The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 13, 1893, Image 3

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And Always Sure of Lowest Prices
Consistent with. Good Articles,
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
httmln thi! I'iMtnniPe nt Tlio liille, Oregon,
km tceonii'Uiiuni mutter.
I. in' u I Ail vert lulnc.
10 Ceil tn r llnu fur llrnt limcrtlim, iiml fi CuntH
nrllnciorvitch mibm- 11011 1 Innertloii,
Special rule lur Iiiiir time uotleeN.
.(II livni ttoticc-H received Inter than 3 o'clock
HU'wir the following day.
8 KPT. lit, lHO.'t
rA Daily and Weekly Chronicle may
Kt found on tale at J. C. Nickrhen't tlnre.
tltjr hiiiI Comity Nnvr Note of Minor
The feaion owned ilreiir iiml chill,
At thin ive illi! nut murmur;
oi when the "Nkrutcr" wltli IiIh IiIII
I'anie Inter In the milliliter
n.i there eiimi'hilnt. Hut to the Hklex,
Thitt rlenr, nnehitiili'il o'er li rise,
Ibecr) Koex tti "Tliu-c jieHky Men."
ll. Kshulman will Hoon move liiH
iffirtitito tint French block.
fle smoke Htack for this new electric
Wt house wiih raised totlivv.
f Muhhth. StuuiulH uml Fonts are mUtini;
w.s cover on Urn Washington street
ttHttirtl tOlluy.
f Thu inuuttiiKH ut the Christian church
Ire KumliiK in inturuHt, und thu church
li membership.
Walter Norman celebrated .iu leu.
lirthday hy a party ut tliu rcHidene.. f
is parents last niK!it. Tin- entortain
lent, uotiHiHtml of intiHic, mimes, lunch,
tc, and the uhuuI Kood titno was hud.
Tins subject of thu Hurmon at tlio
riHlinn church toniirht in : Tim i.v.
nice of Pardon, or Thu Knowledge of
ueilllHSIOIl 01 KltlH." If vim f,.il
iar uvury other Horinon. don't f;i
' "
par iuih one.
A tali) novor loses anythiiiK hy travel.
v uukh aj;o i in: Ciuto.viei.i: told of
Wn'n dog drivinK away a eouplo of
tm..,. fill . . . 1
-i'. 'noallowaChioftuinhusit:
mother water
JWH away from Sain Kleln'a Htoro nt
ilr. Kelllliri' iiml ... !i i
I " nn ...n ill it nuuiuuu
Milioii.o could not tire. Thu beau-
and thrill
hardly possible for any mun to
Niicu.irokj.n Standard. Mr.
JeIi0" will Btvo a concert in the M. IS.
"llrt;l'. Sept. aid. You Hhould not fall
Jl'car hi,,,.
I A v;oiver pupor Bays that rival
W8 woro endeavoring to spike tlieir
wo bofuro tlu run. This iH untrue.
e Vr!ltorH w"-" nicely treated and they
0 ki,ul uiiouKh to Bay no. Because u
wIiiper reports a sporting event is no
jwon why it Miould ft(opt tlio bluir,
17, r ,UII vulgarity of uu exclusive
co news publication.
A Wwtleumu recently from Australia,
,0r,1,8that tho oxpen80 o( rwiHlng
op in Australia it nearly nothing and
Australia wool can b laid dowu in
JJn at a profit to the producer at 7Jtf
ml !'!!" p0und- Who H
"out tho extremely low price named,
mtrvv . bocoinoof America's wool In-
)the ii "U'Ht ,mve 'Prot00o or go
" "I It
MulurlNl UUetuei.
'7 mi olructH,,, PwwnUon and
rrui ound in Simmons Liver KeguUv
,e' " "'Wnntoa In tho South, and
e8i that section.
hfy Htoro -uiior'B conioc-
Twlrn 1Vek.
