si 1 f 3. Tne Dalles Daily Chronicle. OFFICIAL I'Al'KU OK DAM.HS CITY. AND WASCO COUNTY. sunscnirrioN hates. BY MAIL, rOSTAOK rUKPAID, IN ADVANCE. Wwkly, 1 yer . 1 60 " 6 months 0 75 S " OH Dally, 1 year 6 00 " 6 months. 3 00 ' per " 0 60 Addres nil communication to " TIIE C1IKON (OLE," Tho Dalles, Oregon. rout-Office. orncit hours General Delivery Window.. 8a. m. to" p. m. Money Order " s a. m. to 4 p. m. Banday G I) 11 9 h. m. to 10a. m. CLOSIKO Or MAILS trains going East 9 p. m. and ll:5 a.m. " " West 9p. . and 5:S0p. m. Stage (or Goldcndale 7:S0a. m. " " l'rlncTlllf 5:S0a. m. " "Dufurand Warm Springs ,.5:S0a. m. " fLearlng (or Lylo'A IIartland..5:30a. m. " " " fAntelope 5:S0a. m. Except Sunday. Tri'Wcekly. Tuesday Thursday and Saturday. i Monday Wednesday and Friday. OREGON NEWS. FRIDAY, SFPT. 15, 1893 MS. DOLPH'S CHAMPIONSHIP. The aggressive fight which Senator Dolph has made all through this session against free coinage and for the repeal of the Sherman act will redound to that gentleman's credit and honor. He ex actly voices the sentiments of his con stituency, by which is meant the ruling portion, and as much cannot be said for onr other representatives. The idea that free coinage or a further increase of the ailver circulation would make times good is not borne out by the facts. And these facts are that for the last ten years we have been coining silver un stintedly and are yet keeping it up at the rate of four and a half millions per month. If silver is to make times good why has the opposite come upon us? Mr. Dolph answers why, and the reason is agreed to by every thinking individ ual the fear of tariff reform. Manu facturers do not want to buy raw mate rials, wool for instance, at 14 cents when under a tariff for revenue policy it can i be bought laid down from Australia I at 7J cents per pound. This is what has knocked the bottom out of Ameri-' can Industries and not the fear of shut-1 ting 'down on the silver production, The'cry for free coinage is instigated by a very few men, whom such a measure would alone- benefit, but by reason of their high and honorable positions, their financial backing and their posi tions as employers of labor in th silver mines, have influenced the populists and some radical democrats to take up the hue and cry. If free coinage were . accepted it would of course pay labor high wages, but the bulk of the profits would go into the pockets of the hand full of mine owners, and the general government would pay for it, thus mak-' ing a false prosperity that could not , last. And again the repeal bill does not ' signify that the coinage of silver is to j ceaee; it only stops the iniquitous measure by which the treasury is forced to purchase a large amount of silver each month at the lowest of any of the prices offered. This is not good busi ness in any kind of trade. No purchase should be enforced, whether by an indi vidual or the government. Mr. Dolph is sound on all his propositions, and Oregon may well be proud of him for their representative in congress. Tho Ainsworth National bank opened its doors nt 10 a. m. yesterday. Union county farmers hnvo adopted nntiChinese resolutions, and demand tho immediate enforcement of the Geary law. The marriage of Miss Bun-ell to Lieut. Voorhees occurred at tho Unitarian church in Portland Thursday in the presence of a large circlo of friends. Mr. Thomas, a Mt. Tabor farmer, was robbed of an acre of potatoes in the night. It was remarkably quick dig ging, or there must have been sovernl at it. J. A. Rounds of Portland pleaded guilty to attempting to levy blackmail on certain ladies by threatening to ox pose them unless they paid $50 eacli. The letters are reported to bo so obscene that the publication of them has been suppressed. Bounds will be sentenced today. The