The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 13, 1893, Image 2

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    Tne Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Weekly, lycnr MM
" 6 months 0 ft
ii 3 0 Ml
Dlly, 1 ycr 6
" 6 months S CO
0 60
Address all communication to " THK CHHON
ICLE." The Dalles, Oregon.
orrtc hours
General Dcllrcry Window 8 a. m. to T p. m.
Money Order " S a. m. to 4 p. ni.
Sunday U 1) "
trains (rolng Kast 9 p. m. andll:4Aa. m.
" " West 9 p.m. and 6:30p. ni.
Stage for Goldendale 7:S0a. m.
' " l'rinevillo 8:30 . m.
" "DufuraiidWarmSprinRs ..6:S0a.m.
" f Leaving for I.yle A. IUrtloml..5:S0 a. m.
" " " J Antelope S:80a. m.
Except Sunday.
fTri-weekly. Tuef dav Thursday and Saturday,
i " Monday Wednesday and Friday.
SFPT. IH, 1S93
While the world has not yet come to
an end, an Alabama murderer who was
hanged last week lit a cigar just before
the final drop and left the world smoking.
An eastern scientist, after the most
careful calculation, predicts another
deluge in about 10,000,000 years. This
should not be allowed to defer action in
regard to the financial difficulties which
now beset the country.
Home rule carried in the house of
commons by a majority of 34, and was
defeated in the house of lords by 370.
The defeat-is crushing, but the fight will
never abate its earnestness until Ireland
is free. Time gives all opportunity, and
only opportunity is lacking for liberty to
assert itself, in letters of blood, if need
SCIENTIFIC fuiSCELLANY. tuiu'sanh microbes, struup
in a lino, would make a procession
only one inch In lonpth.
TiutK.i: miles per hour is nbnul the
average speed of the (julf stream; at
certain places, however, this spued is
increased to fifty-four miles an hour.
Gknkhai.t.y speaking, wo say that
the curvature of the earth amounts to
about T inches to the statute mile; it is
exactly 0.0U inches, or T.'.KW inches for
a geographical mile.
Act'onniNO to a promise made to her
dead husband, Mine. Schliemann is
continuing the excavntious at Troy,
which made his name famous, and per
sonally superintends much of the
TnoF. HahkaiuVs recent photograph
of the milky way shows the existence
of 500,000,000 suns, each supposed to be
the center of a system of planets,
where hitherto it was thought to con
tain only about 20,000,000 such suns.
The celebrated "globe ilsh" is not
always globe shaped. They have the
power of distending themselves into a
globular form by inflating a large air
sac in the abdomen. When this is
blown out they assume a normal
A rouND of rice contains 80.09 per
cent, of nutritive matter. Lean beef
contains but 20.S3 per cent. Fat beef
contains 4C.OI5 per cent.; potatoes, 23.24
per cent.; Indian corn, 82.07 per cent.;
oats, 74.02 per cent.; rye, 62.7'J per
cent., and wheat, S2.54 per cent.
I 111 M
The cheapest property today in Amer
ica is timber land. Its advance lias not
been rapid since the panics during the
eeventies. The demand for wood pulp,
the wanton destruction by fire ot our
forests, the increase in our population
and many other causes all are tending (
to make timber more valuable.
The senate is still idling away time,
doing a great deal of talking and no
business. All eyes are turned toward
it, but it seems indifferent to the gaze.
There is no use in putting off the inevit
able. They will surely pass the Wilson
bill, reported from the house by so large
a majority, and 'though the dose is a
bitter one to a handfull of silver sena
tors, there is nothing to be gained by
procrastination but the yet sincerer
condemnation of the country at large.
The senate will not vote, but the people
have voted it a nuisance long ago.
85c ti
Uicit., and
ftl.OOnor Rattle.
' -vet g.r tTiw?ja
Cutvs Couch', Hoarsen e. Sore Thront,
Croup nromptlv. relieves Whooping Cough
and Atimiu. T r Consumption it has no
rival: tins cured thousands w.iere nil other
failed; will cohe yoc if nken in time. SoM
bv Druffpistf on a-'i.irm'eo. For Ln me Hack
or Chest, usosmi.oii's I'LASTKK. 25cts.
iu i . a ? Tht remedy is tninniu-
rc vol.. yriceWco. lmectur trv
teed to
For Hlr by snipes A; Klner'ly.
