The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Kuteml Bt the l'otoffltv at The lllre. OrrKon, sectuul-cla" matter. THE 1IAI.1.KS Kroni th Onrfrnor of Hnuth Pkot. Orsti.rvr.s KnclMctl iImc find xtal note lorfl.ui fr Kraue' Headache Catwulu Alina itu tn MX- that tlirr ntv snlcmlltl never fntlitl to cure ray hedctic mill wive me n world 1 of suttetltiR. I nin recomitu-udliif: them every when-. 1 he driisj:lt of Alicrdcen, HcoIh and' llritton. Marshall comity, all promised me to pet them nml Veoj them in cteok. I am polne to l olor.ido la June, anil i imn no you rixxi mere amonc tins miners, nearly nil of whom sutler from li that lilch Altitude Yoill. etc. II Kl.BTrllKH, Mcut (iov Mtttn Olii -..J1 VaV H. C. NIELSEN, Clothier and Tailor. KEEDIGK'S TYPEWRITER. Ciiuulit ! IH UrttiT Mill' In :i Plain Act lit IITI'ltllll. When Mr. Ki-i-'iick tvarhciUiomi the other i-vfiiitiir. s;iys tho New York Mercury, he wa- iMufninH-d by a very nturrv wife. Hi- had eureoh jrt in--ide the dimr and hunc hi hat tin the hftll rai-k iK'fotv she blurted onf "You've pot a tuv. tyK.'vriter:" 'Well ye.' rjltel Keediok. "How did you llnd it out"" "Oh. I'm up your i:oins on. 1 can tell yon. You jr: your new tyjH' writer yebtorday." "1 did. Who told you?" "Woll. if yon mut know, it was Mrs. flaskett. lier husband told her. You needn't think you ean keep thinps from me." "I have no'de.-ire to, dear." "Don't dear me: Your typewriter is. only about eichteen yrar old?" "At. nearly a-. 1 can judire of aces, I should say that was about ri;ht." "And has me'tiiif brown eyes?" Mrs. Keediek went on. inditrnantly. "Possibly, but I haven': noticed them doinjr any meltinsr." " Of eoiu-e not. Withaxift voice and eharni'ui": manners?" "Yon are nearly riirht. ' "Nearly riirht: 1 know I'm quite ' riirht:" exclaimed the jealous woman, i "Now, I wan; you to tell me the name ' Df the forward creature." ! "You want the name of my type writer?" ' "Yes. 1 do." ! "What for?" "Never mind what for. I want your , typewriter's name:" "It is .John Henry .Simpson. What are you point: to do about it?" We have bought the .1. C. ileitis Steam Wood Saw. and will till all orders for sawing wood for stove or furnace use at the old rate. Ordets left ut Mnier it Hen ton's will be promptly at tended to. and will guaran tee entire satisfaction. .lACOH Wl'Tl.K. .John I'.Kkipk. Divided! v the Finot Line of Meekly Ghf oniele, $1,124 a Year Titese are Dun Times! Gents' Pu.rriisliing: Goods Trunks and 1 aisi's, etc., clc. COK. SECOND AND WASHINGTON. THH DAU.KS. OK. THE EUROPEAN HOUSE Thr Corrucateil itullilliic unit Unnr to Court IIiuiup. WE 2 1 1 li Rnnie wripnt Seminary. Tacoma, Wash. Boarding and Day School for G-irls. Handsomely Furnished Rooms to Rent by the Day. Week or Mouth. Meals Prepared by a First Class English Cook. TRANSIENT PATRONAGE SOLICITED. Good Sample Rooms for Commercial Men DON'T WANT YOUR FH.ASX3R., Proprietor. Tenth Year Begins September 14, 1893. Km rvttalitgite unit Admittance, nmdy to Mrs. Sarah K. White, ildlrn I 1'rlncipal. OUT CAMEO CARVING A NEW WHIM. How ratlilonnlile Women Cut the IlrlL cute .Sheila. The latest whim is nothing more nor less than cameo carving, according' to the New York Uecorder. Many a dainty boudoir has a little table in one corner where "irravers." "scoopers," and various other mysterious instru ments of the craft are kept. "Dow do they manage it and do' they make real cameos"'" some one asks. 0. yes. they are real and they are pretty. The shells ued for the purpose are "black helmets" brought from the West Indies. There are also red and yellow helmets found on the ' coast of China. i The shell is cut with little gravers' -and scoopers. and half a dozen of these, ' of various sizes and decrees of fine ness, are all that are needed. When the cameo is cut the process of jxdish-, intr begins, and this requires patience and still more patience. Tirst. the groundwork is polished by rubbing1 it with pumice stone and wa- 1 tcr; this takes out the scratches made. The shell is then washed with warm ' Fresh Paint! W. (.". GitBKET hereby tends His compliments to every friend Anil enemy if ho ha any He they few or be they many The time for painting now ha come. Aud every' one desires a home That looks fresh and clean and new, As none but a good painter can do. Painting, papering and glaring, too, Will make your old hoi looi quite new He will take your work either way. liy the job or by the day. If you have work give him a call. He'll take your orders large or small Respectfully, W. C. GILBERT, 1. 