Oregon Telegraph and Telephone Company have completed their line from Spokane west to Hood River, and from Portland east to Troutdale. The wires, two copper and one iron, aro all strung as far we6t as Herman creek, two miles east of the locks, and will be completed to Troutdale, making through connection from Spokane to Portland by the 1st of October. The llonibardineut of ltlu. London, Sept. 14. It is now ad mitted here the news exclusively cabled by the Associated Press of the proposed bombardment of Rio Janeiro, and the fact that the forts were in sympathy with the insurgents, is correct in every particular. The attack on the forts be gan at 9 o'clock, and the garrison of the largest and strongest fort at once de clared for the rebels. William Tell Your Father that we soil SWEETft ORR St C0S ay A$ good as two that's tho condition of liver, stom ach and bowels, when Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets havo dono their work. It's a work that isn't fin ished when you'vo stopped taking them, either. It's lasting. They cure, as well as relieve. And it's all dono so mildly and gently 1 There's nono of tho violence that went with tho old-time pill. One tiny, sugar-coated Pellet's a gentle laxative three to four not as a cathartic. Sick Headache, Bilious Headache, Constipation, Indiges tion, Bilious Attacks, and all de rangements of tho stomach and bowels, aro prevented, relieved and cured. As a Livor Pill, they're un equaled. They're purely vegetable, perfectly harmless tho smallest, cheapest, and easiest to take. They're tho cheapest pill you can buy, because they're guaranteed to give satisfaction, or your money is returned. f You only pay for the good you get. Can you ask more? That's the peculiar plan all Dr. Pierce's medicines aro sold on. 14 i 5 A UFA 04 SoctSn uCvts., end $1X0 per Cures Couclii. no.iriieiirs.,Sore Throat. Croup iiroraptlv; removes Whooping Cough and AkCiuia. Ft Consumption It has no rival; has cured thousands w"icrenll other failed; will cuke you if taken In tine. Sold by Druggists on n mi arantee. For I.nme Back or Chest, usoSUlLOH'S fLASTKU. S3cts. fHlLOHS Have you Catarrh? Thl remedy Is iruuran- . teed Co cure vou. Price Wets, luiector frfift For pule by Snipe & Kluemly. VI80R MEN CATAR3H REMEDY. If Kansas can keep in a political whirl all the time with only tho men voting, what may not be expected when lovely woman joins the procession? John Swope, of Philadelphia, has commenced suit against Henry Villard, Charles L. Colby, Colgate Hoyt, Edwin H. Abbott and the Receivers of the Northern Pacific Railroad Company for the small sum of $10,500,000, said to have been made by the first named while they were directors of the com pany. The suit is instituted in behalf of the stockholders. Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, and all the train or evil 4 from early errors or later excesses, tlie results at overwork, sicklings, worrr.etc. Full strength, development and tono Riven to et ery organ and portion of tho body, simple, naturalmethods. ImmcdlateltntiriiTetnenc seen. Failure ImpokMble. 2,M) references. Book, explanation and proota mailed (sealed) rree. ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO, N. Y. This Is the Season Of the Year ttlhen Judicious Advertising Pays. Vest Jumpers, Pantaloon Overalls, Kasy-fitting Pand Every garment guaranteed NEVER to rip! We are also Headquarters for Men's, Boys' and Youth s CLOTHING In every size, style anil price. J. I FORD, 'I m. k H B' KHUilili J Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all 1'at- J 4 ent business conducted for Moderate Fees. Our Orncc is OppoarrcU. S.