21) c Dalles Chronicle toL. vi. THE DALLES, OREGON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1893. NO. 74. Dalles Daily Ghroniele. mi liullr.Hiniitiiy Kscopted. II Y OHKOSIHI.H PUBLISHING CO mi wnMilMRtnii HtrwU, The pHlle, wrnsuii. Turin' i,f Hiilmorlitlli L .. C.th,byMtrl .If, IX) . .so 6 TIHK TA IIIiKHi In fOCCt .UKUKt C, lb''.. iirt huunii. tir liOt'MD. Ur,if(.isf ' Depart am a. m . L .. (!' ""J "iiu out) ur tilt hs ''' STAI1EH. I mwW. rlu' "'"-' 0vu" lcTU dal5' riV'ore, Mitchell, Canyon City, Iotu Krtf.KlnitilW, Wnmlc, W.plnltU, Warm Kind lysh VMley, lvc dully, except P.'.M.n,iii. Wuh.. leave eTury (Ut ol the gr ill hum , ........... FltorEHfllONAl.. u UtllllKI.I ATTOKNIV-A1.-L.IW OfllCU I, Court Htrt, The Dnllci, Oregon. ICrVK, & MENKKKE ATrONT AT- ' liw uooirti mm u,i , wnfc tBllldlnc. l.iiimuce on v, muui,iuii nurci klitiln, Orifim BEKXKTT. attoiinkv-at-law. Of I, (cclUK'liMmn'i building, "P "Wlm. Thu i.Oiiwuii Lr Mirn. ,iiumtin(tok. n,. waioN. llVs, IK'.NTIMiTON A WllXON Attor- I MTf AT unirx, l rrneirn iiiock over IStUotiM llniik, ' 'i Dull,. Oregon. II Wll-HON ATTORNKY-AT-I.AW Hoomll Kruich i n. s I, Bilk mlldine, bceoiiu , The ImllM, Oregon. K8HI-:i.y.AN IIIOM.KOrATlliCl PlIYHIUIAN kil hUKUHoN. Vum mwwcreu promptly. night, t'lty or country. Ofllce No. at. and pmin uiock. 0. II !() A N K - rilYMCUN AMD HIM- ion Otltie. roomii & itnrl r t'tiaiimuu Kwldencc. K. i;. curlier Court mid tr.uii kn it ill ill (i i r f mm flit I'lifltt'T. bourn 'j to IS A. M i! to 6 mid 7 to b 1'. M. BUPAl.l - Dkntiht. - CtiiK Riven (or the 1....I. ........... I... . ..f ....,. A U.i fiuith rnw.! iiltimliitim i.lntf. HiMtnlH Klell Of Etai Tooth, hecoud Htreut. KOUI KTI Kn, l;CO I.OIK.K. NO. 16. A. I'. ,t A. l.Mivt drat inn third Monday of euuh mouth ut 7 ll.KK ItOYAl. AUC1I CIIAI'TKU NO. (I.-- uln In Miwoiilo Hull the third Wednesday t month ut7 1'. M. CUN WOODMKX OK TllK WOIti.il b I , ..... I i ...v.. ... ............ ' . inn., vrfiuii ..ii, irj. ..i,-,:,,, , lirsiiiivuveil- I.WCh week In rrnternlty Hull, ut7:S0 p. in. jllltlA l.OlKiK, NO. 5, l.O. O. K.-Meum Riry rrliluy evunliiK nt 7:;io o'clock, in K. nil, corner tiecoiiil mill Court ntrccU, .lim iirotnurn urn wuicomu. DOll, Hec'y. II. A. IIIM.fi.N. (i. kNDHIIII' l.OUOK. NO. 9 K. of I'.-Mciitu ery Jlomluy evening lit 7;:iO o'clock, lu o h uiiiiiiiiik, corner oi i;onri nno nroiim HoiourniiiK iiiumiierii nru coniimiy in V, h. Cham. .Vaunk, K. of H, nud B, C. V. tMIU.V NO. K. OK 1,. MeotM In K. l' imll iiietvcoiin n i hi louriii c(iiich- I tiich nioiith nt 7:30 p. in. IIKN'H CHK1HT1AN TK.Ml'KHKNCE R'NION Tlll meet every lTldiiy iillcrnoon lK.'k nt the rending room. Allure Invited. ton ImIku No. Nil. 1. 0. (i. T.Keguliir tekly iiieetliiK.i r-'rhUy t b r. ., ii pity null. All itro uiviivii. lllllHMAN, C. T. It. C. Kl.lXK, KU FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TKANHACT A OKNKIUliBANKINO BDHINKHH p.i: I.ODOK NO. .1, A. O. I'. W.-.Meot l(mturnltv Hull, over Kellern. hii hivcond lUurndiiy evening nt 7iW. ii. u.v.ai.., LMttKK, Klinmcler. M. W. lA'KH.MITH POST. No. H'J. O. A. It. -MeotN ryhutnriUy nt 7:IW v, Hin the K.of 1'. W I.. H. llmilHxvurr Kiimliiv iifUtriiooii In ""K of P. Hull. s'VN(i VKIIKIN MeetB everv niiiiiluv cvruliigln the K.of 1'. Hull. M' 1., T UIVIHION. No. U17- Mivthlu of P, Hull the II rut and third WHiiex lui.'h iinmth, ut 7::so r. m. TIIK (llllfKOIIKS. i'KTI.KH CIUIIUIH Itov. I'ulh.-i ISliONH FHr I'uhtnr M. .1s .,.,.. niiniiitv nt HIkIi Miihh ut Hi .at a. i, Vox pei i. ut f'.ri.H t lU itcil I'nloii stit-Kt.opposllo 'dill I ! , I V . 1 : 1 1 1 1 H 1 1 . ; 1 1 1 . Il,.,l,,r Ki.rvli'.u ' MiiiiIiiv mil, u .....i " II V. 11 III, .. L.lii it I ... t, nn.i . .hi,, -i t-iiitmi, A, M, Kvi'lllni! Pinui on l ililm ut I1APTIHT I'llI'ltCll Itcv. O. H T.1V- , in "H,"r-, 'I'TiilliK -two. '. u.i-i )' huh- I l... "'"'"'"ly m II A. M. MlllUlltli , '"I'l'illjihily ,i u-i n,oiniii,i miivlccH. 1 ' rl'V'i' e.iM.,rt if Pi.'itur'.i teni- ' IIIOIl KUIVll l'S Ml tho (.OlUl lioiimntt ii ! l7 i. m L hVrvl'0HUV' Suiiiltiyut il " ""J hi, in ii o'iiiin lieu. ' mi piwtor. 'I 1 , ii. ,i ''.) " ' ,'U'tj' . 'dil In- N.rJi!!1'110" '"'V. J.'WI i,. " WV'UHlf. 1 ,10 f U. 1'rn., . 