0. Bos No. 3. THL DALLES, OR. J. O. MACK FIjflE WlMEjS and LIQOORS MONEY, DOMESTIC And KEY WEST CIGARS. THE CELEBRATED PABST BEER 171 SECOND STREET, FRENCH'S BLOCK. Just JJom, THE DALLES, OK. 3URHAM & ROBERTSON Froprltnri The Fifth Annual -OF THK- shed. The third and.last polishing 1 I li 1 PI 1 J jjiven with fine rotten stone and i IfiWinil "mm XAOlAnT phuricacid. A very hitfh de-ree of ! A l , U 1)1; V ish is thus obtained, anil, after be- . g1 1Xj U1 lU1 111 UVylU IJ water. The second polishing: is done with pumice dust and oil and with u small boxwood stick. It is again -washed. is Bulph polisl: intr once more washed, the work is done. The shells cost from two to j five dollars each. From a kckmI shell ; -as many us three or four pieces cat: be taken. Ask yonr dealer for Mexican Silver Stove Polish. Use Mexican Silver Stove Polish. Second Eastern Oregon District WILL HE HELIJ AT ST. prS 8CHIHY. THE llALI.Kf-, Or.EfiON Re-Opens Sept. -4th. 1BG3. Boarding and Day School for Girls. Kates per TeraiK of ten weeks, uiynble in ud vance. Hoard anil Tuition tin 00 Entrance fee 'payable but onte) .'. Co Bed and bedding S CO Instrtiraeiital JIusic, Stenography, Typewrit ing, Telegraphy, lirawing and Painting form extra eharge-. French, fterman and Ijitin languages, Xenlle-worfc and Vccal Munlc taught Irw. DAY bCIIOOL. Five, hix, eight or ten dollar ter term. a cording to grade. For particulars, ddres SISTEIt .SLJl'EKIOK. k-Jw3t Eggs for Hatching From thoroughbred fowls. THE DAMES, OREGON, October 10th, 1893, Continuing five days. A. S. MCALLISTER, President. J. O. MACK, Secretary. From TERWINfllt or INTERIOR Points THE lira Paci 1 13 eggs Address : C-2.ini . .2.00 .. 3.00 E. M. HAKKIMAN, Endersby, Or, FOR SALE: 6000 EWES AND LAMBS, 11 YEARLING WETHERS, For uny information desired, apply to H. W. WKJ.LB, Or 0. F. WK1.LB. o Hl.,. Or lMlitliHt., I'ortlund, Or. Taken Up. Ojienorrel geldins alut twelve old, tmd branded tliun P on left shoulder. The owner can have thelinlmul by jwiyini; for thin notice- . . . J'' J I'fOI'KK August 13, C5.-v.'tf Assignee's Notice to Creditors. W, K. OurreUon, of Tie Dal leu, Oregon, Iiav. iiiK nMlffuul tiia jrorly for the benellt of all iiMciullton, all jrtoris liavlnic tlalm ajraiiiiit liltn me hereby notifiul to t.retent thern tonic under bulh, ut TIio JMlIes, Ortoii, within three jnouthk from date. AK- TH0I80S, Attiguee. Aufunt 0, lK..rCt RHILROHD In the line to tuie TO ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. It ik tbo Ulnlug Car Koute. It nn ThrouBb v'eatibuled Train!, urery day in the yaar to p. paul and Chicago KO CHANGE OF C'.UIB.) Pull ComrxjKCil of Dinine Cam muunvne.l man Drawing KooraHleeieritof latent euipment TOURIST SLEEPING WHS Heat that can be constructed, and In which accommodatioiiN are both, Free anil Furiilthed fur uoldeniof Firat aud TickeU.and ELEGANT DAY COACHES A coiitlmiom line, connectlne: with all Hum. flflordluu direct and uuiuleuupted nervlcc CityStables, Corner of Fourth and Federal Sts., The Dallen, Oregon. These Stables have on hand the finest Livery in Eastern Oregon, and can accommodate patrons with either Single or Double Rigs, closed Hacks or Carriages day or night. MORE ROON4. Also, can furnish First Class at'cotnniodations to teamsters with freight or driving tennis, baring added to their stables lurge feeding and wagon room. BUT WOULD LIKE YOUR Attention! Commercial Patronaee Solicitei. ! TheDalles Q Wasco County, Oregon, The Gate City of thu Inland Empire is situated at the head of navigation on the Middle Columbia, and is a thriving, pros perous city. ITS TERRITORY. It is the supply city for an extfii.sive und rich agricultural and grazing country, its trade reaching as far smith as Sumninr Lake, a distance