9 f fit It' 'j lii ii! The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Kntcml Rt the Postomci' at The Hallo, Oregon, as ccoml clnss mutter. THE IAl.I.:S OKKOON From h ()ii?Krnitr nf Smith llnkoti Ukvti.kmkn l.notivt iitonv Unit jvwtnl note 1 1 tor t.m fur Kiiiw' Hovlnehp Capsulf. Allow mt; to smv tluit they nro splctuHil. liPTi-r frtllcil to euro mv"liodnrho niul wive mo h worul 1 of fluttering. I iim rccomnuMHilnc thorn every- . where. TlieilrucKlHt of Aberdeen, Heel imrt llrltton, Marshall comity, nil uromlscil me to set them tuid keep thorn In stock. I urn Roltie to Colorado In June, ami I hU do you Rifcxl theio amotiR tho minor. mwrly nil of whom sutler i from fitMitnrhc In that hlnh nltltudo i Yours, etc.. ' H Ki.t.T.-m:n, l.leut l.ov. i imlii CIhiii, ;i. Dak ' H. C. NIELSEN, Clothier and Tailor. LOST LAKE. A Tory Charinlni: lirrt fur l'liiiro. l.ovlnc l't'opl"- i'liiieludeil. Right here let im try to describe the lake : It is triiuifinlitr in shape. Tlie eiiht shore does- not lack much of betiijr straight. It runs nearly ilne north and south. The north shore is even straighter than the east and runs al most east and west. The remaining shore line is lonuer than either of the others. It rune of course, from the northwest to the southest corner. At the middle it curves in toward the cen ter of the lake, while at both ends it curves out, making a heautiful contrast with the other straight lines. The only bluff to be seen is a small one near the southeast corner of tho lake. From the center of the lake, where the water is said to be 200 feet deep, the land slopes up gradually in all directions. At very few places is the water two feet deep within two or three yards of the shore. On the side next to the camp ground a person can wade out about a hundred yards, but forty feet beyond, where the water becomes too deep for wading, it takes pretty good diving to reach bot torn. The floor of Lost 1-ake is nicely car peted with gravel for quite a distance in from the shore. A sort of fresh water moss, or grass, grows here and there in the gravel. Nice green grass grows down to the very edge of the water, and just back are huckleberry and other bushes. Just back of the bushes und towering above them in proportion as they rise above the graes, are mountain ash, fir, hemlock, great cedar and pine trees. One only lias to walk back from the shore a few yards from any given point to find himselt in a great fore9t of beautiful timber. The evergreen hills rise up gradually from the lake shore for hundreds of feet, and some of them for miles, and as the lake is nearly al ways calm and smooth, anyone can ima gine the beauty of the scene. JVhen our party of fifteen arrived at ."Tat flamp ground we found that place entireJy unoccupied, but the next day we were joined by other parties. The first company to join us came about noon, and consisted of Misses Bertha Copple, Lucy O'Dell, Minnie McCoy, .and Messrs. ' V. O'Dell, R. A. Copple -and M. 1). O'Dell. Those who arrived tin the afternoon were Orval Knox, Jack .1.quz, W. S. Divers, Geo. Stranahan, as. Stranahan and Charlie Wallace. We intended going on to Chitwood lake in a few days, but as the fires in the mountains filled the atmosphere with smoke and spoiled the beautiful .views we were going to have, the writer concluded to have the balance of his promised trip some other time. He, therefore, started hack to the valley on the afternoon of August Ulst. Those whom he met on their way to Lost Lake were D. H. Sears and wife, Monta Dukea, Willie, Anna, Gladys and Nellie Sears, Henry Reice, Miss Clara West, Mr. Smith, and a lady from Cloud Cap Inn. Some of those found camping and fishing on the west fork were A. L. Phelphs, Rowley and Arkleylindeay Phelps, Geo. Crowley and family, Mrs. Henry Howe and little boy and J. H. Dukes, wife and daughter. The next time we go to Lost Lake we want to take along a liberal supply nf mosquito bars, mosquito fly paper, or something else to interest the dear little creatures, yellow jacket nets, fish hooks, etc., and have another good time. Toukist. Hood Rjvki:, Sept. 4, 1893. Good Job J'rlntlnc- If you have your job printing done at Tins CiiBO.vici,K you will have the ad vantage of having it done witli the most modern and approved type, with which we keep continually supplied. All jobs under the direct supervision of one of the most successful and artistic printers in the Northwest. Use Mexican Silver Stove Polish. Wood Sawing. Wo have bought the .1. 