'Mo. in- ut-:,JO ',1, I" uxicmlaj hy lmt. lltl., I'l I'u-to , "ii Ken ' iiin'hliig In v TxitturB of Crfxllt 1hhuo1 Rvailalile in he I'iHtorn Btates. Klglit 15xt:huriKe and Tolefrraphic TrniiHffirHHoltlon New York, Chicago, St. IiOtiiH, Sun FranoiHco, Portland Oregon, Seattle WiihIi., and various points in Or egon and Washington. Collections niiide nt nil rmlnrn nn fav. orable terms. THE DALLES Rational Bank, Of DALLES CITY, Oil. President Z. F. Moody Vice-President, Chaklkh IIu.ton Cashier, M. A. Moonv N 111 le Ivy . ( 'n General Hanking Husiness Transacted. Sight Fxchanges Soltl on NKW YOKK. SAN FRANCISCO, CHICAGO and PORTLAND, OR. Collections made on favorable terms at all uccesnible points. J 8. HCHKNCS, j'reHlueut. J. M. l'ATTEIlO.S, Outlier. first Rational Bank. THE DALLES. OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to bight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on day ol collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New iork, hun rranctsco ami Portland. S. L. YOUNG, : : JEWELER : : Watches mid Jewelry repaired to ordor on khurt notice, mid katlnfuctlon Kunrmitocd AT THU fltore of 1, V. NlckeUcin, 2d Ht. Tlie I.lulle, Chas. Allison, Dealer In PURE "01-ICB Hoadquartors at OhaB, Lauor's, lliivluu' hud a line harvest of natural Ire -the l.t In tho world, I inn prepaicd to luriilHh til any quantity and at bottom prices, CHAS. ALLISON. C. F. STEPHENS, DltALKK IN Dry Goods lothing IlllOtN, HllOOM, HlltH, KtO, Kit)., lite., Kte. 'joncl St,, Tho Dalles, DIKttOTOKS, D. J'. Thompson. Jno. S. Schenck. Ed. M. Williams, Geo. A. Likuk. II. M. Be all. W. H. YOUNG, 1 ! Biacksraitn & wagon snop General Blacksmithing and Work done promptly, and all work Guaranteed. Horse Shoeing a Speciality Third Street, opp. Lietic's old Staud. a. House Moving! Andrew Velarde IS prepared to do any and all kinds of work in his lino ut reasonable figures. JJus the largest house moving outfit in Eastern Oregon. . Addross P.O.Box 181,Tho Dalles WAKE UP. If you wake up in tho morning with a bitter or bad las to in your mouth, Languor, Dull Headache, Despondency, Constipa tion, tako Simmons Liver Kegulator. It corrects tho bilious stomach, 8wecten3 tho breath and cleanses the furred tongue. Children as well as adults sometimes eat something that does not digest well, producing Sour Stomach, Heartburn, Restlessness, or Sleeplessness a good doso of Kegulator will give relief. So perfectly harmless is this remedy that it can bo taken by the youngest infant or the most delicate person without injury, no matter what the condition of tho system may be. It can do no harm if it does no good, but it3 reputation for 40 years proves it never fails in doing good Assignee's Notice to Creditors. W, K. fiiirretnon, of The Dulled, Oregon, hnv lug iHfliriied Ills property for the benefit of nil IiIk creditor, nil person hnvlm; diilms ugnliist h tin are hereby untitled to present them tome under outh, at The Dulles, Oregon, within three mouths from dale. A U. TIIO.M1'SON AnBlgiiec. August 0, IMl.i.-wdt "The Relator Line" The Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co. P THROUGH Freignt ana Passenger Line Through daily service (Sundays ex cepted) between The Dulles and Port laud. .Steamer Kegulator leaves The Dulles at 7 a. m. connecting at Cascade Ixicks witli steamer Dalles City. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland lYumhill street dock) at 6 a. ni. con necting with steamer Regulator for The Dalles. I'AMHEMJKK JtATKH. One way Round trip. ,..$2.00 ... 3.00 Tickets on Eale for Long Beach, Ocean Park, Tioga and llwaco. Baggage checked through. Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. Shipments for Portland received at any time day or night. Shipments for way landings must bo delivered beforo 5 p. m. Live stock shipments solicted. Call on or addross, W. C. ALLAWAY, (leneml A(eut. B. F. LAUGHLIN, UeuorI SluiiHKer. THE DALLES, OREGON The St. Charles Hotel, PORTLAND, OREGON. This old, popular and roliablo house lias been entirely refurnished, and every room lias been repapered and repainte( and newly carpeted throughout. Tho bouse contains 170 rooms and is supplied with every modern convenience. Patet reasonable. A good restaurant uttnehec to tho bouse, Frer bus to and from all trains. C. W. KNOWI.ES, Prop. T H K ARXIC FACTORY SODA WATER AND IOE OREAM, Candies and Nuts nt rlii,ItNul tlltllllOIIH. TOItACKM), l l 1 OKI A KS AMI t I NWKUT IMtlNKH Specialties Klnoat Peanut Roaster In Tho Dnlloa 2;i Stroot J.FOLCO At rhtlit hid. .Mis. obarr' ruktamiiiit. THERE MAY BE WAR France Ready to Fight to Save Herself From Ridicule, ENGLAND IS ADVISING SIAM A Small Island in the Mediterranean to Be Fortified, Commandini; Suez and the Dardanelles. Paws Sept. 9. The etorv of fresh complications between Frrnce and Siam is fully confirmed today in the utter ances of the French press. There is no doubt France is fretting under the scor ing comments of foreign newspapers upon her alleged back-down before Eng land's firm attitude. There is still less doubt the French government is de termined the foreign press shall not easily have another such chance to hold up the republic to ridicule. Much irri tation is felt against England from the fact that it is admitted she is support attitude the latter country has assumed ing, if not advising, Siam in the dilatory in the treatment of the concessions made to France. In consequence of the French newspapers' spurring the gov ernment is to teach England not to in terfere with the colonial policies of France. Not only has Lord Dufferin postponed his proposed vacation in Switzerland, but it is added dispatches of the most important nature were ex changed yesterday between the British foreign office and the British embassy at Paris. As having a bearing on the Franco-Siamese complications, Figaro makes a most important announcement to the effect that Germany, having been informed that the visit of the Russian fleet to Toulon will result in the estab lishment of a coaling station for Russian war vessels on the French coast, has ob tained as a counterblast the cession by Italy of a small island in the Mediter ranean, which is to be fortified, coaled, supplied and UEed as a rendezvous sim ilar to that used by Great Britain of the island of Malta, and that when done, Germany will maintain a permanent squadron in the Mediterranean. This action, it is said, was taken after both Italy and Germany had consulted with England. The exact position ot the island is not divulged, but it is said to be admirably suited for the purpose, within easy steaming distance of the Dardanelles, and near the Suez canal. NEWS NOTES. "Okanogan" Smith (H. F.) died in Seattle Saturdav. Paid admissions for the fair last week numbered l.ll'J.OSO. The home rule bill lost in the house of lords by a large majority. Mike Clearv, an ex-prize lighter, died of consumption last week. Californians gave away a train load of fruit at Chicago Saturday. The Cambria Iron Company of Johns town, Pa., lias posted a notice, stating that tho mills will resume work Monday morning, Over 3,000 men will be given employment. President Cleveland absolutely re fuses to consent to grant any concessions in tho silver fight, says the Post. -More than this, lie will not promise to agree to any recognition of silver, even should repeal bo passed. Representative Ellis Saturday intro duced several bills, among them being iiuiiHiiiHH dveriiiL' land and irrigation matters, which he hopes to get through the piesent congress, and wincn win benefit Oregon settlers. A little idrl was bom to the wife of President Cleveland at exactly noon Saturdav. This is the first infant born ' . . . , 1. 1. ....!. "VI.. ill tllO WllltO llOUel'. .vunuur" trillo disappointed tele grams of congratulation arrive from all points. Thmnns k'eeilO. tilt' trilgt'dittll, while playing in Romeo and Juliet at Pitts burg, accidentally thrust ins sworn imu ii,.. ift ,.v,nf Lawrence Lowell, destroy ing it, and narrowly missing his brain. The scene was where "Momuio siaus "Tvbalt." John Ciunn, of Shelby county, Tenn., charge Win. Ulack with "bookkeeper ,,.' I,iiii,iuiof!rl00.000. llostatesthnt lie" is an illiterate man, that be can ....I )v ,,-m and is able to write his name only by a gieat ellbrt, though he is worth overifl.OWi.tXiu. 