The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 07, 1893, Image 2

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    Tbe Dalles Daily Chronicle.
II mill ttltrr l.nril.
bt mail, ro stage nutrAir. IX AHVaNCK.
Weekly, 1 year. J
, -v." 0 fO
Dally, i ycnt
' c month;.
tier "
Addrecs all communication to "THE CHKON
ICLE," The Dalles, Orepon.
orricr. nori::
GenomI Dellrerv Window r.. tu. to 7 i. in
-Monev Onler J. s. in to4i. m.
Sandiij-ii U " 9
cl,oino or HAtt?
trains coins East .9 p. m. mid 11 n. tn.
" " Wot 9ji. R. l. tn.
Stace for Ooldcndnle 7 .SO a. m
" Itiuevilk b:Sn. tn.
Duturatid v arm Strlnc fi:Sf a. m
" fl-ravlnc fnr I'i'te Hurt hind
' j Antelope
Except Sunday
Mr. S. J. l.aFrance went to Portland
Momlny to o absent for n month. 1
Mrs. 11. C. Coo nnd Mrs. J. W. Wat- j
son went to The Dalles on Sunday nnd !
returned home Tuesday.
Mr. C. I). Smith returned from As-,
toria Sunday nipht, where he hits been
to nt work during the summer.
"i"' ...-, mi ;.. ......
rcnooi win i;uiiiiui:iii;i: iu urn ii 'ii
Monday September 11th, C. 1.. Gilbert
principal, and Miss Irene Cnlison. as
sistant. Wc had a $ooA rain on Wednesday
night which will clear up the smoke,
j TprvmT fro '
William Tell
Your Father that we M'li
1 fee ?lc icoman
whieh has-been quite thiek tor over two ;s restored to health niul strencrtli,
Vest Junipers,
li:8i)n. m.
S:S0b. iu.
Tiip-iiav Thmday and Saturday.
"Monday Wednesday and Friday.
Messrs. Royal & Morse wilt open a
market, September 0th, lSf'3, in the
building formerly occupied by A. J.
Miss Anna Smith returned from Port
land last Saturday, accompanied byjher
tieiee. Dot Watt, who will spend the
autumn with iter.
Dr. Win. I'fundor of Cortland stopped
here over Sunday, while on his way to
Tin- Dalles to attend the firemen's tour-
Tbe referendum, or the initiative and that place,
referendum, as it is called, is eliciting . Mr Frank McFarland returned to in
considerable discussion at the present home in Heppuer Sunday night. He
time, and while its introduction would was aivonipanied as far u The Dalles by
necessarily involve a good deal of gen-, Mis. M. R. Potter and daughter Miss
eral work and red tape, it withal poses- Edith, who will attend the Sister's
ses many virtues. Strictly carried into school this winter,
execution there would be no chance for John Adams.
the people to complain of the legislature
liecause of unjust laws passed. Of
course the multiplicity and variety of
laws which would be petitioned for
by Dr. Pierces bavonle lYcsso:,i
tion. If you're overworked, " run
down," or debilitated, you need it.
It's an invigorating, restorative j
tonic, and a soothing and strength- I
ening nervine, imparting tone and I
visor to the whole system. It's a j
legitimate medicine, too carefully ;
compounded by an experienced phy- '
Bieian, and adapted to woman's deli- j
catc organization. For all the (
chronic weaknesses, functional de
rangements, and painful disorders
peculiar to the fox, it is an ttntailing
remedy. It's because it is tiufail- j
ing that it can be sold under a posi-!
tivc guarantee. If it fails to give1
satisfaction, in any case for which '
it's lecnmmended, the money paid :
for it will be "promptly returned.
1 V ? 1 )
rva syi i LLi 1 1 x a
Every garment guaranteed NEVEK to rip !
We are also Headquarters for
Men's, Boys' and Youth s
1 j
pro. i.
A ; 1 Thine tn Ki-cp lit Ilnilil. j
Kroin the Truy Ktiu.i I'hlef j
Some year? two we were very uitu-1: .
subiei-t to severe -ue!I? of cholera mor-
might be overwhelming in numbers and . amj ,10W w1Pn VVe fw Hnv 0f tbe
provisions, but the responsibility would gyniptoms that usually precede that ai'.
