l)c Dalles Cyanide VOL. VI. THE DALLES, OREGON, SATURDAY, SKI 'TIMBER 9, 1803. NO. 73. dalles Daily Chronicle. FRENCH & CO., Mi.ti"i n.iiir.HM.uyKxoct.ti. II Y L 0HKtNIO-K iui:msiiin CO out WaHhlliRton Htruot. The ,1 MrHuliHirltlit BANKERS. TIUNHACT A (JKNKKAl.KANKIKU HUHINK8H t" ,i,-r hl'lllin. "I 1 llO (HPT ti (K) SO TIMK TAHI.ICH. lUllrunit. i-nct A:uMt i;, mat. Uff lioUW, i. freUit "l,lt ''""J ?"MliBorH Iruve l,t vlw A oin; for the I'l'AUKN. L, wrl. vl. Iluku Oven, liv Jallr Ii-' i ut. ...... II I'utiwtfi Mrv lfiv iiWOP". -1"-". .,' ' fri'I..' I-' wmlf. W.nliiltln. Wnnn fJUI, lI dllllv. ((Ill kM IHU IJK ..... ' V ' I IrioMeiiilftlvi Wh, live every Uy of the Eft fur tit linw Ht the Umatilla II ohm: rUOFKHfllOKAl.. u ! IftTlV 1.1 ATTIHIXIV-IT-UW ORIcu I, CwrtHtreot, The naiiea, uroKOU. KrtTtt A MKNKKKK ATTOWTII - AT .v,..., ... . i. . UW UIHJIll" 1 ailU 1.1, UVIU I UK I tmillalnir, KttirMiCM on v jhiiiikuih mrwii l.'l,UreKiiii, . UVi.-VI.-TT AT1V1RSEV.AT.I.AW. Of- R. di in m'liMtitin'B htilldlUE. UP alaira. The r HITS II S.HUKTIXOTON. H.. WIlaON. l.lVo, JIl'NTINUTOX A WILSON Atto. I .w at law -omctw, hrencira uiock over iiXtlotial ISmiL.. ' 'i Dullt. Oregon. II WILSON ATTORIIBY-AT-LaW KOOIM . Frrncii A, Co.'h hunk bulldlnc, Beeoud Kl. IhetlHllen.On'Rim. , KSHr'.I.VAN illoMJiorATiiic; J'hvbician laud hUUt)1k)N,--(:ulla mibworru promptly. br nlRht, city or country. Olllce .No. aiiU 4pnun hlwt " . 0 1) DO A K K rilYHlCIAN AND KCtl- uiiin Utiles, roonm f und C Chapinuli i. lU-Mdenrv H. E. curlier Court uiiil ii mart, fvc Hid iliKir from the corner, hour U to U! A. M 'i to f mill 7 to 1'. M. ..liliAM lirMTiMi- fin. i?iviii for the Mtnloh citrnctloii of teeth. A1m) teeth i riiiwil uliit,il,iiiiit iilnti Ittiomi, Hltfll (if IjoMou Tooth, Beooiul Htruet. rifrti I.OIKiK, SO, If., A. V. .V A. .M.-Iwt bm mm thin! Mommy ol rue It month ut l.l'.rt UOYAl. AUdll C1IAITKU NO. t,.- MeetH In Munoiitc Hull the third Wt'diieMl) fcli mouth ut 7 1. M. I: )KKN WOODMKN OK Till: WOULD. ilt. Howl .UnmiiNn.&O.MustkTueMliivcvuti- inch week In rrnteriilty Hall. ut7::io u. in. IfcTJMlllA l.ODOK, NO. I, O. O. r-Mect ivery rriuuy uvuiuiik ut ,:su o'l-Khik, In K. nun, corner mtoiiii una uoucl HtreeU. niiiK urotiiorH lire woiuouie. ftouilil, riec'y II. A. llu.l.n.N. 0, IKNDSHU' I.OIKiK, NO. K. of I'.-Meetn every tionnuy uveuinx u( v::iu o clock, in ino'h biilldltiK, corner of Court nnd Kmiud Hojounung memlHirx ure eoruluiiy lu W. H. Cham, kV.VAtiKK, K. of It. nnd H. C. C. iKMHLV NO. i8,.7, K. OK L.-MeeU In K. ol 1', hall thee!oiid and fourth Vtcdue- o( euch month nt 7:!t0 p. m. OMKN'H CIIKIHTIAN TKMl'KKICNCK rMON wl mo!t evorv Krldny nfteriioou clm'k at the rending room. Allure Invited. rmoii Ih1co No. 1. O. (I. T.-Ueculur I weekly inuellni;i Krldny ut b r. u., u trnlty Ilnll. All nru tivtUil. IClllilnMAM, C. T, U, ('. Ki.KCK, Ho Kl'I.K IX)HOK. NO. 3. A. O. U. W. MuetH u hruturiilty Hull, over Kellem, u hecoud muiirvauy evenuiK" at :u. 11. 1IANHKN. M UrKiM, Financier. M. W. .If S.MlTH I'OHT. No. XI. (1. A. ll.