'pi... Vr.itl, China lleihld of August ion, iirin!s further details of thu great Hood, which it pronounces tho most extensive since 1SO0. No lewjthun 1,400 villages have been deft roved in the met ropolitan prt let tin cot' Slmiitiiiifn alone. Ten thousand hw hav been lost in Kluug Tung. SENATE SPEAKERS. Our CorrcMiondnnt Itfilienmo Homo Their I'et'iillarltle. of Special Correspondence of Tin: Clifio.vict.i:- The scenes in the senate since the opening of the extra session have been remarkable for the regular and steady attendance of the senators, the sincere interest of each of them in the utter ances of their associates, and the crowd eu ganenes. n is generally tlie case that when a long debate is in progress in the Ecnate tlie proceedings drag and then it is that tlie publio begins to scofl at senatorial courtesy and chafes under tlie delay of tho deliberative body. In utter contrast to this routine lias been the action thus far of the "American House of Lords." Every speaker is given tlie 6trict attention of the senate Those who have bsen fortunate enough to be present in the senate gal leries have seen and heard the men of tlie nation at their best. The debates bristle with sharp repartee and give to the sessions of the senate an intenseness that is unusual. During the past week particularly the senate has been a rich field for the student of character, as well as the student of politics. The battle that is being waged on the floor is not apparent to the casual observer. In every motion that is made there is apt to be a hidden effort, and it takes the vigilance and quick insight of the leader to appreciate the meaning of his oppo nent and as quickly parry it with a counter-movement. It is very seldom that Mr. Gorman speaks to the senate. He prefers to allow others to carry out his plans, while he sits in his chair watching every movement of the silver men and having little to say above a whisper. It would be a difficult matter for anyone to analyze the temperaments of the senator from Massachusetts, Mr. Lodge, or those of Mr. Pefler from Kan sas. Two men could hardly be more different in their tastes and habits. In Mr. Lodge there is the cut and dash of a college-bred New Englander, with a trim, well-dressed figure, erect and ath letic in its build. Most closely resem bling him in these attributes is Senator Wolcott of Colorado. For so young a man he attracts more attention to his speeches than is usual. Firmly identi fied with everything in thu senate that has a silver lining is Mr. Stewart of Nevada. Though his power of oratory is not as magnetic as some of tlie fellow members, he is undoubtedly a thorn in the side of those who attempt to legis late against tlie white metal. He has a j rather burlesque manner of expressing himself, and on this account when he takes the lloor something out of the or dinary routine of debate is expected. Senator Sherman, who is another of the prominent speakers during the past week, seems to have aged since tlie last session, but it was apparent lrom ins speech that he lias lost none of the fire and vigorous manner of speech that lias maiked him as one of the most able men that this countrv lias produced. Perhaps, next to Senator Voorhees, the democrat who is taking tlie most active part in the financial discussion is Sena tor McPliereon of New Jersey, lie has come forward as a strong friend of the administration in tho present emer gency, and on account of his experience and long service on the finance commit tee is one of Mr. Cleveland's most help ful lieutenants on tho lloor. Mr. Cleveland is in Washington. eyes are bright and clear and his step is quick and elastic for a man of his weight. Tlie wet and wintry chill has relegated Mr. Reed's tow suit to a ward robs or trunk. In connection with this suit, which has become a national issue, it is to be noted that tho trousers part of it is very remarkable. When its wearer first donned it they were long enough to turn up at tho bottom with a killing London roll. As tho days passed nnd the crease in them became fainter, they shrunk and shrunk nnd climbed up tow ard the waistband, until a couple of in ches of lustrous black