The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 13, 1893, Image 1

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    el)c Dalles
101. VL
NO. 76.
iklles Daily Chronicle.
tuM ll-IIr.Hiiii'l-TKxccpUHl.
0i M"Um 8t,0U, T"C
I" n,.llM. OrcKUli.
i, Attiv. lOW-1- Horu.n:UOiMi.
, ...(' Depart 3:11 a.m.
' , Willi Hint rurrr iaetlKorH leave
w0 f mint S'W a. m.i Mini one for Un
it us""-
I rju, via. Iluku Oven, leave daily
fiW. Mitchell. C'uiiyoii City, louvo
lift-?: .. ,.n.ln IViml ti 1 1 Im 11' Mr tit
K tSS altaV, li'ave 'dally, except
E&leinWci Wmli.. leave every day of the
CiiMStiiunility nl 7 a. M,
bwloMllllin" t the I'niRtllla IIoue.
it Dinlll'l I ATTIIIlMrV-AT-I.A w Olllcu
Q, CcurtHtrtot.Tlic Dnllea, Mrcfou.
I uW-Kooim nim i, over i "u
rtHalM nit. Klltiance nil wniliiRioii niroei
iivmkktt. Anoi'.Ni:y.AT-i.Av. of-
ijliiM;tiiiiiiio, ImllilliiK, tip luir. The
J.lYe. Ht'.NTlNfiTON Ai W11.HON Arroii-
5itii-atla w ouifffh, r rencim moox over
nlNitlotinl llniik, "1 liallen. Oregon.
trench it Co lunik imlltlliiK, becouu
let. Tbe llnllca. (irecnu.
.Rill ELM AN illllH.KOI'ATIUCI I'llVNtniAN
fol mjuiikon. ChIU uimwerwl liroinptly.
Knight, city or country. Ulllco r,o. 30 ami
Apaiu uiocii. wii
. 0, I), IK) A N K I'llYHIOIAN AMI Mill- Olhie, rooun. 6 null G (;liiiiiiiim
Ki'nlilfiii-i. h I'urniT Cmirt mill
f-'i ilrtvls, .ecinil iloor from the fornur.
ksoiirK y to 12 A jl.. '.'tofi nun 7 tour. n.
iDDAl.' Hknti'T (Hid Riven for the
ttluli"i oxtriietlon of teeth. Alno teeth iiliiinluum jilutv. llonum: HIrii of
un loom, fveouil Htreut.
rttXi 1.1)1)1,1 . M) l.i. A I- it A. M. Meuti
Irntimil third Jloiiiluy nf each iiiiiiith ill 7
rU.l.lK I'llVAt AI.CII I'll . liTI'll VII I
llwlh III Muhdiiii' Hull the third WeilneMl'iiy
.i, iiiiiiihu , i . ji.
Lottere of Credit issued available in he
Eastern States.
Hllllt. l?Tl'linrif an A Tliim.aiil,ln
Transfers sold on Now York. Chicago, St.
liOti'iH, San Francisco, Portland Oregon.
ouiuiiu vyuhii,. aim various points in Or
bkoi) and WaHhington.
Collections mado at all tolnte on fav
orable terms.
J. 51. I'ATTKIIhnN,
First National Bank.
A General Blinking Hnsiness transa:tod
Deiiosltfl received, subject to Sipbt
Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceeds promptly
remitted on day of collection.
Siirht and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
ftew xoric, son Jtrancisco ana 1'ort-land.
I). J. Tiiomi'bo.v. Jno. S. Scjienck.
Kl). M. Wilmamh, Gko. A. Likub.
H. M. IIkali..
Hational Bank,
- Z. F. Moody
Ciiaulkb Hilton
M. A. Moony
General Banking Business Transacted.
Sight Exchanges Sold on
Collections made on favoreble terms
at all accessible points.
Blacksmitn & wagon shop
If you wako up in tho
morning with a bitter or
bad tasto in your mouth,
Languor, Dull lloadacho,
Despondency, Constipa
tion, take Simmons Liver
Regulator. It corrects
tho bilious stomach,
sweetens tho breath and
cleanses the furred tongue.
Children as well as adults
sometimes eat something
that does not digest well,
producing Sour Stomach,
Heartburn, Restlessness,
or Sleeplessness a good
dose of Regulator will
give relief. So perfectly
harmless is this remedy
that it can bo taken by
the youngest infant or
tho most delicate person
without injury, no matter
what tho condition of the
system may be. It can
do no harm if it doe3 no
good, but its reputation
for 40 years proves it
never fans in doing good.
