The Dalles Daily Chronicle. OFFICIAl. l'Al'Kli OK DALIjKS CITY. AND WAJCO COUNTY. suuscuimox katks. BY MAII.1 POSTAGE rHKfAII), IN ADTAMCK. OLD-TIME- KtiVER TRADE. Kvcrylioily lpl to llotM'ml Wholly on Strniiiboiit Tnmlortiltloti. Otto of tlu ililllonlt problems tlio old citizen can be nski'il to solve is the present position of the river to ward the eommeree of the eitv. A 0 75 j l'irtr f 11 century ago, siiys the St. l.ottis wioiie-iienioornt, it was every tliini;. It was both the feeding and distributing' artery. People unpaged in building, loeatlng for life, could see prosperity only near its waters. Ad vised that business would soon be go- FoRt-OfflcA lug west they could only respond by orrtc nouns the question: "Do you see that river? 0ncrni Delivery Window . .8 . m. to 7 m. t Is it going to move'?" Created avenues .9n.'m. toioa.'m. i trade were just beginning to receive attention, due to the rivalry oi outer Weekly, 1 year ' fi months 3 " 0 60 Dally, 1 yenr " 6 months 3 00 per " 0!0 Addrws nil communication to " THE CHKON ICLK," The Dalles, Orejrtni. Monev Order Siimlay t ti ctoswo or MAILS trains going East . . .9 p. m. ami 11 : . m. " " West 9 p.m. ami 6:30 p.m. Stage lor Goldemlale. 7:S0a. m. " ' l'rlnevlllo. . ..5:30 a.m. " "Dudir and Warm Springs ..5:S0a. m. " tlaTluir (or l.vle A lUrtlund..5:S0 a. m " " " 1 Antelope 5:80 a.m. Excent Sunday. Tri-weekly. Tuesday Thursday and Saturday, I Monday cuneiay ana tTiuay. MONDAY, SEPT. 11, 1893 It was while speaking of tlio course recommended by the president unent the purchasing clause of the Sherman act that the most stubborn of Stalwarts expressed this opinion of Clevoland: "'I am now an old man," said Sen ator Sherman, "and perhaps I have taken on the narrow-mindedness of age It is hard for me to believe that any democrat can be a patriot. I lived through a hard and trying period in our country's history, when we republicans came to look upon all democrats as traitors and enemies of the government That belief has remained with me as the years have gone by, and I repeat it is not easy for mo to see perfect goodness in one of the democratic persuasion But no one," continued Senator Sher man, in a voice of impressive gravity, "no one can view the conduct of Grover Clevelnnd without being convinced of the greatness and goodness of the man His integrity, his fearlessness, his gifts of mind must be plain to anyone not utterly blinded by partisanship. Cleve land, is, perhaps, the broadest-minded man that ever sat in a president's chair. Beyond any of his predecessors he has he has the courage and the faculty of pushing all cabal and intrigue aside and of addressing himselt directly to the people. Friends, personal following, party, are nothing to him compared to the welfare of the people. With my natuial distrust of all democrats I might be tempted to look upn this phase of Cleveland's conduct merely as a bit of the ablest ol politics, but in honesty I must admit that I have watched this man in all the crises of the national life in which he has had a part, and 1 can not shake off the conviction of his superb abilities and his magnificent patriotism. Much dissatisfaction prevails because no American woman has received a pre mium in art at the world's fair. It is claimed that this is unjust, as even in Paris she claimed a share of the honors. The board of lady managers is blamed as well as the other judges. Tiie fact is, too many American paintings have been accepted, and as a large number of these are below the siandard of high art, they tried to lessen the excellence of the best in the eye of the critics. There is noth ing to do, however, but submit grace fully to the inevitable. points which were not blessed with a natural highway. The posses sion of this nature-given avenue of eommeree had. in fact, made the aver age St. Louisian neglectful and dis dainful of the created avenue. Life that did not begin and end on the river was not worth