All the world has been informed that 1
Ban FranciEco is to have a mid-winter
fair and that many of the attractions at '
the Columbian exposition will be among
those at the Golden Gate. It was felt,
however, that there must be something '
to supply the place of the Eiffel tower
and the Ferris wheel, or the San Fran
cisco show would not be a complete .
success. But San Francisco has shown
herself equal to this emergency as she j
baa to many others. A genius of that
city has devised a colossal statue of Jus
tice, 150 feet in higlit, supporting an im
mense pair of scales, at the extremities
of which are ('cars holding fifty persons
each. The beam is a truss, 300 feet long
oscillating like a walking-beam, lifting
the cars to half that distance above the
top of the statue. It is believed that
this will prove as great an attraction as
the devices for looking about at the
Paris exposition and the world's fair.
m , mm
Easily, Quickly,
Permanently Restored.
and all the train of fvlli
fromearly errors or later
excesses, the results of
overwork, stchiiuss,
worrv.etc. FullstreLc'h.
development and tuny
given to every ort-an anJ
portion of the Lwiy.
Simple. naturalmeOiod.
seen. Failure Impos'lM?.
V.flU references. Boole,
explanation anil pruofs
mailed (sealed) free.
J. F. FORD, Evaiplisl,
Of l)e
Si. I!
Mnlnes, Iowa, write
March 23, 1S9.V
Speaker Crisp is a frequent caller at
the treasury department. Two or three
times a week since the extra session
opened it has been his custom to drop
in upon Secretary Carlisle to ascertain
from him the changing conditions of
the money situation, and to communi
cate to Mr. Cleveland's chief financial
minister such new developments as may
have arisen at the capitol, Neither the
Hpeaker nor Mr. Carlisle has attached
any great significance to their consulta
tions until lately, when they found
them magnified into secret and myste
rious indications of some contemplated
change of policy on the part of the ad
ministration. It is said that Mr. Crisp
is now almost afraid to enter the treas
ury building and Mr. Carlisle does not
conceal the annoyance which the exag
gerated reports of his doings occasion.
Ab recently stated, on the direct author
ity of a member of the cabinet, the ad
ministration has not discussed in meet
ing or out of it any new line of policy on
financial matters, and will not enter
upon the consideration of any new pro
ject until after the senate has taken ac
tion on the question now pending before
(ir.NTLKHKN: IIhvIml' kilH'orwl nr.. at ,ll
from ueuductio tor yeiint and being unable to xet
relief until it would wear awuy of IteeU. I Mw
niauw ueauHcue mpiuiea advertised. I tried
Miem, and now am never without them, finding
it the onlyremedy that will give reliel. When I
now find a headache coming on I tako a capsule
ltiully yours, 0 II. Whkjht, Hoston, Mass.
llie above letter la only onu ot the many which
go to prove the remarkable benefit received from
too use of Krause' Headache Capsules. Any
person lutteiing Irom headache should proeuie
iheae capsules at once. liewaro of imitation.
The Keuuiue ure sold only in boics and have the
word Krause on the label; none other Kenulnc.
.Med. Mfg. Co.,
Dufur, Oregnn.
Gentlemen :
On arriving home last week, I found
all well and anxiously awaiting. Our
little irl, eight and one-half vears old,
who had wasted away to .'i8 pounds, is
now well, stronir and'vigorous, and well
fleshed up. P. B. Cough Cure lias done
its work well. IJoth of the children like
I it. Your S. ii. CoiiL'h Cure has cured
and kept away all hoarseness from me.
So give it to every one, with greeting?
for all. Wishing vou prosperity, we are
Yours, Mi:. & Mns. J. F.' Foitn.
If you wish tofeel fresh and cheerful, and rewl)
for the Spring's work, cleanse your ytem with
the Headache and Liver Cure, hy ttkinir two or I
three doses each week. i
Bold under a positive RUHrantee. 1
60 cents per bottle by all driiK(ili.
flour, Brap apd peed.
H. s, InSian service, warm Srrinzs izency.
Waum feritiNffs Crook Co.. Or., Auj,'..0, 1893.
