The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 06, 1893, Image 3

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"A Penny Saved i
A Penny Earned."
S our Cov rins for
W sll Shoes the Cheapest, Easiest.
When you wear them, Ufe somehow
seems happier.
7T in Plain Figures, iv
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
itewl i
"ie l'dttdtnc-e ut Ttm I)nllt, OrfRon,
h n-cimil-clnKK uintU'r
inpton fide. A nig hole was stove in
her hull, beside minor damage?. The
machinery was taken out and her hull
towed back to Howl Kiver.
This afternoon aloiit :) o'clock distant
thunder wii" heard in the f-outhern fky,
and shortly after a light rain began fall
ing. Ah we go to press the gentle pat
ter of the rain in a welcome found. This
is the first rain since early in July.
Our evening contemporary was badly
mixed in its report of proceedings yes
terday. Heat, dygpepsia, and other
mixtures, may have leen the causes for
the editor chronicling the defeat '! i of
the Vancouver team in the hoeti race,
the "horse" tournament, and other dis-
K. ?. I'ratt of Wamic. Oregon, is
driving the United States mail stage,
between Wamic and Sherar's Bridge,
i during the present threshing season.
, Mrs. I'ratt is a native of Oregon, and
1893 ' handles the ribbonfj as well as anv of
the "lords of the land."
hisler states that lie v. Aleridge
is iu error in stating that evangelistic
services will le held at the Methodist
church the coming 17th. No such ser
vices will be held, but there is a plan
, contemplated for Mr. Aleridge to lecture
1 on the 17th, under the auspices of the
: w. c. t. v.
The dining room at the Umatilla
house was taxed to its utmost capacity
County court began the September 1 lnlt "iB'Jt 0,1 t,,B occtt,iI0 of tl)e firL"
erm yesterday. men ball, bo great was flie number
oi eopie tnut dancing did not com
mence till u late hour for lack of room,
and then the iestivities did not conclude
I.iichI Ailt t-rtl.lnc
Wcents jx r ,iw or llrnt insertion, ami fi Cetitu
Spccm ratok fur lone time notice.
a:ii'k notice received later than ft o'clock
111 tpvr the IdlldM Iiik day.
WrBllirr Furcmit.
P.oa. torteatt Jut tutntjt-Jour hourt tn'llng
f p. m. tomorrow
Wednesday and Thursdav. fair, with
slight temperature changes, and ocms
mum iii'tit rain.
Harometer, 29.:.
Maximum temperature, 77.
Minimum temperature, o7
River. '1.7 feet above zero.
Wind, XV.
The Daily and Wrtkly Chronicle
found on fair ut J. ('. Xickehrn'ti utore.
it Htul Count; Nrwa Note of Minor
II.- vn-KM! hU uon hi-r huml.
hlio mid t tti. out of iiluee.
He rretllled Hie error
And Unwd heron the lure
A large number of laboring men ar-1
Irived at the locks yesterday from .Port-1
('has. Haight spruined his ankle ves-.
Iterday while crossing the street from the
II matilla house. Dr. Hollister nttended
to the injury.
until nearly 4 o'clock
Jn the New York test race yesterday
afternoon the Vuncouver team came out
ahead, the time leing 1 ;Vls. The
Oreiron Citv team mail i n f?rw fnti littt
The funeral of Mr. O C. Stevens took j lost iu making connection, their 'time
iiarr this morumg at 10 o'clock. It was. being 1:22. The Dalles n,i ti...
under the aiiHpicB of the Odd Fellows
nd was largely attended.
Mrs. Hundley, now in Chapel, Ire-
laud writes to a friend that she is en
ding herself nicelvin Ireland, and t)
fUliad a pleasant trip en route
ur nooie visuore nave gone. ft is
Me to venture that they have all Had a
rajal good time, and they will cloulJtless
I'K'ak pleasantly of their receptiojri in
Mrs. J. Coven ton lias prehrtited
"t with the largest bunch of princess
'wither we havo ever seen. It is a
ti'ui plant and will make a very val
hie winter houmwt
Tlie Dalies team did the
running tliey ha!e yet done, but
the hose burst and they were two and
a half seconds behind tlie Vancouvers.
