The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 08, 1893, Image 2

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    Tiie Dalles Daily Chronicle.
A Aliir.til Count t'ubllcatlnn
Thi" September number of the r.tcitic
Hanker urn! Investor ia both newsy and
interesting. Dealing mainly with the
tinnneiul situntion throughout the Pa
cific Northwest, it points out the eiutees
that led to the destruction of confidence
anions the people nmi the consequent
a ro I closing of n number of bnnks ,in several
' f Ll .1... !,..i,ni.tnl.l i.ifliiu flf tVllK IMllSt.
I U nil. IIIII'UI unit ... i v. -
.'iXrCr ! tur, from special correspondent, in
1 x Vork.San rnmeiero. .Seattle, la-
coma and Spokane give the latest finan
cial and industrial news from those
cities. A carefully condensed article
Weekly, 1 yrnr.
6 mouth.
" 3
Dully, lycnr...
" 6 months.
" twr
1 fO
0 75
0 JO
0 CO I
orricr iioor
General Delivery Window . a. m. to 1 p. m.
fiiri " m. toioL. .n. . ... , roln(U.e leBj8. . Brts generally. But ho may got
a prompt return
lauon in inu inneu .iui..ih i , pi.- ,
mm. mine Km 9 1.. m. ami ii :4A a. m. : .. ... ....... purchasine Dr. Pierce's rleasant
- - . .. .1 -?.. i iiror iiiiirr 111 i mi nitiiuii r v. a v
CSl ? It. ni. ntiu iitov v-.i v
nmke a long
tail (tale) short.
A man, after
ho has cnton
a good dinner,
may feel extra
vagantly joyous; but. the next day
oh ! hut ho is surly and jintn, his
stomach and liver are sluggish, ho iB
morose, despondent and " out of
..... j . - j c?
return for his money by
William Tell
Your Fut )iwr that we pel
for ohicmilfc I and down to the present day. Several
" ' l'ritievlllo ,&..wa. m. ' ,
Dufnr anil W arm Strinc .S:S0n.m. iv,,i urn clpvnttMl to batiklUC news caill-
,lYlnPfor Lylt.Hattland .5:80 a. m . nulUUude o( point, in the
Northwest, and a special feature for cap
italists and bond bnyers is a complete
list of all citv. county and school bonds
1 Antelope
Except feuuday. . . ,
Tri-weetlv. Titer dny Thursday and Saturday,
t " 'Monday Wednccday and Friday.
SEPT. 8, 18t).'i
The hinge upon which operations in
wool now turn is the free wool or Lon
don price. The London value of fine
dusty, Eastern Oregon Wool is : clean
ncoured 28c. ; grease value bc. ; fine,
light Eastern Oregon, clean scoured 28c. j
grease.value Sc. ; net free wool value
on farm 41?. While it is not likely that ,
prices will reach a free wool basis, which
would be as above quoted, the uncer
tainty as to the degree of tariff revision
is proving almost as destructive to in
dustrial activity as actual free wool leg
islation itself. The business depression,
bad enough before, has been aggravated
by the currency famine. The hoarding
of currency has caused so much of it to
disappear from circulation that manu
facturers, in many instances, are unable
to procure enough to pay their help, and
as the inducements in sight for running
their mills are scanty at best a number
of millB have been closed from this
cause. The low prices existing, in many
commodities have quickened a Emu
lative desire to trade. As far as this re
lates to wool, it is held in check by the
scarcity of currency. The only remedy
tor tne present, conumon 01 price net m
the passage by the Senate of Eueh reso
lutions aE have been offered by various
senators proposing that tariff revision
be postponed or abandoned.
offered for sale
the past month.
Or., $4 a year.
Weather hmnraarjr
Thurr'a nnthincr liku them. TllCV
are tiny Liver Pills, sugar-coated,
but thorough in results. One Pellet
is laxative, three to four cathartic.
For Indigestion, Biliousness, and
t all dorancemcntB of the Stomach.
this section during jjvcr and Bowels, they -work like a
Published at Portland,
Tiik Dallkh, Ok., August, 1SOT.
Elevntion Hbovo n-a level 110 feet
Mean temperature, TP.C.
Departure from uormul, W.l.
Maximum temperature, 97. oati'31t.
Minimum temperature, 47; date2fr-.Mii
Mean of maximum temperature, M.t.
Mean of minimum temperature, .V,.
So. times maximum temperature, W or above
"jo. time minimum temperature IS.' or
low. 0 . . .'
Total precipitation. .00 lnehe.
lepartur.' from normal. .15 Inches.
