a l)c Dnllco Cljranick VOL. VI. THE DALLES, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1893. NO. 71. ydllCS uauj win wuiuiw II T . ,.nVirLK PUBLISHING IO. p. L" Nt, 4 nIil W iuiltiKtoil street, The iu. !, Orwtoii lprln. fMllirrllllin. If, tK) SO s T1META HI.KS i;llril. I Art HOUND. i AtrlTllJ5r Depart 11 .M i". fT ou?o. tr)TBA x lqmru 3.11 a. x MrbtK that mrry Mtfcii(;ofii icuv for C" r. inj ,, . . lit jnoefin. tin Hake Oven, Jimtv dully iut'u' ' ' ' .f i .ki i vrri t kuor. iustc unity, un ti .i.Hii u vi nan . i cm v n iiTfln hit fii Lite JfUUlUVUUX 4 FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. ' TRANSACT A (iKNKKAMIANKlNll 11U8IKKSH i KlillKKHdIONAL. a vt till VI ! ATnitMT-iT-l,iW Offl( I , Court Street, The Dalle, Oreftou. srrCK. FU MKK1FEE. rnk. A MKNKKKK ATTOaWIT AT ui-Koomi 4. ma n, uiri ui ftflWlw, Urecon. BKKKKTT. ATTOKSKY-AT-LAW. Ol- A. lrln nctmtino'i tiutldlui, uj talr. The i, Oregon. t, t. AT. , .HCIT1JOTO!. H.B. WIUO. f A Y.H. HUNTINGTON dl WII.HOS ATTO jits at law -Office, French' bloci oyer lit .National Hank. ' 1 Dalle. Oregon. II WIIiON-ATTORJY-ATLAW Kooml . freucti iV Co." bnik bulldlnc, becona :. T ilt Dalle. OregOU. IlLEaHKLVLAN' (HOMOrATHIC) IMIYHCUK nJ hCKOBOK. Vail auwerru Tmnnpujr. omoc .no, a ana or nlint, rity or eouutrr I'lEttl D10C. rU Ik o. U DO A N K rMYMCiAH and in- 410. Offic. room 1 ana 6 chapman Kenldtuiru , H. K. corner Court ana Erth itrocu, nacjnd door (rum the comer. i sour 9 to 12 A. z to i ana . ir.. , a;til)AU. Ditit. Gaa riven lor the li .mli extraction ot tot-in. aim wem ludowud aluminum plate. Room; Hlgn of I SoUen Tooth, Second Btreet. HOUIKTIKN. rARC'O LODGK, NO. IS, A. K. A A. 51,-Mreti ant and third Monday ol eticn mouth at 7 . LLKri ROYAL ARCH CHA1TKR NO. C Muctn In Maaoulc Hall the third Wednesday I)KRN WOODMKN OK THK WOlll.l) ,T Wt. llood CamtNo.&9.Mu.U1,ucMlmr.M. m each week In Fraternity Hall, at7:!5 p. m. ILUMBIA LODGK, NO. 6, I. O. O. K.-MorU every rrlduy cveimiK at :au o'clock, in K. hail, corner Dvcona ana vourt itrvcta. irulne brother uru welcome. Slouoh, Bec'y. H. A. Uillb.N. U. LIKNDBHir LODGK, NO. ., K. ol I'. HoeU cverr Uonday ercnlliE at 7:3U o clock, in luuo'a building, corner of Court and Kucoud (U. Hojournltig member are cordially lu ll, n. a. i;bam. W Vauk. K. ol R. and B. C. 0. B4KMULY NO. 8'.7, K. OK L.-MeeU In K. ui r. hall thobucoud and lourth weauea- ol each month at 7:!J0 1. m. fOMEN'B C1IK18TIAN TKMI'ERKNC'K UNION will inoet every Krldar alteruoon o'clock at Ui readiuE room. All are luvltod. fcrr.iun 1xlRf No. Ml, I. O. (. T. Regular weekly meetings rrlaiy ut s r. " lly iiall. All uruiuviuxl. Cuuikmam, C. T. R. C. Klick, Hu UlfLK IJDOK NO. 8, A. O. V. W.-Mect bKratvrnlty Hall, over Keller, en Becoud t,tburduy uTenlug at 7 :3U. II. 1IANHKN. m KrjR. Klnniicler. M. W. w. NKRMITU J'0T, No. Si, 0. A. R. Meets ercry Saturday at 7.au f. m lu this K. ol 1. OK I.. K.--lM!tevorvBundv afternoon In thuK.oI 1'. Hall. LliBANO VKRKIN Meet every Buinla ' eteiilnglii thuK.of I'. Hull. OV I. K. DIVIHION, No. 107- Meets In K. of 1'. Hnll the llrht and third Wodtu r w icli month, ut 7:U0 r. m. TIIK UIIUKCIIKH. 1 i'KTKKH CHURCH -Rev. Knthor Hiionh. omt I'antor. ltw Mum every Bundity ut Hl;h iltifcH ut 1U:!A. x. Vesjr ut vfiA CHURCH -Union ritreet, onoslto HIth. Rev. 1111 1). Hutcllllu Rector. rVrvire ,1 r,';1','"' t 11 a. u. Hiid 7:au , x. Huudiiy f"oll 16 A. u, KveultiK I'ruyer on Friday ut u5??' J,A1"f,a'' -avium - Rev. o. v. tay- i , ,"'lor . Morning ,ervloc every Hub fH.i 'i 1,0 Y;,irU:"l' 11 a. M, bubbnth u ' n.'."t,fll!,.lV1 "'U;r inonilinr orvIw. ui. w lug KrldHy iveiilng at I'uhtor rwi Union horvlce lu tho court Uouitc ut ,JCUKT,;1JA.'.0NA,' lUKOH-Rev. W. C. I. and t1 v1"1 vice overy Hundny ut 1 1 f o? Ht.,M' H"!dyit!nool after inonilng ".. HtruiiKeriicordlHlly luvlUd. Hetttflfreu i extended by both, nuntor and mpl ilKlHlJAN CHURCH-Rkv. J W Jkvkikk nil,1 ' 2:w P-". A oordlal weltxime I!lt'rs of Credit isHUCtl avnllubli) in lit) Kastcm Stntes. Sight, KxchHDKO and TuleKruhic ' Transfers Bold on New York.Cliicago, St. Ionio, San Franciflco, Portland Oregon, Seattle Wanh,. and various points in Or-1 ogon and WasliinRton. Coller.tiotiR nindn at nil ttouitn nn fa v. i orable terms. THE DALLES Hational. Bank, Of DALLES CITY, OK. H If O O o vu V. f. u u j j o o tt 3 O o U K 3 O :c 3 3 lorrotgNit ttolw u IS OUToFliE FRYING PAN OTIOLIINIC Q x r. Has come not n little, knowledge as to cook- cry what to do, as well . 