Sealed proposals Indorsed "I'roiKiwiNfor Flour,
hran and Feed," hk the can- may be, ami addressed
to the iindertlKneil at Warm hprlnirs, Oregon, will
)jc received at this agency until 1 o'clock 1. M. of
Tuesday. September l'j. lh'j.!. for fiiriilnhi,,,. ,..i
delivering at the agency about l.iwi Ibsolllour,
'.UtiOO lbs of bran, and V),W) lb ol feed.
., V'";,r. Jr ?l .either what Is known as
"straight full Hock" of good sound wheat O) lbs
ground down to about lbs of Hour, lowgrHdei
to 1jc taken out; or it may bo what Is known ni
patent Hour, anil delivered in extra strong single
cotton sacks to weigh h ounces to the yard. Sam
ples of not less than lbs must 1m- fn
bidders, said tampleH to bo distinctly marked
with theuumoof tho bidder and the number of
tne sample ii more man one is submitted,
llraii must bo of good (imillty, eiiial parts bran
nun suoris inixeu; samples oi not less tli
mini do nirnisneu uy mauers.
Karl'e Clover Koot, the new blood
purifier, gives freshness and clearness to
the complexion and cures constipation,
25c., 60c. and 1,00. gold hy Snipes &
Kinersly, druggists.
Feed must be clear burlee. IrfUi rnlli-il Ir.o
from dirt and rusti samples of not less than 'ii
iui musi oe luruiincu uy bidders.
IJellverv. Of the above there Is to lu.ilcll v..rwi
at thciilnemasho School, located 'JO miles north
of the agency, 2I.WW lbs of (lour. 10,M lbs bran,
and 10.UJO lbs of feed; and at tne agency, 2l,(j(j
lunwi Hour, iu,sxj ims uran, aim ju.uuoios leed.
All articles ure to be subject to a rigid iuspeo
Proiosals mint state secflcally the propose!
price of each article ottered for delivery under n
contract hy the. cwt., not barrels or tons.
The right is reserved to reject any or all bids,
or any part of any bid If deemed lor the best in
terest of the service.
Certified checks-Usch bid must bo accompanied
by n certified check or draft upon some United
States depositing or solvent national bank In
the vicinity of the residence of the blddei, made
payable to the ordtr of the commissioner of In
dian atlairs, for at least live tier cent, ol the
amount of the proposal which check or draft
will be forfeited to the United Htates in casu any
blddtr or bidders rccelvlntr an award shall fall
to promptly execute sureties, otherwise to be
returned to the bidder.
ilids af-cnrnriMflliil hv rash In lln nf ri.pHfl.-i1
check will not be considered.
I'nr further information as to time of delivery
and other particulars, apply to i
j, r. I.UfJKKV,
V. a. Indian Agent,
Brought back
to health sufferors from tho worst
forms of Skin and Scalp Diseases,
Scrofulous Sores and Swellings, and
nil manner of blood taints. It's
done by Dr. Pierce's Golden Med
ical Dfscovery, whioh purifies and
enriches tho blood, and through it
cleanses nnd renews tho whole sys
tem. Even Lung -scrofula (known
as Pulmonary Consumption) yields
to it, if taken in time nnd given a
fair trial. It'a guaranteed to bene
fit or cure, in every case, or money
paid for it is refunded. Only n
medicine that docs what is claimed
for it, could bo sold on Biich terms.
No other medicine, besides the
"Discovery" has undertaken it.
So positively certain is it in its
curative effects as to warrant its
makers in selling it, as they are do
ing, through druggists, on trial!
It's especially potent in curing
Tetter, Salt-rheum, Eczema, Erveip
elas, Iioils, Carbuncles, Sore Eyes,
Goitre, or Thick Neck, and Enlarged
Glands, Tumors and Swellings.
Groat Eating Ulcers rapidly heal
under its benign influenco.
William Tell
Your Father that we sell
Is the
Of the Year
Vest Jumpers, .
Pantaloon Overalls,
Easy-fitting Pants
Every garment guaranteed NEVER to rip!
"We are also Headquarters for
Men's, Boys' and Youth s
In eerv size, style and price.
TiftTih TTT'T'T-'llHr'Trtll
lUUi HI lEJillUil I u There is a tide in the affairs oj men which, taken at its jlool
leads on to fortune."
under 'Ixif ni
J Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Tat- J
Jour orncctsOppostTC.U. s. PATtHTOrncrJ
J and we can lecure patent m less tunc Uiaa those J
i emote from Washington.
