The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 12, 1893, Image 3

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And Always Sure of Lowest Prices
Consistent with. Good Articles,
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
fjlennts tliu I'imIiiIIIcu lit Tim Diillcn, Oregon,
h kit.'iinil-uliiiH mutter.
I, mchI Ail vnrtlKlny.
lOL'ciiti iht Hue for lirNt luie.rllin, unit U Cuntn
wrlliic fanned milin.'iiii'tit luiurtlon.
:ci:i. rotei (or luni; time tiotlccs.
All liK'iii iiiitli'VN received Inter Until 3 o'clock
lllippcur tint fnllmvbiK duy.
SKIT. 11!, 18!Kt
Tin' Dady and Weekly Chronicle nitty
It found im mile itl I. ('. Nickehen's xtore.
Illy mill Ciuiiity Nxwn NiiIi-n nf Minor
Jnlm .lolnmini: linil n Mher tongue
Tlmt lie cr enjnu'il 11 rest.
A I'lillil lie t In 1 1 lend to nleei,
At m'hihiI lie t.ilkeil tne li tit.
I Iicii npeeeli win- on the lit 1 1 nl fiiru
.1 oil It .10111111111: lieei ImlLed:
1 leeji. ,1 wen 'in wiieii mviiUe,
He 1 .U.eil mill tnHeil mill t.,ll;i'il,
Hi t.ilkeil tile Hlitii!'rMill the mill,
I lie Illume oil the door,
' nti at IihI he Kot 11 vlie,
Atiil then he tiilu-.l no more.
"-ultmuiHho shipped u carload of Immiri
Bust lust night.
Two darkies were urreHted fur trunin-
lug ycHtoiduy mid fined liv the recorder.
Tlio Living ISHIU) (pOJIIlIisU is How n
load iaHiii), the oMict; having been cloned
BP last week.
, ,,!, a , iiiiiutiroiiH, mm uru
Jruwhng all over tlio sidewalks. There
Ire several kinds of tlioiii.
Although gold iH pouring itit 1 tliu
tuiintry, 1111 eastern minor mlvh il in null'
k.isiblo imitliod of L'uttintr it iH tlm
In r . . . . " "
m niHiiioiiwl method of working for it.
A report reaches tlm city that a froiL-ht
(reck occurred today this Hide of Hum.
la. It Ih not yut continued and there
I'eno particulars.
Mr.. I. U. Winter of I'rlnovlllo shinned
J .SaltinurHlio & Co.'h Htouk yards
in morning twonty.four hmd of fine
P horses to 1 milium, 1i!h old homo.
Tliu subject, of tlm sunnon thiH ovun.
Mnt thiXJIiriHtiuu church : "MesHimeH
oia t, De,,, ()r ,,uvu Wo TuHlimony
l-'ioiiKliV ThiH Hiibiect Ih notdoc.t.rhml.
P""t instructive and interesting.
Nils nlitci) Iiilh 1 10011 fmviriul u'llli Hit
Pjnn inch f raiiifall Hineo Wednesday
flUTlloon IHltwilliHlnnilinif Mr. I
, ... n.,nn Ul LIIU IflL-UUIllllU Illlllll-
I"K h forecast of fair weather and killing
N 'inn Iiiih yutuivuM thouiieur Huh a
fail"', intuition of which was inado yen-
An old Califoriiian Haiti that
1,18 wmio kind ol IIhIi invaded tlio Sac
'iiiit'iito rivor miiny years ago ami drovo
pun tne Hiilmon of that Htrcani.
L 1,0 I!owo laimboriiiK Company'H log-
'"K tt'lllllH lilft TV. .11. ....I 4.l.... ..
J J "Pl'ur Columbia rivor by tlio Dalles
''V bout, it iH tho intention of the
Ujmny to Htl,rt n Bttw ,nill durl)K Ul)
""K winter at or near Tho DalleH.