talking about. The mail who wanted to go to Cairo, Mem phis, Vicksburg or New Orleans never thought of rail. The palatial river steamboat was the accepted means of travel. People going east, even, at one time took a river steamer to Alton. The levee -front was the scene of nine tenths of the life and activity of the city. The "runner" was the most per sistent and irresistible of his class. He "ran" for the steamer as well as the hotel. He would almost kidnap a per son to get him to his steamer or to his hotel. The latter-day cabman is noth ing to be compared to him. And so with the merchant who had a pound or a ton of freight to ship. It must go by river by boat or barge. Those were great days for St. Louis. Uail roading was undeveloped in the west and southwest and northwest and twenty-one states and territories were reached bv water. V William Tell Your Father that wo Hell "ii makes me tired People ask mc is marriage a fail ure ? Of course 't'aint ; s'pose I don't know my biz what am I hero for?" If the women only keep hoalthy they keep in good spirits and cupid is in demand. Let every eiifcobled woman know this there's a remedy that'll cure her, the proof's positive. Here's tho proof if it doesn't do you good within rcaHoimblo time, report the fact to its makers and get your monoy back without a word but you won't do it ! The remedy is Dr. Piereo'a Favor ite Prescription and it has proved itsolf tho right romedv in nearly every case of female weakness. It is not a miracle. It won't cure every thing but it has done more to build up enfeebled and broken -down wo men than any other medicine known. SWEET, ORR St COS Vest Jumpers, . Pantaloon Overalls, Easy-fitting Pan Every garment guaranteed NEVER to rip! We are also Headquarters for Men s, Boys' and Youth s alHElS ?,U3 ;r 3i Osrf CJotw'w. MonrK.-in-.aore 'A'lnout, Croup ii-ir .pi...': r "0? WJiooplcK Coiicti nr.rl At.inei ' ' r Jiiii:n;. Hon it br.s ::r r:v.ii; :.a-iuu:vu.i..' oilier-, falloil, v.-lll :t. Mi? you if taken In ti.r.e. Gold by Drustrf n.i ft' iiarn-.tro. Fr -I-nrnpIUcl; or Chest, use HUH 1'l.AS'SSuli. 25 cus. K!LQH'Si .CATARRH SgisTM'REMEBY' In-i von i.ilurrii? 1'hu l-pmwiv i-i l-v . .. tesd to cure voa. J'rlcu&lcu. lnitct r t For lo liy Hnlpr- Ar Klli"r-!. I VIGOR f MEN The hotheads who are howling for a commercial division of the United States need to be reminded that this country isn't going to divide either on commer cial, sectional or racial lines. The country is one, solid and indivisible, nnd those who seek to divide it should re member the luck of those who have tried the same thing before. The United States will remain just as they are; Btanding when united, falli'when divided. Twenty national banks suspended in Colorado Easily. Quickly. Permanently Relorod. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, and all the train of evils Irom early errors or later excesses, the remits or over-work, slckiiL'Si, worrv.ete. FullstreiiKtlj. development anil iohh Klven to every organ and portion of tno bod). Simple, naturalmcthod. Immedlatolrnproreinen: feen. Failure Impos'thle. 2,a references. Iixjk, explanation anil profs maUett (sealed) free. ERIE MEDICAL CO. OUFFALO. H. V. This Is the Season Of the Year ttlhen Judicious Advertising Pays. CLOTHING In every size, style and price. n m urn i inmn o nn U III Mill I IUIIIH Ju Ml u.ii. ii iLLiniiuauu. PROPOSALS FOK plour, Brar7 ar)d peed. ff. s. Indian semce. warn spnszs Agency. U akh bnti.vo-. crook-Co.. dr., AtiK.5, ley:!. SealtHl proixisiil!- iiiilorH-il'-I'roiio.iiNfor 1'lour. Uraiiiiml h till," as tlioeaurjiaylA!, nnd Milling). I to tli uulcrlntiliit WnnnRprinei.Ori'tfon.ivlll ; receivwl at this iiKenoy until 1 n'clik I: M of fiieMlny, .-cptemlwr VJ, or fiirnhliliii: mid dellv.;rln lit the iigeiicy iilm li.MD Ibiofllour JU.0K) lb of bran, uml 'Ju,Mju lU oi fewi Klour miit x- cither what It. mh iiniiKni I ii 11 stooK oi irooil sound whit lin ! J. F. FORD, Evaiplisl, J I Of Dos Mollies, Iown, writes under die ol ! March M. J53 ! i S. 15. Mkd. yvn. Co., Dufttr, Oregon. , i ficiitlemtri : On arriving Iioine last wc.