The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 09, 1893, Image 3

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    0 OUR
Waverly School Shoes.
ICxamlnn our
It nhowB how nil
Waverly Shoes
IRABf MAPIK t4im0.
Willi fiirli 1'nir of
ttlaverly Sebool Shoes,
,urenlir prices
Two Pairs of Fast Blaek Hose,
be given away;
pree I : pree I
Shoes, Sizes 5 to 71 $1.15
2 Pair Hose, at 16jc . l5P
$1.48 for this day, $1.15
Shoes, Sizes 8 to 11 $1.40
2 Pair Hose at 25c 50 . ,
$1.90 for this day, $1.40
ClllUoa, T "
2 Pair Hose at 25c 50
$2.25 for this day, $1.75
The Waverly School Shoes are justly celebrated, and are the host made.
The Hose we purchased from an Eastern manufacturer, and are the best value
tiyfr offered hero at 25 cents per pair.
ViJ all goods Marked j,t.
r in Plain Figures,
The Dalles Daily Chronicle,
iiWml h the I'ontofliee ut Tin- DiiIIvk, Oregon,
ik ei-oud-elium inntler.
I.neul Ail vtTtlxlui:.
iOU'iiti )T line (or llrttt luin-rllim, mid fi Cent
r llnr lor well nulin'iui'iit limertluu.
Siitl rnlvn (or Ioiik time notice.
All Iix-jl notice" received Inter than 3 o'clock
111 ipjieur thi' liilliiwlnn tiny.
WMtlnr fiirrmal.
itjteml "cin( Jar (wcn(iiUr Amm riitllny nl
S ;. m. lunuirriiu
Killing frunt Sunday morning.
Ilnroinetcr, 1H.8S.
Minimum tiin periitur , 7.
Miuiiiitnti temperature, !."'.
Jiiiinfull 0.05
Kivur, SI. II feet uliove zero.
- SFPT. . J s:t
Tl . i . . I.. . f 1 1 . 1. 1 . 1 1 .
inr inuitf mm nrt'tciy i nrvntvic muif
MlJUf tii . tit I I' , wi-Wui'w fkj
hlni'K it ciiutrmllctlon Ktriiiiiie
j" Ami much iiiiiu'h iiitli-ncc lrlen.
ah I'liiiHiiint lit tn eternal lilUH,
A ml innLfs tli 1h m-ciic ill cure below
A blixmilliK paradise
At tin) request of their psintur, Uov.
I). Tiiylor, the church Iiuh authorized
in in HUHiimiii nil imiirim HiirviciM itir
i.i.n.. t n.i..t :e i i...n ... .i. .......
llllll.l 111 I IITIIllll'r. II III NIIIIII Hfl IIMMII'f
Tho protruded ntutttintj ut the Chris-
1 i 1 I l .!... r
llll IMlliri'll llMIIMf' I lilt I I Ml I II I rU 1 1 1 ffl fll
iiMutiiu i'iiutitriit
('. I'. StevotiH Iiuh received oiii' of tin1
i... i l ii . . . r
o.,.tkli.. Iw.l I.. ....
Tjo HtruutH uhhuiiiikI tliuir Ul-tiniu
' ' ''!
11 thoir linuH of hidtiHtry. Thu ritiiu
1 1 It'll I 111 U I till til IWkliWHIU htlU ftllt
V. J ViWtMWUOf (tt0 llllk
in ! i ...... ,iTii r i ... . i .... i
- -.'.nm nitilllllUl IIUIW M i
Mr, M. Melanin Iiuh been appointed
HIT AHUhH ill iin ui.l t. .iI,.mii.,i.
"""Miiivii itim mi nil' tfciinuiivvi wi
Ii" fci'crotwry, Mr. J. 0. Moult, will fur-
Nil llllll 'i..T.xU 1! 1 T .1
"v k'Miui iuuvuju .umtitiu i;iiuwui ii-
tho fair to Iih hMlrl ut .Tim HiilloH ;
ii i .I ii i .. . ii.. i ... t . .n.i
hi AiiumiUViUULi 1WL1I IllTXL. illl.
