The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 12, 1893, Image 2

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Tlio copyright on "Old Folks ut
Homo" luis expired, and hcrenftur any
; o io may s
ing it.
Weekly, lyear U
" 6 mouth; 0
3 0 SO
Dully, 1 yew " 00
" 6 month 3 00
" per " 0 SO
Address ntl communication to"THK CHKOX
ICLE," The Dalles, Oregon.
orrtcr. itoum
General Delivery Window Sn. m
' In view of the easier fettling in the
'monetary situation, Frederick I). Tap-1
lien, chairman of the clearing house loan 1
committee at Mow York, wis asked re
cently when the retirement of certifi
cates could he looked for. Ho said:'
"There will ho no loan certificates re
deemed until the Sherman law is re
pealed. When this 1? (lone they will (
goon bo retired,' j
William Tell
Your KnthiT that wn sell
Money Order
Sunday vt I)
to . n. m, '
s h. m. to -i i. m. :
9 h, m. to 10a. m, !
trains golnp East 9 p. m. and 11:45 a.m.
" " Wet . 9 p. M. ami ftlSO p. m.
Stase (or Goldcndale 7:80 n.m.
" " l'rlnevillo . . .,
" "Dufuraiul WgrmSprlnirs ..S:S0n. ni.
" fl-cavlng (or l.yle & lUrtland..6:80 a. m.
" " t Antelope . ,5:50 a.m.
Except Sunday.
tTri-weekly. Tuesdnv Thursday and Saturday.
I " Monday Wednesday and Friday.
SFfT. 12, 1S93
Always open
tlio offer made by tlio uropriotors
When the lower half of the court-I of T)r- Sago's Catarrh Remedy. It's
tennuee, measured from the nose down- . n reward Df $500 cash for an in
ward, is divided by the mouth into two curable easo of catarrh, no matter
equal parts seen in profile, the indlca- how bad, or of how long standing,
tion is of stupidity. i They'll carry it out, too. It's one
t medical exclmupe flpures that the I thing to mako tho offer. It's a very
Secretary ,amont sent to the house
Saturday the roport of the board of en
gineers on obstructions to navigation in
Hie Columbia river between Three-Mile
rapids and Celilo falls, Washington nnd
Oregon. The report made is the firet
Bensible method ever recommended be
fore congrpss, and the first which de
serves and will probably receive consid
eration. The methods for overcoming
the obstructions brought under consid
eration were a portage railway from
Celilo to a point below Three-Mile
rapids, a boat railway or a canal. Here
tofore the plan was submitted of a port
age railway, not to mention a ship rail
way, and a canal on the Washington side.
The expense of such an undertaking was
80 great and the end sought so temporal I
that congress would not entertain the 1
proposition, and this the committee I
very well knew. It was merely a
scheme to delay, and it worked. In the
report submitted Saturday, the board
was of the opinion that a portage rail
way will meet the urgent demands of
the wheat district, will supply the pres- j
ent necessity of commerce and will bei
useful hereafter in the construction ofaj
canal. They therefore report that the 1
obstruction to navigation on the Colum-,
bia, from the waters below Three-Mile j
rapids to the navigable waters above
Celilo falls, can be overcome in the
most feasible, speedy and economical
manner, and in that best adapted to
present necessities of commerce, and to
its further development, by the con
struction of a portage railway of a
standard gauge on the south side of the
Columbia from Celilo to Dalles City,
the cost of which is estimated at $454,
390, and that when the necessity shall
arife for accommodations greater than
can be furnished by a portage railway,
the board recommends that the con
struction of a canal, located on the
vivuii c v v-' wi vitw itvA) iy v- tanvtii
When the time nrrives that it will be
wisdom to make the river navigable,
thus dispensing with the portage rail
way, it can be done at a much reduced
cost over previous estimates. From
"Terminal bay" a canal can be cut out
of solid rock, like the work done at
Oregon City. The walls of this canal,
being nature's masonry, would be in
finitely more substantial than anything
man can construct. This canal would
lead to the four or five miles of deep
water up to the Celilo falls, when one or
two locks would have to be made. The
total cost would not exceed that of the
Cascade locks, and the benefits are so
great as to be inestimable.