-k, i fouiul j all well anil anxiously awaiting. Our' little girl, uight, ami oiit!1iulf years old who iiatl wasted away to .'58 N)uuds, is now well, stront: and vigorous, and wt'l. I fleht'd iii. S'. B. Coimh Cure has done I its work well. Uoth of the children lik-' , it. Your S. B. Cougli Cure has cured j and .kept away all hoarseness from me. So irive it to every one, with greeting' ! for all. Wishing vim prosperitv, wo are , I lour-. Mil. .v Miik. J. b, I'oni). i If you with tofwl freoli mid cheerful, mid rend for thuHprlnc'h worlc, clcmm your .system with i the Headache mid I.lvvr Cnri", by takiiii: tnooi three ilons vioh week. H)!d under n ()sltlve iruitrtiritfv, Vi eeinx t-er bottle bv nil rrui''i YOUR flTTEJlTION Is called to the fact that Jkigb Glenn, D-aler in Glass, Lime, Plaster, Cement nnd Huildiug Material of all kinds. t.'urrlf" tlie Klnwot I.Iiih of Picture Mouldings To De found In the City. 72 LClashington Street. J here ix a inie. iv the. nffarrv nt tn - :i. n leads on to fortune." Tho poot unquestionably had roforonce to the Clisii-flii Sale i at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, who aro solIinR those Roods out rtt Rroatly-roducocl M10IIKLI5ACH 15U1CK, I'iVlON ST. W. E. GARRETSON, amng Jeweler T T T TV T 1 1 t' IV T n -I.K KNT KOlt TIIK 511 K N15W FllllHOf mid pi TOWN uiit l"'"ii nbitliil on tlir nlil piitMt, iNKii.ii .it ti.n 1-...L,. i f Hood river, Mth InrKe.nluhtly lott.liroud NtnutHimd uIIuvn. iroml mil pliro Wlltl.-r.Wllll Wlullolll lirodmlllll. Illlltf lltilll.lltftll liifiMlttrtlll elliiiiite, theieutiul Mttriiftlnii nn u iiioiinliiln nuuuiier nwort for nil Orvfton, IjeillK thu IK-iitent town In Jit. Mood. ItU inii,nrl!,. 14 ItU It tlltltltl fu turf nt ci'iitcr, IwIiik Uw nutiinil center for IWJ nuntv mlk-h of the M wtUttrAU i"-"".mini; niiiiitinn i ii i irpr-hi 1 1 in iim iiiiHiiiiur mi ri.niiiM una i niivvin:rt; inr irmi 111111 iiitu- iin. nmi itti r..t.Lt...r(.ltinti rtcc and seventeen of them hvi I Kro'ind down to ntjout u lbs .of Hour, low erm! S , , . , , , " mum out or it rimy Ije what s knoiw us rneu. ot so had a showing for a -"--"t Hour.and il'Hvertsi in extra Mronc ! wlioro tin, Xmi. V.l. r. i "1 KK i" weiKii (louiiee.s to the yard barn t nere tlie iNew l ork Connnercial iles of not ess than ibs most u. .,,.,i.i V. i resu state -uuvemser au vised me people to quit mining and go to raising goats. PEOPLE OF LONDON. Hits. Tkmi-lk, wife of the bishop of aiuuuou, jb a snortnanu writer. PiiUfCESH May's wedding ring will be maue irom niiaU-ounee nugget of gold, luuyiitoi eisn miners. Queen Victoiua has contributed one hundred pounds to the fund for the iicueiu oi the families of the Victoria victims. uiwwerfc. aIl fcuiniut's io i. out imtt.. t with the name oi thu bidder nnd thu number of the Minimi; if more tliim one K knl.tltt...i llran must I of ocd tiuallty, t ouiil iiarls bran and shorts mixed; hurniilesof not less than.' .lbs ...i.e. j hi uiRoi'ti ny oiutiere. J Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat- $ r ub uuucu bUUUUblcu lUi MODERATE rEES. 0 i Our Orrice is Oppoiite U. S. patent Orncc . nun nrnrv nHmnr II S DATrM nmnr i f thu .Vlif.l -iV (jfi iiCVr il .V r 'i1 V r , 'cbarRe. Our tee not ilue till patent is secured. id 10 WJ hVo"f fwi1 ba i ' " r,L .T ktflV. ' P'mphiet. "llovv to Obtain Patents," with; All articles are to bo hiilnwt n. 1 rum un, auuich, 0 All Watch Work Jewelry Made arrantod. to Order, address me at Hood Fresh oysters tionery store. at A. Kellor's confee- Shlloh's cure, the Great Cough and Croup Cure, is for sale by .Snipes & Kin- Proposals must statodpeclflcally the iropoel irleoof cch artlc o o LTw f.r ii.n. 1 ....'