-Mi-eth "'"7Hiituruuy at 7:;) r. m in the K, of r. ... . "r ! K. MeetN every Huudny uftcrmMiii In iv, oi r. jinn. IjiUern of Crwlit istrued nvailable in he EixHtern Btato.i. Hight Exchange and Telegraphic TratiHfersfloldon hew York, Chicago, St. IiOtiifl, San Francisco, 1'ortland Oregon, Soattle Waflh., and various points in Or egon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable term. THE DALLES National Bank, Of DALLES CITY, OR. President - -Vice-President, CaHljior, - 7i. F. Moody CitAiti.ifH Hilton M. A. Moody General Banking Business Transacted Sight Exchanges Sold on NEW YOKK, SAN FUANC1SCO, CHICAGO and PORTLAND, OR, Collections made on favorehle terms at ail accessible points. J 8. Wchehck., IToMdent. J, M. 1'ATTmtgON, L'Mtaler, First National Bank. VHE DALLES. - - - OREGON A General Banking liusineBs transacted JJepostts received, subject to bight Draft or Check. Collections mode and proceeds promptly remitted on day ol collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on ew ork. San rrancisco and Portland. f-UHU VKUKfN-.lii!t uverv .-iiiiir In the K. of 1'. null. HlllldAV OK 1 "i r. DIVIHION. No K.of 1'. Hull the llrtit mid " -ii iiiontii.ut 7::w 107 -MeeUIn third vdue r, m. THE UIIU1M1IIKH. '-''KTKKH CIIUUC1I - Hov. Kuther Hmo.nn Jru", I'liKtor, Uw Miibh every Kiindiiy Ht IIIKll MltHh Ut lOillUA. M. VliClh ut ifl1'' ''1UIUCH -Union Htrwit, oppoNlto f i11, . Iluv' l;" HutcillUi Hector. KervlceH IV1"?' nt 11 h"l 7::to v. m. Huiuliiy ' " . Kvenlnt; I'rtiyur on Krldny ut UT It A i'TIHT (MIUUCII Huv, O. U. Tay , ,,' "flor. Mornliitf nervlo.'H every Hub K.l i ,,,u, ,V.;,".,H,"" . Hiililmth um,, . I 'U!l.tVi' "ii'riiliiK horviciw. I rldiiy evcnliiK ut l'lmlor'n real 1 union H'rvlceH in the court liouso nt '"'.fiVMH1 v'I.,iPNAli IIU0-Hov. W. V. i 17 J. U """''vcryhuudiiy i.t 11 mriuiuerH cordially luvlltd. Hunt fico. i'O1 H el iol W, 'V "'"'"'IhKiit 11 ii. in. t !! ) i r t. K iwortli rhiiuy ov i In i.'i.f'i.m' r."i'"r, "'Wl"!? ovuiy I, txtumjLd by both ,limtor mill lwlJll0 '""yluviti'd i y 11 '' M- lry one '"J0 ,,m' A !"ll"l nclooiuo UI HKCTOKS. D. I'. TllOXISO,S'. Ji.0. S. Schknck. Ed. M. Williams, Geo. A. Likbk. H. M. Bkall. W. H. YOUNG, BiacKsnilti & wagon Slop General UlackHinithiug and Work don' promptly, and all work Guaranteed. Horse Shoeing a Speciality Third Street, opp. Liebc's old Stand. House Moving! Andrew Velarde IS prepared to do any and all kinds of work in his lino at reasonable figures. Hub tho largest house moving outfit in Kustern Oregon. ' . Address P.O.Box 181.The Dalles S. L. YOUNG, : : JEWELER : : Wntoben und Jewelry repnlad to order on kliort notice, and Htinfuctlou Kuurnuteed Fitorv of I. V, 'cklHn, HA Ht. The DhIIo The Question l(F ' simple one easily Jk decided by reason and jjjt, common sense. j, GOTTOLENE JUL Jlr T the new scientifically W prepared shortening is V made from pure beef suet, ffc and highly refined vegeta- jjj blc oil. Lard is made, in jtt. the majority of cases, in 2. tl'c packinn-house, and 3f not as of old, from the pure m leaf of the hog. Which i likely to be the most healthful? Decide for JMt yourself. It must be COTTOLENE m m m Send three emu In stampi to N. K. Falrbaulc & Co.,Chicaco, for handwrne Cottolene Cook Ilook, containlne &ix hundred rcclpei, (reparrd by nine eminent autho rities on cooking. Cottoitoc i told by all grocers. KefiuaiJl substitutes. rtade only by N. K. FAIRBANK & COI CHICAGO, NEW YORK. jflff BOSTON. A "The Regulator Line" The Dalles, ForQanA and Astoria Navigation Co. Chas. Allison, -Dealer in- PURE THROUGH Freigni ana Passenger Line Through daily service (Sundays ex cepted) between The Dulles and" Port land. Steamer Regulator leaves The Dulles at 7 a. m. connecting at Cascade J)ckB with steamer Dulles City. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland (Yamhill street dock") at 0 a. in. con nectin'.' with Ptetimer Regulator for The Dalh. I'A.MSENC.KIt ICATKis. One way Round trip.. .12.00 . 3.00 Tickets on sale for Long Beach, Ocean Park, Tioga anil Ilwaco. Baggage checked through. Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. Shipments for Portland received at any time day or night. Shipments for way landings must lie delivered before 0 p. m. Live stock shipments solicted. Call on or address, W. C. ALLAWAY, Oenerol A cent. B. F. LAUGHLIN, ieuerl MaiiHger. FHE DALLES. OREGON Headquartors at Okas, Lauor's. Jlitvlnir liiul a lino luirvebt of iiiituriil ice the bent 111 the world. 1 urn uretmred to furiilr.li In any iiiuiiitlly una nt bottom prices. CHAS. ALLISON. O. F. STEPHENS, 12 IC A. LICK IN Dry Goods lothing hoot, HIiooh, 1 1 ikt r, ICtc, Fancy (qood jloiion Kto., Ktiu, K.lu. Seoond St., Tho Dalles. The St. Charfes Hotel, PORTLAND, OREGON. This old, jiopulur and reliable house hus been entirely refurnished, and every room bus been repapered and ropaintei and newly enrpoted throughout. Tho houeu contains 170 rooms and 1b supplied, with every modern convenience. Rate? reasonable. A good restaurant attached to the house. Frer bus to and from all trains. C. W. KNOWI.ES. Prop. RY SODA WATER AND I0E 0REAM. Candies anil Nuts lit wIloleNiilo IH)tlltlllllh, l') II A COO, ! ) tJIC.AKS AM) I i SH'KK'f DUINIIM Specialties I'lnobt Ponmit boaster In The Dallot- 2tt's1?oot J. FOLCO At Ugli' Mrt 1 1 lektutVi nut. A DESPERATE FIGHT Opiam Smugglers in San Francisco Harlior. ONE KILLED AND ONE CAPTURED A Woman taught m a Water Whcc and Killed A Revivalist Breaks Jail. San FitANOisoo, Sept. S. Custom bouse officers had a lively battlo with opium-smugglers at the Oakland mole early this morning. One smuggler was captured and another probably killed, and $5,000 worth of opium seized. The opium was being lowered from the steamer Romulus into a small boat when Inspectors Casey and Sprague, who were biding near by, demanded the surrender of the men in the boat, There was no leply, anil the inspectors fired two shots from their revolvers. Henry Hendrickson, a boatman, sur rendered, but the other man, a member of the Romulus crew, iumned over board, and, as nothing since has been seen of him, it is feared he was drowned. The Romulus was from Nanaimo. A Frlsiitful Death. FitESNo, Cal., Sept. S. Word from Pollaeky, twenty-live miles (northeast of this city, announces the tragic death of Mrs Adam Pollinger, living at that place. About sunrise yesterday morn ing she went to the water wheel at the river to adjust it for irrigating, and in some manner her clothing was caught in the gearing and her body was whirled around and around till she was fatally injured. Her ton, hearing her screams, ran to her assistance, but w.19 too late. She lingered in an unconscious condi tion for several hours, when death re lieved her sufferings. Deceased was well connected, being a sister to Jeff Donaboo of this city. Her husband is on a prospecting tour and cannot be reached. A Jtevereml Thler. AuoUhTA, Oa., .Sept. S. Rev. John Berry, a noted revivalist from the mountain region, who lias been for some time in Gainesville awaiting trial for robbing a co-operative store run by the farmers of White county, has es caped. His fervor in the pulpit led his neighbors to trtiet him. A few days ago Berry's