1 . a... as wnat not to do. Tluiii oy we have learned to use President -Vice-President, Cashier, - ',. F. Moody CiiAitt.KH Hilton - M. A. Moody 1 39 General Banking Business Transacted. Siht Kxclianges Sold on NEW YORK, SAN FRANCISCO, CHICAGO and PORTLAND, OR. Collections made on favoreble terms at all accessible points. J. B. BCHEUCE, rrealdenf. J. M. I'.lTTKIl'-ON, Caahler. first Rational Bank. VHE DALLES. - - - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to bight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on day of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on rsew York, ban francisco anu Portland. DIRKOTOHS. I). P. Thompson. Jno. S. Schknck. Ed. M. Williams, Gko. A. Likbk. H. M. Bkall. W. H. YOUNG, Biacksiiin & wagon stop General Blacksmithing and Work done promptly, ana all work Guaranteed. Horse Shoeing a Speciality Third Street opp. Liebe's old Stand. House Moving! Andrew Velarde IS prepared to do any nnd all kinds of work in his lino at reasonable ligun. Has the largest house moving outfit in Kastern Oregon. . Address P.O.Box 181,The Dalles S. L. YOUNG, : : JEWELER : : Wutchen and Jewelry repaired to order on kuort nouce. una lautiacuon guuranUjod -'IT K r. 3 2 3 3 UTl r. 7. U ) a -J 3 O r. x M M O O PC a a o If If r. x. H H 1 o o o Z X M 1 J O C 6t a o U'J COTTOLEHI the most pure and per fect and popular cook- ingmaterial for all frying and shorteinngpurposeii. PROGRESSIVE COOKING is the natural outcome of the age, and it teaches uswo lousr lard, but rath er the new shortening, IITTIIEI 39 it z c -it; . x U CI 11 c fc w -J "X. z J -J 2 C T. A J li J Z 2 which is far cleaner, and more digestible than any lard can be. The success of Cotto-l t lene has called out worth- V less imitations underj similar names. Look out i b for these! Ask your, c Grocer for Cottolknk,.'35 and be sure that you get it . Made only by N. K. FAIRBANK A CO.. ST. LOUIS and ICHICAQO.NCW YORK. BOSTON. z z M a n 00 I CoTTOLXNj q CoTTOLaH C q ICOTTOLBNE Q "The Regulator Line" The Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co. THROUGH AT Tllk Ntoru of I. C. NlckeUen, d St. The Chas. Allison, -Dealer lu- Headquarters at Ohae, Lauor's, HhvIhk liuil a fine liurvent of nuttirul leu tliu bet in the world. I mn iireiiurul to furiilHli In u- ijuimtlty mid ut bottom price. CHAS. ALLISON. C. P. STEPHENS, OKALUK in Dry Goods p (Clothing Itoota, Nliotta, lint, JCtu, Fancj (joo(l$, fJotion, MU; KlC., t. Second St., The Dalles. Freigni ana Passenger Line Through daily service (Sundays ex cepted) Txjtween The Dalles and Port land. Steamer Regulator leaves The Dalles at 7 a. in. connecting at Cascade I-ocks with steamer Dalles City. Steamer Dalles City leaveB Portland (Yamhill street dock) at 6 a. m. con necting with steamer Regulator for The Dall-H. I'AhSKNdKit I'.ATK. One way . . . Round trip. 2.00 3.00 Tickets on sale for Jsmg Beach, Ocean Park, Tioga and Ilwaco. Baggage checked through. Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. .Shipments for Portland received at any time day or night. Shipments for way landings must lo delivered beforo 5 p. in . Live stock shipments solictod. Call on or address, W. C. ALLAWAY, Oeneral Agent. B. F. LAUGHLIN, iieueral Manager. THE DALLES, - OREGON The St. Charles Hotel, i PORTLAND, OREGON. This old, jxjpulur mid reliable house has leen entirely refurnished, and every room has been rujmpered and repainte and newly carpeted throughout. The hutibo contains 170 roomsandis supplied with every modern convenience. Rutw reasonable. A good restaurant uttached ti tin tiniiMit. Kror 111H to nml firm. li 1 trains. C. W. KNOWLES. Prop. T H E ARTIC FACTORY 80DA WATER AND IOE OREAM. Candies and Nuts ut wliiileattlti