all revert to the people. The initiative j slu.h a sivknesi stt the stomach '
may be defined as the exercise of the j dLurhtea, etc.. we become scary. We J
right of a body of voters to initiative , nave foumj Chamlerlain's Colic, Cholera J
proposals for the enactment of new laws j ,lnti Dj:urh,ra Remedy the very thing to j
or for the alteration or abolition of ex-, s;rai2i,ten one out in such cases. Wei
istinglaws. The referendum is i"- j are not writitii: tiis for a p:iy tiimonial
stitntion by virtue of which laws and I blJt t0 let our rcMer know what is irood j
resolutions, framed by legislatures, are t0 keL,p nnny i the liouse. For sale by j
referred to the voters for final accept-' iikt.lev A Hou-.'hron. dru'.Tins. j
auce or rejection. The initiative is in ! ,m
vogue in fourteen out of twenty. two I Captain Sweeney. U. S. A., san
Swiss cantons, the referendum in j Diego. Gal., says : "Shiloh's Catarrh J
twenty-one. Roth institutions are now J Remedy is the first medicine I have i
applicable to federal matters, so that ' ever found that would do me any irnod." 1
they cannot be said to be any longer in ; Price 50 ct-. Sold by Snipes Kinersly.
an experimental stage. Tliev have be-1 . )
come fixtures in Switzerland. ' oli"'-'"r lt l'a)';, L'u r""u' :' :
W. D. McCracken, in the May Arena, j Cloud Ca;. Innw:., uK-ate camper, at w
lfliiii Kin. .mti v. mli ( t T I , in i it UK
representative svstem when
i.i . k: i.n. ...:!... 1 hours anI tret their iiuu. aii'i
U UiLlCll UUIIIU til? UdilUk ibliuu.
fear of beinc tricked out of its true
meaning? The referendum would make !
it possible for him to register a definite '
'yes' or 'no' to a particular measure. '
It would sweej) away tiie unknown cnnui
titiee in legislation. There is no confu
sion in a simple assent or dissent to a
proposition bereft of the perplexing ad
junts of personalities or party loyalty."
At all events, we must have done
once for all with this farce of legislation
in which the people are alternately
duped and balked by cliques conspiring
for sordid infamies. Making laws by
means of all powerful representatives
will some uay be looked upon as a
method folly as crude and primitive as
that of letter-writing by means of scribes
on the Btreet cornerE. The will of the
people can now be registered at head-1
quarters, by means of modern inven-'
tions, with a precision unknown in ,
the days of stage coach and courier.
As for the rest, a great world tendency ,
has set in definitely toward the exercise
of popular rights at first hand. All the
efforts of the privileged classes to block
this advance can only serve to intensify
the catastrophes their obstinacy may
entail. It was an English military ad
ministrator in India, Sir Charles Jamerf
Napier, who wrote in his work on colo
nization: "As to government, all dis-
content springs from unjust treatment, i
Idiots talk of agitation; there is but
one in existence, and that is injustice.
The cure for discontent is to find out
where the shoe pinches and ease it. If
you hang an agitator and leave the in- j
justice, instead of punishing a villain i
you murder a patriot." '
Then let there be free speech, an in- j
finite toleration and a sense of human
brotherhood in our councils.
It 5s ri li'"if liii'itn iiiot?!,
a beverage. Contains
to inebriate
sour or ft
and i'.!'.i: u distress. As peculiar in
is r..::rvi'!ous, remedial results ah
ir. ;: imposition.
ii r c.itn i
, 111' c 1 11 II Hi
raent m the
tigar to
r m a mm m -a m m. m
ATK I M Ti X. 1 I III V V. M. I
I r r
.? ...
An asrrewible Lesative and KEItVL 1 0S IC
Sold by Drut'Bists or sent tiy tnnll ix;. iOe ,
ind S1.00 jer pucknpe. Sample6 free
Br If A The Favorite TCCrS
A. W Ja. VturtdeTe;thandlirea:t;.c.
For nale by Snlpea .V KIiht-1.
Eailj, Quickly,
Permanently Reitored.
and ell the train of Mill
tromearly errursor latrr
fic-es. tbe rull or
riverworfc, sick !.
worry.ctc FuJUtrtiigilj,
dereloptncut and tune
Blven lo e ery organ and
portion of the IxjOy,
-en. Failure (oijulhlr.
tyui refereuce. I,
explanation and pnJt
jnalkU ialed)fr6t.
This .
Is the
Of the Year
In everv size, style and price.
n m iif ii i inmn o nn
Hll-1. H1LUH1ID a w.
Is called to the fact that
flagb Glenn,
Dewier in Glass, Lime, i'laster, Cement
mkI Huilding Mnterinl of nil kindp.
-;rrl-" tbr Flnit I.lne of
"Thin 7S a h(U m tin ajturs oj men icliich, taktn atiUfiooa
leads on to fortune.'
