The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 09, 1893, Image 2

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    Tiie Dalles Daily Chronicle.
;. Wai.tku D.vuuosrii is the
Mns. Wai.tku D.vuuosrii is the for
tunate, or otherwise, owner of sixty
dozen forks. Thev were nil wedding
SOUSCRtlTlOS K.TK!. f-Ifts-by
MAtt.rosTAOKrmirAUMN autasck. , A rrt.i.-iii.oonr.n .North Carol i mi In
Weekly, 1 year ..JIM) dlun. .bwoph S. Mnytubby. has helped
0 w to prove till' woruuni'ss 01 ms race n.
eo . winning tin" prize for declamation at
5 JJ Trinity college this year.
6 months.
3 ..
l)lly, 1 year.
' 6 months.
' tx1 r . , ... i i ......
A,ldrc all communication to"TIIK ClIKON- I'lr.vr. . ' u s .
ICLE." The Italic, Oregon. , vi-rsitv to blame for tin- trouble la
; has he i?n experiencing. Ho would
umbo thirteen nersnns the number of
I II t A
William Tell
Your Father tlmt we ncll
orricK hour
(ieueral Delivery Window
Money Order
Siltuiay i,
his expedition anil ho won hi start it the friqhtful inroads of Scrofula
. m. to-1. m. iviihiv. and all blood-taints. Dr. Pierce's
s n. m. to 4 i. m
y a. m. to 10 . m
I'lmsionxT Axmn.i, of tlu Hiwton Golden Medical Discovery purities
cuwino of mails Humane society says nun itoi. ntui enricnes inc. mood, cleanses tho
.. . . .......... Arr.ik.vi7.. tlu iTiMitost scientist we ever ,.,...,, nf .ill imm..;,:.. ..........
train KOinp Kat .s p, m. nnu u : n. m. , r- - r - noiv.... .... iiiii'iii ibiL-s, aim iL'murvn
" West 9 p. m.Bitd (: p. m. hail on the American continent, was a , ,,.1.1. .., Ktrollrrti, t. iipr n
SUe for fiotden.iale IJ"-"1- linn believer in the immortality of 1 '"m. .hlru'l- . cures all
l'rinoviiif ..vsoa. m. "l 1 l,-r diseases ansme from impure blood.
.. ...iro,ivorTiiKiiTtniT .5:H0n.m. ihiuib animals. . ? " '. "
? fur l.vlcit lurtlaiui..5:soa. m. . ...w.. ,. .,emi vjuhmuh mum is une 01 mem. li s
L.lllilt IllUUUI tlLU, Hint " ,.v...- -
" ' JAhtelope 5:3)a. tn.
Except Sunday.
Tri-weeklv. Tuefdav Thursday nd Saturday,
t " "Monday Wednesday and Friday.
SEPT. 0, 189P
The rock crusher should lie busily em
ployed as long as there is a bad mile of
public road inJWaseo county. A good
wagon road is more important than a
railroad to build up a given section of
country and make it prosperous. With
a bad road the farmer is badly handi
capped in his race with other branches
of industry. However Bober and indus
trious he may be, however much the de
mand for his produce may increase, and
nf tw.mtv.nm. voars. not a imrtiele of simply lung-scrotula. In all its ear
medicine has been used in the family lier stages, tho " Discover' " effects
of Mr. and Mrs. Weathers, of Shelby. a cllre. It's easy to see why. Tho
N.C. They are the parents of twelve nuHi,.ine that masters scrofula in
children. onc j)art is the best remedy for it in
PI.OHBNTK NMOHTISII AI.K has JUSt cel anolhcr. It fr th0 best. It's WUT-
Zyo f It's tho only lung
house bv constant ill health, sh.- is remedy that's guaranteed to benefit,
ceaselessly at work for the welfare of or cure, or tho money will bo ro
ller fellow creatures. fuuded. No other medicine of its
class does it. How many would be
left if thev did ?
Vest Jumpers, -
Pantaloon Overalls,
"I-7 -C 1 T"
Every garment guaranteed NEVER to rip!
We are also Headquarters for ....
Men's, Boys' and Youth s
Tm; right kind of a man never lows. Itfi thc eheapett blood -purifier,
'Vioms no H,rer man than the rich fold thrmlSh. druggirt. ( no matter
manwhonrverpives. ma' do8c8 ar offered for a
No HONoit can be conferred upon the dollar,) becauso you only pay for
the market may grow, the present f.icil-, memory of a pood man by a momi- the fooa you got.
ities for transportation place in his path
an obstacle which he is unable to sur
mount. A country can ill afford to neg
lect the farmer or discourage any rea
sonable measure for promoting and en
couraging agriculture, because the life
and success of a nation depends upon
her agricultural resources, and the pros
perity of the farming community rests
largely upon the facilities for communi
cating with thickly settled sections. As it
is now, the cost of transportation often
times exceeds that of the raw material.