Mr. Mvrnn Kkh.!....!,... ... i.-... 1 ..11. .1.1
IflinM I "'llllJiVUII t, riuriiuui
m lotiHo iH ln th0 (!lty t0(lll,( Bnd wo
lion. 10 ,m" h00n throHhiiiK right
'onK every day, Bnd that tho grain in
T- "'JHK'H, f tlliH WOHt ve I
The jiotuto croji will bo large this year.
Five insane jierHoiisin one day i.H Port
IiuiiI'h record lor Sunday.
The WiiHliiiiKton 1'rt'HS Aeraciation
will viult Portland on the -5tJi.
Tlio four comiitmieH of 1'. S. troops,
L'uuiiing at Mclntyre'H, on the Salmon
river, for the paHt week, bturted for Van
couver on Sunday morning, the 10th.
On Friday litHt they ongugrd in a Hhatn
battle. Xo one wiih killed or wounded.
The director!) of the Portland Savings
bank propoHo to allow six per cent, in-
torottt on time depositH if the holder will
give an extension.
ln Klamath county btiyeif are ofl'er-
ing from $1S to per head for cuttle,
but better prices uru expected as the
seiiHon ndvauces.
William Ileal, u real estate agent of
Portland, died very suddenly at the
homo of .Mrs. Hess in (iervuis, caused
by tho rupture of a blood vessel.
The Oregon Paeilie railroad has under
taken to transport free of charge grains,
grasses, ores, woods and other articles
of Oregon produetH intended for the
midwinter lair at Sun Francisco.
Ik Stop to tlio
HIV or I if .
Ilmt , "" wouia "ardly know
'III I llnilll,, ..!.. 1 . , , ,,
Iron .1,1 , ' "w" ,m" 'o. Jho
J i .h In f0 condition for tho plow
n'lBOlm, huvo Htarh.,1 fl.l i
vOrl' , .,. v,iiin iu
r UlrilillU CIVHI- tlm uU f.. f..ll
1 1
Biiri, ST 85 t0 'y, fvor throiiifh
l'lit's runny Ke(iient l'ut
Altliough it is 11 familiar .saying that
an Irishman is always spoiling for u
tight, still there is one Kind of liglitinfr
to which even the brave sons of Erin
are sometimes averse. This is dueling.
A story well illustrating this fact has
recently eonie to us.
A certain Irihliiuan, having been
challenged to light a duel, accepted
the conditions after much persuasion
on the part of his friends, who felt
confident of his success. His antag
onist, ti lame mini, walked on crutches.
When the place for the shooting had
been reached the lame man's seconds
asked that he be allowed to lean
against a milestone which happened to
stand there. Tin; privilege was al
lowed, and the hum; man took his
Thi' Irihliiuan and his seconds drew
oil' to the distance agreed upon, one
hundred feet. Here Put's eourage sud
denly fulled him and ho shouted to the
laiiie man:
"I've a small favor to ask of ve, nor!"
"What is it?" asked the cripple.
Pat answered: "I tould yethotyo
might lean ng'in the mllepost, and
now I would like the privilege of lean
in' ag-'lti tho nixt one."
iho laugh that followed spoiled
everybody's desire for a tight, and tlio
whole party went home without a shot
Having boon fired. youth'sCompaniou.
Wi: watch the winds from east and
wefit and our hopes aro answered from
tho south.
Ik there is nuywhoro u stray gleam
of Hiinshino or of lovo n little child
will llnd if.
Tun religious improvident trust in
Providence and tho mircltgious im
provident trust to chance.
'I'm: manifestation of life, whether
in tho discovery of a nost of fledge
lings lu a solitary pluoo or tlio Hoft,
warm touch of a little child, is a pleas
ure to the senses anil a joy to tho soul,
Kathi'iue tiros lean.
Mr. 0. Kinersly is in the Ynkima
Mrs. Smith French has returned from
a sojourn at Long Iteach.
Fruit pickers and packers wanted.
Inquire at this oflice.
Hon. A. It. Uyrket of White Salmon
was in the city last evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank McFarland left
on the morning boat for Hood Kiver.
