Mascaoni carries about with him a i
whole host of amulets, of ivory, coral
and other materials, and Including a
special collection of unroasted chest-1
nuts warranted to turn off the evil eye.
Mil. Olaostonk, who is n groat ad
mirer of Sir Walter Sc,ott's works, 1
shows by his refusal to desert his old ,
Scotch constituency at the next oloc
tion that ho is continent of his still
prxrso-jsintr. fli, "Ilivirt of Midlothian."
Easily, Quickly,
nnd oil the train of Mils
from early errors or later
excesses, the. refills ot
overwork, nlokitoss,
worry.ete. FullstreiiRtb,
dorolopment ami tono
Riven to every orirati and
portion of tho tuxly.
Immediate Improvement
Been, failure fmpos'lhlr.
2.0UU references. Hook,
explanation and proofs
mailed (tooled) free.
William Tell
Your Father that we soil
flL. "7 .OR tl SB TJ.
wees., una
01.00 per nottlo
Oii-as Coit:li. noiirisoiu'ss.Soro Throat,
Croup riromptiv-! rt-Ilores Whooping Cough
and Astluu.w V r C'onuinj tlon It bngiio
rival; hnsourcd thoutmnNT.McrcaH other,
failed; will cuau von if taken In time. Sold
by Druggists on nir'iarantee. ForLnae TSnck
or Cnest. use SIIII.OH'S I'LASTISK. 25cts.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
They road The Chronlclo to get the latest nnd
most rollutilo i.ews. And they rend every line
that i-i In tho paper. Thnt is what make-i the
Chronicle nn invaluable wlvcrtl ing medium.
The newspaper that goes to tho family
firesides is the ono (i) that the advertisers
of today patronlio when they desire to
reach the ieop!e. When they want your trade
their announcements will be found In the paper.
Iiok over our columns and observe the verlllca
tlon of the truth ot this assertion. Itemembcr,
n trade of a family of two thousand
is worth asking for through these 101
columns, cspcially so nt our very
2l?eap durtisip Is.
Vest Jumpers, v
Pantaloon Overalls,
E)asyfitting Panti
Every garment guaranteed NEVER to rip!
We are also Headquarters for
Have you
itg vou diuirrh ? ThU rornodv is guaran
teed to cure you. Price EOcts. Injector t run
For tale by Snipes & Klnersly.
J. I FORD, Evan
Dcs Moines, Iowa, writes nnder date
March 23, ISM:
S. 15.
Med. Mfq. Co.,
Dufur, Oreiron.
Gentlemen :
On arrivini: home last week, 1 fouiul
all well and anxiously awaiting. Our
little u'lrl, eight and oiie-half years old.
who had wasted away to .'5S jxMinda. is
now wall, strom: and 'vigorous, and well
fleshed up. P. B. Cough Cure has done
its work well. Both of tho children like
it. Your S. B. Cough Cure has cured
and kept away all hoarseness from me.
So !H-h it. fn nverv nut, with inoHti(r.
for all. Wishing vou prosperitv. we arc
Yours, Mit. & Mna. J. F. Foitn.
Ifyouwith to feel freih nnd cheerful, ami read
for the Sprins's work, cleanse your system with
the Headache and Liver Cure, by takiuu two...
three dotes each week.
Sold under a jKjsitlve iruarnntte.
50 cents per bottle by all dnicifli.
It is estimated that the hay crop
year is worth about $1,000,000,000.
indications are that the corn crop
be at least 1,700,000.000 bushels.
value of the crop at 45 cents a bushel
would be about $725,000,000. The wheat
crop of the year will probably bring to
the producers $300,000,000; cotton at
least $250,000,000; oats, .$185,000,000,
and potatoes 125,000,000. In the lan
guage of the esteemed New York Sun,
"We will be happy yet,
You bet!"
The 00th anniversary of the birth of
the Empress Dowager of China was eel
ebrated recently in tho traditional man
ner. .uore man i,uu,uuu pieces ot rei
eilk, 40 feet long and three feet wide
were made in the imperial factories to
be used, according to foreign papers, in
the decoration of the streets of Pekin
The empress, however, told the variou
mandarins that they should not send
her tho usual presents, but should us
the money in relieving the poor. Her
majesty, it is said, gave about $20,000 to
the poor of each province from her own
Sheriff's Sale.
Is the
Of the Year
Men's, Boys' and Youth s
In every size, style and price.
9 unmn j
Ily virtue of an execution issued out of the
Circuit Court of the state of Oregon for Wiitco
county, on the ICth day of Auirii't, in a I
suit therein pending, wherein J. M. IluntitiKtoii,
administrator ot the estate of .--lias I'rather, lie
ceatil, U plaintiff, and Geo. T. 1'rntuer, I.. H I ip''.
l'ratncrami Samuel OlarK are defendants, upon ' 1
day of June, 1S'J3, lo me directed, eoiiimniidiii" ' 4
me to .eii the property hereinafter described a.s
hereinafter t-et forth, to sitMy a judgment iven
by -iid ileere in favor of said plalntitl ami
against mid defend int.i f,eo. T. i'rather and 1
II. I'rather, for I11W.CU nnd Ht-erulni; interest a'
ten jier tent, per annum, and costs of said
suit, and ?10J.(V) attorney's fees, I will, on
Saturday, Septimilirir
Is called to the faot that
Hagh Glenn,
Dealer in Glass, I.ime, PlaBtor, Cement
nnd Building Material of nil kinds.