Good roads increase property values,
and are worth all thev coat.
mu,lt- Your money is returned
Ir there h. any selfishness in n man dtKsn't benefit or euro vou.
It will be sure to crop out when lie is J
hungry. Can you ask more?
Thk best lighted streets are traveled
the most. Wear a smile if you want to
be useful.
A cool) thing to do on cloudy days is
to try to push the clouds away from
somebody else's windows. I'---'
if it
no dust.
Silver Stove Polish riuires
The people of Lane county see the ad
vantages of a boat line. They were in
the same fix as The Dalles was two
years ago. The Guard says : "The Or
egon Pacific railroad has made a rate of
$2.50 per ton, on wheat, from Albany to
San Francisco. The giant monopoly,
the Southern Pacific railroad, charges
our people, for 123 miles, to Portland,
3.20 per ton. In plain terms, a high
way robbery; and still the state railroad
commission stands idly by and makeE
no move to protect the producer. By all
means the next legislature should alwl
ish said commission, which is preying
on the taxpayers and protecting the cor
porations of the state. One relief will
come as soon as the river raises a few
feet. The Oregon Pacific will run boats
here, and ship all wheat offered, and at
prices that will lie far below those
charged by the S. P. 11. II.
AnnirreeablP Luxattve and NERVE TONIC.
"Sold hr I)ruirc1itnor tent hy mall Sic. 40c ,
and Sl"0 '-T package. Samples free
-7 ft T? The Favorite TOOTH r:T73K
WL$ fiiy iortM.-TcetuandJJreatn.25c
For atr by Snipe & Klnrl
A party recently from Colorado says
that Cleveland would not get one vote
out of a hundred if he were running for
president the coming November. No
wonder. Here is the record so far
The flag hauled down.
Pensions cut off.
Price of wheat reduced.
Wool completely demoralized.
Banks closed.
Factories shut down.
Laborers starving.
France and Kiam are stili wrangling.
The trouble seems far from leing set
tled, and the chances are that the wily
Siamese will figure around until they
will be able, by a strategic move, to
completely overthrow French domina
tion there.
The Portland Savings bank will prob
ably resume business and not go into
liqnidation. People are regaining con
fidence in Messrs. Dekum and Thomp
son's promises, and the Telegram has
quit abetting the panic, as predicted.
Easily, Quickly.
Permanently Restored.
and all the train of ntlm
Iromivuly errors or later
cicefwi. tie retails of
overwork, slckuys.
worry.elc. FulUtrt-UKtL,
ileTelopmeat ana luiif
KlTen to every organ and
portion of tho Ixxlj-.
Simple, naturalmethccli.
n-ca. Failure Impoi-.lble.
reference. Hook,
explanation and pnf
mailed 1 scaled) frtu
Is the
Of the Year
In every size, style and price.
fim. wiLLiflms & co.
J. F. FORD, Evaielist,
Is called to the fact that
Hugh Glenn,
Dealer in (ilan, Lime, Plaster, Content
ami Building Material of all kiudr.
;rrlr- 111 Klllt l.llir nf
Picture Monldinirs'
"There i a tide 111 the ctjairs 0 men which, taken at ils fieoa
leads on to fortune."
Tho poet unquestionably had reference to the
ii-0Ei Si i
Of !! Molner, Iovrr., writm
March iil. IsSU
miller date
Already the demand for space at the
California midwinter fair is greater than
can hi granted.
The plan for tiie dissolution of the
Standard Oil trust, is now completed,
and a meeting lias been called for the
purpose of winding up the trust's af
fairs. The dividends were greater than
the capital stock. $!0,000,000.
Frank L. Wilson, a prominent colored
republican politician of Spokane, shot
and instantly killed Charles Hart, uho
colored, at the former's homestead, in
Kalispell valley, Stevens county, about
G o'clock Tuesday evening.
John Cadmnn and John A McDonald
fell 250 feet in a copper mine shaft near
Globe, A. T., and were instantly killed.
Cttdrnan leaves a wife and daughter.
McDonald was a young man, u native of
Nova Scotia, where his parents reside.
The committee to arrange relief for
the 10,000 starving New York workmen
have gone to work in earnest. It is be
lieved that they will relieve the most
pressing wants, It is a fact that thous
ands are actually starving who never be
fore stood in need.
plour, ' Brar? apd peed.
u. s. Indian 1'imi warn snuzs Agjnty
Waism stki:.',.-. ('nx)k Co.. Or., aiik. .