Miss Gertrude Meyer departed for her
home m J'ortiurul tins morning by boat
Mrs. liolton and Mrs. Irvine of Ante'
1 lope are visiting relatives and mends in
The Dalles.
Miss Catharine Martin went to Kufui
yesterday morning, where she has ac
copied a school.
Mr. 15. F. Smith and familv of Port
land, aro vibitintr Mrs. Sam Creighton,
lii sister, of ;.-.i lie.
Miss Elizabeth Filr.Gerald left for
Portland this morning, where she will
remain a week or two.
Hon. C. M. Curtwright left bv steamer
this morning for Cascade Locks, to be
absent for a lew days.
Mr. Frank N'ewcome of P.ake Oven,
one of Wasco county's stockmen, called
on Tin: Ciikomci.i: odice today
Mrs. C. McFarland departed this
morning for Portland, where she will
visit her daughter, Mrs. W. L. McEwan.
Mr. .1. W. French returned this morn
ing from a visit to the Oilman ranches,
telior.t lio wont I'ne tin. nnrnnsi of turn.
ing over a large band of beef cattle to
Mr. Thos. A. Hudson departed this
morning for u short run down to the
I'.ay City. San Francisco, on business
connected with the Eastern Ofegon
Land Company.
Mr. P. T. Sharp, accompanied by his
brother, P. 0. Sharp, of Stockton, Calif.,
left on the steamer Itegulator this morn
ing for Portland, where the brothers
will separate, Mr. P. 0. Sharp going to
his home in California, and P. T. Sharp
will return to this city.
Dr. O. D. Doaneand Mrs. Doane left
lust night for Milwaukee, Wisconsin,
where the doctor will meet as delegate
in the Soveieign Grand Lodge of I. 0.
(). V which assembles in that city on
the IStli inst. On his return, ho' and
Mrs. Doane will visit relatives and
friends in Chicago, and in tho mean
time visit the white city. They will re
turn to their Oregon homo, Tho Dalles,
or or about the middle of October.
liev. .1. Whisler, of tho M. K. church
of this city, accompanied by Hevs.
Hodgson of Prinovillo and Kigby of
Hood Kiver, left on tho 10H5 p. m. pas
senger train yesterduy for Moscow,
dalio, to attend the M. E. general con
ference, which convenes in that place
011 Thurfidav. It is to bo hoped that
the Kev. .1. Whisler will bo returned to
tlio M. E. church in tills city, as the
1 ovoi-oiid gentleman has a host of friends,
svho will bo glad to welcome his return.
Skibbo hotel John W Woleh, R R
Smith and wife, Pendleton j John A
Zuiiinialt, Waiuic: M U Zuumialt and
Tlm Outlook
wife, Tvgh Valley j E 11 Hill, Moro;
li Winter. A II Ciain, Prinovillo; N
Lemons, Long Fork; F S Hill, Moro;
Edward Mahn.S Mile; Henry Ilollnian,
Grass Valley.
Columbia hotel J H Frarv und wife,
L E Morse, Hood Kiver; J II Stroop, R
It Wurdioof. W 15 McLarn, Portland; T
(IKNTIXMIIN, ItaVllIK MlU'oKll 11 Rlt'llt ileal
from liiuilmtlie. for c,iih mill lielim 111111I1I0 to i;ut
relief until It would wear mviiy of llholf. I haw
Kriuuo'H llcmliuilio CaiituluN advertised. I tried
them, mid iiiiiv 11111 never without them, HiiiIIiik
it tliu oiilyrimiedy Hint will give iullu. When I
now Mini 11 he:.ilaelie eominir nil I tiiko 11 cauMilo
niidahvajN llnd the u'lhif tiixtiiiitiiiiciuiH, Ktv
hivoiiiuiy ytiiiiN, u 11, u Ulnar, iiiiNtnu, ,iiiin,
'1 ho a hove hit tor In imh'one n( the iniiiiv which
Kii to piovo tho luiiliirliiililo heuellts iceelved I'lnm
tne imu in ivriuiMi H iieauiiciuj imiiiiuiu, ,ny
liorkiili hllU'u.IiiK iruiu heaihiche hIioiiIiI iiiomuo
illOkO CIIIIMIlloa Itt oiico. Ilewaio llf llllltlltlllllH.