Eggs for Hatching
From thoroughbred fowls.
13 eggs $2.00
26 eggs 3.00
Address: E. M. HAliRIMAN,
C-2,lm Enderaby, Or.
"The Regulator Line"
Ml Hood'lueMliiyevell
Bf eiieh week In I- mturnlty Hull, nt 7 ;: y. m.
rl.l'.MHIA l.OlKiK. NO..',. Ml n i- m
every Krlihiy owning iit7:ifl)o,eii1ok, in K
. hull, comer Keeonil mill Court nlrvutH.
ItlllllL' hrothorM htm uilintnn'y. 11, A. llu.l.h,
IIKN'DMIIII1 MilKiP v ii i.-
ICVLTV Alllllllliv iil'i.tilm .ii't.'Iii I..
L . i ... I ". ...ft ... I ...u w i;iipi;k, 111
ImiohhtlllilliiK, corner of Court nml Keennii
nwjwuiiiiiiK inuiiioern lire corilliiliy in
.'AIIHK,K. of It. Illld H.
KV.'II'V NO. (S.7, K. OF U-MeutN In K. nivi.niinii miu loiirtn ueoue-
ol encli mouth ut 7:.'10 p. m,
. UNION will moet every Frhliiv iifl.T ,
t the rciiilliiKroom.
b'cluvk nt I
fcnllr All l.Vviteil."1 " " "
vnniMA, o. 1, It. C. Fl.KIJK, So
K,iL.K.l'0l.,.tiK.,N.9' 3 A- - W.-Jlecta
CiVnr i .'' ,v, r ,vUi Second
""'iv wvuiiiuru ill v ;jju,
iS!ns, Finnm-ler. .'.m'W.
l.VSMI'l'li phot v.. .. .
IM.I.L' . V "-I VI. A. IV. JILT II
I'WrbHturdiiy ut 7:30 i-. ii., In the K.of V.
1 "liek hoM',lUHUVtry Huml"y ,,,lor,")m l,
ftA.Sll VKUKIN Mw.tit .ivnrv w,.ihIv
'llK III tho K, of I'. Hull,
0Kh !! '"M,HONt No. l7-.Meetnln
i. nun ino rut u I id nurd wixliien.
pjvwii iniiiuh.ut 7;ao r. m.
'uPif" (!ll"HCH -Kuv. Fnthor Hiionh
u in '.'Hor' u,w -M'tKN ovury Huudiiy ut
"'Kh ilimh ut 10:30 a. M. Vimpermit
KifM.1' '' (,H.V.Ut311 -Union Htret,opioHito
vs i .'.i ,tuv.' K" " HdlolHIo Ueotor. Hurvlcen
.oli' I i' nt U M- 7:l) ! M. Htindny
KvisnliiK I'myeron Friday ut
! "iTIHT.(!"l""l""',V. 0. I). TAV-
it'll Aliiriilntf Hurvlo.-H ovory Hub-
l I ,."n".lll,"l' II A. M. Hiihlmth
t ruiw "S'1,'1 niornliiK nurvluw..
hi ,. .K ,r,,!"' uv""' ut I'tiHtor'H TOM
, union .wvIcoh In tlio court liotiBout
S' l 'NA lillUIKlll-IUiv. W. (!.
hi 1 17 i.1 1 N,orJ BVrv,w" uvry rtuuiliiy ut 1 1
' Htri,' H,""lHy "i"l "ftur niornliiK
t riuiKurH corn Inlly InvlUil. HeuU free.
rvl!.!i'!.l.(.,,,:Huv.' J- "'IIIhi.kii, pHktnr,
'y f-li.,..7 "'yriiuMlHy nioniluKiit 11 ii. iii.
'nt !"i lasaio'tifiKik i- i. Kpworth
'"tiiy iiv .'i i,,..- .M: , I'riiyor meutlim every
I, 1H "luinlwl by both piwlor uml .eoplo
ah III")! In the Coii-jii'ifiitloinil
'''niivlled ,y ,U 11 '' M' AU ""'
!llor,!1,'niK!'AN Ninth Hlleot,
uroliM xJfl1tnt' Kurvlont ll i.i i,i.iu.
General IMiicksmitbing and Work done
promptly, and all work
Horse Shoeing a Speciality
Tliiril Street, opp, Liclie's old Stand.
Andrew Velarde
IS prepared to do any and all
kinds of work in his line at
rciihonublo figures. Has the
largest house moving outfit
in Eastern Oregon.