Ki'ulnl iirox!ilt inilorKil"I'roiuU for Flour
Hranaml Km1."h tliu cute may UsiiiidHiliin-nil
to the mi'ler.-ijrmilut!!
Iu rfeiviij at tliN wrewy until 1 u clwk I'. M nf
'1'iierdny, .-fpt'.-mU-r I'J, IKti, for fiirni-nliit' uml
delivering nt till' nsriiin noniit !n
MM'i lbs of bran, uml '.i,C0) lb- ol hnl
Flour mint be eitber what i- xiioui, hs
"Str.liyllt fill! vtK'l " of Olllld Mfltllt in 104
srrouiiU don 11 tn.itjiit ullnot Hour, low xr ttln
to 1 taken out- ur It may bo what 1 kniiwi ,
I'liK-nt llour.iiiid il'.'llvcriil in vxltu tron n t;,c
cotton -aeks to viciuli S oiinw-i to tin-aril .-w ,
tile of not Iwh than Jbs must ) furiiMnil ii
bnlderb. mill siniijile to yi diltilictlv,.iil
with tin- numc of tho bidder and the limn!- i f
the Mimplc if more thim one in tubmittt-d
llran nmt tx- of j;oo! iiuality, oiuhI ).art-i '.rn
and horti- inlxeil: miiiiilusnf not k- Horn . Ion
mint U- furnl'hiil hy bidders.
Feed muit 1a barlf, freh rolled, frw
from dirt and runt; ramoU", of not lem thii' .
mint U- furnltlieit bbldderr
Delivery.- -Of the aboe there i- to Ix-'delivcr-d
at tho.-iii:maho Scliool, lix-ateil 'Ji mik-K nortl
of thoaency,-JI.ilb).of (lour, lu,(iw Ibt hrai..
Mkij. .Mko. Co.,
Dufur, Oreifnii
OeiifVmeii .
On arriving hotne last vwek, 1 ff mini
al well and anxiously awaiting. Our
little girl, eight and one-half years old
whii had wasted away to ."IS pounds, i
hum well, stront: and "vigorous, and wel
fleshed up. S. B. Cough Cure ha? done
its work well. Hoth of the children like
it. Your S. B. Cough Cure has rureil
and kept away nil hoarseness from me
So give it to every one, with gretingt
for nil. W'iriliing you prosperity, we are
Your.-, .Mi!.' & Mns. J. F." Fokd.
If you wi-h tu feel Irvsh and clieerfiii.Hinl readj
fort'ieripriiiKi! or, c!eune your yten with
the Ifealrtehe and I.lver Cure, by tiikliiv inmu
liiree lov taeh week.
.-old under potls-e uuataiilee
,ii tent t!r liottle by a l ilrmnui.
To he found in the City.
72 LTiasbington Street.
Who are soiling thoao Koods out nt Kroatly-roducod rata
m twk
5 Hi: NKW TOWN ban ln platUil on thr old ramp Krimnil, at the Korku anil
l;nl 1 1. of llixxl river, v all liirite.iiiKhtly lolK,hrouil ntriiI.nuil iillcyr, kihn) ni)
and pururvater.wi.i ilmdu in profimfou, 'rfeiililraluai;c,ilullKhtful inimnU
ulimale. the iittriictiou an 11 nioiintaln Milliliter report for all Oretron,
beiiiK thu nearest town to ilt. Iloixl. It In iiuparatlelei' an 11 uinniifnnturinf
center. IkiIiik the mililril center for U iHiiiiirc iiiIIck of thu lieitt cedanwlJ!
HiiiImt. ixnlne inillloiiH of horre iHii' - In IIh ilio-lilne Htreiiiiu. and wtkt j
lallx, eailly hnrinsiil. Where chei ..otlve jiower exlhlr, there the ul
laeioricK win ceuier, nurroiiiiueo .011 kiiii luiiuate mat caniim w
nay where for fruit and m;rl ure. anil with trnurportatliiii nlrill
you win 111111 iiiih tin piiin 10 make a iKjnir.i nnine or a a)iii('
J Caveits.and Trade-Marks obtained, and all l'at- J
ent business conducted for moderate Fits.
Jour omce 18 Oppoitc U. S. Patcht orncc '
-, I m n .Mir. rnt.n I,, limn Ihatilhnwr
ienotelrom U'uhinRton. . , , 0
tend model, drawing or photo., with desetip- j
Jlicc. Wc advise. If patentable or not, Iree of;
caare. uuriconoiuuotui paient ia amiicu.
a piumlft. "How to Obtain l'atenu." with
j All Watch Work arrantod.
j Jewelry Made to Order.
