Chronicle oh. VIl THE DALLKS, ORKGON, TUESDAY, SEPTBMRftR 12, 1898. NO. 75, Dalles Daily Chronicle. ,b...l I"y. HlllKlliy KxcoptcJ. IIY OHUONIOKH PUBLISHING CO. WiwliliiRMH The " it .11. flni'till. " JfiOO "r.v ...onrrlcr m. rJiT lllll'.SIl, . ... tairtullmt carry liiutMMiKtirH Jenvu iijcai " . u . ., i (nitf! fur tin' via, lliiku Ovun, lunvo dully . -VM lllll.HUH. llllWM Willi FRENCH & CO.,' BANKERS. TkAN.iACT A (iKNKKALHANKINU IIU8INKH8 nrm am, .... ........ r.niv rti .. . .. . . (KiMciui.iv - I .iitiilnV lit i A U. I'ltorXHAKINAl.. B llUUIKl.l ATTOIINEY-AT-1.AWOI1I:U . ........... MM... ,,... I1..HHK . WlUl h un .-.....", n , nnrUK. FIlANJi MKNErKK. rrUK, A MKNEKEE ATTORNEYS- AT-UW-Itltll I.! lllltl V.l, OVIT I 'out ....(Mini. I lit ruin-,, nil WiiNhlllLMntl Street , 1IKKNKTT. ATIOUNi:V.AT-I.AV. Of- . Sccln Scliiumo . bulldlliK, ntnlrii. 'Illl- r.XAYi, lirtUINDTON. II. H. WIWUS. in v" s i in .v 1 1 ir mun- .h ai uw Olllcfn, French' ijliKjk over NUlonnl llniu. ' " llullc. UrcRim. II WII.HOS- ATTOKNKY-AT-l.AW ItminiR I- I. . 1 .,. ...... I. l.nll.llnr Uliimllll flCllCIl tV l.U n IMlllh IHIIHIiiiHt uw.wim Tin Dnlk'h, OrvKuti. niir iii. ciiv or umuurv, wim;u .Mnwimu mini iiiiH-K. 0 li POANK rilYMClAN AND hOlt- itii.... v.ntitiH t- miH r. f 'liiitmintt l(i'hk'ii(i! h. h. corner ;oiirt una itrivtH. mi mil ilnur (rum thi' corner. UHAII. 1i:ntit. - (in kivcii dir thi! r.iiTi'n iiliimiiiiini tilnti- Uimiiiin: hlirit tl f letters of Credit issued nvullnble in he Eastern States. .Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers Hold on Now York.ChiwiKO, St. 1)uIh, Sun FrunciHco, Portland Oregon, Suattlo AVrtHh.. itnd vuriouH jiointH in Or ogon iukI AViiHliington. OollcctioiiH in iido nt all points on (av oruhlo turnin. THE DALLES Rational Bank, Of DALLES CITY, OK. H! ! HI: lll Iii 1 3! i"! 66if id' M.I Ek5 ffie mmd that makes the man," said Wnltfl, but modern clhica deny tliis, and give the credit to the tnilor. It 13 qucstion alile, however, if cither are right. Foofl. &as some claims thifirespcct.thcreforcthoso irents wlio would build up ti.e physique of their children .1 'iy strict nttcntion lo their I'reHidont Vicu-I'romdent, Caabior, - 7,. F. iloonv ClIAICI.KS UlIION M. A. Moody General Hanking Husincss Transacted. Sight Exchanges Sold on NEW YOKK, SAN FKANC1SCO, 0II1CAGO and J'OIITLAND, OR. Colh'ctiotiB niadti on favorable tenne ! at all accobfiible poiutH. I J h. ncur.ticK, rrenldunt. J M. I'attiiiimo.v, Canhlcr. First Rational Bank. THE DALLES. - - OREGON I uict. Children are nil fond of c-l pastry; for this to be hcaltli- v.Jj lully prepared, 1 i 1 ii; H H H 3 11 !!, 4 A General Hanking BusincHS transacted DejiouitH received, Hubject to Sight Dnii t or uiiecK. CollectioiiH made and proceeda promjitly , remitted on daj of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, San Francieco and Port land. 1 must be used as a shortening. It is Recommended by the best Cooks. Consult your ph vsician up- Pj' on its healtlifulncss. efii,, 111 II Head tlirctrcnt8 In Htaropstolf. 7C. rnlrhaul: t Vaj., riilcucu, for liuucl mimu Cottoltnc Cool; llook.contuln IiikhIx liuiidrt'd rccliC3, iinpuri'd liy lilnii cuiiiiciit uutliorltlt on couLtag. Cottnlcno Ih ('did iiy uii croccra. llelusu lUlsubhtltutes. Bludo only by K. FA1RBANK & CO ST. LOUIS end CHICAGO, NEW YORK. BOSTON.' ! ll i !! I- www DIHECTOKS. I). P. TlIOMl'HON. Jno. S. Schenck. En. M. AViu.iamh, Geo. A. Lieiie. H. M. Be all. W. H. YOUNG, "The Regulator Line" Tie Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co. DRIVING OUT CHINESE A Bill Amending the Geary Law IntrOuiiccti, THREE MONTHS MORE TO REGISTER Also Repeals the Clause Requiring White Witnesses Another Stay of Pro ceeding. Washington, Sept. 11. Hoar intro duced a bill in the f-etate today amend ing the Geary Chinese exclusion act, ending the time for registration three months after