The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 18, 1893, Image 1

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NO. 80.
tfles Daily Chronicle.
i..1iiv.Hiiiuiy Kxcoptod.
..-Mni.I4 1'UnLISIIlMU UU,
...a WHuliliiKt'Hi Htroou, The
L hirrltr.
.10 00
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m tnt acp1 lhl)-!-jtirr
Detuim ll:oo r. t. W'.N""
-MUlUt curry piiMCUKurH leave
5 .
..-in. rli. Baku Oven, leave ilnlly
.KXTi .mv.---
IV.II.... I. ...... .lul l' .ivflillkf
..c... if . 7 1 H.
roriiiii'i""' -
...MM I rinlMvv.iT.l.llV-()(1h!l!
. llMbUir- . . ......... .
Oci'wtt, The imiu.ii, urrxim.
. iuM. ii ..nil iivut rum
f WWW" , , . ...
tiHH, Knlriuico on wnNiiiiiRuiu nut"
LiUBCiinnn'ii ImlldliiK, up KUIm. The
ri'iruw -onici, Krciicli-n uiock over
itionil Hank ' h Dalle. OrvRim.
iviKnvr attiiiimk- v.iT.i.i w IlnoniK
French A Cu h lunik litl 1 lilltlfC. Keuimd
Fit billet, Oregon.
towico.N, ('all answered promptly.
ItUitv or country, umeo ro. aoniiu
in block. wH
.1). llOAXK-rilYBiniAH AMI) huh-
OMiiu, rootim i nml 0 ChRpmnu
iKcdJvmo h K. uurnur Court and
Ktccti, ktiiiiI ilmir (rum tliu corner.
1119 In 12 A. M.i iMufi 1)11(17 to S 1". At.
IiAt.l. 1)rstint. (nih livph (nr thu
lilr.n extraction ill teeth. AIM) teeth
mtl iltimlnuin plute. iluomv. Hlcn di
iiuoin.pccoiiu mreui.
PiOIK,lM l.i, A K M.-MvolH
liiiul mini Jlonilny hi tin: 1 1 innutli lit 7
n UOYAl. .Vllt'll (!HAlTi:it NO. fi.
i- hi Miinmlc lull tliu third WciluvHiUr
nnthaUl'. M
;t: woodmkn ok Tin; would. -
lliiml t.m Nil. W.MtiitMTueMlHyuvtMi
i k In ! ratc-mtty Hull, aitm ,,, m.
11IA I.OIIUK, NO. 6, 1.0. 0. K.-k,.U.
' Krlilny utciiiiiK nt 7::!0 o'clock, In K.
I. corner Hecoiiii mill Court Htrevt.
K brother me welcome.
II, Hcfl'y. II. A. IIiixh.N. (!.
Hllll I.ODOK, NO. !)., K. of I'.-ilcuth
r AI'".,!1"Jr ovuiiIhk nt 7::w o'clock, in
i ImlldliiK, corner of Court ami Second
o'oimiliiR mumlH-TH urn cordially in-
,. , . W. H. CHAM.
iu.ik. K. of It. nml S. ;. (,
NO. IS'27, K. OK U-Jlwld III K.
ball tliukmiuil mill fmirlli Wwliiin
cli month ut 7::ui i. in.
ION will moot uvury Krlilny ullcrnoou
t it tlio rtvMlliiK room, Allnru IiivIUmI.
Mpi No. Ml, I. O. 0. T.-lteKUliir
vrJrn s m
!,(!. T. K. (.'. FMCCK.Ko
WIHIK NO. II, A. O. U. W.-MwjU
Jim nun, ovur iiciivrn, an Keconil
! uvciiinun in v ;m,
CjiU'liiniiclor. ' 'm'. W.
liViri I PIIM'I V., fl A II . ....
'"turilHy ut 7:30 r. i In tliu K. of I'.
'j-pvuryKiiiiilay ultoriKMiu In
'IflittliuK.of l. Hull.
K ,.: '.'!" ''llrnt nml thlril WuIiioh-
-"inn, in 7;ai) . u,
T"K OlllimillKH.