Send model, drawing or photo., with desenp-J
Jtion. We advite, if patentable or not, tree of;
charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured.
A Pamphlet. "How to Obtain Patents," with ;
; cost of aajne in the U.S. and foreign countries J
sent free. Address,
J opp. patent Orricc, Washington, D. c.
Is called to the fact that
Heigh Glenn,
Denier in Glass, Lime, Plaster, Cement!
.,.! H:i.i;.... Mahi.ial nf till IritilU '
(.lilt AJlt I II. .111 M .VI ... . U. M.. A.....U.
Currln tho Fluent I.lne uf
Picture Mouldings
To be found in the City.
72 LClashington Street.
j Tho poet
f,iii-flnt (ii fc-
Fomitiirfi & Can
Who aro Boiling those Roods out at Rroatly-rociucod rata
W. r. U'hEMAN.
KJiseman & Warders,
Saloon and Wine Rooms
The Dalles, - Oregon.
Leaaing Jeweler.
All Watch Work
Jewelry Made
a r ran tod.
to Order.
Court streets.
corner of Second tintl I
I3H Smci.ikI Ht.. The Diillna, Or.
Daily and Weekly Editions.
THE CHRONICLE was established for the ex
press purpose of faithfully representing The Dalles
and the surrounding country, and tho satisfying
effect of its mission is everywhere apparent. It
now leads all other publications in Wasco, Shor
rnan, Gilliam, a largo part of Crook, Morrow and
Grant counties, as woll as Klickitat and other re
gions north of Tho Dalles, hence it is tho best
medium for advertisers in the Inland Empire.
Tho Daily Chronicle is published every ove
ning in the week Sundays excepted at $6.00 por
annum. The Wkkkly Ciihoniclk on Fridays of
each week at $1.50 per annum.
For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., address
II K NKWTOW.N Iiiix Im-qii
l'ullnnf IIimxI river, ultli
nml pure waUT.wltli iliiid
ilatltil on tlir nlil t'liiiin urmiuil. nt the I'urkn nnd
iiruu. nlulitlv liitx.liroail utrirtHiinil hIIuvk. itikmI noil
lolii iirofiinlim. iH.'rfirtilriilnnue.ilulii-litlnl iniiiintHili
cllimitc, the Lciitiiil iittriiiitiiin iiiuiiiitnin miiiiiiiit rourt lor nil ()rt-Kn"i
Lioltiif tint ni'iiri'At tnwn tit Sit. Hum). It In iiiiiuiriiUili. hm ii niHiinfHntiirlllf
cuiit'T, U-Iiik the until ml center Inr 1M ilnru inllen of the jjent cellar ninUi
timber. iHiKoeHiini; imiIIIiiiin nf hiiri-in i In i 1 i i h 1 i I i i i- utminm ami vra
lulll. 4'ilNllv Itiirfift.i'ii. Wlnri fln I. iiiiitlvii ttnti..r ..vImIm th.irit thtiBUl
fucturk'N will center, mirniiiiiileil r mil unit ellimito that citiuint toetetf j
Hiiywlieru fur Irult nml ik rl- .mire, nml with trnnt'rtiitliin nlrt'lji
yiiu win nun huh me nniio u nuiKU n inline or 11 ayiiiK
See me on the grotuj
TITliE PERFECT address me at Hood W
! Wasco County, Oregot'l
W. Ross Winans.
RfllLI, .
This Popular House
linn lutulv litititi tlioroni'lilv ldiioviitt'd and i
ftirnifllit-d tlirouitliotit. and in now better thw
vor prupnrutl to (uriiiHli tho l0Ht Hot'
ncfoininodutioiiH of tttiy Iiouho in U'e
city, nnd nt the vtiry low rato ol
$1 a day. First-Class Meals,
ntnl fmvttirwltniia milt osltion SH
to Dufur, KinuHlny. TvkIi Valluy, Wpll
Warm SpriiiKH and Prinoville iH in tho How'
and imrHotiH going to l'rinovillo t-'ft'1 Bv
H.00 by going on this Htagu Hue-
All trains stop here.
Pipe Wort, Tin Repairs anil
Shop on Third Stroet, next door west of Young
Blacksmith Shop.