passage, and repealing that portion requiring that witnesses in cases against Chinese shall be white. The bill continues in force the first sis sections of the Geary act until a treaty can be made with China for the regula tion of Chinese immigration. Dcclfilini OriloriiiK Ilcpm tntlnu. San Fiiancisco, Sept. 11. The decis ion of United States Jndpes McKenna and Monow, in banc, in the case of Ying Lee, the acramento Chinese ar rested under the Geary act lor being illegally in the cenntry, was handed down today. The iudires decide that under the law warrants for the arrest of the Chinese who have not registered may be issued on complaint of any private citizen. The juuees say that United States District Attorney Garter phowed there was not enough money available to deport all the Chinese in thecouutry, but be did show there was enough to Fend Yim: iA-e away, and be was accordingly ordered deported. R. E. Ling, attorney for the Chinese or dered deported, applying for a writ of habeas corpus, appealed to the United States supreme court. This appeal acts as a stay of judgment, and the Chinese will not be deported on the steamer which sails tomorrow. BiacKsmiin i wain shop hooiistjkh. j l Ml 1 riltr.l.- JM If. It A- II HlMlTd I lik I ( V ( I I Dftl 1 I t K lM't." tt V'l-k ! jiitnmi m 7 i'. m. x wrmitM iv fi.- mmii u'iui 1. jk In iTiitnrulty Hull, ut7:;w j. in. 1 iii' iirmiiitrH lint ivi'ii'i mil' H. OtUM. 1 , ,iL. I ..III tu 1 1 t 1 1 nnr, i , st nun 7i vt v. 11111.1 nu irs 'j. tv . in 1 .. .11 ihiv 111 iv. ciicli mouth at 7::i0 j. m. 1 iiiai yiii iul'iil etirrt i'iiijiiv iim-i nwiiu 1(h:k in iiiii rciitiuii: room. Aiwtro mviini, iiv 1 1 11 1 1 Aii urn 1 11 1 1 'ii . W l." I niw'i.' v o i If W V mi tiiPt il 1 1 liiill ni'or KitllitrM mi i knfitiwl 11. Mtkuh, Himmilwr. M. W. VKHM1TH 1'OST, No.IIJ, (1. A. it. Miwtn V "'iviinifi; i .i in kiit' i ui i i till! K. Of I'. llllll. HlillllllV iir i.. i . niiMuifiu vn ir.7 mimiIuIii K III 1. Hull llin llrNt null Hilril Wiiln.-. iucIi lnmitli, nt 7i!i p. ii. ''KTKH8 (1IIUK01I Itui-. Kntliiir Hilonh. "' iiiiion llllll) nilllillii lib n.i iiion iil iuiiii a. ji. uniruin iil JIAt'H CHIMUM ITnltMi Htit-et. oi.iHi.slto Wli. . liov. III! P.Killoiillo Keillor. SurWci'h nilllMlil' tit tl i w I m,t i. oi. .,.... .1, ivuuiiiir iriivur mi r rnmv ill II l li'iii.,... l'',!il,.i,'"',,,r. -Mi'tulm? burvloJi. uvury Hub Ml. win iirmlinnv nr 11 . m .hl.,iih ....1 inn ,1,1, y tinur morn in: mirvlcos. . ..-..,, , ,,, uviMiiMi' ui 1-nHior k ii'Hi. ui. hi huiviivN ui lliu court JlOllhO lit UKMHp'rifNAlS 'OH-Uiiv. W. (!. 1 7 '. !"'"!; H Vrv'-'H "vnry Kumliiy at 1 1 " -"iiiniii iiiriuii, neuiN iritj, " Ht ii li) ! m ni.!!'.!., ':.!:.. Kivortii .''It I utuiiiliii i.wil?.li. ..' 'hi iiiuir nun jioopio JKMKINN. HIIOIIIll All me "J IllVIIt'd l!T,,,JlA -Ninth HtllLt. y Vine, ! ,,m A 1 ml,nl wlni'i u General Blachiiinithing and Work done promptly, and all work Guaranteed. Horse Shoeing a Speciality THROUGH ITihinri Oinnnt nun I u UUli UUUi lilt re Freigm aaa PassenoBr Line a. House Moving! Andrew Velarde JS prepared to do any and all kinds of work in his HIie at reasonable figures. J las the largest lionso moving outfit in Eastern Oregon. Acldross P.O.Box 181,TheDallos Through daily nervice Sundays ex ; cepted) between The Dalles and Port i land. Steamer Regulator leaves The ! Dalles at 7 a. m. connecting at Cascade Iirks with steamer Dalles City. ! Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland (Yamhill street dock) at G a. m. con I nectinu wilh steamer Regulator for The I Dallas I'.lnMSSO UK It. 1 'I KS. S. L. YOUNG, : : JEWELER : : Wiitiilii's mid Jnwutry ri'imlriil to outer on kliort notice, mid tiutlHiiiutiou cuiirautoi'd AT TIIK Ktorti of !.