I MM Heeiiml Ht.. The litll, Ur.
bee me on tne groi
address me at Hood
Wasco County, Oregfl
W. RossWinans
All nrtlelc are to b" mbject to a riwid in-t e
I'roiHD-.ili- milit utatojwfUieiillv Hie propoel
price of each article ollered for dellverv under a
contract hy therwt.. not barren or ton'-.
The rltflit U rererveii 10 lejii'tanv or nil bid-,
or any urt of any bid If deemed for the bet 11,
teret of tho rerviec
l-'ertilled checkh-Kach bid 1nu.1t be a eomji.uiliil
by ucertllleil check or draft uimn rome I'nlted
htntesileiiotliiK or solvent nutloiiil bank in
tho vicinity of ihorefldenceof Die blddei, made
MlVablu to tlinordtr of the coiniUlnii,.r
The Dalles
I Gigaf : Faetory
V. r'. IVSK.IA.
lUiSeman & jVlarderS, orilorofroinullimrtBofu'wcm
llaiiafhilr for ut least fivo i.t csnt. of tho fl 1 l III' I)
s?msfea10al(ioo and Wine Rooms. .
on the shortest notice.
to promptly exw uto uretk-N othvrwlMj to Us
The Dalles,
retnniiil to thc bidder.
Illdn aecompanltil hy rath In lieu of mcrtificd
check will not bccowilderwl.
For further Information h to time of li.livi.n. '
and other laiiticularh, apply to r"NnrtlneHt comer of Second and
U.fc-'lWlanAat. 'rtHtreeU. j
The reputation of THK DALLES CI-
1 GAB has become firmly established, and
i the demand for the home manufactured
article is increasing every day.
This Pouular House
Han lately been thoroughly renovated aui
furnished throtiuhout. and is now Intttcr tl
ever prepared to furnish the I'cst l'ot,!
aixoiiimodations of any hoiiM in
city, and at the vurv low rate of
$1 a day. First-Class Meals,
Olllce of the fast ami commodious opposition f
lo Dufur. Kinestev. Tvili Valley, Wsp"1"
in.. iu iii the H0"
'.,. . jr, illfn (111,1 4 III', l,.J '
and persons going to I'rlnevilli' "
H.X) by going on this Ktag lie-
All trains stop here.
Notice. Timber
1". H. Laud
OyriaK, Thk Damkh, On( . ' 1 H E N U
AllKlUt 1'J, lfe'J.'l.
' I
Comiihilllt buvliiL' Im4mi enler. il ut thu fi,n,. I
by Jlarrk'lttt M. Jluratiall aKalimt I'nuon (el j
IXnnWMXW First premium at tl., U' county
uiiii tno jmw ot fection an, Towiuhlpa .North, ior iiest portraits ami vicwn
ItUIIL'd 11 Kant. IV. SI.. Ill Wu.iv, r. If II,...,..,. I
1 tTllMIl YItlW 1.11 Ilil) f'HIIIWIIMIirill 111 kitlil KNtriM
Olinger & Bone's stages en route to ! ,1Uc:j,t,,n.t allvKh'K that defcinlant has wholly
ni..i r t in i Mt . .i fHnlanil multclwl to plow or break or cultf
Llouu Lap Inn will locate campers at the I vuto to crop or otherwlrc, or plant with tree,
best llehinL' wolnt in Hood Klver vallv ' I'lff i" t.,1'1'iK'. durliiK any of th-tlme
ucomoiuui, poirn. in noou invtr vaiie , inco maklni.' hi" aiil entry, any part of mid
wiiere one can reacn .m. iioou in a low im n ru nereio nummoiiiu to i
. i, , ., iipjcar at thin Oltico oil tho 'Jlit (Ny ol October.
hours and get the r inn and provis ons m. at 10 o'clock a m to renpomi ii urnl.
UUIiy; ' tewilv "'"oj uoncvniuiK aiu aiiiwui liillu
CbflRfl STORY,
Art Teacher
.Hlll.S W I.I.V-f , Keijl.ti
JUmiii .1, Ittltiutjen Htuldtwj,
irlve u-iioiik Moud
iivm noil 'I hut
Cli wreJt, or ofivnvi If ilwlrtd
W. H. BUTTS, Prop.
No. 90 Second Breot, The Dalles Or.
This well known Htand, kept hy the
well known W. H. IluttH, long a real-
I uoni oi waeco county, liah an extraordi
' nary fine stock of
jititep llenler'8 Delist and Irish )hi urhani
) In fact, all tho leading brawls of fin
j Wines, Liijuors ami Cigars. Ui ve th
old man a call and you will come aguln
Pipe Wort Tig Repairs and
injy iu kUIUUU, IIU.M UUUJ IVUDl r'
Blackemitli Shop.