United States has the highest death
rate, from diphtheria, four hundred
and eighty in ten thousand. Accord
ing to the same authority Holland and
Sweden come next with four hundred
and forty each.
Scientists are now telling us that
the dangerous microbe is lurking in
the greenback. Those in arrears for
subscription, savs a contemporary, can
send the amount, as he. has facilities '
to disinfect small amounts, and is will
ing to take the risk, eit
In "Physical Education" Dr. Luther
Gulick argues that by exercising cer
tain muscles it is possible to develop
certain sections of the brain. His
argument has special reference to
feeble-minded perons, whose mental
condition, in his opinion, might be im
proved by the right
kind of muscular
2 R3
X r V J
M i il I Ml II I M 1 I I 11 I I
a0. fob a case IT WILL NOT CURE. 1
An airreeablo Laxative and K EUVE TUN IC.
Sold hy rmiiriTfsta or sent by mall. USc. 60c ,
and Sl.OJ per packape. Samples free
i&ffY Tho Fnvorlto TOOTH P5T73IS
A.U ifiWfortheTeetnandllreatli.Soc.
Knr ale by Snipes JC Klnersly.
different thing to mako it good
couldn't l)o done, oxcent with
extraordinary medicine. But that's
what they have. By it's mild,
Boothing, cleansing nnd lienling
properties, Dr. Sago's Remedy cures
the worst cases. It doesn't simply
palliate for a time, or drive the dis
ease to tho lungs. It produces a
perfect and permanent cure. Try
it and sec.
If you can't bo cured, you'll bo
The only question is are you
willing to mako tho test, if the
makers aro willing to tako tho
risk ?
If so, tho rest is easy. You pay
your druggist fifty cents and tho
trial begins.
If you're wanting tho $500 you'll
get something better a cure'
Vest Jumpers,
Pantaloon Overalls,
Kasyfitting Pants
Every garment guaranteed NEVER to rip!
VIGOR of men
Easily, Quickly,
Permanently Restored.
and all the train cf evlln
from early error or lat?."
excesses, tlio results of
overwork, file I; n ess,
worrr.etc. Fullrtrt-iifti.,
development and :
Riven toeeryorgana:..l
portion of tho lyy.
simple. naturalmethcJf.
seen. Failure Impossible.
2,(U references. Uoolc,
explanation and pp-ofu
mailed (scaled) free.
Is the
Of the Year
We are also Headquarters for
Men's, Boys' and Youth s
In every size, style and price.
ik L MUflB M
Is called to the fact that
" There is a tide in the a fairs oj men which, taken at ttsflc,
leads on to fortune"
The Chinese are great mimics. Ob
serving the innumerable obstructions
which can he placed in the way of
American laws by Americans them
selves, frequently making them void
and inoperative, they have disregarded
tho Geary law requiring them to regis
ter. Now they have discovered thet
Uncle Sam means business, they are
anxious for the chance to register and
will willingly do so should the opportu
nity be again presented. Chinamen
generally have been more impressed
with the will of the mysterious Six
Companies than by the laws of the land
in which they are making their liveli
hood, but the recent action of tho courts
in California, and the announced inten
tion of the administration have shown
to them that tho Six Companies have
missed it, and they will not be tho fetich I
bo blindly worshipped heretofore. All
the Chinese ask now is the opportunity
to register, and since the government is
slow to anger it will probably be given
them. In the early days of California's
prosperity their advent was eagerly wel
comed, but now that so many thousands
of our own race aro in need of work they
will Ijc as gladly dispensed with.
piour, Brar; ar?d peed.
U.S. Indian service. Warnsprinssizemy.
Hagb Glenn,
Dealer in Glass, Lime, Plaster, Cement
and Huilding Material of all kind.