quotation. TOIIAUUO, I VIOAItH ANIt I KWKKV liltlNK Specialties Finest Peanut Roaster In The Dalles 2 3 8 3d Street J.F0LC0" At right ld r. uuarr niaUurauL SILVER MEN HOPEFUL The Majority for Repeal Will Be Small. TIIEUB MAY BK A COMPROMISE Will Be a Stubborn Eight in the Senate -The New House Rules Adnpteil. Waciiimitox, Sept. 0. A senator prominent as an opponent of repeal has placed the majority of the repealers at S, but declares the vote on that pro vision will be indefinitely postponed. He thinks there may be many opportu nities to secure a compromise in the amendment stages. It is intimated there is a strong possibility for a revival of the Bland-Allison law. It is coming to be apparent that the opponents of the Voorhees bill have a better organization than was supposed by the friends of the measure, and they are beginning to realize the battle will be stubbornly fought and every move on their part re sisted. The silver men openly allege that Voorhees reason for withdrawing bis 11-o'clock resolution was a fear he would be leaten in a vote on it. New Ilnuie Kulea Adopted. Washington, Sept. 6. The house has adopted the new code of rules without division, and adjourned until Saturday. EXCLUSION TO ItK ENFORCED. That I tho Determination itf rrealdeut Cleveland. Washington, Sept. 6. The adminis tration has fully determined to enforce the Geary Chinese exclusion act. There is no longer any doubt on this point. Representative Geary was told so yes terday by Assistant Secretary Hamlin, by Secretary Carlisle and by President Cleveland. Geary first had a long con ference with Hamlin and Carlisle. This conference was held before the cabinet meeting. When this meeting was over, Geary called upon President Cleveland at the White House by appointment arranged with the president by Secre tary Carlisle. The president asked Geary very many questions, and was earnest in trying to get at all the facts in connection with the law and its eflect in every section, and especially on the Pacific coast. The president indicated that he never had any intention of al lowing the law to become a dead letter. He seemed to realize fully that the ad ministration could ill afford to neglect to enforce a law passed by congress and declared constitutional by the United States supreme court. The upshot of the conferences is that the question will come up for full discussion at n cabinet meeting, when the policy of the admin istration will bo determined fully. Geary said last night that lie had no fear of the result. It is more than likely that the money now available in the treasury will bo used to pay tho ex penses of deportation of the convicted Celestials just as far as it will go, and by the timo it is used a further amount necessary will be provided by congres sional appropriation. Thin appropria tion, it is believed, can bn secured from congress, especially if the president favors it, and there seems no doubt now that he will. "I have used Simmons I.Ivor Regula tor with successful ell'ect in bilious colio and dyspepsia. It is an excellent rem edy and certainly a public blessing." C. M.Hri:iihON, Sherifl'of Bibb Co.. Cut." A Surulity ut tlm Stiililu. During the summer (.eat-on tho Dalles, Portland A Astoria Navigation to. will make u rute of Dalles to Astoria and return, mid ,fl, Dalles to Ilwaco ami return. The above rates Will be in eflect on Sundays only. Steamer Regulator will leave 'J'he Dalles at 7 a. m, Dalles City will arrive at Portland in time to con nect with the l.urline for Astoria and Ilwaco. The builine will leave Ilwaco Sunday evening and will connect with the Dalles City Monday morning for The Dalles. ,,. . The above tickets will l limited to three da vs from date of Hilo. W, ('. Am. aw ay, d. A. Among tho incidents of childhood that stand out in bold iclief, as our memory reverts to the dayhwhen wo were young, none are moio prominent than severe sickness. The young mother vividly re members that ft was tho Chamberlain's Cough Remedy cured her of croup, and h. (m-ii iidminihtois it to her own oil- spring and always with tho best lesulls. for