Total depth of unmcltitl snowfall. - iuehes
Prevailing direction of wind, variable.
Total movement of wind, miles,
No. of cloudless dayt, 30.
No. of partly cloudy daye, 0.
No. of cloudy day. 1.
No. dnvs on which .Ul of rain or sno fell.
Dates of thunder storm",
Dates of killing or injuriouf, Jrost,
Dates of solar halm.
Dates of lunar halo, -Mth.
S. L. Bkookb,
Volunteer Observer.
Olinger & Bone's sWges en route to
Cloud Cap Inn will locate campers at the
best fishing point in Hood River valley,
where one can reach Mt. Hood in a few
hours and pet their mail and provisions
dailv. 2tewd
The New York Journal of Commerce
says: "The American farmer is not to
have the advantage of a European war,
but there are evidences of a lively com
petition between Russia and Germany
to see which can tax itself the more in
order to spite the other. Germany im
ports a good deal of grain from Russia,
and in order to retaliate on Russia for
advancing duties on German manufac
tured goods, Germany is preparing to
exclude Russian breadstuff's entirely and
depend upon the United StateE. Al
ready the United States has taken a large
part of German trade from Russia. We
sent to Germany less than 2,000,000 hu.
of wheat in 1890, more than 5,000,000 in
1691 and 23,065,795 in 1S02. Russia fur-:
nished Germany with over 13,000,000 j
bu. of wheat in 1S90, over 18,000,000 in
1891 and only 9,417,148 last year. Our
export of rye to Germany was a good
deal less than 1,000,000 bu. in 1S90, more
than 2,000,000 in 1891 and 4,982,325 hu.
in 1892. The Russian export of rye to
Germany fell from 27.46G.672 bu. in 1890
to 4,515,012 bu. in 1892. The German
importation of wheat from all countries
increased from 24,242,097 bu. in 1890 to '
46,509,719 in 1892, while its import of rye
fell off from 32,194,031 bu. in 1890 to 18,
759,305 bu. in 1892. These are the fig
ures of the German government.
charm, and you get a lasting benefit
and a permanent cure.
They're the cheapest Pill, because
aqfe and ture, while the manufact
urers guarantee they'll give satisfac
tion, or your money is returned !
You only pay for tie good you
get Can you ask more ?
What's "the use ! suf ering any
more from those dizzy spells, the
headaches and all ; make the attack
voursclf, with one or two of these
little, Sugar-coated Pellets, and they
will do the rest. They are a perfect
vest-pocket remedy. Purely vege
table and perfectly harmless. By
drusreists. 25 cents a viaL
Vest Jumpers,
Pantaloon Overalls,
Kasyfitting PantJ
Every garment guaranteed NEVER to rip!
g"We are also Headquarters for ... .
Men's, Boys' and Youth s
(1X0 pr Iloilla.
Cure Conrrlw, llaaviin,h Ih" "
Crimp rminplly; re'nye VTliony.i ; .n .
and Aatbiuu. F r Coinumj i for. it I i
rirnl; huf-wtrri thouajtridnw.ivienll ti.i.
failci; will citDE you i? taken In vmv r
br Dri:t-Ut oi! s r'laraiitw. Tor l.'.rjv liac.
Hunrn Tnt'teuiMy tf, iruantn.
tel to cure vou. I'rieiflcU. lnlfutor frt
For ) liy Hnlpai Klnnrtly.
Is the
Of the Year
In every size, style and price.
It called to the fact that
J. F. FORD, Evamelist,
j Ol lifi- Mniriiw, lana, writt midfr ilair
j JIurcli !. 1M
S. I'..
Senator Sherman made a notable
financial speech last week, and. While
strongly advocating the repeal of the
purchasing clause of the law to which '
his name has been given, tie warned his
hearers that its repeal was not a cure-all
for the present situation, and that if the
democrats attempted to alter existing !
tariff laws they would plunge the coun-!
try into deeper distress than now exists, j
lie also called attention to the fact,
overlooked by some of liiB colleagues,
that he wns not a new convert, having a
year ago introduced a bill almost identi
cal with the Vorhees hill for the rejeal
of the purchasing clause of the silver
law, now before the senate, and perti
nently asked: "Why did not the dem
ocratic senators then see the dangers
they now see and come to the help of
the republicans when they sought to
suspend the law? Not a democratic
vote was had then, and the democrats
must nnswer why?" No democratic
senator answered Senator Sherman's
question, although it might have been
done in five words a presidential elec
tion was pending.
Eullr. Qulekli,
Permanently Restored.
and til the train of ct
from early error or later
ezcMe, tie reult of
overwork, sleknrsn,
vrornr.etc. Fullitrengtlj.
development and tun"
(riven to every orsan and
portion of the xlj.
