The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 16, 1893, Image 3

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V- i.
And Always Sure of Lowest Prices
Consistent with. Good Articles,
all goods Marked
in plain figures.
Hie Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Atrml n the I'oitotllcuitt Tho Dulles, Oregon,
hh ct:omt-ulMn nmttur.
lineal Ail vitrtlHlnc-
lOCtutit t:r llnu (ur tlritt linicrtloii, ami i CoiiIh
wrllne for each Mibnciiicnt liniurtlon.
Special rates for Ioiik time notices.
.til loan notices rewlveil Inter ttmn 11 o'clock
till appear t!ie lullmvliiK iliiy.
SHI'T. 1(1. lBO.'t
Tltt Daily and Weekly Chronicle may
k found on tale, at 1. ('. Nickelne.n't More..
City nuil County Now Nolo of Minor
Circuit court will convene nt Contlon
on linrifiiiv
Mr. F. A. Seufort brings news of ;tho
Inwning uf mi unknown Indian hoy in
fe river near Ii'ih cannery.
Catalogues of the countv fair nmy bo
nH.iuiiMi oi i no cccrotnrv. Air. .1. U.
. . ... .
muck, or ut 1 in: GiiitoNici.r. olhce.
Win. Tuylor brouirht in some lino
Hungarian ami Hilvor prunes yesterday,
IIU n mini..!.. ..t .1 . i . ...
'im mi tun miLim iiriMiurii u'iiiimi
"i tnu ciiv, i nurc
turkey eggs clustered within u nimn, ..f
six iliellO.H.
Whout iH iH'L'innini' tO lllf! fit l it ii
Hinull way. Sovurul loads wore brouht
111 tn Ml It UMinilwtiiDii.i .....I .. !t i
... . - Mututiwinua mm iii i ii iiv
llUIlt IJIJLI1 HW114M (It t III f t'fti C, t
UI1 HLIJniiril
W. A. Kirby Iiiih itNfmirl Tin
. B1. v ft vrii it
ilk ll ii irnril un f,,, i
1 . .. i "f
UllLthn fnrin Hih-nn 4.1... . i.
" i.iuvn biiiiL liiii lrnii. if unit
Will. 1I0HH. tlm illfillin mnii 1
I . . . . ---- -
mini inn .... i i . . t
VUr UII iUHL Ill-MltH KiMMllil.
. r - n '
,whh utKon to tliouHylum this morn-
-ty oiiuriii wura. l)r. HrnH iih who
OXlllllilllllL' llllVHinlilii n.wl 1, ,.,.,
lJllllliri.,1 ;,,u,..,.. l...r 1. 7 t.i 1 .
. ...... iiu iiuiuru iMUIgu AlUlKUlOy H
Wl'rt thlH inorniiiK.
Ml'MrH. llllhlim-,1 mot U'l
hvu alwiiyH had a Hecrot ilufdro to' etub
well otlior, thoiiKli outwunlly tho boHt
'ntiniis, imvoiuljUHtod tholr jioliticnl
illeruce8, and now Damon and
'ylliliiH aro nowhoro. Hubbard ia a
JOVUlftlul dlimrinrnf timl U'liimllnn u u
'ermlillcuii. 11 fllytlllttlnn tl'Iflinllf 11 tfllf-
If. KolloL'L? lllllvilll miner. U'lilnllnll nr
rbled a "Gavotto" by Smith. Ho
uld iiH probably no othor man in tho
World can iln n 1. t.. 1. in ..
ill ,W ca,mrr ft mocking bird and a
V.-U.U, Wl,oro j,0 concealed thorn wo
" not know, but wo hoard thorn all.
'lols a tcood Hintcer, too, but tho birds
I - lU0K '8 iong away from lilm and
"We tho audience crazy. New York
UHy Herald.
A nair nf nl1 1 I.I l.i.i.
IOOril iiU KIHBBOH, Willi UllltlK
Httoohod. Uewird if left at thin
K. V. M'lllHilii.'H I'roimrt.v.
Tlio lieiru of E. AV. Wilholm filed an
nKrueinont in tho clerk'n odko today,
whorohy onch recelvoH a Hhuru of tho
property of duccaned, without tho 0111
Iiloymunt of an administrator or other
k'Kttl nieaiiH to that end. In considera
tion of Hiich agreement, Josejihino Wil
holm, tho widow of K. W. Wilhelm,
waives her dower riglitH, awdo tho others
whatever rijhtH they may claim iih heh-B.
