'I Tiie Dalles Daily Chronicle. OFFICIAL I'Al'KK OK 1W.I.KS CITY. AND WASCO COUNTY. 8UBSOHirT10N k.ytks. BY MAIL, POSTAGE PRKl'AtD, IN ADVANCE. Weekly, 1 year 1 50 " f month o 75 3 " 0 50 DAlly, 1 yCAt 6 00 ' 6 months 3 00 tier " 0 60 Address nil communication io " THE CIIRON ICLK," The Dalles, Oregon. Pot-Ofllce, OFrtCR HOURS General Delivery Window 8 a. m. to 7 p. m. Money Order " S :i. m. to I p. m. Sunday J U " Da. m. to 10a. m. CLOSINO OF MAILS trtins going East 9p.m. and 11:45 a.m. " " West Op. m. and 5:90p.m. Stago for Goldcndale 7:S0u. m. " " Prlnevlllo 5:30 a.m. " "Dufurand WanuSprlnRS ..5:30a.m. ' fLearlng for l.vloA Hartlaud..5:30a. m. " " " t Antelope 5:30 a.m. Except Sunday. tTrl-weekly. Tuesday Thursday and Saturday, t ' Monday Wednesday and Kriday. SATURDAY, SFFT. 10, 1893 Organized gangs of crooks may for a time defy the law and apparently flour ish. But sooner or later their Bins find them out, they become as a stench in the nostrils of the law-abiding, and vig orous measures suddenly drive them from their vantage ground, and they are broken up and dispersed. The exten sive gang of horse thieves operating throughout the Northwest will in good time share a like experience, though they now seem to be thriving. The dis patches tell of even a larger and better organized gang than this that must suc cumb to the law. It is a distillers' anion, a brotherhood of moonshiners which has just been located in North Georgia. It is a strange sort of associa tion, having headquarters in Murray county, and having a membership of hundreds scattered throughout the sur rounding counties. The objects of the association are to protect the members from the government, and to encourage the manufacture and sale of illicit whisky. When a member of the union is arrested, it is the duty of the other members to see that he is released. If the deputy marshal gets one witness to swear that he saw the man making whisky, three or four will testify to an alibi. Each member is bound by an oath signed in blood. He is sworn to kill any member who informs on an other. In this way they hoped to pro tect each other from revenue men, but their secret leaked out, and it has be come necessary to bring prisoners to At lanta for trial to get them away from the influence of the distillers' union. LIGHT SLUMBER. A Htrect Aftcnt'rt Now .Method of Drawing ii Crowd. An exchange stiys tlint a well-dressed man, lenninp tifrtthist n lamp post unci apparently sleeping the sleep of the just, created a prent deal of interest m ii busy London strout the other day. He sat on ti box which he lutd been car rying Evidently being1 suddenly overcome with drowsiness, he had placed the box on the curbstone, and, sitting' down upon it. hud fallen asleep. To those who succeeded in getting close enough to the man his gentle, restful snore dispelled the fear that he might be dead. The side of his face was ex posed and betrayed no sign of intoxica tion, it was the judgment of every one that he was sober, in good health and simply taking n quiet snooze. When the crowd became so deep as to threaten a blockade, the supposed sleeper suddenly jumped to his feet, mounted his box and, flourishing u couple of bottles over his head, ex claimed: "Now, gents, seein' that you are all here, I rise to a question of privilege, and after thankin' you for this most cordial reception, which 1 assure you will long remain upon the tablets of my memory, I wish to call your atten tion to my world-renowued corn and bunion eradieator." ' Here's Jeffersonliin Simplicity. The most frugnl and matter-of-fact government of Europe is probably that of Hulgaria, which, when the national legislature does not happen to be in session, is in the hnbit of hiring out the parliamentary chamber ior theatrical entertainments. The nation al representatives are mostly