Tliu M'liuluo hid Milit nuly in buxei mill Imvu tlim
Wyors, White Salmon; J Aebnonian
and familv, Ulllsboro ; J 11 Slinniors,
Lylo; 11 Mitnuui, Mitchell, Win Pen
body, Miss Ida Palmer, W Leeborg,
tlm Same
ns for Home
1 uKsiia 1 , Mpt. l'j. t;k! late rains
which have been copious, have had a
very demoralizing effect on nil kinds of
trnflic. The quietness in business cir
cies continues, and nothing above a
hand to mouth the trade has been hud by
our merchants for the last few days.
homo dealers are already replenishing
their depleted stocks in anticipation of
more activity in the near future.
Prices in all general lines of dry goods
are unchanged, while in groceries there
aro some slight changes noticeable.
Country produce is in the usual supply
at unchanged quotations, and it can bo
said that the market is quitc'sluggish in
The wheat situation is very unsatis
factory. The markets are unsettled and
with the shortage of product reported,
there may be hopes for better prices in
the future. At least there is a stiffen
ing of the markets abroad as well as in
the east.
The wool s.ituation continues un
changed. Mr. Rice, of Denny Rice &
Co., of Boston, Mass., says the market
will continue to be depressed until con
gress gives some assurance that the
tariff laws will not be molested, or any
radical change take place under the
present administration.
In finances, while there is a general
tightness, there seems to be an easier
tone prevailing, and it can be said that
the past depressing influences are letting
up measurably.
Graphic sketch of the Feoplr ln n Well
Governed 1'renrli-CanadlHn Village
In the quiet village, where the good
cure's word is law. there is likely to be
little brawling and less drinking, for
the French-Canadians are neither
quarrelsome nor intemperate. There
may be a tavern, or perhaps two tav
erns, where not only guests are re
ceived, but where liquor is sold, but
the cure sees to it that they are closed
very early in the evening. Lonjr before
midnight the streets of the place are
deserted, and a late wanderer need
have no fear of drunken hoodlums. A
will-yoverned Frenvli-Canadian vil
luge, where the cure is thoroughly re
spected because of his wisdom and
piety, nlfbrds a decided contrast to
many rural communities in English
Canada and on our own side of the bor
der. The people are not enterprising. At
least this n'cms to be true of all but a
few exceptions. They are content to
take what comes in their way, with
the happy faith that the morrow will
bring with it its daily bread. They
are averse to breaking in new lands,
and, as the families are large, the
division of the farms generation after
generation finally results in such small
portions that some of the children
must seek 1 inpayment elsewhere if all
are to live. Very few of them are
willing to go to the new lands of Man
itoba and tlie northwest, but they find
congenial occupation in the cities.
They tire admirable mechanics and
are most loyal and devoted servants,
says Henry Lornnis Nelson, in Harper's
The Scotchman or Englishman who
is at the head of a great establishment
prefers the French-Canadians to his
own countrymen a subordinates. He
will tell yo'u that the Frenchmen will
remain with him all their lives: that
no such thought us seeking1 new em
ployment or leaving the old for the
purpose of engaging in ventures for
himself will ever eater a French-Canadian's
head. He' will stay by his old
employer all his life, and his son will
succeed to his own or a better place in
the service of the house. On the other
hand, the Englishman or Scotchman
will take the tirst opportunity to go
into business for himself, and will use
his employment as a stepping-stone to
something better.
To 1- Kent.
Five rooms suitable for housekeeping
with bath. Central location.
1'Jdlw J. M. HrsrixtiTox & Co.
Tu 11 (-'lint..
1'oiiii.AM), Or., Dec. 0, 1S92.