Tho divlnion iH iih follows:
.loKe)liino Wilholm, a certain note and
niortgaBO given by F. W. L. Skibhe and
wife to Krncst Wilholm, dated July iBt,
185)0, for $2,:i00.
Cutharino Mc(iuinn, a daughter, lotB
t, 5, lC and 17 in block 11, Thompson's
addition to Dalles City.
William Wilholm, a boh, a note and
mortgage given by Win. E. Miller to E.
W. Wilholm, Juno 10th, 18510, for
T. A. Wilholm, a son. no'r, section 12
township 1 north, range M east, W M
containing 100 acres.
II. J. Wilholm, a hoii, hw'.i neV,, so1.,'
uw'a, no'rt 8w';i and inv',( ho1.;, section
!t'2, towiiHhip 2 north, range 1!! east W
M ; 1(10 acres.
lllillidiiy I'urty.
A birthday party was given Mias
Clara Davis last evening at the resi
donee of Mr. and Mrs. Judge ltradshaw
Tho timo wiih very pleasantly passed
with games, music and feasting. Mrs
.ltradshaw honored her niece by some
exquisite piano selections, and the lunch
was enjoyed as only youth can. Those
present were Missus Pearl Williams,
Pearl Itutler, (.ieoigiu Sampson, Alice
Knery, Hva Iloppnor, Lizzie .Sampson,
Itortio Glonn, Kdna Glenn, Clara Davis,
and liny Logan, Willie CrosHeu, Kalpb
Kowland, Wlllio Fredden, Guh Itonn,
Joo Itonn, Freiis .Saunders, Charlie
Fritz, John Woigle and Victor Maiden.
Al viiriim'il J.ntU'if.
Following is tho list of letters remain
ing in tho postollico at Tho Dalles un
called for, Saturday, Sept. 10th, 185):i.
Persons calling for saino will give date
on which thoy wore advertised :
Koiinott Mrx J 10 Drown L L
Gauker P O Johnston Mrs C M
Uohorts Laura A
Fair Ed
llurlbort I Shun
Koberson W C
Smith Miss Ada
Wailultln Grain Mj'Kterlon Tourlnta,
Murry Miss Annio
Wesko Johannes
llaveloy J It
Luttman Hnnrv
Snoling Mrs ltona
oort Job Printing.
If VOn inm. l-l. . . .
ITii n 7 1 printing none ui
v. L""0"ui'K you will have tho ad-
mnii 1 ,mvlnB " dono with tho moat
n.) 'oontinn""y supplied. All jobs
t " "t0 wiroot suporviflion of one of
P0 HlOHt Hll(0,Ua..l ...!
In i. . iiu uriiBnu primers
Mho Northwwt.
M. T. Noi.a.v, P. M.
1'olntn tin Woiiu'ii.
Tho woman doosn't live who can
Fold a letter straight,
Pour half a cup of collee,
Cut her nails with a pouknlio,
Return a borrowod lead-pencil,
Stick to tho point in imminent.
Or keep her handB oH" the driver's arm
if the horses shy.
ltewl Kiute.
W. R. Winuns and wife to Mary A.
Noir, lot 8, block 3, towu of Wlnans ;
The Wilhelm heirs, deeds to property,
as per agreement stated elsewhere.
Uuokleu'a Aruloit Hitlve.
Tho best salve lu tho world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded, Price 25 cents
per box. For sale by Snipes & Kin
orsly Use Mexican Silver Stove Polish.
Mr. It. A. Laughlin of Wapinitia is in
the city today and we acknowledge a
call. Ho reports the beading about
done and threshing well under way. In
every instance the yield has exceeded
estimates and the quality is first-class
in that Bcction.
Several parties who were out in the
mountains this summer outing think
they have discovered coal on the west
em slope of the range. How extensive
and how good the quality is, they were
unable to determine. Some prospectors
passed Wapinitia a few days ago who
had come on the Barlow road 'from the
west. They were equipped with shov
els, picks, etc., loaded on a wheelbar
row, and said their objective point waB
near Mt. Jell'erjon. They were reticent
about further movements.
Niiliiilniin unit Wellington Fight u Draw.
Wo hail with delight indications of an
approaching conclusion to the extended
serial which has been running during
the heated term in The Dalles Times
Mountaineer and tho Albany Democrat
with reference to the comparative igno
rance of each on tho financial question.
The appearance of tho successive chap
ters has been eagerly awaited by the
two editors interested. Now there will
bo space for something people want to
read about. Oregonian.
Mr. Geo. Xolin of Dufur is in the city.
Sheriff Noblo of Morrow county is in
town today.