" - IUIIIIU lilt) UIIICU Ul lllli
'kIIoh Momintllo Co.
I.imt Wo(liit'B(luy 'h rain woh u dimib-
fuiiH ono for the now uradn un Tvuh
nil. Ti.uf ii.,i ...... .1..; ...... , '.v ..
... J.U.I1I, nun mU cuiivur ui win
twin, and oulinluatud in it cloud burst,
1111:11 I'riln tl f...l 1 . i ..
. ..r,uvulJ uiuilgUU unit miction,
' carried with m (lootl lurjro bottldurH
n wnHhwl out tim grnde in nuch u
null. IV WUH UlllinHI. Iltlliiluunlil.1
Krmlii Jh nearly four iuIIch iu length,
i will unlull iiulto u Iosm on tho county.
wijr Vulontlno hiiH cujiturod ut
ilurvlllo tho notorioufl niHtlor, M
w'h ugu in Oreuon. Tho
found on u ruuuh on OsooyoH hike,
' u John lirnnLrlmim.. l...- ..I ... i
.....wuav iluD tuBO ihjuu
urroHted, churned with stealing Major
NuhIi'h cattlo. A man iinuied I'earHon
has also been arrested for running ofl"
CoininiHBioner I.oynton'H Htock. At the
preliminary examination Henderson
gave damaging; teHtiniony. IJe was
hound over in the sum of $I!,000. Ore
Klickitat furuifin ut Nu Kxpfiikf to
II mil Whriit to Tlif Diill.h.
For three inontliH, commencing Sept.
11th, the farniern of the Klickitat coun
try may haul their wheat to The Dalles
without cost for ferriage. The mer
chants and business men of The Dalles
have shown their accustomed enterprise,
even at a time when the country is pop
ularly supposed to he sutleritig from a
money famine, and everyone performs
their solemn duty only by pulling tight
on their purne strings. Jt is just such
actions as this that will restore good '
times, and while the balance of the
country will convalesce by slow stages,
The Dalles has acquired at a single
bound the life which is found in active
trade. Following are the names of those
persons and firms who have made up
I "fit) that their friends and patrons, the
farmers, may cross thu river to a market,
which has always been iu the vauguaid
for the best prices for wheal :
nam us,
Pease & Mays II Glenn
A M Williams & Co S L .Brooks
A II Curtis IIC Nielsen
Dalles MercantileCo L Korden
French & Co First Natn'l Hank
J'rinz & Nitschke Farley A Frank
Miipes ix Kinersly Ii Jacobsen
M T Nolan
I C Nickelsen
C W 1 'helps
H L Kuck
.1 M Filloon
Stoneman 6c l'iege
Mrs. A. J. Dnfur was in town yes
Mrs. G. .1. Farley is recovering from
her severe illness.
Mr. Frank French returned from Lone
Beach last evening.
Mrs. C. E. Nve of Walla Walla is vis
iting Mrs. G. J. Farley.
Mr. Griflith Williams returned last
evening from a short sojourn at the sea
Iloht of I'l'inl tiring llny-.-Tllf Mill elm I
mill I'nrm SK.cU. IIIn.. Uli:.
Hditok ('uitosici.i: Some of us In
the road district" would like for you to
publish the eity ordinance relating to
the impounding of slock, so that wu may
know if the jurisdiction of your city
marshal extends for miles, enst, south
and west. The time is near at hand
when tho farmers of Wasco will step to
tho front and protect themselves. I am
reliably informed that stock hiw been
run In and sold on the streets without
over entering tho pound. It seems 'to
mo that it should be the duty to adver
tise stock taken up for the violation of a
city ordinance, so that tho owner may
know where to look for them.
Our school lias opened with a fair at
tendance, with Mies Addie Omeg as
Harvest is over and the yield was fair,
far lieyond the expectations of many.