0. W. R. Mfg. Co., 315 Front St., city :
Gentlemen; I recently sustained a
bad fall while carrying two heavy cans,
and my bu'.'k was seveiely strained. A
friend handed 1110 a part of a bottle of
Hattce's Congo Oil, and threo applica
Hons gave mo permanent relief. I
heartilv recommend it. Yours truly,
H. G. McGm:,
Portland Creamery, Cor. -1th & Salmon.
For a lame back or for a pain in tho
side or chest, try saturating a piece ot
of llannel with Chamberlain's Pain Ralm
and bindiug it on to tho atl'ected parts.
This treatment will cure any ordinary
case in one or two days. Pain Halm
also cures rheumatism. 00 cent bottles
for sale bv Ulukeley & Houghton.
Host grades of oak, tlr, and slab cord
wood, at lowest market rates at Jos. T.
Petei H & Co. (Ofllco second and Jeller-
on streets.)
sk vour dealer for Moxican Silver ,
j. .. . 1
.-stove roiisii.
Mllllllllll DIetllN.
A Hiiro and etleottial prevention and
euro is found lu Simmons Liver Kegulu-1
tor. It originated in tho South, mid:
there achieved its great fume for ills
rrlw, fir nt K.iiallili Roniadv.
j'roininiy aua ponuancauy
euros all form of Ktrvou
I UViU'if s,m('oni, Sperm
atorrhea, Jmjoteiu;u and atl
tffedtof Abuse or t'xecites.
Jlccn prescribed over Wi
.yiuiriilii tlioiuamU of eaues!
T7 TTTfl . lstUO?IKIAIUO(iMiniw.Ioi.
aejonowfw ($t mcdMnc knomt. Ask
rtriiEBlst for Wood's Jlioipb odium If ' oKors
somowortliteiwiuudlelnolniilncoof this, lenvo hU
duiiimest store, luolouo price, lu letter, aud
wowlllsoiia by return mall, l'rlco, 0110 paolcaRO,
etlx,e. Oiiott'(IH'i'iui',si'ti'(,iiv. 1'uwuU
lei In plulu Minted envelope, cents poetniie.
1 i '1U. .. IV.. nil 11lHllIll CO..
AUH.VVH . . w - ... . -
JU1 woodwind u venue. Detroit, jjiou.
For the Fall Trade
Wo aro now ready with a full lino of
Ready-Made Clothing,
:B1&aSrocaL Dress Roods,
and all other kinds of Dry Goods
iWo are noted for tho good values wo give
ln lileached and Unbleached Muslins, f
SheetingB, Prints, Ginghams, Hoots and ( I
Shoes. Hosiery. Gents' Fti mi shines, etc.. etc.
The Balance of our Summer Importations now
Clearing Out AT COST.
Cor. conn and second sts.
Tie Dalles, Oregon.
Siii'i ail lm D11 Cools,
Fancy Goods and Notions,
Qepts' furi?i5l7ir;2 (Jood$,
Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes, etc.
now complete in every department.
All goods will be sold at greatly reduced prices.
Terms Cash. ' H. Herbrillg.
.Familiar Faces in a New Place.
Late Special Agent General Lund Office.
Jtye leal Estate, IjDai?, Irurapee,
Parties having Property they wish to Sell or Trade, Houses to Kent, or
Abstract of Title furnished, will find it to their advantage to call on us.
We shall make a specialty of tho prosecution of Claims and Contests
before tho Unitep States Land Ollice.
85 Washington St.
Have You Seen
Fine Millinery Goods
112 Second Street.
At tho OKI Stand,
('or. Second and Union Sts.
J-lay, Grail?, peed apd plcw,
Groceries, Fruits and Seeds.
Oasli jcilcl for Bsss viicl Poultry.
fill goods delivered Free and Promptly.
The California Winehouse,
Is now open, and its proprietor will soli his hom
nroduced Wino at prices in tho roach of everyhoil
Also, best Peanuts to bo found. Goods guarantied
to bo Pure and irst-Ulass in every respect.