Carrl the IMimut l.luo of
Picture Mouldings
poot unquestionably had reference to the
nt Sale ol
V. .w.m .-Pitl.vfis, crook Co., or., auk. ", 1 vi,
Sealed prujxi-al1! indorsed "!'roionl for I'loiir,
llriiu und Kifd,"as thucnn.,miivtx.',niilnddresM'l
to the undersigned nt W'nnn.-p'rin:.'sJrwiti, nil!
hi received at thl- iisewy until 1 o'clock I'. M of
Tut-day, September 1U, lull, for fiirnishini: and
(lellveriiiK at the afreuey about Ibsotllour.
.ij.t) lb-, of bran, and '-ij,HJ lb m feed.
Klour mint be either what H known as
"straight full stKd:"of u'ood sound wheat ) !b
ground down to about 11 lb- of llour, low crude
to b'j taken out: or It may be what is known a-,
patent llour.and delivered in extra stront' single
cotton sacks to woih h ounces to the vard. ham
jile of not le-s than Z'i lbs must be fii'ml-hed hv
bidder., said sample- to be distinctly mark 1
wltn theniimeof the bidder and the number of
the sample If more than one is submitted.
urim must lie ot Rood riuallty, e'ltinl p-irix brai
mm snoris inixeu: samples oi not ies tnani
mint imi lurnlslH'd hv bidders-.
Feed niu-t be clear barley. freh rolled
from dirt and rust; samples of not less, thun
lij-tuui't be furnished b bidders.
Delivery. Of the above there Is to bedcllcred
at the .-lnt-msho school, located l"0 miles north
of the ai;eney, Jl.fjOlbs of Hour, lO.Oof) lbs bran,
and 10.0W) lbs of feed: and ut the iitreimv. Midi
lbs of Hour, lo.oio lbs bran, and lO.ouH'bs feed. !
All articles are to be subject to n rlwld insi e.--tion.
Frojiosnls niust statesjK.-cifcallv the promised
nrlco of each article ollerol fordellverv iimli.rn
contract by tho cwt., not barrels or twin.
The riht Is reserved to reject anv or all bids,
or any pa-t of any bid if deemed for the best In
terest of the service.
Certified cheeks:-Kuch bid must be accompanlid
by it certified check or draft Uon some ('lilted 1
fctates deiiosltiiin or solvent national bank in1
the vicinity of the residence of the blddei, made
payable to the order of tho commissioner of In
dian aU'Mr, for at least five ir cent, of the
amount of the proposal which check or draft
will be forfeited to tho fulled Mates In case anv
bidder or bldderx recclvliiL' an award shall full
to promptly execute kiiretlcs, otherwise to bo
reiiirueu to me ojijucr.
Illds accompanied by cash In lieu of n certified
Check will not boconsldere".
For further Information as to tlmo ol delivery
and other particular, apply to
U. H. Indian Axent,
r . in- I ir.t. l....,) ll,
i ent business conducted for moocratc Fees.
f Our Qrricc is Oppositc.U. S. patcnt Orricc '
J ami we can secure patent in less tunc than those J
0 remote from Washington. , , , ,
Send model, drawing or photo., with descnp-
Jtion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of J
charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured.
A Pauphict, "How to Obtain l'atents," with'
Jcost ol tame in the U.S. and foreign countries;
sent free. Address,
To he found in the City.
72 UHashington Street.
FBraire I im
Who aro solllnc theso Roods out nt uroatly-roducedratej.
W. r. l I KM A.N.
W.M. .MA It I' t;i!N
Cdiseman & Wardens
i'llbS Ol) I (A t 11 iiiwj
.freelOiUUIJII (lUli iV I lit
The Dalles.