Hard times does not deter Tun Onito.v
ici.i: from ticing enterprising. Itoliev
Ing that the readersof its weekly edition
would he Imttur served by Bending out
the news printed in the early part of the
week, it now iHHues the weekly in two
parts, bo that the people will get them
Wednesdays and Saturdays. It is vir
tually a semi-weekly, and is nltnoBt
double thu vuluu of a weekly alone.
That our efforts to please are appre
ciated is shown by thu already increased
numlier of subscribers. Some of the
features are :
A low pricu lor tho paper.
A concisu und full market report.
Washington correspondence.
Country corresjiondence.
Itemized Oregon news.
Itemized world's news.
Full local news.
Valuable hints to the producers.
Home advertisements.
Tho last named are valuable to any
onu who will make them ho, and should
be read by ull with whom ttie saving of
money is an object. A careful weekly
perusal of the advertisements in Tin:
Uiiuon'icm; will save many timus the
cost of the paper in tho course of a year.
As long as the rulu of supply and du
mand holds good, ho long will udver
tlsemuntB bo valuable and tho shrewd
profit by reading them.
Tin: Ciiito.sicu: is only $l.f0 a year, a
bit a month, and no family in Wasco
couutv can afford to bo without it.
Subscribe now and get four months' sub
scription free. Do not wait if you do
not happen to have the money.
The state fair is in session at Salem,
Oregon's hop crop will reach -10,000
Considerable annrehension exists
around Independence over hop lice.
It is estimated that at least 100,000
more bushels of wheat and oats will bo
stored at Independence this year than
A. W. Furmuti, of Trail-creek precinct,
.Jackson county, committed suicide one
day last week while in a fit of despond
oney by taking a dose of strychnine.
Colonel Robert A. Miller, register of
thu Oregon City land office, and Mrs
Sarolia G. Grubbs, late superintendent
of tho Salom schools, were married Moil
day morning at the homo of the bride's
parents at Waldo hills.
A lone highwayman hold up tho Ager
Klamath Falls stage on the 10th, and
robbed three passengers of $000. The
driver was not molested. He also cut
open the registered mail touches and
secured their contents. There Is no duo
to the highwayman.
B. S. Pague, who loft hero last month
for tho world's fair and .the meteorologi
cal congress, to be absent a few weeks,
has been ordered from Chicago to Wash
ington city for two months' special duty
on syuoptlc charting. Hie family have
left to join htm, stopping off at Chicago
on routo. They will all return to Port
land the latter part of November. Or
egoniau. i
Among tlio incidents of childhood that
stand out in bold relief, as our memory
reverts to the days when we were young,
none are more prominent than sovere
sickness. Tlio young mother vividly re
moinbers that it was the Chumborluin's
Cough Kemedy cured her of croup, and
in turn administers it to her own off
spring and always with the best results.
For salo by Blakoloy & Houghton.
W. II. Fowler, the well-known con
ductor, is in the city today.
Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Clark returned to
McMinnville this morning.
Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Jewett of White
Salmon are in the city today.
Mr. and Mrs. Bettingen returned last
evening from a short sojourn at ABtona.
Miss Kinkella, who haB been visiting
friends in the city, returned to her home
in Astoria tins morning.
MrB. T. Baldwin returned from Mt
Angel laBt evening, where she placed
her son in the St. Joseph college at that
Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Mays passed
through last night en route to the vval
Iowa valley to visit Mr. Polk Mays and
Mr. F. Botifuhr of Portland, who has
been viaiting the family of Hon. Geo. A.
Liebc, returned home bv steamer this
Miss Alice WagonbliiEt departed this
morning for near Portland, where she
will take charge ot oneot the suruuruan
schools of that place. Miss Wagonblast
is one of the Monmouth Isormal school
Mr. Ezra Sexton of Wasco, Sherman
county, is in the city today and Btates
the wet spell lias not injured the grain,
and that the yield about Gordon ridge is
much larger than anticipated and better
in quality.
Mr. W. N. Wiley returned last even
ing from his bheep camp in the mount
ains, and he informs us that the rain
Hun been xtuutlv until vesterdav morn
ing, and that on the higher altitudes
there was a light lull oi snow.