sale by Blakeley A Houghton. TyBh Viilloy Kollui- rinur Mill. Is in complete repair; always in store flour equal to the best. Also old style coarse und line Graham Hour, mill feed, etc. W. M. McCowau, I'ropr. tll.ll.3iu NEWS NOTES. The case of the People vs. Chris Kvans bus been eet for trial on October ,'IOtb. Kvans is to be tried for the mur der of Wilson and Mc.Ginuis at Young's cabin last September. John Austin, jH)stmaster at Agua Calicnte, Calif., was arrested for open ing other persons' letters and also de taining them in his ollice instead of de livering them when called for by the owners. In the Welsh Kisteddfod at the world's fair in the competition for choruses ol male voices for prizes of $1,000 and .tl.oOO, seven choirs com peted, each choir numbering from fit) to 00 voices. Mrs. H. K. Austin, a school teacher near Stockton, was held up by a lone highwayman and robbed. She told her husband, who pursued the fellow and was tliot three times for his pains. Oflieers are now in pursuit. One incident of the Peary expedition will be the birth of a child. Late in September Mrs. Peary is expected to become a mother. The infant will be the first white child born in that lati tude. In fact, it will be born further north than the habitation of any hnman being of the present day. The southwestern express on the St. Louis & San Francisco railroad, which left here at 8:25 last evening, was held up by three men about 35 miles west of St. Louis. The robbers blew up the ex press car with dynamite. Three men, believed to be the robbers, were later arrested in Cuba, Mo. A riot occurred between a lot of Chi nese and Japanese hoppickers on Peter Rooney's ranch, near Perkins, Calif. The Japs claimed the Chinese wou'd pick all the good hops and leave the be. 1 ones for the Japs. A dispute arose be tween tiiem and a general tight was the result. The Japs were badly disfigured and some of the Chinese were roughly handled. Sells &. Rentfro's circus was wrecked near brass valley, LJalil., yesterday morning. Paul Jones, property man, and Andrew Hurst of Colfax, a roust about, were killed and a dozen others eriously injured. A lion and horse were killed, other animals injured and the bears in one cage liberated by tho shock escaped to tho woods, but were captured later. WISHING ON A FALLING STAR. A UalU'lan Legend Which (live the Origin of tho Cuntoiu. Here and there in the highways and byways of the world many legends and superstitions still linger and continuo to retain their ancient prestige. In TJalicia, the province northeast of Hun gary, the peasants believe that when it star falls to earth it is at once trans formed into a rarely beautiful woman with long hair, blonde and glittering. This splendid creature, miraculously engendered, exercises on all wno come in contact with her n magical in lluence. Kvery handsome youth un fortunate enough to attract her atten tion becomes her victim. Thus having allured tljom to her, she encircles them with her arms in an embrace that be comes gradually tighter and tighter until the poor dupes are strangled to death. If certain words are mur mured the moment tho star starts to fall they cause her allurements to lose their power. From this superstition springs the custom of wishing while a star is seen hurrying through the air, a wish said surelv to come true if com pletely formulated beforo tho light is .. .1 1 till. . ! 1 . exiinguisneu. i uu niutiuuras nuiv in the falling stars the souls of their dead friends, the thread of whoso ex istence wns cut short by destiny. The Arabs thought theso htars to bo burn ing stones thrown by the angels on to the heads of devils who attempted to enter paradise. l'(ir a luinu back or for u pain in the side or chest, try saturating a pieeo of of llannel with Chamberlain's Pain Malm and binding it on to the affected parts. fhifl treatment will cure any ordinary case in one or two days. Pain Halm also cures rheumatism. r)0 cent bottles for sale by Blakeley A Houghton. Shilob'H Vitalizer is what you need for lyspepslii, torpid liver, yellow skin or kiduev trouble. It