The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 15, 1893, Image 3

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    ,4- .
And Always Sure of Lowest Prices
Consistent with. Good Articles,
All Goods marked t.
in plain Figures, rv
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
trtftdn the rontofflco lit The Dal Ion, Dregou,
mh eciii(l-uluH mnttur.
f.nciil Ail virtllii.
iArbn. ..... II.... f ... I, ...,..i ..Kit r. f'ntiti.
IV 1.(1. I'M lulu till luni ninvi iiriif i.i.i. if i.viiin
Killnc (ori-aoli niili:iiiuut Itincrtlon.
jpccinl rnti'H lor lout; tlmu uutlucH.
All local notice recclvc-il Inter tlinn 3 o'clock
f 111 iptiir t.'iu following ilny.
skit, in, i8o:t
TYw Daily and Weekly Chronicle may
k found on tale at 1. V. Niekehen't store.
ntv nti.l f. ........ v. - v. ...... ..r Ml......
V.J . UIIIIIIIJ lllllin 11HIIIK ... H....UB
"Oil, help In my Brent cctroinity,"
The miililcii Iniiilly cried.
"ItlKht lu my line' Immulliituly
Thnclilrii)(llit rvplKil.
Tlii! fiah catch lighter thivn nntici-
Camping partiun uru nearly nil ro
Tim hottest part of the huuhou Iihh
lnduviiH ivro arriving with hucklobor-
.rKIH. TltO CfOIl tills l-l.ilr wnu ln,-.,.
Till) moving Ol till) will unoii
"" I". ikiiiv; , iiji Linn
Two curs of beef catth will 1.,, i,i,.n,i
tonight to Whatcom from Snltiimrsh &
Co.'h Block yards.
ThiH year's fruit crop it; buttur In mini.
ity thnn ovor before, unci except peaches,
fully as great in (t:iintity.
Tlio Goldondalo hoIiooIh
uay. nio pupils enrolled nuiiiliur 2.I5.
Five female leiiehorH are engaged and
Mr. JJobt. Hand of Hood itk..,,. i...u
. i ii (i
tie . Of till,. 1 .....I I n
-., ...w ,,, imiiiuuriug lOlll-
Dill IV. WHO Will lilL-i. .o., r
Mr, V. J. Stll'Iellillimr nt 11... 1I1!
(U I III 11 !! t I,i ,. 1.. 1. I
.: " uiiiiiwji irom u i-ycar-
Hi linnr ...I.!.. I. i
p muiiu nun hix line laryo
. -- "I " n uu VAlltUI"
"on at this olllco.
After ovory urcat calnmitv rnmna r,..
ac ion. Next year this timo whont will
"riK 7o eontH a bimbol and wool ID
wntH a pound, and allver dollara will be
Plentiful as IIIuh in Auguiit.
Duniitv u. k rKaiwii .
urreflted DenniB Lanoton for Holllnir
llritinM i t .... . i
io inuians. tho prisoner is u
1 scharKed privato of two armies-the
u- and the Sulvution cohorts. .
Tliero are 50 per cent, less privy vaults
inconuected with sewers this your than
lat, und aH a conseitionco tho foul
ywollH that assailed the noses of citissens
Hummer are this year conspicuously
ri,u '""oight wreck was quite disastrous
10 the u. I Company. Moat of the
wrecked cars were burned. Some of
"torn wero burned purposely, and the
names spread to otliera which it was
not intended to destroy.
Tlios. Adums recently counted twenty
we ons on one o( his inuik-melpn vines,
argor than a cocoa nut. The variety
known as the Prolific nutmeg ami
"om about an acre and a quarter of
Wound ho ui realise over $500.
pim!. 8UbJeck of the wmon l t'10
Utlan church this evening will bo;
e Course to l'ursue to e Infallibly
"a'! or, Sincerity Seeking the Way to
'leave.,," The design of the discourse
is to niiBwor all tiie puzzling, perjilexing
(jueHtioiiH of infidelity and divided
Christianity, bo uh to leave the honeut
inquirer infallibly Bufe. There will be a
lot of questionH atiBwerod publicly every
evening. Special musical program for
this evening.