Lh fN !HU lt(! -Itov. Kittlior HliONH
in.), m uw M"SH "vury Humliiy nt
"igii Mnhb at lOiiMA. m. VcHpcrKiit
""hi.'.".1.',!1,1"" "''"Ion Htrt'ot.oiMHiMlto
' HIUIIIl Keutor. Hiirvlcon
b "i m. nml 7:; r. m. Snniliiy
ii, I'.vonliiK I'ruyor on Krlilny nt
llIw!!?'l,,lll,,.ll,!1I -l,V. O. 1). TAY-
tin I J.! i SI""IB kctvIojii uvury Hub
Hum I1'','"' .Ht l Hllbblltll
e "kM1 ",tor "'ornliiR sorvlceM.
"" hmvIich in tliu court bourn) tt
MM'aih.rli U-0T. W.'o.
v 1 ii u Hi-'rvlccH ovt'ry Kuuilny nt 11
otwiiBiiru liVi '0l)' moruliiK
iiKerHwmlully luvlUsl. BohU (roci
effl JiWl '" ".y nUiKiit 11 ii. m.
w.ini.( by both jMiKtor mill puoplo
WSil,0UrKi!v- J' w JwH
KTluil 1,lly wt 11 '' A ore
Hmi!' J,'lrrn,'L"AN-NliUh treu7,
boo ?Lt'.J?U5tWr "VlOM Ut UiSOH.I.l.
me, 1 ',8U l'"W. A cartllal woluiimo
Lottors of Credit iBHued available in lie
EiiBtom Status.
Sight ExcluuiKo mid Tolegraptiic
TriiiiHforBHoldon Now York.CliiitHgo, St.
IxiuIh, Sun Frunclflco, Portland Oregon,
Hiiuttlo Wiih)i.. and variolic pointa in Or
egon and WaHliington.
Golll'dtioiiH iniwlii ut nil imlntn nn fnv.
orulilu turmn.
first Rational Bank.
A Gunernl Banking PunlneflB traiiHacted
DojiohUb roiMiived, nuhjoct to Sight
Draft or Check.
Collection)) made and proceeds promptly
remitted on dny of collection.
Sight und Telegraphic Exchange sold on
Now York, San FranciHco and Portland.
I). 1. TllOill-HON. Jno. S. Sciience.
Ell. M. WlM.lAMH, GkO. A. LlL'IIE.
H. M. Bkai.Ii.
Hational Bank.
PrcHidont Z. F. Moody
Vice-Preaidont, - Charlkh Hilton
CuHliier, M. A. Moody
General Hanking Business Transacted.
Sight ExchangeR Sold on
Collec.tioiiH made on fuvoreble terms
at all ucccHBihltt points.
acKsmiiii & wagon snop
General HlackHiuithing and Work done
promptly, and all work
Horse Shoeing a Speciality
Third Street, op. Liclic'solu Stand.
7 Moving!
Andrew Velarde
IS prepared to do any and all
kinds of work in his lino at
reasonable figures. Jlusthe
lurgetit honso moving outfit
in Eastern Oregon.
Address P.O.Box 181. The Dalles
: : JBWELEB : :
WntolifH unit Juwulry rtipiitrwl to oidur on
Kliort notlto. mill HUtlHfnutlou K'liiriuituil
Htorti of I. ). NIokolHiin, Sil Ht. Tlio JiU
Chas. Allison,
Denier In
Hoadquarturs at Ohas. Lauor's.
lluvlnif IiiiiI n lino harvest of natural leu--the
bent ill the world. I am uruiiared to limilnli In
uny (iiiiiuttty ami ut bottom pricoM.
Dry Goods
lllllltt. HIlOOK, lllltH, Ktc,
Fancy Ijood ploiion
Ktc, 5 to., Ktc.
Seoond St., The Dalles.
what a comfort it is to
havo ready at hand a
remedy that novcr fails
to relievo Constipation,
and that, without pain or
discomfort; and almost
immediately cures head
aches, and dispels every
eymptom of Dyspepsia.
Such a remedy is found
in Simmons Liver Regu
lator not a sweetened
compound to nauseate, or
an intoxicating beverage
to cultivate an alcoholic
appetite, hut a medicine
pleasant to tho taste, and
perfectly harmless when
given to tho smallest
child. S. L. R. never
disappoints. It possesses
the virtues and perfec
tions of a reliable remedy
of tho kind endorsed by
eminent physicians.
" It nfTortlR mo pleasure to ndd my tonti
mony to thoKo you receive annually In
reference to your valuable medicine. 1
eoiiKlder SlmmotiH JWver Kcgulutor the
bi'Kt lnmlly medicine on the market. I
rtUvo preKcrlbed it with excellent results."