(!. Nlokiilhini, Ul Ht. TIki VkIIh Chas. Allison, -Dealer In- -ft ICE Huadquartors at Ohas. Lauor's. 1 1 it v 1 1 1 k liiid ii line liurvi'iit of natural ice tin) bi'Ht In tlin world, I mil iieiiiid to (iiiiiInIi In any quantity and at bottom prices, CHAS. ALLISON. C. F. STEPHENS, Dry Goods Q.LOTHLNG ItoOtH, HlKHlB, llltth, Kit), Klc,, lite, Ktu. Seoond St., The Dalles. One way . . . Round trip .?2.00 . 3.00 Tickets on sale for Long Beach, Ocean Park, Tioga and llwaco. Baggage checked through. Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. Shipments for Portland received at any time day or night. Shipments for way landings must be delivered before C p. m. Live stock shipments solicted. Call on or address, W. C. ALLAWAY, Uenerul Agent. B. F. LAUGHLIN, Gt'iittral Manager. THE DALLES, OREGON The St. Charles Hotel, PORTLAND, OREGON. This old, popular and reliable hotiBO has bepu entirely refurnished, and every room fins been repapered and repnintei and newly carpeted throughout. The house contains 170 rooms and ie supplied with every modern convenience. Kates reiifonable. A good restaurant attacbec lo the house. Krer bus to and from all trains. C. W. KNOWI.ES, Prop. ARTIC FACTORY SODA WATER AND I0E OREAM. Candies and Nuts ".V:o&,;V." Specialties Klnoat Poanut Ronstur In The Dalle J. FOLCO At rlKht Mil Mrs. Obnrr. ri'btmiratit within railroad land grants. The com mitteo is dividetl upon political lines the republicans advocating and the dem ocrats opposing. Estimates of the amount involved aro all the way from J'-'oO.OOO to $1,2.")0,000. The committee adjourned without reaching a conclu dion. Cttlncfin Antl-rornlRii Cruzo. London, Sept. 10. The astounding dispatches from Shanghai, printed by the Standard, which credit the viceroy, Li Hung Chang, with advising the ex pulsion and massacre of foreigners, ex cited some comment here. Some color is given to the report, which would or dinarily be dismissed as absurd, by let ters and other telegrams declaring that the anti-foreign craze, which is fostered by the government, is becoming alarm ingly stiong. Chang is represented as arguing that an anti-loreign policy is necessary to prevent the eventual parti tion of China among the European powers. NEWS NOTES. itKi.mioN.s or tiik woismi. A Curious ltisMAKCK si:i:iorsLV The Iron Trlnci 1 Tliri-ati-ni-d With I'aral !. P.utis, Sept. 11. It is reported from Kissingen that Bismarck is seriously ill. He hn-: lost the use of both hands. It is sail! lie has been stricken with paralysis. Ho is being fed with attend ants and the doctors are holding a con sultation of the gravest nature. Thouh the real state of his health may be somewhat exaggerated, there seems no reason to doubt that his illness is most serious. Sciatica has been the founda tion of the disease. Dispatches inquir ing about his health are being received it Kissingen from all parts of Europe. It is hardlv believed that he has paral- sis, but there is little hope that he will live any great length of time. It is re ported that the emperor has telegraphed for accurate information. Specialists in Berlin are being consulted as to the ad visability of removing him to a milder climate. His present condition is thought to be due to his persistence in receiving deputations in defiance of the doctor's orders. Demi llimk Itolibirs Jd.ntiUcd. Di:i.ta, Colo., Sept. 10. The two men who were killed last Thursday, while attempting to escape after robbing the Farmers' and .Merchants', ami killing its cashier, were positively iden tified today as Tom and Fred .McCarthy, father and son. The third man, who participated in the robbery, but es caped, Is Billy .McCarthy. He is also a eon of Tom McCarthy. These men con stituted the.McCaithy gang of Oregon, ... ... i and aro wanted for robbing stages ami United States mails there. 