J ho hose which bursled both
with The Dalles team was not ours, but
belonged to Oregon City. This was a
cheaper cotton hose and was used be
cause it was lighter. The captain of the
Vancouver team was frank enough to
own to Chief Fieli that The DalleH team
had really won the New York test hose
race, and further that ours waa the best
team on the Pacific coast. He said the
Vancouvers expected a walkaway, but
was never more surprised in his life.
The music played by The Dalles citv
A solitary drunk was fined 10 bv the ' ,uitl Oregon City bands yesterday has
Reorder this morning, but did not have I "over been excelled in our city. The
""urban amount in his inside Pocket. Dulles band, especially, is "away up"
after the ball, and ho will havo to wait ' " ""isle The ball team likewise cov-
till the clouds, roll by. iered themselves with glory, and the
Tlie (ire department are fcrateful to ' l,0He tettm 0"' ""t HuVt they ruu
Mrs. Ji. M. Wlngate for the Le of the t,,0UK,J- Their faces, looking straight
WinKutehull, for which shl made no ' al,ed H8 t,1,jy flew Jown the gauntlet,
'"large, and take this inedilm of ex- were ml 118 11 u,cIr liveB uepenUed on
pressing their thankn. their eUorts, and their inusclei, knotted
The Good Tem.,1. .n i.A.n,.. Pree effort, were worthy
a lite-
ry entertainment Friday nighV.
J'raternitv doii n i ,
' ' viouu laieui win oe
J'ri-iient and ice cream and cake will be
"trvou. AduiiHsioii 26 centu.
K At this term of cominlHeloner'e court,
aiiKin was granted a ferry II-
at Hood Itlver, and Watt & Cal
'"Khan, JJadder A M..v.n.u t-i...
vmtT' ' FUl18 "reClnCt' UqUOr
UI't. Coe'e little Hteamor n. i.-..
dS? i"h" brke fr0U1 1,er fttBtc,-
drifted nnmuu tl... -1 .
runl.i.,1 "o river, anu was
"'""UgninBttl.erockBon tuo Wagh.
the model of a Greek sculptor.
The Regulator steamed out this morn
ing with as Jolly a lot of passengers as
ever sailed from u dock. The Oregon
City hose and base ball teams, and the
Willamette Silver Cornet Hand, with a
few scattering members of the Portland
Vets,, with their wives, were among the
large list of passengers. The boys hur
rali'd a line score, and tliH band made
the early morn echo with their melodi
ous music, while Fish waved his colors
in adieu to the welcomed guests as they
departed from our shores.
no dust.
Silver Stove Polish causes
Misses Katie and Klla Cooper left for
' a visit in Portland this morning.
1 Itev. Father lironsgeestleft New York
last Saturdav for England per steamer
I Alaska.
Allie Henderson and Wni. lioth left
this mornini: for a season of hunting and
, lishiug.
i W. H. liutte left for the new town of
t Stevenson this morning, and will size
! up tlie possibilities.
j Mrs. H. L. Kuck departed this morn
, ing for Collins landing, where she will
i join her parents who are in camp at
j that place.
I Miss Nona Hucfi returned last evening
I on the Regulator from a visit to the sea
beach, and was the guest ot Mrs fetnitti
French. On her return she visited for a
week among friends in Portland.
In The Dalies, September bth, to the
wife of A. Wetolo, a daughter.
Cufci'mlt l.ork 'otf.
Smoke dense.
Weather cool.
Canal almobt ready for final clean-up.
Camp meeting folks have folded their
tents and, like the Arab, have silently
stole awav.
The public school opened yesterday
with Mr. McCalveras principal and
Miss Shaffer as assistant.