W. F Pauk, M. V., Tracy City, Tean.
Dully KvcnlnB Chronicle 1h recognized
uh cNhuiitiullr the home miner for the
imllen City folks' jriV This 1b not u bud
rcmitiitlou. Homer 1UI VI r. 2.000 of otir bent
oltlzciiH wutch the coIuuiuh of thin
dully for the Hplclent local liewn. It
HiirceedH in cleiinlni: the 1 eld. and hence crow
ill iKiplllarlty and importuiice. Take it awhile,
you who uon i; iry nonie oi us premium oiicrx.
I hence crown
"The Reffulator Line"
Tie Dalles, Portlanfl and Astoria
Navigation Co.
Freipni ana Passenger Line
Through daily sorviee (Sundays ex
cepted) between The Dalles and Port
land. Steamer Regulator leaves The
Dulles at 7 a. m. connecting at Cascade
Ijc1:h with steamer Dalles City.
Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland
(Yamhill street dock) at G a. m. con
necting with steamer Regulator for The
One way $2,00
Round trip 3.00
Tickets on sale for Long Beach, Ocean
Park, Tioga and Nwaeo. Raggage
checked through.
Freight Rates Greatly Reduced.
Shipments for Portland received at
anv time day or night. Shipments for
way landings must lie delivered before
5 p. m. Livo stock shipments solicted.
Call on or address,
General Agent.
Genera! Mutineer.
Candies and Nuts iuw.ttio'ir.,.e
Finest Peanut RoftBtorlnTho Dalles
2 Street J. lULUU rostiiumut.
The St. diaries Hotel,
This old, popular and reliable house
has boon entirely rofurnisho( , and every
room has boon rejwuored and ropaintp'
and newly carpotod throughout, lhe
house contains 170 rooms and Is mi millet
with evory modorn convenience. hnt
reasonable. A good restaurant attached
to tho house. Fror bus to and from nil
C. W. KNOWI.ES, Prop.
Hnnflrcfl Thonsanrl People Rnsli Into the
Cherokee Strip.
Cowboys, in a Fruitless Effort to Turn
Aside the Homcscckcrs, Set the
Prairie Afire.
Akkaksas City, Kan., Sept. 10. One
hundred thousand people settled upon
tho Cherokee strip today. At noon the
signal was given, and the great race be
gan. As far as the eye could roach in
either direction could be seen men
mounted, in wagons, and on foot, closely
packed together, making a solid column
200 feet or more wide in the middle, and
tapering away to a mere streak of black
in the distance. Confusion reigned
everywhere. So closely were the con
testants packed together, the start was
hazardous. Horsemen vvere unseated,
wagons overthrown and pedestrians
prostrated in the mad rush. James H.
Hill, of Kingborn, N. J., was shot and
instantly killed by a soldier at the south
west corner of the Chiloco reservation.
He started into the strip before the sig
nal was given. The soldiers warned
him fo stop, but he did not heed the or
ders and they fired upon him. He had
$500 and it was turned over to the
In the race many men were injured
and some killed. Of the latter, two
were murdered one stabbed and the
other shot through the head. Many
dead horses are on the prairie. Four
new townsites have populations esti
mated at 5.000 each. Others boast pop
ulations ranging from 1,000 to 3,000.
Every desirable claim has at leaBt one
claimant, and many have two or four.
Contests, of course, will be numerous.
The soldiers shot four sooners near Still
water, O. T., and Arkansas City, Kan.
Wugons and freight trains loaded with
supplies followed the settlers into the
strip. Camp fires dot the prairies in all
directions tonight. The drouth has
dried up the streams, and those who
failed to provide themselves with water
are forced to endure suffering.
The KnctR of tlm Late I'initiiclul Storm
Are AVvarliiR Awiiy.
Nnw YoitK, Sept. 15. JJradstreet's to
morrow will say : Stocks of wheat in
the United States wero about at the low
est ebb last week, and now promise to
increase, while supplies in Europe have
already begun to grow. JJradstreet s
editorially expressed views on tho
world's wheat supplies for 1893-94 are
that a small nominal excess of
total surplus as contrasted with the ag
gregate of deficiencies. The United
States and Canada are credited with an
export surplus of 140,000,000 bushels,
und tho United States crop is placed at
440,000,000 bushels. Belief in a domes
tic crop of only 380,000,000 bushels, with
the present export movement, means
our exportable surplus will be exhaust
ed within seven weeks. Wo have
shipped abroad 55,000,000 bushels ot
wheat within the past eleven weeks and
tho demand continues firm. Lxports of
wheat and Hour this week, both coasts,
equal 5,357,000 bushels, against 4,902,000
bushels the week before and as com
pared with 3,384,000 bushels in the
week one year ago and with 0,079,000
bushels two years ago. Business fail
ures in tho United States show for the
third week in succession a heavy check
in the effects of the Into financial storm.