1 here is a reward of $1,000 for tliem oninai ac count. The dean ini'ii "- and identilU'd by Shenll Condeo ol Baker Citv, Or., who attempted to nr rest them in Oiegon, but was prevented bv the .McCarthys getting the drop on him. Ex-Chief Police Farley of Denver also knows the gang, and says Tom Mc Carthv is the man who robbed Presi dent I). H. Mofl'at of the Tirst National bank of that city -omo lour years ago, .... ...v ii.. 1.1 P....!,, ,-f Mivili securimr if-i A'w- ." Utah, who claims to be a relative uy niarriaao to the McCarthy family, also identified the men. Hilly McCarthy, the escaped robber, is still at large, but pursuit has not been given up.' Doliih'. It 111 KulM". a llcu.k!oil. WAMHNCil'ON, Sept. H. Uiu semuu committee on public hinds was the ccene of a spirited disi'USMOii among its members today on a bill Introduced at the beginning of the session by Dolph providing for repayment of fees, pur- cbnso monev and commissions paid on void entries' of public lauds. The inten tiou of the bill is b refund half the monev to settlers who paid sr-'.GO per acre on altermito sections of public lands The new White House baby turned the scales at 91.. pounds. Jack Frost is a month ahead of his usual time in rsew i-ngiana, wmcn makes the farmers of that section blue. A subsidence of the earth occurred in Avila, Spain. A railway station and a number of houses sank several feet. A number of persons were injured, sever. seriously. Walter Ealston, a Chicago snake- charmer, is in the county hospital dying from the effects of a bite from a rattler. He flooded himself with whisky, but his arm was frightfully swollen in a few minutes. Pittsburg mills opened up again yes terday, giving work to 3,500 men, Erie mills also put to work their full force and forty-four mills of Fall river are now running full time, but with a re duction in wages. It appears it will be a long time until the close of the debate in the senate on the repeal bill. It is stated thirty-three senators have arranged to speak, and ten or twelve others may decide to take a hand before the conclusion of the debate. The world's fair commission from Li Onthcring on tho World' Kulr Orouiidf). CmcAdo, Sept. 11. An event of world wide historic interest, one without pre vious counterpart in the history of the world, took place here today. It was the assembling of tho parliament of re ligions, a gathering of representatives of all the great beliefs of the earth, with the object of showing bow important aro the things on which all agreed; how comparatively unimportant are the dif ferences of creed. The result of the par liament, it is expected, will be to em phasize what is fundamental, and to throw into the background differences that are merely accidental and super ficial. Since the series of world's con gresses began with the opening of the worlds' fair, no such immense crowd has gathered at the memorial art institute as assembled this nioniini:. Lona be fore the hour for the exercises to begin, ingress was absolutely impossible. Not merely since the beginning of the world's fair, but never since the foundation of the world, has such a cosmopolitan as semblage of the exponents of the world's religions taken place. The Occident in severely plain garments touched elbows, not only on the platform, but in the great audience, with the brilliantly costumed Orient in picturesque com mingling. The followers of Jehovah, Christ, Confucius, Buddha, Mohammed, with the various sects thereof, stood ready in turn to give, without contro versy, the reasons for the faith that is in them. The brusque and fussy impulse of these days of false impression would rate down all as worthless because one is unworthy. As if there were no motes in sunbeams! Or comets among stars! Or cataracts in peaceful rivers ! Because one remedy professes to do what it never was adapted to do, are all remedies worthless? Because one doctor lets his patient die, are all humbugs? It re quires a line eye and if finer brain to discriminate to draw the differential line. "They say" that Dr. Pierce's Golden Medicai Discovery and Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription have cured thous ands. "They say" for a weak system there's nothinir be'tter than the ""Discovery," and that the "i-avonto 1'iescription" is the hope of debilitated, feeble women UUlUilCulVll UUI11 J1 I i , , . . . ' ma mooi ! rftcrii"itivn rnniinniii nrnnntc beria, which is on the western coast of A...r hG1.