Address P.O.Box 181.The Dalles
: : JEWELER : :
Wiitohen und Jewelry repnlred to older on
nhort notice, unit MHtifiivtlou guaranteed
Htoro of I. V. NloknUeii, Uil Mt. Tlio ItHlle
Chas. Allison,
Denier In
The Dalles, Portlani aii Astoria
Navigation Co.
Headquarters at Okas. Lauor's.
HhvIiik hud ii Hue harvest of natural ieo tho
liCNt III the world, I am piepaied to tiirnUh III
any quantity and at bottom prkox.
Freigiit ana Passenger Line
Through dally fcerviee iSiiiulnyu ex
oe)twl) between Tin- Dalles and Port
land. .Steamer Regulator leaves The
Dalles at 7 a. m. eoniuicting at Cnfeade
with pteamer Dalles City.
Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland
(Vainhill street dock) at (i a. m. con
necting with Hteamer Regulator for TJie
Oneway : 12.00
Hound trip 3.00
Tickets on sale for Long Beach, Ocean
Park, Tioga ami Ilwaco. Baggage
checked through.
Freight Rates Greatly Reduced.
Shipments for Portland received at
anv time day or night. Shipments for
way landings must be delivered before
6 p. m. Live stock shipments solHted.
Call on or address,
Uonui'Hl Ageut.
General Miiur.
Dry Goods
r Qlothing
tlunl. iIiixih, HatH, KtO.
Fanoij Ijood, Jtan
Kle. Kto., Kte.
Seoond St., Tlie Dalles.
Candies and Nuts nr
Klnost Poanut HonstorlnTho Dallofc
S S - I CQI PQ AirsVKOtirr'Ji
Qd SirootJ. rUUUW rostauraut.
The St. Charles Hotel,
This old, populiH' ami reliablo lumso
has been entir. 'v . f.uiiiHhed, and every
room him been rej . M.-r. .1 and rojuimtui
and newly empi'ied throughout. The
boupo enntainn ITU nminnaud is mipplieO
withovnn 'iio'len ivenlenco. Kutei
rvrtHiiiinlil!- v,..-1 "'aunuit attachec
(o the li.uisn, I'.. '' 'iuh to and from all
C. W. KNOWI.ES, Prop.
Hold Up
the Lake
' Express.
Shore Night
Blew Open the Safe With Dynamite
and Secured a Large Amount
of Money.
Kendau.vii.m:, Ind., Sept. 12. The
New York express train on tho Lake
Shore roadj which left Chicago at 7:45
last night, reached a tiding at Kcslar,
live miles west, of here, at 1 o'clock this
morning. Approaching it, Engineer
Knapp noticed a red danger-signal light
at the switch, and stopped the train.
As he did so, twenty men, armed with
Winchesters, sprang out of the woods,
scattered along the train and covered the
trainmen, while one lired at the engi
neer, inflicting a wound in the shoulder.
With everything in hand, the robbers
proceeded to blow open the forward ex
press car with dynamite; then, knock
ing the express messenger senseless, ex
ploded five dynamite cartridges in suc
cession against the sale before it yielded.
They helped themselves to its contents,
the whole performance occupying an
hour, when without making any at
tempt on the other express car, or in
terfering with the passengers, who re
mained in the cars, panic-stricken, they
fired a few warning shots and disap
peared in the woods. The train came
on here and the alarm was given, and
the sheriff at once summoned a posse
and started in pursuit of the bandits.
Engineer Knapp brought the train
here, but was unable to go farther on
account of his wound. It is believed he
will recover. There were two safes in
the express car, one for through matter,
to which the messenger had no key, and
one for local matter. The robbers com
pelled the mestenger to open all the
safes, from which several thousand dol
lars in currency was taken. They then
blew open the big safe with dynamite.
In the outer compartment was .oO.OOU
in gold, with whK'b the robbers loaded
themselves, not stopping to open the
inner compartment, In which was a lot
mote money. In their haste to get
away the robbers also overlooked two
gold bars. The train is the heaviest for
express on the road, anil frequently car
ries iinOO.OOO. It fs believed this fact
was known to the robbers. When they
left the train they went in a southerly
diiection. The point at which the rob
bery occurred is a deep cut in the woods;
but all the country around is thickly
populated, with little timber, and it is
believed impossible for the robbers to
escape. Posses are scouring the coun
try in search of them.
Chicago, Sept. 12. A dispatch from
Albion says the robbers who held up
the Lake Shore train are surrounded by
a bheriiPs posse and a light is in pro
gress, with indications that the robbers
will be captured or exterminated.