farmers in a small way, and they are very regular in their attendance, since if the are not on hand to answer the roll-call they forfeit their dally stipend of S3. Fresh ovsters served in everv stvle at Columbia Candv Factorv. tf r. i OTP in vin THE EH-flfl 5 fZFJmL Ik WSSm Reports come of forest fires in Wis consin which are even more disastrous than have occurred on the coast. They tell of an unprecedented destruction of timber, besides the loss of life and prop erty. The originator of a forest fire can not commit a crime more far reaching in its consequences than this. A city may burn, and the lives lost have no effect upon others, while the property materials consumed are comparatively small and may easily be replaced. But when a third of a state is in flames, as Wisconsin is said to be, the results have an influence for all time. Statistics now show that the timber supply of the world is only sufficient for the demands of 300 years, but if it is to be burned in such vast tracts, the estimate will be changed to a paltry figure. Besides this the decrease in rainfall will hasten the end so pitifully described in Camille Flammarion's imaginative but logical tale,"Omega, or the End of the,World." Both democrats and republicans aro now looking about to find good timber for a governor of Oregon, since Sylvester Fennoyer cannot accept a nomination for a third term. Prominent on the re publican side are Hon. O. X. Denny and Hon. J. D. Lee, of Portland. Both these gentlemen are well qualified for filling the gubernatorial chair. To O. N. Denny, Oregon is indebted for the introduction of Mongolian pheasants, hence he has some claim to tho grati tude of this state, besides being a man of inflexible will power and great exec utive ability. West Side. No law can make two unequal things equal. By adopting a double standard, Bllver is sure to fluctuate, and the poorer will drive out the dearer metal. But if gold alone is the standard, it will make no difference what amount of silver is contained in tho dollar, and will always circulate at par. ii i l II hi i"WHli T WS0.FOR A CASE IT VILL NOT CURE. M An aereenble Laxative and N EUVE TON It'. Sold by Druffirlstsor sent by mall. 25c., 50c., and 31.00 per package. Samples free I7f V A The Favorite TOOTS P3T7BX3 ftU Il.VforthoTeettiandIJreatU.25c For gale by Hnlpe Klnernly. VIGOR f MEN Easily, Quickly. Permanently Rettored. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, and all tho train of evils from early errors or later cicesfces. Uie results of overwork, tick num. worrv.etc. FulUtrengilj, development and tcno Riven to every organ nnd portion of tho body, filmple. naturalmethods. Immediate 1 improvement seen. Failure impossible. 2.(U references. Book, explanation and pn-olu mailed (sealed) free. ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO. N. Y. J. I FORD, Evaiiplist, Of l)e Moines, Iowa, wilte tinder dott- n March '23, WM- S. 15. Mkd. 31kg. Co., Dnftir, Oregon. Gentlemen : On arriving home hist week, 1 found all well and anxiously awaiting. Onr little girl, eight and one-half rears old, who had wasted away to "AS pounds, is now well, stroni: and vigorous, and well fleshed up. S. B. Cough Curo has done its work well. Both of the children like it. Your S. B. Cough Cure has cured and kept away all hoarseness from me. So give it to every one, witli greetings for all. Wishing you prosperity, wo are Yours, Mb. & Mns. J. F." Foitn. If you wish to feel fresh and cheerful, and ready for tho Spring's work, cleanbu your nyntein with the Headache nnd Liver Cure, by takinc two or three doeseach week. Sold under a positive guarantee. ! SO cents per bottle by all druiulm. ! Cowmrairr two Stopped tlio progress of Consumption. The best authorities ngroo that it'n n scrofulous affection of the lungs. If taken in time, and given a fair