The U. P. liy. has caused a little stir
in the Cascades today by unloading
lumber for an eating house, the same
to be built on the ojien lot between the
Days' general ollice and Knightly'e
The Huckleberry Central Ry. is still
bringing immense quantitiea of stone
from Hermann creek. They say it is
hard work climbing the mountain, but
talk about toboggan slides, if you enjoy
the sport, just travel with J. Sherman
on the Huckleberry Central down the
A Iltnrl(l Cuiiftrtictluii of "WrliMrr.
Some time ago the Walla Walla States
man reprinted an editorial from Tin:
CmioNici.i: and the Mountaineer re
ferring to it, said the Statesman was un
kind, as The Ciihonici.k had not had an
editorial for months. If such was true,
wo should call it a kindness. Webster's
definition is, "that temper or disposi
tion which delights in contributing to
the happiness of others." But per
haps the brothers idea of the meaning
of words is as twisted as his idea of his
own iiniortance with neighboring news
papers. Cant of Thank.
To all the friends who assisted us by
their kind sympathy and acts during
and previous to tlie burial of our be
loved boy, we desire to express our sin
cere thanks.
M. and Mas. J. I), OOOI'KU.
All those holding bills against the
executive committee of The Dalles lire
men's tournament are requested to pre
sent the same for payment immedi
ately. J. S. Fish,
Chief Fire Dept.
For a lame back or for a pain iu the
side or chest, try saturating a piece of
of flannel with Chamberlain's Pain Jialui
and binding it on to the affected parts.
This treatment will cure any ordinary
case in one or two days. Pain JSalm
also cures rheumatism, SO cent bottles
for sale by Blakeley & Houghton.
Best grades of oak, fir, and slab cord
wood, itt lowest market rates at Jos, T.
Peters & Co, (Otlice Second and Jetl'er.
sou streets.)
NKKtlnn That Saltrrlitln
Itolp.rt miri Find Alma Mltlfi.
A correspondent writes:
In rending the account, given in Tim
Ciihonioi.k of tlie little stolen girl Alma
Miller, I feel considerable Interest in the
matter, and I think the reward offered
for her recovery entirely too Hiuall to
enlist skilled men to make much effort
to regain her. I would ask whether the
father of the child is in circumstances to
justify his ottering a greater reward?
If he is not, I suggest that some one
ppreon or more than one person start a
subscription list around and raise a re
ward of at least $5011 or a $1,000 for that
matter, an amount piilllcient to attract
the best of detectives. If the child is
not soon discovered, her identity will be
lost. She, if restored now, would prove
her own identity.
When I left Taconia in March, 18112,
my little girl was not six years old by
one and one-half, and after we had lived
on our claim near The Dalles over six
teen mouths and returned here, she
readily recognized places, things and es-
i pecially her little girl acquaintances, and
many grown persons, but she had op
portunity and training to strengthen her
memory that many children of her ago
do not have, for she could read quite
well, and write a better hand than 1 do,
several months before she was six vears
Now if Mr. I. W. Miller is a poor man,
or a man of limited circumstances, and
some one will start a subscription to
help him in this matter, I will con
tribute $ 10.
It seems to me that fifty or 100 men
could be found that would do this, and
if any one felt able to do less or more, do
not refuse his or her aid. If necessary,
1 would do better than the $10. I wish
some person or persons would take this
matter up. One or two persons in each
of several county seats, or in good towns
and in tlie surrounding country, could
soon work this matter up, at least it
seems so to nie. I was speaking to one
of our policemen this morning about the
kidnapping, and lie said a notice of the
matter had been given him. If there is
any such, or similar organization in Or
egon, it would be well to get, them to
aid in detecting the whereabouts of the
child. P.,
No. 270Sla Yakima Avenue,
Tacoma, Wash.
Tin- fv Kuck CrnsliiT.
The rock crusher steamed up this af-
j ternoon and performed its work admira
bly. The hardest stone was used in the
test of its power, and crushed it up in
fine pieces as easily as a house wife
would crack her cotfee in a cofTee mill..
The investment of the city and the co-
. operation of the county in the purchase
is a wise one and the result of it will be
the having of improved roads to tlie
city, and good streets within its limits.