of over two hundred miles. The Largest Wool Market. The rich grazing country ulong the eastern hIojmj of the Cas cades furnishes pasture for thousands of sheep, the wool from which finds market here. The Dalles ia the largest original wool shipping point in America, about 5,000,000 pounds Iwing shipped last year. ITS PRODUCTS. The salmon fisheries are the finest on the Columbia, yielding this year a revenue of thousands of dollars, which will be more than doubled in the near future. The products of the U'autiful Klickitat valley find market here, and the country south and east lias this year filled the warehouses, and all available storage places to overflowing with their products. ITS WEALTH. It is the richest city of its size on the coast and it money is scattered over and is ljeing used to develop more farming country than is trihutary to any other city in Eastern Oregon. Its situation is unsurpassed. Its climate delightful. Its pos sibilities incalculable. Its resources unlimited. And on theao eorner stones she stands. lllJj DALLES Hill ONICLE, o OUR GREAT OFFER I FOR 1894. And THE CHRONICLE pro. poses to enliven them bv i traducing its newsy presem, into every home in Wasco County. OUR Circulation must be doubled and to do this we propose to furnish the Weekly Editioj for the balance of this yeai and one year beyond for the already low price of $1.50. i year and a third 16 months makes a GREAT amount of the very best read- formation on all subjects, esneniallv for trip Ktnolr X J tUOOl, the farmer and the orchardist, and is the best medium for exposing our resources to the world. If this OFFER Is not enough, our plan to is sue the Weekly in instalments and Wednesday's NEWS stale by Saturday night, 1 V TTT 11 n - t t Trr t day evening, and Part II Saturday evening. FOR The extra trouble and expend loci co wrhinh to nnncinflffln U M I III IM Ifl V Tl 54. TlTlT Ml T1HL1 public for the approval we sure it will give us. While we would be glad Subscribe NOW for 1894 And get the benefit of ally for the Daily and Weekly Editions. Pullman Hlet-per rterTotloiii can bo Ktured In iuItuiicc turuub'ti miy agent ol the road, England and Kurooe can be mirnhuMwl at inv ticket office of the com Dan 7 Full lnformatlnn Mnrmtnm ntls. Hm. , tralni. rnnt Mnri ntu,r liniMilm f,ir,itnh.wi ... application to W. C. ALLAWAV Aent li. F. 4 A. NaT. Co., Regulator oMoe, Tb A II fflriDlrrnu Am'L General tuMogm AgtVortUiul, Oga. TH7D CHRONJCLJS was ostablishod for the ox press purpose of faithfully representing The Dalles and the surrounding country, and the satisfying efleot of its mission is everywhere apparent. Jt now leads all other publications in Wasco, Sher man, Gilliam, a large part of Crook, Morrow and Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other re gions north of The Dalles, hence it is the best medium for advertisers in the inland Empire. The Daily Chkoniclk is published every eve ning in the weok Sundays excepted at $G.00 per annum. The Werkly Cjikoniolb on Fridays of each week at $1,50 por annum. For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., address THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO., TJtxo Xaiio, Oroson. vbh. av f m m. m. m m m. m m-w m m. m m u au a j m w w PAUL KREFT & CO., DEALKKK IN PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS And tho Mont CoinjihiUt and tlm LuUihI J'litUiriiH mid Domi'iih in mkw li-,, Im... ii . .1 ti .. it f i ..a . i i ....t iiruiiiiD w niiiiruin.iv iiiiatrm ntwi i iir ii i.. ..!.... i f. 1 1 . . . i ttmi iiw- M.w. ,M..-...mmn iiuu u, T iHllnllr n I (llllWi UHt!(l III 11(1 .HIT WUirv. - rru inriur iiLiiiitii u'.l ..... i mi .. i i,,nwi i'uiii" t clmmlcal wmiWnutlon or houji iiiixtuni. A IlrHt cIuhh nrticlo in ull c"or" uiuuro iiruiiniiiy uiMinuoa to. Ol nil 1 1 Tf 1 . r,. ml... Tin 1 1 AH. Ul THE CELEBRHTED PAT T T TV yf T T A T T" T?X X 7X7 P V -x V- -i w m .m i x W . XV JLJ T ' AUGUST BUCHLER, PropV. Thla wull-kuown Browery U now turning out the hHt er T. eaat of the Gwouloa. The latest uppllanucH for the miinufuturo of J5 ,Vj (ul Boer hava been Introduced, and unlv tlici flraLluM article will the market.