Mr. E. P. FitzGerald departed this
morning for Portland. ,
Mr. II. Tyreo of Wasco, Sherman
county, called on the Chuonicj.k office
W. W. Walker of Sherman county is
in the city. Heading is not yet finished
in his section.
Mrs. D. L. Cates returned by steamer
Regulator this morning to her home at
tlie Cascade Locks.
Missesa Ella and May Booth, who
have been guests of Mrs. Geo. Thomp
son for a few days, returned to Albiua
this morning.
1101-Kl. AUltlVAI.S.
Skibbo hotel Henry Smith, Sam
llazlett, Jorrv Alban, R E Exeter, W R
Miller, Portland; C Rills, Andy Laid
lock, Silvorton.
Columbia hotel Win Cowley, Baker
City; Thomas Clark, Vancouver; J
Woodrond, Galveston; J Brosius, W
Joss, William Davidson, C Landigas, E
UoiuU'iiu, Hood River; Mrs Brower,
Miss Marv Lusk, Chenoweth ; E Snieder,
Lvlo; L bakes, Mrs Cederson, John
lioidthe, Rowena; Peter Thomas, E
Closwer, Fulda; Wm Woods, Saints
NtrtiiiKtu uud Health.
If you are not feeling strong and
iii-iiltiiv. trv Electric Blttexs, If "la
grippe'' has left you weak and wear';,
use Electric Bitters, this remedy acts
dlrectlv on liver, stomach aud kidneys,
gontly aiding those organs to perform
imir fnnct ons. il you ttreamictea wun
sick headache, you will find Bpeedy and
permanent relief by .taking Electric
Bitters. One trial will convince you
that this is the remedy you need. Large
bottles onlv 50c. at Snipes & Kinerely's
drug store.
Xygh Valley Holler riuur iuiii.
Is in complete repair; always in store
flour annul to tho best, Also old style
coarse and fine Graham flour, mill feed,
etc. W. M, MoCokklb, Propr.
Fur Kent.
Flvo rooms suitable for housekeeping
with bath. Central location.
2dlW J. M. HUNTlMtTOX 0 L-'O,
Tim Itown T.ninlifi InR Cnniinny of South
ern Orf'Kon to Locate Here.
We underctund that'Mr. Rowo, of tho
Rowo Lumbering Company, was In the
city yesterday and examined several
localities for n mill site. Tho one so
lected is near tho mouth of Mill creek,
on tho west, for their saw and plaining
mill and sash and door factory. As far
as tho definite location is concerned wo
were unable to get at the facts. Al
though there may be some truth in the
report, the company have already put
in logging teams, etc. between this
point and the Cascades. A represen
tative informed us that Tho Dalles is
the point selected to erect buildings, etc.
The company will supply the mill
through tho medium of steam barges
and tow the logs.
Rev. Aleridgo will preach in tho
Methodist church at 11 o'clock in the
morning tomorrow, and will lecture on
temperance in the evening at the court
Programme of services at the Chris
tian church tomorrow Preaching at
11 o'clock a. m. ; subject, "The Identity
of the Churchof Chriet." Evening sub
ject, "Death and Judgment." Special
music at each service. The subject of
the sermon this evening is: "The
King's Life Insurance Company."
rirst congregational church, corner
Court and Fifth streets, Rev. W. C.
Curtis, pastor. Services as follows on
Sunday: At 11 a. m. and at 7:30 p.
ra. worship and a sermon. Sunday
school immediately after the morning
service. Young People's Society of
Christian Endeavor at 6 p. m. Topic,
"Our Example, What Shall it Be,"
(Rom. xiv, 21, Matt, v, 16.) All not
worshipping elsewhere are cordially in-,
A Fight With Haulers.
In tho window of Schumacher's gun
store, on third street, is displayed a box
of rattlers taken from the tails of a large
number of snakes found in a den on the
Bouth fork of the Walla Walla river, the
capture of which came near being fatal
to Edward Burcn. while hunting on
the mountains above what is known as
the Elbow, Mr. Burch wounded a large
brown bear, which immediately showed
fight and a race for life was tho result.
Burch ran through the brush and over
rocks down the steep mountain side, and
finally, bruised and tired, he sat down
to take breath. Suddenly the dreaded
warning of a rattlesnake made him jump
to his feet: then another and another,
until the rocks were swarming with
snakes all around him. He proceeded
to fight his way out and killed fifteen,
not, however, without being bitten on
the leg by one huge monster which he
had stepped upon. He went to the near
est bouse and was given remedies, from
whence he was taken to Weston, where
he now lies very ill from the effects of
the bite. The rattles were afterward
cut off from the dead snakes and a por
tion of them sent to Walter Schumacher
in this city. Stateman.