The poot unquestionably had roferonco to tho
J. F. FORD, Evanplisi,
ii-0il Sale ri
taitiii'P fir Pqpup
riCTiire Mouiaings
i' nt M.
lines, Iowa,
March 'J
write 11 nile
Mku. Mkii. Co.,
Dufnr, Ore!." n.
ft it leine n :
'n arriving home last week, i fuuin:
a well and anxioasly awaitinu. "iu
little ;irl. eight and oiie-iinlf years old
who tiad wasted away to MS iiunds, is
now well, strom: and vigorous, and we',
fleshed up. F. B. Couch Cure has done
its work well. Both of tho children iiki
it. Your . B. Cough Cure has cured
and kept away uil hoarseness fron. me
So uive it to every one, with greeting!
for all. Wishing you prosperity, we are
Yours. Mk.' A Mkb. J. F.' Foun.
if you wiih tu ftl fresh mid c'leurlui.ritid rtHd
for tut .-irititj'ii work, clemiM.- your i-y.iiem with
tli- IIuiilHVhv will Liver Cure, liy tMklntr 'woot
tlirui. iiiocn t-nt'li
no.ri i -liter a piltiv cuarniitt',
c 'eiit i-r bottls liv i'l ilrtiKit'tl
To De Sound in the City.
72 CJUashington Street.
Who are selling theso Roods out at greatly-reduced rate
Mr. Charles A. Sweet, of Buffalo, N.
Y., is the fortunate possessor of the fin
eat Jersey cow in America if not in tlte
world. She is named Ida Marigold and
took first premium at the world's fair on
Tuesday. She was entered ahout four
plour, Brar? ard peed.
Lf. s. iLiiaE srme. 7fara Springs Agency.
A KM Ri-i'.IM.n. ( rook (.(,.. Or., Atis. j. IV;.
Kc-aled iirorfjnlii lndorl"rroMinifur I'lonr,
Utim nnd Ktiil," us tliuriin.-may nnd K(Jilrc-K-il
to the iindcri'iKnedat Wnrmt!irim."i,ijrwin.will
U: rtci-lvi-d ut this iij:eiic until 1 .i.-lu-k J'. M i
Tue.iliiy, ftejiteinlx-r 1!. IMti, for liirnhhlnir mid
dellvurliii' tt the iieiicy HxmUjth Ibn ufflfjur
--v,"i iu hi uriiii. nun n oi icii!
i Caveats, and Trade-Marks obuined, and all I'at- J
0 tu. uumhcss conuucieu mr moderate fees.
'Our Ornec IS Ofotrrc U. S. Patent or net'
bead raodel, drawme or photo., with deserrp-
Jtion. We advise, it patentable or not, free of J
Lu-Hgi. viur mnm uuc kiii hucmi jBaciwcu.
A patiHitT, "How to Obtain r'atents," with
con ol tame in the V. ii. and fonica countries
eat free. Address,
All Watch Work
Jewelry Made
to Order.
1IK SEW TOWN hn l-"!ii plnttiil im thr old :nm croiiml, nt tin Knrkh mid
k Kallh of Hood rlirr. (Ii InrKv.iilKtitly lotr'.ljroHd utri-cUund ulU-yx, koh1 Mill
mid puri'WiiUir.wM ,luiilrlu lirofiinfon, ;mt ft--t ilriilunK'-.iU.llirli t f n 1 inoutitiilii
cllinnti;, the riMitiul n ttriictlnii im u imniiitiiln Mimmur rt'Mirt lor nil Orrcon
licliiK tliu lii'iiruxt ton n to Mt. HoimI It In liliuiriil!ult-e hp ii imiimliicuirliit:
rt-nti-r, Ih-'Iiik tin- niitlirHl eviitcr (or lMi Miunre iiiIIl-n of tlie le.t i ikIiii unit fi!
tlmlxT, iMHisvmiliii; iiiitlioiiN of liorn- wtv - In IU dtiKlilnir Htri-Minn nnd water
liilln, i.iilly linriRT.ttil. Where eln-" motlvi' ikimit exIMt, tliere the liitoi
WUl 1UU UXi fa. VV UMW,
auuress me at xxooa xw
months ago in what is called test No. 1, l mum u either what i knotin h
... , . , , ,, , , "HtnuKht full htixil;' of utxA nound wliott -ut lln
capacity for making cheese in which she . irround ilov. ii tom-out u- lbs of tiour. io Krud
I !1 H.-. uihI ht.. Tin. Dull-.., Or.
The Dalles
;Gigaf : Factory
W. RossWinans.
not only took first premium for Jerseys,
but the sweepstakes premium for Jer
sey s, GnernseyB and Shorthorns. She is
now engaged in a ninety-days contest
for butter-making, at the close of which
flhe will go into a thirty-days' contest
with regard to the amount of food con
sumed. Her record as a butter-maker
W. y. ItKXA.N.
W3I. M AMIlKltM.
is fifty jiounds in fourteen daye.
valued at $5,000.