0. Meins Steam Wood Saw. and will till all orders for sawing wood for stove or furnace use at the old rate. Ordets left at Maier A Hen ton's will be promptly at tended to. and will guaran tee entire satisfaction. .1a cor. Wktlk. JohnP.Kkiku. 2.lim Tenth Year Begins September 14, 1893. For Catalogue ami Admittance, apply to Mrs, Sarah K. White, -Uldlni 1 Principal. Fresh Paint! W. c. Gilbert hereby jend His compliments to every friend And enemy if he has any Be they few or be they many The time for paintliiK now ha come, And every one desires a home That looks fresh and clean and new, As none but a good painter can do. Palntluc paperinc and plazlns, too, Will make your old house look quite new lie will take your work either way, By the Job or by the day. If you have work Kive him a call, He'll take your orders, Urge or small. Respectfully, W. C. GILBERT, P. O. Box No. 3, THL DALLES, OR. Eggs for Hatching From thoroughbred fowls. The Fifth Annual F-K-I-R- OF THE Sscoiifl Eastern Oregon District Agricultural Society, WIU. UK HEM) AT THE DAMES, OREGON, October 10th, 1893, Continuing five days. a. s. McAllister, President. J. O. MACK, Secretary From TErWINAIi or INTERIOR Points -TUK- If in Fiic RKILROHD la the Hue to take 13 eg(?N ?2.()0 liO eggs :,oo Address: E. M. IIAUKIMAN, G-2,lm Enderuby, Or. FOR SALE: 6000 EWES AND LAMBS, 11 YEARLING WETHERS, For mi- Information disued, apply to U.K. WKUIA. Or (1. P. WKI.L8. 1,nXi ltl,c",lto'Ur JHlUhbt., Portland, Or. TO ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. It lit the Dining Car Koute. It nun Through v'eatlbuled '1 rains every (lay in the yar to pauI and Chicago N'O CHANGE OK OAKB.) C'ompoMal of Dining Cars utunrpaanwl. Pull man Drawing Kooinrileepcrdof latett equipment TOURIST SLEEPING CARS Itest that can he constructed, mid In which accommixlatlotw arc Loth Tree and Kurniahul for holder of FJrnt and Kccond-filafH Tick (U, anil ELEGANT DAY COACHES A contlnuouH line, connecting with all line affording direct Hiid uninterrupted lervlco. Pullman Bleeper retervutlotih can bu c:urefl In advance through any agent of the road. THROUGH TICKETS W1M JjiiKlaiiri and Kuropo can U) purchased at aliy ticket olllco of tho company Taken Up. 1 One smrcl gelding ubout twelve yore old, nud . brsu'deu urns P on left shoulder. Tho owner ! can hiive to"miluiaI by paying for this notice ! li J, COOPIIII, AugiMf 13, HM,.wtf Hill information concerning men, time ot trains, route and other detail furnished on application to W. C. ALL A WAY, Agent I). Wet A. Huv. Co., Kegulator oMui, Tin IMIIen Or,, or A 1). ('ll.U'.Il'O.N, A' (Htii" fwervur AKt.. Portland. )ki .Decided I v the Fluent Line of (Ileekly Ghroniele, $ 1 . 1 2U year. Tnese are Dull Times! Gents' Pu.riiisn.i ng Goods, Tntnks and I aiscs, etc., etc. COR. SECOKD AND WASHINGTON. THE DALLES, OR. WE oge Wiiglt seminary. Tacoma, Wash. J Boarding and Day School for G-irls. THE EUROPEAN HOUSE The CnrrtlRftted Htillttlng litxt Itnor to Court lliiun. Handsomely Famished Rooms to Rent by the Day, WccK or Month. Meals Prepared by a First Class English Cook. TRANSIENT PATRONAGE SOLICITED. Good Sample Rooms for Commercinl Hen D0fTT WANT YOUR And THE CHRONICLE pro poses to enliven them by in. troducing its newsy presence into every home in Wasco County. out ACZLS. FRASBR, Proprietor. J. O. MACK, i FIJIlE WIE and LIQUOR DOMESTIC And KEY WEST CIGARS. THE CELEBRATED PABST BEER MONEY, Just Noiq, Circulation must be doubled, and to do this we propose to furnish the Weekly Edition for the balance of this year and one year beyond for the already low price of $1.50. A year and a third---16 months- makes a GfEAT 171 SECOND STREET, FRENCH'S BLOCK. THE DALLES. OR. Prtiprletom Corner of Fourth und Federal StP., Tlit Dulli'H, Oregon. These Stables have on hand the finest Livery in Eastern Oregon, and can accommodate patrons with either Single or Double Rigs, closed Hacks or Carriage day or night. MORE ROOM. Also, am furnish First Class in'cointiiodntioiiH