is guaranteed to give you satisfaction, Price 71c, Sold by Snipes A Kinersly, druggiHts. Use Mexican Silver Stove Politih. NEWS OF THE STATE. Dr. Mehama, of Sunnyside, president of tiio Mount Hood Railway company, has gone to Eastern Oregon in the in terest of the company. He has great faith in the eutorpiise. Schiller Hermann, son of Hon. Dinger Hermann, who has been attending school in the east for several months, has returned from Washington. After a brief visit at Roseburg he will go to Myrtle Point to engage in business. It is supposed that a man by the name of Lewis, residing on Lost creek, nine miles above McKenzie bridge, is lost in the mountains or has wandered away. Parties who went into his house Friday found his dining table set as it for sev eral days, but nothing had been touched. Last Saturday a large bear visited Mr. Willis' place on Willow creek, Crook county, played with the calves for a while, then departed for the mountains. There being no men on the place at the time, he had his own way, while Mrs. Willis was an interested obeerver of hia antics, though she observed him from the house, not caring to venture out and dispute his right of possession. Mltchetl Note. Mitchell is almost lost in the dense smoke that comes from fires in the mountains that have been burning there for more than a week. Many are complaining of general de bility, but none are seriously ill. Thev cannot afford to be sick enough to re quire a doctor; times are too hard. J. A. Taylor and family gave Mitchell a hasty call one day this week. When they returned they took with them their son and daughter, Cecil and Barrette, who had been visiting at their grand parents for some weeks. One day last week E. E. Aliens missed a fire only by chance. Their two youngest children and S. F. Allen's little son had found a block of matches. and thought to have a little amusement by building a fire in the middle of a bed. They put quite an armful of chips and sticks first and then touched their matches to them, which burned very rapidly, and would have consumed everything, had it not been discovered beforo it had had time to do more than to make almost a complete wreck of the bed. C. A. Clino of Prineville was with us all of.last week, derangiig the nerves of sullering people by drawing and filling teeth. He also had several orders for complete sets of dental plates. Tho beginning is here. Where 'will be the end. Although Bridge creek has been one of the most prosperous dis tricts of Crook county, it has at last been drawn into the financial whirlpool which threatens to engulf it. Merchants have decidedly refused to credit: an act, al though justified, placeman)' in serious positions. Sheep camp-tenders report summer range growing very dry and grass very short, which is a little unusual for this time of the year. Mr. James Oaks seems to have en tirely recovered from a severe case of tonsilitis with which be wasafllicted the past weok or two. E V F MnriiKi.i., Sept. 3, 1893. Klectrlo Hitter. This remedy is becoming so well known anil so popular us to need no special mention, All who use Eleetriu Bitters sing the same song of praise. A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaranteed to do all that is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of tbu liver and kidneys, will remove pimples, boils, salt rheum and other infectious caused by impure blood. Will drive malaria from the Nystoni and prevent uh well at! cure all malarial fovors. For cure of headache, consti pation and indigestion try Electric Bit ters. Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded. PiicoSOc and $ 1 per bottle tit Snipes & Kinersly's. tiooil ilnh t'rliitlnic. If you htivu your job printing done at Tin: CiiKosici.r. you will have the ad vantage of having it done with the most modern and approved type, with which wo keep continually &upplied. All jobs, under the direct supervision of one ol the most successful and artistic printers in tho Northwest. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report, Baking Dtiav'lAt AB60UTELY PURE RoYa!