The operation on Walter French ves
terday was successfully performed. He
is mu'kiiig a stubborn tight for his life,
and if nature will soon commence her
healthful healing process the plucky
little fellow will come out victor.
Wo understand Mr. John Hampshire
has resigned his position as purser of
tho steamer Kegulutor anu will take his
leave on Saturday. Mr. Hampshire is
u verv popular voting man, anu ins
presence in the steamer otUce will bo
1 . II! 1.1!-
ttllSHCU uy me travelling puuuu.
A Kleml Still ut Lb rue.
A Spokane special says: George Mu
loch, charged with criminal assault
upon his daughter, is still a fugitive.
Officers got on his trail last night and
ran him into the mountains east of tho
city. Muloch's son, who aided him to
escape by driving him in a buggy out of
the citv, was found returning last night,
having taken blankets and food to his
father. Ho was made to confess his
hiding place, and the omcers quickly
formed a circle, and now claim they
have him rounded up in the timber.
The officers are moving with precaution,
us Muloch is well armed and it is
known that ho will fight desperotely be
fore ho will submit to arrest. Up to a
Into hour Muloch bad not been cap
tured. ,
KhuiuI C'levnlHiid.
The new baby Iiiib been named. It is
surmised that Mr. Cleveland named it
immediately after ho was apprised of its
DoctorThe child is born.
Grover Is it a boy?
D. No.
G.Nay? O my
lluckleu' Arulon riulvo.
The best salve in the world for cute,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped bauds, chilblains,
corns, and all Bkin eruptione, and poai-
tively cures piles, or no pay required
It ia guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refundod, Price 25 cents
por box, For sale by Snipes & Kin-
Klrven Pi eight Clnr I.pft tliri Track ninl
Tucntv IIoim-k Kllleil.
The freight train wreck, mention of
which was made yesterday in The
Ciihonicm:, occurred at 1 o'clock p. m
nbont a mile and a half this side of Bla
locks. A boulder coining down from
tho mountain side, struck a rail and
broke it, but in such a manner as not to
bo noticed by the engineer. The engine
passed over safely, but tho car behind
left the track, and the following ones
piled upon and around it, eleven of
them leaving the track, which were
wrecked or bndly splintered. One of
the cars contained twenty-four head of
horses, shipped by Mr. J. It. Winter of
Prineville yesterday morning, men
tioned in Tin: Chronicle as having left
for Indiana. The car containing the
horses was turned bottom side up and
twenty out of the twenty-four were
Train hands have been working at the
scene of the wreck all night and a wreck
ing crew left this morning with a large
nnmber of extra men to assist in clear
ing it up. The passenger train was de
layed about two hours, at which time
the track was fixed sufficiently good to
pass. At this time there were yet seven
freight cars off the track. The wrecked
train was No. 24, east-bound.
Fruit, Hay, Grain anil Produce Through
out Oregon.
The Oregon state weather bureau, in
co-operation with the weather bureau
of the United States department of agri
culture, the central office of which is in
Portland, has issued the following crop
and weather bulletin for the week end
ing September 12th, 1803:
Weather Showery weather has con
tinued since the Sth of September.
Thunder storms occurred in the moun
tainous districts ; they are generally at
tended by hail. The mean temperature
of the week was 01 degrees, which is six
degrees below the normal. There was a
deficiency of eunshine and the rainfall
averaged 0.55 of an inch, which is largely
in excess of the normal. The dense
smoke, caused by numerous forest fires,
has disappeared and the atmosphere is
once more pure and healthful.
Cnors Threshing has temporarily
ceased owing to the dampness of the
straw. There remains considerable
work for the headers in sections where
the grain wbe sown late. Growing crops
have receired great benefits by the rain.
Vegetables have been especially ben
efitted. Pastures have improved so that
the proBpect for sufficient grass on the
range in good. Stock are fat and beef
cattle are plentiful. There appears to
be less damage done to fruit than was
first estimated. Tender plants were in
jured by a frost which occurred on the
Sth. The second crop of alfalfa has
been secured, and farmers are prepared
to enter the winter season with well
filled barns.