Txik annual manufacture in Europe
at the present time, according to the
latcbt statistics, is something like 1,
850,000 square yards of lookinglass.
Two jiaskkt mills at Dover, Del.,
turned out 1,010 peach baskets per day
during the summer. The work is done
with great ease, rapidity and percision.
The fastest basket maker in the Dover
mills makes from -50 to U00 baskets per
day. lie is paid one cent per basket.
Mrs. ILvuhiet Stiioso, of Whittier,
Cal., last year imported pampas grass
from South America to the ranch and
raised 8 000,000 plumes. Theso make
handsome decorations. One million of
theso were sent to the world's fair.
Sho has exported over 050,000 to Eu
rope. A Hoot! Thing to Keep "t lliintl.
From tho Troy (Knn.j Chief.
Some vears ago we were very much
subject to severo spells of cholera mor
bus: and now when we feel any of tlie
symptoms that usually precede that ail
ment, such as sickness at the stomach,
diarrhtea, etc., wo become scary. Wo
have found Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhtea Remedy tho very thing to
straighten one out in such cases. We
are not writing this for iv pay testimonial
but to let our readers know what is good
to keep handy in the house. For sale by
Blakeley k Houghton, druggists.
Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., San
Diego, Cal., says: "Shiloh's Catarrh
Remedy is the first medicine I have
ever found that would do me any good."
Price 50 cts. Sold by Snipes & KInersly .
OlIiu'Rr Bone's stages en route to
Cloud Cap Inn will locate campers at the
best fishing point in Hood River valley,
where one can reach Mt. Hood in a few
hours and get their mail and provisions
dally. 2tewii
B i
' recent discovery by an old
l)'8lclan, sucettfjwii tuta
ivtoiif'i'j by thousar.tlt of
IauUcs. Is tho only Dcrfootly
sofa ntwl rclliililo nieiUclua l!s-
Boworo of tmjirluolplcd drugalsU who
VU, KVIiHv ' ' "
offer Interior mcxllclnee la ulaco or tan. aik ror
Cook' Cotton Hoot Couipouua, tao no utun
tute, or Inclose $1 oud 0 ccuts lu ostuo la lottcr
nnil wo will sond, soulod, by return ma'.l. Full coaled
nnrtlaulara la Jlnia envelope, to laillea only, 1!
oUuiiju. Ailuroui ! o ml M I V U o i p a n y,
No, U FUhcr lllock, Detroit, illob.
6old InVho Panes by Wiikcley A; Houglitou.
For the Fall Trade
Wo nrc now ready with n full lino of
Ready-Made Clothing
Blao&aSroci Dress Goods,
. and all other kinds of Dry Goods
Wn nrft nntpit fnr tlm crnnrl vnlnoa urn ova
in Bleached and Unbleached Muslins, f
Sheetines, Prints. Glnehame. Boots and ( J
Shoes. Hosiery. Gents' Furnishines. etc.. etc. J
The Balance of our Summer Importations now
Clearing Out AT COST.
Cor. Court ail second Sti.
Tie Dalles, Oregon.
Sps i Snimer Dry Hois,
Fancy G-oods and Notions,
Qer;ts' purpi5l7ir;5 (jood$,
Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes, etc.
now complete in every department.
All goods will be sold at greatly reduced prices.
H. Herbring.
Terms Cash.
.Familiar Faces in a New Place.
Late Special Agent General Land Office.
Jf?e Ieal Instate, loai), Irurapee,
sr . ry"pu Biiio.
Parties having Property they wish to Sell or Trade, Houses to Rent, or
Abstract ot 1 nlu furnished, will him it to their advantage to call on us.
Wo shall mako a specialty of tho prosecution of Claims and Contests
botoro tho Unitep states Land Ofiice.
85 Washington St.
Have You Seen
-J7 THE:
Fine Millinery Goods
112 Second Street.
At tho Old Stand,
Cor. Second and Union Sts.
J-iay, Graii?, peed apd plour,
Groceries, Fruits and Seeds.
Oct is la itd for 3arst etxxci Poultry.
All goods delivered Free and Promptly.
The Calif otfnia Winehoase,
Is now open, and its proprietor will soil his homo
produced Wine at prices in tho roach of everybody.
Also, best Peanuts to bo found. Goods guaranteed
to be Pure and First-Class in every respect.
Thompson's Addition. G- BEG Hi