trial, Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery will effect a cure. Tliou sands have been Bavcd by it thou sands moro aro putting it off till too late. For every form of Scrof ula, Jironcliiul, Throat, and Lung Affections, Weak Lungs, Severe Coughs, and kindred ailments, it is a positivo remedy. It'H guaran teed to do all that's claimed for it. If it doesn't benefit or cure, in every case, your money is returned. The " Discovery " is the only Liver, Mood uud Lung Remedy that's sold so. Think what a medi cine it must bo i Especially has it manifested its potency in curing Tetter, Salt rheiim, Kuzumn, Krysipelas, Hoils, Carbuncles, Soro Eves, Coilro, or Thick Neck, and Enlarged (i lands. World's Dispensary Medical As sociation, Makers, .No. 003 Main Street, Huffalo, N. Y. William Tell Your Father tluit we soli SWET, ORR St CO.'S Vest Jumpers, Pantaloon Overalls, Basyfitting Pantd Every garment guaranteed NEVER to rip! We are also Headquarters for Men's, Boys' and Youth s CLOTHING ! This Is the Season Of the Year Othen Judicious Advertising Pays. In every size, style and price. flJJILLI18it A J Caveats.and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat- J cnt business conducted for Moderate Fczs. 'our OrricctBOPPOsiTC.U. S. patent orncc J J and we can secure patent in less time than thus: J remote from Washington. Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip- Jtlon. Vic advise, if patentable or not, free of J charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. A Pamphlet. "How to Obtain Patents," with J cost of same in the U.S. and foreign countries J sent free. Address, ?C.A.SNOW&CO.; opp. patent orrtcc, Washington, d. c. 0 YOUR ATTENTION Is called to the fact that Hugh Glenn, DHlerin Glasa, Lime, Plaster, Cement i and Building Material of all kinds. j I (Jiirrln the fluent Line of Picture Moiildind To he found in the City. 72 LClashington Street. W. E. GARRETSON, ii 1IU.U AO K.N'T rill! Till'. There is a tide in the affairs oj men which, taken at its jloq leads on to fortune." Tho poot unquestionably had roferonoo to the Moil-tint Hi ill WWMM Ml I. ItS MAW VI - - Finnic k Cm at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, Who aro soiling those goods out at Kreatly-roducod rati MIGIIKLIJAOH 1UUCK, UNION ST. Leading Jeweler WINHNS W. K. tV I SUM AN. WM. M .t ltlKltS. Kliseman & Wardens, 1 Wine Rooms (I The Dalles, Oregon. All Watch Work Jewelry Made Hi: NKW TOWN tin ltn plnttiit 011 the old cmmi urnmiil, lit Hie Korku and .'1 1 1 11 elliimk', thu central attraction unit inuiintalii miiiiiiilt rcmrt (or nil Orcxon llh laric. ulirlitlv liitK.ljroMil Ktriftniiiul allovx. cihkI mil nnd inirijwator.Kith.ilimiulii profiitiiiiiMH.-rfi'CtilriilliiiKC.ilullKlitdil iiiniiiitnln KiiIIh of HcmkI tlvul U'Iiik tho 1 lea rex t town to Mt. Hood, It Im tmpnrullclt'O an n iiiitllilfiicturlri! cunter. holm? thu nntoril r i'oli r for IUI tntinro nitli' nf tin' tn-l cnlnr uJl timber, pokk'hMiik iii 1 1 lion m of lmr'-'i r in iu iIuhIiIiik NtrcuniN mnl uit J nun, iwtny imriit'Dwii. wihtu on- i inonvo powur cxihih, were imm. nieuiriCN win center, Niirrounii1'. i mil anil (iiinmiu tnar. tannin wij unywlicru for Irult ami iiKf iiturv, anil with tritiiiporlution nlrwpl yon win 11110 iiiih tno pnikU 10 iiiiiku ii pctivet nome or a )myiui.u arranted. to Order. TITLE PERFECT NorttMieut Court HtreetH. corner of .Second and , tMK Heuiiml Ht.. The lnlleii, Or. The financial outlook is brightening, If congress does not soon prescribe the medicine, the patient will have re covered without it. (JKNTLEHBNt-JIavinB null'erod a great deal from headache for yean and Mug unable to get relief until It would wear away of Itnelf. 