Simple, natural methods.
Immediate Improvement
wen. Failure fmpoil)le.
2,00) reference. Hook,
explanation and proofs
mailed (sealed; free.
plour, Brar? ar?d peed.
I. s. Iniiau semce. Warn Spnnzs Agency
YVaiiM hntlKttfc. (.'nxil: :o.. Or.. Am. is. r
Ktalwl vroiHj"iils iiilor.-il"l'rnio.)il,fi,r Flour.
Mkd. Mkg. Co.,
Dufur, flreirtiii
fjtntlcmtn :
j On arriving honn: lust week, i found
a!! well and anxiously awaiting. Out
little girl, eight and utie-hnlf years old
who had wasted away to ;if jioiiihIh,
'now well, fctrontr aiid'vignrous, and wcl,
fleslied up. F. B. Cough Cure has done
its work well. Both of the children like
it. Your P. B. Cough Cure has cured
and kept uway all hoarsened from me.
So uive it to "every one, with greeting,
1 for all. Wishing you prosperity, we are
Yours, Ma.' A Mus. .1. F." Fonn.
I you wiKb to feel freli and ctR-yr(iil,nii(l read;
lor the HjiriiiK'K vforlc, cleJiriK." your hytwn with
ttau Headaulie nnd Uver f'ure, by Ulclnc two or
thrif dotenMirli wtk.
f-'old under h ioitlvt: coarHtitt-..'
!U cents tvr buttle hy nil ilruvictii
Hogh Glenn,
Dialer in Glaaa, Lime, 1'laater, Cmut
and liuilding Material of all kindi.
Crrlt the Flnept I.ln nf
Picture Mouldings!
To oe toawl in the City.
72 LUeshington Street.
"77f?;-r: is a tide m the affairs oj men which, taken at its A
leads on to fortune."
The poet unquestionably had referenoe to the
Who are selling these goods out at greatly-reduced
UNION fil.
UK N'KW TOWN tiru l:ti iilnttMl on the old cmnii r;roiiiid, lit the Korku and
i Knlln of Hood river ttli mrKe, hiKlitlv IoU, broad atreot nnd Hllcyn, rikk! soil
and purt-wHtvr.w.ti iliadelii prolunfon, M.'rk'CtdridtiRct,dolli;litIiil mounUlt
climaU'. tliu ('t'litiiil iittraction mi n inoiiiitidti mininirr renort for nil OrtfOt.
beillK tlie lifHrint town to lit. Hood It In tiniaridlvtet' ua u liiaiiulaeWMIJ
cu out, ixjimk me imuirai cuutur lor im C(HHrf nillt'k Ul llif oval uruit-j
iimocr, H)MieBiiiK jnuiiuiih oi nore K' ' in ilk (iiiniunc airvnnwaBn-j
Inllii, enjitly liurni'riMcd. Wlium cb' , motive jiowt-r cxUU, tbere WJ
laciorien win center, aurrouimii- . j mil aim enniHie mnicauuui"
anywliere lor Inilt and Ht;r' tare, mid Willi trHtiKirtnllonivs
yoti win iiiiu link tlie pin, to niiike iierlect liuinv or a psju
i Caveats. and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat- i
ient business conducted for mooeratc Face.
Jour Orricc ia owoarre u. b. paTeNTornccj
Sand we can secure patent ia less time laanliiose;
remote If om Washlncton. e
bend model, arawinc or pnoio., wun aescrip. r
All Watch Work
Jewelry Made
to Order.
See me on the
address me at Hoc
Wasco County, Oi
tax Sfcoud HI., The Itallt n, Or.
W. RossWinari
0 charge.
Our lee not due till patent is secured.
lir.-iuiiml Feed, ' u theeiuernny l.-luiidndire'ul t A PaufiHLrr, "HowtoObUin Patents," with
2COSI ot aame in me u. o. aua igrcigacounuics
Thoee who lelieve that Dr. Sage's
Catarrh lieniedy will cure them are
more liable to get well than those who
If yon happen to be one of those who
don't believe, there's a matter of 300 to
help your faith. It's for you if the
makers oi )t. bage's remedy can't cure
you, no matter how bad or of how long
standing your catarrh in the head mav
The makers are the World's Dispen.
nary Medical Association, of Buffalo, N.
Y. They are known to every newspaper
publisher and every druggist in the
and; and you can easily ascertain that
their word's as good as their bond.
You wind your watch once a day.
Your liver and bowels should act as reg
ularly. If they do not, use a key.