(!., m.oof Africa, states that France has recently encroached upon her territory, and ap propriated a share of it, and has asked the United States, through Secretary Gresham, to interfere in his country's behalf. Mrs. Nicholas Schlicbt, the wife of a Port Townsend barkeeper, while tem porarily insane, committed suicide last night by hanging herself by a strap on the hall banister. The husband re turned late at night and was horrified to find his wife dead. Tho deceased left a note saying her two sisters ruined her, and asking forgiveness. stvle at i tf ! nervine. And here .s the proot- Try one or both. If they don't help you, "tell the World's Dispensary Medi i cal Association, of Buffalo, N. Y., and vou get vour monev back again. Fresh oysters served in every Columbia Candv Factory. stvlu at tf Fresh oysters served in every Columbia Candy Factory. i:ii'tiic r.ittt-r. This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special mention, All who use Electric Bitters sing the same song of praise. A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaranteed to do all that is claimed. Electric Hitters will cure all diseases of the liver and kidneys, will remove pimples, boils, salt rheum and other affections caused by impure blood. Will drive malaria from the system and prevent as well as cure all malarial fevers. For cure of headache, consti pation and indigestion try Electric Bit- Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or It Should itf in Uvi'ry llouxo J. B. Wilson, 371 Clay St., Sharps burg, Pa., says he will not be without Dr. King's New Discovery for consump tion, coughs and colds, that it cured his j ter? wife who wasthieatened with pneumonia ! nioney refunded. Price 50u and ifl per after an attack of "la grippe," when , bottle at Snipes & Rinersly's. various other remedies and several phy-1 -- sicians had done her no good. Robert linemen- .vmi.-u saiv... Barber, of Cooksport, Pa., claims Dr. ! The best salve in tho world for cuts, Kimi's New Discovery has done him ! bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fovor more good than anything he ever used for lung trouble. Nothing like it. Try it. Free trial bottles at Snipes it Kin ersly's. Large bottles, oOe. and 1. 00. Shiloh's cure, tho Great Cough and Croup Cure, is for sale by Snipes & Kin ersly. Pocket size contains twenty-live doses, only '-'oc. Children love it. Sold by Snipes A Kinersly, Shiloh's Vitalizer is what you need for dyspepsia, torpid liver, yellow skin or kidney trouble. It is guaranteed to give you satisfaction. Price 7-lc. Sold by Snipes & Kinersly, druggists. Tyuh Valluy KolU-r 1'loui- .11111. Is in complete repair; always in store (lour equal to the best. Also old style coarse and lino Graham flour, mill feed, etc. W. M. McCoitKi.i:, Propr. til. 11.8m Fresh oysters tionery store. at A. Keller's confec- sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Snipes A Kin ersly. !ooil Jolt I'rintliiK. If you have your job printing done at Tin: CiiKONiei.i: you will have tho ad vantage of having it done with the most modern and approved type, with which we keep continually supplied. All jobs under tho d'nect supervision of ono of the most successful and artistic printers in tho Northwest. Wood! Wood! Wouill Best quality fir, oak and slab wood. Leuvu orders at 13!l Second street or co' i,. r Third and Union. All ordera promptly attended to. M.umt A Ipnion. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.