Two weeks ago tho number of failures
was 309. Last week it was 39 and tUis
week only 300.
A .IcaloiiH Widow 'IVriible Keveiigo
Ai'or.s-iw. Ga.. Sent. 10. A sentence
of six months in the county chain gang
was passed yesterday upon Mrs. Kannio
K. Ilonlium. a widow ot uorrooa, ior dis
figuring the face of Mrs. Frank Hughes
by an application of vitriol, i-raiih.
Hughes had been an admirer of Mrs.
Denliam, and when ho married a farm-
nr'a iliuifflltor alio SOUllht ri'VOIlgO. Ml'S.
Donham rode up to Hughes' house on
hm-cnlmek and em!iti!fd tlie unuo in
conversation. Then she throw vitriol
in her face, blinding her and leaving
her disfigured. Tho trial attracted
much attention.
Karl's Clover Root, tho now blood
nni ltior. L'ivos frosliuoss and clearness to
tho complexion and cures constipation.
25c, 50c. and $1.00. Sola ny enipes
Kiuorsly, druggists.
Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., San
Diego, On!., nays: "Shiloh's Catarrh
Remedy is tlie first medicine I havo
over found that would do mo any good."
Price CO cts. Sold by Sntpes & Kinersly.
Political Neve anil Pernonal Mention
at the National Capital.
Washington, Sept. 8, 1893.
Special Correspondence of Tin: Ciuto.vtci.K-
It is quite evident that the senators
who represent tho administration in the.
fight for tho repeal of the Sherman law
will not listen to anything looking to a
compromise. If one is brought about it
will be without their consent. The
course Mr. Voorhces is pursuing in not
attempting to restrict senators in their
right to discuss tho measure to their full
satisfaction, but insisting that there
shall be no gaps in the discussion to
waste time, is approved of by all the
best parliamentarians and tacticans in
congress. They regard it as a proper
course and as one calculated soonest to
bring the bill to a vote. The friends of
repeal believe that the discussion will
soon exhaust itself. They can make no
calculations as to how long the silver
senators can talk, and some of them
think that it may be not until the last
week of this month that a vote can be
reached. Still the administration forces
have an impression that the discussion
is liable to stop suddenly some time and
a vote be reached when not expected.
A distinguished senator who called
on Mr. Cleveland a few days ago said
today : "I told the president that I had
come to get from him a personal refuta
tion or corroboration of these everlast
ing rumors of his agreeing to a compro
mise of some character on the silver
situation. The president said very de
cidedly, 'There is no truth in any
rumor or report of a compromise. You
may deny all such most emphatically.
This repeal bill must pass without con
dition, and it will pass without condi
tion.' He asked me when I thought a
vote would be reached, and I prophesied
two weeks. He said that such was his
calculation also."
One national nuisance has been
abated. It was a verv considerable re
lief to find that the death of the venera
ble and greatly respected Hamilton
Fish, Grant's ex-secretary of state, was
not to be made the occasion of stupid
and unmeaning mummery. To drape
the public buildings in black calico
whenever a former cabinet officer passed
away was without justifical ion from any
point of view. There is just one more
blot upon our national repute in this
connection that should be sponged out,
and that is tho funeral junket and the
funeral eulogy in the case of departed
congressmen. Tho spectacle of a car
load of congressmen flying across tho
country arrayed in crepe streamers and
black kid gloves and surfeited with
champagne and cigars at government
expense has long ago established itself
in public contempt and reprobation.
Such proceedings simply make a jest of
Secretary Carlisle has signed on be
half of the United States the interna
tional agreement negotiated with Canada
for the control of immigration through
Canada into the United States. Treas
ury officials discredit tho statement tel
egraphed from Ottawa that tho Cana
dian government had refused to ratify
the instrument. The document is re
garded as being of great importance to
both countries.