Ills Iile I'ar in Adviinee of Tlioe of
III Tarty.
Washington-, Sept. 8, 1893. .
Sjieclul C'oi rosiionileiice of TllK I'll uoNtci.i:
The minority in the senate lias not
yet been entirely subdued by 31r. Cleve-
lim.l. but. that in the house is so tnor-
mu'blv under his control that it accepts
as final and unquestionable his slightest
intimation. Ever since Springer oi Il
linois was made chairman of tho house
committee on banking and currency
that committee has been considering
several financial bills, and tho announce
ment was made on the authority of
Springer that it would at once report
ono of more bills to the house. Well, it
will do no such thing. -Mr. Cleveland
has ordered thai no 1)111 dealing with
financial matters shall bo reported to
the house until further notice from him,
iihiI the members of Spriimer's commit
tee and thosoof Bland's coinage com
mittal! me, like the rest of the house,
idling their tiim away. There are sev
eial icasims for .Mr. Cleveland's iiiu.
thee bouse committee. It had
been reported to him that a majority of
Springer's committee had informally
expressed themselves against tho repeal
of the tax on state bank currency, a
ineasiiro w hich he may yet have to rec
oinmend in order to gel the votes on
certain southern senators for tho oor
bees repeal bill; and he also bus tho
idea that the vote on repeal can soon be
forced in tho senate am', that congress
can then bo made to adjourn, us it is
not probable that the ways and means
committee will be ready to report tho
tarill'btll much, II any, earlier than the
regular tosston. But the chief reason is
that ho bus not yot deckled what finan
cial measures shall be reported to the
house, and until ho docs lie wants the
members of these two committees to
refrain from publicly committing them
selves for or against proposed measures.
It is a big job to attempt to run both
the executive and legislative branches
of tho government, but republicans
ought to wish that Mr. Cleveland would
make a success of it, because, however
faulty many of his ideas arc, they are
far better than wiiat his party would
bring forward, if freed from bis influence
Deputy president is a position un
known to the constitution of tho United
States, but it practically exists nil the
same, and is filled by Secretary Lamont,
who, while nominally nt the head of the
war department, really has very little to
do with its business; his numerous
duties as deputy president leaving him
no time, even if he had the inclination.
Little time ns he has given to the war
department since be entered tho cabi
net, it is probable that he will give less
in the future, as the statement was this
week semi-officially made that a demo
crat was being sought with the ability
to perform the duties of secretary of
war and the willingness to accept the
position and salary of assistant secre
tary, the object being to allow Dan La
mont to continue drawing the salary of
secretary while performing none of the
work pertaining to the position. "Re
form" comes high, but the democratic
administration is bound to have it.
Senator Morgan's concurrent resolu
tion for the appointments a joint com
mittee of seven senators and seven rep
resentatives to investigate the entire
financial system of the country and re
port to congress what legislation is nec
essary to prevent periods of stringency
such as the country has just passed
through, has been favorably received
and if it be not antagonized bv the ad
ministration it may go through.
A number of gentlemen interested in
protected industries have this week told
the bouse ways and means committee
what the result would be if the tariff is
lowered or entirely removed in some
cases entire destruction of industries,
and :n all cases lower wages for Ameri
can workmen. Cas.
Having completed his "Prince of In
dia," Gen. Wallace has plans for an
other story already taking shape, but
it will probably take him .several years
to complete it.
Jajii;s Whitcomh Rii.kv says that
composition is a severe matter with
him. lie makes so many false starts,
corrections and erasures, that be is
r.hhamed to let anyone see his work
until it is recopied.
Hknuv Auoi-st Noc, the well-known
writer of tales of travel, was found in
the deep forest nearCilli, Styria, a few
days ago almost covered with wounds.
He was unconscious and it is supposed
that he was the victim of robbers wbo
infest the district.
Mjik. Lknormand, widow of tho em
inent orientalist and niece of the biog
rapher of Itecamier, died re
cently in Parts, hhe had published
recollections of Chateaubriand, Mme.
de Stael and Benjamin Constant. Sho
was seventy-six years of age.
Gkoiiok PitKDKiticii Paiisonh, for ten
years a writer for the New York Trib
une, died recently. Jlcsules numerous
short stories, Mr. Parsons wrote tho
introduction to Balzac's works, pub
lished by Roberts Brothers in Boston.
He had a wide acquaintance, ootn in
the east and west, among men of
A (i.ioil Til I n U' to He.'i. at Hand.