Leaamg Jeweler.:
mil i MDwawiiuaiuiHMHHiv
UK NKW TOWN liHf been phitted on thr old enmp Krouiul, ut the ForkH nnd
I'n 11 ol Hood river ' ilh lurue, olKhtly lotn.lirowt HtreulNiiml iilleyn, kom) noli
nuil put!Waler,w:i. diudelti iiiofiisloii, perfect draluaKe.ilellclitliil mountain
climate, attraction its a mountain hummer resort lor all Orcito'ii
bcllli; the nearest town to Ml. Unix! It 1 uiiiiiiriillelei, im h iiiiniiifui!tiltlnl
center, bcliik' the natiir il fouler for IMi siimre miles of the Ik'kI ixilariiuJt'fJ
uiiioi-r, possfssinK iuiiuou oi norse po- in iPi iiasiuilK aiteams. ami
falls, easily harnessed. Where ehi niotlve power e.tlHln, tliete tlioJ i
facilities will center, Mirrotunlei . mil and climate, that cannot liJ
anywhere for fruit nnd nm '.lire, and with tninsoorlat on aire
you will Hud this the pln. to ninkeii perfect home or n paylnRS
NortliM si
Court streets.
corner of Sei-oml and
All Watch Work
Jewelry Made
to Order.
Seo me on the ground
address me at Hood
Wasco County, Oregon
last Second Ht., Tlio Dulles, Or.
W. Ross W inans.
under dau?
ut IK'H si oi net, jowa, wrltt-s under du? ol
March 33, ISM:
H. B. Mkd. Mkg. Co.,
Du fur, Oreon.
Qentletnen :
On arriving home last week, I found
all well and anxiously awaiting. Our
little girl, eight and one-half years old,
who had wasted away to 1)8 pounds, is
now well, stronir and vigorous, and well
fleshed up, . It. Cough Cure has done
its work well, Iioth of the children like
it. Your 8. I. Cough Cure has cured
and kept away all hoarseness from me,
Ho give It to every one, with greetings
for all. Wishing you prosperity, wo are
Yours, Mu. & Mits. J, F. Fojin.
ri'i.,. i n i n i uyrjii wjiiiioieet iren Bnucheeniii.aiKireadv
cujjuiu hub tuiiuiiiicu mo numniu- lnr ,h Ull, ,.b, , ' . I
itrkn if rPliimoa T lll,.l, i 1... ll,.l-- " V. "" " 'V' t ) "I '
,wiuiuiu,i,ll,n i iu Luutmur mho neaiiacho ami J.tver Cure, by takliiK two nt
of customs at Willamette, Or., says tho ! three does each week,
Buffalo Courier. AVhere is that Port-1 Sold under a positive uariitoe.
?" I Vl tf'MtltM (tlll. I..' ..11 ,...,...l. t.
The St. Louis Repuhlic says that "no
train rohher has ever been hanged,
legally or illegally." A Missouri paper
ought to be an authority on train roh
herd, but wo have an impression that
the chief offense of tho Ileno gang of
outlaws, who infested the line of the
Ohio & Mississippi road In southern In
diana just after the war and were
lynched, was train robbing.
Daily and Weekly Editions.
THE CHllOMCLE was established for tlio ex
press purpose of faithfully representing Tho Dalles
and tho surrounding country, and tho satisfying
effect of its mission is everywhere apparont. It
now loads all other publications in Wasco, Sher
man, Gilliam, a largo part of Crook, Morrow and
Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other re
gions north of Tho Dalles, hence it is tho best
medium for advertisers in tho Inland JCmpiro.
Tho Daily Ciiiiomolk is published ovory ovo
ning in the weok Sundays oxcoptod at $0.00 por
annum. Tho Wkkkly Ciikoniulh on Fridays of
each weok at SI .HO por annum.
For advertising rates, subscriptions, otc., address
This Popular House
lias lately been thoroughly renovated and oefl t lirniiiiliMiit ii in I tu mite llt'ttCf
ever immured to furnlHh the best 1Iotfl
neeomiiiodutioiiH of any house in l'ie
city, and at the very low rate of
$1 a day. First-Class Meals, !
Gflicu of th fnHt nnil (niiiiiinillous oupoaitlon N
n,.r., L't......i,... 'i.,.. i.
iMiiiii, iviiinnio , mi"; I , i
Wiirm i.rliiffa mill Pliint, 111,, lu ill the lKtei
and persons going to Primwille can v
.(M) hv going on this Stage line.
All trains stop here.
Pipe Work, Tin Repairs anil
Shop on Third
noxt door west of Young
Blacksmith Shop.