There has been a fall of rain, sufficient
to start the plough for fall seeding, of
which there will be a large amount.
Despite the hard times, this com
munity keeps on going ahead. There
has been some more homes taken and
there is room for a few more on the best
producing lands of Wasco county.
Mr. T. A. Obrist will soon be ready to
move to his new house. It is not very
large, but is second to none for con
venience and beauty.
If we could only get hold of a few
dimes or a few shinplasters, or anything
to make a rattle or a jingle, we would
feel happy.
A part of the Oregon press would have
the farmers believe that they are happy
and prosperous. If they are they must
be millionaires and have a large reserve
fund, and those that want their products
seem to think the same. They have
their prices on their goods, and would
like to set the price on the products of
the fanner. They do not consider the
cost of production, of which the follow
ing is a fair estimate:
Cont of land J :a
Cluirini: mid lenclnir .1 (w
riotiKhinc l M
Seed urn! t.ceillHK TO
Harrowing und rolling . uO
Cutting, mVini; and fliocklnt; 1 00
Hauling and Mucking 1 (J
ISailng Ml
Hauling to market" 'J 'JO
her sieter Miss
evening from
MuierA Uenton
Mays Si Crowe
I) I' & A Nav Co
1! F haughlin
Lord & Laughlin
A A Jirowu
Chrlsmim .V CorsonSCampbell Dros
.N Harris j." Moody
Sinnott A Fish A J) Kellar
T T Nicholas Jos T J'oters
,1 1 Mclnerny Fred Fisher
.1 II Cross Huntington A Wilson
A L Newman Chas F Lauer
C L Schmidt C K Stephens
Jules llros lilukulcy&llotighton
S Klein.
Fresh oysters served iu every stylo at
Columbia Candy Factory. " " If
1'ln Ulliili tlluiri'li Tonight.
The subject for this evening at tho
Christian church is: "The Kleventh
Hour Man Who Is Ho?" with u re
view of Col. Ingersoirs graphic picture
of God's injustice. All are earnestly re
quested to come and bring their Biblos.
There will bo placed a question box in
tho rear of tho uhurch for tho accommo
dation of those who desire to ask ques
tions. .Miss Moore will render special
solos every evening,
It Hlioiihl llu In Kvury IIoum
.I.JJ. Wilson, 71 Clay St., Slmrps
burg, Fa., says ho will not be without
Dr. King's New Discovery for consump
tion, coughs and colds, that it cured his
wife who was threatened with pnuuinouia
after un attack of "In grippe," wheu
various other remedies mid several phy
sicians had douo her no good, ltobert
Harbor, of Cookriport, Pu,, claims Dr.
King's New Discovery Iiuh dono him
more good than anything hu ever used
for lung trouble, Nothing like it. Try
it, Free trial bottles at Snipes 6c Kin
umly'ti, Largo bottles, 50c. and $1.00.
Fresh oystorH ut A. Kollor's confec
tionery store.
Miss Williams ami
l'earl returned last
Mrs. F. M. Hendcrehotand son Orval,
of Portland, are in the city visiting her
brother, Mr. Geo. W. Johneton.
Rev. and Mrs. W. C.Curtis celebrated
the 2.)th anniversary of their wedding by
a trip to Astoria anil Clatsop Beach.
Hon. A. 15. Manly, district judge of
Portland, is in the city today to meet
his father. Hon. H. 15. "Manly", who re
sides at Wapinitia.
Kev. J. Wliisler expects to depart
Monday night for Moscow, Idaho, the
seat of "the Methodist Koiscopal annual
conference, to be gone about ten days.
Mr. A. K. Dufur, of the Dufur roller
mills at Dufur, is in the city today. Mr.
Dufur brought in a lot of his celebrated
roller mills Hour, the merits of which
are known far and near. He reports
the late rain has not injured the grain
in the Held at present, and thinks there
is no danger for some time yet.