The key Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pel
let. ' On a dose. '
to the tmderii.'tieiliit Vnrintiiiiii!'i.rinn.u-,i.
!. received at thi agenry until 1 o'elw.'k 1' il of sient free.
iiiteauy, !-eptcinir lt, l.irj, for liinilsliiin; nnd 5
dliveriiik' nt the atrenov iiboiit-ls.UO ifnufito,,. 5
'.U.IOI Ibh of limn, mid 'Ji.Wi ih. oi f.,. ,i I 2
Flour must bo either whnt i known h OP- WTiitT orricc, wasHiNQTON, D. c.
"atriijlit full Kto.'k" ol nood otwd whent -olui lll,ll,,,,i
cround down to about U lbs of (lour, low crude
to be taken out or it limy be what ia knnv n n
.iitenttlour,itudd:lireredluextriitroiiekiuL'iu r- WIhkmaN. H'.l. .MAUIiKKH.
cotton ucka to weigh h ouucex to the yurd bum
pies of not les tluui !Si lb mint be fnriilnhed b ri o mm J
fodder, ald wmiiilen to bo distinctly miirknl 11115611)911 Ot JVlaFuBPS.
with the Inline of the bidder mid the niimln.r of i w,"'v",,u" jisvsi vi
thetuiniilcif more thim oneU Mibmlttifl. r. i sit. '
isMm imd Wine Rooms !
The Dalles
j.Gigar : Factory
of the Best Brands
manufactured, and
orderu from all parts of the country filled
on tlie siiortest notice.
Feed must be clear burlev. fruh rntlwi. r...
from dirt mid rust; inplen of not less than i
lb must be furnished by bidders. ,
delivery. Of the above there Ih to bodcllvcred
nt the Kltieuiu.sho heliool, locuted ) miles north '
of theaxeney, 'JiOillMof (lour, 10,U iba brun,
und 10MA) Ibnof feeil; and at the HKn(!y,'Jl,(Wj '
lbs of flour, 1U.U0O Iba bran, and 10,000 lbs fteel, ,
All articles are to be subject ton rigid lnsiev ,
tlon. I
I'rojKnMila must atatoapeeifically the iirow.ffil I
price of each article ottered for delivers- under h I
contract by tlicovrt., not barrel or tons.
TherlKht la renerved to reject nny or nil bldn, I
or any f.u't of any bid If deemed for the lKt in .
tereat oi tne service.
ininea cnecaa-r.acn oiu must be accnm Wiufcd
by a certllled check or drult upon tome united
Htat'.-ndeiiositinif or solvent national bunk In I
the vicinity of the residence of the bidder, inuli,
payable to the order of the commissioner of In
dian afl'dlrs, for at least live per cant, of the
amount oi I lie proposal which check or draft
Will be forfeited to the United HUt, I II rakA urn'
bidder or bidders receivlnc an award shall fnfl
10 promptly cxeouu! sureties, otherwise to be
returned to the bidder.
illds accomimnltri lii'faali In IImi of iwrllllnt
check will not I considered.
For further Inlormatlou a to time of delivery
nnd other particulars, apply to
U, a', lmllu!i Aseut.
The Dalles.
Northviest curn-r of Kecond and
Court atreeU,
First premium at the Wiihco countr
air for beHt portraits and views.
Art Teacher
Itoom S, IkUiwjen lluildiiiy,
Mil! K've Ifesons Mondays and Tharsdaya ot
fjch week, or of kner If desired.
Tlie renutation of THE DALLES CI-
(iAH iias itecoine firmly established, and
the demand for tlie home manufactured
article in innreaBint; every day,
The Snug.
W, H. BUTTS, Prop.
No, 00 Second Sreet. The Dalles Or.
This well known stand, kept by the
well known W. H. Butts, lon a resi
dent of Wasco county, has an extraordi
nary fine stock of
Sheep Herder's Might and Irish Disturb aic
Iu fact, all the leading brands of fin
wines, Liquors and Cigars. Give th
old man a cull and you will come again
This Popular House
Han lately been thoroughly renovated
furnished throughout, and in novr WJ J
ever prepared to furnish the be1'
,,,,...i,;.,..u nt .... limine io '
it.vuiiuinniiiiiiiiic v.i ...i , ,
city, nnd at the very low rat"
$1 a day. First-Class M&
Office of the fust and comiiiodiotis "PFH
In Dufnr. Klm-xlm' Tvifli VulleV,
Warm BnrinifH and Prl'neville is in tl
All trains stop her0.
Pipe Wort Tin Repairs ant
Shop on Third Street, next door west of Young
Blackumith Shop.