The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Taken Up. Kntercil Ht the 1'ostofflco nt The Dalle, Orcgou, at. jccoikI-cUm mutter. One sorrel geldlnK ntmut twolvo yenr. olil, nntl tmttuletl thus on left shoulder. The owner can hnvc the nnluuil by juiylng 'or this notice D. J. eoon:i;. August 1.1, lSW.-wtf tiik iai,i.i:s OKKOON A NOTED MISSION IN LONDON. awn J'ounilert by rn-clrrlrU Clinrrliictnti, Who I)I1 Hot l'oar to lie DUliiticrltril. The other Sunday nipht at. tho Char rhipton mission, which is hold in a lonj.-. tiarvow room, double palloriod all around, the emifrhinjr (from tin- t'of.i was mure like Fourth of .Inly with eon glomerate liree.rao.Uers, church hells nnd cunnonadiiifr than one would con volve as possible isMiinp from a merely human assembly, says it London corre spondent of the Hartford Courant. .hist a word about this Charrinjjton mission, which is a feature of the east end. Frederick Charrinjton belongs to a wealthy family of brewers. About seventeen years ajjo he befran to do a sort of street missionary work in East London, near his father's brew ery, ilis father threatened to disin herit him, but finally left him a share, though not a full share, in the business. Once, on bcinfr taunted on the street with wearing1 the blue rib bon "what does it cost you to wear that ribbon?" he was able to reply: "A hundred thousand dollars."' He sold out his interest in the brewery to his brothers and built in Mile End road the groat assembly hall, which had been projected but never begun by Keith-Falconer. Every Sunday night three thousand or more people gather at the evangelistic service of the mis sion, and its fellowship society, with the constant religious educational and entertainment work centering at the great assembly hall, makes it a power for good in a district which contains a number of powers for evil. Wo have bought the J. 0. Meins Steam Wood Saw, and will fill all orders for sawing wood for stove or furnace use at the old rate. Orders left at Maier & lien ton's will be promptly at tended to, and will guaran tee entire satisfaction. H. C. NIELSEN, Clothier and Tailor. . . . .Decidedly the Finest Line of Gents' Ktirnislninp: Goods, Trunks ami J aiscs, etc., cU. C0K. .SECOND AND WASHINGTON. THE DALLES, Oil. THE EUROPEAN HOUSE The CorniRHtnil It ill Id in r ni'xt Poor to Court Minim. (Ileekly GhFoniele, $1,124 ayear TQese are Dull Times! WE DON'T lodlm Jacoi? Wktle. .IohnP.Kuiek. Hnme wrigm seminary Tacoma, Wash. Boarding and Day School ; for Girls. Haudsoiiicly Fnmishcfl Rooms to Rent by tUc Day, Week or Month. Meals Prepared by a First Class English Cook. WMHMMMnMnHHa TRANSIENT PATRONAG-E SOLICITED. Good Sample Koouis for Commercial Men. J. O. MACK, Tenth Tear Begins September 14, 1893. For Catalogue nnd Admittance, apply to FIJilE WIIEJ3 and LIQUOR Mrs. Sarah K. White, ?-21dlm Principal. OUT THE TERM "YANKEE. various Theories IVlileli lluve llecu Ail. I vanced ns to Its Origin. The theories which have heen atl xanced as to the origin of the name Yankees arc numerous. According to Thierny, it was a corruption of Jakin, a diminutive of John, which was :i .nickname given by the Dutch colo nists of New York to their neighbors in the Connecticut settlements. In a history of the American war written by Dr. William Gordon and published in 17S9 was another theory. Dr. Gordon said that it was a cant word in Cambridge, Mass.. as early as 17J3, used to denote especial excellence lib a Yankee good horse, Yankee good ;ider, etc. He supposed that it was originally a by word in the college, and being taken by the students into parts of the country gradually obtained general currency in New England, and ill length came to be- taken up in other parts of the country and applied to ycr Englaudert, as a term of slight re proach, I 'Anbury, an English writer, says that "it is derived from a Cherokee word eankee which signifies coward and slave. This epithet was bestowed upon the inhabitants of Now England by I ihe Virginians for not assisting them in a war with the Chcrokees, The j most probable theory, however, is that advanced by Mr. ileekewelder tliat the Indians in endeavoring to pro nounce the word English, or Anglais, made it Yengees or Yangees and this originated the term. Fesh Paint! W. C. Gilbert hereby sends His compliments to every friend And enemy If he has any Be they few or be