to teiwimtorH with freight or driving teams, having added to their atablus larj;e feed in c nnd vngou room. Commercial Patriap Solicited. BUT WOULD LIKE YOUR Attention! amount of the very best read ing matter, comprisiug besides the world's news, valuable in formation on all subjects, 'and especially for the stock-raiser, the farmer and the orchardist ntlrt 1R T.Vlfi "hoct morlinm ' w wwwv ili exposing our resources to the world. If this OFFEH TheDmlles Wasco County, Oregon, The Gate City of tho J aland Empire is situated at the head of navigation on tfco Middle Columbia, and is a thriving, prrw perous citv. ITS TERRITORY. It is tho supply city for an extensive anil rich agricultural and grazing country, its trade reaching as far south as Sunimnr Lake, a distance of over two hundred miles. The Largest Wool Market. The rich grazing country along the eastern slope of tho Caw cades furnishes pasture for thousands of sheep, the wool from which finds market here. The Dalles is the largest originnl wool shipping point in America, ulwut 5,000,000 pounds lwing shipped Inst year. ITS PRODUCTS. The salmon fisheries are the finest on tho Columbia, yielding this year a revenue of thousands of dollars, which will bo more than doubled in the near future. The products of tho beautiful Klickitat valley find market here, and tho country south and east has this ymr filled the warehouses, and all available Btorago places to overflowing witb their products. ITS WEALTH. It is the richest city of its size on the coast and its money is scattered over and is being used to develop more farming country tlian is tributary to any other city in Eastern Oregon. Its situation iB unsurpassed. Its climate delightful. Its pos sibilities incalculable. Its resources unlimited. And on these corner stones she stands. DDI DALLES CI Daily and Weekly Editions. THE CHRONICLE was established for the ex press purpose of faithfully representing The Dalles and the surrounding country, and the satisfying effect of its mission is everywhere apparent. .It now leads all other publications in Wasco, Sher man, Gilliam, a large part of Crook, Morrow and Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other ro gions north of Tho Dalles, hence it is tho best medium for advertisers in the Jnland Empire. The Daily Chuoniclk is published every eve ning in the week Sundays excepted at $0.00 per annum. The Wkickly GiikoniojiH on Fridays of each week at $l.o0 per annum. For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., address THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO., Tb.o Xa,lloj0, Oregon. m eg) o o Is not enough, our plan to iB sue the Weekly in instalments of twice a week, should make your decision favorable at once. Sunday's, Monday's, Tuesday's and Wednesday's NEWS gets stale by Saturday night, and hereafter the Weekly Chronicle Part I, will reach you Wednes day evening, and Part II on Saturday evening. The extra trouble and expense connected with this effort to please, which is considerable, we look to an appreciative public for the approval we are sure it will give us. While we would be glad of Subscribe NOW for 1894 And get the benefit of this special rate, which is practio ally for the (Ileekly Ghr oniele, $1,124 a Year. PAUL KREFT & CO., " DKAhKKK IN PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS And tho Moat (JoiiijiltiUi nnd tlio Liiu-Ht I'uttoriiH and DuhIkdh in OUR GREAT OFFER 1 FOR 1894. Dm. i ;..,) !,.:..... i ii it i ... ii i !....,,lu nl tllf . i iiiiiLMin iliiii I iiiif.i- iiiiiii.a.rM infill., nnr i nil iiiini. iiriiiiiiu - Kllltpurln.Wlllliit.iu mwl I l' M II . 1 1.. II I .1 nillltl 1)1)1 tho nioHt iikillud workinun tiiujiloyitd. Auuiuh lor Mumm' Liquid J'alntH. uhmnlcul combiimtioii or noup mixture. A Unit cIiihh artfelo in all wlorH. A" ordtira promptly atUuidud to. Paint Bhop oornur TMnUnri Vanhi.iKton Sta.. Tliu Pallna- 0r THE CELEBRATED COLUMBIA BREWERY. AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. Thin wiill-known Hruwory in now tuniinu out tho lamt Jl.mr m"1 ''orl.ti eiiHt of tho UiiHcudcH. Tho laUmt appliance lor thu manufaoturo of jjood !.' J"' fill lioor havo heon lutroduced, and only tho flrnt-ulafiH artiuU. will lwp'icl',l tho uiurkot.