1'rom tho Troy (Kan.i Chief,
Some years ago wo were very much
subject to severe spells of cholera mor
bus; and now when wo leel any of tho
symptoms that usually precede that ail
ment, such as sickness at the stomach,
diarrhiea, etc., we become scary. Wo
have found Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhiea Hemedy the very thing to
straighten one out in such cases. Wo
are not writing this for a pay testimonial
but to let our readers know what is good
to keep handy in the house. For sale by
Blakeloy & Houghton, druggists.
Wo. nit IVooill W.ioill
Be.-t quality fir, oak and slab wood.
Leave orders at Kill Second street or
corner Third and Union. All orders
promptly attended to.
Maiku Bknto.v.
Senator Dolph presented a printed pe
tition from the conference of the Method
ist Episcopal church in Oregon for tho
repeal of the Geary act.
Fifty-ono rebels were killed and thirty
wounded while trying to make a landing
at Montevideo. They are hemmed in
the bay of Rio and in bad shape.
China is preparing a protest against
France's aggressions in Siam, and haa
ordered the Chinese squadron made
ready to Bail at a moment's notice.
Tho exposition building in Spokane
burned, lighting the country for miles
around. The exposition building waB a
wooden structure three Btories high and
200 by COO feet in dimensions. It was
built in 1890 and cost about $10o,0C3.
A fire in the town of Pullman dam
aged the Immber-yards of the Pullman
Palace Car Company to the extent of
$250,000. Between 1 9,000,000 and 10,
000,000 feet of lumber were burned.
The burned area covers nearly 20 acres.
1 here is eoruo anxiety manifested as
to the fate of the Valkyrie, in view of
the late reports of heavy storms in her
path. This is tho English yacht
matched against the Vigilant, which is
to defend Ameirca's cup in the inter
national races.
George Paige, a theatrial man, paid
$55 and made a public apology on the
stage at Fort Dodge for a local hit aimed
at Charles Crawford, a young eociety
man. Crawford instituted a suit for
criminal libel and one for damages, bat
withdrew them when Paige made repar
ation as above stated.
Bicycles are personal effects, and are
entitled to free entry into this country.
as such, when necessary to the comfort
and convenience of the owner, is the
gist of a decision recently rendered by
Acting Attorney - General Whitney.
They have been subject to an ad valo
rem duty of 45 per cent.'
Twenty thousand bomeseekers are on
the Cherokee strip trying to be regis
tered, but cannot do so by Saturday, the
time limit, ns less than 2,000 can be
registered daily. Water sells at ten
cuts a cupful and twenty-live cents a
canteen. The interior department is
bitterly condemned for locating tho
booths on the strip away from water
and shelter.
Walter Sangster, lately from Chester,
N. II., got on a drinking craze at Van
couver, killed a si wash, wounded a
Chinaman and covered with his revol
ver the chief of police, who rounded him
up in a shed, but the hitter knocked his
arm up and arrested him. It was then
found that he had taken out the dis
charged shells and reloaded every cham
ber. Ho realizes his position now, and
his continual moan is: "Poor old
mother! Do not let her know !"
Rev. W. A. Amsbury, presiding elder
of the North Platte (Neb.) district, shot
and killed himself Monday afternoon.
He was riding in a Union Pacific ca
boose on his way to keep an appoint
ment, and for amusement had been
shooting ut telegraph poles as the train
passed by. While tho train wns stand
ing at a station the crew heard a shot
and entering tho caboose found Ams
bury breathing his last. His friends
reject the idea of suicide.
Tim briisnue and fussv i in mil so of
those iluvs of false imiiression would
rate dowii all as worthless because one is
unworthy. As if there were no motes
in HiniheliiiiH ! Or comets ainoiiL' stars!
Or cataracts in peaceful rivers! Because
one remedy professes to do what it never
u-ns udunted to do. are all remedies
worthless? Because ono doctor lots his
until. nt, die. are all humbuiis? It re
quires a tine eye and a finer brain to
discriminate to draw the differential
"They say" that Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery and Dr. Piorce'a
Favorite Prescription have cured thous
"They say" for a weak system there's
nothing better than the ""Discovery,"
and that the "Favorite Prescription" is
the hope of debilitated, feeble women
who need a restorative tonic and bracing
nervine. And hero's the proof
Try one or both. If they don't help
you, tell the World's Dispensary M- dl
cal Association, of Buffalo, N. V., and
you get your money back again.
Fresh oysters surved in every style at
Columbia Candy Fiuuory. tf
Ask your dealer for Mexican Silver
Stovo Polish.
Highest of all in Leavening Power.--
Latest U. S.-Gov't Report.