they many. The time for painting now ha come, And every one desires home That looks fresh and clean and new, As none but a good painter can do. Painting, papering and glazing, too, Will make your old house look quite now. He will take your work either way, By the job or by the day. If you have work give him a call, He'll take your orders, large or small. Respectfully, W. C. GILBERT, P. 0. Box No. 3, THL DALLES, OR. Ano 171 DOMESTIC KEY WEST CIGARS. THE CELEBRATED PABST DEER. WAflT YOUR PJiEY, Just flom, FRENCH'S BLOCK. SECOND STREET, : ; THE DALLES, OK. RHAM & BERTS ON ''rnprUitorw CityStables,1,1 Corner of Fourth and Federal Stfi., The Dalles, Oregon. These Stables have on hand the finest Livery in Eastern Oregon, and can accommodate patrons with either Single or Double Rigs, closed Hacks or Carriages day or night. MORE ROOM. Aleo, can furnish First Cla.-s accommodations to tuimiHttirH with ireigln or driving teams, liavinc added to their stable." Iarjre feeding and wagon room. BUT WOULD LIKE YOUR Attention! The Fifth Annual Commercial Palronap Solicit. -OF THK- Second Eastern Oregon District The Dalles Q O A Ootid Thine to Kcej nt Hand. From the Troy (Kan., Chief. Home years ago we were very mud subject to severe spells of cholera nior bus : and now when we feel any of the symptoms that usually precede that ail nient, eucli as sickness at the stomach diarrhoea, etc., we become scary. We have found Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhea Remedy the very thing to straighten one out in such cases. We are not writing this for a pay testimonial but to let our readers know what is good to keep handv in the house. For sale bv Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. Among the incidents of childhood that etand out in bold relief, as our memory reverts to tho days when we were young, none are more prominent than severe eickness. The young mother vividly re members that it was the Chamberlain's Cough Remedy cured her of croup, and in turn administers it to her own off spring and always with the best results. For sale by Ulakeley & Houghton. A Humluy at tlie fiemido. During tho summer season the Dalles, i'ortianu & Astoria jNaviuation Co. will make a rate of ?3, Dalles to Astoria and return, and Dalles to Ilwaco ami return. The above rates will be in effect on Sundays only. Steamer Regulator will leave The Dalles at 7 a. m. Dalles City will arrive at Portland in time to con nect with the Lurline for Astoria and Ilwaco. The Lurline will leave Ilwaco Bunday evening and will connect with the Dalles City .Monday morning for Tho Dalles. Tho above tickets will be limited to three days from date of sale. W. C. Am.away, G. A. Agncultiirai Society,! j WILL HE HELD AT . i Wasco County. Oregon, THE DflMtES, OREGON, October 10th, 1893, Continuing five days. A. S. O. MACK, Secretary. McAllister, President. From TERMINAL or INTERIOR Points -THE- lien Paci RKILROHD Is the line to take TO ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. It is tho Dining Car lltmu.'. It ruiik Through inuguivu inuns ever nay in tue yar to p. pauI and Chicago NO CHANGE OK UABH.J Compote of Dllllmr Cam urummamu!. 1'iiH man Drawing Koorafileepers of latent equipment. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS Jifst that can be constructed, mill In whir.ii accomrnodutloiiH aie both Knu anil KuniUhul lor holders of Klrnt and Kit-oiid-clam Tickets, and ELEGANT DAY COACHES Nutlet!! Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will bo received for there-covering of tho cistern at tho intersection of Washing t on and Tnird streets. Haiti bids will be r ecoived until Saturday noon September 2nd, ISO:;, at tho recorder's ollico, in Dalles City, Wasco Countv. Oreumi. Tho right to reject any and all bids in l hereby row ved. The city to furnish nil I THRflllfiH TlfiKFTJ If?,..?"'