IIOTKI. aiiiuvai.s.
Columbia H Kotwock, Lvle; Albert
Krickson. Centerville; T H Menace,
Nelson; T C C Fox, Wyetb ; S II Wil
ier. Lvle; Miss A liassain, Oakland,
Cal; Ji A Cook, Portland.
Skibbe Patrick Farrell, Cascade
Locks; J S Bushnell, Hevensville, Mo;
Solomon Houser. Tygh Valley; J II
Forsyth, Lyle; George Baxter, Ante
lope; Mrs H M Bazter. Kingsley; P S
Cuton, Caleb; Mrs ICtora Turnbolt,
Portland; C B Y nickel, Centerville.
llnitli of Miiinli- Moody.
Death relieved Mamie Moody of
her Mill'erings at 1 o'clock today. Tho
bravo little girl bore her pain patiently,
but could not survive the wounds sus
tained at Wliite Salmon Monday. In
life this child was remarkably sweet
and winning and was a favorite with all
who knew her. The sad accident is de
plored by the whole community, who
keenly sympathize with her parents and
relatives in their dark hour of adversity.
.lrriUi-(l l.tittcrn.
Following is tho list of lotters remain
ing in tho postollico at Tho Dalles un
called for, Saturday, Sept. 9th, 1893.
Persons calling for saino will give date
on which they were advertised:
Askiu Adney
Ballessler Chas
Belly ChttB
CoatH F L
Faris Mrs Abbie
Allen Davis
Bartloinay Chas CM
Bassom Annie
Carr Kobernt
Cozce Geo ('')
Graham A Butler
ilinchey John A
Masters Thos
Moore 1 1 S
MoilUt N K
Hartiiauin Adolf
1 lull' A L
Monohon Sam
Mooro Wash
Nu nn J 11
Macl)onaldMiss,Ien-Phelan Jack
Kisee Win
Kothery C K
Stutsman L W;CM
Smith Aloro
Dorden James L
Sporling Honrv
Smith Ji W
Tobln ltobt
Smith Miss Ada
Thompson Geo
M. T. Nolan, P
Wuuill Wuotl! Wood!
Best quality tlr, oak and slab wood.
Leave orders at Kill Second street or
corner Third und Union. All orders
promptly attended to.
Maikii Si Bknton,
Total amount . . . . $17 U
The total cost of the production of one
ton of hay is thus $17.
Verily the generosity of the farmer is
so great that it is sufficient to oil all the
machinery of this great nation. It has
been said that it is "a long lane that has
no turn," add the turn is just a little
H. F. W.
Faik Vikw, Or., Sept. Sth, 1S93.
Fresh oysters served in
Columbia' Candv Factorv.
everv Etvle at.
' tf
Kicking on rrlncliile.
Once upon a time two frogs, living in
comfort and ease in a pool of clear, cold
water, were accidentally scooped up by
a pious milkman in a bucket of water
which he poured into his can to give li is
mtlk more body and thereby increase
his revenue. The frog? found them
selves in an unknown eliinent in which
they could not live, and so they had to
do some vigorous kicking to keep their
heads above milk. One disheart
ened at being fhut up in the dark in an
element new to him, said: "Let's give
it up and go to the bottom ; it's no use
kicking any longer." But the other
said: "Oh, not a little bit! let's keep
kicking as long as we can, and seu what
the outcome will be; things may take a
turn presently." So one gave up and
went under; the other kept kicking,
and when the pious milkman got to
town and opened his can, behold, the
frog had kicked out a lump of butter
that was large enough to float him, and
he was sitting on it very comfortably.
Moral In hard times never give up,
but keep on kicking.
From tlii" IJiMfiimr f South Ditknta.
Uknilkmkn Kwl"eJ !'U'e llnd jioMiil note
for tl.W for KraUfrV Hi'dtlic CuiimiIo.