wife visited him and gave him her corset steels, and out of these ho made some very sharp and line saws with which be liled oil" the bolts of the locks. He then tiled the iron bars, and out he went with live other jail-birds. The sheriff, in speaking of his escaped prisoner, said : "He was the most re ligious man I ever saw. He prayed night and day, and J would have trusted him anywhere." The reverend gentle man has u host of friends and relatives in White county, und if he only reaches their protection it will be hard to get him again. ' Kuiln I'anliK'w D.iuth Confirmed. 1ONUo.v, Sept. 8. A letter from an oliicerof Kmin Pasha's expedition con firms the report of the murder of Kmin, and announces tho (hiding of a box of Euiin's dispatches, written iust before hu was murdered. The box is now on its way to England. Tho letters de scribe in detail the capture of Nyaugua, which was stormed March 4th. The Arabs lost 800 men. Only two P:uro peans were killed. Klrrtrlr MltwM. This remedy if becoming so well known und so popular as to need no special mention, All who use J-.lectric Bittern Mug the ime song oi praise. A purer medicine doe nut exist and it l guaranteed to do all that is claimed. Klectrie Bilteih will euro all diseases of tho liver and kidneys, win remove pimples, boils, salt rheum and other alleetions caiifcd by impure moon. . Will drive malaria from the system and prevent us well as cure all malarial fevers. F if eiuoof lieaiiueiie, consti pation : n' indiirestioii try Klectrie Bit-. teiS. KiitilV NlllMUCUUII guiiiniiiei-ii, ur inoiii'V refunded. -Price .Vie and .f 1 per; bottle tit Miipi iV Mnerciy s. lHiokli'11 Ainieu nnle. Tho best salvo iu the world for cuts, bruises, son, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sore-i, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, und all skin eruptions, and posi- tivolv cure-, piles, or no pay rcquiieil It isltnuitiiieeil to give perfect satisfac tion, ur money refunded. Price 'Jo cents per box. For sale by Snipes iv Kill ers ly. Shiloh's Vitsilim- is what you need for dyspepsia, torpid User, yellow thin t i i. !.).... ir.oii.io Ii ih vuiirmiteeil i n i ui k :.r , i '. ,i . !'i ;ni 7-le Sold FOREIGN FLASHES. President Camot of Franco is danger ously ill. Riots are occurring in the Nottingham coal mining district. Frances Willnrd.the great temperance apostle who has been in Kngland some months, is still ill. Shu is compelled to abandon all work for the year. There is great anxiety among the in habitants of Rio Janeiro as to the inten tion of tho insurgent fleet. It is feared the town will be bombarded if tho gov ernment fails to comply with their de mands. The Franco-Siamese dilliculty is not yet settled and it is rumored negotia tions will be resumed where suspended some time ago; but, rumor adds, the time accorded by Siani for a resumption of the conference is three months hence, when the water in tho river is too low to enable the French gunboats to insist upon the execution of the Siamese pledges. The inhabitants of the Lower Ottawa country have for twentv vears refused to pay their taxes, and bailiffs sent to col lect them have invariably retreated much the worse for their trip. A com pany of militia were lately ordered to go ami back up the bailiffs, when the peo ple fixed up an ambush, and the militia refused to proceed. A larger number ot forces have been ordered out by