She is
Notice is hereby given that sealed bide
will be received lor the re-covering of the
cistern at the intersection of Washing
ton and Third streets. Said bide will be
received nntil Saturday noon September
2nd, 1893, at the reeorder'a office, in
Dallea 'Citv. Wasco County. Oregon.
The right to reject any and all bids in
hereby reserved. The city to furnish all
material for the re-covering of said cist
rn and aaid bids to be for the labor in
re-covering the same.
Paul Krkit.
Chairman of Committee on Streets and
Public Property.
Dated at Dalles City, Oregon, this 29th
stay of August, 1893.
(diseman & Marders,
mil Wine Rooms
The DalleB,
u i; iun urn or u iiniy ia- wiiat 1 Kiimni its
Vatent llour.iind d'.-llverwl In ijxtrn htrunif ulnuli-
uiiiiuii mu.i.11 in inujii b iiuiil'ui io wit) yiinl. b.mi
lile of not It-ss timu lh must U: furnlxh-d hv
hlddi:rk, mid tmnplrh to ou dintlnctlv miirkeil
with the niiine of the Wilder unit the niitntn-r of
tlii:mniile if more- thiin one I Mibmlttttl.
Ilriin intixt 1 of koo1 ouulity, eiiunl imrtu limn '
end short mlxid. knirittlinf imt li.v ,mi.u
intut le furnished by bidder. " . ,
i roi imni w; eicur uuriey, irwii roiiiii, fri-o '
from dirt nnd runt; Miinih- of not Ii.s thiin I'i ,
lb must Ui fiimiiihwi by biddem.
iwuverj.-ui uieiimiM) mere l to liodulhured '
nt the hlntiii.ii.lMj l-'ehool, )ix;iittd 'jo mile north
of the iiKency.l.WUbiof Hour, lU.CUJ Ibo bran, - ,
nnd iimmi ibsof fwi; mid nt tin' nKenoy, '.'i.uo Jssr iNorihweHi corner of becond audi
1 " "," ,U,,MJ m Dr""' ,"l 1WHU feed, , L-otirt ftrnetii
mi uiii-;iu) ure iu oe auojeci lou riKia inured-.
tion. I
lrow-ial mut liiteiiecilitally the iroirf)nl
ihicv in aitii nniuie uuurm jor ucii very utiile
eontruct by thectvt.. not Imrrelk or torn..
The rich t if renerveil to relectunv or nil l.lil
or miy iwt of any bid If deemed for the best In-1 -- . .
IfWVMl fl, tltf tfVlttl. I ' ' "
fcrtilled eheok-Kch bid must bo aooomjianiecl
by a eer tilled check or draft upon some United I
p I f A O D of the Best Brand
vXVj XXXfclO lnanufactured, ant
orueru irom an parte ol tlio country
on the shortest notice.
The reputation of THE DALLES 01
GAH has become firmly establisiied, and
the demand for the home lnanufactured
articln is increasing every day.
The Snug.
W. H. BUTTS, Prop.
No. 80 Becond Breet, The Dallea Or,
This well known stand, kept by tiie !
firta I ' VUI Al unil 1 . II. JJULlfl. IUIJ1F 11 rtHI
Mdrter or hlddere rMiTinr Mti uwuni uhull ffl I CllRW R RTTHDV dunt nf Wnwn nnnnfi' liU on i.vtu.ll
ZaKW&r' V TS J " - ' ary ,,e 5S5kof ' ' "
AWtttal,wol,e,',llM,ART A EACHEK, Sheep Herder's Deli-it tod Irish Disturb ait
This Popular House
lias lately been thoroughly renovated anil nelj
furnished throughout, and is now better th
ever prepared to furnish the liest Hot1
accommodations of any house iu l''e
city, and at the verv low rate of
$1 a day. First-Class Meals, 25c.
Ofl'ieu of the fast and commodious opposition W
10 Dufur, Klngsley, Tygh Valley, Wiipli"1''
Warm Springs and Prinevlllo is in the IM1
and persons going to Prinevllle can tvf
M.00 by going on this Stage H'"''
All trains stop here.
aeiBiiimc or nolrent .national bunk in , First tireinimn hi rl... ,,, ,.,,
the vicinity ol the reeioence of the bidiler.madel ,f i' ?: i , Hw a"mT
puyuble to the order ofthe commUsioner of In- Rlr or SHt portraits and viewe
dinn Hftaira, for at leant five per taut, of the '
ant of the proiKWHl which cheek or draft I "
niii iK lurieiieu 10 jnc unueii hukm iu (aie nnv
Pige Work, Tin Repairs and
i j
Shot) Oil ThirH Rt.rt,. tivt rlnnr uronf nf YtlUni! &
w- - w t ay 4rut V " J
Blacksmith Shop,