.i... ... contrKnt by tho owt., not barrels or tons. lhorlKhtls reerved torejeetmiy or all bids, ormivnii't ofmivb ii iiiM.mwi f.r-.i.., ! .' terest of the K-rvice, ' U-rtllle.1 clieckfc-huch bid must be uteonmanled hyitfertllie. check or draft 111-in mine (Jn te btteK(let.oltlni; or tolvent imtlonul bank in he vlcluhy of tho residence of tho blddei, rnnle iwiyab oto thuonicrof uir.r,inmk.i t. rliau alliilrj, for itt leant fl'vo pur cant, of the Hinount of the proposal which cheek i,i, rt' C.A.SNOW&CO OPP. PATENT OrriCC, WABHINQTON, D. C, 0 . T. ,' . , ' n'",'nl ' J"u proposal which check or draft eraly. Pocket size contains twenty-live v,' u"u-W ' ' Unltw I states In rum anV dous onlv '"if ndllilrun ln.. u c it ''ul'"r or W'iUcw rcccivlrit; an nwanl shall fafl uots, onij jc. tihliaren love it. hold to promptly- wcuto nineties, othtrwlse to ii' by Snipes & Kinerslv. re,,l,r1''t'Lt:'.t,1! rj,l,l:1?r- . , ., lihiK IfeOllirmnffi-f ril'nukli In Huii n in.. check will not ft wiiMrHi. ' I'Or further Infonimtion anil other partlcilhirB, apply to 3 J. IJ. l.UCKKY, u. h. ludliiu Agent Shiloh's Vitalizer is what you need for uyspepsla, torpid liver, yellow skin or kidney trouble. It is guaranteed to give you satisfaction. I'rb-e 7-lc. Sold by Snipes & Kinerslv, druggists. Tygh Valley Ilollor Flour Mill Is in complete repair: alwavs in atom flour equal to tho beat. Also oltl stvlo i,iMi',?r,H.'.lV,f ,,,"?.fSr .SiftS1 .f.t..,!,As ' i tn . . i.r fV.ii..;. ; 5uihi i lesion iieeu W. K. M'lSKtlA.N, tVAI. .MAKKIOltH. lUiseman & Mardeps, and Wine liooi Oregon. I an "lt-et.iMl Ht.. Tim Dnllun. Or. The Dalles Gigar : Factory FACTORY NO. 105. TITIiE PERFECT VACvCv A -mO " - XXX C L. X X CIGAKS Tho Dallee, Notice. Timber Culture. , S. IM.NU OFKICK, Till! JMI.I.KH, Olt., j coariie and fine Graham flour, ni feed. f!,r,"llur,!? t0 wh law h to 'iin'ijer. tn w it fn ' Culture Kntry No. alio, dntisl Jlurcli !, Vwj m"i it o,n " ' X1, iIcCoitKI.K, I'ropr. upon the N YlU t Heetion m, 'lownhl . " North Mll,I-Sm "y'Ko 1 Kf, W. l In Vmco county, Orw rn ."7 ", "r - wnl.1 ". vlu5 V,' t,, cuiieclhttloii of Mid uitrv OHnger & Hone's stages on routo to H" 1'"i;!,t"",t nlljtflmr that defeudmit has wholly Cloud Cap Inn will locate campers at the A 'Kln best flshing,point in Hood Itiver valley, iUi Jl? jtiWZ where one can reach Mt. Hood in a few jwet. tho wild partle ur hereby hummoiud to hours and get their mall and provisions fKlSSMX! Z WplMMi"Sa !Mvv,'it w, j.i'wis. lt.,,.t f NorthuoHt efiriier nf Sci-iiwI mill Court streets. PHOTOGRAPHER First pritmiuiii ut tho U'iihco count r air for best portraits nnd vh-u of the Ht-st llrands lnimilfiiidiirofl ii nil ordero from all parts of the countrv filled on the shortest notice. CLAfA STORY, Art Tjaci-if;r llmim 3, titttintjen lluihlinj, Thu reputation of THE DALLAS CI OAK has become firmly estahlished, and the demand for tlio home manufactured article is increasing every day. A. ULRICH & SON. The Snug. W. H. BUTTS, Prop. No. 90 Second Breet, Tho Dalles Or. Qolumbia (Hotel. THE DALLES, OREGON. This Popular House IIiih lately Inuin thoroughly renovated and fitrtiiuii,.! n. i i i !.. ....... letter ever prepared to furnish tho beat accoiuinodatioiiH of any house in ft city, and ut thti very low rate ol lilt.... .1... t it atltun i me nisi ami couiintxnous ujii""-, in i r v miru ii ifiaii v iniitv . iitt" 'hollv ) " J . J Warm SjuiiiKH and l'rlnevlllo is in the ami persons goiiiK to Prinovllle can H.(M) by koIiik on this Kttte H"8' All trains stop here. This well known stand, kept by the well known W. H. HuUh, lon a resl. dent of Wasco countv. has nn ivtionr.u. nary flue stock of j .Sheep Herder's Delight and Irish Dislurhane n fact, all thu le mUiii; brands of flu MM kIvh If.kon. Monday. lt, TI.ura.lHy. ol old man a call 11 n 1 viin .lll '., . U'V " f rh wiek.oriiifeiHi II dwlitil ''' ' -ll a nil you will come aaln D. BUNNELL, llinn llinrif Tin nnnnfrn nnd UflMI r ii m hhiiik nil nriMiis miiii nn MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE. Shop on Third Street, next door woet oi' Young BlaekHmith Shop. K