-Patcmt ornecj J and we can secure patent in less time than those J remote from Washington. I Eenii code), drawinc or photo., with descrip- Jtion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of! charge. Our fees not due tilt patent is secured. A Pamphlet, "HowtoObtain Patents," with; 'cost of tame in the U.S.-and foreign countries J 4 sent free. Address, :C.A.SNOW&CO.: 0 OF P. PATENT OrriCC, WASHINGTON, D. C. f YOUR flTTEliTIOJI Is called to the fact that Hugh Glenn, Dealer in GlasB, Lime, Plaster, Cement nml IiuildiiiK Material of all kinds. C'ttrrlw the Filieat I.lim of Picture Mouldings To be found in the City. 72 UUashington Street. W. E. GARRETSON. II SIII.K AtJUNT HOK TIIK "There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at its flooaL leads on to fortune." 1 The poet unquestionably had reference to the at CRANDALL 6t BURGET'S, Who are selling those goods out at greatly-red ucocl rat MICHHLHAOII MUCK, UNION ST. Leah Jeweler MNHNS OI Ue Moines, Iowa, writes under date ul March 23, H W. V. tV I "K MAN. W.M. AIAI'.DKIt.S. j Uliseman .& Wardens, j d Saloon ami Wine Rooms Oregon. The Dalles. The twenty-five cent piecethe eilver half dime and three-cent piece, the nickel three-cent piece, the tivo-cent bronze piece, tho copper half cent and the ailver trade dollar of 420 grains are among the experiments in coinage which congress has tried and after a time dis continued. It demonetized noneof them, however, except the trade dollar. The others are as good as they ever were in law, though because of their unfamiliar ity they might be challenged and refused. 1 - ..JMi ..,. , Gentlemen Having kullerwl jrreat deul from headache for years and U-iun unable to net relief until it would wear away of JUelf. I ntw Kraufco'H Headache Capkulen advertised. 1 tried them, and now am never without them, finding It tho onlyremedy that will give rellel. When I now ilnd u lieadacho coming on 1 take 11 caimulo acdulwaya find the relief ImtantaneouH. Ke jctfully yours, (i H. Wkiout, Jiostun, Man. 1 luo above letter U only one of tho many which go to prove the remarkable benefit received from miv uv vi nrnuBu b jit'uiiuvne uaiittureti. Airy person sulteilng irom beadache thould procure these capsules at once. IJewaro of imitations. The genuine are cold only in boiei and have the wuju nrauiu uu iuo isDei, none omer Keuuinc, Htrength ami Health. If you are not feeling strong and healthy, try Electric Bitters. If nk ,ln.lll,.nMl ..i.. I. . 1 z1- ' KijpD ua toiyau weaK anu to 7, ubo Electric tytMHLThis jreniedy acta directly on lil&toch and kidneys, tly aicUBftfWoM' organs to perform eir functloas. If you are afflicted with hMdwhfj, you will find apat gnd wyrejiei uy iu. jsiactrlc mmQfn-mv. win imrinftQx 'iVatUljittfiw lily you weed. 'Large ;,IU0yigc.'at finlpea i Kinerely's 1 turn mma 15. .Mkd. Mfg. Co., Dtiftir, Ore:on. Gentlemen : On arriving home last week, 1 found all well and anxiouslv awaitinc. little uirl, eight and one-half years old, 1 who nan wasted away to 3s pounds, is ! now wen, stront: anu vigorous, and well fleshed up. S. H. Cough Cure has done its work well. Hoth of the children like ! aTNorthwesi it. Your H. li. Cougii Cure has cured 1 Court utreete. and kept away all hoarseness from me. j So give it to every one, with greeting ! for all. Wishing vou nrosneritv. we ar Yours, Mn. & Mns. J. F. Foitn. If you wish to feel freh and pheerful.aud ready for tho giring'i( work, cleaiiKe your system with tho Headache and Liver Cure, by taking two or three doses each week. 8oldiiuder a positive guarantee. Ui cents per bottle by all druxKlMt.. HU All Watch Work Jewelry Made arrantod. to Order. corner of Second and t:K Swuutl Ht.. The Itwlln. Or. TE Jul J)Frh ayiton mved in every etyle at1 Notice. Timber Culture. T. S. UsuOmcE, The IUlle. on.,( ,, , . . , . , August ly.ihii;!. Complaint having been entered at thin Office by MarrlctUi M. Jlarihall ugalnut I'renton iteed for failure to comply with