the gov ernment. THE CHURCHES. OREGON NEWS. An attempt was mado to burn the Gilliam county court house Thursday night by unknown parties. The hop-pickers of Polk county re fused to hire Chinese pickers at -10 cents box when they now pay whites 50 cents. The rains are not damaging the hop crop, hut tend to breed the hop lice. However, there are no hop lice in the Yakima countrv. Judge Gillnirt, in the United States circuit court yesterday, overruled the demurrer in the important case of the United States vs. the Oregon & Califor nia Railway company. The fires in the Blue mountains have caused the destruction of a great amount of timber. Large tracts of timber have been entirely destroyed, and thousands of cords of wood have been burned. Mrs. Shearer, aged 72 years, died on the Hh in Goldendale, Wash. She had been suffering from partial paralysis for two weeks. Hie was the wife of William Shearer, a pioneer and former resident of Washington county, Oregon. Central Point people are greatly dis appointed because it lias been decided not to hold a fair this fall. The major ity seem to think that the directors of the Jackson County Agricultural Asso ciation showed the white feather unnecessarily. J. A. Rounds, a young man of 22 years, son of a respectable citizen of tho Kust Side, Portland, has been arrested for attempted blackmail on four counts. He would write to a married woman, whom he knew to have monoy, telling her that if shu did not send him $50 at once he would expose her relations with certain men in sucli a manner as to maku life unbearable for her. He was caught ut the postoflico while, asking for mail, and made, a clean breast of it. The woman, instead of sending the $50, took the letters to the chief of police. Their niimea were not given out for publication. Those who believe that Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy will cure them are more liable to ge't well than those who don't. Jf vou happen to bo one oi those who lon't believe, there's a mutter of $500 to help your faith, It's for you if the makers of Dr. Sage's leniedy can't cure vou. no matter how bud or of how long standing your catarrh in the head may be. The makers are the World h Dippen-i sarv Medical Atsociation. of Buffalo, X. 1 , lliey are Known movery newspaper publisher aim every uruegist in aw and. and vou can easily ascertain that their word's as good as their bond. Ynii wind vour watch oneo il iluv. Your liver and bowels should act us reg ularly. If they do not, use u key. The l-fil Dr. 1'iereo's rieasuut rel ets. Uuu a nose. I'se Mexican Silver Stove Polish. Kvangellcal Lutheran, Ninth nnd Pentland Preaching services Sunday nt 10:110 a. in. ; Sunday school at 9:30. First Congregational church, corner Court and Fifth streets, Rev. W. C. Curtis, pastor. Services ns follows on Sunday: At 11 a. m. and at 7 tfO p. in. worship nnd a serrnon. Sunday school immediately after the morning service. Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor at 0 p. m. Topic, "LessotiBfrom Paul's Life," (Actsxxviii, .'10-31,1 Cor. ix, 16-27. All persons not worshipping elsewhere arc cordially in vited. Christian church, Sunday school at the usual hour. Preaching nt 11 o'clock a. m. and 7:30 p.m. Morning subject, "The Greatest Religious Problem of the Age." Evening subject, "The Prodigal Son and the Much Neglected Daughter." Special solos by Miss Moore at each ser vice. The religious people of the city and community are especially invited to be present at the morning service. The young peoplo nre especially re quested to attend the evening service. Methodist Episcopal church, comer of Washington and Fifth streets, Rev. J. Whisler, pastor. Special features of the morning service will be baptism, recep tion of members into full communion and tho pastor's address ; sermon by the pastor at 7 :30 p. m. ; Sunday school af ter morning service ; Junior League at 5 p. iik; Epworth league at 0:30 p. m.; class meeting Sunday nt 10 a. in. and Tuesday at 7 :30 p. m. ; prayer meeting Thursday at 7:30 p. m. Seats free. A cordial welcome to all. THROUGH THE COURTS. Two Cihxamex of Petoslcey, Mich., will test the validity of the Geary law in the United States court. William Swan, a waiter, was recent ly fined twenty dollars for purloininp a sandwitch at a summer resort near Long Island sound. Tin: first divorce ever granted to Indians of full blood and married with Indian ceremonies has been registered in Oklahoma territory. Is the early days of Virginia a law was made punishing with deatlx the man who killed a hog, goat or sheep. This was done to provide for thu in crease of these animals. The sum of live hundred dollars was offered by a company of British chem ists for a case of grippe which attacked any person using their preventive, a "carbolic ball." The preventive was a failure in one ease, and the .sufferer sued for the live hundred dollars in a London court, and got it. A .fnitsuv City jury were considering the case of a criminal, but could not agree upon a verdict. They unani mously agreed, however, that they needed alcoholic stimulants, and these through the connivance of an outsider, were hauled up by a string to the win dow of their room. Under the influ ence of tho stimulant they became so hilarious that they had to be rebuked by the judge l'itrii;;iiay I'oints. At the beginning- of the lust war (in ISSd) the population of Paruguuy was reckoned at 770,000; to-day it has less than 50,0001111(1 fully six-sevenths of that number are women. These ll?mvs do not refer to the no madic savages that swarm that part of the country called the "Chuco," whose borders tiro t-opnrttted from Asuncion only by tho narrow river but to their near kinsmen of more or loss adulter ated blood, who live in bamboo huts, cultivate, the soil to a limited extent, and consider themselves civilized. The. uncontrolled Indians of the Chaco are reported by the government sta tistician!, to number upwards of 100,000; but in reality nobody knows much nbout them. Even at the capital the aboriginal (luartini hinguage is more luiivr-ally spoken than Spanish, and the weekly journal, Kl Latigo lm inoutnl, is half nf it printed in that liincnatre. Ail VKiitUK'' of VYuttti' Tninioi tutlon. It costs but -5 cents to transport a ton of coal by water from Buffalo to Duluth, 1,000 miles. For a lame, back or for a pain in the side or chest, try saturating a piece of of flannel with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and binding it on to tho atfeeted parts. This treatment will euro any ordinary case in one or two days. Pain lliilin also cures rheumatism, 50 cunt bottles for sale by Blnkuluy Houghton. Ask vour dealer for Mexican Silver Stove Polish. Highest of alt in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. RoVaI Baking Powder ii Sffl