Camby I'oBt, G. A. It., of Hood River,
together with the W. II. C. and S. of V.
camp, will hold a ciunp fire and barbe
cue on Sept. L'.ld, beginning at I) o'clock
and continuing all day, ending with a
grand banquet in the evening. The
I'oBt and Helief CorpH of this phice have
been invited to participate.
It is designed that the rock eruHhcr
hIiuII crtiHh about 00 or !100 tonH of rock
where it is at present, for the uhc of the
city, when the county will have the ubg
of it for u month, moving tit to another
quarry. Every rod of good road made
with it udds thut much iroHperity to the
city or county. The rock crusher is one
of the wittest investments ever made.
G. H. Hiddell came in town this
morning, ami a black horse which has
been raised as a pet, became frantic on
noticing that he was left behind.
Though hobbled, he broke his chains,
jumped a fence or two, and How madly
town ward. He happened to come a
diileiunt route than the one by which
Mr. Hiddell returned, and our marshal
impounded him. He was afterwards
released without charges upon a proper
Tli Ki'lli'Ci; CiiiMiirt.
The concert at the Congregational
church bv the Kolloggs, husband and
wife, assisted by familiar local talent,
called out u largo audience and a cordial
one. Perhaps the greatest musical in
terest centered In tho work of the new
contralto. Mrs. Htuily Stuart Kellogg,
who iu a wav is a phenomenal singer
Hor range, as illustrated by her num
bers, was from bass Ii to high soprano
A. Tho quality is of the heaviest con
tralto timbre, which is well carried up
ward to her superior limit without a
flaw. It is full, rich and musical, mas
culino, but exquisitely lino and beauti
fill iw the soft paseage. The method of
tone production baa excited some end
cIhiu as being a stylo applicable only to
one of her peculiar charaateristlcfl, and
for hor one would not have one noto
otherwise. Her Bcbool is French, with
all tho charm that obtains with the
Paris bred. Hor presence is attractive
her manner winsome, her mobile face
delightfully expressive and she is
dramatic to hor linger tips.
Of course Mr. Kellogg, tho whistler,
tho greatost living, was marvellous iu
his way and "held the audience spell
bound." Oakland Enquirer.
UuoklBo'a Arnica. Halve.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains.
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per box. For sale by Snipes & Itin
erary. LOBT.
A pair of gold nose glasses, with black
cord attached. Reward if left at this
Malarial l)laoi.
A sure and eUbctuiU prevention and
cure is found iu Simmons Llvor Hogula-.
tor. It originated iu the South, and
there achloved its groat fame for dis
eases of that section,
FreBh oysters at A, Kollor'H confec
tionery store.
A. J. Boric has Bpent the past three
days in the city.
Miss Alma Schmidt has returned from
a visit among friends at Victoria, British
Mr. D. A. Vance returned to bis home
in Portland, by Bteamer Regulator, this
M. George Prather, of Hood River,
was in the citv last evening, and made
n call on the Chronicle oflite.
Mr. Fred W. Wilson returned from a
sojourn at Siuslaw, where be was engaged
on the engineer corps for a time.
L. .1. Davis, editor of the Eastern Or
egon Republican, and wife are visitinc
relatives near The Dalles. They will
return in ubout two weeks.
Mrs. Mary J. Beezley left for Spokane
last night, where she will visit her son,
and then proceed to St. Louis.
Mis. 1). M. French and Miss Beesie
were passengers on the Regulator this
morning for Portland, where Miss Bessie
will enter the Portland University.
Mr. W. II. Vunbibber, accompanied
by her son, Marcus, left for Portland
this morning. Master Marcus will be
placed in the Portlund University.
Mrs. C. E. Murkham and Miss Hud
son of Hood River came up to tho city
yesterday and will visit among friends
until Monday, when they will return
Mrh. C. Brown and Miss Minnie
Brown, who have been visiting Mr.
George Brown of this city, for the past
few weeks, departed for their home in
Albina this morning.
Columbia Mrs X Hines, Millia Brad
ford, Goldendale; Oscar Eakin, Mar
shal Joans, Blockhouse; S W Verdigl,
Ray Kuvkendal, D A Vance, Portland;
C J Ufarback, E Medtre, R Stedburn, D
Spokane; U H Mullen, W S Burns,
Vancouver; .lohn 0 Nell, R Meddei
man, D Hurbeck, Goose Hollow.
A l)tnu-iilt.l Strnnger.