In the senate last week Mr. Teller
created somewhat of a sensation by
making a bitter attack upon the news
paper press of tho country. He ac
cused the press of mendacity in dealing
with tho silver situation, and said that
there aro no longer any great news
papers published in this country or
great editors, such as Horace Greeley
and Raymond; that newspapers aro
now run like manufactories for money
onlv. His remarks wero listened to bv
tho senate with ovident surprise and
created a visible Eensation.
Treasury ollicials aro very much en
couraged at tho improvement in the
financial situation during tho last few
days. Tho total receipts of tho govern
ment during this month havo been $5,-
040,000, tho expenses for the same
period wero !fo,S03,000. Theso largo re
ceipts, together with other evidences of
returning prosperity, aro believed to
show that tho financial cloud has broken
and will gradually disappear.
Rumor is now making nn effort to ad
just Mr. Blount's namo to tho vacancy
caused by the resignation of Hon.
Josiah Quincy. Cah.
Yellow fever continues on the increase
at Brunswick, Ga.
Tho striking shopmen of tho Louis
ville & Nashville railroad, returned to
work today. 1
The grape crop of western Now York
is enormous. Thousands of women and
girls are earning 1 per day gathering"
the crop.
Frederick Getchell, once tho demo
cratic candidate for governor of Iowa,
died in Oakland, California, from blood
It is popularly believed that Franco
has consented to allow Russia to estab
lish a naval station somewhere on the
French Mediterranean coast.
Emperor William has left Stuttgart
for Guens, where he will attend the
Hungarian maneuvers. Five army
corps and three divisions of cavalry will
take part in the maneuvers. No leas
than 142,000 men, with 204 guns, will be
engaged. This will bo the largest
maneuver array known, surpassing the
great French operations in 1S91.
Tho Bowers Dredging company Satur
day completed dredging a deep water
channel at Olympia. It moved 242,000
cubic yards of dirt. The dredger goes
to La Connor Monday to dredge a chan
nel across the Swinotnish flats at the
mouth of the Skagit river. The govern
ment has appropriated $15,000 for the
work: It will give a channel six feet
deep at low water.
Miss Elizabeth Green, of Detroit, a
celebrated beauty, is said to be attract
ing much attention in royal circles,
abroad, and is commended for her in
telligence as '.veil as her handsome
face by the German emperor himself,
Dit. M. A. Chhek, of Orange county,
N. C, is one of the most successful
business men in S!am. Anion"; the
other possessions which he has accu
mulated is a herd of one hundred and
twenty-six elephants, worth an av
erage of one thousand dollars apiece.
Mrs. BA.YARD, the wife of tho am
bassador to England, has already been
successful in her appearance at court.
She made a pleasant impression during
her stay at Windsor, and her charm of
manner and brilliancy of conversation
have won her an enviable place in tho
best London society.
A American, Miss Stella
Dyer, had the honor of playing before
Queen Victoria during- her majesty's
recent visit to Florence. She is a
seventeen-year-old girl who has been
studying the violin abroad for tho past
ton years, and who is regarded as like
ly to take a high place in tho musical
world. Tho queen presented the
fortunate young woman with n pearl
star, a graceful reference to her name.
A (iiiiid TIiIiik tu Keep nt Hand.
l'roni tho Troy (Kniij Chief.
Some years ago wo wero very much
subject to severe spells of cholera mor
bus; and now when we feel any of the
symptoms that usually precede that ail
ment, such as sickness at tho stomach,
didrrhani, et;o., wo becomo scary. We
have found Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhu'ii Remedy tho very thing to
straighten one out in such cases. We
are not writing this for a pay testimonial
but to let our renders know what is good
to keep handy in the house. For sale by
BlaUoley it Houghton, druggists.
fluml Job rrlntliiR.
If you have your job printing done ut
Tin: CmtoMCLK you will have tho ad
vantage of having it done witli tho most
modern and approved type, with which
we keep continually supplied. All jobs
under the direct supervision of one of
tlio most successful and artistio printers
in the Northwest. .
For a lamo back or lor a pain in tho
side or chest, try saturating a pieco of
of ilannel witli Chamberlain's Pain Balm
and binding it on to tho alloc ted parts.
This treatment will euro any ordinary
case in ono or two days. Pain Balm
also cures rheumatism. 50 cent bottlca
for sale by lllakeley& Houghton.
Ask your dealer for Mexican Silver
Stovo Polish.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.