Instead of being planted where it is, at
the east end of town, it should be placed
where the city sometime proposes to cut
through the blutf. It will thus kill two
birds with one stone.
Ural Ktatr.
G. K. and E.C l!arttiies.- Hood River,
to E. L. Smith, lots 1 and 2, block 21,
Hood River; $330.
W. 15. Perry to Geo. C. .lones, White
Salmon, 200 acres in section 10, town
ship 1 north, range 10ea--t; $000.
Geo. C. Jone- to J. W. Hammond, U00
acres in section 0, township 1 north,
range !) east; $1,400.
Those who believe that Dr. Sage's
Catarrh Remedy will cure them are
more liable to get well than those who
If you happen to be one of those who
don't believe, there's a matter of $500 to
help your faith. It's for you if tho
makers of Dr. Cage's remedy can't euro
you, no matter how bail or of how long
standing your catarrh in the head may
The makers are the World's Dispen
sary Medical Association, of liufl'alo, N.
Y. Thev are known to every newspaper
publisher and every druggist in the
and, and you can easily ascertain that
their wonf's as good as their bond.
Yon wind your watch once a day.
Your liver and" bowels should act as reg
ularly. If thev do not, use u key.
The key i- Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pel
lets. Oiio a doM.
HiicMt'ii'n Ariucu Hal.
The best salve in the world for cute,
bruises, sores, ulrers, salt rheum, fover
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, mid all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per Ikjx. For sale by Snipes & Kill
ers ly.
ShilohV Vitulier it what you need for
dysjH'psia, torpid liver, yellow skin or
kidney trouble, It is guaranteed to
give you satisfaction. Price 7-lc. Sold
by Snipes A Kincisly, druggists.
SpriM ii mm On Ms,
Fancy Goods and Notions,
Qepts ptir9i5i7ii75 Qood5,
Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes, etc.
now complete in every department.
All goods will be sold at greatly reduced prices.
Terms Cask.
H. Herbring.
Hi p"
Reasonably Ruinous Rates.
. ..Familiar Faces in a New Place.
,nle Special Agent General Land Office.
Jf?e leal Instate, Ioai?, Iiurapee,
Parties having Property they wish to Sell or Trade, Houses to Kent, or
Abstract of Title furnished, will find it to their advantage to call on us.
We shall make a specialty of the prosecution of Claims and Contests
Ixifore the Unitep States Land Oflicf.
85 Washington St.
Have You Seen
T H E -
Fine Millinery Goods
112 Second Street.
At tho Old Stand,
Cor. Soeond and Union Stn.
J-lay, Graii?, peed apd plour,
Groceries, Fruits and Seeds.
Oasli ifvicl for JES&stsi ctrx3. Povilti'y-
Ml goods delivered Free and Promptly.
A itcriit tlUcoTonr by an old
l)!i)lclaii. SvcitstfuUy uo(
.noittlitj bit ILuutamtt uf
r.t.r. . T. itm jirilv turf.wflv '
mrnfiiul ri'HbMtt lilf'tllt'lnu dli- I
corercd. JJcwuro t t uuprlmijiU'd druraUU who
oSrr Interior luwJklnw Iu luce ot IbU. Ail; for
Cook'a Collon Coiupouud, take no ulr(.
u(f, or tuclon 1 ami 0 w-dU in potage Iu litter
md wo will md. H-alul, by ri-l urn wall, "ullculo4
MjHrulan la J'lu.'u tutloi, to ladlt ouly, Ii
I........ ilrfnuui inui Mlv Camuiuv.
n"'i"' . . ... . 7 iT ui i.
The California Winehouse,
1h now upon, and, i tn
L produced Wino at pri
m Also, best Peanuts to
f to bo Pure and First-
Is now opon, and, its proprietor will soil his hoino-
ricoH in tho roach ot everybody.
to bo found. Goods guaranteed
(Jlass in every respect.
Ku. II tutor Wock. Detroit. UcU. Tkom0cQn'S flddlHOn
Bold In Tb Pallw by Wki ley Jlougtitou 1 11UUJJOUU 9 flMMUlUlJ.