.1 '" m aterial for the re-covering of said cist- ffl,WS KuKJAoftu' y' or 11 and eald bids to bo for tho labor in ticket omco of tho company 1 ro -covering tne same. A continuous line. conncctiiiL' with uii iim.t uflordiiiK dliect and unlnteiriipted service Pullman Mivwr reservations can ho secured In advance through any Huent of the road. Paul Kiikkt. G hainnan of Committee on .Streets anil Public IVope-tv. Dated at D.illes City, Oregon, this iiOtli u ay of AugiiHt, 1893. Use Mexican Silver Stove Polish. rail Information eoneeriilnx rates, limy nt trains, routes and other detail furnished on application to W. C. ALLAWAY, Agent J) I', it A Nuv. Co., JteKUlator oillcc, The Ualles, Or., or . A. I). OHAULTON, Asf t. (ieneial Pastenifer At., Portland, 0n The Gate City of the Inland Hmjiire is situated at the fcwul of navigation on the Middle Columbia, and is a thriving, pros perous city. ITS TERRITORY. It is tho supply city for an extensivo nnd rich agricultural and grazing country, its trade reaching as far fcouth as Summer Lake, a distance of over two hundred miles. The Largest Wool Market. The rich grazing country along the eastern slope of thu Can cades furnishes pasture for thousands of sheep, the wool from which finds market here. The Dalles is the largest original wool shipping point in America, about 5,000,000 pounds lx:ing shipped last year. ITS PRODUCTS. The salmon fisheries arc the finest on tlie Columbia, yielding this year a revenue of thousands of dollars, which will lj more than doubled in tho near future. The products of the l;autiful Klickitat valley find market here, and the country south and east has this year filled the warehouses, and all available storage places to overflowing with their products. ITS WEALTH. It is the richest city of its size on the coast and its money is scattered over and is being used to develop more farming country than is tributary to any other city in Ivustern Oregon. Its situation is unsurpassed. Its climate delightful. Its pos sibilities incalculable. Its resource unlimited. And on these corner stones she stands. m G 11111 DALLES CHR01CLE, Daily and Weekly Editions. OUR GREAT OFFER I FOR 1894. THE CHEONrCU- wit, ..stnl.lishwl for tho ex press purpose of faithfully roprnHonUng The .Dulles and the surrounding country, and tho satisfying effect of its mission is evemvhoiv apparent. .It now leads all othor publications in Wasco, Sher man, Gilliam, a large pur; of Crook, Morrow and Grant counties, as well a Klickitut and othor re g'ions north of The ball's, hnme it, is tlie best medium for advertisers in the Inland Imipiro. The JJaily Guuokjumc ju. puulinhed every eve- And THE CHRONICLE pro poses to enliven them by iD trodncing its newsy presenci into every home in Wasci County. Circulation must be doubled and to do this we propose to furnish the Weekly Edition for the balance of this year and one year beyond for the already low price of $1.50. i year and a third 16 months makes a GrEflT amount of the very best read ing matter, comprising besides the world's news, valuable id formation on all subjects, anl especially for the stock-raiserl the farmer and the orchardist, and is the best medium for exposing our resources to the world. If this Is not enough, our plan to is sue the Weekly in instalments of twice a week, should mate your decision favorable at on Sunday's, Monday's, Tuesday and Wednesday's NEWS stale by Saturday night, an hereafter the Weekly Chronicli Part I, will reach you Wednes day evening, and Part II od Saturday evening. The extra trouble and expeise connected with this effort to please, which is considerable,! we look to an appreciate! public for the approval we sure it will give us. While we would be glad i subscription money in advais it is not necessarily enfoi Subscribe NOW for 1894 And get the benefit of tbi Rrmrcml vnto -urVnWi ir rvraCWl ally for the meekly Ghroniele, $1,124 a Yeaf." PAUL KREFT & CO., DKAU'MtK IN PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS And tlui MiiHt CoiiiiiiU nnd tint LiUohI hittoniH and DohIiih in nmg in tho week Sunda.v annum. The Wkkklv each week at 1.50 pf r ju For advertising rat THE CHRCWI ( pLod al : i 'l $0.00 per Fridays of etc., address I i N G CO., Iriult..,.l II,. I. I l i . l..iulHOlti1' w. ,,,., ' " "im i iiMir iiiiiii?trH. tstnw imh urn wnv M t it) inoHl nkll i;d workmun ini.(yi.'il. Akiiuh for AliiHi.ry J-iiiid l'"!'1'8, ulmiincHl fimiliiimtliin ur Himp inixtiiro. A llrHt cIiihh urtiolti In H "oti' ' ordiirH promptly iiUiiniliul to. 1'nint Hlion ooriuir Tliirdmul Wanhintr ton Bta.. Tim I)allJjj2l THE CELEBRATED COLUMBIA BREWERY. AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. TIiIh wnll-kiiown llrowury Ih now tiirnlnu' out tho hunt Hwr ' b.l fiiHt of thu OnHfiuk-H. Tim Intent iiiplliiuci)M for tho iimmifuutuio of K00 1A fill llittr Iiilvii lu.iiii ...... i 1 .i i (..!.. u'lll 1)0 V "'e I thu mitrkot.