Fresh oysters served in every style at.
Columbia Candv Factory. tf
StreiiKtli nuil llenlth.
If you are not feeling strong and
healthy, try Klectric Hitters. IJ "la
grippe" has left you weak and we.v,
use Electric Bitters. This remedy acts
directly on liver, stomach and kidneys,
gently aiding those organs to perform
their functions. If you areafllicted with
sick headache, you will find speedy and
permanent relief by taking Electric
Bitters. One trial will convince you
that this is the remedy you need. Large
bottles only 50c. at Snipes & Kinersly's
l,n Grippe.
During the prevalence of the grippe
tho past seasons it was a noticeable fact
that those who depended upon Dr.
King's New Discovery, not only had a
speedy recovery, but escaped all of the
troublesome after effects of the malady.
This remedy seems to have a peculiar
power in effecting rapid cures not only
in cases of la grippe, but in all diseases
of throat, chest and lungs, and has cured
cases of asthma and hay fever of long
standihg. Try it and bo convinced. It
won't disappoint. Free trial bottles at
Snipes & Kinersly's drug store.
For Kent.
Five rooms suitable for housekeeping
with bath. Central location.
12dlw J. M. Ht'NTiMnoN & Co.
Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., San
Diego, Cal., says: "Shiioh's Catarrh
Kemedy is the first medicine I have
ever found that would do me any good."
Price 60 cts. Sold by Snipes & Kinersly.
Best erades of oak. fir, aud slab cord
wood, at lowest market rates at Jos. T.
Peters & Co. (Office Second and Jeffer-
on streets.)
A recent discovery by on old
)uyelelaa. Suectttulty uttd
.monthly vy thoutanilt of
iliet. U tho only oerfcetly
uifnnnd reliable luedleluo 1U
coTMCd. Beware tf unprincipled UruBBUU who
offer Inferior nedlduo la place of till. Ailc for
Cook's Cotton Iloot Compound, take no utK(.
Mt, or Jucloso $1 ml 0 eeuw lu postage In letter
and we will scud, enled, by return mall, run scaioa
tiartlouluw In plulu cuvelopo, to ladle ouly, ii
pUuupu. Addrex) 1'uud Lily Company,
fiu. u r isuer iuocn, uciroii, miuu. -Sold
ill Tlio Xiilltf by ttlukeley & Houghton,
For the Fall Trade
Wo are now ready with a full lino of
Ready-IVIade Clothing,
Blaolc. and.
and all other kinds of Dry Goods
We are noted for the eood values we trive
in Bleached and Unbleached Muslins, f
Sheetings, Prints, Ginghams, Boots and ( I
Shoes. Hosiery. Gents' Furnishings, etc.. etc.
The Balance ot our Summer Importations now
Clearing Out AT COST.
Cor. Court Hi Stcoti sti.
Tic Dalles, Oregon.
Sin mii Sim Dry Ms,
Fancy Goods and Notions,
Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes, etc.
now complete in every department.
All goods will be sold at greatly reduced prices.
Tm cash. H. Herbring.
.Familiar Faces in a New Place.
Late Special Agent General Land Vjjice.
J)e leal Instate, tpai?, Ii75urai?ee,.
Parties having Property they wish to Sell or Trade, Houses to Rent, or
Abstract of I ltle furnished, will find it to their advantage to call ou us.
"We shall make a specialty of the prosecution of Claims and Contosts
before thu Unitep btates Land Ollice.
85 Washington St.
Have You. Seen
Fine Millinery Goods
112 Second Street.
At tho Old Stand,
Cor. Second and Union Sts.
fiay, Graii?, peed apd plour,
Groceries, Fruits and Seeds.
Oeualx paid, for muss and Poultry.
fill goods delivered Free and Promptly.
A. T
The California Winehouse,
Is now open, and its proprietor will soil his home-
rices in tho reach ot everybody,
bo lound. Uoods guaranteed
-Class in every respect.
A, produced Wine at pi
T Also, best I'eanuts to
f to bo Pure and First
Thompson's Addition.