-Unrrln tlin Flneat I.liif of-
, Picture Mouldings
u There is a tide in the affairs oj men which, taken at Us fid
leads on to fortune"
! Tho poet unquestionably
CloslM-Ont Sale ol
had reference to the
The Vancouver Columbian save : Tho
republicans in congress are beginning to
clamor for Governor McGraw to call an
extra session of the legislature to elect a
United States senator to fill the vacancy
caused by tho rejection of John A. Allen
by that body. Upon partisan grounds
this agitation is based. It is urged that
the senate is so evenly divided that one
vote may give tho republicans the senate
for the next b!x years. "No worse mis
fortune could befall the people of this
state than to be compelled to endure
another senatorial farce. The action of
tho last legislature came near enough
putting the republican party in a hole
and McGraw is too shrewd to risk
Gentlemen; Having tuil'erod a great deal
irom neuiiaenc tor yearn ana oeiuv uiuoie to get
relief until it would wear away of itxelf. 1 taw
Krause iieaaacao uaptuien advert! bed. I tried
mem, anu now am never wiiiiout tnem, flndlu
it the oulvrcmcdv that will sivo relief. Whi-n
bow 11 nd u headache coming on I take u capule
uuniHiijrB iijiu iuu rciiui llisuiniaueoiis. (0'
apcctfully yours, ti II. Wbiqiit. Motion. Man.
'1 ho above letter la only ono of tho many which
o to provo tho remarliablo benelts received from
tic use of Krauso'a Headache Capsules. Any
person Kuti'eilng Irom headache should procure
tbeno capsulea ut once. Beware of imitations;
mi) nvnuiuu are boiu ouiy in uttxen ana liuva the
word Krausoon the label; none other genuine.
Malaria! Ulieases.
Aauro and effectual prevention nnd
care is found in Simmons Liver Regula
tor. It originated in the fjouth, and
there achieved .its great fame for dis-
i of that section,
Fresh oysters
tionery store.
nt A. Keller'a confec-
Scpt.-inlKir ;;.'!, ISO!!,
at ttio hour of 2 o'clock p. m., nt the Courthouse
uooriu uaues utv, Wasco county,
at public auction to the highest bid
in hand, all of the following de-cribei
town of IIkv1 Hlver. in said conntv ami tMt. ' ciiirge,
together with all tho tenements, hemlltameuts
and appurtenances Ihereunlo bclonln);, or in
any who appertnlniii!;, to satisfy said judgment,
costs and attorney .s fees-, nml if the prix'i- It
thereof aro insut!ieient to satisfy the same I
will also, at said time and plare, and upon said
terms, sell, tubject to u mornraire held hv the
saM Samuel Clark, defendant, all of the follow
Ituf described real property, to-wit; I)t I) of the
said town of Hood iliver.
T. A. WAItD,
J-10w5t SherUl'of Wasco county, Oregon.
J Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all l'at. J
ent business conducted for MoDtnATC Fees.
'our ornceis opposite u. s. patent orricc'
iX'iYf... ... .. ?
i reil TirViii Z scaa raoaei, arawinc or pnoio., wuu aescnp-j
.... iiioa. nc larisc. i piiraumi: or oi
. . -J . . .1,1 .1 i . .1 '
Our fee not duo till patent is secured.
t A Pamphlet, "How to Obtain l'atents," with
'cost of same in the U.S. and foreign countries!
4 sent free. Address,
To be found in the City.
72 LQashington Stneet.
Fillip k y
Who aro soiling those Roods out at Rroatly-roclucod rail
Notice. Timber Culture.
L. S, L:;: I'rucr., Tin:, Oi:.,
, , . , , . August 1U, )W. I
Complaint having been eutereil at thlnjincv
byMurrietta M. Marshall against l'reston lletil
or failure U comply with law as to limb-r
Culture Kntry No. 3110, dated March 'JO, ikd,
upon the NWf of Section 'Si, Township 2 North,
Itaugo II Kast, V. M., in Wasco county, Oregon,
with u view to the cancellation of hald entry
contestant allegin" tbat defendant has wholly
falkiland neglected to ploiv or break or culti
vate to crop or otherwise, or plant with trees,
tree nvds or cuttings, during any of the time
since making his said entry, any part of said
tract, tho tmld parties aro herebv Hummomd to
apiar ut this (Jlllce on tho '.'1st day of October.
lblU. at 10 o'clock A.M.. to respond aiidlurnlsh
testimony concerning said alleged falluie.
'J-lw5t JOHN V. J.KWId, Jt03lter.
V. I'. Wl-UHAN,
xvm. ,mai;im;ks.