law an 10 'limber. Culture Kntry No. 3110, data! March J0. ivi:l. upon tfio NWii of Bectloii a, Townbhip'j North, With 11 view to tho caiicellatlrm nf knlil 01 Hiwiii uueaiiig mat ueieuuani nun wholly fallulaud neglected to plow or break or cultf- iKwuP(ir owierwihe, or plant Wltti trees, tree kIk or cuttlnim. durlnir nv 1,1 ii.uti.,.. ilnce making hi said entry, any part ofald 111011(11 to October, ttii-nltil. tfcutimony concerning ald allege) failure. t-lw5t JOHN W. I.KWIS, ItegUter. un Daily and Weekly Editions. NBW TOWN ha- l en platted on thr old eiimii ground, lit the Korka and 1 11 Climate, thu central mountain iunmi-r reort for all Oregon 1'iiIIk of Hood river ' Ith large, lght)v luti, broad ittreeUnnil hIIuvk, good noil aim piiruwaier,niiii tnauuiii iiroiuiiou, perieeiiiriiiuiigc.iieiigiiiiiii iiiouiiuiiu being the iirareit town to ilt. HimhI. it In inipiirnllelfO na 11 niaiiufactiirlDi center, Iwlng the nntiiril center for U) fiiare nillea of the beat cedar awl v tltnlM.r. tuikfMi.ltii. in lltlniiM tif ui-b..tim . r III f tu iIiih hltuf tn.jililH Illld VIW falln, eaully Imrnoftil. Wliero cli 1 motive power exlatti, there lhewl lacionex win center, nurniuuii'i. ".y ou nun oiiiiiiuo inaiciuuiiii " anywhere for fruit anil ngr iiliire, and with triwiKirliitlnn alreMJJ you win nun una tne piat-u 10 miigea erieot nome or h payings Bee me on tne grot address me at Hood Wasco County, Ore TITliE PERFECT JL X V.v' VC3 V XXX C-L X J- " PPniBini! Neu UUIUUUU.L. Xommbia Hotel. noeu maaing nm sum tmry, any part of tract, the Kaid tmrtiea are hereby Hummorii apiiear at thin Office on the !ilt day of Oct Ib'JJ. at lu o'clock A. M,, to retixjnd and nir NOTICE. In the Countf Court of the State of Oregon, for Waaco County, IntheMatWrof tbeKttateof I William liamtlton Wtlaon, Deceaacd.j Notice la herbylvn that tho underlgne1, by an order of tfaa 'Countv Court nf th&iii.iJ Oregon, for Waaeo County, made, aartatwed fPtm Mr 7, UN, VMulMMnted txtmtt Mbe awu lanaw 01 Mie h Hamlium WlUon, duamrlt all Mn CUIwb acalmt aafd catate aro hereby . n 1 1. .L. i tut nain wnu ureaent tbe luereior 10 me ar tno orace ol ilam. IIunyitnn Al WIlII Tlin Italic lmZ. ' .....Liv; ? !Ju uie 01 uira noiicc warn joe proper .TWettra itunMuiton Mgon, within )x Dated The Palle, Or., tieBt. 7. isaa. v . ...... J'.B. HUNTINOTON, hxecutor of 'HI "f W in, H, Wiloii, deo'd, THE CHRONICLE was established for tho ex press purpose of faithfully representing The Dalles and the surrounding country, and tho satisfying effect of its mission is ovorywhoro apparent. It now leads all other publications in Wasco, Sher man, Gilliam, a largo part of Crook, Morrow and Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other re gions north of The Dalles, hence it is the best medium for advertisers in tho Inland Empire. The Daily Chhoniole is published every eve ning in the wetlk Sundays excepted at $6.00 per annum. Tlo Weekly Chuoniolk on Fridays of each week at $1.50 per annum. For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., address THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO., Via. X.lljiflif Orofou. THE DALLES, OREGON. This Popular House Han lately leon thoroughly renovated and i letter t MMIUUIIKM II (IWllla It lit! u " , ever nrunarud to fnrniflh the bet 1' nci-oininodiitioiiH of iinv lioiiiio in :ity, and nt the very low rate ol $1 a day. First-Class Meals, Ofllco of the fiiHt and eomniodiouH oiiikjiIHw . n.... it i. tn i. tTn.... IV'aOlBl" u iiuiir, rLiiiKMiuy, lygu vn " i, . j Warm SnrlnirH and Prlnevlllo is in the 0t and poreoiiB going to l'rlneville can M M.OO by going on tliia Stage All trains stop here. D. BUNNELL, Pipe Wort, Tit Repairs ana MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE- Shop on Third Street, next door west of Young Blacksmith Shop,