A stranger named Jones camo into
Hood River this week and by bis queer
acting it was evident bo was insane. He
is a member of the G. A. It. organization
and has lately come from Idaho, where
he baa a family. Ho will be brought to
tho city on the Regulator this evening
by Dr. Brosius, and an examination
will be made of his mental conditiou.
Fresh oysters served in every stylo at.
Columbia Candy Factory. tf
ltcitl Knlutu Traiiftfers.
Mrs. A. E. and W. H. Stone to Pat
rick Fugan, lot F block 20, Gates addi
tion to Dalles City; 725.
Jerome and Mary Everett- to E. B.
and A. J. Dufur, block 1, second addi
tion to Dufur ; $100.
All persons are warned not to purchase
' . . xnr. . ..... .. . . il . . . . 1 .
QUO CHOCK lor oa w "iy mvor uiruugu
French & Co. bteve majak.
Karl's Clover Root, the new blood
purifier, gives freshness and clearness to
the complexion and cures constipation.
25c, 50c. and ifl.00. Sold by Snipes &
Klnersly, druggiats.
Tygh Viillcy Holler Flour Mill.
Is in complete repair ; always in store
flour equal to the best. Also old style
coarse and fine Graham flour, mill feed,
etc. W. M. McCokklk, Propr.
tll.U.3m '
Uso Mexican Silvor Stove Polish
Ootid Job 1'rlntlUB.
If you havo your job printing doue at
Tiik CmiONicu.K you will have tho ad
vantage of having it 110110 with the most
modern and approved type, with which
we keep continually supplied. All jobs
under the direct supervision of one of
the most successful and tirtistie jirintere
in the Northwest.
A" VtMtr Onllftofc tar MuxinnM thnn
Klnci) Unrly Spring:.
" F(!ti)AY, Sept. 15, 1893. Tho last few'
dnys of fair weather has had somewhat
of a stimulating effect on trade, and
business has a more satisfactory outlook
than at any time since the early spring
months. Money is more easy, and tho
cloudy horizon which seemed to charac
terize the business interests of trie past
season is wearing the golden hue, and a
general buoyancy in trade is noticeable
in all quarters.
The drygoods market is being replen
ished and former prices continue un
changed. In the grocery line,
there ie a stiffening in eome lines, es
pecially in coffee, which, owing to South
American complications and other
cauees, has advanced J4' cents per pound,
with a tendency of a further advance in
the near future. An advance is noted
in all grades of package roasts, espec
ially so on Arbuckles.
In domestic produce the market con
tinues in full supply, and has a fair de
mand for export.
Fruits, apples good, prices are offered
at 40 cents per box ; Bartlett pears free
from blemish, 40 to 60 cents per box;
Peaches, Crawfords, extra large $1.00;
Salaway good, .80 to $1.00. Plums are
hardly in market, as the demand is so
light that the offerings are few. The
plum product will be used in drying.
Prunes, such as the Hungarians, are
freely offered for shipment at 1 to
cents per pound, and Italian find a fair
sale at 1 to 1 cents per pound.
Vegetables, melons and etc., are in fine
condition and are in liberal supply.
Potatoes rule low on a steady market
of cents per pound ; onions are Btill
quotable at IS, cents per pound; cab
bage is freely offered at cents per
pound. Melons are dull sale at .60 to
$1.50 per dozen, and canteloupes are in
fair demand for shipment at 1 to
cents per pound.
The egg and butter market is s'teady
with a quotation for eggs of 16 cents in
trade. The poultry delivery is lighter
than usual for the season, although the
former quotation is adhered to.
In the feed market, hay is in good
supply, and wheat hay is quoted at $10
per ton baled. Oat and alfalfa hay have
the same quotation, and timothy is
freely offered at $12, with a limited de
mand for the season.
In feed grains, oats are in lair demand
at 80 to 00 cents per cental, and barley
at 75 to 85 cents per cental.