Allow mo to Miv tlmt IHey ate plcudid- never
failed to eute my Meadnclics and sic me a world
of fullering. 1 am riwiniuemllng tln'in every
where. The druggie of Aberdeen, lUela and
Hrittou, MHn-mill cmnty, nil iiromi.ed me to get
them and keep them In Hock. 1 am going to
Colorado in June, ami 1 "H ' ' : K,,"tt "'i'."'
among Hit miner.-, nearly nil ol wliom sutler
from headaches in that high altitude
Yours etc . J. H- !'" i:lt 1'icllt t!oVl
Sniim Cliiui, . l'k
"I have ut-ed Simmons Liver Hegula
tor with HHTCj-sful ell'ect in bilious colic
and dyspepsia. It is an excellent rein
edv and ceitainly a public blessing." C.
Masti:i;!-on, Sheriff of Bibb Co.. Ga."
Captain Sweeney, V. S. A., San
Diego, Cal., says: "Shiloh's Catarrh
Remedy is the h'itt medicine 1 have
ever found that would do mo any good."
Price M) cts. Sold by Snipes A Kinersly,
Best grades of oak, tlr, and slab cord
wood, at lowest market rates at Jps. 1 .
Peters Si Co. lOmVe Second and Jefler
on streets.)
IT.I. J . I'.. Hf-ITlMdv.
iUUUIDH .....-. - -
'cuiea nil forun of ti'enou
tniot(MV atul all
tir.toAluie or Kxcttsc.
lieru jiretvcrlbed over 'Jo
.1.. j if rni.
"..Ii, thaanJu nelUMi and lion'
Jiefir cm AJtr. (gt mtJMae known. Ask
itniKi-M for Woi' l'ho.plioaiuei if ho offorj
dliliomt ftorc, IncUw Irlco la letter, Mi
owlllRnd hy return mulU l'rlco, ono ckaim
lu.lx,e.'i. OuetelU$lcat, l""!'"
lei In rlnlu cn'.eil einelin. " couU ion tofie.
AdariJ Tho Wood t'hoiulenl Co.,
Woodw lira UH'nuc Detroit, iUch.
Sold III Tho HhIUs hy ittnkeliy A Ilmmhttn.
For the Fall Trade
Wu aro now rtrajlv with a full line of
Ready-IKEade Clothing,
Bliao&5:Sro Dress Groods,
and all other kinds of Dry Goods
QfljiMtTU are n
KmF in Bleac):
W Sheetings,
Shoes. Hosiery. Gents'
Wo are noted for the good values wo give
Bleached and Unbleached Muslins
Prints, Ginghams, Boots
Furnishings, etc.. etc.
ins, f
and ( )
The Balance of our Summer Importations now
Clearing Out AT COST.
Cor. court and second sis.
Tie Dalles, Oregon.
Siii'i id Sim Dry Goons,
Fancy Goods and Notions,
(Jests' uxviv-JqX) Qood
Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes, etc.
now complete in every department.
All goods will be sold at greatly reduced prices.
nrmzca. H. Herbring.
. ..Familiar Faces in a ATeiv Place. . ..
Late Special Agent General Land Office.
Je Ieal Estate, loap, Iurapee,
Parties having Property tliey wish to Sell or Tnuie, Houses to Pont, or
Abstract of Title furnished, will find it to their advantage to call on us.
Wo shall make a specialty of the prosecution of Claims and Contests
liefore the Unitep .States Land Oflice.
85 Washington St.
Have You Seen
Fine Millinery Goods
112 Second Street.
At tho Old Stand,
Cor. Second and Union Sts.
(Hay, Grail?, peed apd plour,
Groceries, Fruits and Seeds.
Oash jpfiicl for and r,oxxltx3r.
All goods delivered Free and Promptly.
The California Winehoase,
A Js now open, and its proprietor will soil his homo- 4
X produced W'ino at pricos in tho roach of everybody J-
Also, best l'eanuts to Do louna. uoous Luarameot
to bo Pure and Fivst-Class in every respect.
Thompson's Addition, C- BECHT,