(diseman & MaFdeps,
Saloon anil Wine Rooms
MM - Jeweler.:
stll.K AIICN'I I'Olt THK
UK NKW TOWN hiif b"cn nlatud on the old ramp ground, nt the Korku nnd
i'iiisoi iioiki river v un iari
Tho Dallos.
All Watch Work
Jewelry Made
to Order.
Court street.
comer of Seciiml mill
l.'lst Ht., The lnll, Or.
In the County Court ol the .State ol Oregon, for
In the Matter of tho Ktutu rr
William Hamilton Wilson, iJcceafccd, i
Notice Is hereby given that the undersiguol
by an order of the Conntv Court if h,. m?,t.. ,.i
urvgun. jor hhsbi wouiity, malo and cntercil
September 7, ib'XS, wa appolnteil executor of the
last will and testament of th Halil wmi,.,.,
Hamilton WlUon, deceasel; all persons having
Claims against (said estate aro hereby noiitled to
iMcmriii win mmv wiwi mo proper vouchers
iiiereior wj mu at wiu omeu oi luvn. iiuiitiii,ir.ti
.. iim.. ,...n... 7...
,,,m,jiii juiji-b, iireKOii, W1W11U llx
luonilu from thocatu of thU notice.
utttei mo uaues, ur., Kept. 7, wxt.
hxeeutor of Will of Win, II. WIImjii, deo'd.
Ke.slithtivinta.liroail Hireetanuil iillcvs. u
and nil n-water. will, .shaduiii nrolutlon. t.T(i'ct ilriilMiiu'C.dellL'litdil i
cumaie, imo eeuuai auraeiiou n h ii iiiihiiikiim siiiiijiht renin lor an ijrr"ui
oih I so I
U'llllf tlui llriiri'Mt. town to Mt. Ilooil. It 1h liuii)iriillili iin n TilalltlfMCturioI
center. lillL' tliti ccmIit fur l.VI soiiatu imIIi-x of tint lM't ciilnrHn4t.' , j
tirnlxT, iMissesslrig millions of horn'-p r in its iln.ililiig atrcjinn and .3
inns, viiiny nariie.Hiieii, wiivru en i moiivo power oxiiilh, tnerc ibcwji
niciorieN win ceuier, utrouuii''i son nun oiltiiatu inaicauuiiiwu
any whero for fruit and ugr' ' lure, mid with trnniortatlou ulrcs
you will Hud llils the plm.u lo makuii perfect home or a paylufl
Bee me on the groi
address me at Hood
Wasco County, Oregoj
W. RossWinans'
AGENTS WANTED on Salary and Commission
Bionraphr of JAMES 6. BLAINE.
OAII. HAMILTON, his literary oxcoutor,
th tho co-oiieratlon of hla famllv. mul fnr u.
Hlalno'a Complete Works, T.tVKNTV VKAKH
or oonuhkmh." and bin later luok. fva.
fnr tluiu. :t niav titi.MKfl i,i. t;. .!. .:.
ket. A. K. 1. Jordan ot Me., took 112 orders; Irom
II mt IhlcalU: agent'a profit llm.IiaU'
ra oi u., took Ja orders', l3BeaiUuttla,Iu.iiiUy,
rolltiie.l0. K.N.HIeoof Ma. tiok2;orilfr
ii '.' daB, profit 47.'J5. J. l'artrldgo of Me.
A. 1'almer of N. Dak. tofik til ohIitk In -a
given. I( you wh to mako I.AItdK MUNKY,
write Jmintaiiatply lor lenim to
ho HENRT BILL PUB, 00 ScrwicJ, Good.
Daily and Weekly Editions.
THE CHRONICLE was established for tho ex
press purpose of faithfully representing Tho Dallos
and tho surrounding country, and tho satisfying
effect of its mission is everywhere apparent. It
now leads all other publications in Wasco, Shor
man, Gilliam, a large part of Crook, Morrow and
Grant counties, as woll as Klickitat and other re
gions north of Tho Dalles, honco it is tho host
medium for advertisers in tho Inland Empire.
The Daily Chuoniole is published every eve
ning in tho week Sundays excepted at $6.00 per
annum. Tho Weekly Chuoniolk on Fridays of
each week at $1.50 per annum.
For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., address
This Popular House
Han littoly Imim tliorouulily ronovuted and i
furninlHMl tliroiiL'liont. nnd Ih now bctt'
afcoiiiinodittloiiH of iiny lioitso lu le I
city, nml at thu very low rW m
$1 a day. First-Class Meals,
Oflleo Of tlm fiiHt nml i-ninmnilloilfl opposition Sj
to Dufur. KluirHlcv. Tvuh Vnlloy, WnP1":
Warm Kiiriniru mid Prlnuvlllo ifl ill the J
and poraoiiH goinj? to I'rinovillo can v
H.(X) by goliiK on thin fituK" He'
All trains stop here.
Pipe Worn, Tin Repair? and m
Shop on Third Street, next door went of Young
Blacksmith Shop.