1 miw ArauKi i uohkw jpuick onvtrtliteo, I tried rmwiuu now am never wtinom tnem, imam It Uteonlrremedr that will vivo relief. When now find beadaeho coming on I taJte a captulo ww Biwayi iiuu iuv rviici 'iiiivanuiiieoUB. UO- jwctfu)ly yourv, U, If. Wkioiit, Boston, Mum. J lie above letter is only ono of the many which fo to prove the remarkable benelltn received from the two of Krauo'n Keuduche Uapeulen. Any wiwti uucituif iruui uhuwup iuuuiu procilrv uewcapsuie at once, iiewaro 01 tuitatlons. The genuine are told only in boxes and have the word Krause on the label; none other genuine. Malarial DUeaaas, fare and effectual prevention and eare ia found in Simmons Liver Kegula tor. It originated in the South, and there achieved its great fame for dU- i of that section. A. Keller's con foe- Fresh oysters at tiouery store, The Dalles Daily Ctoniele. HAS A FAMILY OF p 2000 READERS. They rem! The Chronicle to net tho Intent and most reliable t.ewn. And they read every lino that is in tho paper. That In what makei the Chronicle an Invaluable advertl ing medium. The newspaier that rous to the family Oresldcs is the one (Q that the advertisers of today patronize - when they deire to reach tho people. When they want your trade their announcements will be found in tho paper. Look over our columns and observe the verifica tion of the truth of this assertion. Kemeuiber, n irauo ot it tamiiy ot two thousand is worth asking for through theo columns, eepcially ho at our very Sf?eap ldutrti$ir7$ Ias. Tl DALLES C bee me on the grot address me at Hood Wasco County, Ore W. RossWinansi HRONICLE, L K lotel. AGENTS WANTED on Salary and Commission for THE ONLY AUTHORIZED Bioraplj of JAMES G. BLAINE. "I'.PA11 HAMILTON, his literary executor, with the co-operation of bis family, ami for Mr. niaiuo a complete Works. 'TtVKNTY YJCAliN OF l,ONOItK8H. and bis later book, "IM). LITICAL. UIHOUHHIONH." On., nrr,-i.,.w for these a HKHT MKbLlNO books In the mar ket. A. K. J'. Jordan ot Me., took 112 orders from JlrstllU calls; ucent's profit Hioo.flo. Mrs. Bal lard of ()., took l' orders. l.'IBeal ItUkkla. In 1 iIhv. froflt BVQ.'AB, K. N. Hleo of Muss, took '.'7 orders jn 2 days, profit 7.a5. J. PartrldKo of Me. took 43 orders from 80 calls, prollt mTn.XR, K. A. 1'almer of N. liak. took .VI orders In :t duv-s. IirOi tattH.ilB. EXill.HHlVK TKItltl'I'llIf t.' Klven. Jf you wish to make LAKU1! MONICV. wrlto immediately for terms to ' The HENRY BILL PUB, 00., Korrlcb, U03D. H-lbtvut Daily and Weekly Editions. THE CHRONICLE was established for tho ex: press purpose of faithfully representing Tho Dallos and tho surrounding country, and tho satisfying effect of its mission is ovorywhoro apparent. It now loads all other publications in Wasco, Shor man, Gilliam, a largo part of Crook, Morrow and Grant counties, as woll as Klickitat and othor re gions north of Tho Dalles, honco it is tho best medium for advertisers in tho Inland Empire. Tho Daily Chhoniole is published ovory eve ning in tho week Sundays excepted at $0.00 por annum. Tho Wkkkly Chkonioi,,.: on Fridays of each week at $1.50 por annum. For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., address THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO., 7Ja.o DaIIom, Oregon. THE DALLES, OREGON. This Popular House HnH lntnlv limm tlmmm.lilv nnnvilteil BB 1 fiirniRlicd throiiL'liout. and 1h now letter til ovor nroimrod to furnlHh tlio lwst H1 4 aecoiiiinodatioiiH of any liotino i ",e city, antl at tlio vory low rto o' $1 a day. First-Class Meals, rilll..,. nt tl... I I II ..nnaltlOO 8" jiiilu ui inn Hint iiiiu utiiiiiiiuuiuiia - , t t.... m i... m, l. ii.il.... M'nnlDIW Warm KjiringH and Prinevlllo ia in te Il0" and persons going to Prlnoville can av $4.00 by gotiig dn thia 8tuK Hue- All trains stop here. D. BUNNELL, Pipe Wort Tin Repairs and loon MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE. ftn nn 'Ptiiwl ftfi'nof navf rlnnv maat nf '"f w A &m W KVWU 11UAV TTVQll W w J Blacksmith bhop.