The grain market has at last reached
a point that quotations can be made,
and it can be said that 47 to 48 cents is
offered for shipment. Within the paet
few days, the wheat markets have shown
a stimulated condition. In European
markets there is a better feeling among
buyers and a strong upward tendancy
In American markets, there is a
fluctuating tone, indicating a sharp ad
vance to be looked for. Futures have
already stiffened, and in San Francisco,
May deliveries are bid up to $1.20'a' per
cental. Present shipping quotations
are $1.05 per cental. In Portland, buy
ers have opened the market in a small
way for export, and but few lots have
been delivered to date, and on quotations
ranging from 87'... to !0 per cental for
Eastern Oregon, and $1 per cental for
The St. Louis Globe-Democrat says:
"Tho latest estimates of wheat produc
tion in this country in 1S93 are 440,000,-
000 or 450,000,000 bushels. This makes
the yield nearly 50,000,000 bushels
greater than was looked for a month or
two ago. But even if it were 50,000,000
larger still, there would, from present
indications, be a demand for it in the
next eight or ten months."
The wool market is down and lifeless.
Nearly all tho wool on storage in this
city has been shipped on consignment,
and there is not to exceed 1,800 bales on
Tup first, lmnorama was exhibited in
p,ni,rri, hv Robert Barker about
,1788, by which he portrayed a view of
tho city.
The first champagne was maue oy
Twin-mm n monk of St. Peter Haut-
villiers, Champagiitf, in the seventeenth
For lCent.
Five rooms suitable for housekeeping
with bath. Central location.
12dlW J. M. IIlTNTI.VdTOX & Co.
Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., San
Diego, Cal., says: "Shiloh's Catarrh
Remedy is tho first medicine I have
ever found that would do me any good."
Price 50 cts. Sold by Snipes & Kineraly.
dinger & Bone's stages en route to
Cloud Cap Inn will locate campers at the
best Ashing point in Hood River valley,
where one can reach Mt. Hood in a few
hours and get their mail and provisions
daily. -'tewd
Use Mexican Silver Stove Polish.
'A recent dlacovery by aa old
jiljjkk'lan. Succesrfuilif vtta
monthly vy thoutandi PI
niJtit. U tho ouly ticrrectly
safanml rellablo mcdk-luo ilU-
covorod. Bewtiro of unjirlnclploa druggist who
offer inferior inoUlciues In place of ttiU. Aslc for
rni.. rniinn Itoot CoiUDOUsd. tale no $ubll-
tute, or lucloso (1 nod 0 cuuti la postage la letter
and vv will oua, seaiou, oyreiuruiuau. r uusuiuaa
imrtlJulars In plain ouvelope, to ladles .ouly, 19
fitauiim. AdUiubH loiidMlyOoinanir.
,o. S 1'Ubvr lllock, Detroit, Mien.
Bold 111 Tlio Dulles by Ulukvlcy it Houghton.
For the Ball Trade
We are now ready with a full line of
Ready-Ittade Clothing,
Black, euaxl.
. and all other kinds of Dry Goods
QaSSaWe are noted for tho good values wo give
SajfE? In Bleached and Unbleached Muslins, N
WB Sheetings, Prints, Ginghams, Boots and ( J
Shoes. Hosiery. Gents' Furnishings, etc.. etc. - y
The Balance of our Summer Importations now
Clearing Out AT COST.
cor. Court aid sacoii sts.
me Danes, Oregon.
Sin i Smuer Dry Ms,
Fancy Goods and Notions,
Qepts' purr;i5l7i9 (ood5,
Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes, etc.
now complete in every department.
All goods will be sold at greatly reduced prices.
Tm caS,, H. HerbritLg.
.Familiar Faces in a Nexu Place.
Late Special Agent General Land Ujfice.
Jtye leal Instate, Ioap, Iiuraee,
Parties having Property they wish to Sell or Trade, Houses to Rent, or
Abstract ot 1 ltle furnished, will hnd it to their advantage to call on us.
"We shall make a specialty of tho prosecution of Claims untl Contests
before the Umtep states Land Oihce.
85 Washington St.
Have You Seen
-r THE
Fine Millinery Goods
112 Second Street.
At the Old Stand,
Cor. Second and Union Sts.
ay, Graii?, peed ar?d plour,
Groceries, Fruits and Seeds.
Oamlx )tlcl. for Xlsss t,xxc3. Poultry.
All goods delivered Free and Promptly.
A. t :
The California Winehouse,
Is now open, ati its proprietor will sell his homo
produced Wine at prices in tho reach of everybody.
Also, best Peanuts to be found. Gpoda guaranteed
to be Pure and First-Class in ovory respect,
Thompson's Addition.