stockings were exposed. Upon tho occasion of their last appearance in public they were not turned up and were an incli and a half too long. It is not known whether Mr. Reed's pants lengthen and contract with the rise and fall of the stock mar ket or tlie ebb and flow of public confi dence. Mr. Simpson of Kansas has come to regard them with a sort of blind adoration or fetich worship. On tlie days when they were crisp and brief he bought and sold, undertook journeys and the like. When they were long and limp he kept a careful eye upon cable cars and touched the back of every chair that he passed. A statement issued bv the secretary of tlie treasury this week shows that there waa during August a net increase of circulation of nearly $17,000,000, which is a most gratifying showing. It is the largest increase in circulation for many vears. In the house of representatives senti ment against adjourning ad interim is very strong and is daily growing stronger. L. NEWS NOTES. Today is silver day at the world's fair. Governor Price of New Mexico, Gover nor Waite of Colorado, United States ;enator Stewart of Nevada, A. J. War ner of Washington, C. Dougherty of Texas, and Charles S. Thomas of Colo rado are expected to speak. It is probable that tlie protests of the Chinese government against ajrigid exe cgtion of the Geary exclusion law are to be respected and that legislation may be nacted which will amend the existing aw by extending the time allowed for registration, although in no wise reced ing from the position heretofore as sumed by this government as to the constitutioiialitv of tho measure. Fresh oysters served in Coluiiiliia'Candv Factorv. even stvlo at tf Klrctrlo Hitters. This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special mention, All who use Electric Bitters sing the same song of praise. A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaranteed to do all that is claimed. Electric hitters will cure all diseases of tho liver and kidneys, will remove pimples, boils, salt rheum and other affections caused by impure blood. Will drive malaria from the system nud prevent as well as cure all malarial fevers. For enro of headache, consti pation and indigestion try Electric Bit ters. I'Wtire satisfaction miaranteed, or iiinuey refunded. Price 50c and $1 per hot tie' at Snipes A Kinersly's. Ituelileii's Aliurii Salve. Tlio best salvo in the world for cuts, bruises, soren, ulcers, salt rheum, fever This week the ciy of the repeal people mH, lQtw (.imilj)U( hands, chilblains, in the senate will ue "ote: oto: i ,.fl,.,j..mi all skin eruntloiiB. and nosi- tivoly cures piles, or no pay required It is guuraiiteed to give perfect satisfac- Mr. Voorhees has said as much. Never in the history of this country has the tremendous power of tlie white house ' m,mt,v refunded. Price 25 cents been more strongly demonstrated. It;, j,-,,,". f)au ))V Snipes & Kin- is a machine whose will come-! very near Miv to being law. It is probable that a vote n))(l iIotl ",Vfiminir. will bo reached in about two u.-ek. , , .. v .,. ioU pnntini: done ut Tlie return of President Cleveland u , TllK ' CmtoNicu: vou will have tho ad- Washington in tine spirits and e.'c!lii! ni,itase 0 having it done with tlie most physical condition is u sullu-ient disap- auKiorn umi approved typo, with which proval of the alarming stories afloat con-' v. kw.,, 0(,ntinii!illy supplied. All jobs corning ins neaitii. noiioem a ...m. m , luui01. lm) aired supervision of one of all like a very sick man, but !.e does , t, mi successful and artistic printers look like an exceedingly well man, capa-, j,, lUB t,ortn oat. ble of taking Hold oi tne liianuemeiu in i . - iUlairs with a vigorous uiip. Tlwm U . " " ' "" not the slightest trace on bis face of the! Best quality fir, oak anil fclun woou. denial operation of two mouths ago. Leave orders at 13:1 Second street or He is very tanned by esposuru to suu j cumer Third and Union: All orders and wind,' but bis face has r ;'-id, ' promptly attended to, livelv color, iinlieatiw of liou'i1.. Him M aiku it Bknton. Highest of all in Leavening l'iv r T...Ust U, S, Gov't Report. ILJP ii l . iV. - ..... it. t. Wngf